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Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

Parking Management System


Submitted to

Department of Computer Application

Birendra Multiple Campus

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelors in Computer Application

Submitted by

Name: Safal Adhikari

Roll no: 6-2-19-24-2019

Name: Soham Pandey

Roll no: 6-2-19-31-2019

Under the Supervision of

Table of content

1 Introduction..................................................................................................................3

2 Problem Statement.......................................................................................................4

3 Objectives.....................................................................................................................5

4 Methodology................................................................................................................6

4.1 Requirement Identification....................................................................................6

4.1.1 Study of existing system................................................................................6

4.1.2 Literature Review...........................................................................................6

4.1.3 Requirement Analysis....................................................................................6

4.2 Feasibility Study....................................................................................................6

4.2.1 Technical........................................................................................................6

4.2.2 Operational.....................................................................................................6

4.2.3 Economic........................................................................................................6

4.3 High Level Design of System................................................................................6

5 Gantt Chart...................................................................................................................7

6 Expected Outcome.......................................................................................................8

7 References....................................................................................................................9

1. Introduction

1. Online shopping has become

one of the most interesting
2. parts of all internet activities,
3. Online shopping has become
one of the most interesting
4. parts of all internet activities,
Parking management system is a software application designed to simplify and streamline
the process of managing parking spaces. The system can be used in various settings, such
as airports, hospitals, shopping malls, universities, and other public places where parking
is available. The system is developed using various programming languages, including
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP with MySQL.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the backbone of any web-based application. HTML
provides the structure of the application, CSS handles the visual aspect of the system, and
JavaScript adds interactivity to the application. PHP with MySQL is a powerful
combination that enables developers to build dynamic web applications with a database

The parking management system built with these technologies can help parking managers
efficiently manage parking spaces, monitor occupancy, and collect revenue. In this
system, drivers can easily find available parking spaces and make payments through the
web-based application. The system can also generate reports on occupancy, revenue, and
other important metrics, helping parking managers make informed decisions to optimize
their operations.

2. Problem Statement

Parking management systems have become increasingly important in modern times, as
the number of vehicles on the roads has increased. However, there are several problems
that need to be addressed to ensure efficient and effective parking management.

One of the biggest issues is slow and manual entry. This can lead to long queues and
delays, especially during peak hours. Moreover, manual entry can result in errors and
inconsistencies, leading to confusion and frustration among drivers.

Another problem is the lack of automation in parking management systems. Automated

systems can help streamline the parking process, reducing the time and effort required by
both drivers and parking attendants. This can also help improve the accuracy and
reliability of the system.

Lack of proper management is another issue that needs to be addressed. Without proper
management, parking facilities can become overcrowded, leading to safety hazards and
inconvenience for drivers. Proper management can also help improve the overall user
experience, making parking facilities more user-friendly and efficient.

Security concerns are also a significant problem in parking management systems. With
the increasing use of technology in parking management, there is a need to ensure that
these systems are secure and protected from cyber threats. This can be achieved through
the use of encryption, firewalls, and other security measures.

Finally, limited payment options can also be a hindrance to effective parking

management. Drivers should be given multiple payment options, including cash,
credit/debit cards, and digital wallets, to ensure maximum convenience and accessibility.

Overall, addressing these problems can help improve the efficiency, safety, and
convenience of parking management systems, making them more user-friendly and

3. Objective
The main objectives of the Parking management system project are:
 Fast and easy entry system
 Improved automation
 Efficient management
 Enhanced security with authentication

4. Methodology
The Waterfall methodology is a linear approach to software development that involves a
sequential process of planning, development, testing, and deployment. This methodology
can be useful in the development of a parking management system because it ensures that
each stage of development is completed before moving on to the next.

4.1. Requirement Identification

4.1.1. Study of existing system

Many parking places such as The Newroad parking still use the manual or the
paper based system for customers parking reservation, data storage and payments.

4.1.2. Literature Review

Traffic congestion is one of the biggest challenges faced in many crowded cities
like Bharatpur, Kathmandu valley, Pokhara etc. Due to limited parking spaces. Growing
population and the resultant increase in the number of vehicles on road are among
the key factors responsible for traffic congestion. Owing to the necessity of organized
parking and reduction in traffic congestion, the concept of parking reservation systems
has been introduced. The system allows drivers to obtain parking availability information.
According to ATCM, July 2014, Results from the survey confirm that drivers use a wide
range of criteria to choose where to park. Unsurprisingly, their overriding concern is
„location‟, in other words, proximity of the car park to the amenity or location which
represents the very purpose of their trip. Their preference is car park management system

which allow them to book a parking place easily where they can easily find a space that
comfortably accommodates their vehicle.

4.1.3. Requirement Analysis

A parking management system needs to have features like automated entry and exit for
vehicles, monitoring of available parking spaces, options for different payment methods,
ability to reserve and pre-book parking spaces, easy-to-use interface, reports on
occupancy rates and revenue, integration with other transportation systems, and more.
These features will make it easier for people to find parking spots quickly and pay
conveniently, while also ensuring their safety and security.
4.2. Feasibility Study
A feasibility analysis is an analysis that consider all of a projects relevant factors
including economic, technical, operational, legal and scheduling considerations to
ascertain the likelihood of completing the project successfully.

4.2.1. Technical
Our project results a very simple and user-friendly outcome. The technical feasibility in
the proposed system deals with the technology used in the system. It deals with the
hardware and software used in the system whether they are of latest technology or not. It
happens that after a system is prepared a new technology arises and the user wants
the system based on that technology. This system uses HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, and
MYSQL making our project parking management system technically feasible

4.2.2. Operational
This project is operationally feasible in a sense that this is done in a Computer, so data
are more secure than before, reduces risk of loss of data and updates in automated
manner reduces the error occurring chances. And this software does not require any other
technical person to operate as it can be understood by simple educated person.

4.2.3. Economic
This project is economically feasible in the sense that the money which were
invested in purchasing register to keep data during short periods are now to be
invested in a computer which do not need to be changed every year. So, a onetime

investment in computer reduces expenses of the company. And a project itself is feasible
as every software used to make it are easily available in internet.

4.3. High Level Design of System

Fig: Flow chart of Parking Management System

5.Gant chart

The estimate working schedule for the Parking Management System project is as shown
in the chart below.

6. Expected outcome

A parking management project is a plan to make parking better. It has different goals like
making it easier for people to park, making it safer, making more money, making people
happier with the parking situation, and collecting information about how people use
parking. It can do this by changing how people park, making sure there is space for
everyone, promoting good ways to get to the parking area, charging money to park, and
collecting information about how people park. The project will be successful if it helps
with the unmanaged and slow parking system.

7. References

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