Document #9C - Facilities Report

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Facilities Report Board of Library Trustees Meeting September 21, 2011 Martin Luther King Jr.

, Memorial Library The window contractor replaced another window this year. This one on the 1st floor lobby behind the book drop. It appeared to be hit by a stone. . All preventive maintenance was completed for the months of July and August. Engineering staff is in the process of preparing for winter operations for the switch over which will occur on October 15. Facilities staff is continuing to replace the light tubes and ballasts in the second floor reading rooms. A new garage entry gate has been ordered and is being paid for by the parking contract vendor due to damage caused by one of their employees. Carpet cleaning has been completed in the entire building in preparation for the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial dedication. Many activities were scheduled at the Library during the celebration. DCPL engineers have performed preventive maintenance twice on the cooling tower because of the construction work from the new building at 10th & G Street. This meant draining the entire buildings cooling system on a Sunday morning so service could be back up in time for the 1:00 pm library opening. A new fire extinguisher contractor has completed all the inspections and certification of all equipment assigned at MLKML. New duct work was installed to provide A/C to the Public Safety control room. Neighborhood Libraries Three broken windows have been replaced at Anacostia Library and broken glass in the entrance door of Southwest has been replaced. The final energy stimulus contract for door replacement has been completed at Southwest, Capitol View, Cleveland Park, and Woodridge. Palisades and Lamond-Riggs libraries should be completed by October 30. All preventive maintenance on equipment has been completed for July and August. Engineering staff has broken down all boilers in preparation for boiler inspections and notification has been given to DCRA inspector. Work has begun on the installation of a new 15 ton spilt unit for the second floor of Cleveland Park. This unit will provide both heating and cooling for the area. An electrical contractor completed the re-lamping at Shepherd Park and also did new lighting for the parking lot. Facilities has paid a plumbing contractor on seven occasions since January to clean out the sewer injector pits at Watha T. Daniels/Shaw because of problems with small pumps. Document #9C Board of Library Trustees Meeting September 21, 2011 1

A new energy management system and a new chilled water pump have been installed at Cleveland Park. Takoma Park received new motor controls on air handler unit number 1.

Miscellaneous Items MLKML and all neighborhood libraries made it through the earthquake and the hurricane with no major problems. Shepherd Park and Chevy Chase both required a structural engineer to inspect the libraries because some cracks were found at Chevy Chase and loose bricks on the outer walls in two places were found at Shepherd Park. The damage did not require DCPL to close any facilities but we closed the employee parking area at Shepherd Park and a staircase at Chevy Chase. The hurricane caused a few power outages but power was back on when the libraries opened on Monday. Facilities Management welcomes Ms. Deborah Crayton as our new Asset Manager and we all look forward to working with her. The DCPL carpenter installed new site evacuation plans at eight neighborhood libraries. A major leak in the ceiling of the childrens area at Northeast was repaired, and the walls were re-painted and the carpet cleaned.

Document #9C Board of Library Trustees Meeting September 21, 2011 2

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