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0 Cross References:
. MoRT&H Specification for Road and Bridge Works ( Sth Revision)
.r Contractspecifications.

3.0 Construction Methodology:

3.1 General rnethodology:

The initial survey will be carried out in the area of bridge, and controls

established as per design. The centerline of each well foundation is marked

on the ground at respective well location and confirmatory boreholes are

carried out at the well location as per the available soil profile data.

Steel formwork shall be made at the fabrication yard as per concrete section

provided in "good for construction drawings". One set of shuttering will be

used for two adjacent wells for well stening. Wherever three wells are tackled
by one crane, 2sets of shuttering will be provided.

JCBlloader with dumpers will be provided to periodically dispose the dredged

material at the disposal site area.

Curb casting is followed after cutting edge placing. After curb ca$ting, curb will
be sunk upto it's partial height. Stening & sinking will be alternately carried out

until well reaches to founding level. False stening is constructed as per

drawing wherever required. Bottom plug will be done only after final checking
of tilt and shift. When the bottom plug of concrete has attained the required
strength, sand filling will be done. lntermediate plug with water filling will be
done as per drawing.

3.2 Detailedmethodology:
r Setting Out
. Cutting Edge
. Preparation of Area
. Well curb
r Well Stening and Sinking
. Plugging Of Well And Well Cap

3.2.1 Setting out:

Necessary reference points shall be fixed by total station from control points.
The distance, whenever practicable, shall be checked with the help of

accurate tapes and precision Distomat. Reference points shall also be fixed to

mark X-X axis (usually traffic direction) and Y-Y axis (normal to X-X axis)

accurately. A temporary bench mark shall also be established near the bridge

site. The bench mark shall be checked regularly with respect to the

permanent bench mark established at the bridge site.

3.2.2 Cutting edge:

The cutting edge shall be fabrieated as per approved drawing.

3.2.3 Freparation of area:

. Well on land: - lf the wells are to be constructed on land, the area will be

leveled manually or by any suitable machine. Place the wooden sleeper

. over leveled surface for erecting the cutting edge.

Wells in water (Up to 3m depth): - For wells located in water up to a depth
of 3m, area will be filled with sand and/or suitable soil forming island
including approaches for cranes

a Wells in water (Above 3m): - Area will be filled with sand forrning island
including approaches to the well with the support of ballies piling and sand
bags protection to avoid the erosion of filled soil.

3.2.4 Construction of well curb:

The following steps are involved in construction of well curb

. Placement of cutting edge.

. Fixing of formwork and rebar
r Concreting
. Curing
. Removal of form work Placement of cutting edge:

. Accurate survey shall be carried out by Total Station for fixing the well


. Fermanent reference pillars are to be provided at the four sides i.e. along

and across centerline of bridge.

. The ground is leveled by removing the top loose soil and compacted and

reduced levels are recorded jointly with the Engineer's representative.

. Center point of well is marked with wooden peg.

. The fabricated cutting edge segments shall be shifted to site by truck /


. Wooden sleepers are placed at an interval of 1.50m along the

circumference of the cutting edge.

. Cutting edge is placed over wooden sleepers using crane aligned and

joined with respect to centerlines. After alignment joints are to be welded.

. Level and alignment of cutting edge shall be checked finally using the
established horizontal controls. lf required minor rigid bracings are

provided for maintaining proper level.

r Dowel bars shall be fixed to cutting edge and as per approved drawing.

J.2.4.2 Formwork and rebar fixing'l lnner formwork:

. lnner form panels are first cleaned and standard form releasing agent is
applied on form surface.
To make the shutter joints leak proof suitable foam sheets between
shuttering joints and/or masking tape at joints are used to seal the joints.

a lnner formwork shall be erected and all the form panels shall be joined to
form the true shape as per the concrete profile, horizontal and diagonal
supports erected Fixing of rebsr:

. Re-bars are cut and shaped at the centrai rebar yard as per the approved
. bar bending schedule and transported to site using suitable means.

Adequate number of 75mm cement concrete cover blocks shall be placed

to maintain cover along ihe periphery of formwork and also at the bottom

to maintain specified cover.

r Outer vertical bars shall be welded with angle. All other reinforcement bars

along with any stiffeners / spacers are fixed in position as per the drawing
and approved bar bending schedule.
. The rebar shall be checked by section-in-charge (structures) of Epc. Fixing of outer formwork:

. Before fixing of outer formwork entire floor area would be cleaned
r Form panels shall be fixed as per drawing.
. To ensure the leak proof joints, thin foam packing shall be provided

between adjacent shuttering panels. Alternatively masking adhesive tape

will be applied over the shuttering joints.

. Acces's platform using landing mats are provided for inspection and

concrete purpose.

. Coil anchors will be ernbedded in concrete, at appropriate locations for

erection of shuttering for the next lift.

. Final checking shall be done by section-in-charge (structures) of EPC. Concreting:
. concrete shall be done by crane and bucket or pump as per the


. Concrete will be transported from the nearest and/or available batching

planVs through transit mixers.

. Concrete shall be placed in a single continuous pour. $hear key shall be

provided at each lift construction joint.
a Adequate illumination arrangement will be ensured to provide safe working
during night hours to satisfy supervision and safety requirements.
a Preparation of construction joint will be done by green cutting (removing

the laitance) using hard steel and/or nylon brushes before the final setting
is over at each joint to receive the succeeding lift of concrete. Curing:
r Curing will be done by spraying water on surface covered with Hessian

cloth. De-shuttering and gauge marking:

. Outer formwork shall be removed after setting of concrete.

r Gauge marking shall be done along both axes at the four outer face

location of the well by using template.

. lnner form shall be removed after setting of concrete. Grounding of curb:

. After removal of inner form panel, gunny bags filled with sand shall be

placed in between wooden sleepers along the periphery at the bottom of

cutting edge.

. Grounding of the curb will be done after removing the inner forms. lnner

forms will be removed 72 hours after completion of concrete placement.

r The curb shall be sunk to the ground keeping curb top approximately one

meter above the ground level by dredging using crane and bucket.

. The sinking history would be recorded in the format.

. The sinking level is monitored at regular intervals of 500mm.

3.2.5 Wellstening and sinking:

The steps involved in the stening are: *

. lnner and outer formwork.

. Rebar fixing.
. Concreting and curing.
. Sinking. lnner and outer formwork:

lnner and outer formwork is made of MS steel plates and standard rolled steel
sections fabricated for a lift of 2.4 meter

. 3.0 mm thick foam sheet adhesive tape at the location of joints are used to

seal the joints.

r Form releasing agent shall be applied on the inner face of the panels
. Coil anchorslnuts, which are to be embedded in concrete for erection of

next lift are fixed at appropriate locations"

. The inner form panels are erected. For the subsequent lifts, the formwork

is supported on the coil nut arrangement with the bottom lift concrete. The
re-bars are fixed in position followed by fixing of outer formwork. Over the

inner formworks, rigid horizontal supports will be provide to keep the

shutters profile and it will be used for platform after placing the landing


a Final checking of formworks shall be carried out by section-in-charge

(structures) of EPC

s.2.s.2 Rebar fixing:

. Re'bars are cut and bent at the central rebar yard as per the approved bar

bending schedules and transported from the yard by truck/ trairer.

. Re-bars are fixed as per the drawings and bar bending schedule
. Adequate cement concrete cover blocks shall be provided along the

periphery of the formwork to maintain the cover of rebar. Concreting:

. Placement of concrete shall be done as described for the well curb.

. Shear key will be provided at each construction joint.
. The concrete sudace shall be cleaned thoroughly and surface preparation

is made to receive the succeeding layer of concrete De-shuttering:
The inner and outer form panels are removed after setting of the concrete
finished time. Sinking:
Following the de-shuttering of stening lift, gauge marking is carried out at both
axes in line with well curb marking and reference height is marked on the wall
surfaee. Sinking of wells will be carried out by the dredge hole method by
using either of following methods:-

r Crawler crane of '18-75 MT capacity with plate grabs or Tyne grabs of

capacity (0.5 to 3 cum).

3.2.s.5.1 Sinking operation:

. The sinking operation involves lowering of the well by dredging in the

dredge hole.

. Plate grab shall be used in case of soft strata like sandy silt, soft clay,

sandy clay, dense sand etc.

r ln case of hard clay/stiff clay strata heavy-duty chisel shall be used,

followed by dredging using Tyne grab.

. Levels and alignment of well shall be checked regularly at every 0.5m of

sinking to observe the tilt and shift of the well at closer intervals if the

visual observation demands.

r Sinking operation shall preferably carry out round the clock under skilled


. Dredged materials shall be disposed-off at locations designated.

The above cycle of well stening and sinking shall be repeated up to the last lift
of the well until well reaches to the founding level. Precautions during Sinking:

. Before seasonal floods all wells on which sinking is in progress shall be

sunk to sufficient depths below the designed scour level.

. Very deep sump shall not be made below the well curb. The depth of

sump shall not exceed 2.0m below the level of cutting edge unless

othenvise specifically permitted by Engineer.

r Dewatering shall be avoided if sand blows are expected.

3.2.s.6 Tilt and shifts:

The wells shall be sunk into earth with in permissible limit of tilt and shift: -

r The dredging operation will be carried out uniformly over the dredge hole

area. When the minor tilt and / or shift occurs, the same shall be corrected

by controlled d ifferential g rabin g/ dredging.

. ln case of tilVshift is excessive, following methods will be adopted for

correcting the same. Eccentric Kentledge loading:

Tilt and corresponding shift can be corrected by providing Kentledge loading

over stening. or Kentledge loading over eccentric platforms depending upon
the quantum of tilt & shift. Platforms are erected over stening for loading the
wells eccentrically, opposite to the side of tilt. Platforms shall be designed for
maximum loading which is increased gradually upto required load and kept in
position to rectify the tilt Kentledge will be positioned in such a way that if
does not obstruct dredging operation.

3.2.s.6.2 Providing temporary obstacles beneath cutting edge:

ln this method, wooden sleepers are kept under lower side of well from inside
and dredging is done on higher side of the well.bringing again well to it's
verticality. For further sinking, the wooden sleepers are to be removed. This
method can be applied only in the very initial stage of the well. Pulling the well by winches:

ln this method, hooks are provided for holding the wire rope of winches on the
tilted face of stening. Winches are anchored on opposite direction of tilt. The
winch pulls the well and simultaneous dredging at the other side of the tilt is
carried out.

3.2.s.1 Procedure for monitoring tilts and shifts:

Tilt and shift shall be monitored by checking the levels at fixed gauge mark on
both of the opposite faces along axes of the well. Levels are checked from the

reference pillars along the axes established in advance for this purpose. fhe

difference in level will establish the tilt along the axis. lt is designated as ratio
of difference in level to dia of well. Such checking and recording of tilts and
shifts are done at regular intervals depending upon the rate of sinking but at
least onoe a day, provided there has been sinking of the well

3.2.6 Plugging of well and well cap:

Following are the details for: -

. False Stening
. Bottom Plug
. $and Filling
. lntermediate Plug
. Water Filling
. Well Cap False stening:

False stening is cast wherever required or mentioned as per drawing

3.2,6.2 Bottom plug:

When the well reaches to the founding level bottom will be cleaned and
sludge / loose material will be removed. Bottom plug concreting will be done

by 'Tremie Method'/ Bucket Method; Concrete will be poured without

interruption up to required level a$ per drawing.

r.2.6.3 Sand fiiling:

After the bottom plugging and waiting period, sand filling will be started. Sand
from the Teesta river will be filled in dredge hole after 3 days of bottom plug
concrete up to required level. lntermediate plug:

lntermediate plugging , if any, will be carried out after sand filling as per

3.2.6.s Water filling:

Water filling shall be taken up in the stening wherever mentioned in drawing. Well cap:

Well cap shuttering will be done as per shape and size of well where the false
stening is not there. Steel reinforcement is shaped and placed as per drawing
and approved BBS. Checking of reinforcement and shuttering will be done as
per line and levels indicated in drawing and approval obtained before
concreting is carried out.

6.0 EHS Plan:

The EHS Plan for the Project has been prepared to meet the various Safety

and Environmental Management requirements as mentioned in Contract


7.0 Distribution:
The document shall be distributed to allthe concerned users.

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