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WANDRA NAYO [21915024]. Decision Support System for Acceptance of the Merdeka
Smart Card Scholarship (KIP) at STMIK Ichsan Gorontalo Using the Web-Based Simple
Additive Weighting (SAW) Method.
Under the guidance of Mrs. Muliati Badaruddin, S.Kom., M.T and Rahmat Kasim,
Educational institutions, especially Stmik Ichsan University, Gorontalo, have lots of
scholarships offered to students. It is also given to students at Stmik Ichsan Gorontalo in the
form of aspirational scholarships, college kip scholarships, brilliant bonebolango and there are
also achievement scholarships.
There are several problems that often occur, for example the selection process is
inaccurate because of the large number of scholarship applications that must be adjusted to the
existing criteria, then in determining the eligible students do not get scholarships and students
who are not entitled to get scholarships instead get scholarships and the selection process is still
manual because student data will be compared one by one with scholarship criteria so that the
selection process requires accuracy and time, this is not efficient.
This study uses a research method of research and development (R&D) procedures.
The data sources used are primary and secondary data using observation and interview data
collection methods. Tests used whitebox and blackbox. The whitebox test results on one of these
systems are Cyclomatic Complexity (CC) = 6, so this system can run well while the blackbox test
results with several test samples result in the system running as expected and efficiently.
It was concluded that the Decision Support System for Accepting the Merdeka Smart
Card Scholarship (KIP) at STMIK Ichsan Gorontalo using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
method can make it easier for campuses to determine students who are eligible for scholarships.

Keywords: Decision Support System, Smart Indonesia Card Scholarship (KIP), SAW

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