The Guardian - 24 March 2023

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24 March 2023
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own biggest fans’
Boygenius  Film & Music G2

Councils spend £500m on

Guardian analysis of tens of thou-
sands of public contracts and
inspection records reveals.
The findings expose “a broken
care system”, said Sarah McClin-
ton, president of the Association of

beds in worst care homes Directors of Adult Social Services,

whose members commission coun-
cil-funded care.
The Relatives & Residents Asso-
ciation (RRA) said state payments
to the worst homes were “propping
investigation has revealed. In what needs and failing to deliver proper up substandard care” and “failing
Exclusive one family branded “a robbery of nutrition and medicines in dirty and ‘Labour will not the taxpayer”.
Robert Booth taxpayers’ money” and Labour said dangerous properties. In 2022, one pound in every five
Michael Goodier was “scandalous”, about £480m Billions more in public cash has
tolerate providers spent by English local authori-
is estimated to have been spent on been spent on homes rated “requires who put private ties buying residential elderly care
Taxpayers have spent close to half “inadequate” care homes – many improvement”, many operated by is estimated to have been paid for
a billion pounds buying beds in the rated unsafe and in special meas- chains delivering large returns for
profit before care’ a home in the poorest categories.
worst care homes in England in the ures, meaning they are threatened overseas shareholders and creditors. In the east Midlands that rose to
past four years, driving profits for with closure. In all, councils have spent an esti- almost a third of all public money
private investors while residents They are often staffed by untrained mated £7.5bn to put people in poor Liz Kendall spent last year – more than
12 
suffer unsafe treatment, a Guardian agency workers ignoring residents’ quality care homes since 2019, a Shadow care minister £200m. The findings will

for Nicola
Sturgeon as
she leaves
bans trans
her final first
questions in
the Scottish
from sport

Sean Ingle
Chief sports reporter

World Athletics has voted to ban

transgender women from elite female
competitions if they have undergone
male puberty, a decision the govern-
ing body said was taken to “protect
the future of the female category”.
Speaking after the ruling, which
comes into effect on 31 March, the
World Athletics president, Sebas-
tian Coe, accepted that the decision
would be contentious but said his
sport had been guided by the “over-
arching principle” of fairness, as well
as the science around physical perfor-
mance and male advantage.
“Decisions are always difficult
when they involve conflicting needs
and rights between different groups,

Just 1% of
of fraud and error occurred during Business and Trade (DBT) and cited but we continue to take the view
Peter Walker the initial run of the grant scheme by the NAO, showed that only £11.4m that we must maintain fairness for
Political correspondent launched in March 2020, which did of that has been recovered. female athletes above all other con-

£1bn Covid Just 1% of the estimated £1.1bn lost

from the government’s Covid busi-
not require prepayment checks, the
National Audit Office (NAO) said in its
report on the rushed-through efforts.
The report sets out the sheer speed
at which the eight separate grant
schemes for businesses, admin-
siderations,” he said. “We believe
the integrity of the female category
in athletics is paramount.”

fraud losses ness support programme in England

due to fraud and error has been recov-
ered, the public spending watchdog
The total of £1.1bn lost in grants
amounted to just under 5% of the total
for the scheme, according to business
istered by local authorities, were
developed and launched, noting that
the business department was only
Lord Coe said that he would set up
a working group that would consult
transgender athletes and review any

recovered has said in a report urging ministers to

learn lessons from the scheme.
department statistics. The latest fig-
ures of retrieved money, collated by
asked by the Treasury in late Febru-
ary to examine how such a
fresh research that emerged. “We’re
not saying no for ever,”

8  2 
The “overwhelming majority” the newly renamed Department for system might work. he said.
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

Inside 24/03/23 News

Four sections
every day
 Transgender it said. “The scientific evidence base
News and Sport participation on trans people in sport is developing
has been a but is far from conclusive.”
growing and The move was welcomed by the
V&A à la mode contentious campaign group Fair Play for Women.
issue for sports “It is the right thing for women and
Coco Chanel to get her authorities in girls, in line with all the scientific evi-
first retrospective at a recent years dence and common sense,” it said.
major British museum PHOTOGRAPH: “We now expect to see national fed-
GETTY IMAGES erations follow the lead given to them
Page 9
by World Athletics, to restore the
talent pathway for girls and young
women, and to reinstate fair sport for
Journal Outside G2 women of all ages.”
Opinions and ideas World Athletics also announced
that all athletes with a difference in
 Here is a scandal on sex development (DSD) would be
barred from competing internation-
the scale of HS2. This ally in all events unless they reduced
time it’s all about water their testosterone to 2.5 nanomoles
George Monbiot per litre for a minimum of six months.
Page 1 Until now athletes with a DSD,
who include former Olympic wom-
en’s champion Caster Semenya and
G2 Centre pullout Christine Mboma, the silver medal-

Transgender women excluded from

list in the 200m at the Tokyo Games,
Features and arts have been allowed to compete with-
out medication except in events
Don’t look down ranging from 400m to a mile.
On the centenary of Safety
Last!, why Harold Lloyd’s
female events by World Athletics In 2019 the court of arbitration for
sport ruled that 46 XY 5-ARD individ-
uals, whose testosterone is affected,
movie is a timeless classic such as Semenya, “enjoy a signifi-
Page 4  Continued from page 1 for such a policy, with athletes and a National Collegiate Athletic Asso- cant sporting advantage … over 46
federations making it clear they ciation female title in 2022. XX competitors without such DSD”.
Sports have been increasingly wanted to prioritise fairness for World Athletics’ decision is likely The six-month rule would means
Save up to 27% struggling with the issue of transgen- female sport over inclusion. to be opposed by LGBTQ+ groups athletes missing this summer’s World
with a subscription der participation in recent years,
notably when the New Zealand
“We entered into a consultation
some months ago because we wanted
such as Stonewall. Speaking last
month they urged sports to be as
Championships in Budapest.
“We have been prepared to take
to the Guardian weightlifter Laurel Hubbard quali- to provoke debate,” he said. “It was inclusive as possible. “The trans pop- these issues head on,” added Coe.
fied for the Tokyo Olympics having really important that we heard from ulation may be small, but they have “In the past they would have been
and the Observer transitioned in her 30s. all our stakeholders, including the every right to participate in sports allowed to drift or be kicked into the
Visit theguardian. Since Tokyo, most sports have
allowed trans women to compete if
athletes, the coaches and member
federations. And my goodness, we
and enjoy the many physical, mental
and community benefits of sports,”
long grass.
“That is not the nature of my
com/paper-subs they lowered their testosterone to heard from them.” leadership and it is certainly not the
5 nanomoles per litre for 12 months. Athletics becomes the latest instincts of my council.”
Weather But emerging science showing sport to ban transgender women ‘We must maintain In another statement, Coe said
transgender women retain an advan- from female sport, following World fairness for female that Russian athletes would remain
Page 36 tage in strength, endurance, power Rugby in 2020 and World Swimming barred from track and field “for
and lung capacity after suppressing and the Rugby Football League last athletes above all’ the foreseeable future” because of
testosterone had led World Athletics year. Swimming’s decision came the country’s invasion of Ukraine –
Quick crossword in January to propose a lower testos- shortly after Lia Thomas, who had despite the International Olympic
Back of G2 terone limit for at least 24 months. been a moderate college swimmer Sebastian Coe Committee exploring a pathway for
Coe said there was “little support” as a male competitor in the US, won World Athletics president Russian and Belarusian athletes.
Journal, page 4
Reject a guilty verdict over
should make it absolutely clear that you will come to the conclusion that
he doesn’t agree with it,” they added. I’ve given.”
Cryptic crossword At the end of the hearing on However, it is understood that it is
Back of Journal Partygate, allies tell Johnson Wednesday, Johnson declined to give
the committee any guarantee that he
not Johnson’s position that he would
not accept a sanction if one were rec-
would accept their conclusions. ommended by the committee and
Contact Asked if he would accept the backed by the House of Commons.
For missing sections call 0800 839 100.
his peerage by Johnson after serv- characterisation of the inquiry as a Rishi Sunak has indicated that he
For individual departments, call the Guardian Pippa Crerar ing under him at London’s City Hall, “witch-hunt or a kangaroo court”, would give Tory MPs a free vote.
switchboard: 020 3353 2000. Political editor said he had seen “nothing” in the he said that he would “deprecate the One friend of Johnson’s said the
For the Readers’ editor (corrections &  clarifications
on specific editorial content), call 020 3353 4736 evidence that demonstrated he had terms” but added: “I will wait to see former prime minister was not pre-
between 10am and 1pm UK time Monday to Friday Boris Johnson should refuse to accept knowingly misled parliament. how you proceed with the evidence judging the outcome. “We’re very
excluding public holidays, or email
the outcome of the privileges com- “I personally think he set out that you have. I will study your conclu- much looking forward to reading
Letters for publication should be sent to guardian. mittee investigation if it concludes there’s no way he knowingly misled sions from the evidence … I believe if the committee’s findings. When they or the address on the that he intentionally misled the Com- parliament and therefore the com- you study this evidence impartially, arrive we will study them,” they said.
letters page.
mons over the Partygate scandal, his mittee should be exonerating him,” He is expected to be sent the findings
NEWSPAPERS allies have said. he told ITV’s Good Morning Britain two weeks before they are published.
The recycled paper
Some of the former prime minis- show. “I don’t see why he should His lawyers are planning to write
ter’s supporters believe he should accept the findings of a politically to the committee after the Commons
  of UK newspapers
in 2017 was 64.6%

Guardian News & Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way, reject the cross-party group’s find- charged committee if they haven’t got session to encourage them to publish
London N1 9GU. 020-3353 2000. Fax 020-7837 2114. ings if they decide, based on written the evidence to prove that he know- all the evidence they have relied upon
In Manchester: Centurion House, 129 Deansgate, evidence and a fractious three-and- ingly misled parliament.” during the inquiry that has not yet
Manchester M3 3WR. Telephone Sales: 020-7611 9000.
The Guardian lists links to third-party websites, but a-half-hour evidence session on Another ally, a senior Tory MP, been put into the public domain. The
does not endorse them or guarantee their authenticity Wednesday, that he broke strict par- suggested the committee would committee has so far refused to do
or accuracy. Back issues from Historic Newspapers:
0870-165 1470
liamentary rules. “upset” the backbenches if it recom- so, saying they have a responsibility
Published by Guardian News & Media, Kings Place, MPs on the committee denounced mended a sanction for Johnson that to protect the identity of witnesses.
90 York Way, London N1 9GU, and at Centurion House, his “flimsy” explanations and sug- could ultimately lead to him facing Johnson’s team will query how
129 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WR. Printed at Reach
Watford Limited, St Albans Road, Watford, Herts
gested he had wrongly interpreted a byelection. “Boris wouldn’t have dependent the inquiry was on evi-
WD24 7RG; Reach Oldham Limited, Hollinwood Avenue, the Covid guidance, heightening the much choice but to accept it, but he dence accumulated during Sue Gray’s
Chadderton, Oldham OL9 8EP; Reach Saltire Ltd, expectation that they will sanction investigation, and other points,
110 Fifty Pitches Place, Glasgow G51 4EA; and by
Irish Times Print Facility, 4080 Kingswood Road, Johnson for “recklessly” misleading  Boris Johnson leaves his home in including on the assurances he says
Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24. No. 54,926, the Commons. London yesterday. One friend said he was given by senior civil servants
Friday 24 March 2023. Registered as a newspaper at
the Post Office ISSN 0261-3077.
However, the Conservative peer the former prime minister was not that the lockdown gatherings were
Stephen Greenhalgh, who was given pre-judging the inquiry’s findings within the rules.
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •••

News 3

▲ The sonnet Do you know anybody who has? He

is within the said: ‘Yes, me’.”
playbook He discovered that Wiggins, as
Sejanus His chief compiler of the monumental
Fall by Ben British Drama 1533–1642: A Cata-
Jonson, above logue, had raised the theory in a single
– a tragic play sentence within thousands of pages:
set in ancient “Cygnus (perhaps a pseudonym for
Rome in which Hugh Holland … or perhaps the Swan
Shakespeare, of Avon).” Wiggins said: “I’m cer-
left, acted tainly open to the possibility that it
PHOTOGRAPHS: could be by Shakespeare.”
UNIVERSAL HISTORY This year marks the 400th anni-
NATIONAL PORTRAIT versary of the first folio of 36 plays,
GALLERY, LONDON published in 1623, seven years after
Shakespeare’s death. “The issue of
whether or not Shakespeare was
involved with his own book is the
million dollar question,” Laoutaris

What’s in a name? Ben Jonson volume may

said. “This sonnet gives clues to
him having been linked to figures
involved with its publication while
he was alive. There’s no previous firm

contain Shakespeare sonnet signed ‘Cygnus’ evidence to date that Shakespeare

knew Holland.”
He will present the evidence in
a forthcoming book, titled Shake-
speare’s Book: The Intertwined Lives
never again grace England’s stages.” Behind the First Folio, to be published
Dalya Alberge The sonnet is within the playbook of To the deserving Author by HarperCollins on 30 March.
Jonson’s Sejanus His Fall, a tragic play He argues that the Cygnus sonnet is
set in ancient Rome, in which Shake-
When I respect thy argument, I see theatrical in nature and makes more
An almost unknown sonnet printed speare had acted. It shares a page with An image of those times: but when I view sense if it was written by a dramatist:
in the playbook of a 1603 play by a ditty by Hugh Holland, who ded- “Holland wasn’t. He was a poet and
Ben Jonson could be a “lost” work icated a commemorative verse to The wit, the workmanship, so rich, so true, translator. The sonnet praises Jonson
by William Shakespeare, accord- Shakespeare in the first folio. The times themselves do seem retrieved to me. and his writing of this play. This is a
ing to two leading scholars. Beyond Laoutaris said that while both tragedy for tragedians whose talents,
“compelling” stylistic evidence, the sonnets paid tribute to Jonson, they And as Sejanus, in thy tragedy, meagre by comparison, have been
sonnet – titled “To the deserving were “very different”. For example, Falleth from Caesar’s grace; even so the crew undermined by Jonson’s greatness,
Author” – is signed by the mysterious Holland addresses Jonson with the making a double tragedy out of
pseudonym “Cygnus”, the mythical more formal “you” throughout, Of common playwrights, whom opinion blew Jonson’s play: ‘Thus, in one Tragedy,
figure who was turned into a swan whereas Cygnus uses the informal Big with false greatness, are disgraced by thee. thou makest twain [that is, two]’.”
– evoking Jonson’s own tribute to “thou”, the form favoured by Shake- Scholars had previously believed
Shakespeare of Stratford-on-Avon speare in his sonnets. “It’s tantalising. Thus, in one Tragedy, thou makest twain: that this sonnet was also written
as the “Sweet Swan of Avon”. There are so many parallels with And, since fair works of Justice fit the part by Holland because his own work,
Dr Chris Laoutaris, an associate Shakespeare’s style it must surely Pancharis, issued in 1603, included
professor of Shakespeare and early make even the most hardened scep- Of tragic writers, Muses do ordain a Jonson poem that referred to him
modern drama at the Shakespeare tic pause and think.” as a swan.
Institute, University of Birmingham, Initially intrigued, he had
That all Tragedians, Masters of their Art, But Laoutaris said the Cygnus
said: “This is how Jonson referred contacted Dr Martin Wiggins, a Who shall hereafter follow on this tract, sonnet appeared to contain features
to him in his long poem in honour leading expert on Renaissance more redolent of Shakespeare’s style:
of the playwright in the first folio drama, saying: “I’ve got this hunch
In writing well, thy tragedy shall act. “The more one reads this enigmatic
mourning Shakespeare’s ‘flight’ as it’s written by Shakespeare, but I can’t CYGNUS. poem, the more ‘Shakespearean’
the swan, whose living presence shall find anybody who’s ever said it was. it appears.”

BBC abandons latest series of show, which has been running in its
current iteration for 21 years.
Filming of the show was halted and
has not restarted since. The 45-year-
judgment about how best to con-
tinue later this year.”
In a statement, the broadcaster old, who has also presented cricket In 2019 Flintoff crashed at 125mph
Top Gear after Flintoff crash said it had finished an investigation
into an accident at the Top Gear test
programmes on the BBC, could be
quitting as a co-presenter, accord-
while travelling in a three-wheeled
cycle car, but managed to walk away
track at Dunsfold Park aerodrome in ing to the Times, as he does not feel from the scene. Thirteen years earlier,
Surrey in December. he can continue to play his “dare- former presenter Richard Hammond
Harry Taylor Flintoff, who joined the show as a devil” role. was left in a coma after crashing at
host in 2019, was airlifted to hospital The BBC said it had apologised the Elvington airfield in York in a
on 13 December after his open-topped to Flintoff, and the accident had jet-powered Vampire dragster while
The BBC has said it will not resume three-wheel Morgan Super 3 car affected the team who produce the travelling at 288mph.
filming the latest series of Top Gear flipped and slid along the track when show. “Under the circumstances, Top Gear appeared to have found
after its co-presenter and former he was driving at high speed. He suf- we feel it would be inappropriate its rhythm again with Flintoff and his
England cricket captain Andrew fered facial injuries and broken ribs. to resume making series 34 of Top co-presenters, Chris Harris and Paddy
“Freddie” Flintoff was injured in a An investigation by the Health Gear at this time,” a spokesperson McGuinness, rebuilding ratings to its
crash last year. and Safety Executive found no evi- said. “We understand this will be highest point since the departures
The BBC said there will be a health ▲ Freddie Flintoff suffered facial dence of serious failings, the Daily disappointing for fans, but it is the of Jeremy Clarkson, Hammond and
and safety review on the motoring injuries and broken ribs in the crash Mail reported. right thing to do, and we’ll make a James May.
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

4 News

TikTok chief grilled in Congress over data

and UK to ban TikTok from all gov-
ernment devices.
Yesterday the Westminster gov-
ernment went one step further,

privacy as app faces complete ban in US prohibiting “all parliamentary

devices and the wider parliamentary
network” from using the app, citing
the need for cybersecurity.
Chew’s testimony in Washington
yesterday got off to an intense start,
Kari Paul San Francisco Low profile chief with members of the House energy
Johana Bhuiyan New York and commerce committee grilling
From Facebook intern to the Washington crosshairs him on his connection to ByteDance
The chief executive of TikTok was executives, whom, they said, had ties
forced to defend the company’s The TikTok chief executive, Shou becoming a banker at Goldman billionaire Yuri Milner, where his to the Chinese Communist party.
relationship with China and its pro- Zi Chew, says the most gruelling Sachs for two years, investment Mandarin qualified him to be its US politicians asked how regularly
tection of its youngest users in testy experience of his life was a five-day experience that would eventually China-focused partner. Chew was in contact with them, and
evidence to Congress yesterday as survival course in the jungles of lead him to meet Zhang Yiming, This led him to make questioned whether the company’s
the app faced a push for its entire ban Borneo when he was a conscript in the founder of TikTok’s parent, his pivotal visit to Zhang’s proposed solution, named Project
in the US. Singapore’s army. ByteDance, when the latter was ByteDance, in 2012, before the Texas, to move all the app’s US data
Shou Zi Chew’s appearance, the The 40-year-old Singaporean, developing the company in a team created TikTok, leading to domestic servers, would be suffi-
first by a TikTok chief executive, rep- whose trans-global academic crammed apartment in Beijing’s Chew and his partners to invest in cient protection against Chinese laws
resents a big test for him, since he has and business career has rapidly university district. the startup the following year. requiring companies to make user
remained largely out of the spotlight. propelled him to the top job at In 2010 Chew gained his MBA In 2021 Zhang persuaded Chew records accessible to the government.
US legislators have long had con- one of the world’s biggest tech from Harvard business school, to join ByteDance as its first chief Chew also faced intense ques-
cerns over Beijing’s control of the companies, will need to display where he got his first experience financial officer. Two months tioning over the platform’s impact
TikTok app, concerns that Chew some of that mettle as he battles of life in the tech sector with an later he was elevated to chief on mental health, particularly of its
repeatedly tried to rebut, saying: “Let to ensure the corporate survival of internship at Facebook while the executive following the abrupt young users. The Republican con-
me state this unequivocally – Byte- the controversial but immensely social networking company was departure of Kevin Mayer after gressman Gus Bilirakis shared the
Dance is not an agent of China or any popular social video app. still in startup mode before going just three months, as the Trump story of Chase Nasca, a 16-year-old
other country.” Chew came from a relatively public in 2012. administration attempted to force who killed himself a year ago by step-
But Chew’s independence claims modest background. His father It was also where he met his a sale of TikTok’s US assets. ping in front of a train. His parents,
were undermined by a Wall Street worked in construction and his Taiwanese-American future wife, Chew’s rise to the top of the who have sued TikTok claiming it
Journal story published hours earlier mother in bookkeeping. At the Vivian Kao, with whom he has two tech industry put him on to “targeted” Chase with unsolicited
saying China would strongly oppose age of 12, after getting high marks children. Chew – whose TikTok Fortune’s 40 under 40 list in 2021. suicide-related content, were pre-
any forced sale of the company. in a national exam, he entered an profile was created in February The low-profile CEO is now sent and grew emotional as Bilirakis
Responding for the first time to elite high school, where he added 2022 and who has just 23 posts on embarking on a media offensive told their son’s story.
Joe Biden’s threat of a national ban fluency in Mandarin to his native it, including videos of him at the as part of TikTok’s wider efforts Congresswoman Nanette Barragán
unless ByteDance, TikTok’s Beijing English. Following that military Super Bowl and meeting celebrities to galvanise support to avert a asked Chew about reports which said
based parent, sold its shares, Chi- service – Chew stays as a reservist – does not allow his children to use ban in the US and other countries. he did not let his own children use
na’s commerce ministry said such a officer in the Singaporean army the app. He said last November “This could take TikTok away the app. Chew said his children were
move would involve exporting tech- until he is 50 – he obtained a they were too young. from all 150 million of you,” he not on TikTok because in Singapore,
nology and so have to be approved by bachelor’s degree in economics After business school Chew said in a post to US TikTok users. where they lived, there was no ver-
the Chinese government. from University College London. joined the venture capital firm DST, Mark Sweney and sion for users under the age of 13,
National security concerns have He stayed on in the UK capital, founded by the Israeli-Russian IT Johana Bhuiyan unlike in the US.
already prompted the US, Canada Chew said that under Project Texas
all data on American users, backed up
to servers outside the US, would be
deleted by the end of this year.
Some legislators suggested the
project was too large an undertaking
and would not sufficiently address
data privacy concerns soon enough.
At one point the US representative
Tony Cárdenas, a Democrat, asked
Chew outright if TikTok was a Chi-
nese company. Chew responded
that TikTok was global in nature, not
available in mainland China, and had
its HQ in Singapore and Los Angeles.
Neal Dunn, a Republican, asked
with similar bluntness if ByteDance
had “spied on American citizens”.
Chew said: “Spying is not the right
way to describe it.”
The hearing comes three years
after TikTok was first targeted for-
mally by the Trump administration,
in 2020, via an executive order pro-
hibiting US companies from doing
business with ByteDance.
Biden revoked that order in June
2021 under the stipulation that the
US committee on foreign investment
conducted a review of the company.
When that stalled, Biden demanded
that TikTok sold its Chinese-owned
shares or faced a US ban.
This bipartisan nature of the back-
lash was remarked upon during the
hearing, with Cárdenas saying Chew
had been “one of the few members to
unite this committee”.
TikTok has battled legislative
headwinds since its meteoric rise
began in 2018. Today, a majority of
teens in the US say they use TikTok
– with 67% of people aged 13 to 17 say-
ing they have used the app, the Pew
▲ TikTok’s CEO, Shou Zi Chew, defends the video-hosting app in Washington over accusations it fails to protect young users PHOTOGRAPH: TASOS KATOPODIS/GETTY Research Centre finds.
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian
dian •

Encore! Menopause
M 5
Taylor Swift sets stage V
Vorderman hits out at
for marathon gigs e
equalities ministers
Page 11 P
Page 17

Doctors step
up pay row
with four-day
strike action
Denis Campbell
Health policy editor

Junior doctors have intensified their

pay dispute with the government by
calling a four-day strike that NHS
leaders fear will force them to can-
cel up to 250,000 appointments.
The British Medical Association
blamed ministers for the strike and
said they had not put forward “any
credible offer” in response to its claim
for a 35% pay rise for trainee doctors
in England.
The 96-hour stoppage will start
just after the Easter bank holiday
weekend and run from 06.59am on
Tuesday 11 April to 06.59am on Sat-
urday 15 April, affecting every NHS
hospital in England.
Hospital officials said the unprec-
edented duration of the strike would
imperil patients’ safety and urged
junior doctors to “reflect” on the wis-
dom of their planned action.
“The government has dragged its
feet at every opportunity. It has not

Government rarely granting

▲ Coniston Water in the Lake District made any credible offer and is refus-
was one of a large majority of areas ing to accept that there is any case
in England refused bathing status for pay restoration, describing our
PHOTOGRAPH: SOPHIE MACKLEY/GETTY IMAGES central ask as ‘unrealistic’ and ‘unaf-

bathing water status at sites

fordable’,” said Dr Robert Laurenson
the Kent at Staveley in Cumbria, the and Dr Vivek Trevedi, the co-chairs of
Tyne at Wylam, and part of the Deben the BMA’s junior doctors committee.
in Woodbridge – which is in Coffey’s The main doctors’ union called

in England, analysis shows

constituency. Campaigners have the strike after talks with Steve Bar-
attacked the lack of transparency in clay, the health secretary, broke down
the process and submitted freedom without progress. There is a growing
of information requests to find out acrimony, with both sides accusing
why rivers have been turned down. the other of being unreasonable.
But the requests have been refused The BMA is seeking a 35% pay rise
are currently out to consultation for in bathing waters – 52,653 separate by the Department for Environment, for junior doctors, whose salaries
Sandra Laville bathing water status. incidents – in the past two years. He Food and Rural Affairs. In a commu- have fallen in value in real terms by
Environment correspondent The government refused to pro- said all raw sewage discharges into nication to local groups, it said: “Due 26% since 2008/09 – a demand Bar-
vide the Guardian with a list of the bathing waters should stop. to the fact that you are requesting this clay says is “unreasonable”.
Most applications for bathing water rivers and coastal areas where bath- “Thérèse Coffey [the environment information as an interested party, In a reference to the failed talks,
status to clean up rivers and coastal ing water status has been turned secretary] should apologise to every and that elements of your request do Laurenson and Trevedi added: “Even
waters in England have been rejected down since January 2022. community turned down for bath- not amount to a valid request made yesterday they continued to add new
by the government in the past 14 It has publicly backed the concept ing water status. Instead of rejection, under these regimes, we feel it would unacceptable preconditions to talks
months, according to data from the of creating bathing waters, with a jun- ministers should work with the com- be best handled under general cor- instead of getting on and trying to
Liberal Democrats. ior environment minister, Rebecca munity to ensure the site is granted respondence … As such the Bathing find a resolution.
Across the country, local groups Pow, making a high-profile visit to the status,” said Farron. “People are Water team will be in touch directly “The situation is entirely of the
have been working for months to Oxford last year after part of the river being left to swim in filth and the in relation to a reply.” government’s own making. We are
create bathing water areas, where was granted bathing status. companies responsible get away Ruth Leach, of Save the Deben, not going to stop until we are paid
the Environment Agency is forced But Farron said the scale of rejec- with it.” said she felt sure her request had what we are worth.”
to undertake more rigorous testing tions showed the system was a mess. Among the waterways rejected are failed on the number of people Dr Naru Narayanan, the president
for faecal bacteria. “The Conservative government’s three parts of the Wharfe in Yorkshire, required to be visiting to swim. “They of the Hospital Consultants and Spe-
Grassroots groups are particularly attempt to protect bathing water is Coniston Water in the Lake District, just ask about ‘bathers’, they don’t cialists Association, the other medical
focusing on inland waters, in a push nothing less than a cruel joke,” he take into account the huge surge in trade union, also blamed minsters for
to stop the discharge of raw sewage by said. “Ministers are rejecting almost people using the water since Covid the 96-hour stoppage, which HCSA
water companies and force a clean-up every application made by local com- ‘Thérèse Coffey on paddleboards, in kayaks and also members will join.
of English rivers, all of which fail tests munities and swimming groups.” swimmers. They need to recognise He said ministers had “seen fit to
for chemical and biological pollution. There are currently 600 bathing
should apologise … that there are massive number of ignore the overwhelming support
But new data shows that in the past water sites in England and Wales, the people are being people using the river now.” among junior doctors for this dispute,
14 months only two areas have been vast majority in coastal waters. The four areas where consultation driven by year after year of real-terms
granted bathing water status out of Farron said that even when a site
left to swim in filth’ on the status is taking place are a sec- pay cuts”.
21 applications, according to a writ- achieved bathing status, water com- tion of the Deben at Waldringfield, The Department of Health and
ten parliamentary answer to Tim panies were allowed to fill it with Suffolk; Sykes Lane bathing beach Social Care (DHSC) said that “fur-
Farron, the Liberal Democrats’ envi- sewage dumps. Data showed there Tim Farron and Whitwell Creek at Rutland Water; ther strikes will risk patient safety
ronment spokesperson. Four areas had been 340m hours of sewage spills Liberal Democrats and Firestone Bay in Plymouth. and cause further disruption”.
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

6 National

‘No clever work going on’:

The figures highlight the
disparities between Britain’s income
tax rates and its relatively low rates of
CGT. The prime minister’s overall tax
rate for the last three years was 22%,

Starmer releases tax roughly equivalent to what a nurse

would pay in income tax.
Dan Neidle, the founder of Tax
Policy Associates, said: “This is about

returns day after Sunak

whether it is fair for people holding
investments to pay about half the rate
of people getting income through
their salary. It is hard to see how it
can be.”
A No 10 source said of the PM’s bill:
 The Labour “The tax return shows that a consid-
Kiran Stacey leader, Keir erable amount of capital gains tax is
Political correspondent Starmer, earned being paid.”
little outside his Sunak’s tax affairs came to
Keir Starmer has released his tax parliamentary prominence last summer, when it
returns for the past two years, salary except for emerged his wife, Akshata Murty,
showing that he earned little outside a windfall when had saved millions on her UK tax bill
his parliamentary income except for his sister sold by claiming non-dom status while her
a windfall when his sister sold the the family home husband was chancellor. Murty gave
family home that Starmer helped he helped her to up her non-dom status last year.
her to buy. buy, plus book The prime minister had promised
The Labour leader released a royalties for months to release his tax
summary of his past two years of tax PHOTOGRAPH: returns, eventually deciding to
payments yesterday, a day after the NATHAN STIRK/ release a three-page summary of
prime minister, Rishi Sunak, released them on Wednesday, in the middle
three years of his. But whereas of the testimony by the former PM
Sunak’s summary showed that he elected prime minister at the next It doesn’t look as though there’s Boris Johnson to a parliamentary
earned millions from a US-based election, saying: “I’m very happy to any clever work going on to ensure committee investigating Partygate.
investment fund, Starmer’s income be – and will be – in the same position he makes money as a capital gain The timing of the release triggered
came almost entirely from his salary as everybody else in this country.” rather than as income, it’s just the accusations that the prime minister
as an MP and leader of the opposition. Tom McPhail, a pensions expert kind of tax statement you’d expect was shying away from scrutiny. The
Over the two years, Starmer earned at the financial consultancy the from someone with relatively fact that the vast majority of his earn-
a total of almost £275,000, just under Lang Cat, said Starmer’s decision straightforward tax affairs – albeit ings came in the form of capital gains
£22,000 of which came from book could cost him tens of thousands of one who is on a fairly chunky salary.” has refocused attention on the Con-
royalties in 2020-21. He also gained pounds before his retirement in extra Meanwhile, the Guardian revealed servative party’s policies on capital
just under £100,000 when his sister tax payments. that Sunak had benefited from more gains tax.
sold a property that he had helped her Sarah Coles, head of personal than £300,000 in tax savings over Defending the timing of the
to buy for her family to live in. In total, finance at Hargreaves Lansdown, the past three years as a result of a release, the prime minister’s
he paid £118,580 in income tax and said: “There’s nothing out of the capital gains tax (CGT) cut that his spokesperson said: “There was a
capital gains tax on these earnings. ordinary about this tax statement. party introduced in 2016, for which number of bits of work to finalise and
The Labour leader also announced he voted and spoke in favour. make this as transparent and easy to

yesterday that he would give up The Conservative government access as possible. The returns were
the tax-exempt status he enjoys cut the top rate of CGT from 28% published once that was ready.”
on contributions to his pension to 20% that year, which Sunak But Starmer said Sunak’s returns
from his time as director of public The amount in income and capital welcomed, saying it would help boost highlighted the unfairness of the

prosecutions. gains taxes that the Labour leader investment in British business. The UK tax regime, where capital gains
Starmer had been accused of paid over the past two years tax records released on Wednesday are taxed at a much lower rate than
hypocrisy for taking advantage of show that he benefited heavily from income.

22% the record

the special status of the DPP pension that decision, given how much of his “There is a wider point about
while also promising to tax others earnings came from capital gains on a choices here,” he said. “The choices
who contribute more than £1m to US-based investment fund. The fund they have made on tax and the tax
their pension pot over a lifetime.
But he said yesterday he would
Sunak’s overall tax rate in the past
three years. He saved £300,000 in
gave him a taxable gain of £1.6m in
2021-22 and a total of £3.8m over three
system are obvious. They always go
after working people – just look at the
Rowdy final
forgo his tax exemption if he were capital gains tax due to a Tory cut years, the records show. last 12 months.”
questions for
Crime Labour leader pledges to halve violence prime minister and said ‘Look, this is
not about point scoring. This is about
Sturgeon at
against women and restore public confidence
people’s lives.’”
At the sessions, senior police offic-
ers urged Starmer to press the case
for prevention of violence against
out everywhere”. He said his gov- • Drive down violence against women, with one former police chief
Jessica Elgot ernment would also never dismiss women and improve conviction rates. saying it should be treated as seri-
Deputy political editor crime as “low level” – suggesting that Starmer’s speech was followed ously as stopping terrorism. Severin Carrell
even apparently minor issues, such by a roundtable with current and In his earlier speech, Starmer Scotland editor
Keir Starmer has vowed to halve as repeatedly smoking cannabis near former senior police officers and vic- said it was “working people who
incidents of violence against women children’s windows, had a devastat- tims’ representatives, including Mina pay the heaviest price” when anti- Nicola Sturgeon endured a series of
and girls within a decade, including ing effect on people’s lives. Smallman, whose daughters Bibaa social behaviour was rife and there attacks on her record when she faced
having dedicated “rape courts” and He said complacency and austerity Henry and Nicole Smallman were was complacency from the govern- opposition leaders during a rowdy
domestic violence experts taking 999 had led to plunging confidence in murdered and pictures of their bodies ment because “their kids don’t go to and heated final parliamentary ses-
calls. the police, adding “crime becomes shared by police on WhatsApp. the same schools, nobody fly-tips on sion as first minister yesterday.
Setting out one of Labour’s core decriminalised” when there is no one Smallman said it was urgent that their streets. The threat of violence With Sturgeon stepping down in
missions on crime, Starmer said it to follow up reports. the targets on halving violence and doesn’t stalk their communities.” five days, the hope that she might
was the “unfinished business in my Starmer set out four key targets on standards for policing were put into a Starmer said there were clear and enjoy a dignified final session as first
life’s work to deliver justice” and said crime for Labour in government, to: new law, so any party in government stark inequalities when it came to minister was dashed when the Scot-
Conservative attacks on him for being • Restore public confidence in the was bound by them. tackling crime, which he had seen tish Conservative leader, Douglas
a human rights lawyer “only shows police and criminal justice system to But she also criticised Starmer and first-hand as the director of public Ross, accused her party of repeat-
how far they’ve fallen, and how little its highest ever level. Rishi Sunak’s conduct during prime prosecutions. edly lying to the media.
they understand working people”. • Halve knife crime incidents, minister’s questions, discussing “As chief prosecutor, the more and Their exchanges overshadowed a
Launching the second of his including with an enhanced police the report by Louise Casey into the more case files I read, the more and more reflective statement from Stur-
five “missions” in Stoke-on-Trent, presence outside schools. Metropolitan police failings. more I could see those ugly inequali- geon marking her departure next
the Labour leader said he wanted • Drastically improve statistics for “Yesterday if I’d have been the ties at work. It’s unfinished business Tuesday, after which all four oppo-
to “imagine a society where vio- the proportion of crimes solved by speaker, I would have taken you all in my life’s work to deliver justice for sition leaders paid tribute to her eight
lence against women is stamped the police. into the naughty room, you and the working people.” years as first minister and Scottish
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

▼ Sturgeon speaks to the press after
her valedictory speech, during which
she said she felt ‘pretty emotional’

John Crace

First minister struggles

to contain her emotions
at the close of a career
that many would kill for

ome rage at the dying of the light. Boris
Johnson is howling into the wind. Crying
out for meaning, begging for attention.
Anything but to be forgotten. But his time
is up. All that remains for him is life on the
after-dinner speaking circuit. A job he hates
almost as much as he hates himself for doing it. He
despises the people – the little people – to whom he is
obliged to talk. Most of whom only listen with one ear
open at best. He is the amuse-bouche entertainer who
has backed himself into a narcissistic cul-de-sac.
Others, though, leave the political stage at a time
of their own choosing. On their own terms. Just over
a month ago, Nicola Sturgeon surprised even her
closest allies by announcing she was standing down
as leader of the SNP. Some bits of her resignation
statement didn’t quite make sense. She claimed her
party was in good health and never nearer to achieving
independence. In which case why walk away now? But
the other, more personal stuff felt real. She had had
enough. Her entire adult life devoted to politics. She
just wasn’t feeling it. She wanted more Nicola time.
That time has almost come. Yesterday Sturgeon
took her 286th and final first minister’s questions
in the Scottish parliament. Of her three possible
successors only the frontrunner, Humza Yousaf, was
in attendance. He kept a low profile: this was Nicola’s
day. Kate Forbes is on maternity leave. Ash Regan was
nowhere to be seen. There again, she always has been
an outlier. Disliked almost as much
National party leader, singling out her independence as first minister was contest into chaos. Ross’s language inside the SNP as she is outside it.
leadership during the Covid crisis. significant, she said. “I would love provoked uproar from SNP MSPs and South of the border Sturgeon looked as if she was
Speaking to reporters after leav- to have been the leader who took repeated warnings from Holyrood’s she appears more struggling to contain her emotions.
ing the chamber for the last time Scotland to independence. For me, presiding officer, Alison Johnstone, This was quite a moment. A
as first minister, having conducted obtaining independence is much that he was breaching parliamentary significant. Especially tectonic shift in Scottish politics.
first minister’s questions 286 times, more important than the person who rules. “We do not use the word ‘lie’ in when compared Nicola might not be regarded
Sturgeon admitted she had felt leads us there and I have no doubt this chamber,” she said. so highly inside Scotland as
“pretty emotional” during her vale- Scotland will become independent.” Sturgeon retorted that the SNP with Cameron, May, she often is outside. The Scots
dictory speech. “I possibly struggled Ross opened first minister’s was still Scotland’s largest party by are less tolerant of the SNP’s
a bit more than I hoped I would, to not questions by accusing Sturgeon’s far, urging Ross to reveal the Scottish
Johnson and Truss shortcomings in government.
shed a few tears in there,” she said. colleagues in the SNP of lying repeat- Tories’ membership figure. South of the border, she appears
She said she was leaving with edly about a 30% fall in the party’s Ross said she was “treating the more significant. Especially when
regrets. “Show me a human being membership – a deception he implied Scottish public like idiots” through compared with David Cameron,
or a politician or a government min- Sturgeon’s husband, Peter Murrell, such an “embarrassing defence”. Theresa May, Johnson and Liz Truss. And even her
ister that doesn’t have regrets and the SNP’s former chief executive, No one would be gullible enough, opponents have to admit that hers is a rare political
I show you somebody that’s not was linked to. Murrell quit last week- he added, to believe Sturgeon did career that isn’t ending in abject failure. Most leaders
properly human.” Failing to deliver end, throwing the party’s leadership not know of the membership slump. would kill to win eight elections on the bounce.
During a tit-for-tat exchange over The Tory leader, Douglas Ross, appeared hellbent
her failures and successes, where on living down to the occasion. Not even an
Ross pointed to Scotland’s record acknowledgment of an adversary who had achieved
drug deaths, record A&E waiting far more than he ever would. Just a straight attack on
times, and huge cost overruns with Sturgeon and the SNP for lying about losing 30,000
a ferries contract, Sturgeon asserted members. Repeating the claims that Forbes and
that Scotland had delivered a social Regan had been making at the leadership hustings.
security agency paying £20 weekly That the SNP leadership had become mediocre and
for every deprived child, a national incompetent. Just what Nicola needed on her last day.
investment bank, the UK’s most pro- Sturgeon looked a bit peeved and went on the attack
gressive income tax regime and its herself. How many members did the Scottish Tories
best performing A&E departments. have? Could you fit them all into a small room? And
The SNP had also won eight suc- how many elections had he won? And which Dougie
cessive elections in Scotland since were we seeing today? The one who had backed Rishi
she became party leader, she said. Sunak? The one who had backed Truss? The one who
“I am proud of the record of govern- had backed Johnson? Or the one who had flip-flopped
ment that I have led through some of between the three? Such a man of principle.
the toughest times Scotland has faced Only a few Tories applauded Ross’s speech. Too
in recent history,” she said. much even for them. The SNP just sat stony-faced as
She said that after Boris Johnston’s attention switched to other speakers. Once they were
faltering defence on Tuesday over finished, Sturgeon picked up her files, concentrated on
▲ Nicola Sturgeon debuts as first minister in 2014, and, right, attends her last Partygate, Ross was in no position to keeping her emotions in check and headed for the exit.
FMQs yesterday, when she was praised for her leadership in the Covid crisis be “lecturing people about honesty”. She’s going to be a tough act to follow.
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

8 National
▼ Amy and Sam Whitmore add to
the Covid memorial wall in memory
of their mother and grandmother

Just 1% of French strikers anger over Emmanuel Macron forcing

through a raise in the pension age to
64 without a parliamentary vote, for
won’t roll out red
£1bn Covid carpet for King
which he has been accused of behav-
ing like a king, is clouding what was
meant to be a show of friendship

fraud losses Charles in Paris

between the two countries.
“It’s very bad timing. Normally
the French would welcome a Brit-
recovered ish king. But in this moment, people
protesting are on high alert for any
Associated Press sign of privilege and wealth,” said the
Paris Paris-based writer Stephen Clarke,
 Continued from page 1 the author of Elizabeth II, Queen of
Striking workers in France are refus- Laughs. “They’re planning on going
The first version began from 11 March, ing to provide red carpets for King to Versailles. It does not look good.
with a second on 17 March. As early Charles’s first overseas trip as mon- This seems very 1789.”
as 19 April, the report says, local arch amid protests over rises to the Months in the making, Charles’s
authorities had made 484,000 pay- pension age. trip with Camilla, the Queen Consort,
ments totalling £6bn, more than 50% The CGT union announced this includes a visit to the Musée d’Orsay,
of the total handed out in what was week that its members at Mobilier a wreath-laying ceremony at the Arc
the biggest such support programme The report calls for the DBT and terms of maintaining jobs or how National, the institution in charge de Triomphe and a lavish dinner at
beyond the furlough scheme. Treasury, working with councils, to much support might have been given of providing flags, red carpets and the former royal residence Versailles
Matters were not helped by a draw up formal contingency plans to businesses which did not need furniture for public buildings, would – a symbol of royal excess before the
lack of any shared contingency plan by the end of this year about similar it. Without such an assessment, an not help prepare a reception for the French Revolution.
between local and national govern- financial support if there is a future overall judgement about the value king on his arrival in Paris on Sunday. But with piles of uncollected
ment on how to support businesses in national emergency, using the les- for money of the schemes remains “We ask our administration to rubbish lining the French capital’s
the event of an emergency, the NAO sons of the Covid scheme. open,” he said. inform the services concerned that boulevards, critics say the optics
said, with councils generally only Gareth Davies, the head of the “The government’s experience of we will not provide furnishings, red could not be worse.
hearing about new schemes when NAO, said that the business depart- working at speed with local author- carpets or flags,” the CGT said. “Unbelievable! We are going to
they were announced publicly. By ment and local government “deserve ities to channel financial support The Élysée Palace, the French have Emmanuel Macron, the Repub-
then they were already dealing with credit for working quickly to set up during the pandemic offers impor- president’s residence, has said non- lican monarch, welcoming King
queries from local businesses. and distribute grants to businesses”, tant lessons should similar crises striking workers would set up the Charles III in Versailles … while the
One result of the rapid timetable but warned that the full impact of occur. The new [DBT] can now use necessary accoutrements for the trip. people in the street are demonstrat-
was the wave of fraud and error. Later the fraud and error still remained these lessons to improve contingency The king is scheduled to make the ing,” Sandrine Rousseau, a Green MP,
versions of the grants used prepay- unclear. planning and to build government trip, from Sunday to Wednesday, as told the French channel BFM TV.
ment checks and had more accurate “The government does not yet resilience for responding to future the UK and France seek to rebuild ties Rousseau said King Charles should
local information about businesses. know the impact of these grants – in national emergencies.” that were frayed by Brexit. However, cancel his visit.
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

National 9

V&A ‘scoured Key witness is

‘a woman
international scorned’, says
man on trial for
collections’ murder of girl, 9
for Chanel
Josh Halliday
North of England correspondent

The man accused of murdering nine-

year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel has told a
court he is in custody “for something
 Mme Jose- I have not done” and branded a key
Jess Cartner-Morley Maria Sert witness “a woman scorned”.
wearing a long Thomas Cashman, 34, insisted
white sequin he had “nothing whatsoever” to do
A pink tweed two-piece worn by dress by Chanel with Olivia’s murder and that it was
the actor Lauren Bacall on holiday in 1936 a “blatant lie” to claim he is the killer.
in Biarritz in 1959 and a minimalist PHOTOGRAPH: ANDRE Cashman is accused of fatally
black silk trouser suit in which the DURST/CONDÉ NAST/ shooting the schoolgirl when he
fashion editor Diana Vreeland enter- allegedly chased a convicted drug
tained at home in New York will be dealer, Joseph Nee, into her family
among the outfits on display in Lon- home and opened fire in Dovecot,
don in the autumn. Liverpool, last August.
The exhibition Gabrielle Chanel: The jury was yesterday shown
Fashion Manifesto opens at the V&A images of Cashman being driven
in September, the first Chanel retro- around the area in the hours before
spective to be staged by a major the shooting, in what the crown says
British museum. The show has been is evidence of him “scoping out”
expanded from versions staged in the attack. The defendant, who has
Paris and Melbourne. Of the 200 out- admitted being a “high-level” canna-
fits on display, 122 are new additions. bis dealer, said he was just “driving
The curator, Oriole Cullen, who round, seeing people, collecting
also masterminded the V&A’s most money”.
recent fashion blockbuster, Chris- Giving evidence for a third day at
tian Dior: Designer of Dreams, said ▼ From left, Manchester crown court, Cashman
the team had “scoured international Chanel outfits said: “I was dealing drugs. I hold my
collections for never seen before from 1935, 1926, hands up. I’m a drug dealer. I’m not
pieces, some over 100 years old”. 1964 and 1932; a bad drug dealer who sells class A
The new additions include vintage 200 outfits will drugs. I don’t do anything bad.”
pieces from the personal wardrobe be on display at Cashman denied he was “getting
of the midcentury supermodel Anne the V&A show in the murder frame of mind” when
Gunning, which were donated to the he went home for only eight minutes
V&A by her family after her death in the newest, a pale pink lamé dress at 8.22pm, before the fatal shooting
1990. Coco Chanel was an admirer of from her final collection in 1971. ” at about 10pm on 22 August last year.
Gunning’s beauty. The exhibition will highlight how The prosecutor, David McLachlan
The seven looks bequeathed by the designer’s love of Britain and KC, played footage of a man running
Gunning include a 1954 burgundy British countryside pursuits played after another to the sound of screams
tweed skirt suit with navy revere a key role in the origin story of the and three gunshots and asked Cash-
collar and cuffs, complete with the Chanel tweed suit. Over the course man: “That’s you, isn’t it?”
bow-trimmed navy sweater supplied of a lengthy affair with the Duke of The defendant replied: “No, it’s
as an accompanying layer, and a 1956 Westminster, the designer also fell in not me … No, I did not kill a little girl.”
black lace strapless evening gown. love with the Scottish tweeds that she McLachlan asked about the evi-
Tristram Hunt, the director of borrowed from his wardrobe. dence of a woman who alleges that
the V&A, praised Chanel for having On returning to her atelier in Paris, Cashman visited her home immedi-
“paved the way for a new feminine she fused British tweed with French ately after the shooting and that she
elegance, drafting a framework for elegance to dream up her classic boxy heard him say he had “done Joey” –
fashion that continues to influence skirt suits, a look Vogue described a reference to Nee.
how women dress today”. in 1964 as “the world’s prettiest Cashman denied going to the
The show will span the seven dec- uniform”. woman’s house on the night of the
ades of Chanel’s career. The oldest shooting, calling her evidence “a
exhibit will be a sailor-collar blouse Early tickets for the exhibition, which total lie, a blatant lie”. He branded his
in oatmeal raw silk jersey from 1916, opens on 16 September, are on sale, accuser, a key prosecution witness
avant garde in its radical simplicity; with more set to be released in June who cannot be named, a “woman
scorned” and said: “This goes to
show the lengths a woman who’s got

Braverman’s migrant remarks politics,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today

programme. Braverman’s remarks
were a “low point”, he said, adding
Braverman angered many Albani-
ans with her comments about their
citizens in parliament last October. “If
something in for someone would go
to. This is how low they go to.”
The trial continues.
disgraceful, says Albanian PM that the political will to overcome the
souring of relations remained.
Labour were in charge they would be
allowing all the Albanian criminals to
“What has been [said] by mem- come to this country, they would be
with Rishi Sunak, said Braverman’s bers of the cabinet, starting with the allowing all the small boats to come to
Alexandra Topping comments last year about “Albanian home secretary, [is] the singling out the UK, they would open our borders
criminals” crossing the Channel in of our community, which is not some- and totally undermine the trust of the
small boats could themselves be con- thing you do in our civilisation, and British people in controlling our sov-
The Albanian prime minister has sidered a crime. is something that does not represent ereignty,” she told MPs.
criticised the home secretary, Suella “Unfortunately, we have seen Britain at all,” he said. “We will always The home secretary has also
Braverman, calling the singling out ourselves and our community being refuse to have this mix between some been accused of using inflamma-
of migrants from his country a “dis- singled out in this country for pur- criminals and the Albanians as such tory language when she said the
graceful” moment for British politics. poses of politics. It has been a very, because giving to the crime an ethnic south coast of England was facing ▲ Olivia Pratt-Korbel was shot dead
Edi Rama, who is in Britain for talks very disgraceful moment for British seal is itself a crime.” an “invasion” of asylum seekers. at her home in Liverpool last year
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

10 National

Boy, 15, ‘thrown to

them, then sat on and handcuffed by
them. When @sussex_police arrived,
guess who they arrested?”
Civilian security staff known as

floor and handcuffed’ rangers are employed by the Chich-

ester business improvement district
(Bid), which works in partnership

by private security
with the city council.
A Chichester district council
spokesperson said on Wednesday
that no district council staff were
involved in the incident.
They said the council had no
the incident. But Buchanan stressed oversight of any vetting procedure
Alexandra Topping her son had not been arrested for an of rangers. Asked if the council
Nadeem Badshah assault on a shopworker and that at was concerned by the incident, the
the time of that alleged incident he spokesperson said it was awaiting the
The mother of a 15-year-old black was incapacitated on the floor. The outcome of the police investigation.
boy detained by civilian security rangers “pulled his arms up and my “Keeping our local area, residents and
staff while shopping for shampoo in son was screaming that it hurt”, she ▲ Civilian ‘rangers’ hold down and though my son had been subjected visitors safe is a key priority for us.”
Chichester has said he was thrown to said. “A friend then came to his aid handcuff the 15-year-old while he to an unprovoked assault,” she said. Sussex police said officers were
the floor and handcuffed after joking and tried to get the rangers off my was shopping in a Chichester store She added Sussex police had a called to the store after reports of an
about being followed. child, who was clearly distressed PHOTOGRAPH: TWITTER/@KIRSTYBUCHANAN4 policy of not detaining minors, but altercation, and found the 15-year-
The former Downing Street aide and in pain.” she had not known his whereabouts old detained in handcuffs, who was
Kirsty Buchanan called for a national Sussex police said a 15-year-old for an hour and a half after learning then arrested on suspicion of assault.
review of the use of private security boy from Worthing and a 16-year- about the incident. She said her A second teenager was arrested
staff, saying her child had been tar- old boy from Chichester had been son was not interviewed by police on suspicion of assault, possession
geted because of his race. arrested by police on suspicion of until 11pm on Wednesday, and was of cannabis, and using threatening,
Buchanan told the Guardian her assault and released on bail. ‘My son was arrested, released on bail at 1.15am yesterday. abusive or insulting words or
son had not been shoplifting in the Buchanan, a former lobby jour- even though he had A 15-second video of the incident, behaviour to cause harassment,
Superdrug store and had been con- nalist and adviser to Theresa May, posted by Buchanan on Twitter, alarm or distress, they said. Both
fronted by “aggressive” security staff, whose father was a former police been subjected to an appeared to show the boy being held teenagers have been released on bail
known as rangers. “They grabbed his superintendent, also called for an unprovoked assault’ down and handcuffed. “with strict conditions” until 24 June.
arm, threw him on the floor, sat on investigation into the handling of Buchanan tweeted: “This is my Chichester Bid said it was
him and tied his hands with plastic the incident by Sussex police. 15-year-old black son who was cooperating with police alongside
handcuffs,” she said. “When Sussex police arrived, it was followed while he shopped for its security provider Blayde Security,
Superdrug alleged that “female my son, and the other boy who came Kirsty Buchanan shampoo by two council workers and was taking the matter “very
staff were also assaulted” during to his aid, who were arrested, even Former No 10 aide called Rangers. He was assaulted by seriously”.
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

National 11

Encore! Meat bacteria

causing half a
How Taylor million UTIs a
Swift has year in the US,
study suggests
set the
Sophie Kevany

stage for Meat bacteria are the likely cause

of more than half a million urinary
tract infections (UTIs) in the US every
year, a study has found, with one of
its authors warning that deaths from

music gigs UTI-driven bloodstream infections

could be on the rise.
Of the 6m-8m UTIs caused by E coli
bacteria in the US every year, the
study found that between 480,000
and 640,000 could be linked to
Dave Simpson strains known as FZECs (food-borne
zoonotic E coli).

Women are far more likely than
et ready to double men to suffer from UTIs. The British
the babysitter’s shift: Society for Antimicrobial Chemo-
pop concerts are therapy (BSAC) estimates that about
getting longer. Taylor Mackenzie, whose recent set lists my ticket and parking and wouldn’t ▲ Taylor Swift at Glendale last week half of all women in Britain will have
Swift sings and plays have been taken from a dozen of change a thing,” she said. “I got on her Eras tour. She is drawing from at least one UTI in their lifetime.
for more than three their albums. “We’ve done a bunch three hours plus of Taylor Swift and 10 albums for the 44-song set list “People are carrying the strain
hours a night during her Eras tour of marathon shows now and our a great set of opening acts.” The PHOTOGRAPH: GETTY/TAS RIGHTS MANAGEMENT of E coli that causes the UTI in their
of the US, but she’s not the only fans seem to dig it.” support act in Glendale was Gayle gut, so the bacteria have travelled
one: the Cure, already fond of long Another aspect is value for and Paramore who, along with shows, Mackenzie said that when from the anus [into the urinary tract
gigs, performed 88 songs over money. With controversy over Beabadoobee, Phoebe Bridgers, Girl he goes to gigs “80-90 minutes is to cause the infection],” said Lance
three nights at Wembley Arena last rocketing ticket prices (about which in Red, Muna, Haim, Gracie Abrams plenty. At 60 minutes I’m already Price, one of the study’s authors and
December, averaging just under the Cure’s Robert Smith has been and Owenn, are being rotated as the thinking about other stuff. But a professor specialising in antibiotic
three hours a show. very vocal) amid the cost of living opening act. I guess our fans have got longer resistance at the George Washington
Other acts putting in long stints crisis, there seems to be a collective Lengthy shows go against attention spans than me.” University’s Milken Institute school
on stage include the K-pop stars recognition of the need for lots of prevailing wisdom that the internet For the artists, long shows of public health in Washington DC.
Ateez (two and a half hours) and the bang – or band – for your buck. has lessened attention span: are creatively and physically “Our question was: how did the
Aussie psych-rockers King Gizzard “I go to a lot of shows, and seeing TikTok, YouTube and other social demanding. No performer wants E coli that caused the UTI get into
& the Lizard Wizard, who will a longer one feels more worth the media are geared to short formats. fans nodding off. “We’re still the gut in the first place?” Whether
play a three-hour marathon at the money,” said Charlotte Giese, 28, a However, the desire for more learning to construct longer the food-borne E coli were found on
Hollywood Bowl in June. Chicago-based compliance analyst, enduring cultural experiences shows,” said Mackenzie. “We’re plant or meat products, their source
Lengthy shows are not new. The who watched Swift’s Eras tour last clearly remains, among devoted averaging two hours every night, was generally livestock, Price added.
Grateful Dead played five-hour sets week in Glendale, Arizona. “I flew fans at least. Giese said she but I’d like to stretch that further if UTIs are often considered no more
in the 70s and Bruce Springsteen’s from Chicago, paid
p id $144
pa $14
44 (£117) for found Swift’s three-hour set our fans will put up with it and our than a painful annoyance, but Price
live sets are legendary – the longest, “enrapturing” but said the more bodies will handle it.” said the bladder could act as a gate-
in Helsinki in 2012, lasted four casual fans were “bored and sitting Perhaps tours such as Swift’s will way to the bloodstream for E coli.
hours, six minutes. on their phones for chunks of time. drive demand for longer sets and In the US, E coli bloodstream infec-
Newer artists have also shifted Which sucks because there are maybe trigger a set list endurance tions kill between 36,000 and 40,000
towards longer shows to showcase thousands who would have loved race as artists vie to play longer people a year. In Britain, the BSAC
increasingly large back catalogues. to have been there as opposed to than each other. Drake has alluded describes UTIs as “the leading source
Swift’s 44-song Eras set list is someone who has gone because to an Eras-type career retrospective of bacterial bloodstream infections”.
taken from 10 albums – 17 years of they like a couple of songs.” with artwork for his summer US Price warned that as E coli became
music. King Gizzard & the Lizard Even for the hardcore fan, such tour, while Beyoncé has enough resistant to more antibiotics, the
Wizard’s 23 LPs since 2010 provide marathons are not for the faint- material to make this summer’s number of people dying from blood-
a songbook that could never be hearted. “They’re definitely a world tour set list longer than her stream infections could rise.
represented in a gig of 120 minutes. mental and physical endurance 32-song outing in 2018. Working in Flagstaff, Arizona,
“Playing long shows felt like The Cure’s Robert Smith test,” said Giese. “I drifted off a Giese hopes so: “My Beyoncé Price and his team spent a year match-
a challenge and a way of digging performs for three hours bit myself at around the two-hour ticket cost about $50 more ing the UTI-causing E coli found in
deeper into the discography,” mark, but I needed a sit break.” than Taylor. So I’m hoping for patients at the town’s hospital to that
said the band’s frontman, Stu Despite his own band’s epic a marathon.” of E coli in turkey, chicken and pork
products sold in the area. The Flag-
staff study showed that 8% of the

Council boss to step down after an individual who is passionate and

ambitious for Plymouth.
“If others feel they can run our glo-
Luke Pollard, the Labour MP for
Plymouth Sutton and Devonport,
said: “Richard Bingley was left with
UTIs were caused by E coli from local
meat samples. That, said Price, trans-
lated into a national figure in the US of
felling of 110 trees in Plymouth rious Ocean City better, then that’s
great with me. Over to you, I say.”
no option but to resign after his dis-
astrous handling of the Armada Way
480,000 to 640,000 UTIs caused by
E coli originating from those meats.
In a statement, the campaign group trees scandal.
authority. He signed an executive Save the Trees of Armada Way, which “Felling over 100 trees without
PA Media decision that resulted in 110 trees applied for the injunction, called on proper public consultation was an
being cut down in Armada Way last the council to abandon its case to lift act of environmental vandalism.
week to make way for a £12m city cen- it after Bingley’s resignation. “The sole responsibility lies with
A council leader who has been tre regeneration scheme. It said: “We are not surprised to Bingley for ordering the chainsaws
embroiled in a row after ordering Campaigners against the project hear of [his] resignation given the in and the Tory council for signing
the felling of more than 100 trees is won a court injunction to stop fur- outrage over the decision he made it off.”
to resign. ther trees being felled and a judicial to cut down our trees last week. We Plymouth city council said the
Richard Bingley, the leader of review is to be heard in the high court. hope, in light of this news, the coun- project, which would involve the
Plymouth city council, plans to step Bingley told the Plymouth Herald: cil will see sense and save taxpayers’ planting of 169 semi-mature trees,
down next week as leader of the “I’ve always said I’m not a full-time money by abandoning their attempts would “transform this tired and ▲ E coli in patients matched that in
Conservative group and head of the politician, I don’t seek to be. I’m just to discharge our injunction.” dated city centre route”. turkey, chicken and pork products
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

12 National
Care homes

Councils in
England spend
£500m on
places in failing
homes given
lowest rating
by inspectors

 Continued from page 1 providers in England, provided by ▲ In Britain, care costs and increasing demand
Oxygen Finance, cross-referenced 380,000 people from an ageing population. The most
pile pressure on the government to with numbers of residents in homes live in care recent settlement from the chancel-
deliver wholesale reform to “fix social rated “inadequate” or “requires homes, more lor, Jeremy Hunt, was an additional
care” as promised when Boris John- improvement” by the CQC. The than a third £7.5bn over two years. When Hunt
son became prime minister. The 2019 investigation found that last year: funded by used to chair the Commons health
Conservative manifesto promised to • Liverpool city council paid £1.5m taxpayers select committee, he said at least
“urgently” seek cross-party consen- for places at an “inadequate” home PHOTOGRAPHS: £7bn a year more was needed “as a
sus to legislate for long-term reform, where stains encrusted furniture, RAWPIXEL LTD/ starting point”.
but Rishi Sunak’s government in walls and floors, fire doors were DEAN MITCHELL; A spokesperson for the Depart-
October postponed an overhaul of defective, and addictive controlled CORBIS ment of Health and Social Care said:
charging until 2025. drugs weren’t signed out prop- “Nobody should receive substandard
Liz Kendall, Labour’s shadow care erly. CQC inspectors found that it care, and we expect local authorities
minister said: “These scandalous fig- was “not safe” with “significant and the CQC to hold failing providers
ures reveal the shocking exposure of staff shortages”. to account.” Councils should spend
taxpayer funds to inadequate care • Derbyshire county council spent the latest funding increase “to ensure
thanks to 13 years of Tory failure to £1m with a home where assaults went council-funded, official data shows. capacity crisis that is causing conges- everybody who needs it is able to
reform social care. Labour will not uninvestigated, doses of medicines Helen Wildbore, director of the RRA, tion on hospital wards. receive the highest quality care in
tolerate poor quality providers that were missed, and there were not said the system was “failing the peo- Government grants do not allow their community”.
put private profit before quality care.” enough trained staff, the CQC found. ple it exists to support, putting their councils to pay providers enough The problem also affects NHS-
In Britain, 380,000 people live • A home where under-trained work- dignity and safety at risk”. to increase wages above an average funded social care. One woman,
in care homes, more than a third ers were seen yanking people out of She added: “It is failing their fam- £9.50 an hour to attract more staff to whose grandfather is in a “requires
funded by taxpayers. That number their seats by their waistbands, one ilies, who face an uphill battle to fill at least 165,000 vacancies, coun- improvement” care home in the
is projected to rise by 30,000 by the resident was “frightened to look at ensure basic needs are met. It is fail- cils say. north-east costing £1,000 a week,
end of the decade, and care homes staff ”, and care was “humiliating” ing the workers, expected to provide Ministers are poised to deliver a said: “I don’t know what the money
face increasingly complex needs as received £1.3m from Portsmouth care without adequate training. We plan to boost the sector’s workforce, is going on because it is not the
dementia affects more people. council. demand a better system – tomorrow but are not expected to promise the residents.”
The Guardian’s estimates are based “Decades of chronic underfunding any one of us could need it.” billions in extra funding experts such She said: “His room was dirty,
on council contracts with care home have meant that thousands of older While councils try to avoid plac- as the economist Sir Andrew Dilnot, smelled of pee, the bedding and
people are forced to ‘make do’ with ing people in care homes rated thinktanks such as the Health Foun- towels were dirty and ragged. One

poor quality care, falling well below inadequate, “because of the lack dation and MPs on the health and member of staff was sacked for
the standards we would expect for of capacity that isn’t always possi- social care select committee say is the way they treated my grandad.
our loved ones,” said McClinton. ble”, McClinton said. Councils are urgently needed. They dragged him out of bed and
Proportion of residents in the Poor people who cannot pay their also reluctant to move people out of The Local Government Associa- wouldn’t listen when he said no. He
poorest quality care homes whose own way suffer most, with 71% of the worst homes in case it results in tion has warned of a £13bn annual was assaulted by another resident
care is funded by councils residents in “inadequate” homes the provider collapsing, worsening a shortfall in funding to meet rising with Alzheimer’s who had been left
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •


 John O’Brien lived in the Silvanna

Court care home, which was rated
‘requires improvement’ by the CQC.
He died in February, aged 79

homes, “continuity of care and

familiarity with an environment”
were important considerations.
The council “will always take
action when alerted to cases of
abuse or harm”, they said.
Forest Edge is not unique. It
is one of hundreds of England’s
worst-rated care homes that is
funded at least in part by hundreds
of millions of pounds coming
from central government grants
and council tax revenues. In
England care homes with the worst
ratings have a significantly greater
proportion of residents being

‘It was so undignified’

funded by the state. Conversely, the
best places are much more likely
to be occupied by people who can
afford to pay their own way. The
Families’ horror at lack of crisis in England’s care homes bites
deepest on the poorest people.
Social services directors report

care and filthy conditions little choice in where to send people

as a workforce and funding crises
combine with an ageing population
to leave them struggling to find
In September 2022 inspectors enough care home beds. The NHS
Robert Booth heard a person with dementia and Steve Barclay, the secretary of
Social affairs correspondent crying out from their room: “I want state of state for health and social

to get out. I want to go home.” But care, meanwhile, increase the
fter watching his staff repeatedly ignored them. pressure to discharge people from
girlfriend suffer in a Family visits were often blocked hospitals into care homes.
dementia home so and residents were seen wringing Julie Jenkins has seen the
poor it faced possible their hands and pacing – signs of consequences of poor care with her
closure, Donald unmet needs or untreated pain. father, John O’Brien, whose stay at
Hedges reached a Linda Hughes said the CQC Silvanna Court in Essex was paid
simple conclusion: “It’s a robbery inspection report “was not a true for by the county council until his
of taxpayers’ money.” reflection of Forest Edge”. She death, aged 79, in February.
In common with about a quarter said the regulator and Hampshire Silvanna Court is operated by
of a million people in England, county council had since visited Runwood Homes, a chain owned
the state paid for Lilian Williams’ “with very positive outcomes on by the multimillionaire property
care. She lived in the privately all issues raised”. Asked about the developer Gordon Sanders, but it
owned Forest Edge care home in owners’ withdrawals of cash, she is rated “requires improvement”,
Southampton. said she had “no reason to dispute and Jenkins’s daughter described
“It was terrible in there,” Hedges your figures”. During Covid the elements of his care as “utterly
said Williams used to tell him. “She home had grown “old and tired”, disgusting” and “Dickensian”.
used to lose her temper with me but upgrades were under way, she On 4 February O’Brien was taken
and say things like: ‘How would said. “We are very proud of our to hospital in an ambulance after
to wander the corridors. It has been you like to be in this dump?’” home and confident that we will falling unconscious and suffering
‘Decades of chronic devastating to watch his life end this Williams, 78, a former nurse, achieve our ‘good’ rating back in breathing difficulties. His daughter
way. I’m heartbroken.” eventually fell and broke her the next few months.” saw his trousers were filthy and
underfunding have Some councils won’t place people hip. She is now in a different Southampton council said when that he was soaked in urine.
meant thousands in “inadequate” homes, but have to home but Forest Edge was bleak. concerns were raised about a care Once admitted to hospital, she
deal with quality collapsing when Last September, Care Quality home “our aim is to support the said, the nurse was shocked at his
making do with people have already been installed. Commission (CQC) inspectors provider to raise the standards of condition and moved to tears. His
poor quality care’ A spokesperson for Derbyshire found a urine-soaked mattress care and management and to work incontinence pad had disintegrated
county council said it managed con- left for days, dirty bathrooms with residents to ensure they are in and it appeared he had not been
cerns about care “robustly” and and broken tables. There weren’t the most appropriate setting”. changed for 48 hours.
made plans for affected care homes enough staff, none had completed Hampshire county council said “It was so undignified,” Jenkins
Sarah McClinton to “urgently” respond. It can suspend their basic care certificate training, its quality improvement team had said. “It’s my dad. It’s wrong.”
President, ADASS new placements until improvements people were left unattended for too been working with Forest Edge “to She understands that Essex
are made, but “often there is nowhere long and there were unwitnessed address the failures”. county council (ECC) has been
locally that is a suitable alternative or falls. Staff tried to confine people to A spokesperson said that when investigating conditions at Silvanna
that has vacancies”. their chairs using tables. it came to moving people out of Court. The council said it did not
Matthew Winnington, the cab- The inspectors rated the 32-bed comment on individual cases.
Councils in England spent nearly inet member for health, wellbeing home “inadequate”, “not safe”, “ECC takes all safeguarding
£2bn on poor quality care homes and social care at Portsmouth city “not effective” and “not well concerns extremely seriously and it
last year council, said: “We do not place in led”. Another visit in late January has an established process in place
Estimated spending by rating, 2022
care homes rated as inadequate, but reported some improvements to deal with such matters,” it said.
• Inadequate • Requires improvement
we do see ratings change. In these in response to warnings, but it According to council spending
£m 100 200 300
cases we always try to work with remained “inadequate”. records compiled by Oxygen
South-east providers, in cooperation with the Yet the home’s owners, John Finance and shared with the
North-west regulator, to support improvements, and Linda Hughes, have been Guardian, Essex county council
East of England alongside an active assessment of risk profiting handsomely. Williams’ spent £31.6m on contracts with
London to individuals.” care was paid for by Southampton Runwood in 2022. Its owner paid
East Midlands Liverpool city council said it did city council, but the Hughes’s himself at least £21m in five years.
place people in “inadequate” homes company also received £1.2m from O’Brien’s experience was “raised
where there had been “improvement Hampshire county council to look as a safeguarding matter with
West Midlands
since inspection and serious issues after people in the last two years. Essex county council at the time,
Yorks & Humber
are being addressed by the provider”. Over a similar period the pair in line with the local policy,” a
North-east “Some parts of its market are withdrew £652,435 in dividends, spokesperson for Runwood said,
presently not supplying the quality loans and salary, according to adding”: “The safeguarding case
Source: Guardian analysis of Oxygen Finance,
council spending returns, CQC care directory of services we would like to see,” a company accounts. These do not ▲ Lilian Williams, who lived in the remains open and no outcome has
and CQC inspection reports spokesperson said. appear to be rewards for good care. ‘inadequate’ Forest Edge care home been issued.”
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

National 15

Nigerian politician guilty of plot to

in circumstances of poverty and from
whom he distanced himself and
made no inquiries, and with whom,
for his own political protection, he

traffic man to Britain for his kidney

wanted no direct contact”.
Davies added: “What he agreed to
do was not simply expedient in the
clinical interests of his daughter,
Sonia, it was exploitation … It is no
defence to say he acted out of love
assets – spare parts for reward”. He  Dr Obinna for his daughter. Her clinical needs
Matthew Weaver said they entered an “emotionally Obeta. cannot come at the expense of the
cold commercial transaction” with WhatsApp exploitation of somebody in poverty.”
the man. messages Ekweremadu, who denied the
A senior Nigerian politician, his wife The behaviour of Ekweremadu, shown to the ▼ Ike and charge, told the court he was the
and a doctor have been convicted of a successful lawyer and founder of court revealed Beatrice victim of a scam. Obeta, who also
organ trafficking, in the first verdict an anti-poverty charity who helped he charged Ekweremadu. denied the charge, claimed the man
of its kind under the Modern Slav- draw up Nigeria’s laws against organ Ekweremadu an The politician was not offered a reward for his kid-
ery Act. trafficking, showed “entitlement, dis- ‘agent fee’ and was the founder ney and was acting altruistically.
After a six-week trial at the Old honesty and hypocrisy”, Davies told ‘donor fee’ of of an anti- Beatrice denied any knowledge of
Bailey, Ike Ekweremadu, 60, a for- the jury. about £8,000 poverty charity the alleged conspiracy. Sonia did not
mer deputy president of the Nigerian He said Ekweremadu, who owns and helped draw give evidence.
senate, his wife Beatrice, 56, and Dr several properties and had a staff of up Nigeria’s WhatsApp messages showed to the
Obinna Obeta, 51, were found guilty 80, “agreed to reward someone for a laws against court revealed Obeta charged Ekw-
of facilitating the travel of a young kidney for his daughter – somebody organ trafficking eremadu 4.5m naira (about £8,000)
man to Britain with a view to his made up of an “agent fee” and a
exploitation. They criminally con- “donor fee”.
spired to bring the 21-year-old Lagos Ekweremadu and Obeta admitted
street trader to London to exploit him falsely claiming the man was Sonia’s
for his kidney, the jury found. cousin in his visa application and in
The man, who cannot be named documents presented to the hospital.
for legal reasons, had been offered Davies said Ekweremadu ignored
an illegal reward to become a donor medical advice to find a donor for
for the senator’s daughter after kid- his daughter among genuine fam-
ney disease forced her to drop out of ily members. He said: “At no point
a master’s degree in film at Newcas- in time was there ever any intention
tle University, the court heard. Sonia for a family member close, medium
Ekweremadu was found not guilty. or distant to do what could be paid
She cried in court as her parents were for from a pool of donors.”
sent down from the dock. The judge, Mr Justice Jeremy John-
In February 2022 the man was son, will pass sentence on 5 May.
falsely presented to a private renal The chief crown prosecutor,
unit at the Royal Free hospital in Joanne Jakymec, said: “This was a
London as Sonia’s cousin in a failed horrific plot to exploit a vulnerable
attempt to persuade medical staff victim by trafficking him to the UK
to carry out an £80,000 transplant. for the purpose of transplanting his
For a fee, a medical secretary at the kidney.
hospital acted as an Igbo translator “The convicted defendants
between the man and the doctors to showed utter disregard for the vic-
help try to convince them he was an tim’s welfare, health and wellbeing
altruistic donor, the court heard. and used their considerable influence
The prosecutor, Hugh Davies KC, to a high degree of control through-
told the court the Ekweremadus out, with the victim having limited
and Obeta had treated the man and understanding of what was really
other potential donors as “disposable going on here.”

Organ trade The court heard that doctors at

a private renal unit at the Royal
Free hospital in London and the
failure. For a fee, Obeta agreed
to find Sonia a kidney donor and
found another Lagos street trader
chargers from a wheelbarrow.
Incriminating WhatsApp messages
to Ike Ekweremadu revealed that
was related to Sonia, but he and a
colleague did not raise the alarm.
Dupont told the court: “We’re

Trial exposes regulators, the Human Tissue

Authority (HTA), were fooled by Dr
Obinna Obeta into approving his
as a suitable candidate.
At the time the 21-year-old was
making £6 a day selling phone
Obeta’s bill included a “donor fee”
of 3.5m naira or £6,200.
Ekweremadu agreed to pay
clinicians; we’re not the FBI or
the CIA. We have no means to
investigate people.”

alarming kidney transplant in July 2021.

Obeta paid a 27-year-old street
trader from Lagos for his kidney – a
and arrange the donor’s passport,
visa and travel to London. The
Ekweremadus pretended the man
It was not until the man fled
to the police in May 2022 that the
plot was discovered.

level of practice that is almost universally

outlawed. The operation was
approved on the flimsy basis of a
was Sonia’s cousin and an altruistic
donor. The address on his visa,
which Ekweremadu sponsored,
As the prosecutor, Hugh
Davies, said: “If there’s a lesson to
be learned – those clinicians need

exploitation forged Nigerian court document

falsely identifying the man as
Obeta’s cousin and therefore an
was listed as the politician’s home
address. The man was controlled
at all stages by Obeta and the
to set the index of suspicion for
safeguarding somewhat lower.” In
what Davies said was a “sinister
altruistic and legal donor. To help Ekweremadus. development”, the man only
conceal the lie, Obeta also paid a In February 2022 he was fled to the police over fears he
Matthew Weaver medical secretary at the hospital, presented to the Royal Free’s was being lined up for another
Evelyn Agbasonu, who acted as an ▲ Sonia Ekweremadu poses for a private rental unit as Sonia’s donation, after being measured

Igbo translator between the donor photo with her prospective donor cousin and a willing donor for up by Dr Chris Agbo, an NHS
he UK’s first organ and the clinicians. the £80,000 private operation. consultant kidney specialist who
trafficking trial has The operation was a success, Agbasonu again acted as an Igbo ran a health tourism business.
exposed alarming but it left Obeta £27,000 in debt. ‘We’re clinicians not interpreter between the donor and In a statement the Royal Free
vulnerabilities to Unable to work in the UK on the clinicians. She asked for £1,500 said: “National guidance for
an illegal trade that his medical visa, Obeta turned
the FBI or CIA. We to “coach” the donor and offer the clinical assessment of living
makes up 10% of to a powerful family headed have no means to “relevant interpretation”. donor transplantation, which
transplants worldwide. by Ike Ekweremadu, a former The transplant was declined applies to both our NHS and
The case has highlighted president of the Nigerian senate
investigate people’ by Dr Peter Dupont because the private patients, was followed in
how poverty can tempt some and an ally of the former leader potential donor did not appear this case and a decision taken not
into selling their body parts to Goodluck Jonathan. Obeta knew to understand the medical to go ahead with the procedure.”
those willing to exploit a global that the senator’s daughter, Sonia Dr Peter Dupont implications of the operation. The The hospital did not comment
shortage of organs for donation. Ekweremadu, suffered kidney Nephrologist doctor also had his doubts that he on Obeta’s transplant.
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

16 National

oral contraceptives is associated The findings suggest that there is contributed to their level of risk,”
with a small increase in breast a relative increase of about 20% to says Dr Kotryna Temcinaite, head
cancer risk. But until now there 30% in breast cancer risk associated of research communications at
has been limited data about with current or recent use of either Breast Cancer Now. “So further
research the effect of progestogen-only
contraceptives, the use of which
combined oral or progestogen-only
work is needed to help us fully
understand the impact of using
has increased substantially over this type of contraception.”

Does the pill the past decade.

In 2020, there were almost as
many prescriptions in England
What does that mean in
practical terms?
In numerical terms, for every
How concerned should people be?
“I don’t really see that there’s

increase the for oral progestogen-only

contraceptives as for combined
oral contraceptives. Given the
100,000 women aged 16 to 20
who use progestogen-only or oral
combined contraception there
any indication here to say that
women need to necessarily change
what they’re doing,” says Gillian
increasing use of progestogen-only are an extra eight cases of breast Reeves, professor of statistical
risk of breast contraceptives, it is important
to understand how their use is
cancer. For those aged 35 to 39,
there will be about 265 extra cases
epidemiology and director of
the cancer epidemiology unit at
associated with breast cancer risk. in 100,000. Oxford.

cancer? What did the researchers find?

They studied 9,498 women aged
“These findings suggest that
current or recent use of all types of
progestogen-only contraceptives
“Yes, there is an increase here,
and yes, nobody wants to hear
that something that they’re taking
under 50 diagnosed with breast ▲ Breast cancer rates for women on is associated with a slight increase is going to increase their risk for
cancer between 1996 and 2017 to hormonal contraceptives in their in breast cancer risk, similar to that breast cancer by 25%.”
Andrew Gregory assess the relationship between a 20s-30s are very low, said the study associated with use of combined But she stressed that when
Health editor woman’s recent use of hormonal oral contraceptives,” says Kirstin women are normally taking
contraceptives and their risk of Pirie, who led the study. hormonal contraceptives, in their

The use of any type of hormonal breast cancer. They also looked at 20s and 30s, the rates of breast
contraceptive may increase the risk 18,171 healthy women, who acted Were there any limitations cancer are very, very low.
of breast cancer, research from the as study controls. to the study? “Breast cancer is rare in young
University of Oxford has suggested. Current or recent use of Relative increase of breast cancer Yes. The lack of complete women,” adds Temcinaite.
Although experts have stressed hormonal contraceptives was risk associated with combined oral information on a woman’s “A slight increase in risk during
this should not discourage people associated with a similarly or progestogen-only contraceptives prescription history meant the time a woman uses hormonal
from taking the pill, the findings increased risk of breast cancer this study was unable to assess contraceptive means only a small

have prompted questions. So how regardless of whether the the long-term associations of number of extra cases of the
concerned should people be? preparation last used was oral contraceptive use on breast cancer disease are diagnosed.”
combined, oral progestogen- risk, although this should not have And for both types of
Why was this study done? only, injectable progestogen, Extra breast cancer cases per unduly affected the findings. contraceptives, if you stop using
It has been well known for progestogen implant, or 100,000 women aged 35-39 using “It also didn’t factor in whether them, the added risk of breast
decades that use of combined progestogen intrauterine device. combined oral or progestogen-only a family history of the disease cancer reduces over time, she said.
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

National 17

Vorderman criticises ‘disgraceful’ MPs highlight

Before the session Caulfield had
posted tweets, which were later
deleted, saying she had sent alter-
native dates a week earlier. This was lack of diversity
behaviour of equalities ministers contested by committee members.
During the evidence session, Vor-
derman, a patron of the campaign
in Stem subjects
group Menopause Mandate, also crit-
icised the equalities minister, Kemi
Alexandra Topping Badenoch, who, in a bad-tempered Sally Weale
exchange during a committee hearing Education correspondent
in March, said the committee mem-
Carol Vorderman has hit out at the ber Carolyn Harris was “speaking Children and young people from
“disgraceful” behaviour of govern- from a leftwing perspective” by call- black Caribbean backgrounds are


ment equalities ministers, whom ing for a pilot on menopause leave. “acutely” underrepresented in the
she accused of ignoring the needs of Vorderman said Badenoch had study of maths, science and technol-
menopausal women. been “patronising” and “insulting” ogy in England at all education levels,
The TV personality said she had during a discussion about whether according to a report by MPs.
been blocked by the minister for the menopause should be a protected Fewer black Caribbean students
women, Maria Caulfield, on Twitter characteristic, in which the minister study triple science than students of
after saying that Caulfield “couldn’t had compared the request to others any other background, the report by
be bothered to turn up” for questions made by carers, single people or those the Commons science and technol-
by a select committee examining the who had ginger hair or were short. ogy committee says.
menopause. Vorderman had accused She said: “These are the two It highlights the lack of diversity
Caulfield of “lying” about providing women in government who are in the teaching workforce, pointing
alternative dates to the women and meant to be representing the female out that an additional 15,655 black
equalities committee a week earlier. population. I was disgusted to be teachers would be needed in order
The committee said the minister perfectly honest, by both of them, to bring teacher diversity in line with
was invited to attend a session on ▲ Carol Vorderman, pictured, clashed with Maria Caulfield on Twitter absolutely disgusted.” that of pupils.
the menopause on Wednesday, and The journalist Mariella Frostrup The report also looks at female
sent her a letter expressing their dis- “I am not a punch bag and if you Commons, saying she had not been also gave evidence alongside Karen underrepresentation in Stem subjects
appointment they could not get an post misleading information about able to attend the session because she Arthur, the founder of Menopause (science, technology, engineering
answer. They said the only received me you will be blocked,” she wrote. had a previous engagement, meeting Whilst Black, and the documen- and maths). Young women still make
a response from the minister on the “Either you want a meaningful dis- women who have a painful condi- tary maker Kate Muir. She described up only 13% of computing A-level
dates she was available after the let- cussion on Twitter or you just want tion, and had offered the committee the acute shortage of hormone students in England and 23% of phys-
ter was posted on Twitter. to abuse me. You can’t do both.” other dates to attend. She said it was replacement therapy products as an ics students.
Caulfield in turn tweeted that she The leader of the house, Penny “shocking” that people had been indication “of a dismal kind of pic- The Department for Education was
had been “abused” by the presenter. Mordaunt, defended Caulfield in the encouraged to “troll” the minister. ture altogether around menopause”. approached for comment.
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

18 National

Ofsted chief ‘deeply sorry’ Man charged

Sweeney, the NEU’s deputy general who suffered severe burns to his face
secretary, said: “It is clearly absurd and arms near an Islamic centre in
that the whole of school life is con- Ealing, west London.
with attempted
over death of headteacher densed into a single-word judgment.”
Perry’s family has called for an
urgent review of Ofsted, calling its murders after
Officers continue to appeal for
CCTV, doorbell footage or other
video that could help the investiga-
after watchdog’s inspection inspection regime “fatally flawed”.
One headteacher initially threatened two set alight
tion. West Midlands police confirmed
counter-terrorism officers were
to bar inspectors from entering her involved in the investigation but said
school last week, while others have they could not speculate on a motive
stripped logos and inspection grades for the attacks.
Richard Adams from their school publications. Jessica Murray Shahbon Hussain, a friend of the
Education editor Spielman said: “The sad news Midlands correspondent Rayaz family, said family mem-
about Ruth has led to an understand- bers came running out of the house
Amanda Spielman, the chief inspec- able outpouring of grief and anger A man was charged with two counts when they heard him screaming and
tor of schools in England, said she was from many people in education. of attempted murder yesterday after a neighbour threw water over him.
“deeply sorry” over the death of the There have been suggestions about two men were set alight in Birming- “The family are traumatised by what
headteacher Ruth Perry, and backed refusing to cooperate with inspec- ham and London, West Midlands happened,” he said.
“legitimate” debate over how Ofsted tions, and union calls to halt them police said. The incident in Ealing occurred at
inspects schools in the future. entirely. I don’t believe that stopping Mohammed Abbkr, 28, from Edg- about 8pm on 27 February. Police said
But Spielman rejected calls by local ▲ Caversham primary headteacher or preventing inspections would be baston, in Birmingham, is alleged to the suspect engaged Odowa in con-
authorities and school leaders to sus- Ruth Perry, who died in January in children’s best interests. Our aim have followed the two victims as they versation as they left West London
pend inspections, defending them as is to raise standards, so that all chil- walked home from mosques, sprayed Islamic Centre before allegedly dous-
necessary to help schools improve. Perry’s sister, Julia Waters, said her dren get a great education.” a substance over them and set them ing him in a liquid and setting him
She said: “Ruth Perry’s death was a family was in no doubt she had taken Paul Whiteman, the general sec- on fire in two separate incidents. alight using a lighter. Police said the
tragedy. Our thoughts remain with her own life in January as a “direct retary of the National Association He appeared at Birmingham mag- suspect then walked away.
Ruth’s family, friends and the school result” of the pressure of the inspec- of Head Teachers, said the refusal istrates court yesterday morning,
community at Caversham primary. tion, which demoted the school from to temporarily suspend inspections where he was remanded in custody
I am deeply sorry for their loss. Ahead outstanding to inadequate. was “a terrible mistake”, describ- until the next hearing on 20 April.
of the coroner’s inquest, it would not Other heads plan to stage protests ing Ofsted’s response as “tin-eared” Mohammed Rayaz, 70, was set on
be right to say too much. But I will say during inspections, including allow- and lacking in concern for the well- fire as he walked home from Dudley
that the news of Ruth’s death was met ing teachers to wear black armbands being of school leaders. “Ofsted has Road mosque in Birmingham at about
with great sadness at Ofsted.” and display photographs of Perry. completely underestimated the 7pm on Monday. He remains in hos-
Inspectors visited Perry’s primary Yesterday the National Educa- strength of feeling amongst educa- pital with severe burns to his hands
school in Berkshire last year, and told tion Union delivered a petition with tional professionals. The warm words and face. Abbkr was arrested near the
her it would be downgraded to Ofst- 52,000 signatures to the Department and sympathy they have expressed mosque on Tuesday and later arrested
ed’s lowest ranking because of gaps for Education, calling for an over- are welcome, but they are simply on suspicion of the same offence in ▲ Mohammed Rayaz, 70, remains in
in the safeguarding administration. haul of school inspection. Niamh not enough.” relation to 82-year-old Hashi Odowa hospital with severe burns to his face
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

National 19
▼ An RAF Typhoon leaves Cyprus on
a sortie in 2015 as part of Operation
Shader against Islamic State

RAF strikes King to hand out

on Raqqa by date. “Regrettably, 12
civilians were unintentionally killed
and six were unintentionally injured

killed 29 as a result of the blast,” it stated. Maundy money

The RAF claims to have only
caused a single civilian fatality in the in York service
civilians in fight against IS – during the bombing
of a “group of terrorists” in a vehicle

Iraq and Syria in March 2018 in Syria’s Euphrates

Valley. However, concerns about that
assertion have lingered for several
PA Media

in two years, years after US admissions and other

leaks. The US says 1,437 civilians The king is to deliver Maundy money

analysis have been “unintentionally killed”

in 35,000 airstrikes.
MPs voted for RAF participation
for the first time as a monarch when
he carries out the ancient ritual in
York next month.
suggests in strikes against targets in Iraq in
2014 and Syria in 2015, with jets and
Charles and Camilla, the Queen
Consort, will attend the royal Maundy
drones having flown more than 5,500 service at York Minister on 6 April. He
combat missions and fired more than will present 74 men and 74 women
on-the-ground reports. The report’s on 13 August 2017, purportedly 4,300 missiles. with specially minted silver coins to
Dan Sabbagh authors, the London-based charity against enemy fighters operating Dr Iain Overton, executive director the value of 74p – signifying Charles’s
Defence and security editor Action on Armed Violence (AOAV), mortars. Syrian media reported up of AOAV, said delayed or incomplete age – to thank the pensioners for their
says the analysis showed the RAF had to 12 civilians killed – a figure subse- reporting made it hard for independ- service in local communities.
Twenty-nine civilians are feared to “major questions to answer” about quently accepted by the US Central ent groups to assess the impact of Last year, Charles, as the Prince of
have been killed in nine RAF air- the conduct of the war against Islamic Command, which has overall respon- RAF strikes. But, he said, the research Wales, stepped in to carry out the cus-
strikes in Iraq and Syria between 2016 State (IS). The MoD insisted there was sibility for the campaign against IS. showed “there are some major ques- tom for the first time, acting on the
and 2018, 10 more than previous esti- “no evidence” of civilian casualties. US Central Command released a tions that the RAF should answer in late Queen’s behalf after she experi-
mates, and far higher than the single Earlier this week, a Guardian inves- statement, acknowledging dozens relation to civilian harm from its air- enced mobility problems.
non-combatant fatality accepted by tigation identified six RAF airstrikes of civilian casualties, mostly from US strike missions, questions that all too The Royal Maundy is an ancient
the UK, according to analysis. in Mosul, Iraq, that killed civilians strikes, but also referenced the attack often are ignored and rejected”. ceremony that originated in the com-
In the worst incident, 12 civilians during the same period as that cov- An MoD spokesperson said: “The mandment Christ gave after washing

were accepted as likely to have been ered by the analysis. The latest data UK always minimises the risk of civil- the feet of his disciples at the Last
killed in Raqqa, Syria, in 2017 by a US also examined British bombing in ian casualties through our rigorous Supper, before Good Friday.
strike, while research points to an Syria as part of Operation Shader, the processes and carefully examines a Recipients are selected from
RAF drone strike killing at least four UK contribution to the war against The UK has officially only accepted range of evidence to do this, includ- Church of England dioceses across
members of the same family in Abu IS that began nearly nine years ago. the RAF killed one civilian in Iraq ing comprehensive analysis of the the country, and Anglican and ecu-
Kamal, Syria, in 2016, according to RAF Typhoons launched an attack and Syria between 2016 and 2018 mission data for every strike.” menical partners around the UK.
The Silicon Valley Bank UK Limited Mandatory Reduction and Share Transfer Instrument 2023
Made --13 March 2023
Coming into force -- 7.00 a.m. 13 March 2023

PART 1 Registration of Shares, issue of certificates and amendment of Capital Instrument

GENERAL Registers
Share transfer and mandatory reduction PART 3
 [V/:)* Memorandum and Articles of Association
 )`[OPZ0UZ[Y\TLU[! 6. This Instrument takes effect notwithstHUKPUNHU`WYV]PZPVUPU:PSPJVU=HSSL`)HUR»Z
Overriding nature of the Share transfer and mandatory reduction  ZL[[SLKZOHSS[YHUZMLY[V/:)*MYVT[OL4HUKH[VY`9LK\J[PVU;PTL
Extinguishment of rights in relation to Shares  ;OL;YHUZMLYVYT\Z[WYV]PKL/:)*HUK[OL)HURVM,UNSHUK^P[OZ\JOPUMVYTH[PVUHUK
 ZLJ\YP[PLZVYHU`V[OLYZLJ\YP[PLZVM:PSPJVU=HSSL`)HUR The Governor and Company of the Bank of England
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

National 21
▼ Siyabonga Twala, who has been
stranded in Turkey since the Home
Office barred his return to the UK

‘Twala’s exclusion
is unlawful – that’s
only for serious
criminality, not for
a [short] sentence for
cannabis possession’

Nick Hughes
Lawyer for Twala

long after. He qualified as a heavy

goods vehicle driver on leaving
jail and found a steady job. He had
weekends with Mason. When the
family court formalised his role
over this care for Mason, in 2021,
a fresh application to overturn
his deportation was made that
was outstanding when he left
on holiday in December. He says
he had assumed this had been
resolved by a family court order
giving permission for the trip.
Last month the immigration
minister, Robert Jenrick, told
Twala’s MP he was blocked from
returning as he was “considered to
have departed the UK voluntarily”.
Jenrick said the Home Office was
considering his case.
Twala’s family says Mason is
distressed by his father’s absence.
Twala says: “My mum has noticed
a big change in his behaviour.
He’s crying at night and … he’s
been falling asleep in the daytime.
He’s always asking me about my
situation. I’m trying to shield him

‘I’m being punished again’

an appointment at the embassy … until I hear from the Home Office.
Mason had already returned to the I’ve said, something’s going on so
UK with Twala’s parents. At the Daddy might not be coming back
embassy the guards would not let for a little while, but I’m going to
him in. Without a British passport, fight as far as I can to be with you.”

Man fights to be with son after they said, his appointment had
been invalidated. “I just had this
sinking feeling … It felt like my life
The Labour MP Diane Abbott,
who has campaigned on behalf
of Windrush victims, said his
had ended,” he says. situation demonstrated the

‘unlawful’ exclusion from UK His lawyer, Nick Hughes, says his

exclusion from the UK is unlawful.
“Exclusion is only for serious
devastating impact of government
policies. “This case is an example
of the hostile environment at its
criminality. It’s for behaviour that worst. No consideration given to
encourages or incites terrorism, the relatively minor nature of the
possession with intent to supply. the policy raises ethical questions for example. It doesn’t apply to offence, that Twala has spent most
Emily Dugan He had no previous criminal record about the effect on British children an individual who served four of his life in Britain, that he has a
Ankara and served four months of a nine- whose parents have committed and a half months of a nine- British child. And who thinks that

month sentence – lower than the minor offences. month sentence for possession of he would have been treated like
t is raining heavily as 12-month threshold that triggers This week Twala’s lawyer is cannabis. It’s such a minor offence this if he was white?”
Siyabonga Twala trudges automatic deportation. submitting fresh evidence to the with a low risk of harm to the public Twala says the night he was
down the steep pavement His case reveals the impact of Home Office, hoping officials show to apply such a serious policy to.” caught with cannabis in his car he
that leads from the British the “hostile environment” and the clemency. His Turkish visitor’s Turkey feels foreign to Twala, turned down the chance of a lawyer
embassy in Ankara. In a soft way it can interact with a justice visa also runs out this week. “It’s but so does South Africa now. at Chester police station as he
Cheshire accent, he says: system that is much more likely to felt overwhelming, as if I’m being Stopping in a cafe next to Ankara’s wanted to confess. The sentencing
“I don’t mind when it rains, it feels send black men to prison for drug punished again and again and main square to warm up with a cup guidelines for possession of a class
like home, like.” For almost three offences. Last year Rishi Sunak again,” Twala says. of Turkish black tea, he describes B drug with intent to supply begin
months walking around Turkey’s pledged to double deportations of When Twala called a Home how he still has nightmares about with a fine or community order.
capital has been the only way to people convicted of crimes who did Office helpline from Istanbul he his early childhood in a rough This was a first offence for Twala
keep his mind and body busy while not have citizenship. Many of the was told they might be able to township north of Durban. When but he was jailed.
wondering if he will ever go home people treated as foreigners have help as he was travelling with his Twala’s father left Durban 20 years The chances of a black offender
to his British son and family. lived in Britain since childhood and British son. But by the time he got ago to join the NHS as a nurse he in the UK receiving an immediate
Twala’s purgatory began in “was working purely to get us out custodial sentence for a drug
Istanbul on 30 December when he  Twala in a of there”, Twala recalls. Two years offence are 40% higher than for a
was barred from boarding a flight Turkish market. later the rest of the family joined white offender, according to the
to Manchester. He was on his way He left South him in Chester. Sentencing Council.
back from a holiday to South Africa Africa to live The Twalas no longer have close Like many people with residency
with his son, Mason, eight, and in Britain at family in South Africa and when in Britain, Twala never applied for
his parents and siblings. The trip the age of 15 they visited in December it was citizenship due to the prohibitive
was the first time Twala, 34, had and was given as tourists. The thought of trying cost. In 2015, when he first became
returned to South Africa since his indefinite leave to build a life there as an outsider eligible, he had a young son to
family left Durban for Chester when to remain in terrifies Twala. “People can tell by support, and fees exceeded £1,000.
he was 15. the UK in 2010 your accent [you’re not local] and A Home Office spokesperson
He had been given indefinite You just become a bit of a target.” said: “Foreign national offenders
leave to remain in the UK in 2010. Twala was given a deportation who exploit our system and
But the Home Office barred him order when he was released from commit crimes here in the UK
from re-entering Britain because of prison. His relationship with will face the full force of the law,
a conviction in 2018 for cannabis Mason’s mother broke down not including deportation.”
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

▼ Surakarta, Indonesia 23
Tarawih prayers on the first evening
of Ramadan at the city’s newly built
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
••• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023


Millions protest over

 A street march in Lyon yesterday,
just one of many demonstrations
in cities and towns across France

Macron’s pension age Wednesday in which he said the pro-

tests were “legitimate” but would not
lead to a U-turn on the law, which not
only raises the official retirement age

rise, say French unions

but requires workers to make con-
tributions to the pension system for
longer. Female protesters said the
new legislation was a double punish-
ment for those who had taken time
out of their careers to raise children
The atmosphere was soured by were large protests in Marseille, Lyon, and who were more likely to have
Kim Willsher a group of young people called cas- Besançon, Rennes and Arles, as well low-paid and menial jobs.
Paris seurs (smashers), dressed in black and as other French towns and cities. “Everyone is angry. Everyone
wearing masks, who had positioned Even before the president’s cen- thinks this law is unfair, but it par-
Emmanuel Macron felt the full force themselves at the head of the march trist government pushed the pension ticularly penalises women who are
of French anger yesterday as demon- and destroyed bus shelters, adver- changes through parliament last expected to produce future gener-
strators gathered to protest against tising hoardings, shop windows, the Thursday, using a constitutional ations of the nation, and then find
the pension age being raised from front of a McDonald’s, and newspa- measure that avoided a vote, record they are punished for doing so,” said
62 to 64. Unions claimed 3.5 million per kiosks, leaving a trail of glass and numbers had taken to the streets. Marie, 46, a social worker.
people turned out across the coun- piles of burning bins in their wake. On Monday, Macron’s administra- Juliette, 51, a teacher, said: “They
try, while the authorities suggested They also pulled up grilles around tion narrowly survived a vote of no want to raise it to 64 today. Will it be
the figure was just under 1.1 million. trees and broke up paving stones, confidence – by nine votes – but the 66, 67, 68 tomorrow? Are we to work
In Paris, union leaders claimed a which they then threw at police. way the law was passed inflamed the until we collapse and are carted off
record 800,000 people took part in a The worst clashes took place in public mood. to the crematorium?”
mostly peaceful march through the Place de l’Opéra and later at Place de Police were braced for a massive Many protesters accused the pres-
city – the police gave the figure as la Bastille where police attempted to turnout yesterday. Along the route ident of showing “contempt and
119,000 – to demand the government disperse them with teargas. in Paris, banks and businesses were arrogance” for those opposed to the
drop the fiercely contested change. Elsewhere, a woman reportedly boarded up early in the morning and changes, which were a keystone of
However, the national day of had part of her hand blown off by a vanloads of police and gendarmes his re-election campaign last year.
action was marred by outbreaks of teargas grenade in the city of Rouen, were stationed along roads. Yesterday evening, the interior
violence and vandalism. In the south- where between 14,800 and 23,000 Many of the protesters said they minister, Gérald Darmanin, said the
western city of Bordeaux, the front protesters gathered, according to fig- had been galvanised by Macron’s majority of the 103 people arrested
door of the city hall was set on fire ures from police and unions. There appearance on television on in Paris were “mostly young” and
while in Paris police and groups of were known members of “ultra left”
protesters clashed late into the night. groups. The authorities said more
In the capital, the official dem- than 120 police and gendarmes had
onstration, made up of a large been injured. There were no figures
cross-section of French society for the number of protesters hurt.
– young, old, professional, unem- In his 30-minute televised inter-
ployed – set off from Place de la view on Wednesday, Macron ruled
Bastille in the early afternoon and  The front door out the dissolution of parliament, a
made its way to Place de l’Opéra along of Bordeaux’s reshuffle of his centrist government
the Grands Boulevards. town hall was and the resignation of his prime
French union members were set alight as a minister, Élisabeth Borne, as the
flanked by their own stewards to protest turned opposition has demanded.
ensure their security. The crowd was violent last night He said his only regret was “that
angry with the government and pres- PHOTOGRAPH: UGO I have not succeeded in convinc-
ident, but the mood was also festive AMEZ/SIPA/REX/ ing people of the necessity of this
and motivated by a show of solidarity. reform”.

Prosecutor accuses Republicans Spanish PM

indictment is also thought likely in is the first Black Manhattan DA and
Georgia, over his election subversion only the fourth man to fill the post
efforts in the state. on a permanent basis since the sec-
of meddling in Trump inquiry Additionally Trump faces federal
investigations of his election subver-
ond world war.
The payment to Daniels was to discuss
sion and his retention of classified made by Trump’s lawyer at the time,

Martin Pengelly
published his letter as it became clear
another day would pass without an
records, a New York civil suit over his
business practices, and a defamation
Michael Cohen. It was discovered in
2018. Cohen went to jail, in part over Ukraine with
New York indictment of the former US president suit arising from an allegation of rape the payment, and turned on Trump.

The Manhattan district attorney,

for offences relating to the $130,000
(£105,000) payment made in 2016
by the writer E Jean Carroll.
Trump denies all wrongdoing and
Bragg’s investigation of what
members of his team have termed a
Xi on visit
Alvin Bragg, yesterday accused
Republicans in the US Congress of
interfering in his investigation of
and potentially including falsifica-
tion of business records, tax fraud
and campaign finance violations.
claims to be the victim of political
witch-hunts mounted by Black prose-
cutors whom he says are racist. Bragg
“zombie case” has not run smoothly.
Republicans in Congress accused him
of acting politically while neglecting
to China
Donald Trump over hush money paid The grand jury for the case is not his city’s crime. They also repeatedly
to the adult film star Stormy Daniels. due to meet again until Monday. Last called him “Soros-backed”, a refer-
A letter from House Republicans weekend, amid reports a charge was ence to donations by the progressive
demanding testimony and docu- imminent, Trump said he expected financier George Soros, a target for Sam Jones
ments relating to the investigation to be arrested the next Tuesday. That antisemitic invective on the US right. Madrid
“only came after Donald Trump cre- day he was not arrested but his aides Norm Eisen , a former White
ated a false expectation that he would said he wanted to be seen in hand- House ethics tsar, now a Brookings Spain’s prime minister, Pedro
be arrested … and his lawyers repeat- cuffs and that he had said that if he Institution senior fellow, called the Sánchez, will visit China next week
edly urged you to intervene”, Bragg were shot while being arraigned that Republican letter “a transparent to meet President Xi Jinping, where
wrote in a letter of his own. might help him get re-elected. effort to interfere with the investi- he is expected to stress it will be up to
Such circumstances, he said, did Trump is in extensive legal jeop- gation of Trump in New York”, with Ukraine to decide on the foundations
not represent “a legitimate basis ardy as he runs for the Republican ▲ The district attorney Alvin Bragg, “no legitimate congressional pur- of any peace agreement with Russia.
for congressional inquiry”. Bragg presidential nomination in 2024. An who is investigating Donald Trump pose” and “contrary to law”. News of Sánchez’s visit emerged
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •••

‘Day of disruption’ Whale meat again? 25

First judicial change Japan tries to rebrand
passes into Israel law dish via influencers
Page 28 Page 29

Gandhi to
appeal against
verdict in Modi
Amrit Dhillon

A court in India has found the oppo-

sition leader, Rahul Gandhi, guilty of
defamation for a remark implying the
country’s prime minister, Narendra
Modi, was a criminal.
Yesterday, Gandhi, 52, was sen-
tenced to two years in prison but
was granted bail after his lawyers
announced their intention to appeal.
The case stemmed from a remark
made during the 2019 election cam-
paign in which Gandhi, the leading
face of the Congress party, had asked
why “all thieves have Modi as [their]
common surname”.
Modi’s government has been
widely accused of using the law to tar-
get and silence critics, and the case,
in his home state of Gujarat, is one
of several lodged against Gandhi in
recent years.
Gandhi’s lawyer, BM Mangukiya,
told reporters outside the court his
client had not meant to insult anyone.
“When the magistrate asked Gandhi
what he had to say in his defence, the
Congress leader said he was fighting
to expose corruption in the country.
His comments were not meant to hurt
or insult any community.”
Gandhi was greeted by support-
ers when he arrived at court for the
verdict. He faces at least two other
defamation cases elsewhere.
The Congress party’s leader, Man-
ish Tiwari, who is also a supreme
court lawyer and has argued for the
country’s defamation laws to be
decriminalised because they in effect
restrict free speech, said he was sur-
prised by the verdict. “I have yet to
on Wednesday evening as Xi – who is the UN charter. One of those fun- of the Ukraine crisis and welcomes see the judgment but two years is the
trying to position himself as a medi- damental principles is respecting Zelenskiy’s appeal to EU the constructive proposals set forth maximum sentence possible and I
ator in the war between Russia and territorial integrity – in this case the in China’s position on the political would like to see why the court gave
Ukraine – wrapped up a symbolic, territorial integrity of Ukraine, which settlement of the Ukraine crisis.” it. The remedy now lies with a higher
two-day trip to Moscow. is being violated by President Putin.” Volodymyr Zelenskiy renewed his On 24 February, exactly a year court,” he said.
Speaking to reporters in Brussels Sánchez also noted the importance call for more long-range weapons after Russia launched its invasion Apart from granting bail, the court
yesterday as he attended an EU sum- of Spain being recognised as a possi- from the west, as he addressed EU of Ukraine, Xi published a 12-point also suspended the sentence for one
mit, Sánchez described China as a ble diplomatic interlocutor during leaders meeting in Brussels. position paper purportedly aimed at month to allow Gandhi to appeal.
“top-tier global actor” and thanked what he termed “such a complicated The Ukrainian president was offering a way forward for the crisis But according to Indian law, any MP
Xi for the invitation to celebrate the moment in geopolitical difficulties”. speaking to the EU summit via in Ukraine. stands instantly and automatically
50th anniversary of Spain and China’s Spain takes over the EU’s rotating video link, from a moving train in The paper said the international disqualified on receiving a two-year
diplomatic relations. presidency in July, and Sánchez has Ukraine, where he recounted news community should “create condi- prison sentence. It’s not yet clear how
But he said their meeting would been keen to portray his nation as an from the frontline. On Wednesday, tions and platforms” for negotiations Gandhi and the Congress party will
also “obviously” include discussions important player on the world stage Zelenskiy visited frontline military to resume, and said China would con- handle the sentence.
about the “global crisis” caused by and a staunch Nato ally of Ukraine. positions near the besieged city of tinue to “play a constructive role in
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A Chinese foreign ministry spokes- Bakhmut, where he met Ukrainian this regard”.
“I think it’s important to know person said yesterday: “China and serviceman and held a moment of It did not offer specific steps but
firsthand what his position is on Spain enjoy a sustained, sound and silence for those killed in the war. included strong language oppos-
peace in Ukraine, and to tell him stable development of relations. His account of the “devastating” ing the “threat or use” of nuclear
that it is the Ukrainians themselves The two leaders maintain good scenes was said to be emotional. weapons.
who will lay down the conditions for communication.” According to an EU source, he The plan, however, received a cool
the beginning of this peace, when it In the official joint statement from warned of five factors that could reception from western leaders who
arrives,” he said. the meeting of Vladimir Putin and Xi prolong the war, including delays argued that Beijing did not have the
“Second, the most important – the on 21 March, the leaders said: “The in the delivery of long-range international credibility to act as a
most fundamental – thing is to pre- Russian side welcomes China’s will- missiles, lack of modern aircraft mediator in the conflict.
serve an international rule-based ingness to play a positive role for the and weaknesses in western ▲ The opposition leader Rahul
order, which depends on respecting political and diplomatic settlement sanctions. Jennifer Rankin Additional reporting AP Gandhi was sentenced to two years
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

26 World

Australians urged to back plan

source of advice” to parliament and
The details of the new body, such
as how many members it has and Sleeping
to give Indigenous people a say how they will be chosen, will be
decided after a successful referen-
dum. The working group released a
broad set of principles, including that are taught
its membership would be chosen by the correct
government accepted the strong plan to hold a referendum in the final Indigenous people in a way that suits
Josh Butler advice of its working group of Indig- three months of the year. “You only local communities, it would be repre- posture for
Canberra enous leaders to retain the advisory win when you run on the field and sentative on geographic and gender falling asleep
body’s power to advise the executive engage,” Albanese said. measures, it would be accountable on World
Australians will be asked to recog- government, including the cabi- The amendment is near-identical and transparent, work alongside
nise the first peoples of the nation net and the public service, despite to that suggested by Albanese at the existing organisations, and not run Sleep Day at
in a referendum this year, after the concerns raised by a small number Garma Indigenous festival last year. any programmes or have veto power. a kindergarten
prime minister, Anthony Albanese, of conservative critics who fear it Advice from the working group said Langton, who co-designed a 2019 in the city of
published the final wording of a con- smacks of “co-governance”. the reference to executive govern- report outlining a “voice” to par-
stitutional amendment. In a press conference in Canberra ment should be retained, but one liament under the former coalition
In an emotional press conference, alongside Burney and the attor- small change clarifies that the par- government, denied claims from in China.
featuring personal reflections from ney general, Mark Dreyfus, as well liament has “broad scope” to make critics that the advisory body would
the Indigenous Australians minister, as Indigenous Labor MPs, Albanese laws relating to the Aboriginal and not improve the lives of Indigenous
Linda Burney and other Aboriginal became emotional at several points, Torres Strait Islander Voice. people. “We’re here to draw a line in
and Torres Strait Islander community choking back tears. Several other The working group said the advi- the sand and say, this has to change.
leaders, Albanese wiped away tears members of the group also wiped sory body would be “an unflinching People’s lives have to improve,” she
as he implored voters and the oppo- tears and embraced one another. said. “We know from the evidence
sition to back the referendum. “This “I want to thank sincerely all the that what improves people’s lives is
is a modest request. I say to Australia, members of the working group and when they get a say. And that’s what
don’t miss it,” he said. all who have engaged with them,” this is about.”
The amendment, in a new chapter Albanese said. “For many, this Albanese acknowledged the chal-
in the constitution, would establish moment has been a very long time lenge of referendums succeeding in
a body known as the Aboriginal and in the making.” Australia, with only eight of 44 since
Torres Strait Islander Voice. The advi- The legislation will be introduced federation being successful. “If you
sory body would be able to make to parliament next Thursday and be were just about positioning on poli-
representations to the parliament sent to a parliamentary committee tics as usual, I might not do this. But
and the “executive government”. for inquiry. Albanese said there was the people here can’t wait,” he said,
After two days of negotiations no circumstance in which the gov- ▲ An emotional Anthony Albanese referring to the Indigenous leaders PHOTOGRAPH: REX/
in Canberra, Albanese and the ernment would back down on its addresses the news conference gathered behind him. SHUTTERSTOCK
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •


Man ‘lost zest for A video deposition from a neuro-

psychologist who treated Sanderson
was the first to be shown yesterday.
life’ after Paltrow Dr Alina Fong cast aspersions on the
testimony of medical experts hired
ski crash, says by Paltrow’s legal team and argued
she was better suited to speak
brain expert about Sanderson’s post-concussion
“A lot of the experts are opining,”
Fong said. “I feel like I’m the best
Associated Press judge of what happened to him.”
Fong said that when she saw
Sanderson less than a year after the
The daughter of the man who is suing accident, he had lost his love for life.
Gwyneth Paltrow over a 2016 ski He was often dejected and crying,
crash said seeing her father’s condi- she said. Under her care, Fong added,
tion in the months after the incident Sanderson worked tirelessly to reha-
was like a “slap in the face”. bilitate post-concussion symptoms
Polly Sanderson-Grasham, one of including pain, headaches and mood
76-year-old Terry Sanderson’s two shifts. Sanderson is suing Paltrow for
daughters, testified yesterday during $300,000. In a counterclaim, Paltrow
the third day of the trial in Park City, is seeking $1 and attorney fees.
the Utah ski resort where Sanderson
accuses Paltrow of skiing so reck- Additional reporting PA Media
lessly in the 2016 incident that she
crashed into him, breaking his ribs
and leaving him with brain injuries.
As the trial took on an increasingly
personal tone Polly Sanderson-
Grasham said that following the
crash, her father was unable to “see
the forest for the trees” and got “lost
in the minutiae” of things. She said
seeing the state of her father at his
granddaughter’s graduation around
three months after the ski crash had ▲ Gwyneth Paltrow is being sued
been like a “slap in the face”. over the ski crash at a Utah resort

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• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

28 World
▼ Protesters dressed as Israeli pilots
demonstrate against the judicial
changes in Tel Aviv yesterday

Scores arrested in Israeli

Rothman, who chairs the Knesset’s
law and justice committee – have
vowed to pass the most important
elements of the far-reaching propos-
protests as parliament als before the Knesset breaks up next
week for the Passover holiday.
Critics, however, have raised fears

passes judicial changes of democratic backsliding, with sig-

nificant pressure coming from the
hi-tech sector, the military and Isra-
el’s US allies. Palestinian citizens of
of potential conflict of interest given Israel, as well as those living under
Bethan McKernan his ongoing corruption trial. military rule in the occupied terri-
Jerusalem The prime minister’s remarks tories, have long questioned Israel’s
came at the end of a dramatic day in democratic character.
Israel’s two-month-old protest move- Israel, in which the societal, constitu- Demonstrations against the pro-
ment took to the streets for a “day of tional and political crises the judicial posals began in January in Tel Aviv,
disruption” as the parliament passed overhaul has triggered were clearly evolving into the biggest protest
the first part of the hardline govern- on show. movement in Israel’s history. Gather-
ment’s controversial judicial changes According to the first part of the ings drawing hundreds of thousands
into law. proposals passed yesterday, Israel’s has now ratified a contemptible and yesterday was quickly put to rest after of people have taken place in every
The legislation, designed to protect attorney general, Gali Baharav-Miara, corrupt personal piece of legislation the defence minister, Yoav Gallant, Israeli city. Several additional “days
the position of the prime minister, is in effect no longer capable of declar- against a ludicrous rumour.” was summoned to the prime minis- of disruption” have blocked major
Benjamin Netanyahu, was approved ing Netanyahu unfit for office, even if Speculation that Netanyahu might ter’s private residence in Jerusalem motorways and resulted in clashes
early yesterday, after a heated all- she believes he is attempting to use be announcing a pause in the legis- beforehand and dissuaded from mak- in which police have used mounted
night debate, by 61 votes to 47 – the the judicial overhaul to overturn his lative process in his evening address ing a public statement calling on the officers, stun grenades and water can-
minimum majority required. criminal charges. The prime minister government to freeze the overhaul. non to disperse protesters.
Yesterday evening, Netanyahu denies all the allegations against him. While Israeli media have reported The protests appear to be grow-
made a televised address to the Israel’s newly elected government, ‘The coalition has that Netanyahu – taken aback by the ing more intense. Yesterday, at least
nation in which he called for unity, made up of far-right and religious par- scale of the opposition to the plans – 75 people across the country were
pledging to protect civil rights and ties, introduced the amendment last
ratified a corrupt is open to compromise, he appears arrested, including 18 who police
democracy. month after the Baharav-Miara deci- and contemptible to be hostage to his coalition’s junior said sprayed red paint and blocked an
“Until now, my hands were bound. sion, fearing the attorney general may far-right partners, who have threat- entrance to a police station in south-
Now, I am getting involved,” he said, declare Netanyahu “incapacitated”.
piece of legislation’ ened to bring down the government ern Tel Aviv, and one person who
referring to a now obsolete decision Commenting on the passing of the if their demands are not met. allegedly used a flagpole to hit Avi
from the attorney general’s office “incapacitation bill”, the opposition The two architects of the changes – Dichter, a minister and senior mem-
banning him from involvement in chairperson, Yair Lapid, said: “Like Yair Lapid the Likud party justice minister, Yariv ber of Netanyahu’s Likud party, in an
the judicial overhaul on the grounds thieves in the night, the coalition Israeli opposition leader Levin, and extremist MK Simcha incident near Ben Gurion airport.
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

World 29

‘Keep an open mind’

 The Murasaki, over the next five years. The Whale
an Osaka and Dolphin Conservation group
restaurant that described the venture as a “chilling
specialises in marketing move” designed to
whale meat “protect a failing industry” that

Japan tries to put PHOTOGRAPHS:

received more than 5bn yen (£32m)
in subsidies from the Japanese
government in 2020. “Past efforts
to increase consumption have

whale meat back on ▼ Social media

influencers from
France, Russia,
included putting the meat into
school lunches,” the group said.
“But lack of demand has meant that
Thailand and it ends up in dog food.”

the tourist menu South Korea

try a variety
of whale meat
As he studied the second
course – a kaiseki-style selection
that included cheek meat in sake
delicacies lees and tailfin in plum sauce –
Amine Habes, a French YouTuber,
conceded that not all of his
Justin McCurry compatriots could stomach the
Osaka thought of eating whale meat.

“It’s part of Japanese culture, so
he anticipation is I understand why it’s eaten here,
building in the private, and personally I respect that and
tatami-mat room at want to try it. But it’s controversial
Murasaki, a restaurant in France. Not everyone is open-
in Osaka. At one end sit minded about it.”
a handful of Japanese A plate of sashimi – slivers of
journalists; at the other, executives white and red meat taken from
from the country’s biggest whaling the lower jaw and tail – arrived
company and officials from the with instructions from the head
travel industry. chef to wait until it had melted
In the middle, six influencers slightly before eating it with soy
from Thailand, France, Russia sauce and grated ginger. “It tasted
and South Korea take their a little like raw beef,” said Sasha,
places around a hori-zataku table a Russian influencer.
and wait for the first of several Tokoro blamed low domestic
courses devoted to Japan’s most demand on the controversy
controversial cuisine: whale meat. surrounding Japan’s now-
Over the next two hours they abandoned expeditions to
will eat dishes – simmered, grilled, the Antarctic. “You don’t find
deep-fried and raw as sashimi – whale meat in many Japanese
made from the mammal’s jaw, supermarkets because they
stomach, ribs, tail, cheek and back, came under a lot of pressure
although it appears they have from powerful anti-whaling
been spared another cetacean campaigners,” he said. “Now
delicacy: the penis. By the end of those groups aren’t as active … so
the banquet, their hosts hope they we’re trying to change perceptions
will take the industry’s message to of whale meat and get more
their followers: that after decades to “keep an open mind”. As staff supermarkets to sell it.”
of hiding in the culinary shadows, brought out plates of deep-fried In 2014, the international court
whale meat is delicious, and eating kushiage with a dipping sauce, he of justice ordered a halt to the
it a socially acceptable part of the spoke glowingly of whale meat’s expeditions after concluding
tourist itinerary. nutritional benefits. the hunts were not, as Japan had
The evening began with a pep “It’s lower in calories and higher claimed, for scientific research.
talk from Hideki Tokoro, chief in protein than chicken,” Masa said, Five years later, Japan pulled
executive of Kyodo Senpaku, while acknowledging there was out of the IWC and announced it
Japan’s biggest whaling company, a resistance to eating “unusual” would end the Antarctic hunts,
who claimed that hunting whales, foods in countries where they are but resume whaling in its coastal
which consume the equivalent of not a part of the regular diet. waters. Now, Japanese whalers
4% of their body weight every day, The event was part of a public  The tasting ▼ A poster at are permitted to catch about 200
helped protect the marine food relations campaign by the whaling menu included the Murasaki whales in the country’s exclusive
chain. “We need to control the industry, four years after Japan’s whale jaw, restaurant economic zone, though some
whale population to protect the whalers left the Southern Ocean stomach, ribs, shows the many concede that they are struggling
ecosystem,” Tokoro said. “It’s about to focus on hunting cetaceans tail and cheek, cuts of whale to survive, partly owing to lack
being responsible consumers.” in coastal waters, where Kyodo but spared the meat along of demand among Japanese
Kyodo Senpaku is trying to Senpaku catches 25 sei whales and influencers with the consumers who prefer to get their
change the negative narrative 187 Bryde’s whales a year. one cetacean multitude of protein elsewhere.
surrounding whale meat, including For decades, Japan’s “scientific” delicacy: uses for almost Pimprapa Uematsu, a blogger
engaging with those it once whaling programme was the penis every body part and YouTuber from Thailand, said
viewed with suspicion. “Times synonymous with confrontations she would encourage her followers
have changed and we want to be with activists on the high seas, to try whale meat and have a
absolutely transparent … that rancorous meetings of the “special experience” during their
includes talking openly with the International Whaling Commission visit to Japan. “We also eat things
international media,” a company [IWC], and criticism from Australia in Thailand that other people don’t
spokesperson, Konomu Kubo, told and other anti-whaling nations. eat … you have to be open-minded.”
the Guardian, which declined offers Now, though, whale meat is As they prepared to leave, the
of food and drink at the event. being touted as a tourist attraction, diners, armed with gift bags of jerky
Japan’s whaling industry has with suppliers and restaurants and canned whale meat, wondered
failed to convince domestic working in tandem with the Japan how they would describe their
consumers to make whale meat a Travel Bureau to win over sceptical culinary adventure online.
regular part of their diet. Once a visitors in anticipation of a sharp Mehdi Fliss, a travel blogger
staple source of protein during food rise in tourism after the lifting of from France, said: “I’m trying to
shortages after the second world Covid-19 travel restrictions. be objective and want to tell my
war, consumption declined from In January, Kyodo Senpaku followers that they should see
the 1970s as pork, chicken and beef caused anger among animal rights the issue through other people’s
became more affordable. campaigners when it started selling eyes. As long as I deal with the
Masa, the event’s host, asked the whale meat from vending machines facts, I think it will be OK. But
participants – some of whom were in an effort to boost consumption, I’m definitely prepared for some
eating the dish for the first time – with as many as 100 sites planned negative feedback.”
How your £90 can feed people who are going hungry
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

World 31
▼ Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva shakes
hands with Hu Jintao during their
meeting in Beijing in 2009

DeSantis forced
to retreat over
his ‘territorial
dispute’ remark
on Ukraine war
Martin Pengelly
New York

Ron DeSantis has reversed his position

on Ukraine after facing widespread
criticism for calling the Russian
invasion a “territorial dispute”.
Speaking to Fox Nation, DeSantis,
the governor of Florida and a prob-
able contender for the Republican
presidential nomination, said his
“territorial dispute” remark had been
“Obviously, Russia invaded – that
was wrong,” he said. “They invaded
Crimea and took that in 2014 – that
was wrong.” DeSantis also called
Vladimir Putin a “war criminal”.
The international criminal court
(ICC) has issued a warrant for the
Russian president’s arrest. Although
the US is not a member of the ICC,
President Biden has said the move
was justified.
DeSantis said: “I don’t know about
that route, but I do think that he
[Putin] should be held accountable.”
Although he has not declared a

After Bolsonaro,
Thriving ties with Beijing are Lula would bond over the battles run for the presidency, DeSantis is
crucial to Brazil’s 77-year-old against climate change and polit- the only close challenger to Don-
leader, who managed to bankroll ical extremism, Spektor said the ald Trump in polling and is widely
transformational social programmes Brazilian delegation had been disap- expected to enter the race this spring.

Lula aims to show during his first stint in power in part

thanks to China’s insatiable appetite
for commodities such as soy beans
pointed by the level of funds offered
to help combat Amazon deforesta-
tion, which soared under Bolsonaro.
He made his “territorial dispute”
remark in an answer to the Fox News
host Tucker Carlson. The remark

China that Brazil

and iron ore. The lack of US enthusiasm for aligned DeSantis with Trump but
The visit will also bolster Xi’s Lula’s offer to help broker peace prompted fierce criticism across
campaign to position himself as between Moscow and Kyiv also irked the political spectrum. Reed Galen,
a global statesman and would-be the Brazilians. a Republican strategist turned

is ‘back to normal’ peacemaker determined to stamp

China’s mark on world affairs from
eastern Europe to the Middle East and
Latin America.
“The Brazilian side was so
dissatisfied with what it got from
the American side that Lula took the
decision to meet Biden’s enemies in
anti-Trump campaigner, said on
Wednesday, : “DeSantis is a conven-
tional politician. They’re polling like
mad and found his Ukraine position
“They are useful to one another,” the Democratic party [Bernie Sanders is unpopular with general election
Couto said those trips were designed the international relations professor and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] before Republicans. Also, donors hate it.”
Tom Phillips to emphasise how sensible, stable Matias Spektor said of Lula and Xi. meeting Biden himself,” Spektor said. DeSantis has also been criticised
Rio de Janeiro government had returned to South “In Lula’s case, it helps [send a Lula’s trip to Beijing and Shang- for favouring media outlets owned
America’s biggest economy after message] to a domestic audience, to hai – which China’s foreign ministry by Rupert Murdoch. Fox Nation and
One of them wants the world to four topsy-turvy years during which other South American countries and claims “will open up new prospects the New York Post, which published
know his country is battling its way Bolsonaro insulted and alienated the US that Brazil is back. And from Xi in China-Brazil relations” – is set to be excerpts of the interview, are Mur-
back to its former glory after three allies from Paris to Beijing. Jinping’s point of view it also shows a far more extravagant affair. doch properties.
years of zero-Covid lockdowns and “The top message is that Brazil is that even in a region like Latin Amer- “Lula is giving enormous political On his “territorial dispute” remark,
a long and humiliating history of back to normal,” Couto said, recalling ica China has leverage.” importance to this trip – much more DeSantis said: “What I’m referring to
foreign exploitation. the repeated anti-China attacks from The scale of Lula’s visit will be than the trip to the US … Even if he is where the fighting is going on now,
The other wants to signal his Bolsonaro and his allies. less thrilling to Washington given isn’t trying to send a message [to the which is that eastern border region [of
country is bouncing back from four Margaret Myers, a specialist in the dismal state of US-China ties US], he ends up sending one,” said the] Donbas, and then Crimea, and
chaotic years under a far-right pop- China-Latin America relations from and what analysts call the Brazilian’s Spektor, who added that believed you have a situation where Russia has
ulist who took a sledgehammer to its the Wilson Center thinktank in Wash- underwhelming call on Joe Biden in Brazil’s strategy was to play the had that. I don’t think legitimately,
place in the world. ington, said she suspected Beijing the White House last month. world’s two largest economies but they had. There’s a lot of ethnic
The two revival-seeking politi- would be delighted at the return “It was a very frustrating visit,” against each other. Russians there. So that’s some diffi-
cians – China’s leader, Xi Jinping, of Lula, an affable pragmatist who said Spektor, a visiting scholar at Lula has insisted he is not taking cult fighting, and that’s what I was
and the Brazilian president, Luiz made two state visits there during his Princeton University. sides in the conflict between Wash- referring to.
Inácio Lula da Silva – will meet in first presidency, from 2003-11. Myers Despite hopes that Biden and ington and Beijing. “I’m not going to “And so it wasn’t that I thought
Beijing next week during a high-pro- recalls chummy photographs of Lula get into a cold war with anyone,” Lula Russia had a right to that, and so if
file tour that is part of Lula’s efforts and China’s then leader, Hu Jintao, said last month, claiming he wanted I should have made that more clear,
to repair his country’s overseas splashed over Chinese magazine “splendid” relationships with both. I could have done it. But I think the
reputation after Jair Bolsonaro’s era covers. “There was this sort of love But Spektor said that by undertak- larger point is, OK, Russia is not show-
of antagonism and isolation. affair with Lula that I’d never really ing a high-profile tour of China after ing the ability to take over Ukraine, to
Lula’s 26-31 March visit – on which seen – certainly not with any other such a lacklustre visit to the US, Lula topple the government or certainly to
he will take scores of the most power- Latin American presidents and few risked signalling to Washington that threaten Nato. That’s a good thing.
ful figures in Brazilian politics, others,” she said. he was aligning himself with Beijing. “I just don’t think that’s a suffi-
industry and agribusiness – comes “So this will be [viewed as] a bit of a “This wouldn’t be correct. This cient interest for us to escalate more
hot on the heels of trips to the US and homecoming … and an effort to dem- isn’t the intention of Lula’s govern- involvement. I would not want to see
Argentina, Brazil’s most important onstrate that this relationship is not ment,” Spektor said. “But there is the American troops involved there. But
trade partners after China. only alive and well but thriving … He ▲ The visit will boost Xi Jinping’s risk that this is how it will be inter- the idea that I think somehow Rus-
The political scientist Cláudio will be met with a lot of excitement.” push to be seen as a global statesman preted in Washington.” sia was justified – that’s nonsense.”
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023


Bank of England raises interest rate for

the 2008 financial crisis, adding that
he was confident the banks in the UK
were in a much stronger position than
15 years ago.

11th time in row after jump in inflation

Economists have said the turmoil
in the global banking system has the
potential to further weigh on the UK
economy, reducing the need for fur-
ther interest rate rises at a time when
headline inflation is already expected
The pound rose against the dollar technical recession, in which the The Bank of England said it was to fall sharply.
Richard Partington as financial markets moved to antici- economy shrinks for two consecutive closely monitoring the economic Two of the MPC’s external mem-
Economics correspondent pate one more quarter-point increase quarters. UK GDP was now probably effect of the turbulence in the bank- bers, Silvana Tenreyro and Swati
at the MPC’s next meeting, in May. on track to grow slightly in the second ing industry, adding that it would Dhingra, voted against the rate rise,
The Bank of England has raised inter- However, economists said a 12th and quarter of the year, after a previously issue a full assessment in its next saying higher borrowing costs were
est rates by a quarter of a percentage final rate increase to 4.5% hung in the forecast 0.4% drop in activity. update on the economy in May. weighing on the economy in a way
point to 4.25% in response to higher balance amid signs inflation would “Back at the beginning of Febru- Bailey said he did not believe the that could bring forward the point at
than expected UK inflation and signs fall sharply over the coming months. ary, we were really on a bit of a knife global economy was facing a repeat of which rate cuts would be required.
that Britain’s economy is holding up Rates have now risen by 4.15 per- edge as to whether there would be David Blanchflower, a former

better than feared. centage points since December 2021, a recession. Certainly we thought member of the MPC, said the rise was
In a fortnight of heightened unease the most aggressive tightening of UK the economy would be quite stag- a “disastrous error” that could con-
in global financial markets, the Bank’s monetary policy for decades. nant,” Bailey said. “It’s not off to the tribute to a recession.
monetary policy committee (MPC) Andrew Bailey, the Bank’s gover- races, let’s be clear. But I’m a bit more The new base rate yesterday, with “If you look at the Bank’s own fore-
voted by a majority of seven to two nor, said there were signs the price optimistic.” economists divided over whether casts, with what I’ve just said is [a]
to increase the base rate for the 11th spiral was “peaking”, telling broad- Central banks on both sides of the a 12th rise was likely or desirable huge tightening in financial condi-
time in a row. casters: “But of course it’s far too Atlantic have pushed ahead with rate tions around the world, they should

It came after an unexpected jump high. We think it’s going to come increases despite the collapse of Sil- be cutting rates,” he told the BBC.
in the UK inflation rate in February down sharply, really from the early icon Valley Bank, and the rescue of “So this is a big incoherence. And
to 10.4%, up from 10.1% in January, summer onwards. But we haven’t Credit Suisse. The US Federal Reserve the problem is going to be, the data is
fuelled by food prices increasing seen that happen yet.” raised its benchmark interest rate on The annual UK inflation rate in going to actually swamp them, and I
at the fastest pace in 45 years. The In an upbeat assessment, the Bank Wednesday by a quarter of a percent- February, a surprise jump of think what you’re going to see is rapid
Bank’s official inflation target is 2%. said it was no longer forecasting a age point to a range of 4.75% to 5%. 0.3 points from January’s figure U-turns.”

repayment mortgage with 20 years starting at 3.89%. Halifax, HSBC  Fortuneswell,
remaining, moving the monthly and NatWest also had five-year in Dorset.
payment from £990 to £1,011. fixes priced at just below 4%. Another rise in
As recently as last June, the Mark Harris, the chief executive interest rates
What the person in this example would have
been paying £776 a month – so their
of the mortgage broker SPF Private
Clients, said borrowers might be
will have an
impact on the
home loan bill has jumped by 30% tempted to wait for rates to fall housing market

rise means in nine months.

SVRs change at the lender’s
discretion, but most will go up,
further, “but there is a danger
that they might not, and trying
to predict interest rates can be a

for your though not necessarily by the full

0.25 points. Some lenders may take
some time to announce their plans.
dangerous game”.

What if I’m already struggling

The average SVR has now gone with payments?
finances above 7% for the first time since
October 2008, according to the
The most recent UK Finance
data shows there were 75,170
data provider Moneyfacts, so most homeowner mortgages in arrears
people on one should probably in the final three months of 2022,
switch to something cheaper. which was up 1% on the previous
Rupert Jones three-month period.
What about new mortgages? On home repossessions, how
It’s been a rollercoaster time for good or bad things are depends
The Bank of England has yet anyone looking for a new fixed-rate on whose data you look at and
again raised interest rates, this mortgage. New fixes had already how you interpret it. UK Finance
time by 0.25 percentage points, been getting more expensive after said 500 homeowner mortgaged
taking the base rate to 4.25% in interest rates started their upwards properties were taken into
the 11th rise since December 2021. journey, but they really shot up possession in the fourth quarter
So what does this mean for your after Kwasi Kwarteng’s disastrous of 2022, which it added was down
finances? mini-budget last September. By 29% on the previous quarter.
late October, the average new two- However, the most recent
How will it affect year fixed loan had hit 6.65%. Ministry of Justice figures for
mortgage payments? Since then, lenders have England and Wales showed a
Yesterday’s move is yet another been gradually reducing the marked increase in mortgage
blow for the approximately 2.2 cost of their new fixed rates. As repossessions, with 733 in October to predict
million people on a variable-rate a result, the average new two- to December last year – up 134% on interest
mortgage, whose monthly bills year fix stood at stood at 5.3% the same quarter in 2021, it said. rates
have been ratcheted up. yesterday, according to the website However, comparisons with past
Roughly half of those are periods are tricky as there was a can be a
either on a base-rate tracker or However, there are best-buy ban on home repossessions for a dangerous
discounted-rate deal. The other deals available that are quite a bit time during the pandemic. There game’
half pay their lender’s standard cheaper than that, particularly for were only 10 repossessions from
variable rate (SVR). those with a lot of equity in their April 2020 to March 2021.
A tracker directly follows the property or able to stump up a It is worth remembering that Mark Harri
base rate, so your payments will sizeable deposit. Yesterday, new repossessions topped 9,000 in the SPF Private
almost certainly soon reflect two-year fixes for those looking first three months of 2009, in the Clients
the full rise. On one now at 5%, to remortgage could be picked up aftermath of the 2007-08 financial
the rate would rise to 5.25%, from 4.26% from Lloyds, which crash, so things are very different
adding £21 a month to a £150,000 was also offering five-year fixes now. Commentators have said that
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •


FTSE 100 All share Dow Indl Nikkei 225 £/€ £/$
-67.24 - 31.80 +139.11 - 47.00 1.1315 1.2322
7499.60 4090.90 32169.22 27419.61 -0.0019 +0.0091

The rate change comes amid signs

that the acceleration in wage growth
Analysis inflation show it declining rapidly
this year, mostly in response to
pressure on inflation could come
from the economy’s moderately Construction
since the end of the Covid pandemic Phillip Inman a dramatic fall in energy costs. improved resilience. For instance,
has come to a halt in recent months,
despite continuing labour shortages
While wholesale gas prices are
expected to be double the pre-
it was eye-catching that a previous
Bank forecast of a fall of 0.4% in
firms fined by
in several sectors of the economy.
The Bank said measures taken by Slowing wage
pandemic level next year, they will
have fallen back from the fivefold
gross national product during
the second quarter of 2023 was competition
the chancellor in last week’s spring
budget could put a brake on short-
increase in 2022.
Strong wages growth, which
torn up by the MPC in favour of
an expectation that GDP would watchdog over
term inflation. The extension of the
energy price cap at £2,500 for an aver-
growth and gas for more than a year has been the
central bank’s main worry, began
“increase slightly”.
Most of this extra buoyancy can bid rigging
age household bill is expected to to wane in November and has been be attributed to the extension of
lower inflation by about one percent-
age point, while freezing fuel duty
prices signal largely flat ever since. By next
spring the consumer prices index
the energy price guarantee from
April to July, which will protect
would contribute a further third of a will be below the 2% target level. household incomes and consumer Rob Davies
percentage point drop. There has also
been a sharp drop in global energy
this is the limit On this most forecasters agree.
So why carry on raising rates now
spending during the summer.
At 0.25%, this was the smallest
prices over recent months, and the when the job is done? increase since June 2022. The MPC Ten construction firms have been

impact of the initial surge in prices This point persuaded the Bank’s minutes suggest another after this fined a combined £60m by the com-
after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a asked with striking a monetary policy committee one is unlikely. To some extent, it petition regulator for “illegally
year ago will soon drop out of the balance between the members Silvana Tenreyro and shows a commitment to bringing colluding” to rig bids for lucrative
annual inflation figures. unexpected increase Swati Dhingra to vote against a down inflation while not turning contracts on projects including
“Assuming these trends continue in February’s inflation rate rise from 4%, just as they had the screw too much more. Bow Street magistrates court and
then we think a pause [in rate hikes] numbers and concerns objected to the increase from 3.5% That might seem palatable inside Selfridges department store.
in May is likely,” said James Smith, about a new banking in February. Threadneedle Street, but the MPC The Competition and Markets
an economist at the Dutch bank crisis, the Bank of England has The remaining seven MPC risks having already overtightened Authority (CMA) found that the com-
ING. “That’s also partly dependent voted for an 11th consecutive rate members, including the governor, and that this rise just makes the panies had acted as a cartel over 19
on banking sector stability and like rise. The question now is whether Andrew Bailey, indicated that situation for households and private and public sector contracts
its peers overseas, the BoE will keep it will opt for a 12th. the strength of the economy businesses that much worse. that were worth £150m. The con-
reiterating that it has separate tools Markets are pricing in a further underpinned their decision for a The minutes don’t say it, but tracts were found to have been rigged
that are better suited to maintaining small increase to 4.5%. However, further base rate increase to 4.25%. it would take quite a leap for the between 2013 and 2018 using a tac-
financial stability.” a glance at the forecasts for According to this view, upwards Bank to push through another rise. tic known as “cover bidding”, the
regulator said.
Cover bidding involves companies
it typically takes two years to conspiring to assist each other in
repossess a home, and that this is winning contracts by submitting a
very much seen as a last resort. substandard or overpriced tender
that gives the false impression of
Will house prices crash? competition while ensuring that the
One of the key drivers of property rival bid will win. The losing bidder
prices is how much people can will then return the favour on a differ-
borrow, so higher costs will have ent contract. The practice can result
a big impact. in customers such as the public sector
In recent months some of the overpaying or receiving lower qual-
big indices have shown price ity services, the CMA said.
falls, but lately there have been Ten companies in the demolition
suggestions that the property and the asbestos services trade were
market may be more resilient involved in the cartel, said the com-
than some had anticipated. petition watchdog, naming Keltbray,
According to Halifax, the Brown and Mason, Cantillon, Clifford
average UK house price increased Devlin, DSM Demolition, Erith Con-
by 1.1% in February after a 0.2% tractors, John F Hunt, McGee, TE
rise in January, and the property Scudder and Squibb.
website Rightmove said on Five of them were found to have
Monday that the average asking entered into arrangements whereby
price had risen 0.8% this month. the company that deliberately “lost”
the bid was compensated by the win-
But it’s more good news for ner, in one case to the tune of more
savers, isn’t it? than £500,000. Some firms produced
Yes, this should mean another false invoices to disguise the bid-
boost to savings rates, which have rigging, the CMA said.
been on the rise for a while now. Michael Grenfell, the CMA’s exec-
However, there is no standard utive director of enforcement, said:
savings account that can outpace “Today’s significant fines show that
inflation running at 10.4%. For the CMA continues to crack down on
the time being at least, inflation illegal cartel behaviour.
will continue to eat into the value “It should serve as a clear warning:
of millions of people’s nest eggs. the CMA will not tolerate unlawful
Banks have been under fire conduct which weakens competition
recently for the paltry rates on and keeps prices up at the expense of
some popular accounts. The businesses and taxpayers.”
Barclays Everyday Saver easy As well as the fines, three directors
access account offers only 0.55% of firms involved in the cartel action
interest, and Santander Everyday have also been disqualified, the CMA
Saver pays 0.6%. However, there said. The regulator began its investi-
are a number of easy-access gation in 2019.
savings accounts available paying

more than 3%, according to
Meanwhile, new five-year
fixed-rate savings bonds were The value of contracts awarded to
paying up to 4.6% yesterday. firms which had acted as a cartel.
They were fined £60m in total

per issue

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Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

Business 35
▼ Lloyd’s paid out £2bn for property
damage in Florida after it was
devastated by Hurricane Ian

Overlapping Sub-prime loans

London from a number of claimants,
including AerCap, the world’s biggest
aircraft leasing firm.

crises push The Dublin-based company said company Amigo

last week it was “inconceivable” that
it would not recover some losses from to be liquidated
Lloyd’s into insurers over jets stranded in Russia.
AerCap is suing insurers including

loss as a Lloyd’s and AIG in London’s high

court for up to $3.5bn over the loss
of 116 aircraft and 23 engines under
Julia Kollewe

‘mega trial’ its all-risks insurance policy or $1.2bn

under its war risks policy. The sub-prime lender Amigo Loans is

looms over Carnegie-Brown said there was

still a dispute over whether the con-
flict is a war. Some insurers have
to be liquidated after it failed to raise
enough money to fund compensation
to customers.
Ukraine war refused to pay because they argue
that the planes are not yet lost. Some
After months of trying to come
up with a rescue plan, Amigo said
jets are being used by the Russian flag it would stop lending with immedi-
carrier Aeroflot while others are being ate effect and will be placed into an
worth of damage last year and cost Russian insurers and Lloyd’s is one of used for spare parts. orderly wind-down, with all surplus
Julia Kollewe insurance companies $125bn, accord- the western firms that have provided The judge ruled the lawsuits assets transferred to the creditors of
ing to the reinsurance firm Swiss Re. contingent insurance to the Ireland- should be dealt with in one large trial its compensation scheme. The shares
Lloyd’s has set aside £1.4bn to based lessors that own the aircraft. If – the biggest in the insurance indus- crashed 75% to 0.4p on the news.
Lloyd’s of London has swung to an cover Ukraine claims, largely for air- the Russian insurers do not pay out, try in years – to save time. A start date The wind-down is expected to take
annual loss after it paid out more than craft stranded in Russia, as well as the lessors’ insurance policies would for the trial has not yet been set. about 12 months. The firm specialises
£21bn to customers for claims relat- ships trapped in the Black Sea. A ship be triggered. Carnegie-Brown said Lloyd’s said it made a one-off in providing credit to people who are
ing to the war in Ukraine, Hurricane is deemed lost and becomes a claim the Russian insurers are “interested £2,500 payment to the half of its staff excluded from mainstream banks.
Ian and other events. after 12 months, said Bruce Carnegie- to pay, but are prohibited by sanc- who earn less than £75,000 a year in Those owed compensation will
The world’s biggest insurance mar- Brown, the Lloyd’s chairman. He said tions from moving money”. September to help with the soaring receive an estimated 17p in the
ket reported a pre-tax loss of £769m the £1.4bn reserve was an early-stage Lloyd’s now faces a “mega trial” in cost of living, and will make a further pound, according to PwC, which is
for 2022 compared with a profit of number and could go up. £1,500 payment in April. supervising the process. Amigo said

£2.3bn in 2021. Its payouts included More than 400 aircraft, worth “The operating environment has it had not received enough inter-
“substantial claims” related to almost $10bn, have been stuck in Rus- been difficult for everyone,” said est from potential equity investors
Ukraine and £2bn for property dam- sia since western countries imposed Carnegie-Brown. to raise £45m to keep going. Danny
age from Hurricane Ian in Florida. sanctions on the country after Mos- The amount Lloyd’s has set aside “The overlapping crises we’ve Malone, chief executive, said: “This
That hurricane and other natural cow’s invasion of Ukraine in February to cover Ukraine claims, largely faced have created a complex set of is a very sad day for all our employees
catastrophes caused $275bn (£223bn) 2022. The planes are covered by for aircraft stranded in Russia challenges for us to tackle.” … shareholders and stakeholders.”
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023


Friday 24 March 2023
UK and Ireland Noon today Forecast Around the UK

Sunny Mist Fog
Low 7 High 11 Lows and highs Precipitation Air pollution
8 7 13 85% Low
Sunny intervals Hazy

Mostly cloudy
21 Inverness Shetland 7 12 85% Low
Overcast/dull Edinburgh
9 10
4 11 85% Low
Sunny showers
984 Belfast
18 Low 4 High 7
Sunny and heavy showers 980 Glasgow 6 11 90% Low
Light showers Newcastle
7 12 85% Low
Rain Sleet Light Belfast Moderate
snow 988 12

Snow showers 8 11 85% Low

Dublin Liverpool
ol 13
Heavy snow Ice Nottingham
Nott m
35C 13 Norwich
7 11 90% Low
Thundery rain Cardiff
25 Daily atmospheric CO2
readings from Mauna Loa,
20 11 1
13 Hawaii (ppm):
Thundery showers 15
a L
London 7 11 90% Low
10 12 21 Mar 2023 420.78 Newcastle
Dover Weekly average
Temperature, 0 996 12 Mar 2023 420.16
12 6 12 85% Low
Plymouth 23 Mar 2022 418.52
-10 12
23 Mar 2013 397.16 Penzance
Rough 31
-15 1000 Pre-industrial base 280
Wind speed, Windy
mph -20 Safe level 350
The Channel Islands 8 12 90% Low

Atlantic front Pollutionwatch Around the world

A new study reveals that farming is Algiers 25 Lisbon 19

responsible for more than a quarter Ams’dam 13 Madrid 20
of particle pollution in British Athens 20 Malaga 26
cities. During 2019 agriculture in Auckland 21 Melb’rne 21
Britain created 38% of the particle B Aires 25 Mexico C 27
pollution in Leicester, 32% of that Bangkok 36 Miami 29
in Birmingham and 25% in London. Barcelona 21 Milan 17
Cold front In each case the contribution from Basra 28 Mombasa 32
rural agriculture was greater than Beijing 12 Moscow 10

Warm front all of the sources within the cities. Berlin 15 Mumbai 31
Dr Jamie Kelly, from the Bermuda 21 N Orleans 28
study team at University College Brussels 13 Nairobi 26
Occluded front London, said: “We were surprised Budapest 22 New Delhi 26
to find that ammonia from rural C’hagen 10 New York 12

Trough agricultural is so large. It is often Cairo 31 Oslo 7

the dominant source of particulate Cape Town 23 Paris 16
matter pollution in UK cities, even Chicago 6 Perth 27

High tides
Source: © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Times are local UK times
Sun & Lighting in cities as large as London. If the Corfu 21 Prague 17
government is truly committed to Dakar 24 Reykjavik 1
Moon up addressing particulate pollution to Dhaka 31 Rio de J 29
improve public health, there need Dublin 11 Rome 17
Aberdeen 0255 4.3m 1502 4.5m London Bridge 0323 7.4m 1548 7.2m Belfast 1845 to 0615 to be more ambitious measures to Florence 19 Shanghai 10
Avonmouth 0900 14.1m 2118 13.7m Lossiemouth 0125 4.0m 1331 4.3m Birm’ham 1827 to 0559 reduce ammonia emissions.” Gibraltar 23 Singapore 31
Barrow 0051 9.5m 1307 9.9m Milford Haven 0756 7.4m 2012 7.1m Brighton 1820 to 0553 Farming is the main cause of H Kong 27 Stockh’m 8
Belfast 0038 3.3m 1255 3.6m Newquay 0647 7.3m 1904 7.0m Bristol 1830 to 0603 the springtime smog that affects Harare 27 Strasb’g 16
Cobh 0707 4.2m 1922 4.1m North Shields 0502 5.1m 1708 5.3m Carlisle 1832 to 0602 western Europe each year. A study Helsinki 6 Sydney 24
Cromer 0818 4.9m 2015 5.3m Oban 0719 4.2m 1926 3.9m Cork 1853 to 0626 by Public Health England and the Istanbul 13 Tel Aviv 25
Dover 0033 7.1m 1253 6.8m Penzance 0619 5.8m 1836 5.5m Dublin 1845 to 0616 Met Office estimated that more Jo’burg 21 Tenerife 25
Sun rises 0554
Dublin 0055 3.9m 1310 4.2m Plymouth 0734 5.7m 1953 5.5m Sun sets 1819 Glasgow 1839 to 0608 than 1,600 people in Britain died K Lumpur 32 Tokyo 22
Galway 0644 5.5m 1904 5.3m Portsmouth 0057 4.8m 1306 4.7m Moon rises 0700 Harlech 1836 to 0608 early owing to particle pollution in K’mandu 24 Toronto 6
Greenock 0204 3.4m 1421 3.7m Southport 0015 9.2m 1230 9.5m Moon sets 2217 Inverness 1838 to 0605 March and April 2014. The worst Kabul 11 Vancouv’r 8
First Quarter 29 March Kingston 30 Vienna 18
Harwich 0107 4.2m 1335 4.1m Stornoway 0818 5.1m 2039 4.6m London 1819 to 0552 10 days had an estimated 600
Kolkata 31 Warsaw 17
Holyhead -- -- 1159 5.9m Weymouth 0841 1.6m 2101 1.4m M’chester 1829 to 0600 extra deaths and more than 1,500
L Angeles 17 Wash’ton 15
Hull 0801 7.5m 2006 8.1m Whitby 0538 5.6m 1747 5.8m Newcastle 1828 to 0557 extra hospital admissions. Many
Forecasts and Lagos 30 Well’ton 18
Leith 0410 5.7m 1623 5.8m Wick 0052 3.4m 1301 3.7m
graphics provided by
Norwich 1815 to 0546 of these could have been avoided.
Lima 27 Zurich 14
Liverpool 0034 9.5m 1249 9.8m Workington 0052 8.5m 1309 8.8m AccuWeather ©2023 Penzance 1841 to 0615 Gary Fuller @drgaryfuller
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

Rugby union Football 37

WRU chair poised The Holmgaard

for pivotal vote twins on their
on Welsh rugby nt
derby excitement
Robert Kitson, page 38  Interview, page 40 

Getting big in Belgium (Genk to be precise). Offering

professional footballers a tenner if they did a certain
celebration that afternoon and then watching Jonathan
Walters doing it at Portman Road.
Occasionally you’d sit back and think in no other world
would Uwe Rösler, Dr Karl Kennedy from Neighbours
and Mark Ronson be sitting next to each other. You
would pop into the green room to see Kevin Hart in
conversation with Bananarama while Wagner from
X Factor and Brett Ormerod were having a cup of tea.

ritics often reduce the whole 30 years
to laddish banter and nothing else.
And a lot of it was – but that does
the producers and crew a massive
disservice. They were everything –
writers, actors, stage hands, music
pluggers, directors, editors – as well
as doing the day job of football TV
production. At our peak we got almost 750,000 viewers
so while there were always more than 66 million
people doing something else, when you were in that
bubble it really felt like the whole world.
The show had an energy and a soul. Playing football in
the studio with 10 seconds to go before everyone raced
into position for the opening link. Sometimes the gags
were brilliant, sometimes they were shit. But that was
the charm. And there was always some football to show a
minute later – the best goals, the showboat, the third eye.
There were jokes that didn’t make it. The week that
Richard Keys and Andy Gray went we were expressly
told not to mention it. I suggested a lifesize stuffed
elephant in the studio that we didn’t mention for the
whole show. It didn’t get through.
Some parts of the show have aged terribly. It’s not
rewriting history to say I didn’t like the Soccerette part.
My predecessors were quite alpha – they were good
at it. I was sitting there with GCSE Latin and Grade 8
clarinet. A producer once sat me down and told me to
▲ Max Rushden on his flirt more. I did not have that in my locker.
Soccer AM debut in Fortunately we got rid of it two years into my tenure.
2008 alongside co-host Perhaps had I been more experienced, or stronger
Helen Chamberlain – willed, I would have campaigned to lose it sooner, but
Sky has announced the I didn’t; 2010 simultaneously wasn’t that long ago, but
show will end in May feels like a completely different time – that’s the excuse
BSKYB everyone uses right? To me, then, it was just a bit of TV
– and one at which I didn’t excel.
The show did not always go to

y first vivid memory of Soccer AM In no other plan. One morning we accidentally
Saturday mourning was in a hungover stupor
sprawled across a sofa at a mate’s
student house in Birmingham
booked Shaun Williamson instead
world would of Shaun Goater. Mel B left in an ad
Uwe Rösler, break to get some chicken, and there
in the late 90s. There was a will always be: “Stevie Wonder, if

Soccer AM was not man on television doing keepy-

uppies with a giant cuddly toy
sheep, there were lots of goals
Dr Karl
you’re watching, give us a call.”
Once someone shouted: “You’ll
never be Lovejoy you mug” when I
– then two people started wrestling in leotards by the was wandering down the road, and

just laddish banter Hammersmith flyover. It was charming and silly and
kind of hazily endless – no matter what you did on a
Saturday morning, it would still be on when you got in.
Neighbours Twitter lights up now and again
and Mark telling me I ruined it all. In reality
you probably liked it best when you
Around a decade later, it’s 16 August 2008, and I’ve Ronson be were young – it has largely stayed the
– its energy and soul spent the night staring at the ceiling. I am terrified.
Soccer AM starts at 9. I’ve never hosted a TV show before.
There was no audition, no screen test. My whole career
sat next to same through all its incarnations.
If anything has killed it, it’s social
each other media. When I began no one had
has led to this point and I’d rather be anywhere else. I seen the funny own goal from League

changed my life just about get my opening words out. The show happens
around me. And to be honest, it does for months. Had
social media been the force it is now, I wouldn’t have
Two, or the slapstick defending from La Liga. Now
everything is online before the game has even finished.
Without all those clips it’s just a much harder gig.
lasted. But very slowly I vaguely learned what I was Soccer AM changed my life – so this is not an
doing – I was lucky to be next to a brilliant broadcaster objective review. And not just professionally. Without
in Helen Chamberlain. Those enjoyable seven seasons that show I wouldn’t have had two months off every
are often referred to as The Glory Years ’08-’15. summer to wander around Central and South America.
It isn’t necessarily a surprise that Sky is dropping I wouldn’t have met my wife on a volcano in Nicaragua.
Soccer AM at the end of this season but it has taken I wouldn’t have a son – certainly not this one.
me on a nostalgic journey thinking about the good I can only be grateful to everyone who played even
times. Eighteen-hour days filming recreations of the the tiniest part. From Tim Lovejoy all the way through
Max Rushden John Lewis Christmas advert dressed as a penguin or to whoever counts down to the final second of the final
a snowman in Helen’s ramshackle farmhouse. John show. A lot of people behind the scenes have been
Barnes’s baton twirling. (Speaks into dictaphone) Sword there for years and years, it’s a huge part of their lives. I
fighting with Frank Leboeuf. Gaizka Mendieta and his wish them all well. May they go out in whichever style
Viennetta. The dance-offs. Gloves for Hatem Ben Arfa. they want.
• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

38 Sport
Rugby union ▼ Ieuan Evans admits it
has been an ‘unpleasant’
period for Welsh rugby

In brief ‘If we are to be
progressive, we
Welsh Fire spend big in
Hundred draft rebuilds must act now’
Pakistani pace pair Shaheen Shah
Afridi and Haris Rauf, all-rounder
David Willey and England batter
Sophia Dunkley are all heading
WRU chair Ieuan Evans
to Cardiff for this year’s Hundred hopes to earn mandate for
as Welsh Fire rebuilt their under- change when 282 clubs and
performing teams at the 2023 draft. organisations cast ballots
Fire finished bottom in the men’s
and women’s tournaments last
year. The men’s side landed three Robert Kitson
overseas stars, with the electric

Afridi signed for £100,000 before
the new head coach Mike Hussey t is no exaggeration to say the
splashed another £75,000 on entire future of Welsh rugby
Rauf. In the women’s competition, is at stake in Port Talbot this
Dunkley was signed up as the Fire’s Sunday morning. “You sense
first pick in the top band of £31,250. it is a significant moment in
Harmanpreet Kaur will be bringing our history,” confirms Ieuan
star power to the Trent Rockets Evans, chairman of the Welsh Rugby to persuade the grassroots to back thought: ‘We’re doing pretty well, carry on as we were doing. It should
women after her £31,250 base was Union (WRU) and a former national their special resolution. The 282 everything’s great.’ The world have been addressed some time
met. PA Media captain, as he awaits the critical vote voting member clubs and affiliated doesn’t stop for you, particularly in ago, but it hasn’t been.”
which will determine if the sport in organisations will be asked to high performance. The landscape So all roads lead to Port Talbot’s
Rugby union Wales can step back from the abyss. approve a more independent- of elite rugby globally is moving at Princess Royal Theatre at 11am
“We love a watershed in Wales, we minded and more diverse WRU such a rate you can’t stand still or on Sunday. The WRU president,
Scotland hand McGhie have them every fortnight.” board, with at least five of the 12 look backwards. You have to move Gerald Davies, will speak and
debut versus England Evans’s slightly dark humour directors set to be women. forwards – and quickly.” contributions from the floor will
is understandable. There is a Last time, at the AGM in October, Plenty of remedial work also be invited, with an independent
The Scotland head coach Bryan good reason why he is spending there was insufficient support for remains to be done on Welsh scrutineer overseeing the
Easson will hand a first cap to his 59th birthday talking to the change but Evans is more hopeful rugby’s image, even with a subsequent ballot. Where will
Francesca McGhie in the Women’s Guardian and it is because the this time. “At the last AGM we were signed financial accord with Evans hide during the voting?
Six Nations opener against WRU faces a binary choice. Either accused of not properly listening or the regions now imminent. “I’ll go find a dark room and start
England tomorrow. Centre Beth there is approval for a package engaging. I don’t think anyone can As an ex-professional player, making whale noises.”
Blacklock is in line to make her of governance reforms that accuse us of that now. My hope is Evans clearly empathises with He and the rest of Welsh rugby
debut off the bench at Newcastle’s drags it into the 21st century or that the support of the clubs will be those facing big wage cuts or no can only pray sanity prevails after
Kingston Park. Asked what total disaster looms. Should the overwhelming in our favour. If we contract at all. “It’s been deeply a painful winter. “There has been
should be expected of McGhie, WRU not obtain the necessary are to be a progressive, outward- disappointing, frustrating and darkness over the last few weeks,”
Easson said: “Excitement. A lot 75% majority at this weekend’s looking organisation this is what we upsetting for everybody concerned. says Evans. “It’s been avoidable,
of pace.” Scottish Rugby awarded emergency general meeting, the need to do.” Hopefully, in the next couple of unpleasant and draining.”
professional contracts to 28 players dinosaurs will inherit the earth. Evans freely acknowledges that weeks we’ll alleviate some of those His travels around the country,
last December. PA Media Overly dramatic? Not in the the days when Welsh rugby was cut concerns but Wales aren’t alone. though, have also crystallised
context of the grim allegations some slack as the country’s highest- “There’s been a reset in terms the cause for which he is fighting.
Snooker of sexism, misogyny and a toxic profile sport have faded. “We can’t of the money available within the “You see what rugby means to
culture within the WRU, currently take it for granted any more. We whole game. We can’t carry on people. Wales has some of the most
World Tour chief calls the subject of an independent were taking massive liberties that writing cheques we can’t cash. We deprived wards in the UK. Without
O’Sullivan ‘disrespectful’ review. Or the continuing influence we can ill afford. People looked have to find a system that allows the rugby club there isn’t an awful
of the amateur “blazer brigade” on across at Wales for many years the game to flourish and survive in lot else going on. Rugby plays such a
World Snooker Tour chairman a supposedly modern, professional and said: ‘How did they get the a sustainable way. My heart goes fundamental role in the wellbeing of
Steve Dawson has hit back at organisation. And we have not success they’ve got?’ They’ve since out to the players and families who people around Wales.”
Ronnie O’Sullivan’s comments yet mentioned last month’s strike addressed that and they’ve got the have been affected. But we can’t And that is what is ultimately at
about the state of the sport. threat by the national squad, the numbers [of players] as well. We stake. “It’s the size of the cake, not
Seven-time world champion financial problems engulfing need to up our game again.” the size of the slice that matters,”
O’Sullivan claimed this week that the regions or the existential If not, fears Evans, they will be Either reforms are concludes Evans. “And we need to
the game was in the “worst state threat to rugby union in one of its fatally exposed to the winds of grow that cake, not just in terms
ever” with regard to prize money traditional heartlands. change not just gusting through approved that will of financial and commercial cake
and raised the possibility of players
staging a strike. “Ronnie is a legend
With prominent sponsors also
poised to abandon ship in the
Wales but elsewhere. “Everyone
is having to address the same
drag the WRU into but our player base as well. The
professional game cannot survive
of our sport, but sometimes his event of a “no” vote, Evans and the existential points. Some of the the 21st century, without the numbers coming
misguided comments go too WRU’s acting chief executive, Nigel problem has been that we probably through the community game. We
far,” Dawson wrote on the WST’s Walker, have been working flat out stopped doing things because we or disaster looms need to start future-proofing.”
website. “His comments too often
are disrespectful to snooker’s
dedicated management, the sport’s
commercial and venue partners,
and to his fellow players.” PA Media
No change to desire among Premiership sides, nor
the Rugby Football Union to relax a
rule designed to keep the country’s
that prospect has been ruled out as
talks continue over the new Profes-
sional Game Agreement that comes
important for England and for the
Premiership,” Massie-Taylor said
at an event for Funding Circle, the
selection rules, top stars at home, as well as giving
England’s head coach greater control
into effect from July 2024.
“Having our English players
UK’s largest small business lending
platform. “Provisions exist for excep-
Premiership over his players. An ‘exceptional cir-
cumstances’ clause saw Toulouse’s
playing within the Premiership is tional circumstances, but we agree
England players should be playing

chief insists Jack Willis picked during the Six

Nations, but he is the lone example
in the Premiership.”
The latest incarnation of the PGA
of its use since 2011 with dispensa- promises to be a fine tuning of the cur-
tion only granted because of Wasps’ rent arrangement rather than a signif-
England’s restriction on selecting financial collapse in October. icant overhaul, ending the prospect
players based abroad will remain in Steve Borthwick wants the over- of players being directly contracted
Ronnie O’Sullivan has place for the next agreement oversee- seas policy eased in order to pick to the RFU. Saracens director of rugby
spoken out against the ing the domestic game, according to the “best players available” amid a Mark McCall stated on Wednesday
World Snooker Tour the Premiership Rugby chief execu- recent spate of signings for Top 14 that central contracts should be “top
tive Simon Massie-Taylor. sides, including Luke Cowan-Dickie, ▲ Jack Willis featured in the Six of the agenda”, while also tabling the
Massie-Taylor insists there is no David Ribbans and Joe Marchant. But Nations despite playing for Toulouse idea of a “salary share”. PA Media
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •••

Sport 39

Rugby league Super League

Makinson helps Saints

in five to start the season. He is per-
haps right to be positive as the Giants
are within touching distance of the
league’s best, as this performance
to win in Huddersfield proved. “We’re on the right trajec-
tory for sure,” he said. “That was two
good teams going toe-to-toe with
each other.”
They were made to work hard for it, Another positive on the night for
Huddersfield 12
and got the job done in that regard. Huddersfield was the second debut
But it is fairly obvious that there for the club for Jake Connor, their
are still a few more gears for the side mercurial off-season signing from
St Helens 14
– who have won the last four Grand Hull FC. Connor’s introduction to
Finals – to click through. Whether the game after 50 minutes certainly
there is a hangover from their historic lifted the Giants but when Makin-
Aaron Bower World Club Challenge victory over son nudged the Saints into an eight-
John Smith’s Stadium Penrith, or whether they are just not point lead with a penalty on a night
quite on form under their new coach where points were at a premium and
It is an unfortunate by-product of the Paul Wellens yet, remains some- St Helens needed someone else to ▲ Tommy Makinson defences were mostly on top, it felt
dominance St Helens have enjoyed thing of an unknown. But victories step up, and their prop, Matty Lees, scores St Helens’ second like a significant moment.
in Super League in recent years that at places like this are hard to come did that with an 80-minute perfor- try against Huddersfield Connor did have the impact eve-
even with this, a perfectly reason- by, making this a good test passed mance – a rarity these days – with MARTIN RICKETT/PA WIRE ryone had expected when he laid
able start to the season given there for a side still not quite firing on all 68 tackles for good measure. Those on a try for Innes Senior following a
has been a trip to Australia thrown cylinders. numbers, make no mistake about it, After a low-key opening half-hour well-executed move from a scrum, as
in the mix to contend with, you are “It was extremely tough,” Wellens are herculean, and it was perhaps where defences were very much on a glut of Huddersfield pressure mid-
left wondering what more there is to said. “We spoke all week about how no surprise Wellens drew compari- top, quickfire tries from Konrad Hur- way through the second half finally
come from the reigning champions in tough it would be. To compete and sons to another Saints great, James rell and Makinson made it 12-0 in the led to points. That created a some-
the weeks and months ahead. to hang in there, it was a true test of Graham, post-match. Lees’ perfor- blink of an eye, underlining the qual- what dramatic finale, with Connor
Three wins from five is far from a our character.” mance was pivotal in helping the visi- ity this St Helens side has in quickly and his teammates frantically chanc-
perfect start, but it is not a disastrous The difference in the end was a tors move into a 12-0 lead just before turning an even game in their favour. ing their arm to try and win the game
one either. Here, the Saints did just second-half penalty from Tommy half-time. But Huddersfield responded with in the dying moments: but the Saints
about enough to edge an attritional Makinson which put the game out “I never came into tonight think- a crucial score on the stroke of half- held on.
contest against a Huddersfield side of reach, on a night when both sides ing a middle player would have to time as Ashton Golding exposed a Huddersfield Pryce; Golding, Naiqama, Halsall, Senior;
Russell, Marsters; Hill, Peats, Trout, Livett, McQueen,
who will almost certainly be in the scored two tries each. But the fact the do that but I never saw signs of him rare gap in the Saints defence to halve Yates. Interchange Connor, Ashworth, Ruston, Ikahihifo.
mix come the end of the season so Saints had to do it a man light after slowing down,” Wellens said of the the deficit. Tries Golding, Senior. Goals Russell 2.
St Helens Welsby; Makinson, Hurrell, Hopoate, Bennison;
to that end, this is a result which losing Sione Mata’utia to a concus- England international. “They’ve got “I’m not worried about where we Lomax, Dodd; Walmsley, Roby, Lees, Mata’utia, Sironen, Bell.
showed plenty about the character sion after just 30 seconds is perhaps a few days off and they’ll all need it, are,” Ian Watson, the Huddersfield Interchange Lussick, McCarthy-Scarsbrook, Paasi, Royle.
Tries Hurrell, Makinson. Goals Makinson 3.
of the champions, if nothing else. even more impressive. but Matty certainly will.” coach, said after their third defeat Referee J Smith.

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• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

40 Sport
Football ▼ Sara (left) and Karen Holmgaard
signed for Everton last summer

‘We wouldn’t
Perhaps most memorably,
at Hjørring, Sorensen once
congratulated Sara for a goal scored

have this if we
by Karen. “At school people couldn’t
see the difference,” says the latter.
“So sometimes we did something

hadn’t pushed
funny and tricked them.”
During that childhood in Mid
Jutland the duo excelled at both

each other on’

football and handball and it was
only after a joint, post-college
discussion that they opted to pursue
mutual success in the former,
with their near telepathic on-pitch
connectivity and inter-twin
competitiveness helping secure
After their first spell apart, them senior Denmark debuts in
Everton’s Holmgaard twins 2019. “We wouldn’t have this life
are back together again and now if we hadn’t each pushed the
relishing a Merseyside derby other on,” acknowledges Sara.
After joint involvement in
Euro 2022, they hope to be on
Louise Taylor the plane to this summer’s World
Cup in Australia and New Zealand

where Denmark face England in a
nce the Holmgaard was set by the Kmita twins, Mollie Potsdam. “It was our first time tactical.” As Karen emphasises, it group-stage game in Sydney. “It’s
twins step on to and Rosie, although that pair without each other and, yeah, of also helps that the pair previously going to be tough,” says Karen.
a football pitch it have now swapped West Ham for course, it was a good thing,” says worked with Sørensen at Hjørring. “England are good. I think they’re
becomes relatively sports broadcasting. Sara. “We learned a lot about a lot of “I think he was the main thing for better than us right now, but we’ll
easy to tell them apart. As the Holmgaards prepare things. We expected it to be difficult us to move over here last summer,” see. We’re very excited.”
While Sara is left- for tonight’s Merseyside derby and it was hard – but not as hard she says. “We had Brian for two More immediately, they aim to
footed and plays in central defence, against Liverpool at Goodison Park, as I imagined. It was nice to try to years before and we really enjoyed help Everton improve on their sixth-
Karen favours her right foot and retirement is the last thing on the live alone and, also, to show people that time. He supports us and we placed WSL standing while finding
anchors midfield but, back in the 24-year-olds’ minds, but they accept outside that we can be apart.” just like him as a manager. But, the time to explore England. “We’ve
dressing room, the pair’s similarities they are unlikely to synchronise Karen believes the dual even after working with Brian heard the Lake District’s really
far outweigh the differences. their entire careers. Indeed they Denmark internationals have for so long, there are still times beautiful so we want to visit the
Even Everton’s manager, Brian have only recently been reunited now achieved a perfect balance when we confuse se him.” mountains,” says Karen. “And we’d
Sørensen, has been known to after being divided for the first time at their shared apartment in like to see more of London.”
confuse one identical twin with when Sara spent the first half of Liverpool’s fashionable docklands The only problem is that,
the other. “Being left- and right- this season on loan at Denmark’s area. “Sometimes I go out with a between now and the WSL
footed is the biggest difference. Fortuna Hjørring. friend and Sara stays at home,” season’s conclusion in late May, the
I’m maybe a bit quieter but Although strictly temporary, she says. “But we have a lot of matches come thick and fast. “But
otherwise we’re nearly the same,” this parting of the ways proved a the same friends so we’re often playing in England’s a good feeling,”
says Sara before Karen interjects. useful exercise in independence all chilling together.” Sara is says Sara. “Every game’s important.
“I have a higher bun,” she points for the Danish siblings who had particularly appreciative of her new You can lose to the last team in the
out, gesturing to her hair. “But we’re previously played together at habitat. “The culture’s different to table and win against the highest.
just enjoying being here together, Hjørring and Germany’s Turbine Germany,” she says. “Personally, I It’s nice to feel there’s always
it’s something special.” love to be here. The people are so something to play for.”
The Holmgaards relish following warm and friendly. They’re just As Karen stresses, tonight’s
the path set by their similarly ‘At school people kind, it’s good to be among them. meeting with Liverpool, the
identical male football counterparts, “The football culture in Germany first to be staged at Goodison,
Jacob and Josh Murphy, who played couldn’t see the was tough too. The games were a is a particularly high-stakes
together at Norwich, and Michael
and Will Keane, once regular
difference, so lot about power but, in England,
although the intensity’s the same,
fixture. “We’re just so excited
to be part of it,” she says. “We
fixtures in assorted Manchester sometimes we there’s a lot more possession. In The twins have understand the history, we know
United and England youth teams. Germany we had a lot of running in helped Everton to Merseyside derbies are always
In the women’s sphere, a precedent tricked them’ training, but here it’s much more sixth in the WSL something special.”

National League
Player facing The player was initially arrested
in July on suspicion of rape that was Football Players could strike
and the captain’s group can work
this out as amicably as possible. But
alleged to have happened in June
In brief there have been times where strikes
rape allegations 2022; he was taken into custody and
further arrested on suspicion of two
over contract shake-up have been necessary.” PA Media

investigated for further incidents of rape, alleged to

have taken place in April and June Wrexham
National League players could
strike over controversial
American consortium
third offence 2021 against a different woman.
In late July the force confirmed it
Veteran Foster comes contract changes by the Football
Association. New conditions, due agrees Terriers deal
would take no further action regard- out of retirement to come in on 1 July as part of the
ing the June 2021 allegation. Investi- FA’s changes to non-league player Huddersfield have agreed a
gations into the two further allega- Wrexham have announced the contracts, will see injured players club takeover with an unnamed
Nick Ames tions have continued and are now signing of the former England and in the National League only paid American consortium. The deal will
joined by the latest case. The player Manchester United goalkeeper Ben in full for 12 weeks. If they are ill or end chairman Dean Hoyle’s 14-year
has been on bail, extended several Foster on a short-term deal. injured longer than four months association with the Terriers.
The Premier League footballer cur- times, since last July. The most recent The 39-year-old has agreed to clubs will be able to reduce their Doyle revealed last year his
rently on bail amid two allegations of extension was made in January. come out of retirement to help wages to statutory sick pay – £99.35 intention to buy back the majority
rape is being investigated for a third The player is not being named for the promotion-chasing National a week and payable for 28 weeks – of shares from former owner Phil
alleged sexual offence. legal reasons but has been a regular League side until the end of until they are fit. For those playing Hodgkinson with a view to selling
It has emerged that the player, member of his club’s first team this the season. It will be Foster’s below the fifth tier they will get the Championship club. A club
whose bail was recently extended season. The club confirmed in July second spell at the Racecourse their full wage for six weeks. statement yesterday read:
until July, was interviewed by the that he would not be suspended and Ground after a loan stint with Oldham’s Peter Clarke, who is “Mr Hoyle has exchanged contracts
Metropolitan police last month. “In that he would be considered for selec- the Welsh outfit in 2005. Foster on the Professional Footballers’ with a North American group on a
February 2023, the man was inter- tion until further notice. hung up his gloves last year after a Association’s players board, said: sale of the 100 per cent shareholding
viewed under caution for a sexual The Guardian has previously distinguished career that included “A strike sounds very drastic. Is it in Huddersfield Town.” The deal
offence alleged to have taken place in reported that the player’s club were lengthy periods with West Brom something we want? I don’t think is thought to ensure the club
Barnet in February 2022,” a statement made aware of a rape allegation and Watford. Wrexham sounded so. Is it something the FA want? avoid administration, with Hoyle
from the force read. “This relates to against him in the autumn of 2021. him out about a return to action I don’t think so either. But is it reportedly writing off £40m he is
a third victim and was reported to That allegation was reported to the after losing regular keeper Rob something that may happen? Quite owed. The Terriers reappointed
police in July 2022.” An investigation Met in August 2021 but did not appear Lainton to injury. “I’m over the possibly. I think all options have got Neil Warnock as their manager last
is understood to be ongoing. to affect his status in the team. moon,” said Foster. PA Media to be explored. Hopefully the FA month. PA Media
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •

Sport 41

Football ▼ Samuel Iling-Junior, of

England Under-20s, gets away
from Germany’s Jens Castrop
World Cup preparations would
Analysis normally be stepping up at this
stage, not merely starting, but
Philipp Lahm the unprecedented timing of
the senior tournament had an
impact on the football calendar at

Euro 2024 can unite a continent numerous levels. “We are probably
six games down with having no
October window and no November
window,” Foster says. “It has
in troubled times, but that not been easy for the players.
We haven’t seen them since
September, and because of injury
responsibility rests with all of us we haven’t seen a few others since
the summer. But others are now

getting a first opportunity and it
he countdown to had chosen the wrong strategy. was brilliant for them to be capped
Euro 2024 is ticking. That is a blow for every athlete; against Germany.”
The qualifiers began he only accepts something like Foster, his coaching staff and
yesterday with that when there is a bigger goal the Under-20s team manager,
Kazakhstan against and he understands that it needs Annabelle Cummins, have
Slovenia. These are the a new attempt. Afterwards Giroud additional complications to
first international matches after the acted in solidarity and rooted for contend with. The tournament,
World Cup, which was attractive the team from the bench. He had the first Fifa event to be held in
in sporting terms but controversial understood the coach’s decision. Indonesia, which was due to host
in Europe. Qatar benefits from He also knows that in France, as in in 2021 before the pandemic forced
football for its political goals. We every European country, football a cancellation, will be played
should do the same. has a social significance. between 20 May and 11 June.
The 2024 European In such cases a football England plan to depart about 11
Championship being in the tournament leaves its mark on May because, as the head coach
heart of Europe offers the ideal the nation, and the whole thing explains: “You are crossing eight
opportunity to do so. Germany is amplified when the hosts are time zones so ideally you should
welcomes the continent and seeks involved. So the responsibility for have eight days in the country to
to defend it with the common Germany is enormous. acclimatise before you play.” But
achievements that make it strong. The national team are different the Premier League season does
The tournament obliges us to put from a club team. There is three not finish until 28 May and the
football back in the spotlight. times as much money involved Championship has the playoffs at
Football has been a unifying in the big clubs as there was 10 the end of that month.
element in Europe for more than years ago. The national team, “Because the World Cup is being
a century. It is a constant driver of meanwhile, have to escape played in the season we won’t
equal opportunities, diversity and the logic of growth. It cannot have any prep games because we
freedom. In times of polarisation be about higher bonuses. A will have to leave it as late as we
and division in our societies, it is all
the more important to strengthen
this. Football provides many vivid
player who earns an annual
salary of €15m-€20m does not
need €200,000 or €400,000. A
‘It has not been easy’: possibly can to get the players out
of the clubs,” says Foster. “But,
listen, Germany at home, USA who
political analogies: how does an
individual behave in a group? What
freedom does the game provide
national player should know their
duties. The child in the jersey
and the volunteer in the amateur
England’s champions are North American champions
and then France are three really
interesting and tough games for us.
in the face of the imperative to
conform to a tactic? How do rules
shape our coexistence? If you’re
club want to see themselves
represented by him or her. If he or
she gives them something, he or
reunite for World Cup That’s what we need.”
Wednesday brought
encouragement for England’s
talking about football, you’re she gets something back. World Cup prospects, however.
talking about social sustainability. I remember when millions Foster’s team adapted swiftly to
That football works as a game of people celebrated us and on Tuesday. And that will be that Germany’s gameplan while the
was experienced in Qatar. The best
Ian Foster and his squad are in terms of a World Cup warmup: impressive central midfield pair of
also themselves in 2006. This
teams had an identity. Argentina attachment, in turn, creates focusing on the Under-20s three fixtures in seven days. Foster Chelsea’s Carney Chukwuemeka
radiated joy and determination; an added value for the players tournament in Indonesia, then goes from southern Spain to and Bristol City’s Alex Scott
you could tell they knew what they that money cannot buy, that battling a stop-start schedule Bali for next Friday’s World Cup illustrated the benefit of Premier
were running for: their teammates can protect you in this tough draw. League experience and regular
and their country. Appreciation business in more difficult days. Wednesday was the team’s first-team football respectively.
comes from the respect of others The love that Lionel Messi is now Andy Hunter first competitive outing for six “There is a real contrast in terms
and when everyone realises their experiencing from Argentina will months. It was the first, and of where they are all getting their

contribution is important, they not exist for him in Paris. only, appearance on home soil minutes,” says Foster. “Players get
fight. My dream for 2024 would be n a wet and windy this season for a squad that first-team football either at the club
For France, Olivier Giroud for every player to internalise the night in Manchester, qualified for the World Cup by they are at – like Alex and Ronnie
became a role model. In the final he enthusiasm of playing for their Ian Foster runs winning the European Under-19s Edwards [Peterborough United]
was substituted before the break. It country, and also for Europe. An through an itinerary championships last summer. “We – or on loan like Callum Doyle [at
was the coach’s admission that he underdog is welcome to surprise, that is taking the head were desperate to play in England Coventry City from Manchester
as Iceland did in 2016. Everyone coach of England as European champions,” says City], Tim Iroegbunam [at Queens
remembers their primal scream. Under-20s men’s team to Marbella Foster, who oversaw the triumph in Park Rangers from Aston Villa] and
A tournament such as this can and Bali over the next week. “It’s Slovakia and has stayed in charge Aaron Ramsey [at Middlesbrough
create a spirit of optimism. After tough at the top,” he jokes. Warmer of the group’s development. “It is from Villa], and then the lads who
the pandemic, Russia’s attack weather aside, Foster’s quip has our only opportunity to do so and are at Premier League clubs and
on Ukraine and the energy substance, as the ripple effects of I thought the crowd [of 2,205] was can’t get in.
crisis, it would be good if we all staging a winter World Cup in Qatar brilliant. We chose Germany for two “They are all playing but there
rediscovered ourselves together. continue to be felt. reasons: one, it is a special fixture, are different levels. It tests you
The present is a Zeitenwende, On Wednesday, England began and, secondly, because of the Elite as a coach, as a developer and as
a turning point. Europe has to preparations for the Under-20s League they are in. Their players a scout. Ultimately we have to
reflect on itself. Perhaps many World Cup in Indonesia with a 2-0 are a year older than ours so we determine who are the best to come
people hadn’t realised before now win over Germany at Manchester knew it would be a sterner test.” in based on form and potential.”
how fortunate it is that we can City’s Academy Stadium. There is another factor in
host a tournament in a democracy Samuel Iling-Junior, the Chelsea England’s favour for the World
again. Every professional academy graduate who has broken ‘Germany at home, Cup: the experience of winning
footballer should realise the into Juventus’s first team this USA and then last summer’s Under-19s European
advantages of our way of life. An season, scored twice as England Championship. “It has definitely
audience of billions will watch as overcame a difficult start to deliver France are three helped us,” says Iling-Junior . “That
we come together and celebrate a a controlled and comfortable feeling you get when you win a
▲ Oliver Giroud showed solidarity great European festival that will victory. The squad now heads for
tough games. That’s tournament, you want to go again.
during France’s World Cup final loss strengthen faith in us. the Marbella Football Centre where what we need’ This group of boys are monsters
they face USA tomorrow and France and we want to win again.”
••• The Guardian Friday 24 March 2023

42 Sport Cool Rice

breaks the
Football Euro 2024 qualifying
in Naples

West Ham’s
reacts fastest
to a loose ball
in the box to
give England
the perfect
start against
the Italians

England battle to opening

the Scudetto so close that everyone in not get near to them on the ball, the
town has started to prepare for the combinations up through the thirds
party of the millennium – it can feel easy on the eye. From back to front
like an out-of-body experience. – and that included the goalkeeper,

victory after Shaw sees red

There was still excitement, still a Jordan Pickford – the passing was
crowd that needed to be subdued, on point.
but it probably said a lot that there It was incredible to see the spaces
were empty seats and the 2,500 that England were able to create and
travelling fans were able to make the chances flowed before the inter-
themselves heard. val, a further clutch coming before
paign looked set to begin with a bang. slumped to his knees, exhausted but They could celebrate an early tonic Kane’s record-breaking goal. Italy
Italy 1 It ought to have been 3-0 in first-half elated. He was the man of the match, after England moved up the field very were made to look toothless. Saka got
Retegui 57
stoppage time only for Jack Grealish his link-up play superb, ditto his pass- smartly – and not for the first time. Or into dangerous areas and even Kalvin
to miscue wide of a gaping goal. ing; his running with and without the the last. It was Kane to Grealish and Phillips, who was recalled in a nicely
England 2
Instead, Gareth Southgate’s team ball relentless. He and England are he did well to release Jude Belling- balanced midfield, fizzed a shot just
Rice 13, Kane 44pen
followed an age-old template. First off to a flyer. ham, who advanced and unloaded wide. The only frustration of the first
Possession half good, second half not too good, The first thing to say about the a vicious drive that Gianluigi Don- half was Grealish’s miss – and it was
Italy England as one of his predecessors, Sven- occasion – Naples’s first senior inter- narumma tipped over. Bukayo Saka’s a horrible one – after Kane’s low cut
57% 43% Göran Eriksson, would have put it. national in 10 years – was that it was corner reached Kane beyond the far back from the right. Grealish held his
Italy leapt up off the canvas, scoring not a Napoli game. When they play at post and, when he shot, the ball rico- head for some time.
Shots on target
through the debutant Mateo Retegui, this stadium – especially this season, cheted off Di Lorenzo and broke for England were guilty of offering
1 3
and came to control the tie just as Rice. He always looked like finishing, encouragement to Italy, which was
Fouls their opponents had done previously. the spin and shot assured. ridiculous. It was still Italy. Retegui’s
12 5 England sat deeper, their passing Leading England scorers It has been said before but it had goal came when Harry Maguire lost
sloppy, inviting Italy on – just as they to be said again. How is Bellingham possession and Italy worked the
David Hytner had done in the Euro 2020 final when only 19? He was central to England’s opening expertly, Marco Verratti
Stadio Diego Armando Maradona they surrendered the initiative and Caps Goals barnstorming start as they controlled prominent. Lorenzo Pellegrini played
eventually lost on penalties. The key 1 Harry Kane 81 54 the tempo and the ball, looking the killer pass and Retegui, the Argen-
It was a night when a Harry Kane pen- difference this time was that England 2 Wayne Rooney 120 53 extremely confident on it. Belling- tina-born striker, finished clinically.
alty conversion overflowed with nar- had scored the first two goals. 3 Bobby Charton 106 49 ham showed his quick feet in posses- The turnaround was remarkable.
rative drama. It was his first attempt England had to dig in, especially 4 Gary Lineker 80 48 sion, his strength and rangy stride Italy pushed high and looked com-
for England since his notorious miss after Luke Shaw was sent off in the 5 Jimmy Greaves 57 44 plus his passing ability. He won the posed on the ball, threatening with
in the World Cup quarter-final exit 80th minute for a trip. His first cau- 6 Michael Owen 89 40 ball; he made things happen. Above it, too. England made errors and they
against France last December and tion had come 54 seconds earlier 7= Nat Lofthouse 33 30 all, he looked fearless. were indebted to John Stones for
so goodness knows what was going for time-wasting. England, though, 7= Alan Shearer () 63 30 Italy are, of course, the reigning some important interventions. When
through his mind as he shaped to take got over the line. Despite what 7= Tom Finney 76 30 European champions, although it Shaw saw red, it was easy to fear the
it, after the VAR had spotted a Gio- amounted to an Italy siege after 10= Vivian Woodward 23 29 feels as if their second failure in a worst. England would celebrate upon
vanni Di Lorenzo handball. the interval, Southgate’s team were 10= Frank Lampard 106 29 row to qualify for the World Cup is the full-time whistle with real feeling.
When he scored it took him clear of able to restrict them to precious few defining them more at present. Local
Wayne Rooney as England’s all-time clearcut chances. optimism had not been high before Italy England
4-3-3 4-3-3
leading scorer with 54 goals. What A win is a win and this was a big kick-off, especially with Roberto Donnarumma; Di Pickford; Walker•,
a moment it was for the captain. It one, England’s most difficult assign- Mancini being without a clutch of Lorenzo, Toloi, Acerbi•,
Spinazzola; Barella
Stones, Maguire•,
Shaw•; Phillips, Rice•,
put England 2-0 up and to describe ment of the group passed already. It injured players including Leonardo (Cristante 62), Bellingham (Gallagher
Jorginho• (Tonali 70), 85); Saka (James 85),
them as rampant at that point late was Southgate’s first victory over Bonucci, Federico Chiesa and Giac- Verratti (Scamacca 88); Kane, Grealish• (Foden
in the first half would have been Italy as manager at the fifth attempt omo Raspadori. It is not a vintage Berradi (Politano 62), 69; Trippier 81)
Retegui, Pellegrini
no exaggeration. and England’s first on Italian soil Italy, although it is still Italy. (Gnonto 69)
Declan Rice had scored the first since 1961. Revenge for the Euro England dominated the first half.
and the Euro 2024 qualifying cam- final was a part of it. At full time, Kane They enjoyed themselves. Italy could Referee Srdjan Jovanovic (Ser)
Friday 24 March 2023 The Guardian •••


Bundesliga Tuchel will hope to emulate his

Analysis success in his first season at Stamford

Barney Ronay Stadio Diego Armando Maradona Bayern sack Bridge, where he took the reins in Jan-
uary 2021 and steered the Blues to the
Nagelsmann and Champions League trophy that same
season. His Chelsea side defeated
turn to Tuchel
Noble Kane completes the
It is huge moment personally Manchester City in the 2021 final and
for Kane, who loves records, and by coincidence Bayern now face Pep
who clearly feels his own place Guardiola’s team in the quarter-finals
in that England scoring lineage, of this year’s competition. The winner

cycle of nation’s hotshots a golden seam of main men, goal

kings, record-chasers running
back through Harry Kane-Wayne
Fabrizio Romano of that tie will face Real Madrid or
Chelsea in the semi-final.
Tuchel’s imminent appointment
Rooney-Michael Owen-Alan The former Chelsea manager Thomas ends any chance of him returning to
and sets admirable record Shearer-Gary Lineker, amassing a
total of 225 goals between them in
Tuchel is in line to take over at Bayern
Munich after Julian Nagelsmann was
the dugout in the Premier League, after
being linked to the manager’s position
the years 1984-2023. sacked last night. at Tottenham in recent weeks.

There has always been Nagelsmann, 35, has lost his job
here was an agreeable handled the ball shielding it something retro in Kane’s noble after a poor run of form which cul-
note of pantomime from Kane. The referee, Srdjan sad-lion styling, the comic book minated in a 2-1 defeat at Bayer
when the moment Jovanovic, strode to his VAR brow, the 1950s insurance clerk Leverkusen on Sunday which cost
came for Harry Kane. screen, then returned to point at hairstyle, as though this England Bayern top spot in the Bundesliga. The
Goalscoring records the spot. Gianluigi Donnarumma line is turning back on itself in Bayern hierarchy have acted swiftly to
don’t matter, perhaps, threw the ball away. The blue shirts time, completing the cycle of appoint 49-year-old Tuchel, who has
or shouldn’t matter, are just crowded around the penalty spot, England hotshots. Who will take been out of work since being sacked
numbers in the book. And yet of churning the turf. it up from here? The English as Chelsea manager last September.
course they do matter, not least Kane paused, collecting his revs, game doesn’t churn out goal- It is understood Tuchel has agreed
in international football, with its gathering the potential energy poachers right now. Kane himself to join Bayern with immediate effect, ▲ Thomas Tuchel is available after
sense of duty and history and ritual. of all those years, the rungs on is something of an outlier, forged with full agreement in place. being sacked by Chelsea in September
And somehow it always seemed the ladder from there to here, the by Football League loans and time
likely Kane would get his chance stumbles and steps up, the act of in the doldrums, a No 10 who
to take that England record in this finally getting in the Spurs team, became a No 9. Tennis

wonderful mini-epic of a qualifier, of making his debut for England Results ATP/WTA MIAMI OPEN (Florida)
with England just about holding on under Roy Hodgson, scoring ane is, for some Men: First round: E Nava (US) bt J Isner (US) 7-6 (7-5) 7-6
(7-4); J Lehecka (Cz) bt F Coria (Arg) 6-3 6-4; A Kovacevic
to take a thrilling 2-1 victory. within moments of coming on and reason, talked down (US) bt J Munar (Sp) 7-6 (7-4) 2-6 6-1; P Martínez (Sp) bt
Naples is a glorious place to looking, even then, like a man just by some, dismissed Q Halys (Fr) 6-2 7-6 (7-4); C Garín (Chl) bt M Giron (US)
6-4 2-6 6-4; R Carbellés Baena (Sp) bt B Zapata Miralles
play football, a city where even born to do exactly this. as a penalty king, a (Sp) 6-0 3-0 ret; C Eubanks (US) bt D Kudla (US) 7-6 (7-2)
the lead-up to the stadium, the The ball that Kane had sent into deflections merchant, Football 6-2; A Mannarino (Fr) bt J Shang (Chn) 1-6 6-4 6-2;
A Molcan (Svk) bt J Thompson (Aus) 6-2 4-6 6-3; M McDonald
total chaos of carriageways and the night sky from the penalty a man who has simply UEFA EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFYING (US) bt D Galán (Col) 6-4 6-2; Y Watanuki (Jpn) bt B Paire (Fr)
6-4 7-5; R Gasquet (Fr) bt C O’Connell (Aus) 6-4 3-6 6-1.
concourses speaks to something spot at the Al Bayt Stadium three got lucky 54 times in 81 games. Group C
Women: First round: E Mertens (Bel) bt D Kasatkina (Rus)
Italy (0) 1 England (2) 2
unbound and slightly beyond months ago is still out there This seems back to front. In reality Retegui 56 Rice 13, Kane 44pen 4-6 6-2 6-2; P Badosa (Sp) bt L Siegmund (Ger) 7-6 (7-2)
4-6 6-2; Zheng Q (Chn) bt I Begu (Rou) 2-6 6-1 6-1;
the control of everyone present. somewhere, floating in the desert Kane has scored relentlessly while North Macedonia (0) 2 Malta (0) 1 P Martic (Cro) bt Wang X (Chn) 6-3 6-3; D Collins (US) bt
Football basically happens to air. He wasn’t going to miss this. always playing for teams with Elmas 66, Churlinov 72 Yannick 86 V Tomova (Bul) 7-6 (7-3) 6-2; J Pegula (US) bt K Sebov
(Can) 6-3 6-1; J Ostapenko (Lat) bt M Björklund (Swe) 6-3
Naples, jamming the roads, Donnarumma dived right. Kane an aversion to winning. Imagine Group H
6-4; L Samsonova (Rus) bt V Golubic (Sui) 6-1 6-1;
Denmark (1) 3 Finland (0) 1
scrambling squadrons of police, buried it high to his left and just being this good while playing for Højland 21 82 90 Antman 53
A Potapova (Rus) bt M Kostyuk (Ukr) 6-1 6-3; C Gauff (US)
bt R Marino (Can) 6-4 6-3; C Liu (US) bt J Gragher (Aut) 6-4
causing strange noises, energies, kept on running to the corner as Spurs and England. Kazakhstan (1) 1 Slovenia (0) 2 6-3; M Linette (Pol) bt E Rodina (Rus) 6-3 6-4.
excitements to break out. You don’t one slice of the ground at the far Kane has got there quickly too. Samorodov 24 Brekalo 47, Vipotnik 78 Rugby league
really steward or manage football end erupted. His goals per game record is better San Marino (0) 0 Northern Ireland (1) 2 BETFRED SUPER LEAGUE
in a place like this. You ride it like And that was that: the mark than any significant goalscorer Charles 24 55 Huddersfield 12 St Helens 14

a wave. passed, 54 goals for England, and a of the past 50 years, better than Group J Cycling
Bosnia-Herzegovina (2) 3 Iceland (0) 0
And England were sublime in note in the pages of England-dom Rooney, Charlton, Lineker, Owen, Krunic 14 40, Dedic 63
Stage four (Llivia-Sabadell, 188km): 1 K Groves (Aus)
those first 45 minutes, establishing that will always be there, and is, Shearer. Only Jimmy Greaves Portugal (1) 4 Liechtenstein (0) 0 Alpecin Deceuninck 4hr 19min 38sec; 2 B Coquard (Fr)
a two-goal lead that could have very unlikely to be passed soon. and Vivian Woodward finished Cancelo 8, Silva 47 Cofidis; 3 C Strong (NZ) Israel Premier Tech at same time.
Ronaldo 51pen 63 Overall standings: 1 P Roglic (Slo) Jumbo Visma 12hr
been a few more, and producing with more than 30 goals at a Slovakia (0) 0 Luxembourg (0) 0 42min 17sec; 2 R Evenepoel (Bel) Soudal Quick Step at same
surely their most balanced better rate. time; 3 G Ciccone (It) Trek Segafredo +19sec

midfield performance under It is a huge moment Greaves was an outright genius. INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLIES
El Salvador 0 Honduras 1; Hungary 1 Estonia 0;
Football (7.45pm unless stated)
Gareth Southgate. Woodward was born in 1879. Kane
Kane was a magnet for the ball personally for Kane, has done all this while leading
New Zealand 0 China 0
European Championship Qualifying
Group B France v Netherlands; Gibraltar v Greece
Group E Czech Republic v Poland; Moldova v Faroe Islands
in that period, making it stick like a
human baseball mitt. His little runs
who loves records, England to a final and a semi-
final, taking a World Cup Golden
Sylhet Ireland 101 (Hasan Mahmud 5-32). Bangladesh 102-0
Group F Austria v Azerbaijan; Sweden v Belgium
Group G Bulgaria v Montenegro (5pm); Serbia v Lithuania

into space drove the Italy defence and who clearly feels Boot, barely playing a friendly
(Litton Das 50no, Tamim Iqbal 41no). Bangladesh beat
Ireland by 10 wickets.
International friendlies
Australia v Ecuador (9am); Japan v Uruguay (10.30am);
into a mania of indecision. Several (although there has been plenty of Saudi Arabia v Venezuela (7pm); South Korea v Colombia

times he dribbled away from his his own place in that meat for the grinder, as there is on
Harare Zimbabwe 271 (SC Williams 77, C Madande 52;
(11am); Uzbekistan v Bolivia (6pm)
FA Women’s Super League
Shariz Ahmad 5-43). Netherlands 270 (MP O’Dowd 81,
man, then was caught – he really scoring lineage every single one of these scorers’ TLW Cooper 74). Zimbabwe beat Netherlands by one run.
Everton v Liverpool (7.30pm)
Cinch Scottish Championship Ayr v Cove;
does chug these days – then had to lists: check out Charlton’s roster of Golf Inverness CT v Partick Thistle; Queen’s Park v Arbroath
Cinch Scottish League One Clyde v Airdrieonians (7.30pm);
dribble again, a strange game of tag. whipping boys). JONSSON WORKWEAR OPEN (Johannesburg) Falkirk v Kelty Hearts; FC Edinburgh v Queen of the South
The record moment came after Plus of course Kane is not just Leading first-round scores (GB/Ire unless stated): Cinch Scottish League Two East Fife v Elgin City (8pm)
64 D Fichardt (SA); M Vorster (SA). 65 N Bachem (Ger); Rugby union
a corner. Giovanni Di Lorenzo about goals. He plays as a No 10 J Lagergren (Swe); S Soderberg (Swe) H O’Kennedy (SA). Gallagher Premiership
for half the game, uses the ball 66 A Cockerill (Can); G Coetzee (SA); E Ferguson; G Green (Mys); Newcastle v Gloucester (7.45pm)
C Hill; N Norgaard (Nor); M Simonsen (Nor); J Schaper (SA). United Championship
beautifully is, in effect, a one-man Leinster v Stormers (7.35pm); Zebre v Cardiff (7.10pm)
attacking plan. England were Group one: S Scheffler (US) bt A Norén (Swe) 5&4;
RFU Championship
Hartpury v Ampthill (7.45pm)
already 1-0 up when he scored Kim T (Kor) bt D Riley (US) 1up. Rugby league
Group two: J Rahm (Sp) bt K Mitchell (US) 4&3;
his record-breaker, after the goal B Horschel (US) bt R Fowler (US) 3&2
Betfred Super League
Castleford v Warrington (8pm); Wakefield v Hull KR (8pm);
from Declan Rice. Just before half- Group three: K Bradley (US) bt S Stallings (US) 6&5; Wigan v Salford (8pm)
R McIlroy (NI) halved with D McCarthy (US)
time Kane almost made a third Group four: P Cantlay (US) bt K Lee (Kor) 4&2;
First T20 international
for England, sniping through on B Harman (US) bt N Taylor (Can) 3&2
Afghanistan v Pakistan, Sharjah (4pm)
Group five: M Homa (US) bt K Kisner (US) 3&2;
the left, looking up and pinging J Suh (US) bt H Matsuyama (Jpn) 3&1
the perfect low cross to meet Jack Group seven: H English (US) bt W Zalatoris (US) 5&3;
A Putnam (US) bt R Fox (NZ) 2&1
Grealish’s run on the opposite Group eight: S Kim (Kor) bt V Hovland (Nor) 4&3; C Kirk Greg Wood’s racing tips
flank. The finish was horrible, (US) halved with M Kuchar (US)
Group nine: C Morikawa (US) halved with A Svensson (Can);
stunned weirdly back across a J Day (Aus) bt V Perez (Fr) 2&1
semi-open goal and well wide Group 10: T Finau (US) bt A Meronk (Pol) 4&3; K Kitayama
(US) bt C Bezidenhout (SA) 2&1
Musselburgh 1.20 Garde Des Champs1.50 Ravenscar
2.25 Bringbackmemories 3.00 Lastofthecosmics (nb)
of the post. If anything it was a Group 11: X Schauffle (US) bt A Wise (US) 2&1; C Davis 3.30 Cuban Cigar (nap) 4.00 White Rhino
(Aus) bt T Hoge (US) 3&1
useful reminder. This stuff only Group 12: T Montgomery (US) bt J Spieth (US) 2&1;
4.30 Of Course You Can
Newbury 1.30 Iliko D’Olivate 2.05 Our Jet 2.40 Arqoob
looks simple. M Hughes (Can) bt S Lowry (Ire) 4&3 3.10 Zanza 3.40 Enzo D’Airy 4.10 General Probus
Group 13: S Burns (US) bt A Scott (Aus) 1up; S Power (Ire) 4.45 Caryto Des Brosses
bt A Hadwin (Can) 1up
 Harry Kane and his England Group 14: T Hatton (Eng) bt L Herbert (Aus) 2&1; R Henley
Hereford 1.40 Crem Fresh 2.15 Charles St
2.50 Voice Of Hope 3.20 Credo 3.50 Pawpaw 4.20 Bertie B
(US) bt B Griffin (US) 5&4.
teammates celebrate the landmark Group 15: C Young (US) bt C Conners (Can) 1up;
4.55 Heros De Romay
EDDIE KEOGH/THE FA VIA GETTY IMAGES D Thompson (US) bt S Straka (Aut) 4&3 Newcastle 5.15 Daaris 5.45 Engles Rock
Grup 16: Im S-j (Kor) bt JT Poston (US) 1up; T Fleetwood 6.15 St Andrew’s Castle 6.45 Brooklyn Nine Nine
(Eng) halved with M McNealy (US). 7.15 Blazing Son 7.45 Mighty Power 8.15 Elzaal

‘Mel B left to get some chicken’

The Guardian
Friday 24 March 2023

Max Rushden on his memories

of hosting Soccer AM and why
he will be sad to see the show go
Exclusive column Page 37 

United bid
chaos leads to
fears Glazers
may not sell
Sean Ingle

Concerns are growing among some

parties involved in the Manchester
United sale that the Glazers might
have “played them for months” – and
instead of selling the club they would
prefer to either push up the price to
create leverage for a loan, or offload a
minority stake to a hedge fund.
The latest plot twist came on a day
where parties were told the dead-
line for the second round of bidding
would now be today at 4pm – having
been pushed back from Wednesday
night – and US hedge fund Elliott
Management confirmed that it had
made an offer for United, but only for
a “small amount of common equity”.
To some well-placed observers
those words suggest Elliott, which
used to own Milan, are only interested
in the 31% of non-Glazer shares that
are traded on the New York Stock
Exchange. However they could target
the members of the Glazer family that
want to sell. Either way, it raises the
prospect of a scenario that would
Report and analysis allow United’s co-chairmen, Joel and
Pages 42-43 Avram Glazer, to stay at the helm.
Meanwhile eyebrows continue to

‘My dream came true’

▲ Harry be raised over claims that up to eight
Kane roars bidders are interested in the club
with delight given that only two, the Ineos owner,
Italy England after netting Sir Jim Ratcliffe, and the Qatari

Kane sets England goal

a nerveless consortium of Sheikh Jassim bin
penalty in Hamad al-Thani, have gone public.

1 2 Naples to set
the England
A spokesman for Ineos said: “Sir Jim
Ratcliffe and Ineos can confirm we

record in historic win

Retegui 57 Rice 13, Kane 44pen scoring record have submitted a revised bid.”
ISABELLA BONOTTO/ The suspicion remains that Raine,
VIA GETTY IMAGES the US bank running the sale, is trying
to ramp up a bidding process that
is not as competitive as made out.
Well-placed sources believe Raine’s
Luke Shaw to a late red card. But the how the World Cup ended. It feels like Kane, who was described as a aim is to push potential suitors
Jacob Steinberg night belonged to Kane, whose 54th forever since I last put on an England complete striker by Italy’s manager, towards the upper end of the Glazers’
Stadio Diego Armando Maradona international goal saw him move one shirt. I was itching to get out there. It Roberto Mancini, addressed the £5bn-£6bn valuation – significantly
clear of Wayne Rooney. was a great feeling to see that hit the squad in the dressing room after the higher than the Qataris or Ratcliffe
Harry Kane said his dream had “It was a really special night for back of the net.” game. “Everybody recognised this appear to want to pay.
come true after the striker became me,” England’s captain said. “A really Southgate embraced Kane after was a very special moment,” South- Yesterday the Finnish entrepreneur
his country’s record goalscorer and special night for the team – the first full time. “His overall performance gate said. “A historic moment and Thomas Zilliacus was the latest to be
helped England make a flying start to time England have won in Italy for was outstanding,” England’s manager he deserves every bit of praise he’s linked with United, saying he would
their Euro 2024 qualifying campaign a long time so to be a part of that is said. “To break the record in the man- getting.” put up £3bn for the club if fans were
by winning away to Italy for the first amazing. I am really proud. Thank ner he did given the recent history England dominated the first half, willing to put up the other half of a
time since 1961. you to everyone that has made this was a real indication of his strength took an early lead through Declan £6bn bid. His move seems unlikely
Kane moved on from the pain of dream become a reality. It had to be of character. I couldn’t be happier for Rice and were 2-0 up at half-time. to succeed given he has yet to show
his missed penalty during the World a penalty. I had a feeling it would be. him and his family. They’re lovely But Southgate was unhappy with proof of funds or make a bid.
Cup quarter-final defeat to France by But I’ve prepared well for it. Thank- people. He’s a brilliant professional his side’s second half. Mateo Retegui However, a nightmare scenario
scoring the winner from the spot as fully I put it away.” and to do it as quickly as he has is an scored on his Italy debut and Eng- for United fans remains in play: the
Southgate’s side secured a 2-1 victory Kane was asked if his miss against incredible achievement. land had a nervy finish after Shaw family that loaded £514.9m of debt
in Naples. France went through his mind before “The players gave him a brilliant was booked twice in the space of 54 on  the club when they took over
England, who gained revenge for he converted his penalty. “Any pen- reception afterwards and I think that seconds. The left-back will be sus- in 2005 – with only £35.1m coming
their defeat to Italy in the Euro 2020 alty is nerve-racking,” the 29-year-old was both in response to the record pended when England host Ukraine off since – staying in charge for the
final, were under pressure after losing said. “I was really disappointed with and what he’s had to recover from.” at Wembley on Sunday.* foreseeable future.

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