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 Introduce yourself and tell us briefly your past experience in 3 minutes.

 Have you done sometime rigid pavements and please explain why longitudinal joints are
provided. What is the purpose and how it executed at site.
 Longitudinal joints are required in concrete roads in order to control the irregular
longitudinal cracks that would otherwise occur as a result of thermal warping and
loading stresses.
 The provision of longitudinal joints enable the pavement to be constructed in
convenient widths to relieve warping stresses and ensure firm contact between slab
 In rigid pavements a longitudinal joint consists a tie bars of recommended diameter
and length as per design to be placed or inserted at the mid depth of concrete
pavement. Tie bars with middle portion asphalt coating where the joint sealant cut
will occur for taking care of any chance of ingressed water. These tie bars shall be
inserted with concrete firmly and the adjacent slab should also be filled with
concrete while coating the adjacent slabs (if the rigid pavement executed slipform
paver, the tie bar inserter arrangement will be in the paver).

 What are the types of joints in rigid pavements.

 Longitudinal joints: These provide in concrete pavements where the width is more
than 4.5m to prevent longitudinal cracking of pavement due to differential shrink
and swelling.
 Transverse joints:
 Expansion joints: Provided to allow expansion of slab due to rising in slab
 Contraction joints: To allow for contraction of slab due to falling in slab
 Warping joints: To relieve the stresses tie bars longitudinal are included due
to warping.
 Construction joints: To close the day’s job and for the commencement of
the same in next day.

 What is the difference between construction joints and contraction joints. What is the
purpose of providing it.

 Construction joints are provided wherever the constructed work stops temporarily,
the joint directions could be either transverse or longitudinal direction.
 Contraction joints are interface between concrete placements shrinkage of concrete
creates tensile stresses in concrete develops cracks at weak planes, to prevent such
cracks contraction joints must be installed at design intervals/spacings.

 How and when cutting of rigid pavements are carried out and what purpose it serves.

 By saw cutting machine, the cutting of rigid pavement at the joints when it
has gained certain strength, generally depending on the weather conditions,
saw cutting can take place four hours after laying down concrete, in cold
weather may extend up to 12 hours.
 It serves prevent irregular cracking and stress relivance in the slabs and
shows definite path for the entire slab thickness.
 Why and when, grooming of Rigid pavement surface essential and carried out.

 The grooming is essential for the concrete pavement to give sufficient surface
texture to create friction and skid resistance, which is especially critical in wet
weather, safety of vehicle purpose.
 It must be done while the slab is still soft, but after the bleed of water has
dissipated, depending on weather wind generally it better 20 minutes to 4 hours.
(before fresh concrete sets starts) – In slipforms pavers the texturing machine
compartment assembly will be attached.

 How construction joints are made.

 The joint necessitates by any prolonged stoppage of the concrete

placements/operations, such as at the end of days work delays materials, it may be
at tyre expansion/contraction/etc. generally at dowel bars locations the vertical
impregnant board with dowel bar holes will install and end up the day’s work.

 What are the procedures for joint of rigid pavement and flexible pavement.

 For structures: An isolation joint installation (approach slab and feasible pavement)
 For pavements saw cut in between and apply sealants according to the design
drawings (with proper bond adhesive printings).

 Why rigid pavement at toll plaza is essentially laid.

 For tall roads, rigid placement is preferred and to be adoption because due to more stop and
start of vehicles which create more oil spillages from vehicles, rigid/concrete pavement
resists and deterioration due to oils,chemicals,etc. and drainage sufficient.

 What is full form of ASTM and AASTHO

 ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials.

 AASTHO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

 What are the IRC-SP Manual for 2/4/6 lane and express way.

 2 lane: IRC: SP-73(2007)

 4 lane: IRC:SP-84(2019)
 6 lane: IRC:SP-87(2019)
 Expressways: IRC:SP-99(2019)

 What is the procedure for using New materials in Highways.

 As per MORT&H guidelines/RW/NH-33044/18/20.20-S&R(P&B) dt: 14 th Dec 2020
 IRC: SP-89 (Part 2) – 2018 (Guidelines for design of stabilised pavements)

 What is the frequency of Video Recording.

 As per CA/ Contract : , & monthly once (or) closer wherever required specifically – Drave
video recording (@ monthly once) (in-construction projects preventing).
 In case of accidents at construction site , what steps are required to be taken.
 As per IRC:SP:55 guidelines on traffic management in work zones, the safety in road
construction zones, the all necessary precaution measures and prevention actions shall be
ensured as specified in IRC:SP:55, and safety precautions shall be adhered 24*7.

 What is the Construction and Demolition Act 2016.

 The government has notified construction and demolition waste management rules 2016 for
first time, with the teacher of the construction and waste management rules, Union Minister
of State(Independent Charge) of environment, forest and climate change rules for initiate
effectively tackle the issue of pollution and waste management.

 What are the Environmental and Mitigation measures.

 Climate change: Energy emissions @68% , industry approx. 20%, food and land are
 Mitigation greenhouse: By energy production hydroelectric power, wind mills, solar
power, nuclear dam,etc.
 Agriculture: Drip irrigation
 CO2 emissions: Biofuel, Electric Vehicle, Electric Transportation, etc.

 What is TQM Total Quality Manual. (IRC-12).

 IRC 12 (2017): Manual for quality control in road and bridge walls. (IRC:SP:047+ IRC:SP:057)
In practice, all QAP’s according to referring to IRC-12(2017)

 What is the level /class of Quality and what level we adopt. (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.)
 As per TQM-IRC-12, the quality assessment class needs to be decided prior start of the
project, the manual or basically for Q3 class (high quality assessment; recommended quality
assessment) applicable for National Highways and State Highways.
 Q1: Nominal
 Q2: Normal
 Q3: High
 Q4: Extra High

 What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control.

 QA- The Govt system in place to monitor the Quality Control efforts of the contractor. 1.
tests necessary to make a decision on acceptance
 2. Performed by owner QC- The contractor systems in place during the construction to
manage, control and document his activities in order to comply with contract
requirements.1. Tests necessary to control a product 2. Determine quality of products being
produced,3. Performed by contractor.

 How do you measure riding quality of Highways.

 Ride Quality means by (IRI) industrial depending on IRI values.
(Roughness Index and pavement distress)
 Burp integration (pavement roughness)
 ROMDAS (Road roughness measuring instrument)
 Using RTRRMS: response tyre road roughness meters.
 Fifth wheel bump integration developed by CRRI- calibrate(mm/km)
 For pavement distress- FWD- Falling weight deflectometer (BB)
 LRST- Laser Road Surface Tester (or) ARAN- Automate Road Analyser Loadman

 How do you measure super elevation, and what is the limit.

 By taking curve inner/outer edge leads by survey (transverse) points and calculate (e)
formulae (with vehicle velocity, radius of curve, etc.)
 Can also check by camber board (not accurate)
 As per IRC, Max. 7% for plain and rolling relatives (1 in 15 or 4 degrees or max 7%, if curve
radius is less than desirable min. 400 mts.)
 In urban roads- 5% (if radius is more than desirable min)

 How do you decide nos of lane to be provided at toll plaza.

 The number of toll booths/lanes depends on the flow of vehicles on the facilities. By
considering specification manual for the specific no. of highways lane roads, the no.
of toll lines depends on- peak hour factor (% of vehicles travelling during peak hours
to all daily traffic)
 Forecast traffic
 For atleast 20 years.
 (or) as per contract affect- Traffic forecast w.r.t type of lane traffic vehicle/day
(tollable and non-tollable)
 Exemption laws/ emergency lanes
 If 3 minutes more lines waiting no. of toll booths the increase.

 What are required highways lighting and elimination at street light and Toll Plaza.

 Required illumination level for street light(L) is minimum level of illumination on the
locations of project highway is 40 lux; at all toll plaza As per IS:1944- Interior 200 to
300 lux as per IS:3646 put 2.

 What is the width of lane of toll plaza and lane width for extra wide vehicles.
 Width of each toll plaza shall be 3.2 meters except for the lane for over dimensioned
vehicles, where it shall be 4.5 meters.
(3.2 meters & 4.5 meters)

 How plastic waste can be used in Highways construction.

 As per IRC:SP:98-2013 and NHAI circular is not bituminous mixes in wearing courses(dry
process) @ 6-8% by wt. of Bituminous as per design mix (the shredded plastic waste) –
mixing max at 180 degree Celsius processed to be used.

 What are the vertical clearance of VUP/LVUP/PUP.

 VUP-Min. 5.5mts (as per IRC:SP:84,Y-Lane manual)
 LVUP-Min. 3.5mts (as per IRC:SP:84,Y-Lane manual)
 PUP(Pedestrian and Cattle underpass)-3.0mts (may increase upto 4.5mts)

 What are the test of Piles. Explain how is being carried out. (Initial, Routine and Integrated.

 Initial Load tests: By box lag and profile design length, piledial (2 nos. min)
As per IS:2911 part 4 @ 2.5 times the design load.
 Lateral load test: as per IS:2911 part-4- permissible deflection as per IRC:78
 Routine load test: at actual location of pile foundation bridges to reconfirm
allowable loads.
 If group of piles-pile integrating tests as each piles in group-IRC:78

 What are the Testing frequency of pile load test.

 Initial tests (upto 50mts) : Not less than 2 per each category by considering bore log
soil profile. (50,min. no. of tests as piles-150)
 Lateral load: 2 adjacent piles (more than 150)- @2% of total pile.

 What is scour depth and what is the use. Explain

 Scour depth is the depth of soil scouring by floating of water absorbed bridge supports and
the prediction of the depth scour hole is an integral part of the bridge foundation design; it
is significant to decide the length of piles/ dia. and socketing- length calculation (in type of
exist material structure) for safe in horizontal and vertical loads in foundation.

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