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Plan educational activities based on the educational model of the establishment, which promote
the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development of students.

5. Know, dominate and update knowledge related to the areas of knowledge in which they work.

6. Plan the teaching and learning processes, taking into account the development of the students
and the quality references issued by the Ministry of National Education.

7. Build environments that foster autonomous and cooperative learning in students.

8. Establish pedagogical and didactic criteria to articulate the dimensions of the subject with the
curricular proposal of the level, considering the educational project and the quality references
defined and issued by the Ministry of National Education.

9. Select and apply pedagogical strategies that contribute to the cognitive, emotional and social
development of students, articulated with the Institutional Educational Project (PEI).

10. Prepare training activities that allow relating the concepts of the areas with the previous
experiences of the students.

11. Prepare learning evaluation instruments according to the objectives of the degree and the
competencies of the cycle.

12. Perform monitoring, evaluation and feedback taking into account a comprehensive, flexible and
educational approach.

13. Submit reports to students and families or guardians on the personal and academic situation
(school record, discipline, absences, records of performance, among others) on a regular basis and at
the end of academic periods

14. Support student enrollment processes to ensure the proper functioning of the institution.

15. Record school performance to strengthen the feedback process of student learning.

16. Participate and encourage the care of the educational establishment to preserve satisfactory

17. Use the educational resources, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the
educational support resources of the institution for the development of their educational practice.

18. Support strategies for conflict resolution among students, using the institution's coexistence
manual as a reference.

19. Propose the realization of extracurricular activities in the institution that favor the development
of the educational community.

20. Link in the teaching process the dynamics of the context and territory of the educational

21. Support the implementation of institutional strategies to relate to the different entities oriented
to community care and that promote the development of educational activities specific to the
institutional context.

23. Plan and develop strategies that promote the active participation of students and their families
through permanent and timely communication, to favor the pedagogical processes.
24. Promote good coexistence in the educational establishment and the acquisition of daily routines
that allow students to create habits for a healthy life.

25. Participate in the care of spaces for pedagogical rest and care in school meals, as training
activities for students within the educational establishment.

26. Promote student participation in school government.

27.Identify the skills, interests and special needs of the students, provide them with timely attention
in their role as classroom teacher and activate the institutional routes established for their attention.

28. Participate in the reception, welfare and permanence processes defined by the educational
institution, both for the admission of students to it, and for the transition to other grades or
educational levels.

29.The others assigned by the rector in accordance with the position and functions of the classroom

Specific Functions of Primary School Teachers

1. Know the Institutional Student Evaluation System (SIEE) and, in particular, the criteria defined for
students of the degrees of this educational cycle, which allows monitoring and evaluation of
academic work in the classroom.

2. Develop strategies that articulate and enrich interdisciplinary work, typical of this cycle of
education, considering the quality benchmarks defined by the Ministry of National Education.

3. Propose support and leveling activities, prior analysis of their training process and in accordance
with the physiological, emotional and psychosocial development of the students of this educational

Continuation of the Resolution "By which the new Manual of Functions, Requirements and
Competences for the positions of Teaching Directors and Teachers of the Special Teaching Career
System is adopted and other provisions are dictated". Specific Functions of Knowledge Area Teachers

1. Know the Institutional Student Evaluation System (SIEE) for monitoring and evaluating work in the

2. Plan support and leveling activities for elementary and middle school students, after analyzing
their training process.

3. Structure academic planning considering the didactic strategies of the discipline or area of

4. Guide the reflection and practical application of the knowledge of the discipline or area of
knowledge, in classroom situations and scenarios linked to the daily experiences of students.

5. Participate in joint work spaces with teachers from other areas of knowledge to articulate and
enrich interdisciplinary work.

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