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Final Certificate for COVID-19 Vaccination

Beneficiary Details

Beneficiary Name Bhagyavati Kadge

Age 31

Gender Female

ID Verified Aadhaar # XXXXXXXX2818

Unique Health ID (UHID) 38-3888-7683-1756

Beneficiary Reference ID 16272865510459

Vaccination Details


Date of 1st Dose 28 May 2021 (Batch no. 4121Z079)

Date of 2nd Dose 27 Aug 2021 (Batch no. 4121Z167)

Vaccinated by POOJA

Vaccination at BIDAR DH CVC

Together, India will defeat

- Prime Minister Narendra Modi

In case of any adverse events, kindly contact the nearest Public Health Center/
Healthcare Worker/District Immunization Officer/State Helpline No. 1075

This certificate can be verified by scanning the QR code at

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