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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

Web Based Parking Management system

Submitted to
Department of Computer Application
Birendra Multiple Campus

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelors in Computer

Submitted by

Name: Safal Adhikari

Roll no:6-2-19-24-2019
Name: Soham Pandey
Roll no: 6-2-19-16-2019

Under the Supervision of

Sobraj Paudel
Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

Birendra Multiple Campus

Supervisor’s Recommendation

I hereby recommend that this project prepared under my supervision by RAMA

BHATTARAI AND MANOJ RANA entitled “Web Based Parking Management
System” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Computer
Application is recommended for the final evaluation.

Hari Prasad Sapkota



Bharatpur-10 Chitwan

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

Birendra Multiple Campus


This is to certify that this project prepared by Rama Bhattarai and Manoj Rana entitled
“Web Based Parking Management System” in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor in Computer Application has been evaluated. In our opinion it
is satisfactory in the scope and quality as a project for the required degree.

SIGNATURE Of Supervisor SIGNATURE of HOD/Coordinator

Name and Academic designation Name and Academic Designation

SIGNATURE of Internal Examiner SIGNATURE of External Examiner

Internal Examiner External Examiner


The project’s goal is to allow people to book movie tickets online. The Ticket
Reservation System is an Internet based application that can be accessed throughout the
Net and can be accessed by anyone who has a net connection. This application will
reserve the tickets. This online ticket reservation system provides a website for a cinema
hall where any user of internet can access it. User is required to login to the system to
booking the tickets. Tickets can be collected at the counter and Watching movies with
family and friends in theatres is one of the best mediums of entertainment after having a
hectic schedule. But all this excitement vanishes after standing in hours in long queues to
get tickets booked. The website provides complete information regarding currently
running movies on all the screens with details of show timings. Our online tickets
reservation system is one of the best opportunities for those who cannot afford enough
time to get their tickets reserved standing in long queues. People can book tickets online
at any time of day or night.


First I would like to express my special thanks to Birendra Multiple campus and
gratitude to our teacher supervisor Mr. Hari Prasad Sapkota who gave me the great
opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic of Online Movie Ticket Booking
System. Which also helped me in doing a lot of research for completing my Project. I
came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them.

Secondly I would also like a thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in
finishing this project within the limited time frame. this project help to increase my
Knowledge and Skills.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction.........................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Statement.................................................................................................1

1.3 Objectives..............................................................................................................1

1.4 Scope and Limitation.............................................................................................2

1.5 Report Organization..............................................................................................3

Chapter 2 Background Study and Literature Review..........................................................4

2.1 Background Study.................................................................................................4

2.2 Literature Review..................................................................................................4

Chapter 3 System Analysis and Design...............................................................................6

3.1 System Analysis....................................................................................................6

3.1.1 Requirement Analysis....................................................................................6

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis........................................................................................6

3.1.3 Data Modeling................................................................................................9

3.1.4 Process Modeling.........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2 System Design.....................................................................................................12

3.2.1 Architectural Design....................................................................................12

3.2.2 Database Schema Design.............................................................................13

3.2.3 Interface Design...........................................................................................14

3.2.4 Physical DFD...............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 4 Implementation and Testing..............................................................................15

4.1 Implementation....................................................................................................15

4.1.1 Tools Used...................................................................................................15

4.1.2 Implementation Details of Modules.............................................................15

4.2 Testing.................................................................................................................15

4.2.1 Test Cases for Unit Testing..........................................................................16

4.2.2 Test Cases for System Testing.....................................................................16

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Recommendations........................................................17

5.1 Lesson Learnt / Outcome.....................................................................................17

5.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................17

5.3 Future Recommendations....................................................................................17

Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Recommendations........Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.1 Lesson Learnt/Outcome.......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.2 Conclusion...........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.3 Future Recommendations....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

List of Figures

Figure 3-1 Gantt Chart.........................................................................................................8

Figure 3-2 ER-Diagram of online movie ticket...................................................................9
Figure 3-3 0-level DFD.......................................................................................................9
Figure 3-4 1-level DFD.....................................................................................................10
Figure 3-5 2-level DFD.....................................................................................................11
Figure 3-6 Tier architecture design....................................................................................12
Figure 3-7 Interface Design...............................................................................................14

List of Tables

Table 1 tbl customer...........................................................................................................13

Table 2 tblMovieShow.......................................................................................................13
Table 3 Register page case test..........................................................................................16
Table 4 Cases for System Testing......................................................................................16

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Movie Ticket Booking System is a website to provide the customers facility to book
tickets for a movie online and to gather information about the movies and theaters.
Customer needs to register at the site to book tickets to the movie. After selecting the
show, then user is presented a seating layout so that he can select seats of his choice.
Thereafter he is redirected to the payment gateway for making a transaction. User can
update his profile, take a print out of the ticket and also view his booking history. The
system is to provide an alternate and convenient way for a customer to buy movie tickets.
It is an automatic system. After the data has been fed into the database, the database, the
staff does not need to do anything with the order once it is received through the system.

User needs to register and then login at the site to book a movie. After login the site
he/she the movies at the site. After selecting the show. After the data has been fed into the
database, the admin does not need to do anything with the order once it is received
through the system.

1.2 Problem Statement

The problem statement are given below.

i. late seat reservation by the customer,

ii. Fluctuation of network service.
iii. Inability to book a seat by computer illiterate customers.
iv. Corrupt and tactical customers who have ways of sneaking into the cinema hall
with fake seats number printout.

1.3 Objectives
The main Objective of this Project is to focuses on Providing quality Services for the

i. To establish an efficient way to promote the film on the internet.

ii. To register the ticket at any point of time sitting at home and login for their
iii. To allow booking tickets without errors and without creating conflicts.
iv. To provide fast and accurate services to the customers.
v. To cancel their booking from their account.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

1.4.1 Scope

Main focus on Cinema Halls:

Our project main focused on cinema halls because many people visits cinema halls.
Mostly cinema hall used the traditional way of booking ticket application for the movie
which is compare to today technology scenario. So, there is the high chances of scope of
this project.

Market Scope:

Based on type of product, the market segmented into: our project markets by type:
Adventure, Action, Comedy, Drama & Thriller, suspense and horror movies. This project
provides a more informed view and offers a snapshot of current state of the rapidly
changing industry.

More secure, advance and systematic system:

As compare to traditional based ticket system this most secure and advanced system
because all the system like queue, loss of cost, loss of time etc. will be reduced due to this

1.4.2 Limitation
i. This system is used for online basis only as we provide you.
ii. No email alerts are sent to customer about Time, they have to login to the system
for this purpose.
iii. There is only one admin account to manage the whole system.
iv. Customer cannot see show and upcoming movies in the home page before the
login and see movies list after the login their account.
v. Admin cannot add more than three movies in the movies list.
vi. This project has the lack of billing system through internet.

1.5 Report Organization

The main reports is organized in a Chapter wise manner. the reports consists of five
different chapter

Chapter 1 Introduction

Here we briefly introduce about online movie ticket booking system, its existing system

Chapter 2 Background Study and Literature review

This chapter includes Project related Description of fundamental theories, general

concepts and terminologies related to the project.

Chapter 3 System Analysis and Design

This Chapter present the system analysis and design including Requirement analysis and
feasibility analysis.

Chapter 4 Implementation and Testing

This chapter presents the implementation, Testing ,unit test, system test and debugging
are explained.

Chapter 5 Future recommendation

In this chapter we include conclusion, lesson learnt/outcome and future recommendation.

2 Background Study and Literature Review

2.1 Background Study

Online Movie ticket Booking system for cinema hall is basically made for providing the
movies ticket anywhere and anytime and gets information about the movies online. The
user can easily be able to know about the movies released and then make a choice. It is a
web-based system. Then customers can buy ticket online and cancel the seat at a suitable
time (2days before the show to 1hour before the show).

To enhance the refund function, all the customers have to register to become a number
before buying the ticket. Staff can use the system to insert and delete data (example film
description, time table) which will update the webpage. Also staff can check the statistic
information from the system.

2.2 Literature Review

Now a century old, the cinema has historically enjoyed a competitive advantage over
other forms of entertainment, as built upon two foundations which are currently being
undermined. During the movie industry’s first century, movie theatres represented the
first-release retail market for the America film industry. Until movies were first broadcast
on television in the late 1950s, and later because available on video, they could only be
seen in a movie theatre. Moreover, until the recent introduction of alternative digital
delivery technologies and big screen television, the primary medium for watching movies
on large, wide screens has also been in movie theaters (Silver & McDonnell, 2007).

The availability of product substitutes has been increasing, due to the diffusion of home
cinema and other digital technologies that enable consumers to watch movies in forms
other than on a theatre screen. Some of the most recent and dramatic threats to movie
theatres have arisen from the sudden emergence of the home cinema industry. The cinema
is stall a very expensive way of showing entertainment and with very different social and
economic characteristic to the home video release, and the popularity of a film in one
medium is no indicator of potential success in the other. The cinema production industry
is an extremely important source of information: the upfront costs are often huge
compared to the distribution. The industry has adopted a form of promotion that uses

hype, the cult of tars, and careful planned release of films to maximize audience interest
and thus revenue (Epsein,2005).

Cinema can be of great utility and influence if the cinemas made are educative and
provide clean entertainment, clean songs and dances of some standard. However, in India,
like all other things, cinema has also become an industry highly commercialized each
picture produced must be a commercial hit no matter what it may all be about. The
producers and directors get together to produce picture to earn a fortune and not to
provide quality education or entertainment for people (Shah,2012).

Thus, the influence of cinema has got to be tremendous and it is being so. We are getting
the return of our cinemas in all our crimes and violence and sex. So it is playing its role of
teaching no doubt but what, is just nobody’s business. If the cinema has to play the role it
is meant to play, the quality of cinema must improve no matter ever if quantity is not
retained. It is not important to know how much we learn it is all important to know what
all we learn as the influence of cinema is great and irreparable [1]

3 System Analysis and Design

3.1 System Analysis

Waterfall methodology was used for building this application. The waterfall approach is
appropriate for this project that have specific documentation, fixed requirement, clear and
fixed. It helps the project manager in proper planning of the project. So we can use
waterfall methodology for this project.

3.1.1 Requirement Analysis

i. Functional Requirement
 Create User
 login
 Add user
 Add Admin
 CRUD for showing and recent releases
ii. Non-functional Requirements
 Reliability
 Security
 Maintainability
 Availability

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis

A feasibility study is an analysis that considers all of a project’s relevant factors-including
economic, technical, legal, and scheduling consideration-to ascertain the likelihood of
completing the project successfully.

i. Technical

This proposed project “Movie Ticket Booking System” is feasible on technical remarks
also, as the proposed project is more beneficiary in terms of having a sound proof system
with new technical components installed on the system. The proposed system can run on
any machines supporting Windows and Internet services and works on the best software

and hardware that had been used while designing the system so it would be feasible in all
technical terms of feasibility.

ii. Operational

Our proposed project “Movie Ticket Booking System” is operationally feasible since
there is no need for special training of staff member and whatever little instructing on this
system is required can be done so quite easily and quickly as it is essentially. This project
is being developed keeping in mind the general people who one have very little
knowledge of computer operation, but can easily access their required database and other
related information. The redundancies can be decreased to a large extent as the system
will be fully automated.

iii. Economic

The management of organization is ready to invest the money in purchasing the hardware
needed to deploy the computerized system and they think that this investment is going to
be very much beneficial in long run. What ever will be the investment it will be very soon
recovered by the any cinema company in terms of increase in productivity and
performance so “Movie Ticket Booking System” is economical feasible.

iv. Schedule

Schedule feasibility is defined as the probability of a project to be completed within its

scheduled time limits, by a planned due date. if a project has a high probability to be
completed on-time, then its schedule feasibility is appraised as high.

Following Gantt Chart Shows the schedule for our project

Figure 3-1 Gantt Chart

Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


System Analysis

System Design



3.1.3 Data Modeling (ER-Diagram)

Figure 3-2 ER-Diagram of online movie ticket

3.1.4 Process Modeling (DFD)


Online Movie Ticket

User Admin


Figure 3-3 0-level DFD

Figure 3-4 1-level DFD

Figure 3-5 2-level DFD

3.2 System Design
3.2.1 Architectural Design

Figure 3-6 Tier architecture design

3.2.2 Database Schema Design

Table 1 tbl customer

Field Name Description Type Length

customer_id (PK) Customer ID number Int 50

Customer_fname Customer First Name varchar 50

Customer_lname Customer Last Name varchar 50

customer_email Customer Email Address varchar 50

customer_address Customer Address Text

Table 2 tblMovieShow

Field Name Description Type Length

movie_id (PK) Movie ID number Int 50

movie_name Movie Name or the Title of the movie varchar 50

movie_date Date of the movie released varchar 50

movie_hour Movie Duration Time varchar 50

movie_type The type of the Movie varchar 50

3.2.3 Interface Design

Figure 3-7 Interface Design

4 Implementation and Testing

4.1 Implementation
Implementation phase is the third phase of software Development life cycle (SDLC)

4.1.1 Tools Used

Operating system: Windows 7 or above

Technology [Front-End] :HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT
Technology [Back-End] : PHP
Database : MySQL
Tool : visual studio code.
Server :xampp apache server

4.1.2 Implementation Details of Modules

The modules used for the designing of the online movie ticket Booking system are given

Login Module

The customer and admin both will use this module. Both will get access to the system
only after the login based on the login id they will get option in the system.

Refund module

By use of this module a customer can cancel the tickets.

4.2 Testing
Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its components with the intent to find
whether it satisfies the specified requirement or not.

4.2.1 Test Cases for Unit Testing
Unit testing is a testing technique using which individual modules are tested to determine
if there are any issues by the developer himself. It is connected with functional
correctness of the standalone modules.

Table 3 Register page case test

Id Test case Test data Result

1. user Username, email, Register
password should be
filled and password
should be match
2. Admin User and password Register
should be filled

4.2.2 Test Cases for System Testing

System testing is a level of testing that validates the complete and fully integrated
software product.

Table 4 Cases for System Testing

Id Test Case Test data Result

1 user Email and password Login
should be validate
2 admin User and password Login
should be validate

5 Conclusion and Future Recommendations

5.1 Lesson Learnt / Outcome

This application can be used for Movie ticket booking system. This application is easy to

5.2 Conclusion
The online movie ticket booking system project has been developed successfully and the
performance of the system has been found satisfactory. Use of this interface helps
customer in having immediate information of running movies and reserve seats without
wasting there precious time. the user will be able to book the ticket using this website.

5.3 Future Recommendations

This web application involves almost all the basic features of online movie ticket booking
system. Provide a list of upcoming movie. Allow customers to comment movies. provides
the searching facilities based on various factors. such as movie, customer, showing timing


6 References

[1] M. Shaikh, "Literature Review," 11 Nov 2012. [Online]. Available:

https://www.scribd.com/document/112823928/Literature-review. [Accessed 30
March 2022].


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