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Lyndhurst Football PHASE 5 STRENGTH BASED 14 Week Program

Warm Up: Quick Ladders 5-8 Movements preferably on field if not in locker room
Core Circuit:
3 Rounds:
Straight Leg Sit Ups x 10
25 Crunches
15 Russian Twists
1 Min Plank (Team)

Weeks 1-8

Day 1 Push and Core

Station 1:

Barbell Bench Press 1 and 1/4 reps

Weeks 1-4 4 x 8reps
Weeks 5-8 4 x 6reps

Station 2:

Incline DB Press 5 x 12 Reps

Push Ups 5 x 10 Reps (Close)

Station 3:
Plate Tricep Extension 4 x 20
Plate Presses 4 x 12

Station 4:
Lateral Raises 4 x 10
Front Raises 4 x 10
Front Raise Holds 4 x 15 secs

Day 2 Legs and Circuit

Warm Up = Circuit

Circuit: x 3
10 Burpees
10 Lunges Ea Leg
10 Push Ups
10 Glute Bridges
10 Air Squats
10 Squat Jumps

Station 1

BB Back Squat *Pause*

Weeks 1-4 4 x 5 reps
Weeks 5-8
Station 2:
DB Single Leg RDL 4 x 10
Glute Bridge 4 x 15 reps into a 15 sec hold

Station 3:
Bulgarian Split Squats
5 x 10 reps ea side *weighted*
5 x 3 MAX VERT Jumps

Station 4:
Walking Lunges 4 x 10ea Leg
Lunge Jumps 4 sets of 5 jumps ea side stick landing (Not continuous)

Day 3: Pull and Core

Station 1: Sumo Deadlift

Weeks 1-4 5 x 5 reps
Weeks 5-8 6 x 3 reps

Station 2:
BB Bent Over Row 5 x 10 reps
Supermans 5 x 10 reps

Station 3:
1 arm row 4 x 12 reps
DB Shrugs 4 x 20

Station 4:
DB Curls with twist 4 x 10
DB Curl ISO Hold 4 x 30 secs

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