Tourism Survey Final Report West Bengal April 2014 To March 2015

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Annual Final Report of Tourism Survey for the

State of West Bengal (April 2014-March 2015)

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Datamation Consultants Pvt.Ltd,
Ministry of Tourism Plot no. 361, Patparganj
(Market Research Division) Industrial Area, New Delhi-
(Govt. of India) 110092 Telephone: 011-22158819
Fax: 011-22158819

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal


We are thankful to the Ministry of Tourism Government of India for assigning to the Datamation
Group, New Delhi the prestigious study for conducting “Tourism Survey for the State of West
Bengal”. We would also like to acknowledge cooperation, support and input we received from the
Market Research Division, Ministry of Tourism-Govt. of India & West Bengal Tourism for
ensuring successful completion of the survey which was carried out in all districts of West

We would like to thank first and foremost Secretary Ms Rashmi Verma , Director General Mr
Satyajeet Rajan Shri S M Mahajan- Additional Director General, Dr. R.K. Bhatnagar-Ex-
Additional Director General (MR), Ms. Mini Prasanna Kumar- Director, Ms. Neha Srivastava -
Deputy Director (MR), Mr. Shailesh Kumar - Deputy Director (MR) for providing us necessary
guidance and periodical support for conducting the survey. We would also like to thank Mr. S.K.
Mohanta, Programmer - MR and other team members for providing us support and help.

The present report is an outcome of dedicated commitment to the field survey of the research
investigators and cooperation received from the officials of West Bengal Tourism. We would like
to thank Hon. Secretary, West Bengal Tourism, current Managing Director as well as previous
Managing Directors of the West Bengal Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. (WBTDC),
General Manager-WBTDC for extending their cooperation in the execution of the survey.

We are also thankful to all staff members and hotel staff of West Bengal Tourism and WB
Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. for offering all possible help and support while collecting
data on Tourism in all districts of West Bengal.

The assigned members of the team devoted themselves with complete sincerity in completing
targeted work by keeping up the momentum and time schedule of the survey which involved
movement in a very difficult terrain. Last but not the least we would also like to thank our entire
team of research professionals as well as our field staff and support team for their co-operation
and team spirit.

Chetan Sharma – CEO

Datamation Consultants Pvt. Limited
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

Executive Summary

In West Bengal four different types of survey, namely, enumeration and short survey at
destinations, exit survey at exit point(s) at district headquarters and accommodation unit
survey were conducted during the period April 2014 to March 2015. The survey data
were tabulated and estimates of various parameters were made following the approved
tabulation program.

In case of Domestic Tourists; the survey findings suggest that peak months for overnight
and same day tourist visits were January 2015 (7768121) . In case of Foreign Tourists, the survey
findings suggest that peak months for overnight and same day tourist visits were January 2015
(150130), February 2015 (135426) and December 2014 (132599).

The survey findings suggest that total numbers of leisure overnight tourists (42195614)
were higher than non-leisure tourists (5636286) and also same day visitors the survey findings
suggest that the total numbers of leisure tourists (6926007) were higher than non-leisure visitors
(7897670) during the year 2014-2015. Among the foreign tourist, total numbers of leisure
tourists (1196113) were higher than non-leisure tourists during the year 2014-2015

The survey findings suggest that hotel was first choice for the domestic tourists, followed
by staying at friends/relatives place and staying elsewhere. Most of the foreign tourists stayed at
hotels and other accommodation units.

The sample sizes for the sample survey at exit points are 13614 domestic overnight, 16057
domestic same day and 676 foreign overnight visitors and 56 foreign same day visitors. Most of
the domestic visitors (83.7%) were interviewed at the bus station or railway station. Nearly 42%
of the foreigners were interviewed at their place of stay.

Most of the male and female domestic overnight as well as same day visitors are in the age
category of 25-44 years. Only very small proportion of domestic same day visitors is of 55 or
more years of age.

Majority (79%) of foreign overnight male visitors is aged 25–44 years and the
corresponding figure for females is 72.2. Among the same day male visitors, 96.8% are aged
between 25 and 34 years while all women visitors are between 25-34 years.
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

In the case of both domestic and foreign visitor’s percentage of male overnight and same
day visitors were higher than female visitors. Among domestic visitors, 73.3% overnight visitors
and 52.2% same day visitors were married. Also 78.9% overnight and 81.3% same day foreign
visitors were married.

About three fourth of the foreign overnight visitors were accompanied by one or two or
three persons and 97.4% of same day visitors were in this category. Majority of the overnight
domestic visitors came with 4-5 persons and the highest proportion (33.8%) for same day visitors
is with 3 or less persons.

Most of the same day visitors (both domestic and foreign) came with males. The highest
proportions of the three groups (domestic overnight, domestic same day and foreign overnight)
have companions with age between 21 and 30 years while for foreign same day visitors have
more companions with age between 31 and 40 years.

Nearly 70% of the domestic spent one night while 54.5% of the foreigners spent two
nights in that location. Majority (64.3%) of the domestic overnight visitors had an annual
household income of Rs,200001/- and above and 66.5% of the domestic same day visitors were
coming under the household annual income range of Rs.1,00,001– Rs.5,00,000. Nearly 73% of
the foreign overnight visitors were coming under the household annual income range of $.60,
001–$.80,000 and among the same day visitors, 94.7% come under this category.

Maximum number of domestic overnight, domestic same day visitors and foreign overnight
and same day visitors had an educational level of graduation and above. The second highest is higher
secondary education for domestic visitors and technical and professional for the foreign visitors.

Majority of the domestic and foreign visitors visited West Bengal in their Holidays,
Leisure & Recreation. The next important purpose of visit is Pilgrimage and religious activity for
domestic visitors and foreign same day visitors.

About 43% of the domestic overnight visitors selected train as mode of transportation,
whereas most (52.3%) of the domestic same day visitors selected their own vehicle as mode of
transportation. In the case of foreign visitors, most of them selected taxi as the mode of transportation.

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

Most of the domestic overnight visitors (65.1%) and domestic same day visitors (57.6%)
were traveling once in a year, whereas 75.7% foreign overnight visitors and 88.6% same day
visitors were traveling less often.

Majority of the domestic overnight visitors (95.7%) and same day visitors (97.8%) were
not availing tour package. On the other hand, 92.4% of the foreign overnight visitors and 88.5%
of same day visitors were availing tour package.

Majority of the domestic overnight visitors (94.5%), same day visitors (95.3%), 51.2% of
the foreign overnight visitors and 44.6% of same day visitors were arranging the travel mode by
themselves. Also 43.1% of the foreign overnight visitors and 51.8% of same day visitors were
arranging the travel mod with the help of travel agents.

Non star hotels (44.3%) were the major place of stay for the domestic overnight visitors, followed
by star hotels (25.9%). On the other hand, star hotels (69.2%) were the major place of stay for the
Foreign Overnight Visitors.

Restaurants were the major eating place for majority of the visitors. Friends & relatives
were the second preferred eating place for domestic same day visitors, while domestic overnight
visitors and foreign visitors preferred fast food outlet.

Majority of the domestic overnight visitors were satisfied with most of the services. Very
few were completely dissatisfied with the upkeep of tourist places and tariff of accommodation

Majority of the domestic same day visitors were either highly satisfied or satisfied with
almost all parameters. Most of the foreign overnight and same day visitors were satisfied with all

Most of the domestic and foreign overnight visitors and same day visitors selected the option “As
per expectation”. Only a very small proportion had the opinion worse or much worse than their
expectation. The average expenditure on package component of packaged tour of domestic and
foreign tourists is not very high.

More domestic tourists visited Delhi, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, while more foreigners
visited Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Alost all of the tourists had more than one
good opinion about this state.
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

The sample sizes of the four groups are 60132 domestic overnight, 73308 domestic same
day and 3334 foreign overnight visitors and 26 foreign same day visitors. Most of the domestic
(98.2%) and foreign visitors (97.7%) the entry point are the bus station or railway station. Nearly
44% of the domestic visitors are from the same district and 97% of the tourists who live in the
same city visit the destination once in 6 months.

In the case of both domestic and foreign visitor’s percentage of male visitors were higher
than female visitors. Almost all foreigners stay at hired accommodation while among the domestic
visitors, 59.2% stay at hired accommodation. Among the domestic tourists, the highest proportion
got information about tourist destinations from their friend and relatives while foreign visitors got
it from internet.

The survey findings suggest that in total 6995 accommodation units were available during
the year 2014 - 2015, 118915 rooms, 297350 beds and 117769 employees. Majority (64%) of the
employees are in the age group 26-40 years. Majority (58.5%) works in the F&B department.

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................1
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 13
1.0 ABOUT WEST BENGAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
1.1 TOURIST STATISTICS ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.2 TOURISM IN INDIA:.................................................................................................................................................... 16
1.2.1 GROWING TREND OF TOURISM SECTOR IN INDIA: .................................................................................................................... 16
1.2.2 FOREIGN TOURIST ARRIVALS (FTAS): ....................................................................................................................................... 16
1.2.3 FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS (FEE) FROM TOURISM: ........................................................................................................ 17
1.2.4 DOMESTIC TOURISM ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.2.5 GOVT. INITIATIVES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.2.5 HELPING OF INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 18
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................................................... 18
1.4 TERMS OF REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................................. 19
1.5 PLAN FOR THE SURVEY ............................................................................................................................................ 20
1.6 LIST OF TOURIST DESTINATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 22
1.7 DATA COLLECTION AND SUPERVISION .............................................................................................................. 25
1.8 QUALITY CONTROL, SCRUTINY & TABULATION PLAN ................................................................................. 25
CHAPTER 2 TOURIST SURVEY FINDINGS ......................................................................................................................... 26
2.0 FINDINGS OF THE SURVEY ...................................................................................................................................... 26
TABLE 2.1 COVERAGE AT A GLANCE............................................................................................................................................................ 26
TABLE 2.2 TOTAL NUMBER OF VISITS TO TOURIST DESTINATIONS...................................................................................................... 27
FIG OF TABLE - 2.2 TOTAL NUMBER OF VISITS TO TOURIST DESTINATIONS ...................................................................................... 28
TABLE 2.5 TOTAL NUMBER OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN TOURISTS AND DAY VISITORS ................................................................. 33
TABLE 2.6 DISTRIBUTION OF DOMESTIC TOURISTS BY PLACE OF STAY ............................................................................................... 34
TABLE 2.7 DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN TOURISTS BY PLACE OF STAY .................................................................................................. 35
FIG OF TABLE 2.7 DISTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN TOURISTS BY PLACE OF STAY ..................................................................................... 35
TABLE 2.8 NO. OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS, ROOMS AVAILABLE AND NO. OF GUESTS STAYED ...................................................... 36
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER 3 ENTRY/ EXIT POINT SURVEY FINDINGS ................................................................................................... 40
TABLE 3.1 SURVEY POINT OF SAMPLE DOMESTIC VISITORS (%) .......................................................................................................... 40
TABLE 3.2 AGE DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE DOMESTIC VISITORS (%) ................................................................................................. 40
TABLE 3.3 AGE DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE FOREIGN VISITORS (%) .................................................................................................... 42
FIG 3.2 AGE DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE FOREIGN OVERNIGHT VISITORS ............................................................................................ 42
TABLE 3.4 GENDER DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%).............................................................................................................. 43
TABLE 3.5 MARITAL STATUS OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%) ........................................................................................................................ 44
TABLE 3.6 COMPANION IN THE TRAVEL OF THE SAMPLE VISITORS (%) .............................................................................................. 45
TABLE 3.7 NO. OF PERSONS ACCOMPANIED THE SAMPLE VISITORS (%) ............................................................................................ 46
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

TABLE 3.8 GENDER & AGE DISTRIBUTION OF THE COMPANIONS OF THE SAMPLE VISITORS (%) .................................................. 46
TABLE 3.9 NUMBER OF NIGHTS SPENT IN THAT PLACE (%) ................................................................................................................... 47
TABLE 3.10 ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME OF THE SAMPLE DOMESTIC VISITORS (%) ................................................................... 47
TABLE 3.11 HOUSEHOLD INCOME OF THE SAMPLE FOREIGN VISITORS (%) ...................................................................................... 48
VISITORS AND TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL FOR THE FOREIGN VISITORS. ............................................... 52
TABLE 3.12 EDUCATIONAL LEVEL OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%) ............................................................................................................... 52
TABLE 3.13 OCCUPATION OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%).............................................................................................................................. 53
TABLE 3.14 PURPOSE OF VISIT BY SAMPLE VISITORS (%) ..................................................................................................................... 54
TABLE 3.15 MODE OF TRANSPORTATION OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%) .................................................................................................. 55
TABLE 3.16 TRAVEL BEHAVIOR OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%) ................................................................................................................... 56
TABLE 3.17 PROPENSITY OF AVAILING PACKAGE TOUR OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%) ........................................................................... 57
TABLE 3.18 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENT MODE OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%) ............................................................................................. 58
TABLE 3.19 DISTRIBUTION OF OVERNIGHT VISITORS BY PLACE OF STAY (%) .................................................................................... 59
TABLE 3.20 DISTRIBUTION OF VISITOR BY THEIR PREFERRED EATING PLACE (%)............................................................................ 60
TABLE 3.21 SATISFACTION LEVEL OF SERVICES BY SAMPLE DOMESTIC OVERNIGHT VISITORS (%) .............................................. 61
TABLE 3.22 SATISFACTION LEVEL OF SERVICES BY SAMPLE DOMESTIC SAME DAY VISITORS (%) ................................................. 62
TABLE 3.23 SATISFACTION LEVEL OF SERVICES BY SAMPLE FOREIGN OVERNIGHT VISITORS (%)................................................. 63
TABLE 3.24 SATISFACTION LEVEL OF SERVICES BY SAMPLE FOREIGN SAME DAY VISITORS (%) .................................................... 64
TABLE 3.25 EXPECTATION LEVEL OF SAMPLE VISITORS TO THEIR VISIT TO DISTRICT/STATE (%) ............................................... 65
TABLE 3.26 TOP 10 DESTINATIONS IN WEST BENGAL ........................................................................................................................... 65
PACKAGE TOUR................................................................................................................................................................................................. 66
TABLE 3.28 AVERAGE EXPENDITURE ON NON-PACKAGE COMPONENT OF SAMPLE VISITORS .......................................................... 66
TABLE 3.30 STATES/ UTS VISITED DURING THE LAST TWO YEARS (%) BEFORE THIS VISIT ............................................................ 67
TABLE 3.32 REASONS FOR CHOOSING THIS STATE AS A TOURIST DESTINATION (%) ........................................................................ 68
TABLE 3.36 DISTRIBUTION OF COUNTRY WISE FOREIGN TOURISTS (%) ............................................................................................ 72
CHAPTER 4 SHORT SURVEY FINDINGS ............................................................................................................................. 73
TABLE 4.1 ENTRY POINT OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%)................................................................................................................................ 73
TABLE 4.2 PLACE OF RESIDENCE OF THE SAMPLE DOMESTIC VISITORS (%) ...................................................................................... 73
VISIT THE DESTINATION ONCE IN 6 MONTHS. ............................................................................................................................................. 74
TABLE 4.3 FREQUENCY OF VISIT TO THE DESTINATION OF SAMPLE DOMESTIC VISITORS (%)........................................................ 74
TABLE 4.4 GENDER DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE VISITORS (%).............................................................................................................. 75
TABLE 4.5 COUNTRY OF NATIONALITY OF FOREIGN TOURISTS (%) .................................................................................................... 76
TABLE 4.6 PLACE OF STAY OF THE SAMPLE OVERNIGHT VISITORS (%) ............................................................................................... 76

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

ACCOMMODATION............................................................................................................................................................................................. 76
TABLE 4.7 INFORMATION ABOUT THE DESTINATIONS (%) .................................................................................................................... 77
CHAPTER 5 HOTEL SURVEY FINDINGS ............................................................................................................................. 78
TABLE 5.1 NUMBER OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS, ROOMS, BEDS AND EMPLOYMENT....................................................................... 78
TABLE 5.2 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES IN ACCOMMODATION UNITS BY AGE GROUP ................................................................... 78
TABLE 5.3 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES IN ACCOMMODATION UNITS BY SERVICE ......................................................................... 79
TABLE 5.4 DISTRIBUTION OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS BY TYPES ........................................................................................................ 80
APPENDIX- A............................................................................................................................................................................... 81
2014) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
2014) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 86
2014) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89
2014) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 92
2014) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
(SEPTEMBER 2014)....................................................................................................................................................................................... 98
2014) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 101
2014) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 104

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

2014) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 107
2015) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 110
(FEBRUARY 2015) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 113
A12: DISTRICT WISE NUMBER OF VISITS TO TOURIST DESTINATIONS BY DOMESTIC VISITORS..................................................... 114
(MARCH 2015)............................................................................................................................................................................................ 114
A12 (A): DISTRICT WISE NUMBER OF VISITS TO TOURIST DESTINATIONS BY FOREIGN VISITORS ................................................ 115
(MARCH 2015)............................................................................................................................................................................................ 115
2015) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 116
APPENDIX-B............................................................................................................................................................................. 117
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 142
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 144
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 149
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 152

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......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 154
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 158
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 163
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 165
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 166
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 171
APPENDIX-C ............................................................................................................................................................................. 173
C1 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (APRIL 2014) ............................................................... 175
C2 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (MAY 2014).................................................................. 179
C3 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (JUNE 2014) ................................................................. 182
C4 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (JULY 2014) .................................................................. 185
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 186
C5 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (AUGUST 2014)............................................................ 188
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 189
C6 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (SEPTEMBER 2014)..................................................... 191
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 192

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C7 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (OCTOBER 2014) ......................................................... 194
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 195
C8 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (NOVEMBER 2014)...................................................... 197
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 198
C9 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (DECEMBER 2014) ...................................................... 200
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 201
C10 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (JANUARY 2015) ....................................................... 203
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 204
C11 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (FEBRUARY 2015) .................................................... 206
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 207
C12 (B): DISTRICT WISE OCCUPANCY RATE OF ACCOMMODATION UNITS (MARCH 2015) .......................................................... 209
APPENDIX D: METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................... 210
II. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 210
III. OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 213
IV. APPROACH............................................................................................................................................................................................... 213
V. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 214
APPENDIX E: LIST OF DESTINATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 223

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.0 About West Bengal

West Bengal is stretching for about 300 miles from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal. West
Bengal’s geography is as diversified as its culture. Through West Bengal runs the tropic of
cancer. West Bengal is surrounded by the three international frontiers in the north, namely,
Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh. On its northeast lies the green valley of Assam. On the east lies
Bangladesh. Bihar lies on the western side. To the southwest, lies Orissa, the state with, its golden
beaches, and the Bay of Bengal lies to the south of West Bengal.

West Bengal is one of the first destinations in a tourist’s itinerary visiting the eastern part of the
country. Calcutta (Kolkata), the capital of the state, is the proud intellectual capital of the country.
The city has made outstanding contribution to the country in the fields of art, science, medicine,
social reform and literature. The city retains some of the most striking colonial buildings of the
country. It used to be the capital of the British East India Company and the evidence of the British
colonization continues in the city even today. The Victoria Memorial is a majestic house
constructed in the memory of Queen Victoria. This building houses a number of rare specimens
of the historical preserves of the land. Moreover, the manuscripts, the paintings and the sculptures
here are outstanding. Howrah Bridge is yet another landmark that denotes this city of joy. This
hanging bridge is an architectural marvel of the country. The second largest planetarium in Asia,
the Birla Planetarium, is another site that attracts attention of all, regardless of their age.

Particulars Description
Area 88,752 sq. km
Population 91,347,736
Capital Kolkata
Districts 19
Literacy 77.08%

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Belur Math

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1.1 Tourist Statistics

Following are the domestic and foreign tourist visit to West Bengal. In the following table we can
observe that with increasing years, the number of tourists domestic as well as foreign, are

Nationality 2012 2013 2014

Domestic 22830205 25547300 49039890

Foreign 1218310 1245202 1375795
Total 24048515 26792502 50415685

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1.2 Tourism in India:

The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a major
global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable industries in
the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign exchange. The
Tourism Ministry has also played an important role in the development of the industry, initiating
advertising campaigns such as the 'Incredible India' campaign, which promoted India’s culture
and tourist attractions in a fresh and memorable way. The campaign helped create a colorful
image of India in the minds of consumers all over the world, and has directly led to an increase in
the interest among tourists.

1.2.1 Growing Trend of Tourism Sector in India:

The increasing numbers of both domestic as well as international tourists have been very
encouraging for the Indian travel and hospitality sector which has nearly doubled during the last
three years. The tourism and hospitality industry experienced a healthy growth trend.

1.2.2 Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs):

During 2012 FTAs in India were 6.38 million with a growth of 4.3% over 2011. FTAs during
2013 were 6.97 million with a growth of 5.9%, as Compared to the FTAs of 6.38 million during
2012. During the year 2014 (7.68 million), FTAs in India registered a double digit growth of
10.2% over 2013.

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1.2.3 Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEE) from Tourism:

Tourism is an important sector of Indian economy and contributes substantially in the country’s
Foreign Exchange Earnings. FEEs from tourism, in rupee terms, during 2012 was ` 94,487 crore,
with a growth of 21.8%, as compared to the FEEs of ` 77,591 crore during 2011. During 2013, the
Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) from tourism registered a growth of 14% from ` 94,487 to `
1,07,671 crore when compared to FEEs during 2012. FEEs from tourism in India in 2014 were `
1,23,320 crore as compared to ` 1,07,671 crore in 2013 registering a growth of 14.5 % in 2014
over 2013. The FEEs from tourism in India, in terms `, during 2012-2014 are given in below.

1.2.4 Domestic tourism

The domestic tourist visits during the year 2011 are estimated to be 851 million, showing a
growth of 13.8% over 2010.

1.2.5 Govt. initiatives

India’s governmental bodies have also made a significant impact in tourism by requiring that each
and every state of India have a corporation to administer support issues related to tourism. The
Government has allowed 100 per cent foreign investment under the automatic route in the hotel
and tourism related industry, according to the Consolidated FDI Policy, released by DIPP,
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The terms hotel includes restaurants,
beach resorts and other tourism complexes providing accommodation and /or catering and food
facilities to tourists.
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The term tourism related industry includes:

 Travel agencies, tour operating agencies and tourist transport operating agencies.
 Units providing facilities for cultural, adventure and wildlife experience to tourists.
 Surface, air and water transport facilities for tourists.
 Convention/seminar units and organizations.

1.2.5 Helping of Information & Technology

Thanks in part to its booming IT and outsourcing industry a growing number of business trips are
made by foreigners to India, who will often add a weekend break or longer holiday to their trip.
Foreign tourists spend more in India than almost any other country worldwide.

The seven ‘S’ are the main objectives in the Tourism Sectors to motivate the local and
international tourist to the destination.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The field survey in a State will be conducted for a period of 12 months in all districts of the State.
The survey will be used to obtain the following month-wise information for each district:

a. Estimated number of visits

(i) Visits by overnight visitors- staying at accommodation units;

 Staying with friends and relatives.

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 Others, such as those staying in tented accommodations provided by

 State Govt. or by any other charitable organizations, etc.

(ii) Visits by same-day visitors.

b. Profile of visitors, their expenditure pattern, purpose of visits, etc.

1.4 Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Tourism Surveys in the States/ UTs are as follows:

(i) Prepare a frame/ list of all important tourist places in the State.
(ii) As per the methodology developed by Ministry of Tourism (enclosed at Appendix-D) for
preparation of month-wise and annual estimates, prepare the following estimates,
separately for foreign and domestic visitors (with breakup of overnight tourists and same-
day visitors), for the selected tourist places, at district level and at State level:

(a) Total number of tourists (over-night).

(b) Total number of same-day visitors.
(c) Total number of tourists staying with friends/ relatives.
(d) Expenditure incurred by tourists (over-night).
(e) Expenditure incurred by same-day visitors.
(f) Expenditure incurred by tourists staying with friends/ relatives.
(g) Profiling the tourists/ visitors at district and State level in respect of age, sex,
occupation, purpose of visit, State/UT of residence or country of nationality, duration of
stay, mode of journey, use of package tour, etc.

(iii) As per the methodology (enclosed at Annexure-I), prepare month-wise and annual
estimates of occupancy rate of accommodation units at district and State levels.
(iv) Conduct one-day workshop for the officers of the State to be surveyed and a few other
States and organizations. Total number of participants would be around 30. Details of the
exercise and the methodology to be adopted for estimating the number of tourists and
other parameters mentioned in other para’s of TOR will be explained by the consultants in
the workshop. Also organize a workshop in each State at the end of the survey to discuss
the report of the survey.
(v) Prepare a frame/ list of tourist place-wise all accommodation units, like hotels,
Dharamshalas, guest houses, etc. for conducting State level survey on tourism. Update this
frame/ list on quarterly basis; and accordingly revise the coverage. This frame should
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include information on rooms, beds and employment, etc. Also conduct survey of selected
tourists staying in accommodation units to identify the purpose of their visits.
(vi) Based on the methodology, collect and compile data about domestic and foreign tourists to
provide information as mentioned at S. No. (ii) above. Market Research Division,
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
(vii) Based on the information on employment in the accommodation units in the Sampling
frame, estimate direct employment generated in accommodation units at district and State

Collect information on the annual expenditure incurred by State Government at the selected
tourist places, at district level and at the State level for development of tourism.

1.5 Plan for the Survey

In the identified town two type of survey namely survey at tourist destination and survey of
accommodation units will be done and also survey at important Entry/Exit points of the district
will be conducted. The methodology envisages three stage sampling. The first stage units will be
the towns important from tourism perspective, the second stage units will be the tourist
destinations in the selected town or linked to the selected town, and the visitors within a tourist
destination will constitute the third stage units. The procedure for selection of first, second and
third stage units are given below:

(i) Selection of Towns important for Tourism.

(ii) Selection of Tourist Destinations in the Selected Town.
(iii) Selection of Visitors at a Tourist Destination for brief profiling.
(a) Sample size of visitors at district level.
(iv) Distribution of Sample Size in Towns and at Tourist Destinations.
(a) Distribution of sample size amongst selected towns in a district.
(b) Distribution of sample size among tourist destinations in a selected town.
(c) Selection of days for survey of visitors in different months.
(d) Canvassing of schedules to the visitors for brief profile.
(v) Details of the Surveys.
(A) Survey at Tourist Destinations
(a) Total number of visits
(i) Ticketed Destinations:
(ii) Non-Ticketed Destinations:-
(b) Brief Profile of Visitors

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(B) Survey of Accommodation Units

(C) Survey at Entry/Exit Points of the district

There are four types of questionnaires for the study

a) Accommodation Census (Quarterly).
b) Accommodation Survey (Monthly).
c) Short survey at Tourist Destinations.
d) Tourist survey at exit points.

Map of West Bengal

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1.6 List of Tourist Destinations

S. No. District Name Destination Name
1 Barrackpur
2 Basirhat
1. North 24 Parganas 3 Taki
4 Machranga Dwip
5 Chandraketugarh
1 Diamond Harbour & Falta
2 Bakkhali
3 Frezarganj
2. South 24 Parganas 4 Gangasagar
5 Kakdwip
6 Sundarban
7 Canning
1 Bishnupur
2 Mukutmonipur
3 Susunia Hill
3. Bankura
4 Madan Mohan Temple
5 Bihari Nath Hill
6 Malleshwar Temple
1 Shantiniketan
2 Kankalitala
3 Tarapith
4. Birbhum
4 Nalhati
5 Bakreshwar
6 Jaydev-kenduli
1 Raj Bari
2 Kalna
3 Asansol
5. Burdwan
4 Durgapur
5 Maithan
6 Panchet Dam
1 Cooch Behar Raj Bari
6. Cooch Behar 2 Madan Mohan Temple
3 Rasik Beel

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1 Balurghat
7. South Dinajpur 2 Bolla Kali Temple
3 Bangarh
8. North Dinajpur 1 Raiganj (Kulik)
1 Darjeeling
2 Karseong
3 Kalimpong
4 Mirik
5 Ghoom Monastery
9. Darjeeling 6 Tiger Hill
7 Padmaja Naidu
8 Himalaya Zoological Park
9 Rock Garden
10 Sandhakphu & Phalut
11 Siliguri
1 Chinsurah
2 Chandannagar
3 Tarakeshwar
10. Hoogly 4 Kamarpukur
5 Bandel Church
6 Pandua
7 Antpur
1 Howrah
2 Gadiara
11. Howrah 3 Belur Math
4 Botanical Garden
5 Garhchumuk
1 Buxa Tiger Reserve
2 Garumara Wildlife Sanctuary
3 Phulseling
4 Suntali Khola
12. Jalpaiguri 5 Chapramari Forest
6 Jaldapara Forest
7 Bhutan Ghat
8 Rajabhatkhawa Jungle
9 Chilapara Forest

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10 Baneshwar Shib Mandir

11 Jayanti/Buxa Fort
1 Malda Town
13. Malda 2 Gour
3 Pandua
1 Hazarduari Palace/Madina
2 Nizamat Imambara
3 Katra Mmosque
14. Murshidabad
4 Chak Darwaza/Dakshin Darwaza
5 Ghhari Ghar
6 Berhampore
1 Plassey
2 Krishnanagar
15. Nadia 3 Nabadwip
4 Mayapur
5 Shantipur
1 Jhargram
2 Belpahari
3 Kakrajhore
16. Paschim Medinipur
4 Hatibari
5 Parimal Kanan
6 Arabari Forest Range
1 Digha
2 Mandarmoni
3 Sankarpur
17. Purba Medinipur
4 Haldia
5 Junput
6 Tamluk
1 Ayodhya Hill
2 Duarsini
3 Gar Pachakot
18. Purulia
4 Deulghata
5 Boronti
6 Rekh Deul
1 Alipur Zoo
19. Kolkata
2 Kalighat/Nirmal Hriday

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3 Victoria Memorial
4 Indian Museum
5 Jora Sako Thakur Bari
6 Birla Planetorial
7 Marbel Palace
8 Sova Bazar Raj Bari
9 Kumartuli
10 Saint Pauls Cathedral

1.7 Data Collection and Supervision

Structured questionnaires will be administered by a team of trained field interviewers employed

by Datamation Field investigators will be supervised by a supervisor. The operation manager will
ensure authenticity of the data being collected. The project manager stationed at our Head Office
will be responsible for this assignment; he will also travel to different tourist destinations of the
State as and when required.

1.8 Quality Control, Scrutiny & Tabulation Plan

Field Interviewers will undergo training & orientation prior to start of survey. There will be a
supervisor managing the interviewers. Operation Manager and Project Manager will carry out
random checks. 40% telephonic back check of accommodation survey will be carried out.
Random telephonic checks will also be carried out on entry/ exit questionnaires. Incomplete
questionnaires will be rejected and net included in the sample of response.

100% scrutiny of completed forms will be carried out prior to data entry by executives
trained in questionnaire coding and scrutiny.
After the questionnaires have been scrutinized and coded, the contents/ data of each will
be computerized.

The data files thus created will be compatible with MS Excel and SPSS formats.

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Chapter 2 Tourist Survey Findings

2.0 Findings of the Survey

Following the methodology in previous Section, the four different types of survey,
namely, enumeration and short survey at destinations, exit survey at exit point(s) at district
headquarters and accommodation unit survey were conducted during the period April 2014
to March 2015. The survey data were tabulated following the approved tabulation program and
estimates of various parameters were made as per estimation procedure detailed at Appendix-D.
It may be noted that in consultation with West Bengal Tourism Department 113 destinations
were selected covering all the 19 districts of West Bengal and the list of these selected
destinations is given at Appendix-E. The coverage of various surveys under the present
assignment is presented at Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Coverage at a Glance

Coverage at a Glance
Sample Size
Per Annum Aggregate
Survey Type Per Month per Per Quarter per for
district district per State (19
district district)
1 Short Survey 600 1800 7200 136800
2 Exit Point Survey - 400 1600 30400
Accommodation Survey
3 - Census# -
Classified AUs – Covered All
Non-Classified AUs – 10% of each category
Accommodation Survey
4 I. Having more than 20 rooms
II. Having 10-20 rooms
III. Having less than 10 rooms
# Total Number of Census Accommodation in West Bengal - 6995

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Table 2.2 gives the month-wise details of domestic and foreign tourist visits during the
year 2014-2015 at the tourist destinations. In case of Domestic Tourists; the survey findings
suggest that peak months for Domestic Tourist were January 2015 (7768121), lowest number of
visits by domestic tourists was measured during the months of June 2014 and May 2014. In case
of Foreign Tourists, the survey findings suggest that peak months for overnight and same day
tourist visits were January 2015 (15135). Overall, lowest number of visits by foreign tourists was
measured during the months of July, June and August 2014. District wise visits by overnight and
same day domestic and foreign Tourists is given in Appendix -A

Table 2.2 Total Number of Visits to Tourist Destinations

Domestic Tourist Foreign Tourist

Sl Same Over Same
No. Over Night Day Night Day Total
Visitors Visitors Total Visitors Visitors Total Tourist
1 Apr-14 2493448 399912 2893360 141253 396 141649 3035009
2 May-14 2487047 350623 2837670 120467 684 121151 2958821
3 June-14 2099664 281653 2381317 85134 518 85652 2466969
4 July-14 3441233 825630 4266863 82599 397 82996 4349859
5 Aug-14 4025741 743045 4768786 88269 372 88641 4857427
6 Sep-14 4914771 869983 5784754 102711 419 103130 5887884
7 Oct-14 5736779 1000150 6736929 122214 486 122700 6859629
8 Nov-14 4366559 953684 5320243 126688 430 127118 5447361
9 Dec-14 6116666 933610 7050276 133088 533 133621 7183897
10 Jan-15 7054075 714046 7768121 150574 561 151135 7919256
11 Feb-15 5385364 828386 6213750 135878 549 136427 6350177
12 Mar-15 4752481 903269 5655750 127919 510 128429 5784179
Total 52873828 8803991 61677819 1416794 5855 1422649 63100468

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Fig of Table - 2.2 Total Number of Visits to Tourist Destinations

Domestic Tourists


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Table 2.3 gives the details of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Overnight and Same Day
Visitors. In the case of overnight visitors, the survey findings suggest that total numbers of leisure
tourists (42195614) were higher than non-leisure tourists (5636286) during the year 2014-2015.
The highest (5373579) number of leisure domestic tourists visited West Bengal during the month
of December 2014, whereas the maximum (701771) number of non-leisure tourists visited the
state during the month of September. Furthermore, in the case of same day visitors the survey
findings suggest that the total numbers of leisure tourists (6926007) were higher than non-leisure
visitors (789767) during the year 2014-2015. The maximum (856566) number of leisure same day
tourists visited West Bengal during the month of October, whereas maximum (92343) number of
non-leisure tourists visited during the month of April . The district wise distribution of overnight
and same day visitors (both domestic and foreign) is given in Appendix – B.

Table 2.3 Total Number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Same Day

Overnight Same day

Month Non- Non-
No. Leisure Total Leisure Total
Leisure Leisure
1 Apr-14 1836568 376618 2213186 351422 92343 443765
2 May-14 1949837 414680 2364517 326310 70342 396652
3 June-14 1602661 370557 1973217 257322 59523 316846
4 July-14 2598622 538040 3136663 602827 50936 653762
5 Aug-14 3255401 538078 3793479 629885 58603 688488
6 Sep-14 4199620 701771 4901391 497170 42308 539478
7 Oct-14 4982691 531552 5514243 856566 84741 941307
8 Nov-14 3538641 372196 3910838 831797 88677 920474
9 Dec-14 5373579 619337 5992917 763073 76760 839832
10 Jan-15 5268993 488566 5757559 527763 48889 576652
11 Feb-15 4029097 366775 4395873 612206 56796 669002
12 Mar-15 3559903 318116 3878018 669665 59851 729516
Total 42195614 5636286 47831900 6926007 789767 7715774

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Fig. of Table 2.3 Total Number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Same Day Visitors

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Table 2.4 gives the details of leisure and non-leisure foreign overnight and Same Day Visitors. In
the case of overnight visitor the survey findings suggest that total numbers of leisure tourists
(1196113) were higher than non-leisure tourists during the year 2014- 2015. The highest (123224)
number of leisure overnight tourists visited West Bengal during the month of April, 2014 and also
the highest (418) number of non-leisure tourists came in April, 2014.

Table 2.4 Total Number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors

Overnight Same day

Month Non- Non-
No. Leisure Total Leisure Total
Leisure Leisure
1 Apr-14 123224 418 123642 351 0 351
2 May-14 101371 274 101645 544 0 544
3 June-14 70767 189 70956 426 0 426
4 July-14 72624 191 72815 330 0 330
5 Aug-14 85557 226 85783 344 0 344
6 Sep-14 90561 238 90799 351 0 351
7 Oct-14 103659 255 103914 415 8 423
8 Nov-14 116750 282 117032 379 0 379
9 Dec-14 122700 310 123010 461 0 461
10 Jan-15 109134 308 109442 433 0 433
11 Feb-15 97281 274 97555 392 0 392
12 Mar-15 102485 293 102778 411 0 411
Total 1196113 3258 1199371 4837 8 4845

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Fig of Table 2.4 Total Number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors

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Table 2.5 gives the details of domestic and foreign tourists and day visitors for the state of West
Bengal. Maximum (6115927) number of overnight tourists visited West Bengal during the month
of December and maximum (941730) number of same day tourists visited this state during the
month of October. During the year 2014–2015, 49031271 overnight visitors and 7720619 same
day visitors visited West Bengal.

Table 2.5 Total Number of Domestic and Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors

Sl No. of Overnight Tourist No. of same day visitors

No. Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
1 Apr-14 2213186 123642 2336828 443765 351 444116
2 May-14 2364517 101645 2466162 396652 544 397196
3 June-14 1973217 70956 2044173 316846 426 317272
4 July-14 3136663 72815 3209478 653762 330 654092
5 Aug-14 3793479 85783 3879262 688488 344 688832
6 Sep-14 4901391 90799 4992190 539478 351 539829
7 Oct-14 5514243 103914 5618157 941307 423 941730
8 Nov-14 3910838 117032 4027870 920474 379 920853
9 Dec-14 5992917 123010 6115927 839832 461 840293
10 Jan-15 5757559 109442 5867001 576652 433 577085
11 Feb-15 4395873 97555 4493428 669002 392 669394
12 Mar-15 3878018 102778 3980796 729516 411 729927
Total 47831900 1199371 49031271 7715774 4845 7720619

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Table 2.6 gives the distribution of place of stay for domestic tourists. The survey findings suggest
that hotel was first choice for the domestic tourists, followed by staying at friends/relatives place
and staying elsewhere. During the month of December maximum number (5512577) of domestic
tourists selected hotels for the stay. In April, maximum number (587883) of domestic tourists
selected friends/relative’s place for the stay and in October maximum (98425) number of tourist
reported that they stayed elsewhere.

Table 2.6 Distribution of Domestic Tourists by Place of Stay

Domestic Tourists
Sl Staying at
No. Friends / Staying
Month Staying at Hotel Relatives elsewhere Total
1 Apr-14 1568131 587883 57172 2213186
2 May-14 1971807 347288 45422 2364517
3 June-14 1728646 218610 25962 1973217
4 July-14 2743319 334925 58419 3136663
5 Aug-14 3482303 255256 55919 3793479
6 Sep-14 4507215 317358 76817 4901391
7 Oct-14 5055330 360488 98425 5514243
8 Nov-14 3644968 218551 47319 3910838
9 Dec-14 5512577 389156 91183 5992917
10 Jan-15 5381853 310684 65022 5757559
11 Feb-15 4110919 224739 60215 4395873
12 Mar-15 3629486 196120 52412 3878018

Total 43336555 3761058 734288 47831900


Staying at Hotel Staying at Friends / Relatives Staying elsewhere

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Table 2.7 gives the distribution of place of stay for foreign tourists. Most of the foreign tourists
stayed at hotels and other accommodation units. The survey findings suggest that during the
month of April, maximum (122810) number of foreign tourists selected hotel for stay.

Table 2.7 Distribution of Foreign Tourists by Place of Stay

No. Foreign Tourists
Sl Staying at
No. Friends / Staying
Month Staying at Hotel Relatives elsewhere Total
1 Apr-14 122810 823 9 123642
2 May-14 100613 1020 12 101645
3 June-14 70287 669 0 70956
4 July-14 72292 523 0 72815
5 Aug-14 85224 559 0 85783
6 Sep-14 90169 630 0 90799
7 Oct-14 103206 708 0 103914
8 Nov-14 116383 649 0 117032
9 Dec-14 122286 724 0 123010
10 Jan-15 108701 741 0 109442
11 Feb-15 96947 608 0 97555
12 Mar-15 102137 641 0 102778
Total 1191055 8295 21 1199371

Fig of Table 2.7 Distribution of Foreign Tourists by Place of Stay

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Table 2.8 gives the details of number of accommodation units, availability of rooms, beds
and number of persons staying at accommodation units as per survey of Accommodation Units.
The survey findings suggest that maximum (3891780) number of guests and also the maximum
number (3769627) of domestic tourists stayed in December 2014. Highest number (123264) of
foreigners stayed in April 2014. District-wise distribution of visitors stayed in accommodation
units, bed night spent, average duration of stay and occupancy rate are given in Appendix-C.

Table 2.8 No. of accommodation units, Rooms Available and No. of Guests Stayed

No. of accommodation units No. of Guests Stayed

Sl No. of No. of
No. Accommodation Rooms No. of beds
Month units Available Available Domestic Foreign Total
1 Apr-14 871 14807 23691 953430 123264 1076694
2 May-14 1126 19142 30627 1632531 101361 1733892
3 June-14 1671 28407 45451 1572119 70651 1642770
4 July-14 2591 44047 70475 2073832 72546 2146378
5 Aug-14 3054 51918 83069 2127499 85347 2212846
6 Sep-14 3223 54791 87666 2210692 90315 2301007
7 Oct-14 4405 74885 119816 3365684 103337 3469021
8 Nov-14 5053 85901 137442 3369092 116289 3485381
9 Dec-14 6092 103564 165702 3769627 122153 3891780
10 Jan-15 6312 107304 171686 3709020 108789 3817809
11 Feb-15 6995 118915 297350 3597236 97213 3694449
12 Mar-15 6995 118915 297350 3735802 102220 3838022
Total - - - 32116564 1193485 33310049

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Sri Mayapur Chandordaya Temple

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South Park Street


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Chapter 3 Entry/ Exit Point Survey Findings

The sample sizes of the four groups are 13614 domestic overnight, 16057 domestic same
day and 676 foreign overnight visitors and 56 foreign same day visitors. Most of the domestic
visitors (83.7%) were interviewed at the bus station or railway station. Nearly 42% of the
foreigners were interviewed at their place of stay.

Table 3.1 Survey point of Sample Domestic Visitors (%)

Point Domestic Foreign

Railway station 34.6 31.2
Air port 2.4 3.6
Bus Station 49.1 23.4
Hotel 13.9 41.8
Total 100 100

3.0 Characteristics of the Sample Tourists of the Survey conducted at Entry/ Exit

Age distribution of sample domestic visitors is given in Table 3.2. The survey findings
suggest that most of the male and female domestic overnight as well as same day visitors are in
the age category of 25-44 years. Only very small proportion of domestic same day visitors is of
55 or more years of age.

Table 3.2 Age Distribution of Sample Domestic Visitors (%)

Domestic Overnight Visitors Domestic Same day Visitors

Age Group
Male Female Male Female
15 – 24 Years 11.4 26.5 16.6 23.4
25 – 34 Years 34.6 39.7 33.4 48.5
35 – 44 Years 40.1 19.6 37.8 21.8

45 – 54 Years 8.2 7.9 9.7 5.1

55+ Years 5.7 6.3 2.5 1.2

Total 100 100 100 100

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Fig 3.2 Age Distribution of Sample Domestic Visitors

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Age distribution of sample foreign visitors is given in Table 3.3. The survey findings
suggest that majority (79%) of foreign overnight male visitors is aged 25 – 44 years and the
corresponding figure for females is 72.2.Among the same day male visitors, 96,8% are aged
between 25 and 34 years while all women visitors are between 25-34 years.

Table 3.3 Age Distribution of Sample Foreign Visitors (%)

Age Group Overnight Visitors Same day Visitors

Male Female Male Female
15 – 24 Years 4.5 11.5 0 0
25 – 34 Years 41.6 52.9 32.1 100
35 – 44 Years 37.4 29.3 64.7 0
45 – 54 Years 11.2 3.4 3.2 0
55+ Years 5.3 2.9 0 0
Total 100 100 100 100

Fig 3.2 Age Distribution of Sample Foreign Overnight Visitors

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Details of gender distribution of sample visitors are given in Table 3.4. The survey
findings suggest that in the case of both domestic and foreign visitor’s percentage of male
overnight and same day visitors were higher than female visitors.

Table 3.4 Gender Distribution of Sample Visitors (%)

Domestic Foreign
Overnight Same day Overnight Same day
Male 78.4 87.8 69.5 94.7
Female 21.6 12.2 30.5 5.3
Total 100 100 100 100

Fig 3.4 Gender Distribution of Sample Visitors

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Details of marital status of sample visitors are given in Table 3.5. The survey findings
suggest that maximum domestic and foreign visitors were married. Among domestic visitors,
73.3% overnight visitors and 52.2% same day visitors were married. Also 78.9% overnight and
81.3% same day foreign visitors were married.

Table 3.5 Marital Status of Sample Visitors (%)

Domestic Foreign
Marital Status
Overnight Same day Overnight Same day
Married 73.3 52.2 78.9 81.3
Un married 21.5 41.4 16.4 15.6
Others 5.2 6.4 4.7 3.1
Total 100 100 100 100

Fig 3.5 Marital Status of Sample Visitors

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Table 3.6 Companion in the travel of the Sample Visitors (%)

Companion Domestic Domestic Same Foreign Same Day

Overnight Day overnight
None 28.4 30.4 5.2 1.7
With Family 25.8 11.5 44.7 22.5
With Friends 11.3 46.2 22.6 31.2
With Family & Friends 34.5 11.9 27.5 44.6
Total 100 100 100 100

Fig 3.6 Companion in the travel of the Sample Visitors

Table 3.6 shows the tourists’ companions for their travel. The highest proportion (34.5%)
of domestic overnight tourists travelled with their family and friends and 46.2% of the same day
visitors travelled with their friends. Among the foreign overnight tourists, the highest proportion
(44.7%) came with their family while 44.6% same day visitors came with their family and

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Table 3.7 No. of Persons accompanied the Sample Visitors (%)

Domestic Foreign
Overnight Same Day Overnight Same Day
<=3 27.1 33.8 75.2 97.4
4-5 61.7 31.4 19.5 2.6
6-7 10.4 30.2 5.3 0
8+ 0.8 4.6 0 0
Total 100 100 100 100

The number of persons accompanied the visitors who came in groups is presented in Table 3.7.
About three fourth of the foreign overnight visitors were accompanied by one or two or three
persons and 97.4% of same day visitors were in this category. Majority of the overnight domestic
visitors came with 4-5 persons and the highest proportion (33.8%) for same day visitors is with 3
or less persons.

Table 3.8 Gender & Age Distribution of the Companions of the Sample Visitors (%)

Characteristics Domestic Foreign

Overnight Same Day Overnight Same Day
Male 59.4 72.5 55.7 84.2
Female 40.6 27.5 44.3 15.8
Age in Years
<20 8.1 1.5 2.3 1.4
21-30 37.5 45.6 40.3 32.6
31-40 32.4 33.7 29.5 49.9
41-50 14.2 16.1 23.2 16.1
51+ 7.8 3.1 4.7 0
Total 100 100 100 100

Table 3.8 shows the gender and age distribution of the companions of the visitors. Most of the
same day visitors (both domestic and foreign) came with males. The highest proportions of the
three groups (domestic overnight, domestic same day and foreign overnight) have companions

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with age between 21 and 30 years while for foreign same day visitors have more companions with
age between 31 and 40 years.

Table 3.9 Number of nights spent in that place (%)

Companion Domestic Overnight Foreign

1 70.3 44.7
2 24.2 54.5
3 or more 5.5 0.8
Total 100 100

Table 3.9 shows the number of nights the visitor spent in that location. Nearly 70% of the
domestic spent one night while 54.5% of the foreigners spent two nights in that location.

Details of annual household income of the sample domestic visitors are given in Table
3.10. The survey findings suggest that majority (64.3%) of the domestic overnight visitors had an
annual household income of Rs,200001/- and above and 66.5% of the domestic same day visitors
were coming under the household annual income range of Rs.1,00,001 – Rs.5,00,000.

Table 3.10 Annual Household income of the Sample Domestic Visitors (%)

Household annual income Domestic Overnight Domestic Same Day

Visitors Visitors
Less than Rs.60,000 2.6 7.1
Rs.60,001 – Rs.1,00,000 7.9 11.2
Rs.1,00,001 – Rs.2,00,000 25.2 34.7
Rs.2,00,001 – Rs.5,00,000 35.8 31.8
Above Rs.5,00,000 28.5 15.2
Total 100 100

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Fig 3.10 Annual Household income of the Sample Domestic Visitors

Details of annual household income of the sample foreign visitors are given in Table 3.11.
The survey findings suggest that maximum (72.6%) of the foreign overnight visitors were coming
under the household annual income range of $.60,001 – $.80,000 and among the same day
visitors, 94.7% come under this category.

Table 3.11 Household income of the Sample Foreign Visitors (%)

Household annual income Overnight Same day

Less than $.60,000 6.2 0
$.60,001 – $.80,000 72.6 94.7
$.80,001 – $.1,00,000 18.9 5.3
Above $.1,00,000 2.3 0
Total 100 100

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Fig 3.11 Household income of the Sample Foreign Visitors

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St Paul's Cathedral in Kolkata
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Dakshineshwar Kali Temple

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Details of educational level of sample visitors are given in Table 3.12. The survey findings
suggest that maximum number of domestic overnight, domestic same day visitors and foreign
overnight and same day visitors had an educational level of graduation and above. The second
highest is higher secondary education for domestic visitors and technical and professional for the
foreign visitors.

Table 3.12 Educational Level of Sample Visitors (%)

Level of Education Domestic Foreign

Overnight Same Day Overnight Same day
No Formal Education 0.3 0 0 0
Primary 1.2 0.3 0 0
Secondary 19.7 20.4 7.3 0
Higher Secondary 22.1 25.2 6.8 3.9
Graduate & Above 39.6 40.1 42.9 51.6
Technical & Professional 11.7 7.4 29.6 21.3
Others 5.4 6.6 13.4 23.2
Total 100 100 100 100

Fig 3.12 Educational Levels of Sample Visitor

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Details of occupation pattern of sample visitors are given in Table 3.13. The survey
findings suggest that maximum of the domestic visitor’s occupation is private service, whereas in
the case of the foreign visitors, the highest proportion is self-employed.

Table 3.13 Occupation of Sample Visitors (%)

Domestic Foreign
Overnight Same Day Overnight Same day
Business 25.1 12.5 20.7 24.6
Self Employed Professional 18.5 19.3 33.4 32.2
Government Service 9.2 8.7 3.6 0.8
Private Service 29.3 25.1 28.9 31.4
Student / Researcher 1.4 18.4 7.1 3.7
Agriculture 3.8 2.2 0 0
Housewife 6.5 4.3 2.7 2.1
Other 6.2 9.5 3.6 5.2
Total 100 100 100 100

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Fig 3.13: Occupation of Sample Visitors

Details of purpose of visit by sample visitors are given in Table 3.14. The survey finding
suggests that majority of the domestic and foreign visitors visited West Bengal in their Holidays,
Leisure & Recreation. The next important purpose of visit is Pilgrimage and religious activity for
domestic visitors and foreign same day visitors. In the case of foreign overnight visitors 10.7% of
them visited West Bengal for business.

Table 3.14 Purpose of visit by Sample Visitors (%)

Purpose Domestic Foreign

Overnight Same Day Overnight Same Day

Business 5.2 4.8 10.7 4.3

Holidays, Leisure & Recreation 54.7 53.2 66.8 76.8
Social Activity 7.4 2.5 0 0
Pilgrimage / Religious Activity 18.1 16.3 7.6 5.5
Education / Training 2.8 5.4 3.2 2.6
Health & Medical 3.8 4.1 5.7 5.4
Shopping 2.6 3.5 3.2 1.7
Others 5.4 10.2 2.8 3.7
Total 100 100 100 100

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Fig 3.14 Purpose of visit by Sample Visitors

Details of mode of transportation selected by sample visitors are given in Table 3.15. The survey
finding suggests that 42.6% of the domestic overnight visitors selected train as mode of
transportation, whereas most (52.3%) of the domestic same day visitors selected their own vehicle
as mode of transportation. In the case of foreign visitors, most of them selected taxi as the mode
of transportation.

Table 3.15 Mode of Transportation of Sample Visitors (%)

Domestic Foreign
Mode of Transportation
Overnight Same Day Overnight Same Day

Train 42.6 8.3 21.5 20.5

Bus 15.7 28.9 7.8 3.2
Air 2.1 0 16.3 0
Personal Vehicle 17.4 52.3 0 0
Taxi 20.2 10.1 54.4 76.3
Other 2.0 0.4 0 0
Total 100 100 100 100

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Fig 3.15 Mode of Transportation of Sample Visitors

Details of travel behavior of sample visitors are given in Table 3.16. The survey findings
suggest that most of the domestic overnight visitors (65.1%) and domestic same day visitors
(57.6%) were traveling once in a year, whereas 75.7% foreign overnight visitors and 88.6% same
day visitors were traveling less often.

Table 3.16 Travel Behavior of Sample Visitors (%)

Domestic Foreign
Travel Behavior
Overnight Same Day Overnight Same day
Once a week or more often 3.1 3.9 0 0
Once a fortnight 2.8 6.1 0 0
Once a month 3.5 12.3 0 0
Once in 3 months 6.4 1.7 0 0
Once in 6 months 5.3 10.8 2.8 0.6
Once in a Year 65.1 57.6 21.5 10.8
Less Often 3.8 7.6 75.7 88.6

Total 100 100 100 100

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Fig 3.12 Travel Behaviors of Sample Visitors

Details of propensity of availing package tour of sample visitors are given in Table 3.17.
Majority of the domestic overnight visitors (95.7%) and same day visitors (97.8%) were not
availing tour package. On the other hand, 92.4% of the foreign overnight visitors and 88.5% of
same day visitors were availing tour package.

Table 3.17 Propensity of availing package tour of Sample Visitors (%)

Domestic Foreign
Availing package tour
Overnight Same Day Overnight Same Day

Tourists availing
4.3 2.2 92.4 88.5
package tour

Tourists not availing

95.7 97.8 7.6 11.5
package tour

Total 100 100 100 100

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Details of travel arrangement mode of sample visitors are given in Table 3.18. Majority of
the domestic overnight visitors (94.5%), same day visitors (95.3%), 51.2% of the foreign
overnight visitors and 44.6% of same day visitors were arranging the travel mode by themselves.
Also 43.1% of the foreign overnight visitors and 51, 8% of same day visitors were arranging the
travel mod with the help of travel agents.

Table 3.18 Travel Arrangement Mode of Sample Visitors (%)

Domestic Foreign
Travel Arrangement Mode
Overnight Same Day Overnight Same Day
Self 94.5 95.3 51.2 44.6
Office / Employer 2.1 0.8 0 0
Travel Agent 1.2 0.1 45.1 51.8
Tour Operator 0.5 1.1 0.8 0.4
Others 1.7 2.7 2.9 3.2
Total 100 100 100 100

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Details of distribution of overnight visitors by place of stay of sample visitors are given in Table
3.19. Non star hotels (44.3%) were the major place of stay for the domestic overnight visitors,
followed by star hotels (25.9%). On the other hand, star hotels (69.2%) were the major place of
stay for the Foreign Overnight Visitors.

Table 3.19 Distribution of overnight visitors by place of stay (%)

Place of Stay Domestic Overnight Foreign Overnight

Star 25.9 69.2
Non-Star 44.3 26.6
Dharamshala/Gurudwara 15.7 0
Bed & Breakfast 10.2 0
YMCA 1.5 2.8
Others 2.4 1.4
Total 100 100

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Details of distribution of visitor by their preferred eating place of sample visitors are given in
Table 3.20. Restaurants were the major eating place for majority of the visitors. Friends &
relatives were the second preferred eating place for domestic same day visitors, while domestic
overnight visitors and foreign visitors preferred fast food outlet.

Table 3.20 Distribution of visitor by their preferred eating place (%)

Domestic Foreign
Preferred eating place
Overnight Same Day Overnight Same Day
Restaurant 43.4 35.3 67.5 75.3

Fast Food Outlets 13.3 10.2 13.4 18.8

Cafeteria 3.7 5.6 5.2 3.4

Dhaba 11.8 15.2 1.5 0

Bars 3.2 2.1 4.6 1.3

Place of Lodging 5.3 0.0 6.9 0

Dharamshala & other
4.5 5.8 0 0
free accommodation
Others 3.6 1.5 0.9 1.2

Friends & Relatives 11.2 24.3 0 0

Total 100 100 100 100

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Details of satisfaction level of services by sample domestic overnight visitors are given in
Table 3.21. Majority of the domestic overnight visitors were satisfied with most of the services.
Very few were completely dissatisfied with the upkeep of tourist places and tariff of
accommodation units.

Table 3.21 Satisfaction level of services by Sample Domestic Overnight Visitors (%)

Domestic Overnight Visitors

Satisfaction Highly Completely
Satisfied but not Unsatisfied
Satisfied dissatisfied
Availability of Tour
5.7 48.3 37.4 8.6 0
Availability of
3.2 46.8 48.6 1.4 0
Availability of Tourist
9.5 80.4 10.1 0 0
Quality of accommodation 10.8 57.3 25.4 6.5 0
Public Convenience 4.9 65.6 23.7 5.8 0
Eating Places 33.7 50.2 11.5 4.6 0
Information Centers 1.4 61.5 33.9 3.2 0
Souvenir Shops 0 46.4 50.8 2.8 0
Entertainment Places 41.5 56.4 2.1 0 0
Quality of Roads 0 22.5 72.9 4.6 0
Security 0 33.8 51.7 14.5 0
Behavior of Local People 34.8 60.6 4.6 0 0
Shops other than souvenir 0 69.6 22.5 7.9 0
Upkeep of tourist sites 0 51.2 30.7 13.6 4.5
Accommodation tariff 0 46.4 13.5 25.7 14.4
Quality of Information 23.1 46.6 24.7 5.6 0

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Details of satisfaction level of services by sample domestic same day visitors are given in
Table 3.22. Majority of the domestic same day visitors were either highly satisfied or satisfied
with almost all parameters.

Table 3.22 Satisfaction level of services by Sample Domestic Same day Visitors (%)

Domestic Same day Visitors

Parameters Highly Completely
Satisfied but not Unsatisfied
Satisfied dissatisfied
Availability of Tour
0 61.3 31.5 17.2 0
Availability of
4.8 67.5 27.7 0 0
Availability of Tourist
16.2 65.2 18.6 0 0
Public Convenience 13.4 72.6 8.3 2.1 3.6
Eating Places 26.7 47.2 21.4 3.4 1.3
Information Centers 5.8 65.4 18.6 6.7 3.5
Souvenir Shops 0 71.4 28,6 0 0
Entertainment Places 43.7 50.7 5.6 0 0
Quality of Roads 1.6 21.3 67.5 7.2 2.4
Security 0 59.3 21.1 19.6 0
Behavior of Local People 42.5 55.6 1.9 0 0
Shops other than souvenir 2.6 76.6 20.8 0 0
Upkeep of tourist sites 5.2 65.4 28.1 1.3 0
Quality of Information 32.6 54.2 10.7 2.5 0

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Details of satisfaction level of services by sample foreign overnight visitors are given in
Table 3.23. Most of the foreign overnight visitors were satisfied with all parameters.

Table 3.23 Satisfaction level of services by Sample Foreign Overnight Visitors (%)

Foreign Overnight Visitors

Parameters Highly Satisfied but not Completely
Satisfied Unsatisfied
Satisfied completely dissatisfied
Availability of Tour
10.6 48.5 40.9 0 0
Availability of
7.8 74.3 17.9 0 0
Availability of Tourist
6.1 62.3 31.6 0 0
Quality of
18.6 66.2 15.2 0 0
Public Convenience 3.2 52.5 44.3 0 0
Eating Places 27.4 53.7 18.9 0 0
Information Centers 5.8 69.5 24.7 0 0
Souvenir Shops 4.3 45.1 38.5 12.1 0
Entertainment Places 13.2 44.6 34.9 7.3 0
Quality of Roads 6.3 15.6 74.2 3.9 0
Security 13.7 39.4 27.6 19.3 0
Behavior of Local
22.1 61.2 16.7 0 0
Shops other than
55.6 43.1 1.3 0 0
Upkeep of tourist sites 12.7 67.1 16.4 3.8 0
Accommodation tariff 42.1 56.1 1.8 0 0
Quality of Information 54.2 35.4 8.1 2.3 0

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Details of satisfaction level of services by sample foreign same day visitors are given in
Table 3.24. Most of the foreign same day visitors were satisfied with all parameters.

Table 3.24 Satisfaction level of services by Sample Foreign Same day Visitors (%)

Foreign Same Day Visitors

Parameters Highly Satisfied but not Completely
Satisfied Unsatisfied
Satisfied completely dissatisfied
Availability of Tour
6.2 48.7 45.1 0 0
Availability of
5.7 75.4 17.5 1.4 0
Availability of Tourist
3.8 58.3 36.4 1.5 0
Public Convenience 4.6 45.5 47.2 2.7 0
Eating Places 24.2 57.1 18.7 0 0
Information Centers 6.1 71.2 22.7 0 0
Souvenir Shops 4.2 49.6 46.2 0 0
Entertainment Places 24.3 47.6 22.4 5.7 0
Quality of Roads 1.4 6.5 80.2 11.9 0
Security 18.2 44.5 21.6 15.7 0
Behavior of Local
29.5 62.7 7.8 0 0
Shops other than
42.8 51.1 6.1 0 0
Upkeep of tourist sites 19.2 60.7 20.1 0 0
Quality of Information 44.5 37.6 14.3 3.6 0

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Details of expectation level of their visit to district /state of sample visitors are given in
Table 3.25. Most of the domestic and foreign overnight visitors and same day visitors selected the
option “As per expectation”. Only a very small proportion had the opinion worse or much worse
than their expectation.

Table 3.25 Expectation level of Sample Visitors to their visit to district/State (%)

Domestic Foreign
Overnight Same Day Overnight Same Day
Much better than expectation 6.5 4.2 2.7 3.6
Somewhat better than expectation 7.1 3.6 6.2 5.4
As per expectation 81.4 88.5 86.6 90.1
Worse than expectation 1.6 2.3 3.4 0.9
Much worse than expectation 3.4 1.4 1.1 0
Total 100 100 100 100

Names of top 10 destinations in West Bengal are given in Table 3.26.

Table 3.26 Top 10 destinations in West Bengal

Domestic Foreign
Kalighat Kali Temple Darjeeling hills
Darjeeling hills Victoria Memorial
Birla Technological Museum Eden Garden
Victoria Memorial Siliguri
Rajbari Santhinikethan
Dakshineswar Kali Temple St. Paul church
Eden garden Kali Temple
Indian Museum Birla Technological Museum
Howrah Bridge Rajbari
Santhinikethan Howrah Bridge

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Table 3.27 Average Expenditure on Package Component of Sample Domestic and Foreign
Visitors availing package tour

Package Component Domestic Foreign

Travel + Food 2534 3276

Travel + Transport + Accommodation 3357 6179

Travel + Transport + Accommodation + Food 4966 7854

Table 3.27 shows the average expenditure on package component of packaged tour of domestic
and foreign tourists. The total expenditure for all facilities for all the two groups is not very high.

Table 3.28 Average Expenditure on non-package component of Sample Visitors

Avg. Expenditure of Avg. Expenditure of

Domestic Foreign
Overnight Same Day Overnight Same Day
Accommodation 891 0 3628 0
Food & Drinks 873 525 1442 1031
Transport 782 328 1327 1584
Shopping 296 431 1265 762
Recreation, Leisure &
370 180 320 228
Cultural Activities
TOTAL 3212 1464 7985 3605

Details of average expenditure on non-package component during trip of sample visitors

are given in Table 3.28. All the tourists spend least amount for cultural activities.

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Table 3.29 Average Expenditure on non-package component during trip of Sample Visitors

Non-Package Component Avg. Expenditure of Avg. Expenditure of

Domestic Foreign
Accommodation 521 1037
Food & Drinks 332 577
Transport 256 1012
Shopping 342 882
Recreation, Leisure & Cultural 95 172
TOTAL 1546 3680

Table 3.30 States/ UTs visited during the last two years (%) before this visit

Name of the State / UTs Domestic Foreign

Andhra Pradesh 6.2 6.8
Bihar 1.3 0.3
Delhi 9.7 12.4
Goa 0.3 7.5
Gujarat 9.6 3.2
Jammu Kashmir 1.2 0
Karnataka 8.7 10.2
Kerala 3.9 5.5
Madhya Pradesh 5.3 2.3
Maharashtra 8.3 10.3
Orissa 1.6 0.3
Punjab 2.2 2.3
Rajasthan 1.5 6.2
Tamilnadu 10.2 10.3
Uttar Pradesh 7.8 5.1
Uttarakhand 2.3 0.9
West Bengal 8.3 6.7
Others 3.1 2.1
None 8.5 7.6
Total 100 100

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Table 3.30 shows the visitors travel habits before the present visits. More domestic tourists visited
Delhi, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, while more foreigners visited Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu.

Table 3.31 Compare experience of visiting this State with the last State/ UT visited (%)

Opinion Domestic Foreign

This State Destination is better managed 57.2 42.7
Infrastructure better in this State 48.1 54.1
People in tourism related sector more hospitable 45.6 48.2
People are more hospitable 86.7 89.1

The visitors gave more than one response when we ask to compare their experience of
visiting this state with the last state /UT visited. Alost all of them had more than one good opinion
about this state.

Details of reasons for choosing this state as a tourist destination are given in Table 3.32.
Most of them gave many reasons for selecting this state as a tourist destination.

Table 3.32 Reasons for choosing this State as a tourist destination (%)

Reasons Domestic Foreign

Location of preferred destination. 52.8 67.1
Visiting Friends and relatives or for Business and 41.3 4.6
Professional Purposes.
Nearer to the Place of Residence. 63.1 9.7
Better infrastructure. 45.2 38.2
Less costly. 38.5 34.2
Attracted by Publicity Measures. 56.2 46.8
Others 8.4 5.3

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Major source for the advertisement on West Bengal tourism was local magazines, web,
internet etc. for majority of the domestic (68.7%) and foreign (90.2%) tourists (see Table 3.33).

Table 3.33 Watched / seen/ heard the advertisement of the State Government for tourism
promotion (%)

Sources Domestic Foreign

Newspaper 8.3 1.7
Radio 2.1 0
Televisions 7.6 2.4
Newspaper and Radio both 3.5 0
Newspaper and Television both 3.7 5.7
Radio and Television both 1.2 0
All Three 4.9 0
Others* 68.7 90.2
Total 100 100

* Local Magazine, web site, Poster etc.

Fig 3.33 Watched /seen/heard the advertisement of the State Government for tourism
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Table 3.34 Ratio and Estimated number of domestic overnight tourists/same day visitors
from States

Ratio of Ratio of Same Estimated

Estimated No.
State overnight in Day Visitors Number of Day
of Tourists
sample in sample Visitors
West Bengal 27.6 6668951 69.9 19982913
Bihar 6.4 1546423 6.7 1915386
Gujarat 2.3 555746 1.3 371642
Pradesh 3.3 797375 0.0 0
Maharashtra 3.1 749049 1.9 543169
Chhattisgarh 2.9 700723 0.4 114351
Punjab 1.3 314117 0.3 85764
Delhi 6.2 1498098 0.7 200115
Jharkhand 9.2 2222984 2.8 800460
Orissa 12.4 2996196 8.0 2287029
Assam 10.7 2585427 5.1 1457981
Others 14.6 3527778 2.9 829048
Total 100 24162867 100 28587858

Table 3.34 presents the distribution of states for domestic tourists in the state of West
Bengal. The survey findings suggests that contribution of West Bengal was highest (27.6%) in
contribution of domestic overnight tourists for the state of West Bengal, followed by Orissa
(12.4%), Assam (10.7%), Jharkhand (9.2%) etc. On the other hand, about 70% of the
contribution of domestic same day tourists is from the same state.

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Table 3.35 Popular Source of Information of tourist destinations for the Sample Domestic
Visitors (%)

State Internet books /
Travel Relatives
Month Tourism guides / Others Total
Agents / Friends
Department Website MOT Others Magazines
/ paper
April 7.3 2.4 16.7 0.5 0.8 3.7 62.5 6.1 100
May 5.9 3.1 17.5 0.6 0.5 1.1 68.2 3.1 100
June 3.7 2.8 16.7 1.1 0.6 1.7 70 3.4 100
July 4.3 2.1 21.7 1.3 0.8 1.3 66.6 1.9 100
August 4.9 2.7 20.4 0.9 0.5 1.9 65.6 3.1 100
September 5.5 3.2 15.2 1.2 0.7 1.1 70.3 2.8 100
October 7.2 2.4 15.5 1.5 0.8 1.4 68.7 2.5 100
November 5.1 2.5 14.1 1.7 0.4 0.9 73.9 1.4 100
December 8.9 2.1 16.3 1.3 0.5 0.5 68.6 1.8 100
January 7.2 2.8 18.4 2.1 0.6 0.6 66.1 2.2 100
February 3.5 2.9 19.6 1.6 0.4 0.7 68.6 2.7 100
March 3.7 2.4 18.7 1.4 0.7 0.8 70.5 1.8 100

Table 3.35 shows the main source of information for the domestic tourists about the
destination. Most of them said that their friends and relatives are the main source.

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Table 3.36 represents the distribution of countries for foreign tourists in the state of West
Bengal. The survey findings suggest that contribution of Bangladesh was highest (17.8%) in
contribution of foreign tourists for this state, followed by Nepal (12.5%), USA (11.3%) and UK

Table 3.36 Distribution of Country wise Foreign Tourists (%)

Place Of Origin Foreign Tourists

U.S.A 11.3
U.K 9.4
Australia 2.6
UAE 5.6
Canada 3.7
Other European countries 3.4
Bhutan 8.3
Bangladesh 17.8
Nepal 12.5
Other Asian Countries 3.4
Saudi Arabia 2.7
Others 14.9
Total 100.0

Fig 3.36 Distribution of Country wise Foreign Tourists

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Chapter 4 Short Survey Findings

The sample sizes of the four groups are 60132 domestic overnight, 73308 domestic same
day and 3334 foreign overnight visitors and 26 foreign same day visitors. Most of the domestic
(98.2%) and foreign visitors (97.7%) the entry point are the bus station or railway station.

Table 4.1 Entry point of Sample Visitors (%)

Point Domestic Foreign
Railway station 45.7 39.7
Air port 1.8 2.3
Bus Station 52.5 58.0
Total 100 100

4.0 Details of the Sample Tourists of the Short Survey

Table 4.2 gives the residential places of the domestic tourists. Nearly 44% of the domestic visitors
are from the same district.

Table 4.2 Place of residence of the Sample Domestic Visitors (%)

Place Domestic

Within same city 14.9

Same district 28.6

Other district 46.1

Outside the state 10.4

Total 100

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Fig 4.1 Place of residence the Domestic Visitors

Table 4.3 shows the frequency of visit to the place if they live in the same city. Nearly
97% of the tourists visit the destination once in 6 months.

Table 4.3 Frequency of visit to the destination of Sample Domestic Visitors (%)
Frequency Domestic
Once in 7 days 0.1

Once in 15 days 0.9

Once in 3 months 2.1

Once in 6 months 96.9

Total 100

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Details of gender distribution of sample visitors are given in Table 4.4. The survey
findings suggest that in the case of both domestic and foreign visitor’s percentage of male visitors
were higher than female visitors.

Table 4.4 Gender Distribution of Sample Visitors (%)

Gender Domestic Foreign

Male 90.1 97.4

Female 9.9 2.6

Total 100 100

Fig 4.2 Gender Distribution of Sample Visitors

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Table 4.5 Country of Nationality of Foreign Tourists (%)

Country Foreign Tourists
U.S.A 9.3
U.K 9.9
Australia 1.5
China 2.1
Canada 3.8
Other European countries 2.4
Bhutan 11.6
Bangladesh 17.2
Nepal 16.7
Other Asian Countries 6.6
Saudi Arabia 1.2
Others 17.7
Total 100

Table 4.5 shows the nationality of the visitors. Highest proportion came from Bangladesh
followed by Nepal and Bhutan.

Table 4.6 Place of stay of the Sample overnight Visitors (%)

Place Domestic Foreign
Hired accommodation 59.2 93.5
Friends& relatives 30.2 2.3
Others 10.6 4.2
Total 100 100

Almost all foreigners stay at hired accommodation while among the domestic visitors, 59.2% stay at
hired accommodation.

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Among the domestic tourists, the highest proportion got information about tourist destinations
from their friend and relatives while foreign visitors got it from internet.

Table 4.7 Information about the destinations (%)

Place Domestic Foreign
Indian embassy in your country 0 0.9
Indian tourism bureau in your country 0 5.8
Indian tourism offices in India 2.7 3.2
State tourism department 20.3 6.9
Travel agents 15.4 21.3
Internet 19.1 52.8
Travel books/guides/magazines /newspaper etc. 0 0
Friends &relatives 31.9 3.4
Others 10.6 5.7
Total 100 100

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Chapter 5 Hotel Survey Findings

Table 5.1 gives the details of number of accommodation units, number of rooms available,
number of beds available and the details about the employment during the year 2014 - 2015. The
survey findings suggest that in total 6995 accommodation units were available during the year
2014 - 2015, 118915 rooms, 297350 beds and 117769 employees.

Table 5.1 Number of Accommodation units, Rooms, Beds and Employment

No. of Number of Employees
No. of No. of
Rooms Beds Permanent Temporary Total
Census 6995 118915 297350 45157 72612 117769

Distribution of employees in accommodation units by age group are given in Table 5.2. In
total, 117769 employees were working in the 6995 accommodation units. Majority (64%) of the
employees are in the age group 26-40 years.

Table 5.2 Distribution of Employees in Accommodation Units by Age Group

No. of Number of Employees by age-group (%)
accommodation Employees
units 18-25 Yr 26-30 Yr 31-40 Yr 41-50 Yr Above 50 Yr
Census 6995 117769 8.1 27.4 36.6 24.7 3.2

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Fig5.2 Distribution of Employees by age-group

Distribution of employees in accommodation units by service are given in Table 5.3.

Majority (58.5%) works in the F&B department.

Table 5.3 Distribution of Employees in Accommodation Units by Service

No. of Distribution of employees by service
Number of
accommodatio House
Employees Management F&B Others
n units keeping
Census 6995 117769 11.6 58.5 21.4 8.5

Fig 5.3 Distribution of Employees in Accommodation Units by Service

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Distribution of accommodation units by type is given in Table 5.4. Out of 6995

accommodation units, 821 were Star Hotels, 5756 were Non-Star Hotels and 289 were Bed &
Breakfast type.
Table 5.4 Distribution of Accommodation Units by Types

Star Apartment Non- Dharamshala Bed &
Youth Others Total
Hotels Hotel Star Gurudwara Breakfast
Census 821 11 5756 52 289 19 47 6995

Fig 5.4 Distribution of Accommodation Units by Types

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Appendix- A
A1: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (April 2014)

No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying Staying
with F & Total same day
at Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
DT-h DT-f DT-o DT
Q* Q* Q* Q* Q*DS
1 North 24 Parganas 63914 86549 10832 161295 26025
2 South 24 Parganas 63244 56369 6487 126100 20221
3 Barddhaman 47531 11883 306 59719 9577
4 Murshidabad 51802 25898 559 78259 12549
5 Paschim Medinipur 50070 8182 720 58972 9457
6 Hugli 105737 2226 3338 111301 17848
7 Nadia 54294 51461 833 106588 17092
8 Purba Medinipur 309735 88505 11492 409732 65703
9 Howrah 41977 33860 182 76019 12190
10 Kolkata 493970 147282 7550 648803 104040
11 Maldah 65697 19859 453 86009 13792
12 Jalpaiguri 49710 30352 10054 90116 14451
13 Bankura 39059 9930 332 49321 7909
14 Birbhum 202417 37406 7863 247686 39718
15 Uttar Dinajpur 5492 7577 1919 14989 2404
16 Puruliya 16617 5087 3429 25133 4030
17 Cooch Behar 7812 9839 288 17939 2787
18 Darjeeling 89906 20084 171 110161 17665
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 7323 7831 152 15306 2454
Apr-14 Total 1766307 660181 66960 2493448 399912

81 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A1 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (April 2014)
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 35 50 0 85 13
2 South 24 Parganas 57 34 0 91 9
3 Barddhaman 2135 366 0 2501 27
4 Murshidabad 113 39 0 152 4
5 Paschim Medinipur 11 3 0 14 0
6 Hugli 17 75 0 92 13
7 Nadia 439 15 10 464 41
8 Purba Medinipur 141 0 0 141 74
9 Howrah 56 27 0 83 41
10 Kolkata 132355 176 0 132531 82
11 Maldah 226 40 0 266 0
12 Jalpaiguri 540 13 0 553 9
13 Bankura 68 28 0 96 6
14 Birbhum 107 25 0 132 26
15 Uttar Dinajpur 6 0 0 6 0
16 Puruliya 31 0 0 31 7
17 Cooch Behar 107 0 0 107 0
18 Darjeeling 3439 36 0 3475 44
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 433 0 0 433 0
14 Total 140316 927 10 141253 396

82 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A1 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (April 2014)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
North 24
1 Parganas 161295 85 161380 26025 13 26038
South 24
2 Parganas 126100 91 126191 20221 9 20230
3 Barddhaman 59719 2501 62220 9577 27 9604
4 Murshidabad 78259 152 78411 12549 4 12553
5 Medinipur 58972 14 58986 9457 0 9457
6 Hugli 111301 92 111393 17848 13 17861
7 Nadia 106588 464 107052 17092 41 17133
8 Purba Medinipur 409732 141 409873 65703 74 65777
9 Howrah 76019 83 76102 12190 41 12231
10 Kolkata 648803 132531 781334 104040 82 104122
11 Maldah 86009 266 86275 13792 0 13792
12 Jalpaiguri 90116 553 90669 14451 9 14460
13 Bankura 49321 96 49417 7909 6 7915
14 Birbhum 247686 132 247818 39718 26 39744
15 Uttar Dinajpur 14989 6 14995 2404 0 2404
16 Puruliya 25133 31 25164 4030 7 4037
17 Cooch Behar 17939 107 18046 2787 0 2787
18 Darjeeling 110161 3475 113636 17665 44 17709
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 15306 433 15739 2454 0 2454
Apr-14 Total 2493448 141253 2634701 399912 396 400308

83 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A2: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (May 2014)
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying same day
with F & Total
Hotels Elsewhere visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

1 North 24 Parganas 84136 40464 8012 132613 18888
2 South 24 Parganas 84206 32237 4652 121095 17248
3 Barddhaman 43454 6555 226 50235 7155
4 Murshidabad 53829 14013 277 68119 9702
5 Paschim Medinipur 46185 2345 391 48921 6968
6 Hugli 108419 2993 1943 113355 16145
7 Nadia 73272 31030 2520 106821 15215
8 Purba Medinipur 355601 55718 11659 422978 60745
9 Howrah 54467 23234 2175 79876 11377
10 Kolkata 537949 65135 7250 610335 87624
11 Maldah 86238 14408 583 101230 14418
12 Jalpaiguri 75925 10450 3389 89765 12785
13 Bankura 35715 4490 183 40389 5753
14 Birbhum 279559 27438 3518 310515 44527
15 Uttar Dinajpur 11510 2033 590 14133 2013
16 Puruliya 18484 1902 473 20859 2971
17 Cooch Behar 14901 3316 438 18656 2661
18 Darjeeling 110768 9250 283 120301 12134
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 11865 4604 382 16851 2294
May-14 Total 2086486 351617 48945 2487047 350623

84 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A2 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (May 2014)
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 46 67 0 113 29
2 South 24 Parganas 68 50 0 118 17
3 Barddhaman 1657 492 0 2149 44
4 Murshidabad 145 59 0 204 10
5 Paschim Medinipur 22 11 0 33 0
6 Hugli 33 102 0 135 23
7 Nadia 438 34 15 487 56
8 Purba Medinipur 171 0 0 171 96
9 Howrah 74 44 0 118 61
10 Kolkata 107947 282 0 108229 116
11 Maldah 280 59 0 339 0
12 Jalpaiguri 4167 23 0 4190 17
13 Bankura 97 48 0 145 12
14 Birbhum 151 46 0 197 41
15 Uttar Dinajpur 12 0 0 12 17
16 Puruliya 55 0 0 55 14
17 Cooch Behar 168 0 0 168 68
18 Darjeeling 3146 59 0 3205 63
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 399 0 0 399 0
Total 119076 1376 15 120467 684

85 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A2 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (May 2014)

No. of Visits by Same day

No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 132613 113 132726 18888 29 18917
2 South 24 Parganas 121095 118 121213 17248 17 17265
3 Barddhaman 50235 2149 52384 7155 44 7199
4 Murshidabad 68119 204 68323 9702 10 9712
5 Paschim Medinipur 48921 33 48954 6968 0 6968
6 Hugli 113355 135 113490 16145 23 16168
7 Nadia 106821 487 107308 15215 56 15271
8 Purba Medinipur 422978 171 423149 60745 96 60841
9 Howrah 79876 118 79994 11377 61 11438
10 Kolkata 610335 108229 718564 87624 116 87740
11 Maldah 101230 339 101569 14418 0 14418
12 Jalpaiguri 89765 4190 93955 12785 17 12802
13 Bankura 40389 145 40534 5753 12 5765
14 Birbhum 310515 197 310712 44527 41 44568
15 Uttar Dinajpur 14133 12 14145 2013 17 2030
16 Puruliya 20859 55 20914 2971 14 2985
17 Cooch Behar 18656 168 18824 2661 68 2729
18 Darjeeling 120301 3205 123506 12134 63 12197
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 16851 399 17250 2294 0 2294
May-14 Total 2487047 120467 2607514 350623 684 351307

86 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A3: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (June 2014)
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying
with F & Total same day
Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

North 24
1 Parganas 51945 25585 3723 81253 10867
South 24
2 Parganas 54094 24691 4031 82816 11076
3 Barddhaman 31931 5741 1340 39012 5217
4 Murshidabad 33055 9954 280 43289 6592
5 Medinipur 37580 2305 195 40081 5360
6 Hugli 236610 14647 1933 253189 33861
7 Nadia 60402 24184 2629 87216 11664
8 Purba Medinipur 297287 56116 3953 357356 47792
9 Howrah 38235 11618 1436 51289 6932
10 Kolkata 423520 25303 2461 451283 60354
11 Maldah 75599 4435 177 80211 10727
12 Jalpaiguri 59224 2209 519 61952 8258
13 Bankura 30883 2537 208 33629 4498
14 Birbhum 279687 9096 1330 290113 38799
15 Uttar Dinajpur 11229 1083 347 12659 1693
16 Puruliya 16936 965 216 18117 2423
17 Cooch Behar 12908 1105 378 14392 1925
18 Darjeeling 81203 7732 66 89001 11903
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 10770 1779 257 12806 1712
June-14 Total 1843099 231086 25479 2099664 281653

87 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A3 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (June 2014)
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 22 29 0 51 19
2 South 24 Parganas 47 29 0 76 12
3 Barddhaman 1454 308 0 1762 25
4 Murshidabad 128 25 0 153 5
5 Paschim Medinipur 18 9 0 27 0
6 Hugli 24 84 0 108 21
7 Nadia 422 30 0 452 46
8 Purba Medinipur 124 0 0 124 69
9 Howrah 103 55 0 158 43
10 Kolkata 78615 108 0 78723 124
11 Maldah 278 25 0 303 0
12 Jalpaiguri 291 12 0 303 14
13 Bankura 90 7 0 97 10
14 Birbhum 97 39 0 136 32
15 Uttar Dinajpur 6 0 0 6 0
16 Puruliya 22 0 0 22 15
17 Cooch Behar 96 0 0 96 49
18 Darjeeling 2182 30 0 2212 10
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 325 0 0 325 24
June-14 Total 84344 790 0 85134 518

88 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A3 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (June 2014)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
North 24
1 Parganas 81253 51 81304 10867 19 10886
South 24
2 Parganas 82816 76 82892 11076 12 11088
3 Barddhaman 39012 1762 40774 5217 25 5242
4 Murshidabad 43289 153 43442 6592 5 6597
5 Medinipur 40081 27 40108 5360 0 5360
6 Hugli 253189 108 253297 33861 21 33882
7 Nadia 87216 452 87668 11664 46 11709
8 Purba Medinipur 357356 124 357480 47792 69 47860
9 Howrah 51289 158 51447 6932 43 6974
10 Kolkata 451283 78723 530006 60354 124 60475
11 Maldah 80211 303 80514 10727 0 10727
12 Jalpaiguri 61952 303 62255 8258 14 8272
13 Bankura 33629 97 33726 4498 10 4508
14 Birbhum 290113 136 290249 38799 32 38831
15 Uttar Dinajpur 12659 6 12665 1693 0 1693
16 Puruliya 18117 22 18139 2423 15 2438
17 Cooch Behar 14392 96 14488 1925 49 1973
18 Darjeeling 89001 2212 91213 11903 10 11913
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 12806 325 13131 1712 24 1736
14 Total 2099664 85134 2184798 281653 518 282164

89 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A4: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (July 2014)
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying
with F & Total same day
Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

1 North 24 Parganas 94732 71625 8956 175312 47125
2 South 24 Parganas 140060 52929 5709 198699 53412
3 Barddhaman 149039 18522 6240 173801 46719
4 Murshidabad 83882 15004 979 99865 26845
5 Medinipur 68300 6015 511 74826 20113
6 Hugli 379624 40257 5731 425613 14408
7 Nadia 195455 38349 14190 247994 66663
8 Purba Medinipur 501589 46069 3633 551291 148192
9 Howrah 101800 37508 7524 146832 39470
10 Kolkata 629867 37690 6435 673992 181175
11 Maldah 94654 3953 260 98867 26576
12 Jalpaiguri 71826 3016 477 75319 20246
13 Bankura 92898 5602 416 98916 26589
14 Birbhum 234975 4867 1193 241035 64792
15 Uttar Dinajpur 8775 645 291 9711 2610
16 Puruliya 17139 1592 203 18933 5089
17 Cooch Behar 12690 928 243 13861 3726
18 Darjeeling 95352 5807 90 101249 27216
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 13842 1112 163 15117 4664
July-14 Total 2986498 391491 63243 3441233 825630

90 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A4 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (July 2014)
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of
visits by
Staying at Staying Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels with F & R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
North 24
1 Parganas 18 19 0 37 13
South 24
2 Parganas 39 23 0 62 9
3 Barddhaman 1325 264 0 1589 22
4 Murshidabad 107 16 0 123 0
5 Medinipur 8 5 0 13 0
6 Hugli 15 72 0 87 14
7 Nadia 365 21 0 386 36
8 Purba Medinipur 97 0 0 97 51
9 Howrah 88 49 0 137 33
10 Kolkata 76516 91 0 76607 109
11 Maldah 231 17 0 248 0
12 Jalpaiguri 248 8 0 256 7
13 Bankura 63 3 0 66 8
14 Birbhum 75 29 0 104 11
15 Uttar Dinajpur 2 0 0 2 0
16 Puruliya 13 0 0 13 12
17 Cooch Behar 78 0 0 78 41
18 Darjeeling 2386 21 0 2407 9
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 287 0 0 287 22
Total 81961 638 0 82599 397

91 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A4 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (July 2014)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists
S. No. District visitors
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 175312 37 175349 47125 13 47138
2 South 24 Parganas 198699 62 198761 53412 9 53421
3 Barddhaman 173801 1589 175390 46719 22 46741
4 Murshidabad 99865 123 99988 26845 0 26845
5 Medinipur 74826 13 74839 20113 0 20113
6 Hugli 425613 87 425700 14408 14 14422
7 Nadia 247994 386 248380 66663 36 66699
8 Purba Medinipur 551291 97 551388 148192 51 148243
9 Howrah 146832 137 146969 39470 33 39503
10 Kolkata 673992 76607 750599 181175 109 181284
11 Maldah 98867 248 99115 26576 0 26576
12 Jalpaiguri 75319 256 75575 20246 7 20253
13 Bankura 98916 66 98982 26589 8 26597
14 Birbhum 241035 104 241139 64792 11 64803
15 Uttar Dinajpur 9711 2 9713 2610 0 2610
16 Puruliya 18933 13 18946 5089 12 5101
17 Cooch Behar 13861 78 13939 3726 41 3767
18 Darjeeling 101249 2407 103656 27216 9 27225
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 15117 287 15404 4664 22 4686
July-14 Total 3441233 82599 3523832 825630 397 826027

92 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A5: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (August 2014)
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying
with F & Total same day
Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

1 North 24 Parganas 182044 26339 4227 212610 39304
2 South 24 Parganas 234294 22889 3142 260325 48306
3 Barddhaman 182532 7946 2486 192963 34785
4 Murshidabad 116317 9102 1099 126518 23154
5 Paschim Medinipur 81144 6728 385 88257 15841
6 Hugli 290986 16156 3477 310619 56985
7 Nadia 313206 31042 12058 356306 65199
8 Purba Medinipur 584287 19951 2298 606536 112007
9 Howrah 206450 71523 16525 294498 54320
10 Kolkata 678436 20964 5991 705391 130225
11 Maldah 127676 6511 428 134615 24588
12 Jalpaiguri 87608 3215 496 91319 16419
13 Bankura 131894 6392 650 138936 26092
14 Birbhum 300577 4736 1440 306753 58067
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15611 565 134 16310 3077
16 Puruliya 23552 1049 210 24812 4681
17 Cooch Behar 19213 518 152 19883 3751
18 Darjeeling 118205 2979 121 121305 22888
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 16241 1313 231 17785 3356
Aug-14 Total 3710273 259919 55549 4025741 743045

93 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A5 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (August
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 25 22 0 47 19
2 South 24 Parganas 50 21 0 71 13
3 Barddhaman 1064 257 0 1321 26
4 Murshidabad 68 16 0 84 0
5 Paschim Medinipur 16 9 0 25 0
6 Hugli 19 45 0 64 15
7 Nadia 237 24 0 261 31
8 Purba Medinipur 74 0 0 74 0
9 Howrah 82 54 0 136 35
10 Kolkata 82410 117 0 82527 109
11 Maldah 215 14 0 229 0
12 Jalpaiguri 261 13 0 274 12
13 Bankura 54 10 0 64 6
14 Birbhum 79 29 0 108 15
15 Uttar Dinajpur 6 0 0 6 0
16 Puruliya 18 0 0 18 0
17 Cooch Behar 79 0 0 79 51
18 Darjeeling 2574 28 0 2602 14
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 279 0 0 279 26
Total 87610 659 0 88269 372

94 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A5 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (August 2014)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
North 24
1 Parganas 212610 47 212657 39304 19 39323
South 24
2 Parganas 260325 71 260396 48306 13 48319
3 Barddhaman 192963 1321 194284 34785 26 34811
4 Murshidabad 126518 84 126602 23154 0 23154
5 Medinipur 88257 25 88282 15841 0 15841
6 Hugli 310619 64 310683 56985 15 57000
7 Nadia 356306 261 356567 65199 31 65230
8 Purba Medinipur 606536 74 606610 112007 0 112007
9 Howrah 294498 136 294634 54320 35 54355
10 Kolkata 705391 82527 787918 130225 109 130334
11 Maldah 134615 229 134844 24588 0 24588
12 Jalpaiguri 91319 274 91593 16419 12 16431
13 Bankura 138936 64 139000 26092 6 26098
14 Birbhum 306753 108 306861 58067 15 58082
15 Uttar Dinajpur 16310 6 16316 3077 0 3077
16 Puruliya 24812 18 24830 4681 0 4681
17 Cooch Behar 19883 79 19962 3751 51 3802
18 Darjeeling 121305 2602 123907 22888 14 22902
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 17785 279 18064 3356 26 3382
14 Total 4025741 88269 4114010 743045 372 743417

95 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A6: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (September
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying
with F & Total same day
Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

1 North 24 Parganas 263976 37480 2525 303981 51822
2 South 24 Parganas 306344 28209 3654 338206 63997
3 Barddhaman 197660 7633 2923 208216 35567
4 Murshidabad 125957 9849 1183 136988 23617
5 Paschim Medinipur 97044 5674 441 103159 17868
6 Hugli 237791 14497 2729 255018 44012
7 Nadia 278302 37230 12780 328311 61976
8 Purba Medinipur 655884 17287 2685 675856 127559
9 Howrah 320765 100025 34602 455392 84758
10 Kolkata 862389 26367 5553 894309 152300
11 Maldah 106660 9078 924 116662 19823
12 Jalpaiguri 125489 3184 848 129521 22008
13 Bankura 139772 7426 1628 148826 25288
14 Birbhum 386670 3512 839 391021 66442
15 Uttar Dinajpur 18303 1217 316 19835 3370
16 Puruliya 30783 926 219 31928 5425
17 Cooch Behar 27971 585 218 28775 4889
18 Darjeeling 315277 11012 339 326629 55500
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 21177 746 215 22138 3762
Sep-14 Total 4518213 321937 74621 4914771 869983

96 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A6 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (September
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of
visits by
Staying at Staying Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels with F & R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
North 24
1 Parganas 30 20 0 50 22
South 24
2 Parganas 41 27 0 68 15
3 Barddhaman 1124 289 0 1413 24
4 Murshidabad 75 16 0 91 0
5 Medinipur 15 11 0 26 0
6 Hugli 21 65 0 86 18
7 Nadia 248 28 0 276 28
8 Purba Medinipur 66 0 0 66 33
9 Howrah 77 115 0 192 40
10 Kolkata 97033 109 0 97142 111
11 Maldah 244 18 0 262 0
12 Jalpaiguri 255 14 0 269 14
13 Bankura 54 11 0 65 9
14 Birbhum 71 29 0 100 16
15 Uttar Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 0
16 Puruliya 20 0 0 20 0
17 Cooch Behar 91 0 0 91 52
18 Darjeeling 2161 34 0 2195 15
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 299 0 0 299 22
Total 101925 786 0 102711 419

97 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A6 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (September 2014)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists
S. No. District visitors

Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
North 24
1 Parganas 303981 50 304031 51822 22 51844
South 24
2 Parganas 338206 68 338274 63997 15 64012
3 Barddhaman 208216 1413 209629 35567 24 35591
4 Murshidabad 136988 91 137079 23617 0 23617
5 Medinipur 103159 26 103185 17868 0 17868
6 Hugli 255018 86 255104 44012 18 44030
7 Nadia 328311 276 328587 61976 28 62004
8 Purba Medinipur 675856 66 675922 127559 33 127592
9 Howrah 455392 192 455584 84758 40 84798
10 Kolkata 894309 97142 991451 152300 111 152411
11 Maldah 116662 262 116924 19823 0 19823
12 Jalpaiguri 129521 269 129790 22008 14 22022
13 Bankura 148826 65 148891 25288 9 25297
14 Birbhum 391021 100 391121 66442 16 66458
15 Uttar Dinajpur 19835 0 19835 3370 0 3370
16 Puruliya 31928 20 31948 5425 0 5425
17 Cooch Behar 28775 91 28866 4889 52 4941
18 Darjeeling 326629 2195 328824 55500 15 55515
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 22138 299 22437 3762 22 3784
Sep-14 Total 4914771 102711 5017482 869983 419 870402

98 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A7: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (October
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying same day
with F & Total
Hotels Elsewhere visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

1 North 24 Parganas 545611 70330 6578 622519 108658
2 South 24 Parganas 432488 21415 38126 492028 85753
3 Barddhaman 248990 8416 3984 261390 43389
4 Murshidabad 168284 11332 1234 180850 30228
5 Paschim Medinipur 123304 7195 717 131216 22116
6 Hugli 298005 20313 3621 321938 59611
7 Nadia 312313 41819 8684 362816 66291
8 Purba Medinipur 698761 19276 4267 722305 118894
9 Howrah 337977 109074 39958 487008 80782
10 Kolkata 906505 51380 27633 985518 166216
11 Maldah 76520 6145 730 83395 18465
12 Jalpaiguri 132086 3024 652 135762 27676
13 Bankura 85645 3669 1061 90375 14606
14 Birbhum 385434 4394 982 390810 70029
15 Uttar Dinajpur 20863 1216 282 22361 3654
16 Puruliya 28430 700 153 29283 4785
17 Cooch Behar 30338 635 217 31190 5097
18 Darjeeling 350463 9985 267 360715 69765
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 24041 1038 221 25300 4135
Oct-14 Total 5206057 391356 139366 5736779 1000150

99 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A7 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (October
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 31 17 0 48 18
2 South 24 Parganas 45 28 0 73 16
3 Barddhaman 1846 296 0 2142 28
4 Murshidabad 81 22 0 103 8
5 Paschim Medinipur 16 8 0 24 0
6 Hugli 25 67 0 92 22
7 Nadia 252 32 0 284 30
8 Purba Medinipur 63 0 0 63 31
9 Howrah 83 129 0 212 44
10 Kolkata 113024 138 0 113162 139
11 Maldah 265 27 0 292 0
12 Jalpaiguri 273 19 0 292 19
13 Bankura 66 19 0 85 11
14 Birbhum 75 35 0 110 23
15 Uttar Dinajpur 4 0 0 4 1
16 Puruliya 16 0 0 16 4
17 Cooch Behar 97 0 0 97 53
18 Darjeeling 4782 37 0 4819 19
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 296 0 0 296 20
Total 121340 874 0 122214 486

100 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A7 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (October 2014)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
North 24
1 Parganas 622519 48 622567 108658 18 108676
South 24
2 Parganas 492028 73 492101 85753 16 85769
3 Barddhaman 261390 2142 263532 43389 28 43417
4 Murshidabad 180850 103 180953 30228 8 30236
5 Medinipur 131216 24 131240 22116 0 22116
6 Hugli 321938 92 322030 59611 22 59633
7 Nadia 362816 284 363100 66291 30 66321
8 Purba Medinipur 722305 63 722368 118894 31 118925
9 Howrah 487008 212 487220 80782 44 80826
10 Kolkata 985518 113162 1098680 166216 139 166355
11 Maldah 83395 292 83687 18465 0 18465
12 Jalpaiguri 135762 292 136054 27676 19 27695
13 Bankura 90375 85 90460 14606 11 14617
14 Birbhum 390810 110 390920 70029 23 70052
15 Uttar Dinajpur 22361 4 22365 3654 1 3655
16 Puruliya 29283 16 29299 4785 4 4789
17 Cooch Behar 31190 97 31287 5097 53 5150
18 Darjeeling 360715 4819 365534 69765 19 69784
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 25300 296 25596 4135 20 4155
Oct-14 Total 5736779 122214 5858993 1000150 486 1000636

101 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A8: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (November
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying
with F & Total same day
Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

North 24
1 Parganas 445428 34143 3585 483157 104873
South 24
2 Parganas 355594 14703 3221 373518 80373
3 Barddhaman 177074 5763 2589 185426 39892
4 Murshidabad 93960 5137 770 99867 21543
5 Medinipur 69573 3199 426 73198 20790
6 Hugli 228038 18235 3469 249743 53658
7 Nadia 294187 28655 5701 328543 71520
8 Medinipur 642590 20155 4276 667021 142810
9 Howrah 281538 61532 10785 353855 75470
10 Kolkata 611601 33933 14575 660109 141966
11 Maldah 54521 4119 693 59333 18299
12 Jalpaiguri 95622 1636 557 97815 21100
13 Bankura 47699 2553 661 50913 15983
14 Birbhum 367559 2622 601 370781 78906
15 Uttar Dinajpur 13859 841 218 14918 3218
16 Puruliya 18435 479 111 19025 4104
17 Cooch Behar 26546 615 226 27387 5908
18 Darjeeling 230007 4871 233 235111 49639
19 Dinajpur 16012 688 140 16839 3632

102 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

Nov-14 Total 4069844 243879 52836 4366559 953684

A8 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (November
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 33 19 0 52 21
2 South 24 Parganas 48 31 0 79 15
3 Barddhaman 1726 261 0 1987 24
4 Murshidabad 79 15 0 94 0
5 Paschim Medinipur 17 9 0 26 0
6 Hugli 28 52 0 80 19
7 Nadia 265 25 0 290 27
8 Purba Medinipur 66 0 0 66 33
9 Howrah 74 114 0 188 36
10 Kolkata 119292 177 0 119469 128
11 Maldah 209 16 0 225 0
12 Jalpaiguri 246 12 0 258 13
13 Bankura 51 9 0 60 8
14 Birbhum 66 24 0 90 15
15 Uttar Dinajpur 6 0 0 6 1
16 Puruliya 18 0 0 18 5
17 Cooch Behar 85 0 0 85 49
18 Darjeeling 3314 29 0 3343 13
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 272 0 0 272 23
Total 125895 793 0 126688 430

103 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A8 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (November 2014)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
North 24
1 Parganas 483157 52 483209 104873 21 104894
South 24
2 Parganas 373518 79 373597 80373 15 80388
3 Barddhaman 185426 1987 187413 39892 24 39916
4 Murshidabad 99867 94 99961 21543 0 21543
5 Medinipur 73198 26 73224 20790 0 20790
6 Hugli 249743 80 249823 53658 19 53677
7 Nadia 328543 290 328833 71520 27 71547
8 Purba Medinipur 667021 66 667087 142810 33 142843
9 Howrah 353855 188 354043 75470 36 75506
10 Kolkata 660109 119469 779578 141966 128 142094
11 Maldah 59333 225 59558 18299 0 18299
12 Jalpaiguri 97815 258 98073 21100 13 21113
13 Bankura 50913 60 50973 15983 8 15991
14 Birbhum 370781 90 370871 78906 15 78921
15 Uttar Dinajpur 14918 6 14924 3218 1 3219
16 Puruliya 19025 18 19043 4104 5 4109
17 Cooch Behar 27387 85 27472 5908 49 5957
18 Darjeeling 235111 3343 238454 49639 13 49652
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 16839 272 17111 3632 23 3655
Nov-14 Total 4366559 126688 4493247 953684 430 954114

104 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A9: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (December
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying
with F & Total same day
Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

1 North 24 Parganas 660821 54795 5385 721001 108120
2 South 24 Parganas 501161 20903 5307 527371 80371
3 Barddhaman 247181 9133 3091 259405 42299
4 Murshidabad 277674 20055 2265 299995 47936
5 Medinipur 106449 4168 754 111371 15257
6 Hugli 333267 36296 7955 377518 58117
7 Nadia 436327 41130 8748 486205 73210
8 Purba Medinipur 702396 22038 4676 729109 115662
9 Howrah 332605 74312 16988 423905 64003
10 Kolkata 890089 47183 19905 957177 143194
11 Maldah 118887 6769 1052 126708 17816
12 Jalpaiguri 109183 2322 370 111876 17258
13 Bankura 111895 6048 2092 120035 16891
14 Birbhum 445068 3166 966 449201 68516
15 Uttar Dinajpur 19132 1369 380 20881 3261
16 Puruliya 21469 719 216 22405 3111
17 Cooch Behar 31094 743 249 32086 4817
18 Darjeeling 311916 6147 350 318412 50354
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20796 928 281 22005 3417
Dec-14 Total 5677410 358226 81031 6116666 933610

105 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A9 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (December
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 41 25 0 66 29
2 South 24 Parganas 55 32 0 87 21
3 Barddhaman 1851 292 0 2143 34
4 Murshidabad 83 23 0 106 0
5 Paschim Medinipur 25 13 0 38 0
6 Hugli 29 59 0 88 23
7 Nadia 240 22 0 262 29
8 Purba Medinipur 74 0 0 74 36
9 Howrah 80 125 0 205 41
10 Kolkata 125221 185 0 125406 174
11 Maldah 228 18 0 246 0
12 Jalpaiguri 256 13 0 269 15
13 Bankura 56 10 0 66 10
14 Birbhum 79 28 0 107 19
15 Uttar Dinajpur 9 0 0 9 0
16 Puruliya 29 0 0 29 0
17 Cooch Behar 92 0 0 92 57
18 Darjeeling 3471 40 0 3511 19
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 284 0 0 284 26
Total 132203 885 0 133088 533

106 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A9 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (December 2014)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
North 24
1 Parganas 721001 66 721067 108120 29 108149
South 24
2 Parganas 527371 87 527458 80371 21 80392
3 Barddhaman 259405 2143 261548 42299 34 42333
4 Murshidabad 299995 106 300101 47936 0 47936
5 Medinipur 111371 38 111409 15257 0 15257
6 Hugli 377518 88 377606 58117 23 58140
7 Nadia 486205 262 486467 73210 29 73239
8 Purba Medinipur 729109 74 729183 115662 36 115698
9 Howrah 423905 205 424110 64003 41 64044
10 Kolkata 957177 125406 1082583 143194 174 143368
11 Maldah 126708 246 126954 17816 0 17816
12 Jalpaiguri 111876 269 112145 17258 15 17273
13 Bankura 120035 66 120101 16891 10 16901
14 Birbhum 449201 107 449308 68516 19 68535
15 Uttar Dinajpur 20881 9 20890 3261 0 3261
16 Puruliya 22405 29 22434 3111 0 3111
17 Cooch Behar 32086 92 32178 4817 57 4874
18 Darjeeling 318412 3511 321923 50354 19 50373
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 22005 284 22289 3417 26 3443
Dec-14 Total 6116666 133088 6249754 933610 533 934143

107 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A10: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (January
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying
with F & Total same day
Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

1 North 24 Parganas 751155 74901 5762 831818 84531
2 South 24 Parganas 1268520 45487 11388 1325395 129990
3 Barddhaman 279343 9233 3259 291835 29861
4 Murshidabad 225841 11951 2104 239896 24547
5 Paschim Medinipur 70882 3276 747 74905 7664
6 Hugli 364252 33786 11181 409218 41872
7 Nadia 360392 56236 7352 423980 43383
8 Purba Medinipur 760087 34870 4467 799425 81799
9 Howrah 314435 73316 14249 402000 41134
10 Kolkata 974927 32046 13262 1020235 103370
11 Maldah 98216 3731 988 102935 10533
12 Jalpaiguri 120442 2990 506 123939 12682
13 Bankura 55952 3029 901 59882 6127
14 Birbhum 651801 4236 1343 657381 66753
15 Uttar Dinajpur 27237 2003 535 29775 3047
16 Puruliya 26569 907 385 27861 2851
17 Cooch Behar 34216 902 323 35441 3626
18 Darjeeling 170000 1864 191 172055 17605
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 24524 1304 271 26099 2671
Jan-15 Total 6578792 396068 79215 7054075 714046

108 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A10 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (January
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 53 27 0 80 23
2 South 24 Parganas 60 31 0 91 19
3 Barddhaman 3057 319 0 3376 28
4 Murshidabad 82 25 0 107 0
5 Paschim Medinipur 28 16 0 44 0
6 Hugli 34 66 0 100 21
7 Nadia 280 29 0 309 32
8 Purba Medinipur 92 0 0 92 39
9 Howrah 109 125 0 234 44
10 Kolkata 138484 188 0 138672 195
11 Maldah 266 18 0 284 0
12 Jalpaiguri 273 13 0 286 17
13 Bankura 62 10 0 72 9
14 Birbhum 84 28 0 112 24
15 Uttar Dinajpur 14 0 0 14 0
16 Puruliya 37 0 0 37 0
17 Cooch Behar 105 0 0 105 54
18 Darjeeling 6225 40 0 6265 25
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 294 0 0 294 31
Total 149639 935 0 150574 561

109 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A10 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (January 2015)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
North 24
1 Parganas 831818 80 831898 84531 23 84554
South 24
2 Parganas 1325395 91 1325486 129990 19 130009
3 Barddhaman 291835 3376 295211 29861 28 29889
4 Murshidabad 239896 107 240003 24547 0 24547
5 Medinipur 74905 44 74949 7664 0 7664
6 Hugli 409218 100 409318 41872 21 41893
7 Nadia 423980 309 424289 43383 32 43415
8 Purba Medinipur 799425 92 799517 81799 39 81838
9 Howrah 402000 234 402234 41134 44 41178
10 Kolkata 1020235 138672 1158907 103370 195 103565
11 Maldah 102935 284 103219 10533 0 10533
12 Jalpaiguri 123939 286 124225 12682 17 12699
13 Bankura 59882 72 59954 6127 9 6136
14 Birbhum 657381 112 657493 66753 24 66777
15 Uttar Dinajpur 29775 14 29789 3047 0 3047
16 Puruliya 27861 37 27898 2851 0 2851
17 Cooch Behar 35441 105 35546 3626 54 3680
18 Darjeeling 172055 6265 178320 17605 25 17630
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 26099 294 26393 2671 31 2702
Jan-15 Total 7054075 150574 7204649 714046 561 714607

110 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A11: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors (February
No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying
with F & Total same day
Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS

1 North 24 Parganas 544966 53484 4015 602465 94010
2 South 24 Parganas 448520 13271 4527 466318 76542
3 Barddhaman 260065 8884 4856 273805 46749
4 Murshidabad 234052 12492 2175 248719 38434
5 Paschim Medinipur 78202 3827 1063 83092 13932
6 Hugli 280970 25666 10595 317231 48410
7 Nadia 284060 35203 6825 326088 49826
8 Purba Medinipur 646297 31303 5325 682924 104067
9 Howrah 239049 50546 14692 304288 47413
10 Kolkata 863087 26294 11516 900897 128221
11 Maldah 99469 3931 992 104392 15336
12 Jalpaiguri 153859 3483 760 158101 22703
13 Bankura 93302 3570 2092 98965 14700
14 Birbhum 460673 6215 1964 468852 67326
15 Uttar Dinajpur 32255 2158 547 34960 8020
16 Puruliya 27062 1044 405 28511 7094
17 Cooch Behar 34496 1046 279 35821 8144
18 Darjeeling 219568 2137 179 221883 30431
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 26533 1125 395 28052 7028
Feb-15 Total 5026484 285678 73203 5385364 828386

111 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A11 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors (February
No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 54 31 0 85 20
2 South 24 Parganas 60 29 0 89 21
3 Barddhaman 3101 286 0 3387 36
4 Murshidabad 84 21 0 105 0
5 Paschim Medinipur 28 18 0 46 0
6 Hugli 60 39 0 99 29
7 Nadia 281 28 0 309 25
8 Purba Medinipur 83 0 0 83 33
9 Howrah 126 85 0 211 34
10 Kolkata 124426 166 0 124592 184
11 Maldah 244 18 0 262 0
12 Jalpaiguri 288 15 0 303 18
13 Bankura 69 10 0 79 8
14 Birbhum 83 25 0 108 21
15 Uttar Dinajpur 16 0 0 16 0
16 Puruliya 44 0 0 44 0
17 Cooch Behar 109 0 0 109 47
18 Darjeeling 5582 94 0 5676 48
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 275 0 0 275 25
Total 135013 865 0 135878 549

112 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A11 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (February 2015)
No. of Visits by Same day
No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
North 24
1 Parganas 602465 85 602550 94010 20 94030
South 24
2 Parganas 466318 89 466407 76542 21 76563
3 Barddhaman 273805 3387 277192 46749 36 46785
4 Murshidabad 248719 105 248824 38434 0 38434
5 Medinipur 83092 46 83138 13932 0 13932
6 Hugli 317231 99 317330 48410 29 48439
7 Nadia 326088 309 326397 49826 25 49851
8 Purba Medinipur 682924 83 683007 104067 33 104100
9 Howrah 304288 211 304499 47413 34 47447
10 Kolkata 900897 124592 1025489 128221 184 128405
11 Maldah 104392 262 104654 15336 0 15336
12 Jalpaiguri 158101 303 158404 22703 18 22721
13 Bankura 98965 79 99044 14700 8 14708
14 Birbhum 468852 108 468960 67326 21 67347
15 Uttar Dinajpur 34960 16 34976 8020 0 8020
16 Puruliya 28511 44 28555 7094 0 7094
17 Cooch Behar 35821 109 35930 8144 47 8191
18 Darjeeling 221883 5676 227559 30431 48 30479
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 28052 275 28327 7028 25 7053
Feb-15 Total 5385364 135878 5521242 828386 549 828935

113 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A12: District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic Visitors

(March 2015)

No. of visits by Domestic Tourists No. of visits
Sl. No. District Staying by Domestic
Staying at Staying
with F & Total same day
Hotels Elsewhere
R visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*DT-h Q*DT-f Q*DT-o Q*DT Q*DS
1 North 24 Parganas 462158 49495 4172 515825 98262
2 South 24 Parganas 349949 10547 2625 363121 69095
3 Barddhaman 190830 6722 3433 200985 38179
4 Murshidabad 200385 10064 1857 212306 40351
5 Paschim Medinipur 71727 3505 921 76152 14419
6 Hugli 358580 33364 11946 403890 76726
7 Nadia 358845 42935 7538 409319 77767
8 Purba Medinipur 603210 27558 5291 636059 120696
9 Howrah 137246 28682 8324 174252 33817
10 Kolkata 778485 21097 11949 811531 153787
11 Maldah 73145 2819 696 76660 14517
12 Jalpaiguri 119282 2850 753 122885 23386
13 Bankura 56553 2857 1398 60809 11475
14 Birbhum 321816 4540 1662 328018 62360
15 Uttar Dinajpur 22870 1620 415 24905 4778
16 Puruliya 20593 863 360 21816 4186
17 Cooch Behar 26859 893 237 27989 5370
18 Darjeeling 257254 2692 207 260153 49339
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 24362 1034 410 25806 4759
Mar-15 Total 4434149 254137 64195 4752481 903269

114 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A12 (a): District wise number of visits to tourist Destinations by Foreign Visitors
(March 2015)

No. of visits by Foreign Tourists No. of visits
Staying by Foreign
Staying at with F & Staying same day
S. No. District Hotels R Elsewhere Total visitors
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
Q*FT-h Q*FT-f Q*FT-o Q*FT Q*FS
1 North 24 Parganas 53 26 0 79 19
2 South 24 Parganas 59 26 0 85 21
3 Barddhaman 2908 268 0 3176 33
4 Murshidabad 78 22 0 100 0
5 Paschim Medinipur 27 17 0 44 0
6 Hugli 52 40 0 92 30
7 Nadia 273 30 0 303 24
8 Purba Medinipur 87 0 0 87 35
9 Howrah 133 89 0 222 35
10 Kolkata 117013 146 0 117159 165
11 Maldah 252 14 0 266 0
12 Jalpaiguri 256 13 0 269 17
13 Bankura 63 8 0 71 6
14 Birbhum 88 22 0 110 20
15 Uttar Dinajpur 12 0 0 12 0
16 Puruliya 35 0 0 35 0
17 Cooch Behar 102 0 0 102 49
18 Darjeeling 5353 75 0 5428 29
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 279 0 0 279 27
Total 127123 796 0 127919 510

115 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

A12 (b): District wise total number of visits to tourist Destinations by Domestic & Foreign
Visitors (March 2015)

No. of Visits by Same day

No. of Visits by Tourists visitors
S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 515825 79 515904 98262 19 98281
2 South 24 Parganas 363121 85 363206 69095 21 69116
3 Barddhaman 200985 3176 204161 38179 33 38212
4 Murshidabad 212306 100 212406 40351 0 40351
5 Paschim Medinipur 76152 44 76196 14419 0 14419
6 Hugli 403890 92 403982 76726 30 76756
7 Nadia 409319 303 409622 77767 24 77791
8 Purba Medinipur 636059 87 636146 120696 35 120731
9 Howrah 174252 222 174474 33817 35 33852
10 Kolkata 811531 117159 928690 153787 165 153952
11 Maldah 76660 266 76926 14517 0 14517
12 Jalpaiguri 122885 269 123154 23386 17 23403
13 Bankura 60809 71 60880 11475 6 11481
14 Birbhum 328018 110 328128 62360 20 62380
15 Uttar Dinajpur 24905 12 24917 4778 0 4778
16 Puruliya 21816 35 21851 4186 0 4186
17 Cooch Behar 27989 102 28091 5370 49 5419
18 Darjeeling 260153 5428 265581 49339 29 49368
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 25806 279 26085 4759 27 4786
Mar-15 Total 4752481 127919 4880400 903269 510 903779

116 | P a g e
B1: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (April 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stayi Stay Stayi Stay Stayi
S. Stayi
District Stayin ng ing ng ing Stayin Stayin ng Non
N. ng at
g at with Else Total with Else Total g at g with Else Total Leisure Total
Hotels F & whe F & whe Hotels F & R wher Leisu
R re R re e re
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 48125 65167 8157 121448 8529 11549 1640 21717 56653 76715 9797 143166 24170 4709 28879
South 24
2 48808 43502 5007 97317 6285 7346 979 14610 55093 50848 5985 111926 18030 4408 22438
3 Barddhaman 35222 8805 227 44255 6945 1736 70 8752 42168 10542 297 53007 7717 2910 10627
4 Murshidabad 35837 17917 386 54141 11936 3155 231 15322 47773 21072 618 69463 11102 2823 13925
5 31526 5152 454 37131 12894 2106 212 15212 44420 7258 665 52344 8002 2492 10494
6 Hugli 68908 1450 2176 72534 15476 10548 232 26257 84384 11999 2408 98791 12440 7365 19805
7 Nadia 38042 36057 584 74683 11265 8205 455 19924 49307 44262 1039 94608 15491 3475 18966
8 193833 55382 7194 256409 79812 22801 4657 107269 273645 78183 11851 363678 52432 20476 72908
9 Howrah 29678 23939 175 53793 7513 6058 110 13681 37192 29997 285 67475 10850 2677 13527
10 Kolkata 400361 119372 2980 522713 43732 8676 757 53165 444093 128048 3737 575878 90505 24944 115449
11 Maldah 50765 15346 350 66462 7727 1771 382 9880 58492 17117 732 76342 14418 887 15304
12 Jalpaiguri 33231 20290 6722 60244 13777 5118 848 19743 47008 25409 7570 79987 15411 624 16036
13 Bankura 30551 7766 259 38577 4088 1039 74 5201 34639 8805 333 43777 8155 621 8776
14 Birbhum 159245 25352 5329 189926 21141 7427 1353 29921 180386 32779 6681 219846 31666 12407 44073
15 Uttar Dinajpur 3149 4345 1101 8595 3331 856 523 4709 6481 5200 1623 13304 2213 455 2668
16 Puruliya 12461 3814 2571 18846 2512 694 255 3462 14973 4509 2826 22308 3834 638 4472

117 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

17 Cooch Behar 6312 7951 233 14496 563 709 155 1427 6875 8660 387 15923 2949 143 3093
18 Darjeeling 75221 18305 156 93681 2851 1247 0 4098 78072 19552 156 97779 19602 0 19602
19 5415 5791 112 11319 1063 1136 68 2267 6478 6927 181 13586 2436 287 2723
Total 1306691 485705 44173 1836568 261441 102178 12999 376618 1568131 587883 57172 2213186 351422 92343 443765

118 | P a g e
B1 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (April 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stay Stay
S. Stayin Stayin Staying
District Stayin Staying ing ing Non
No. g g Else Staying Staying Else Leis
g at Total with Else Total with Total Total
with F at Hotels at Hotels ure
Hotels F&R whe F& Leisu
&R where Where
re R re
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 30 45 0 75 0 0 0 0 30 45 0 75 12 0 12
South 24
2 50 30 0 80 0 0 0 0 50 30 0 80 8 0 8
3 1876 323 0 2199 12 1 0 13 1888 324 0 2212 24 0 24
4 98 35 0 133 2 0 0 2 100 35 0 135 4 0 4
5 10 3 0 13 0 0 0 0 10 3 0 13 0 0 0
6 Hugli 15 66 0 81 0 0 0 0 15 66 0 81 12 0 12
7 Nadia 386 13 9 408 0 0 0 0 386 13 9 408 36 0 36
8 125 0 0 125 0 0 0 0 125 0 0 125 65 0 65
9 Howrah 50 24 0 74 0 0 0 0 50 24 0 74 37 0 37
11539 11555
10 Kolkata 156 0 375 0 0 375 115773 156 0 115929 72 0 72
8 4
11 Maldah 200 36 0 236 0 0 0 0 200 36 0 236 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 474 12 0 486 0 0 0 0 474 12 0 486 8 0 8
13 Bankura 59 25 0 84 1 0 0 1 60 25 0 85 5 0 5
14 Birbhum 93 22 0 115 2 0 0 2 95 22 0 117 23 0 23
15 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0

119 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

16 Puruliya 27 0 0 27 2 0 0 2 29 0 0 29 6 0 6
17 95 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 95 0 0 0
18 Darjeeling 3021 32 0 3053 23 0 0 23 3044 32 0 3076 39 0 39
19 381 0 0 381 0 0 0 0 381 0 0 381 0 0 0
Apr- 12239 12322
Total 822 9 417 1 0 418 122810 823 9 123642 351 0 351
14 3 4

120 | P a g e
B1 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors(April 2014)

No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors

S. No. District Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 143166 75 143241 28879 12 28891
2 South 24 Parganas 111926 80 112006 22438 8 22446
3 Barddhaman 53007 2212 55219 10627 24 10651
4 Murshidabad 69463 135 69598 13925 4 13929
5 Paschim Medinipur 52344 13 52357 10494 0 10494
6 Hugli 98791 81 98872 19805 12 19817
7 Nadia 94608 408 95016 18966 36 19002
8 Purba Medinipur 363678 125 363803 72908 65 72973
9 Howrah 67475 74 67549 13527 37 13564
10 Kolkata 575878 115929 691807 115449 72 115521
11 Maldah 76342 236 76578 15304 0 15304
12 Jalpaiguri 79987 486 80473 16036 8 16044
13 Bankura 43777 85 43862 8776 5 8781
14 Birbhum 219846 117 219963 44073 23 44096
15 Uttar Dinajpur 13304 5 13309 2668 0 2668
16 Puruliya 22308 29 22337 4472 6 4478
17 Cooch Behar 15923 95 16018 3093 0 3093
18 Darjeeling 97779 3076 100855 19602 39 19641
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 13586 381 13967 2723 0 2723
Apr-14 Total 2213186 123642 2336828 443765 351 444116

121 | P a g e
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stayi Stayi Staying
S. Non
District Staying ng Staying Staying ng Stayin Else
No. Staying Staying
with F Else Total at with F Else Total g with Total Leisure Total
at Hotels at Hotels Leisur
&R wher Hotels &R wher F&R where
e e
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 64959 34392 6865 106216 12148 6432 1283 19863 77107 40825 8148 126080 18001 3367 21368
South 24
2 68006 24966 3825 96797 12878 4728 725 18332 80885 29694 4550 115129 16406 3107 19512
3 33800 4327 142 38269 8382 1073 35 9491 42183 5400 177 47760 6486 1608 8094
4 39303 11478 248 51029 10578 3089 67 13734 49881 14568 314 64763 8648 2328 10976
5 Medinipu 32040 1653 372 34065 11707 605 134 12446 43747 2257 506 46511 5773 2110 7883
6 Hugli 72114 1314 1971 75399 30961 564 846 32371 103075 1878 2817 107770 12778 5486 18264
7 Nadia 53878 24958 2032 80867 13786 6386 520 20691 67663 31343 2552 101558 13706 3507 17212
8 Medinipu 238979 38010 8869 285858 97210 15458 3612 116281 336189 53469 12482 402139 48848 19871 68719
9 Howrah 37047 22412 1193 60652 9339 5649 301 15289 46385 28061 1494 75941 10279 2591 12871
10 Kolkata 459552 53591 3380 516523 56712 6613 417 63742 516264 60205 3797 580265 88238 10889 99127
11 Maldah 72919 12735 503 86156 8536 1492 58 10086 81455 14226 561 96243 14601 1710 16311
12 64172 6182 1593 71947 11948 1152 296 13396 76120 7334 1889 85343 12193 2270 14463
13 Bankura 30636 3908 202 34746 3221 411 21 3653 33857 4319 223 38399 5889 619 6508
14 Birbhum 214980 26389 3276 244645 44440 5454 678 50572 259420 31843 3953 295217 41745 8628 50372
15 Uttar 8090 1405 244 9739 3072 534 93 3698 11161 1939 337 13437 1651 627 2277

122 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

16 Puruliya 14694 1714 427 16835 2615 305 76 2996 17309 2018 504 19831 2853 508 3361
17 12659 3401 462 16521 932 250 34 1216 13590 3650 496 17737 2804 207 3010
18 100195 9276 304 109774 4198 389 13 4600 104393 9665 316 114374 13175 551 13727
19 9578 3957 264 13798 1543 637 42 2222 11121 4594 306 16021 2235 360 2595
Total 1627601 286066 36170 1949837 344206 61222 9252 414680 1971807 347288 45422 2364517 326310 70342 396652
B2: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (May 2014)

123 | P a g e
B2 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (May 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stayi Stay Stay Stayin
S. Stayin Non
District Staying ng ing Staying ing g Else
No. Stayin g Stayin Tota Leis Tot
at with Total at at with Total
g Else with F g Else l Wher ure Leisur al
Hotels F& Hote Hotels F&
&R e e
R ls R
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 36 52 0 88 0 0 0 0 36 52 0 88 21 0 21
South 24
2 54 41 0 95 0 0 0 0 54 41 0 95 14 0 14
3 Barddhaman 1233 360 0 1593 3 1 0 4 1236 361 0 1597 36 0 36
4 Murshidabad 111 44 0 155 3 0 0 3 114 44 0 158 8 0 8
5 20 10 0 30 0 0 0 0 20 10 0 30 0 0 0
6 Hugli 27 82 0 109 0 0 0 0 27 82 0 109 19 0 19
7 Nadia 341 25 12 378 0 0 0 0 341 25 12 378 45 0 45
8 139 0 0 139 0 0 0 0 139 0 0 139 78 0 78
9 Howrah 62 36 0 98 0 0 0 0 62 36 0 98 51 0 51
10 Kolkata 91444 192 0 91636 219 0 0 219 91663 192 0 91855 88 0 88
11 Maldah 227 49 0 276 0 0 0 0 227 49 0 276 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 3495 17 0 3512 0 0 0 0 3495 17 0 3512 14 0 14
13 Bankura 70 33 0 103 2 0 0 2 72 33 0 105 9 0 9
14 Birbhum 110 31 0 141 5 0 0 5 115 31 0 146 32 0 32
15 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 14 0 14
16 Puruliya 44 0 0 44 2 0 0 2 46 0 0 46 12 0 12
17 Cooch Behar 119 0 0 119 0 0 0 0 119 0 0 119 55 0 55

124 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

18 Darjeeling 2457 47 0 2504 35 0 0 35 2492 47 0 2539 48 0 48

19 341 0 0 341 4 0 0 1 345 0 0 345 0 0 0
Total 100340 1019 12 101371 273 1 0 274 100613 1020 12 101645 544 0 544

125 | P a g e
B2 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors (May 2014)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 126080 88 126168 21368 21 21389
2 South 24 Parganas 115129 95 115224 19512 14 19526
3 Barddhaman 47760 1597 49357 8094 36 8130
4 Murshidabad 64763 158 64921 10976 8 10984
5 Paschim Medinipur 46511 30 46541 7883 0 7883
6 Hugli 107770 109 107879 18264 19 18283
7 Nadia 101558 378 101936 17212 45 17257
8 Purba Medinipur 402139 139 402278 68719 78 68797
9 Howrah 75941 98 76039 12871 51 12922
10 Kolkata 580265 91855 672120 99127 88 99215
11 Maldah 96243 276 96519 16311 0 16311
12 Jalpaiguri 85343 3512 88855 14463 14 14477
13 Bankura 38399 105 38504 6508 9 6517
14 Birbhum 295217 146 295363 50372 32 50404
15 Uttar Dinajpur 13437 10 13447 2277 14 2291
16 Puruliya 19831 46 19877 3361 12 3373
17 Cooch Behar 17737 119 17856 3010 55 3065
18 Darjeeling 114374 2539 116913 13727 48 13775
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 16021 345 16366 2595 0 2595
Total 2364517 101645 2466162 396652 544 397196

126 | P a g e
B3: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (June 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. Stayi Stayi Stayi Stayi Stayi Stayi
District Stayin Stayin ng Non
No. ng ng ng at ng ng ng Leisu
g at Total Total g at Else Total Total
with Else Hotel with Else with re
Hotels Hotels Leisu
F&R where s F&R where F & R where
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 39980 21482 2865 64327 7478 4018 536 12033 47458 25500 3402 76360 10299 1926 12225
South 24
2 40216 21345 3875 65437 7616 4042 734 12392 47832 25387 4609 77829 10476 1984 12460
3 22781 5243 1354 29377 5650 1300 336 7285 28430 6543 1690 36663 4703 1166 5869
4 20960 10776 319 32055 5641 2900 86 8627 26601 13676 405 40682 5843 1573 7416
5 25592 1831 163 27586 9353 668 61 10081 34945 2499 224 37667 4416 1614 6030
15335 16646 21919 23794
6 Hugli 11200 1917 65841 4808 824 71473 16008 2742 26651 11441 38092
1 8 2 1
7 Nadia 49562 13707 1995 65265 12681 3507 511 16699 62244 17214 2506 81964 10448 2673 13121
Purba 20275 23872 28523 33583
8 33176 2791 82478 13499 1135 97112 46674 3927 38218 15546 53764
Medinipur 6 3 4 5
9 Howrah 29057 8668 771 38496 7325 2185 194 9704 36382 10854 965 48200 6228 1570 7798
35236 37751 39584 42410
10 Kolkata 23209 1947 43483 2864 241 46589 26074 2188 60436 7459 67895
1 7 4 6
11 Maldah 63410 3896 174 67480 7423 456 21 7900 70834 4352 195 75381 10803 1265 12067
12 Jalpaiguri 46981 1683 418 49082 8746 314 80 9139 55727 1996 498 58221 7831 1458 9290
13 Bankura 26426 1993 178 28597 2778 210 19 3007 29204 2202 197 31604 4579 481 5060
21871 22593 26392 27264
14 Birbhum 6209 1011 45215 1285 209 46708 7494 1220 36170 7477 43647
3 3 8 2
15 Uttar 7725 657 241 8623 2933 250 92 3274 10658 907 332 11897 1380 524 1905

127 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

16 Puruliya 13550 743 161 14454 2411 132 28 2572 15961 875 189 17026 2314 412 2726
17 11249 1018 330 12598 828 76 24 928 12078 1094 354 13525 2017 149 2166
18 Darjeeling 72819 7386 72 80277 3051 310 3 3364 75871 7696 74 83641 12852 538 13390
19 8806 1349 211 10366 1418 217 34 1669 10224 1566 245 12035 1659 267 1926
June 14062 17557 16026 32234 37055 17286 21861 19732 25732 31684
Total 20794 43040 5168 25962 59523
-14 96 0 61 9 7 46 0 17 2 6

128 | P a g e
B3 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (June 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. Stayin
District Stayin Stayin Stayin Stayin Stayin Stayin Non
No. Stayin Tota Stayin Tota g Else Tota Leisur Tota
g at g with g at g with g at g with
g Else l g Else l l e Leisur l
Hotels F&R Hotels F&R Hotels F & R Where
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 19 24 0 43 0 0 0 0 19 24 0 43 16 0 16
South 24
2 38 25 0 63 0 0 0 0 38 25 0 63 10 0 10
3 1022 268 0 1290 3 1 0 4 1025 269 0 1294 22 0 22
4 78 21 0 99 1 0 0 1 79 21 0 100 4 0 4
5 15 7 0 22 0 0 0 0 15 7 0 22 0 0 0
6 Hugli 19 75 0 94 0 0 0 0 19 75 0 94 17 0 17
7 Nadia 341 25 0 366 0 0 0 0 341 25 0 366 38 0 38
8 108 0 0 108 0 0 0 0 108 0 0 108 60 0 60
9 Howrah 79 43 0 122 0 0 0 0 79 43 0 122 33 0 33
6624 6641
10 Kolkata 66162 87 0 166 0 0 166 66328 87 0 98 0 98
9 5
11 Maldah 206 22 0 228 0 0 0 0 206 22 0 228 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 237 10 0 247 0 0 0 0 237 10 0 247 12 0 12
13 Bankura 70 6 0 76 2 0 0 2 72 6 0 78 8 0 8
14 Birbhum 77 31 0 108 2 0 0 2 79 31 0 110 26 0 26
15 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0

129 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

16 Puruliya 20 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 12 0 12
17 82 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 82 0 0 82 41 0 41
18 Darjeeling 1269 24 0 1293 13 0 0 13 1282 24 0 1306 8 0 8
19 252 0 0 252 1 0 0 1 253 0 0 253 21 0 21
June 7076 7095
Total 70099 668 0 188 1 0 189 70287 669 0 426 0 426
-14 7 6

130 | P a g e
B3 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors (June 2014)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 76360 43 76403 12225 16 12241
2 South 24 Parganas 77829 63 77892 12460 10 12470
3 Barddhaman 36663 1294 37957 5869 22 5891
4 Murshidabad 40682 100 40782 7416 4 7420
5 Paschim Medinipur 37667 22 37689 6030 0 6030
6 Hugli 237941 94 238035 38092 17 38109
7 Nadia 81964 366 82330 13121 38 13159
8 Purba Medinipur 335835 108 335943 53764 60 53824
9 Howrah 48200 122 48322 7798 33 7831
10 Kolkata 424106 66415 490521 67895 98 67993
11 Maldah 75381 228 75609 12067 0 12067
12 Jalpaiguri 58221 247 58468 9290 12 9302
13 Bankura 31604 78 31682 5060 8 5068
14 Birbhum 272642 110 272752 43647 26 43673
15 Uttar Dinajpur 11897 5 11902 1905 0 1905
16 Puruliya 17026 20 17046 2726 12 2738
17 Cooch Behar 13525 82 13607 2166 41 2207
18 Darjeeling 83641 1306 84947 13390 8 13398
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 12035 253 12288 1926 21 1947

June-14 Total 1973217 70956 2044173 316846 426 317272

131 | P a g e
B4: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (July 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stayi Stayi Stayi Staying
S. Non
District Staying Staying ng Staying ng ng Staying Else
No. Staying
at with F Else Total at with Else Total with F Total Leisure Total
at Hotels Leisur
Hotels &R wher Hotels F& wher &R where
e R e
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 57842 38765 5467 102075 54927 2065 729 57721 112769 40830 6196 159796 35713 1603 37315
South 24
2 106460 37429 4485 148374 29646 2525 568 32739 136105 39954 5054 181113 39999 2295 42293
3 113538 15803 5890 135231 19607 3208 372 23188 133144 19012 6262 158419 34913 2081 36994
4 50240 11691 801 62732 26269 1856 169 28295 76510 13547 970 91026 18786 2471 21257
5 49422 3815 404 53641 13214 1004 344 14562 62636 4819 748 68203 14742 1184 15926
6 Hugli 276905 26102 4423 307430 65675 13892 947 80514 342580 39994 5370 387944 10816 593 11409
7 Nadia 155485 23554 11669 190708 24152 10043 1141 35337 179637 33597 12811 226045 48055 4732 52786
8 370630 28494 2687 401811 85225 14440 1022 100688 455855 42934 3709 502498 109181 8162 117344
9 Howrah 73743 29703 5580 109026 19916 4550 344 24810 93660 34253 5924 133836 28779 2475 31254
10 Kolkata 519464 31351 5049 555864 51312 5754 1409 58475 570777 37105 6457 614340 131395 12065 143461
11 Maldah 69581 3044 225 72849 15779 1248 241 17268 85359 4292 465 90117 19602 1442 21044
12 Jalpaiguri 52768 2130 354 55252 11184 1828 389 13401 63952 3958 743 68653 14859 1173 16031
13 Bankura 70153 3883 314 74350 13816 1429 566 15811 83969 5312 880 90161 19272 1782 21054
14 Birbhum 192096 3568 974 196638 19011 3283 770 23064 211107 6851 1743 219702 45054 6250 51305
15 6002 389 200 6591 2024 207 30 2260 8025 596 230 8852 1785 281 2067
16 Puruliya 13949 1160 143 15252 1600 317 88 2006 15549 1476 232 17257 3251 779 4030
17 Cooch 9359 651 176 10186 1929 383 136 2448 11288 1034 313 12634 2007 943 2950

132 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

18 Darjeeling 84350 4107 109 88566 3583 139 0 3722 87933 4246 109 92288 21551 0 21551
19 11075 823 147 12045 1388 289 56 1734 12463 1113 203 13779 3069 624 3693
y- Total 2283062 266463 49097 2598622 460257 68462 9322 538040 2743319 334925 58419 3136663 602827 50936 653762

133 | P a g e
B4 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (July 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. Stayi Stayin
District Stayin Stayin Stayin Stayin Stayin Non
No. Stayin ng at Stayin Tota g Else Leis Tota
g at g with Total g with g at g with Total
g Else Hote g Else l ure Leisur l
Hotels F&R F&R Hotels F & R Where
ls e
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 14 16 0 30 0 0 0 0 14 16 0 30 11 0 11
South 24
2 36 21 0 57 0 0 0 0 36 21 0 57 8 0 8
3 944 219 0 1163 2 1 0 3 946 220 0 1166 20 0 20
4 66 11 0 77 1 0 0 1 67 11 0 78 0 0 0
5 7 5 0 12 0 0 0 0 7 5 0 12 0 0 0
6 Hugli 12 45 0 57 0 0 0 0 12 45 0 57 11 0 11
7 Nadia 215 15 0 230 0 0 0 0 215 15 0 230 30 0 30
8 61 0 0 61 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 61 32 0 32
9 Howrah 63 38 0 101 0 0 0 0 63 38 0 101 28 0 28
10 Kolkata 67713 83 0 67796 162 0 0 162 67875 83 0 67958 91 0 91
11 Maldah 193 14 0 207 0 0 0 0 193 14 0 207 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 207 7 0 214 0 0 0 0 207 7 0 214 6 0 6
13 Bankura 48 3 0 51 1 0 0 1 49 3 0 52 7 0 7
14 Birbhum 67 26 0 93 1 0 0 1 68 26 0 94 10 0 10
15 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0
16 Puruliya 11 0 0 11 1 0 0 1 12 0 0 12 11 0 11

134 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

17 71 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 71 37 0 37
18 Darjeeling 2112 19 0 2131 21 0 0 21 2133 19 0 2152 8 0 8
19 260 0 0 260 1 0 0 1 261 0 0 261 20 0 20
Total 72102 522 0 72624 190 1 0 191 72292 523 0 72815 330 0 330

135 | P a g e
B4 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors(July 2014)

No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors

S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 159796 30 159826 37315 11 37326
2 South 24 Parganas 181113 57 181170 42293 8 42301
3 Barddhaman 158419 1166 159585 36994 20 37014
4 Murshidabad 91026 78 91104 21257 0 21257
5 Paschim Medinipur 68203 12 68215 15926 0 15926
6 Hugli 387944 57 388001 11409 11 11420
7 Nadia 226045 230 226275 52786 30 52816
8 Purba Medinipur 502498 61 502559 117344 32 117376
9 Howrah 133836 101 133937 31254 28 31282
10 Kolkata 614340 67958 682298 143461 91 143552
11 Maldah 90117 207 90324 21044 0 21044
12 Jalpaiguri 68653 214 68867 16031 6 16037
13 Bankura 90161 52 90213 21054 7 21061
14 Birbhum 219702 94 219796 51305 10 51315
15 Uttar Dinajpur 8852 2 8854 2067 0 2067
16 Puruliya 17257 12 17269 4030 11 4041
17 Cooch Behar 12634 71 12705 2950 37 2987
18 Darjeeling 92288 2152 94440 21551 8 21559
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 13779 261 14040 3693 20 3713

July-14 Total 3136663 72815 3209478 653762 330 654092

136 | P a g e
B5: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (August 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stayi Stayi
District Staying Staying Staying Staying ng Stayin Staying ng Non
N. Staying at
at with F Else Total at with g Else Total with F Else Total Leisure Total
Hotels &R where Hotels F& where &R wher Leisu
R e re
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 129342 18096 3002 150440 46495 2841 568 49903 175837 20936 3570 200344 34107 2312 36418
South 24
2 190809 16973 2472 210254 33212 1367 472 35051 224021 18341 2944 245306 41208 3551 44759
3 152670 7444 2576 162690 17218 1555 368 19141 169888 8998 2944 181830 29730 2501 32231
4 78455 6437 816 85708 31437 1875 199 33511 109892 8312 1014 119219 18949 2505 21454
5 64356 4677 336 69368 12838 657 301 13797 77194 5334 637 83165 13621 1057 14678
6 Hugli 236045 11650 2983 250679 30842 10156 1022 42019 266887 21806 4005 292698 49160 3641 52801
7 Nadia 253198 19378 10076 282652 45327 6491 1279 53097 298524 25869 11355 335749 56349 4063 60412
8 479394 13704 1886 494984 67028 8340 1191 76558 546422 22044 3077 571542 94246 9537 103783
9 Howrah 157504 59652 12908 230064 36280 9768 1396 47443 193783 69420 14303 277507 44033 6298 50332
10 Kolkata 581189 18114 4882 604185 54214 4882 1413 60509 635403 22996 6295 664694 111562 9101 120663
11 Maldah 93237 4981 367 98585 25831 2043 389 28264 119069 7024 756 126848 21535 1247 22783
12 Jalpaiguri 70453 2483 407 73343 11410 790 508 12708 81863 3272 915 86050 13867 1347 15213
13 Bankura 104531 4650 515 109696 18741 1863 621 21224 123272 6513 1136 130920 21958 2219 24176
14 Birbhum 258077 3647 1235 262959 21732 3749 615 26096 279809 7396 1850 289055 47247 6556 53804
15 11098 355 95 11548 3588 202 31 3821 14686 557 127 15369 2492 359 2851
16 Puruliya 19368 871 169 20408 2204 646 122 2972 21573 1517 291 23380 3479 858 4337
17 Cooch 14096 362 110 14568 3444 533 191 4168 17540 895 301 18736 2629 846 3476

137 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

18 Darjeeling 106230 2532 108 108870 5244 192 0 5436 111474 2724 108 114306 21207 0 21207
19 13199 989 213 14401 1967 313 79 2358 15166 1302 291 16759 2505 605 3110
Total 3013254 196993 45155 3255401 469050 58264 10764 538078 3482303 255256 55919 3793479 629885 58603 688488

138 | P a g e
B5 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (August 2014)

Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stay Stayin
S. Non
District Stayin Stayin ing Stayin Stayin Stayin g Else
No. Stayin Stayin Tota Leis Tota
g at g with Total at g with g at g with Total
g Else g Else l ure Leisu l
Hotels F&R Hote F&R Hotels F & R Where
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 21 19 0 40 0 0 0 0 21 19 0 40 17 0 17
South 24
2 42 18 0 60 0 0 0 0 42 18 0 60 11 0 11
3 930 224 0 1154 3 1 0 3 933 225 0 1158 23 0 23
4 56 14 0 70 1 0 0 1 57 14 0 71 0 0 0
5 14 8 0 22 0 0 0 0 14 8 0 22 0 0 0
6 Hugli 17 39 0 56 0 0 0 0 17 39 0 56 13 0 13
7 Nadia 198 20 0 218 0 0 0 0 198 20 0 218 26 0 26
8 65 0 0 65 0 0 0 0 65 0 0 65 35 0 35
9 Howrah 67 44 0 111 0 0 0 0 67 44 0 111 29 0 29
10 Kolkata 80206 94 0 80300 191 0 0 191 80397 94 0 80491 88 0 88
11 Maldah 188 12 0 200 0 0 0 0 188 12 0 200 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 217 11 0 228 0 0 0 0 217 11 0 228 10 0 10
13 Bankura 42 8 0 50 1 0 0 1 43 8 0 51 5 0 5
14 Birbhum 62 24 0 86 2 0 0 2 64 24 0 88 12 0 12
15 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0
16 Puruliya 13 0 0 13 1 0 0 1 14 0 0 14 0 0 0

139 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

17 66 0 0 66 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 66 41 0 41
18 Darjeeling 2545 23 0 2568 25 0 0 25 2570 23 0 2593 11 0 11
19 245 0 0 245 1 0 0 1 246 0 0 246 23 0 23
Total 84999 558 0 85557 225 1 0 226 85224 559 0 85783 344 0 344

140 | P a g e
B5 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors (August 2014)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 200344 40 200384 36418 17 36435
2 South 24 Parganas 245306 60 245366 44759 11 44770
3 Barddhaman 181830 1158 182988 32231 23 32254
4 Murshidabad 119219 71 119290 21454 0 21454
5 Paschim Medinipur 83165 22 83187 14678 0 14678
6 Hugli 292698 56 292754 52801 13 52814
7 Nadia 335749 218 335967 60412 26 60438
8 Purba Medinipur 571542 65 571607 103783 35 103818
9 Howrah 277507 111 277618 50332 29 50361
10 Kolkata 664694 80491 745185 120663 88 120751
11 Maldah 126848 200 127048 22783 0 22783
12 Jalpaiguri 86050 228 86278 15213 10 15223
13 Bankura 130920 51 130971 24176 5 24181
14 Birbhum 289055 88 289143 53804 12 53816
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15369 5 15374 2851 0 2851
16 Puruliya 23380 14 23394 4337 0 4337
17 Cooch Behar 18736 66 18802 3476 41 3517
18 Darjeeling 114306 2593 116899 21207 11 21218
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 16759 246 17005 3110 23 3133

Aug-14 Total 3793479 85783 3879262 688488 344 688832

141 | P a g e
B6: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (September 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stayi Stayi Stayin
S. Non
District Staying Staying ng ng Stayin Staying g Else
No. Staying Staying
at with F Else Total with g Else Total with F Total Leisure Total
at Hotels at Hotels Leis
Hotels &R wher F& where &R where
e R
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 196277 26923 1829 225029 74265 2743 1117 78125 270542 29665 2946 303153 30651 1484 32135
South 24
2 264281 22161 3043 289485 44396 2608 797 47800 308677 24768 3840 337285 36491 3194 39685
3 175645 6565 2781 184992 20560 1550 548 22658 196205 8114 3329 207649 20427 1628 22055
4 88737 7278 919 96934 37006 2341 334 39681 125743 9619 1253 136615 13097 1548 14645
5 82629 4238 410 87276 14426 879 298 15602 97054 5116 708 102878 10159 921 11080
6 Hugli 202043 10180 2279 214503 32248 6270 1303 39821 234291 16450 3583 254324 25566 1726 27292
7 Nadia 235552 24332 11184 271069 47981 6658 1710 56349 283533 30990 12894 327417 36125 2306 38431
8 577150 12730 2364 592245 72540 7318 1913 81771 649690 20048 4277 674016 70531 8568 79100
9 Howrah 262520 86209 26745 375475 62060 14541 2077 78678 324580 100750 28822 454152 46206 6352 52559
10 Kolkata 764464 22769 4522 791755 90754 6943 2423 100120 855217 29712 6945 891874 89906 4535 94442
11 Maldah 81875 7297 835 90008 24453 1604 280 26337 106328 8901 1115 116344 11632 660 12292
12 Jalpaiguri 107270 2612 737 110620 16701 1250 597 18549 123971 3863 1334 129168 12431 1217 13647
13 Bankura 118820 5795 1382 125997 19547 2049 827 22423 138367 7844 2209 148421 14132 1549 15681
14 Birbhum 347485 2831 756 351072 33409 4278 1197 38884 380894 7109 1953 389956 36617 4584 41201
15 13580 797 236 14613 4850 268 50 5168 18430 1065 286 19781 1864 226 2090
16 Puruliya 26969 819 188 27977 2957 716 192 3865 29926 1535 380 31841 2655 709 3364
17 Cooch 21455 464 180 22099 6055 396 146 6597 27511 860 326 28697 2321 710 3032

142 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

18 Darjeeling 300407 9517 308 310232 15029 479 0 15508 315436 9996 308 325740 34416 0 34416
19 17471 570 201 18242 3348 380 107 3835 20819 950 308 22078 1944 389 2333
Sep- 4230 53947
Total 3884631 254088 60901 4199620 622584 63271 15917 701771 4507215 317358 76817 4901391 497170
14 8 8

143 | P a g e
B6 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (September 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. Stayi Stayin
District Stayin Stayin Stayin Stayin Stayin Non
No. Stayin ng at Stayin Tota g Else Leis Tota
g at g with Total g with g at g with Total
g Else Hotel g Else l ure Leisur l
Hotels F&R F&R Hotels F & R Where
s e
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 26 17 0 43 0 0 0 0 26 17 0 43 19 0 19
South 24
2 37 22 0 59 0 0 0 0 37 22 0 59 13 0 13
3 927 230 0 1157 2 1 0 3 929 231 0 1160 21 0 21
4 56 13 0 69 2 0 0 2 58 13 0 71 0 0 0
5 12 8 0 20 0 0 0 0 12 8 0 20 0 0 0
6 Hugli 18 45 0 63 0 0 0 0 18 45 0 63 15 0 15
7 Nadia 203 18 0 221 0 0 0 0 203 18 0 221 24 0 24
8 58 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 58 0 0 58 29 0 29
9 Howrah 65 102 0 167 0 0 0 0 65 102 0 167 32 0 32
10 Kolkata 85870 94 0 85964 211 0 0 211 86081 94 0 86175 90 0 90
11 Maldah 183 14 0 197 0 0 0 0 183 14 0 197 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 211 11 0 222 0 0 0 0 211 11 0 222 12 0 12
13 Bankura 42 8 0 50 2 0 0 2 44 8 0 52 7 0 7
14 Birbhum 56 21 0 77 2 0 0 2 58 21 0 79 13 0 13
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Puruliya 15 0 0 15 1 0 0 1 16 0 0 16 0 0 0
17 72 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 72 0 0 72 44 0 44

144 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

18 Darjeeling 1847 26 0 1873 16 0 0 14 1863 26 0 1889 12 0 12

19 234 0 0 234 1 0 0 1 235 0 0 235 20 0 20
Total 89932 629 0 90561 237 1 0 238 90169 630 0 90799 351 0 351

145 | P a g e
B6 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors (September 2014)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 303153 43 303196 32135 19 32154
2 South 24 Parganas 337285 59 337344 39685 13 39698
3 Barddhaman 207649 1160 208809 22055 21 22076
4 Murshidabad 136615 71 136686 14645 0 14645
5 Paschim Medinipur 102878 20 102898 11080 0 11080
6 Hugli 254324 63 254387 27292 15 27307
7 Nadia 327417 221 327638 38431 24 38455
8 Purba Medinipur 674016 58 674074 79100 29 79129
9 Howrah 454152 167 454319 52559 32 52591
10 Kolkata 891874 86175 978049 94442 90 94532
11 Maldah 116344 197 116541 12292 0 12292
12 Jalpaiguri 129168 222 129390 13647 12 13659
13 Bankura 148421 52 148473 15681 7 15688
14 Birbhum 389956 79 390035 41201 13 41214
15 Uttar Dinajpur 19781 0 19781 2090 0 2090
16 Puruliya 31841 16 31857 3364 0 3364
17 Cooch Behar 28697 72 28769 3032 44 3076
18 Darjeeling 325740 1889 327629 34416 12 34428
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 22078 235 22313 2333 20 2353

Sep-14 Total 4901391 90799 4992190 539478 351 539829

146 | P a g e
B7: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (October 2014)

Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. No. District Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Else
at with F Else Total at with F Else Total at with F Total Leisure Total
Hotels &R where Hotels &R where Hotels &R where Leisure

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17

North 24
1 480895 59886 5648 546430 45709 5693 539 51941 526605 65579 6187 598371 93524 8741 102265
South 24
2 401883 18119 3427 423429 46997 2116 399 49512 448880 20235 3826 472942 74606 6102 80708
3 Barddhaman 219290 7175 3756 230221 20031 655 343 21029 239320 7830 4100 251250 37910 2927 40836
4 Murshidabad 129403 9139 1048 139589 31748 2242 256 34245 161150 11381 1304 173835 24219 4231 28450
5 107400 5494 683 113576 11867 610 72 12549 119267 6104 755 126126 18953 1862 20815
6 Hugli 264409 14893 3158 282461 25270 1420 299 26989 289679 16313 3457 309450 49349 6755 56104
7 Nadia 277967 28741 7991 314698 30333 2905 805 34043 308301 31645 8796 348742 56964 5427 62391
8 592527 13679 3616 609822 82105 1863 495 84464 674632 15543 4111 694286 99671 12228 111899
9 Howrah 308406 104892 34241 447539 14098 4886 1595 20578 322503 109778 35835 468116 71790 4239 76029
10 Kolkata 800495 42963 23312 866769 74363 3991 2165 80520 874858 46954 25477 947289 144780 11657 156437
11 Maldah 62747 5277 704 68728 10436 877 118 11432 73183 6154 822 80160 14488 2891 17379
12 Jalpaiguri 114645 2519 575 117738 12402 292 64 12758 127046 2811 639 130496 23608 2440 26048
13 Bankura 72244 2841 894 75979 10360 404 126 10890 82604 3245 1021 86869 11928 1819 13747
14 Birbhum 324696 3320 828 328844 46220 468 118 46806 370916 3788 946 375650 57501 8408 65909
15 16527 849 226 17602 3653 188 50 3892 20180 1038 276 21494 2848 591 3439
16 Puruliya 23345 580 123 24048 3979 98 21 4099 27324 679 144 28147 3813 691 4503
17 Cooch Behar 22905 495 174 23575 6224 134 47 6405 29129 629 221 29980 3991 806 4797

147 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

18 Darjeeling 321224 9398 254 330875 15378 458 12 15847 336601 9856 265 346722 63225 2436 65660
19 19769 791 206 20767 3382 135 35 3552 23151 926 241 24319 3400 492 3892
Total 4560777 331051 90864 4982691 494553 29437 7561 531552 5055330 360488 98425 5514243 856566 84741 941307

148 | P a g e
B7 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (October 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stayi Sta Sta Stayin
S. Stayin Non
District Staying ng ying ying g Else
No. Stayin g Stayin Tota Staying Leis Tota
at with Total at wit Total
g Else with F g Else l at Hotels Wher ure Leisur l
Hotels F& Hot hF
&R e e
R els &R
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 28 14 0 42 0 0 0 0 28 14 0 42 15 0 15
South 24
2 39 23 0 62 0 0 0 0 39 23 0 62 14 0 14
3 1550 235 0 1785 5 1 0 6 1555 236 0 1791 25 0 25
4 65 18 0 83 4 1 0 5 69 19 0 88 7 0 7
5 14 6 0 20 0 0 0 0 14 6 0 20 0 0 0
6 Hugli 22 46 0 68 0 0 0 0 22 46 0 68 18 0 18
7 Nadia 205 20 0 225 0 0 0 0 205 20 0 225 25 0 25
8 55 0 0 55 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 55 27 0 27
9 Howrah 73 113 0 186 0 0 0 0 73 113 0 186 34 0 34
10 Kolkata 95771 121 0 95892 198 0 0 198 95969 121 0 96090 123 0 123
11 Maldah 215 21 0 236 0 0 0 0 215 21 0 236 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 223 15 0 238 0 0 0 0 223 15 0 238 16 0 16
13 Bankura 54 14 0 68 4 1 0 5 58 15 0 73 9 1 10
14 Birbhum 61 26 0 87 0 0 0 0 61 26 0 87 19 0 19
15 4 0 0 4 2 0 0 2 6 0 0 6 1 1 2
16 Puruliya 13 0 0 13 2 0 0 2 15 0 0 15 2 1 3
17 Cooch 79 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 79 0 0 79 45 0 45

149 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

18 Darjeeling 4233 33 0 4266 35 0 0 35 4268 33 0 4301 17 4 21
19 250 0 0 250 2 0 0 2 252 0 0 252 18 1 19
Total 102954 705 0 103659 252 3 0 255 103206 708 0 103914 415 8 423

150 | P a g e
B7 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors (October 2014)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 598371 42 598413 102265 15 102280
2 South 24 Parganas 472942 62 473004 80708 14 80722
3 Barddhaman 251250 1791 253041 40836 25 40861
4 Murshidabad 173835 88 173923 28450 7 28457
5 Paschim Medinipur 126126 20 126146 20815 0 20815
6 Hugli 309450 68 309518 56104 18 56122
7 Nadia 348742 225 348967 62391 25 62416
8 Purba Medinipur 694286 55 694341 111899 27 111926
9 Howrah 468116 186 468302 76029 34 76063
10 Kolkata 947289 96090 1043379 156437 123 156560
11 Maldah 80160 236 80396 17379 0 17379
12 Jalpaiguri 130496 238 130734 26048 16 26064
13 Bankura 86869 73 86942 13747 10 13757
14 Birbhum 375650 87 375737 65909 19 65928
15 Uttar Dinajpur 21494 6 21500 3439 2 3441
16 Puruliya 28147 15 28162 4503 3 4506
17 Cooch Behar 29980 79 30059 4797 45 4842
18 Darjeeling 346722 4301 351023 65660 21 65681
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 24319 252 24571 3892 19 3911

Oct-14 Total 5514243 103914 5618157 941307 423 941730

151 | P a g e
B8: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (November 2014)

Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Staying Staying
S. Non
District at Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Else
Hotels with F Else Total at with F Else Total at with F Total Leisure
Leisu Total
&R where Hotels &R where Hotels &R where

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17

North 24
1 364711 27956 2936 395603 34229 2624 276 37128 398940 30580 3212 432732 92536 8685 101221
South 24
2 289468 11967 2624 304059 29011 1202 263 30477 318479 13169 2887 334535 70508 7067 77574
3 Barddhaman 146405 4723 2141 153268 12231 395 179 12806 158636 5118 2320 166074 35534 2968 38503
4 Murshidabad 69851 3719 571 74141 14417 768 118 15303 84268 4487 689 89444 17235 3558 20793
5 56473 2572 347 59392 5867 265 35 6167 62340 2836 382 65559 18178 1888 20066
6 Hugli 181761 14280 2765 198806 22741 1787 344 24872 204502 16067 3109 223678 46030 5759 51789
7 Nadia 239186 23712 4634 267533 23890 2367 464 26722 263076 26079 5098 294254 62761 6268 69029
8 508380 15806 3382 527568 67295 2095 449 69838 575675 17901 3830 597407 121724 16113 137837
9 Howrah 237919 52936 9114 299969 13449 2992 515 16956 251368 55928 9629 316924 68946 3896 72842
10 Kolkata 504779 27288 12029 544096 43715 2363 1042 47120 548494 29651 13071 591216 126102 10921 137022
11 Maldah 42086 3208 535 45829 6625 588 98 7311 48711 3796 633 53141 14572 3090 17662
12 Jalpaiguri 77357 1372 450 79179 8237 143 48 8428 85593 1515 498 87606 18405 1960 20365
13 Bankura 37145 2024 515 39684 5536 302 77 5916 42682 2326 592 45599 13426 2001 15426
14 Birbhum 287835 2036 471 290342 41383 291 68 41742 329218 2327 539 332084 66584 9574 76158
15 Uttar Dinajpur 10225 615 161 11001 2193 132 34 2360 12418 747 195 13361 2558 548 3106
16 Puruliya 14067 362 84 14513 2448 64 14 2526 16515 426 99 17039 3374 587 3961
17 Cooch Behar 18983 455 161 19599 4775 113 41 4929 23759 568 202 24529 4558 1145 5702
18 Darjeeling 196634 4202 198 201034 9330 200 9 9539 205964 4402 208 210573 45739 2171 47910

152 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

19 12376 541 107 13024 1955 86 17 2057 14331 627 124 15082 3027 478 3506
v- Total 3295641 199772 43227 3538641 349327 18779 4091 372196 3644968 218551 47319 3910838 831797 88677 920474

153 | P a g e
B8 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (November 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. No. District Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying
Staying Staying Non
at with F Total at with F Total at with F Else Total Leisure Total
Else Else
Hotels &R Hotels &R Hotels &R Where Leisure
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 29 16 0 45 0 0 0 0 29 16 0 45 18 0 18
South 24
2 42 25 0 67 0 0 0 0 42 25 0 67 13 0 13
3 Barddhaman 1415 207 0 1622 5 2 0 7 1420 209 0 1629 21 0 21
4 Murshidabad 60 12 0 73 4 0 0 4 64 12 0 76 0 0 0
5 14 7 0 21 0 0 0 0 14 7 0 21 0 0 0
6 Hugli 24 35 0 59 0 0 0 0 24 35 0 59 16 0 16
7 Nadia 216 16 0 231 0 0 0 0 216 16 0 232 23 0 23
8 58 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 58 0 0 58 29 0 29
9 Howrah 61 100 0 161 0 0 0 0 61 100 0 161 29 0 29
10 Kolkata 110577 156 0 110732 229 0 0 229 110806 156 0 110962 113 0 113
11 Maldah 156 13 0 168 0 0 0 0 156 13 0 169 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 201 10 0 210 0 0 0 0 201 10 0 211 11 0 11
13 Bankura 41 7 0 48 4 0 0 4 45 7 0 52 7 0 7
14 Birbhum 53 18 0 71 0 0 0 0 53 18 0 71 12 0 12
15 5 0 0 5 4 0 0 4 9 0 0 9 1 0 1
16 Puruliya 14 0 0 14 4 0 0 4 18 0 0 18 4 0 4
17 Cooch Behar 67 0 0 67 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 67 42 0 42
18 Darjeeling 2858 26 0 2884 27 0 0 27 2885 26 0 2911 12 0 12
19 214 0 0 214 3 0 0 3 217 0 0 217 28 0 28
Total 116103 647 0 116750 280 2 0 282 116383 649 0 117032 379 0 379

154 | P a g e
B8 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors (November 2014)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 432732 45 432777 101221 18 101239
2 South 24 Parganas 334535 67 334602 77574 13 77587
3 Barddhaman 166074 1629 167703 38503 21 38524
4 Murshidabad 89444 76 89520 20793 0 20793
5 Paschim Medinipur 65559 21 65580 20066 0 20066
6 Hugli 223678 59 223737 51789 16 51805
7 Nadia 294254 232 294486 69029 23 69052
8 Purba Medinipur 597407 58 597465 137837 29 137866
9 Howrah 316924 161 317085 72842 29 72871
10 Kolkata 591216 110962 702178 137022 113 137135
11 Maldah 53141 169 53310 17662 0 17662
12 Jalpaiguri 87606 211 87817 20365 11 20376
13 Bankura 45599 52 45651 15426 7 15433
14 Birbhum 332084 71 332155 76158 12 76170
15 Uttar Dinajpur 13361 9 13370 3106 1 3107
16 Puruliya 17039 18 17057 3961 4 3965
17 Cooch Behar 24529 67 24596 5702 42 5744
18 Darjeeling 210573 2911 213484 47910 12 47922
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 15082 217 15299 3506 28 3534

Nov-14 Total 3910838 117032 4027870 920474 379 920853

155 | P a g e
B9: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (December 2014)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stayi Stayi
District Staying Staying Stayin Staying Stayin ng Staying ng Non
No. Staying
at with F g Else Total at g with Else Total with F Else Total Leisure Total
at Hotels
Hotels &R where Hotels F & R wher &R wher Leisu
e e re
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 572135 57550 5655 635340 65139 5403 532 71074 637274 62953 6186 706414 89540 7720 97260
South 24
2 446295 18613 4724 469632 44731 1864 474 47069 491026 20477 5198 516701 65712 6586 72298
3 219852 9760 3332 232944 20120 815 278 21213 239972 10575 3610 254157 35324 2726 38050
4 225909 15888 1842 243639 46629 3277 381 50287 272537 19165 2223 293926 35744 7377 43121
5 94510 3671 671 98852 9818 378 69 10265 104328 4049 740 109118 12433 1292 13724
6 Hugli 290703 31107 6937 328747 36370 3893 870 41133 327073 35000 7807 369880 46466 5813 52279
7 Nadia 388112 37237 7768 433117 38758 3716 778 43251 426870 40952 8546 476368 59877 5979 65856
8 607898 18902 4045 630845 80473 2506 534 83513 688372 21408 4579 714358 91881 12164 104044
9 Howrah 295969 77391 17379 390740 19232 4375 982 24589 315202 81766 18361 415329 54555 3019 57574
10 Kolkata 755912 59713 25853 841479 88923 5171 2239 96333 844835 64885 28092 937812 122698 6113 128811
11 Maldah 98391 5653 870 104914 18033 1037 160 19230 116424 6691 1030 124145 13544 2483 16026
12 Jalpaiguri 96605 2127 330 99062 10284 228 39 10551 106889 2355 369 109613 14031 1493 15524
13 Bankura 95326 5245 1783 102353 14207 780 266 15253 109532 6025 2049 117607 13224 1971 15194
14 Birbhum 381276 2688 829 384793 54815 386 118 55320 436091 3074 947 440113 53886 7748 61634
15 15446 1095 307 16847 3311 235 65 3611 18757 1329 372 20459 2415 518 2933
16 Puruliya 17922 596 180 18698 3118 104 31 3254 21040 700 211 21952 2384 415 2799
17 Cooch 24322 602 195 25119 6119 151 48 6317 30441 753 243 31437 3462 871 4333

156 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

18 Darjeeling 291712 5800 326 297838 13842 274 16 14132 305554 6074 342 311970 43243 2053 45296
19 17582 798 238 18619 2777 127 38 2941 20359 925 276 21560 2655 419 3074
Total 4935878 354436 83265 5373579 576699 34720 7918 619337 5512577 389156 91183 5992917 763073 76760 839832

157 | P a g e
B9 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (December 2014)

Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. No. District Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying
Staying Staying Non
at with F Total at with F Total at with F Else Total Leisure Total
Else Else
Hotels &R Hotels &R Hotels &R Where Leisure
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 35 21 0 56 0 0 0 0 35 21 0 56 25 0 25
South 24
2 48 26 0 74 0 0 0 0 48 26 0 74 18 0 18
3 Barddhaman 1518 232 0 1750 6 2 0 8 1524 234 0 1758 30 0 30
4 Murshidabad 64 19 0 82 5 0 0 5 69 19 0 88 0 0 0
5 21 9 0 30 0 0 0 0 21 9 0 30 0 0 0
6 Hugli 24 40 0 65 0 0 0 0 24 40 0 64 19 0 19
7 Nadia 195 14 0 209 0 0 0 0 195 14 0 209 25 0 25
8 65 0 0 65 0 0 0 0 65 0 0 65 32 0 32
9 Howrah 66 110 0 176 0 0 0 0 66 110 0 176 33 0 33
10 Kolkata 116134 163 0 116296 257 0 0 257 116391 163 0 116554 154 0 154
11 Maldah 170 14 0 184 0 0 0 0 170 14 0 184 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 210 10 0 220 0 0 0 0 210 10 0 220 13 0 13
13 Bankura 45 7 0 52 0 0 0 0 45 7 0 52 8 0 8
14 Birbhum 64 21 0 85 0 0 0 0 64 21 0 85 16 0 16
15 8 0 0 8 2 0 0 2 10 0 0 10 0 0 0
16 Puruliya 23 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 23 0 0 0
17 Cooch Behar 72 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 72 0 0 72 48 0 48

158 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal
18 Darjeeling 2994 36 0 3030 32 0 0 32 3026 36 0 3062 17 0 17
19 222 0 0 222 6 0 0 6 228 0 0 228 23 0 23
Total 121978 722 0 122700 308 2 0 310 122286 724 0 123010 461 0 461

159 | P a g e
B9 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors(December 2014)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 706414 56 706470 97260 25 97285
2 South 24 Parganas 516701 74 516775 72298 18 72316
3 Barddhaman 254157 1758 255915 38050 30 38080
4 Murshidabad 293926 88 294014 43121 0 43121
5 Paschim Medinipur 109118 30 109148 13724 0 13724
6 Hugli 369880 64 369944 52279 19 52298
7 Nadia 476368 209 476577 65856 25 65881
8 Purba Medinipur 714358 65 714423 104044 32 104076
9 Howrah 415329 176 415505 57574 33 57607
10 Kolkata 937812 116554 1054366 128811 154 128965
11 Maldah 124145 184 124329 16026 0 16026
12 Jalpaiguri 109613 220 109833 15524 13 15537
13 Bankura 117607 52 117659 15194 8 15202
14 Birbhum 440113 85 440198 61634 16 61650
15 Uttar Dinajpur 20459 10 20469 2933 0 2933
16 Puruliya 21952 23 21975 2799 0 2799
17 Cooch Behar 31437 72 31509 4333 48 4381
18 Darjeeling 311970 3062 315032 45296 17 45313
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 21560 228 21788 3074 23 3097

Dec-14 Total 5992917 123010 6115927 839832 461 840293

160 | P a g e
B10: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (January 2015)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
Stayi Stayi Stayin
S. Non
District Staying Staying ng Stayin Stayin ng Staying g Else
No. Staying
at with F Else Total g at g with Else Total with F Total Leisure Total
at Hotels Leisur
Hotels &R wher Hotels F & R wher &R where
e e
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 567221 54642 3905 625768 48188 4644 333 53165 615409 59286 4238 678933 62921 5345 68266
South 24
2 932352 32896 8034 973281 103942 3674 895 108510 1036294 36570 8928 1081792 94449 10529 104978
3 208734 6678 2396 217807 19541 625 224 20389 228274 7303 2620 238197 22051 2064 24115
4 154310 8230 1406 163946 29987 1601 270 31858 184297 9830 1676 195804 16599 3225 19824
5 53322 2162 518 56002 4888 198 50 5135 58210 2360 568 61138 5669 520 6189
6 Hugli 275885 21146 7147 304178 27054 2073 700 29827 302939 23218 7847 334005 30796 3020 33815
7 Nadia 283799 34195 5120 323114 20148 2424 368 22940 303947 36619 5488 346054 32713 2323 35035
8 563484 23747 3206 590437 59221 2496 340 62056 622705 26243 3546 652493 59777 6282 66060
9 Howrah 239457 57093 11712 308262 15420 3677 754 19852 254878 60770 12466 328114 31209 2010 33219
10 Kolkata 749043 30068 12555 791666 38843 1560 651 41054 787885 31627 13206 832719 79364 4116 83480
11 Maldah 72185 2871 727 75783 7842 312 79 8233 80027 3183 806 84016 7673 834 8506
12 Jalpaiguri 91510 2183 359 94051 6920 164 25 7108 98429 2346 384 101159 9522 720 10242
13 Bankura 40526 2014 653 43192 5333 264 86 5683 45859 2278 739 48876 4373 575 4948
14 Birbhum 480064 2889 1023 483977 52158 313 109 52580 532222 3203 1132 536557 48625 5283 53909
15 18380 1298 364 20041 3910 275 76 4261 22289 1573 440 24302 2029 432 2461
16 Puruliya 18713 644 256 19613 2983 103 41 3127 21695 747 298 22740 1986 317 2302
17 Cooch 23394 638 217 24248 4514 123 42 4679 27907 761 259 28927 2455 473 2928

161 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

18 Darjeeling 132989 1706 162 134856 5498 71 7 5575 138487 1776 168 140432 13653 565 14218
19 17707 873 188 18768 2392 117 25 2535 20099 990 213 21302 1900 257 2157
Total 4923074 285972 59947 5268993 458779 24712 5075 488566 5381853 310684 65022 5757559 527763 48889 576652

162 | P a g e
B10 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (January 2015)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. No. District Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying
Staying Staying Non
at with F Total at with F Total at with F Else Total Leisure Total
Else Else
Hotels &R Hotels &R Hotels &R Where Leisure
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 46 24 0 70 0 0 0 0 46 24 0 70 20 0 20
South 24
2 49 26 0 75 0 0 0 0 49 26 0 75 16 0 16
3 Barddhaman 2510 262 0 2772 9 4 0 13 2519 266 0 2785 23 0 23
4 Murshidabad 65 20 0 85 6 0 0 6 71 20 0 91 0 0 0
5 23 13 0 36 0 0 0 0 23 13 0 36 0 0 0
6 Hugli 29 55 0 84 0 0 0 0 29 55 0 84 18 0 18
7 Nadia 228 24 0 252 0 0 0 0 228 24 0 252 26 0 26
8 73 0 0 73 0 0 0 0 73 0 0 73 31 0 31
9 Howrah 79 91 0 170 0 0 0 0 79 91 0 170 32 0 32
10 Kolkata 99683 136 0 99819 248 0 0 248 99931 136 0 100067 141 0 141
11 Maldah 198 14 0 212 0 0 0 0 198 14 0 212 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 224 11 0 235 0 0 0 0 224 11 0 235 14 0 14
13 Bankura 50 8 0 58 0 0 0 0 50 8 0 58 7 0 7
14 Birbhum 66 22 0 88 0 0 0 0 66 22 0 88 19 0 19
15 11 0 0 11 7 0 0 7 18 0 0 18 0 0 0
16 Puruliya 30 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 0
17 Cooch Behar 83 0 0 83 0 0 0 0 83 0 0 83 43 0 43
18 Darjeeling 4720 31 0 4751 26 0 0 26 4746 31 0 4777 19 0 19
19 230 0 0 230 8 0 0 8 238 0 0 238 24 0 24
Total 108397 737 0 109134 304 4 0 308 108701 741 0 109442 433 0 433

163 | P a g e
B10 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors (January 2015)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 678933 70 679003 68266 20 68286
2 South 24 Parganas 1081792 75 1081867 104978 16 104994
3 Barddhaman 238197 2785 240982 24115 23 24138
4 Murshidabad 195804 91 195895 19824 0 19824
5 Paschim Medinipur 61138 36 61174 6189 0 6189
6 Hugli 334005 84 334089 33815 18 33833
7 Nadia 346054 252 346306 35035 26 35061
8 Purba Medinipur 652493 73 652566 66060 31 66091
9 Howrah 328114 170 328284 33219 32 33251
10 Kolkata 832719 100067 932786 83480 141 83621
11 Maldah 84016 212 84228 8506 0 8506
12 Jalpaiguri 101159 235 101394 10242 14 10256
13 Bankura 48876 58 48934 4948 7 4955
14 Birbhum 536557 88 536645 53909 19 53928
15 Uttar Dinajpur 24302 18 24320 2461 0 2461
16 Puruliya 22740 30 22770 2302 0 2302
17 Cooch Behar 28927 83 29010 2928 43 2971
18 Darjeeling 140432 4777 145209 14218 19 14237
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 21302 238 21540 2157 24 2181

Jan-15 Total 5757559 109442 5867001 576652 433 577085

164 | P a g e
B11: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (February 2015)

Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. No. District Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying
at with F Else Total at with F Else Total at with F Else Total Leisure Total
Hotels &R where Hotels &R where Hotels &R where Leisure
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 411522 39020 2722 453264 34959 3315 232 38506 446481 42335 2953 491770 69977 5945 75922
South 24
2 329663 9598 3197 342458 36749 1074 358 38180 366412 10672 3554 380638 55616 6199 61815
3 Barddhaman 194367 6427 3571 204366 18196 601 334 19131 212563 7029 3905 223497 34523 3232 37754
4 Murshidabad 159932 8606 1452 169990 31076 1675 279 33030 191008 10281 1731 203020 25989 5050 31039
5 58856 2529 740 62126 5397 234 68 5699 64254 2763 808 67825 10306 945 11251
6 Hugli 212967 16077 6775 235819 20883 1578 664 23125 233850 17655 7439 258944 35605 3491 39096
7 Nadia 222508 21293 4724 248525 15802 1511 336 17648 238310 22804 5060 266174 37572 2668 40239
8 479287 21321 3826 504435 50369 2238 403 53011 529656 23559 4230 557445 76052 7992 84044
9 Howrah 181943 39339 12070 233351 11717 2533 778 15028 193659 41872 12847 248379 35974 2317 38291
10 Kolkata 663520 24686 10908 699114 34408 1280 566 36254 697928 25967 11474 735369 98446 5105 103551
11 Maldah 73105 3027 729 76861 7943 328 80 8351 81048 3354 809 85211 11171 1214 12385
12 Jalpaiguri 116895 2542 543 119980 8839 194 39 9072 125734 2736 582 129052 17046 1289 18335
13 Bankura 67502 2373 1513 71388 8885 311 198 9393 76386 2684 1711 80781 10491 1381 11872
14 Birbhum 339467 4245 1492 345205 36883 459 160 37502 376350 4704 1653 382706 49044 5329 54372
15 21760 1398 373 23530 4628 298 80 5006 26388 1696 453 28537 5341 1136 6477
16 Puruliya 19059 742 272 20073 3039 117 44 3200 22097 859 316 23272 4942 787 5729
17 Cooch Behar 23590 737 187 24514 4549 141 34 4725 28139 879 222 29239 5513 1064 6577
18 Darjeeling 171819 1955 152 173925 7102 81 6 7190 178922 2036 158 181115 23598 978 24576
19 19147 752 274 20173 2586 101 37 2725 21733 853 311 22898 5001 675 5676
Total 3766909 206669 55519 4029097 344009 18070 4696 366775 4110919 224739 60215 4395873 165 | P a56796
612206 ge 669002
B11 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (February 2015)

Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. No. District Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying
Staying Staying Non
at with F Total at with F Total at with F Else Total Leisure Total
Else Else
Hotels &R Hotels &R Hotels &R Where Leisure
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 43 21 0 64 0 0 0 0 43 21 0 64 16 0 16
South 24
2 45 20 0 65 0 0 0 0 45 20 0 65 16 0 16
3 Barddhaman 2263 203 0 2466 10 1 0 11 2273 204 0 2477 26 0 26
4 Murshidabad 59 17 0 76 4 0 0 4 63 17 0 80 0 0 0
5 21 11 0 32 0 0 0 0 21 11 0 32 0 0 0
6 Hugli 41 27 0 68 0 0 0 0 41 27 0 68 24 0 24
7 Nadia 211 18 0 229 0 0 0 0 211 18 0 229 19 0 19
8 66 0 0 66 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 66 27 0 27
9 Howrah 92 63 0 155 0 0 0 0 92 63 0 155 25 0 25
10 Kolkata 88858 121 0 88979 223 0 0 223 89081 121 0 89202 126 0 126
11 Maldah 178 11 0 189 0 0 0 0 178 11 0 189 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 199 10 0 209 0 0 0 0 199 10 0 209 13 0 13
13 Bankura 47 6 0 53 0 0 0 0 47 6 0 53 5 0 5
14 Birbhum 65 16 0 81 0 0 0 0 65 16 0 81 15 0 15
15 10 0 0 10 6 0 0 6 16 0 0 16 0 0 0
16 Puruliya 27 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 27 0 0 0
17 Cooch Behar 76 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 76 0 0 76 37 0 37

166 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal
18 Darjeeling 4166 63 0 4229 23 0 0 23 4189 63 0 4252 23 0 23
19 207 0 0 207 7 0 0 7 214 0 0 214 20 0 20
Total 96674 607 0 97281 273 1 0 274 96947 608 0 97555 392 0 392

167 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

B11 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors (February 2015)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 491770 64 491834 75922 16 75938
2 South 24 Parganas 380638 65 380703 61815 16 61831
3 Barddhaman 223497 2477 225974 37754 26 37780
4 Murshidabad 203020 80 203100 31039 0 31039
5 Paschim Medinipur 67825 32 67857 11251 0 11251
6 Hugli 258944 68 259012 39096 24 39120
7 Nadia 266174 229 266403 40239 19 40258
8 Purba Medinipur 557445 66 557511 84044 27 84071
9 Howrah 248379 155 248534 38291 25 38316
10 Kolkata 735369 89202 824571 103551 126 103677
11 Maldah 85211 189 85400 12385 0 12385
12 Jalpaiguri 129052 209 129261 18335 13 18348
13 Bankura 80781 53 80834 11872 5 11877
14 Birbhum 382706 81 382787 54372 15 54387
15 Uttar Dinajpur 28537 16 28553 6477 0 6477
16 Puruliya 23272 27 23299 5729 0 5729
17 Cooch Behar 29239 76 29315 6577 37 6614
18 Darjeeling 181115 4252 185367 24576 23 24599
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 22898 214 23112 5676 20 5696

Feb-15 Total 4395873 97555 4493428 669002 392 669394

168 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

169 | P a g e
B12: District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Day Visitors (March 2015)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. No. District Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying
at with F Else Total at with F Else Total at with F Else Total Leisure Total
Hotels &R where Hotels &R where Hotels &R where Leisure
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 349019 36111 2827 387957 29649 3067 240 32956 378667 39178 3067 420913 73146 6214 79360
South 24
2 257102 7628 1853 266583 28664 850 209 29723 285767 8477 2062 296306 50207 5597 55804
3 Barddhaman 142582 4861 2523 149966 13347 455 236 14037 155929 5316 2759 164004 28195 2639 30835
4 Murshidabad 136888 6929 1236 145053 26600 1348 240 28188 163488 8277 1476 173241 27288 5301 32589
5 53976 2310 639 56925 4948 211 56 5215 58924 2521 695 62140 10667 978 11645
6 Hugli 271623 20884 7637 300144 26633 2050 747 29429 298256 22934 8384 329574 56434 5533 61967
7 Nadia 280714 25934 5214 311862 19930 1843 369 22142 300643 27777 5583 334004 58643 4165 62808
8 447100 18768 3799 469667 46984 1976 397 49356 494084 20744 4196 519023 88209 9270 97479
9 Howrah 104433 22317 6837 133587 6725 1437 440 8603 111158 23754 7277 142189 25660 1652 27312
10 Kolkata 598436 19807 11318 629561 31033 1027 587 32647 629469 20834 11905 662208 118081 6123 124204
11 Maldah 53746 2168 512 56426 5839 235 54 6128 59585 2404 566 62554 10575 1149 11725
12 Jalpaiguri 90604 2084 535 93223 6853 156 41 7051 97457 2240 577 100274 17559 1329 18887
13 Bankura 40939 1900 1012 43850 5388 249 133 5770 46327 2149 1145 49620 8190 1078 9268
14 Birbhum 237070 3098 1265 241434 25756 336 137 26229 262826 3434 1402 267662 45429 4935 50364
15 15427 1049 282 16758 3282 222 60 3564 18710 1271 341 20322 3182 677 3859
16 Puruliya 14502 611 239 15352 2312 99 39 2450 16814 710 278 17802 2915 465 3381
17 Cooch Behar 18358 630 159 19146 3540 120 32 3693 21898 750 191 22839 3636 701 4337
18 Darjeeling 201217 2464 176 203856 8319 101 8 8428 209536 2565 184 212285 38263 1585 39848
19 17575 691 285 18552 2373 94 39 2506 19949 785 324 21058 3386 457 3844
Total 3331311 180243 48348 3559903 298175 15877 4064 318116 3629486 196120 52412 3878018 669665 59851 729516

170 | P a g e
B12 (a): District wise number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors (March 2015)
Leisure Non-Leisure Total No. of day visitors
S. No. District Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying Staying
Staying Staying Non
at with F Total at with F Total at with F Else Total Leisure Total
Else Else
Hotels &R Hotels &R Hotels &R Where Leisure
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
North 24
1 46 22 0 68 0 0 0 0 46 22 0 68 17 0 17
South 24
2 48 21 0 69 0 0 0 0 48 21 0 69 17 0 17
3 Barddhaman 2384 213 0 2597 11 4 0 14 2395 217 0 2612 27 0 27
4 Murshidabad 62 18 0 80 4 1 0 5 66 19 0 85 0 0 0
5 22 12 0 34 0 0 0 0 22 12 0 34 0 0 0
6 Hugli 43 28 0 71 0 0 0 0 43 28 0 71 25 0 25
7 Nadia 222 19 0 241 0 0 0 0 222 19 0 241 20 0 20
8 69 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 69 0 0 69 28 0 28
9 Howrah 97 66 0 163 0 0 0 0 97 66 0 163 26 0 26
10 Kolkata 93614 128 0 93742 235 0 0 235 93849 128 0 93977 132 0 132
11 Maldah 188 11 0 199 0 0 0 0 188 11 0 199 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri 210 10 0 220 0 0 0 0 210 10 0 220 14 0 14
13 Bankura 50 6 0 56 0 0 0 0 50 6 0 56 5 0 5
14 Birbhum 69 16 0 85 0 0 0 0 69 16 0 85 16 0 16
15 10 0 0 10 7 0 0 7 17 0 0 17 0 0 0
16 Puruliya 28 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 28 0 0 0
17 Cooch Behar 80 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 80 39 0 39
18 Darjeeling 4389 66 0 4455 24 0 0 24 4413 66 0 4479 24 0 24
19 218 0 0 218 7 0 0 7 225 0 0 225 21 0 21
Total 101849 636 0 102485 288 5 0 293 102137 641 0 102778 411 0 411

171 | P a g e
B12 (b): District wise total number of Domestic and Foreign Tourist and Day visitors (March 2015)
No. of Tourists No. of Day Visitors
S. No. District
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 420913 68 420981 79360 17 79377
2 South 24 Parganas 296306 69 296375 55804 17 55821
3 Barddhaman 164004 2612 166616 30835 27 30862
4 Murshidabad 173241 85 173326 32589 0 32589
5 Paschim Medinipur 62140 34 62174 11645 0 11645
6 Hugli 329574 71 329645 61967 25 61992
7 Nadia 334004 241 334245 62808 20 62828
8 Purba Medinipur 519023 69 519092 97479 28 97507
9 Howrah 142189 163 142352 27312 26 27338
10 Kolkata 662208 93977 756185 124204 132 124336
11 Maldah 62554 199 62753 11725 0 11725
12 Jalpaiguri 100274 220 100494 18887 14 18901
13 Bankura 49620 56 49676 9268 5 9273
14 Birbhum 267662 85 267747 50364 16 50380
15 Uttar Dinajpur 20322 17 20339 3859 0 3859
16 Puruliya 17802 28 17830 3381 0 3381
17 Cooch Behar 22839 80 22919 4337 39 4376
18 Darjeeling 212285 4479 216764 39848 24 39872
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 21058 225 21283 3844 21 3865

Mar-15 Total 3878018 102778 3980796 729516 411 729927

172 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C1: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (April 2014)
No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units
As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 72402 30 72432 65670 30 65700
2 South 24 Parganas 56603 52 56655 64297 50 64347
3 Barddhaman 26807 1897 28704 25940 1888 27828
4 Murshidabad 35129 100 35229 46241 100 46341
5 Paschim Medinipur 26471 17 26488 22822 10 22832
6 Hugli 49960 20 49980 130379 15 130394
7 Nadia 47845 397 48242 53546 386 53932
8 Purba Medinipur 183919 125 184044 188140 125 188265
9 Howrah 34123 51 34174 33564 50 33614
10 Kolkata 291233 116127 407360 636545 115773 752318
11 Maldah 38607 206 38813 60080 200 60280
12 Jalpaiguri 40451 482 40933 30376 474 30850
13 Bankura 22139 70 22209 22548 60 22608
14 Birbhum 111181 95 111276 100823 95 100918
15 Uttar Dinajpur 6728 15 6743 6672 5 6677
16 Puruliya 11282 33 11315 6557 29 6586
17 Cooch Behar 8052 97 8149 2009 95 2104
18 Darjeeling 49449 3064 52513 38815 3044 41859
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 6871 386 7257 5954 381 6335
April-14 Total 1119252 123264 1242516 1540977 122810 1663787

173 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C1 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (April 2014)
No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay
S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
1 North 24 Parganas 72402 30 72432 84710 36 84746 1.17 1.19 1.17
2 South 24 Parganas 56603 52 56655 64528 58 64586 1.14 1.11 1.16
3 Barddhaman 26807 1897 28704 30291 2371 32663 1.13 1.25 1.13
4 Murshidabad 35129 100 35229 41101 123 41224 1.17 1.23 1.17
5 Medinipur 26471 17 26488 34677 20 34697 1.31 1.18 1.31
6 Hugli 49960 20 49980 55456 23 55479 1.11 1.14 1.11
7 Nadia 47845 397 48242 56457 496 56953 1.18 1.25 1.18
8 Purba Medinipur 183919 125 184044 207829 169 207998 1.13 1.35 1.13
9 Howrah 34123 51 34174 42995 60 43055 1.26 1.18 1.26
10 Kolkata 291233 116127 407360 352392 153288 505679 1.21 1.32 1.23
11 Maldah 38607 206 38813 43626 262 43888 1.13 1.27 1.13
12 Jalpaiguri 40451 482 40933 44092 607 44699 1.09 1.26 1.09
13 Bankura 22139 70 22209 27231 94 27325 1.23 1.34 1.23
14 Birbhum 111181 95 111276 135640 129 135770 1.22 1.36 1.22
15 Uttar Dinajpur 6728 15 6743 7468 19 7487 1.11 1.27 1.11
16 Puruliya 11282 33 11315 12184 41 12225 1.08 1.24 1.08
17 Cooch Behar 8052 97 8149 10388 118 10506 1.29 1.22 1.29
18 Darjeeling 49449 3064 52513 60822 3524 64346 1.23 1.15 1.23
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 6871 386 7257 7351 452 7803 1.07 1.17 1.07
April-14 Total 1119252 123264 1242516 - - - - - -

174 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C1 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (April 2014)

S. No. District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1 North 24 Parganas 30 23
2 South 24 Parganas 26 31
3 Barddhaman 72 33
4 Murshidabad 23 29
5 Paschim Medinipur 13 30
6 Hugli 21 48
7 Nadia 25 54
8 Purba Medinipur 45 28
9 Howrah 85 57
10 Kolkata 190 53
11 Maldah 20 39
12 Jalpaiguri 27 15
13 Bankura 21 28
14 Birbhum 88 26
15 Uttar Dinajpur 12 19
16 Puruliya 25 17
17 Cooch Behar 19 23
18 Darjeeling 118 55
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 11 26

175 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

Total 871 -
C2: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (May 2014)
No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units
As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 108123 39 108162 87615 36 87651
2 South 24 Parganas 98735 55 98790 114256 54 114310
3 Barddhaman 40958 1234 42192 39264 1236 40500
4 Murshidabad 55538 118 55656 82819 114 82933
5 Paschim Medinipur 39888 23 39911 25689 20 25709
6 Hugli 92421 24 92445 116622 27 116649
7 Nadia 87097 325 87422 77506 341 77847
8 Purba Medinipur 347730 128 347858 267741 139 267880
9 Howrah 65127 65 65192 54485 62 54547
10 Kolkata 501597 92345 593942 566044 91663 657707
11 Maldah 82535 229 82764 63713 227 63940
12 Jalpaiguri 73187 3546 76733 39343 3495 42838
13 Bankura 32933 70 33003 20422 72 20494
14 Birbhum 254892 124 255016 168751 115 168866
15 Uttar Dinajpur 11523 12 11535 8866 10 8876
16 Puruliya 17007 47 17054 10870 46 10916
17 Cooch Behar 15233 124 15357 9567 119 9686
18 Darjeeling 69460 2501 71961 45855 2492 48347
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 13132 352 13484 9182 345 9527
May-14 Total 2007116 101361 2108477 1808608 100613 1909221

176 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C2 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (May 2014)

No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
North 24
1 Parganas 108123 39 108162 126504 46 126550 1.17 1.19 1.17
South 24
2 Parganas 98735 55 98790 112558 61 112619 1.14 1.11 1.16
3 Barddhaman 40958 1234 42192 46283 1543 47825 1.13 1.25 1.13
4 Murshidabad 55538 118 55656 64980 145 65125 1.17 1.23 1.17
5 Medinipur 39888 23 39911 52253 27 52280 1.31 1.18 1.31
6 Hugli 92421 24 92445 102587 27 102615 1.11 1.14 1.11
7 Nadia 87097 325 87422 102775 406 103181 1.18 1.25 1.18
8 Purba Medinipur 347730 128 347858 392935 173 393108 1.13 1.35 1.13
9 Howrah 65127 65 65192 82060 77 82136 1.26 1.18 1.26
10 Kolkata 501597 92345 593942 626997 124666 751662 1.25 1.35 1.23
11 Maldah 82535 229 82764 93264 291 93555 1.13 1.27 1.13
12 Jalpaiguri 73187 3546 76733 81237 4468 85705 1.11 1.26 1.09
13 Bankura 32933 70 33003 40507 94 40601 1.23 1.34 1.23
14 Birbhum 254892 124 255016 310968 169 311136 1.22 1.36 1.22
15 Uttar Dinajpur 11523 12 11535 12906 15 12921 1.12 1.27 1.11
16 Puruliya 17007 47 17054 18878 58 18936 1.11 1.24 1.08
17 Cooch Behar 15233 124 15357 19650 151 19801 1.29 1.22 1.29
18 Darjeeling 69460 2501 71961 85436 2876 88312 1.23 1.15 1.23
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 13132 352 13484 14051 412 14463 1.07 1.17 1.07
14 Total 2007116 101361 2108477 - - - - - -

177 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

178 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C2 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (May 2014)

S. No. District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1 North 24 Parganas 28 32
2 South 24 Parganas 35 42
3 Barddhaman 85 43
4 Murshidabad 29 32
5 Paschim Medinipur 14 35
6 Hugli 40 68
7 Nadia 30 62
8 Purba Medinipur 35 40
9 Howrah 108 51
10 Kolkata 310 62
11 Maldah 30 49
12 Jalpaiguri 28 30
13 Bankura 26 35
14 Birbhum 85 38
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15 32
16 Puruliya 26 37
17 Cooch Behar 25 31
18 Darjeeling 157 54
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20 32
Total 1126 -

179 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C3: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (June 2014)
No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units
As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 69549 21 69570 45612 19 45631
2 South 24 Parganas 70887 40 70927 58575 38 58613
3 Barddhaman 33392 1132 34524 28745 1025 29770
4 Murshidabad 37053 85 37138 26589 79 26668
5 Paschim Medinipur 34307 18 34325 29819 15 29834
6 Hugli 216718 22 216740 218087 19 218106
7 Nadia 74653 332 74985 94330 341 94671
8 Purba Medinipur 305880 120 306000 227722 108 227830
9 Howrah 43901 83 43984 38597 79 38676
10 Kolkata 386277 66516 452793 420851 66328 487179
11 Maldah 68657 210 68867 64103 206 64309
12 Jalpaiguri 53028 235 53263 23358 237 23595
13 Bankura 28785 79 28864 21600 72 21672
14 Birbhum 248323 85 248408 233341 79 233420
15 Uttar Dinajpur 10836 5 10841 9755 5 9760
16 Puruliya 15507 22 15529 9871 20 9891
17 Cooch Behar 12319 85 12404 4126 82 4208
18 Darjeeling 76181 1301 77482 44573 1282 45855
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 10961 260 11221 10397 253 10650
June-14 Total 1797214 70651 1867865 1610053 70287 1680340

180 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C3 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (June 2014)
No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay
Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total
S. No. District
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
1 North 24 Parganas 69549 21 69570 78590 23 78613 1.13 1.11 1.13
2 South 24 Parganas 70887 40 70927 80811 44 80855 1.14 1.11 1.14
3 Barddhaman 33392 1132 34524 37733 1415 39148 1.13 1.25 1.13
4 Murshidabad 37053 85 37138 43352 105 43457 1.17 1.23 1.17
5 Paschim Medinipur 34307 18 34325 41512 21 41533 1.21 1.18 1.21
6 Hugli 216718 22 216740 240557 25 240582 1.11 1.14 1.11
7 Nadia 74653 332 74985 88090 415 88505 1.18 1.25 1.18
8 Purba Medinipur 305880 120 306000 345644 136 345780 1.13 1.13 1.13
9 Howrah 43901 83 43984 54437 92 54529 1.24 1.11 1.24
10 Kolkata 386277 66516 452793 478984 83145 562129 1.24 1.25 1.24
11 Maldah 68657 210 68867 77582 254 77836 1.13 1.21 1.13
12 Jalpaiguri 53028 235 53263 58861 284 59145 1.11 1.21 1.11
13 Bankura 28785 79 28864 34830 98 34928 1.21 1.24 1.21
14 Birbhum 248323 85 248408 302954 107 303061 1.22 1.26 1.22
15 Uttar Dinajpur 10836 5 10841 12136 6 12142 1.12 1.17 1.12
16 Puruliya 15507 22 15529 17213 27 17240 1.11 1.24 1.11
17 Cooch Behar 12319 85 12404 15029 104 15133 1.22 1.22 1.22
18 Darjeeling 76181 1301 77482 93702 1496 95198 1.23 1.15 1.23
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 10961 260 11221 11729 304 12033 1.07 1.17 1.07
June-14 Total 1797214 70651 1867865 - - - - - -

181 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C3 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (June 2014)

S. No. District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1 North 24 Parganas 40 27
2 South 24 Parganas 50 23
3 Barddhaman 90 31
4 Murshidabad 36 26
5 Paschim Medinipur 20 21
6 Hugli 40 50
7 Nadia 30 47
8 Purba Medinipur 60 34
9 Howrah 190 41
10 Kolkata 425 43
11 Maldah 30 40
12 Jalpaiguri 45 19
13 Bankura 40 27
14 Birbhum 124 21
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15 27
16 Puruliya 49 12
17 Cooch Behar 40 14
18 Darjeeling 327 28
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20 21
Total 1671 -
C4: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (July 2014)

182 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units

As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 111895 14 111909 105718 14 105732
2 South 24 Parganas 126823 40 126863 103203 36 103239
3 Barddhaman 110931 978 111909 81823 946 82769
4 Murshidabad 63741 92 63833 50825 67 50892
5 Paschim Medinipur 47757 7 47764 39307 7 39314
6 Hugli 34211 12 34223 35558 12 35570
7 Nadia 158286 215 158501 149416 215 149631
8 Purba Medinipur 351871 87 351958 42714 61 42775
9 Howrah 93719 79 93798 91290 63 91353
10 Kolkata 430187 67921 498108 382423 67875 450298
11 Maldah 63103 193 63296 67523 193 67716
12 Jalpaiguri 48073 253 48326 18436 207 18643
13 Bankura 63134 49 63183 63682 49 63731
14 Birbhum 153844 85 153929 128237 68 128305
15 Uttar Dinajpur 6197 2 6199 5664 2 5666
16 Puruliya 12083 21 12104 4989 12 5001
17 Cooch Behar 8847 83 8930 3467 71 3538
18 Darjeeling 64622 2154 66776 49199 2133 51332
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 11074 261 11335 11306 261 11567
July-14 Total 1960398 72546 2032944 1434780 72292 1507072

183 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C4 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (July 2014)

No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay
S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
1 North 24 Parganas 111895 14 111909 125322 16 125338 1.12 1.11 1.12
2 South 24 Parganas 126823 40 126863 143310 44 143354 1.13 1.11 1.13
3 Barddhaman 110931 978 111909 125352 1223 126574 1.13 1.25 1.13
4 Murshidabad 63741 92 63833 73303 113 73416 1.15 1.23 1.15
5 Paschim Medinipur 47757 7 47764 55398 8 55406 1.16 1.18 1.16
6 Hugli 34211 12 34223 38316 14 38330 1.12 1.14 1.12
7 Nadia 158286 215 158501 186778 269 187047 1.18 1.25 1.18
8 Purba Medinipur 351871 87 351958 397614 98 397713 1.13 1.13 1.13
9 Howrah 93719 79 93798 116211 88 116299 1.24 1.11 1.24
10 Kolkata 430187 67921 498108 537733 84901 622635 1.25 1.25 1.25
11 Maldah 63103 193 63296 71937 234 72171 1.14 1.21 1.14
12 Jalpaiguri 48073 253 48326 53361 306 53667 1.11 1.21 1.11
13 Bankura 63134 49 63183 76392 61 76452 1.21 1.24 1.21
14 Birbhum 153844 85 153929 183074 107 183181 1.19 1.26 1.19
15 Uttar Dinajpur 6197 2 6199 6941 2 6943 1.12 1.17 1.12
16 Puruliya 12083 21 12104 13413 26 13439 1.11 1.24 1.11
17 Cooch Behar 8847 83 8930 10793 101 10895 1.22 1.22 1.22
18 Darjeeling 64622 2154 66776 79486 2477 81963 1.23 1.15 1.23
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 11074 261 11335 12293 305 12598 1.11 1.17 1.11
July-14 Total 1960398 72546 2032944 - - - - - -

184 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C4 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (July 2014)

S. No. District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 North 24 Parganas 70 24
2 South 24 Parganas 68 19
3 Barddhaman 118 22
4 Murshidabad 45 20
5 Paschim Medinipur 25 18
6 Hugli 40 55
7 Nadia 30 42
8 Purba Medinipur 525 28
9 Howrah 225 36
10 Kolkata 640 32
11 Maldah 30 38
12 Jalpaiguri 55 17
13 Bankura 40 24
14 Birbhum 165 17
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15 28
16 Puruliya 54 14
17 Cooch Behar 48 13
18 Darjeeling 378 20
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20 19
Total 2591 -
185 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C5: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (August 2014)
No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units
As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 110955 21 110976 109725 21 109746
2 South 24 Parganas 136368 32 136400 128974 42 129016
3 Barddhaman 98198 945 99143 90079 933 91012
4 Murshidabad 65364 62 65426 55805 57 55862
5 Paschim Medinipur 44719 16 44735 38313 14 38327
6 Hugli 160868 18 160886 155161 17 155178
7 Nadia 184056 203 184259 188071 198 188269
8 Purba Medinipur 316195 70 316265 80040 65 80105
9 Howrah 153345 56 153401 151147 67 151214
10 Kolkata 367624 80435 448059 374152 80397 454549
11 Maldah 69412 209 69621 70313 188 70501
12 Jalpaiguri 46351 226 46577 18066 217 18283
13 Bankura 73658 46 73704 72418 43 72461
14 Birbhum 163923 70 163993 121998 64 122062
15 Uttar Dinajpur 8686 9 8695 6098 5 6103
16 Puruliya 13214 18 13232 3687 14 3701
17 Cooch Behar 10589 71 10660 3512 66 3578
18 Darjeeling 64613 2589 67202 49774 2570 52344
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 9474 251 9725 9738 246 9984
Aug-14 Total 2097611 85347 2182958 1727072 85224 1812296

186 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C5 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (August 2014)
No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay

Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

S. No. District
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
1 North 24 Parganas 110955 21 110976 123160 23 123183 1.11 1.11 1.11
2 South 24 Parganas 136368 32 136400 156823 36 156858 1.15 1.12 1.15
3 Barddhaman 98198 945 99143 111946 1143 113089 1.14 1.21 1.14
4 Murshidabad 65364 62 65426 75168 76 75244 1.15 1.23 1.15
5 Paschim Medinipur 44719 16 44735 51874 19 51893 1.16 1.18 1.16
6 Hugli 160868 18 160886 180172 21 180193 1.12 1.14 1.12
7 Nadia 184056 203 184259 217186 254 217440 1.18 1.25 1.18
8 Purba Medinipur 316195 70 316265 354138 79 354218 1.12 1.13 1.12
9 Howrah 153345 56 153401 187081 62 187143 1.22 1.11 1.22
10 Kolkata 367624 80435 448059 444825 98131 542956 1.21 1.22 1.21
11 Maldah 69412 209 69621 79129 253 79382 1.14 1.21 1.14
12 Jalpaiguri 46351 226 46577 52376 273 52650 1.13 1.21 1.13
13 Bankura 73658 46 73704 89126 57 89183 1.21 1.24 1.21
14 Birbhum 163923 70 163993 195068 86 195154 1.19 1.23 1.19
15 Uttar Dinajpur 8686 9 8695 9729 11 9739 1.12 1.17 1.12
16 Puruliya 13214 18 13232 15064 22 15087 1.14 1.24 1.14
17 Cooch Behar 10589 71 10660 12919 87 13005 1.22 1.22 1.22
18 Darjeeling 64613 2589 67202 79474 2977 82451 1.23 1.15 1.23
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 9474 251 9725 10895 294 11189 1.15 1.17 1.15
Aug-14 Total 2097611 85347 2182958 - - - - - -

187 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C5 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (August 2014)

S. No. District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1 North 24 Parganas 162 23
2 South 24 Parganas 98 19
3 Barddhaman 204 23
4 Murshidabad 67 15
5 Paschim Medinipur 25 17
6 Hugli 40 52
7 Nadia 30 40
8 Purba Medinipur 585 19
9 Howrah 225 36
10 Kolkata 700 29
11 Maldah 30 34
12 Jalpaiguri 68 16
13 Bankura 40 23
14 Birbhum 213 15
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15 33
16 Puruliya 60 15
17 Cooch Behar 60 13
18 Darjeeling 412 18
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20 21
Total 3054 -

188 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C6: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (September 2014)

No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units

As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 136040 26 136066 132844 26 132870
2 South 24 Parganas 151356 39 151395 109627 37 109664
3 Barddhaman 93182 933 94115 80370 929 81299
4 Murshidabad 61306 59 61365 42956 58 43014
5 Paschim Medinipur 46166 12 46178 40892 12 40904
6 Hugli 114128 18 114146 110956 18 110974
7 Nadia 146928 206 147134 141563 203 141766
8 Purba Medinipur 302464 57 302521 78412 58 78470
9 Howrah 203800 70 203870 203255 65 203320
10 Kolkata 400228 86185 486413 433462 86081 519543
11 Maldah 52209 194 52403 50534 183 50717
12 Jalpaiguri 57964 220 58184 15595 211 15806
13 Bankura 66604 46 66650 63405 44 63449
14 Birbhum 174993 61 175054 143406 58 143464
15 Uttar Dinajpur 8877 0 8877 5492 0 5492
16 Puruliya 14289 21 14310 4475 16 4491
17 Cooch Behar 12878 72 12950 5637 72 5709
18 Darjeeling 146175 1856 148031 98518 1863 100381
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 9907 240 10147 9339 235 9574
Sep-14 Total 2199494 90315 2289809 1770738 90169 1860907

189 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C6 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (September 2014)

No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay

Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

S. No. District
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
1 North 24 Parganas 136040 26 136066 151004 29 151033 1.11 1.11 1.11
2 South 24 Parganas 151356 39 151395 174060 44 174104 1.15 1.12 1.15
3 Barddhaman 93182 933 94115 106228 1129 107357 1.14 1.21 1.14
4 Murshidabad 61306 59 61365 72341 73 72414 1.18 1.24 1.18
5 Paschim Medinipur 46166 12 46178 54938 14 54952 1.19 1.18 1.19
6 Hugli 114128 18 114146 130105 21 130126 1.14 1.14 1.14
7 Nadia 146928 206 147134 173375 258 173633 1.18 1.25 1.18
8 Purba Medinipur 302464 57 302521 338760 64 338824 1.12 1.13 1.12
9 Howrah 203800 70 203870 248636 78 248714 1.22 1.11 1.22
10 Kolkata 400228 86185 486413 484275 105146 589421 1.21 1.22 1.21
11 Maldah 52209 194 52403 60563 235 60798 1.16 1.21 1.16
12 Jalpaiguri 57964 220 58184 68977 266 69244 1.19 1.21 1.19
13 Bankura 66604 46 66650 80590 57 80648 1.21 1.24 1.21
14 Birbhum 174993 61 175054 208241 75 208316 1.19 1.23 1.19
15 Uttar Dinajpur 8877 0 8877 10119 0 10119 1.14 1.17 1.14
16 Puruliya 14289 21 14310 16289 26 16315 1.14 1.24 1.14
17 Cooch Behar 12878 72 12950 15711 88 15799 1.22 1.22 1.22
18 Darjeeling 146175 1856 148031 179796 2134 181930 1.23 1.15 1.23
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 9907 240 10147 11393 281 11674 1.15 1.17 1.15
Sep-14 Total 2199494 90315 2289809 - - - - - -

190 | P a g e
C6 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (September 2014)
S. No. District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 North 24 Parganas 200 27
2 South 24 Parganas 120 20
3 Barddhaman 240 21
4 Murshidabad 100 13
5 Paschim Medinipur 25 19
6 Hugli 40 51
7 Nadia 30 40
8 Purba Medinipur 585 19
9 Howrah 225 38
10 Kolkata 700 27
11 Maldah 30 34
12 Jalpaiguri 100 16
13 Bankura 40 22
14 Birbhum 213 15
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15 32
16 Puruliya 60 15
17 Cooch Behar 60 13
18 Darjeeling 420 18
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20 28
Total 3223 -

191 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C7: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation Units (October 2014)

No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units

As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 369795 28 369823 299924 28 299952
2 South 24 Parganas 292279 41 292320 176843 39 176882
3 Barddhaman 155273 1561 156834 131731 1555 133286
4 Murshidabad 107430 67 107497 61195 69 61264
5 Paschim Medinipur 77946 16 77962 58006 14 58020
6 Hugli 191241 25 191266 180978 22 181000
7 Nadia 215524 208 215732 188942 205 189147
8 Purba Medinipur 429071 59 429130 113634 55 113689
9 Howrah 289297 73 289370 246203 73 246276
10 Kolkata 585427 96054 681481 378315 95969 474284
11 Maldah 49539 216 49755 44064 215 44279
12 Jalpaiguri 80647 227 80874 22738 223 22961
13 Bankura 53685 57 53742 49981 58 50039
14 Birbhum 232153 65 232218 181084 61 181145
15 Uttar Dinajpur 13283 6 13289 11092 6 11098
16 Puruliya 17395 17 17412 5550 15 5565
17 Cooch Behar 18528 84 18612 9001 79 9080
18 Darjeeling 214276 4276 218552 164532 4268 168800
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 15029 257 15286 14412 252 14664
Oct-14 Total 3407819 103337 3511156 2338225 103206 2441431

192 | P a g e
C7 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (October 2014)

No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay

Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

S. No. District
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
1 North 24 Parganas 369795 28 369823 410472 31 410503 1.11 1.11 1.11
2 South 24 Parganas 292279 41 292320 327353 46 327399 1.12 1.12 1.12
3 Barddhaman 155273 1561 156834 172354 1842 174196 1.11 1.18 1.12
4 Murshidabad 107430 67 107497 129991 83 130074 1.21 1.24 1.21
5 Medinipur 77946 16 77962 96653 19 96672 1.24 1.18 1.24
6 Hugli 191241 25 191266 223752 29 223780 1.17 1.14 1.17
7 Nadia 215524 208 215732 254318 260 254578 1.18 1.25 1.19
8 Purba Medinipur 429071 59 429130 480559 67 480626 1.12 1.13 1.12
9 Howrah 289297 73 289370 326906 81 326987 1.13 1.11 1.13
10 Kolkata 585427 96054 681481 643970 112383 756353 1.1 1.17 1.17
11 Maldah 49539 216 49755 59942 264 60206 1.21 1.22 1.22
12 Jalpaiguri 80647 227 80874 95970 275 96244 1.19 1.21 1.2
13 Bankura 53685 57 53742 64959 69 65028 1.21 1.21 1.21
14 Birbhum 232153 65 232218 260011 80 260091 1.12 1.23 1.12
15 Uttar Dinajpur 13283 6 13289 15408 7 15415 1.16 1.17 1.16
16 Puruliya 17395 17 17412 20526 21 20547 1.18 1.24 1.18
17 Cooch Behar 18528 84 18612 22604 102 22706 1.22 1.22 1.22
18 Darjeeling 214276 4276 218552 242131 4789 246920 1.13 1.12 1.14
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 15029 257 15286 17283 301 17584 1.15 1.17 1.17
Oct-14 Total 3407819 103337 3511156 - - - - - -

193 | P a g e
C7 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (October 2014)
S. No. District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 North 24 Parganas 200 28
2 South 24 Parganas 160 21
3 Barddhaman 240 22
4 Murshidabad 100 15
5 Paschim Medinipur 25 20
6 Hugli 40 52
7 Nadia 30 42
8 Purba Medinipur 585 19
9 Howrah 225 41
10 Kolkata 1800 30
11 Maldah 30 34
12 Jalpaiguri 100 16
13 Bankura 40 25
14 Birbhum 225 15
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15 32
16 Puruliya 60 15
17 Cooch Behar 60 13
18 Darjeeling 450 16
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20 27
Total 4405 -

194 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C8: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (November 2014)

No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units

As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 375097 32 375129 364983 29 365012
2 South 24 Parganas 289979 39 290018 194760 42 194802
3 Barddhaman 143955 1425 145380 139430 1420 140850
4 Murshidabad 77531 65 77596 48085 64 48149
5 Paschim Medinipur 56827 12 56839 44578 14 44592
6 Hugli 193887 28 193915 198959 24 198983
7 Nadia 255063 210 255273 242288 216 242504
8 Purba Medinipur 517839 58 517897 150017 58 150075
9 Howrah 274714 65 274779 136492 61 136553
10 Kolkata 512472 110653 623125 325860 110806 436666
11 Maldah 46063 185 46248 50425 156 50581
12 Jalpaiguri 75938 211 76149 21301 201 21502
13 Bankura 39526 44 39570 37398 45 37443
14 Birbhum 287854 58 287912 141428 53 141481
15 Uttar Dinajpur 11582 9 11591 9995 9 10004
16 Puruliya 14770 16 14786 6083 18 6101
17 Cooch Behar 21262 72 21334 9004 67 9071
18 Darjeeling 182527 2869 185396 86428 2885 89313
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 13073 238 13311 12467 217 12684
Nov-14 Total 3389957 116289 3506246 2219981 116385 2336366

195 | P a g e
C8 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (November 2014)

No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay

Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

S. No. District
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
North 24
1 Parganas 375097 32 375129 416357 36 416393 1.11 1.11 1.11
South 24
2 Parganas 289979 39 290018 324776 44 324820 1.12 1.12 1.12
3 Barddhaman 143955 1425 145380 159790 1596 161386 1.11 1.12 1.11
4 Murshidabad 77531 65 77596 86060 74 86134 1.11 1.14 1.11
5 Medinipur 56827 12 56839 64783 14 64796 1.14 1.15 1.14
6 Hugli 193887 28 193915 217153 32 217185 1.12 1.14 1.12
7 Nadia 255063 210 255273 290772 235 291007 1.14 1.12 1.14
8 Purba Medinipur 517839 58 517897 579979 66 580045 1.12 1.13 1.12
9 Howrah 274714 65 274779 310426 72 310499 1.13 1.11 1.13
10 Kolkata 512472 110653 623125 584219 129464 713683 1.14 1.17 1.14
11 Maldah 46063 185 46248 52051 207 52258 1.13 1.12 1.13
12 Jalpaiguri 75938 211 76149 87329 234 87563 1.15 1.11 1.15
13 Bankura 39526 44 39570 45455 50 45505 1.15 1.13 1.15
14 Birbhum 287854 58 287912 322397 66 322462 1.12 1.13 1.12
15 Uttar Dinajpur 11582 9 11591 13435 11 13445 1.16 1.17 1.16
16 Puruliya 14770 16 14786 16690 18 16708 1.13 1.14 1.13
17 Cooch Behar 21262 72 21334 24664 81 24744 1.16 1.12 1.16
18 Darjeeling 182527 2869 185396 206256 3213 209469 1.13 1.12 1.13
19 Dinajpur 13073 238 13311 15034 269 15303 1.15 1.13 1.15
Nov-14 Total 3389957 116289 3506246 - - - - - -

196 | P a g e
C8 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (November 2014)
S. No. District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 North 24 Parganas 200 28
2 South 24 Parganas 160 18
3 Barddhaman 240 20
4 Murshidabad 100 15
5 Paschim Medinipur 25 18
6 Hugli 40 54
7 Nadia 30 40
8 Purba Medinipur 615 18
9 Howrah 225 45
10 Kolkata 2218 25
11 Maldah 30 30
12 Jalpaiguri 100 15
13 Bankura 40 23
14 Birbhum 350 16
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15 29
16 Puruliya 60 14
17 Cooch Behar 60 13
18 Darjeeling 525 18
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20 26
Total 5053 -

197 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C9: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (December 2014)
No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units
As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 448857 41 448898 384927 35 384962
2 South 24 Parganas 328313 39 328352 257242 48 257290
3 Barddhaman 161492 1539 163031 149667 1524 151191
4 Murshidabad 186761 64 186825 123747 69 123816
5 Paschim Medinipur 69334 25 69359 60559 21 60580
6 Hugli 235023 22 235045 222995 24 223019
7 Nadia 302685 215 302900 293497 195 293692
8 Purba Medinipur 453905 65 453970 98000 65 98065
9 Howrah 263901 75 263976 237551 66 237617
10 Kolkata 595888 116032 711920 357559 116391 473950
11 Maldah 78882 213 79095 77445 170 77615
12 Jalpaiguri 69648 234 69882 20494 210 20704
13 Bankura 74727 53 74780 77730 45 77775
14 Birbhum 279649 75 279724 136475 64 136539
15 Uttar Dinajpur 12999 10 13009 10263 10 10273
16 Puruliya 13948 30 13978 4754 23 4777
17 Cooch Behar 19975 87 20062 7374 72 7446
18 Darjeeling 198226 3076 201302 103817 3026 106843
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 13699 258 13957 13357 228 13585
Dec-14 Total 3807912 122153 3930065 2637452 122286 2759738

198 | P a g e
C9 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (December 2014)

No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay

Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

S. No. District
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
North 24
1 Parganas 448857 41 448898 498231 46 498277 1.11 1.11 1.11
South 24
2 Parganas 328313 39 328352 367711 44 367754 1.12 1.12 1.12
3 Barddhaman 161492 1539 163031 179256 1724 180980 1.11 1.12 1.11
4 Murshidabad 186761 64 186825 207305 73 207378 1.11 1.14 1.11
5 Medinipur 69334 25 69359 79040 29 79069 1.14 1.15 1.14
6 Hugli 235023 22 235045 263225 25 263250 1.12 1.14 1.12
7 Nadia 302685 215 302900 345061 241 345302 1.14 1.12 1.14
8 Purba Medinipur 453905 65 453970 508373 73 508447 1.12 1.13 1.12
9 Howrah 263901 75 263976 298208 83 298291 1.13 1.11 1.13
10 Kolkata 595888 116032 711920 679312 135757 815069 1.14 1.17 1.14
11 Maldah 78882 213 79095 89136 239 89375 1.13 1.12 1.13
12 Jalpaiguri 69648 234 69882 80095 260 80355 1.15 1.11 1.15
13 Bankura 74727 53 74780 85937 60 85996 1.15 1.13 1.15
14 Birbhum 279649 75 279724 313207 85 313291 1.12 1.13 1.12
15 Uttar Dinajpur 12999 10 13009 15079 12 15091 1.16 1.17 1.16
16 Puruliya 13948 30 13978 15761 34 15796 1.13 1.14 1.13
17 Cooch Behar 19975 87 20062 23171 97 23268 1.16 1.12 1.16
18 Darjeeling 198226 3076 201302 223996 3445 227441 1.13 1.12 1.13
19 Dinajpur 13699 258 13957 15754 292 16046 1.15 1.13 1.15
Dec-14 Total 3807912 122153 3930065 - - - - - -

199 | P a g e
C9 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (December 2014)

S. No. District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 North 24 Parganas 200 30
2 South 24 Parganas 160 16
3 Barddhaman 240 21
4 Murshidabad 100 15
5 Paschim Medinipur 25 20
6 Hugli 40 55
7 Nadia 30 41
8 Purba Medinipur 700 19
9 Howrah 225 43
10 Kolkata 3172 20
11 Maldah 30 36
12 Jalpaiguri 100 15
13 Bankura 40 23
14 Birbhum 350 16
15 Uttar Dinajpur 15 29
16 Puruliya 60 14
17 Cooch Behar 60 13
18 Darjeeling 525 16
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20 27
Total 6092 -

200 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C10: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (January 2015)

No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units

As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 447640 52 447692 376003 46 376049
2 South 24 Parganas 713257 49 713306 489540 49 489589
3 Barddhaman 157050 2531 159581 153039 2519 155558
4 Murshidabad 129099 71 129170 81619 71 81690
5 Paschim Medinipur 40310 24 40334 35432 23 35455
6 Hugli 220219 33 220252 209200 29 209229
7 Nadia 228164 234 228398 209051 228 209279
8 Purba Medinipur 430208 75 430283 82287 73 82360
9 Howrah 216335 85 216420 175081 79 175160
10 Kolkata 549036 99953 648989 325543 99931 425474
11 Maldah 55394 198 55592 50499 198 50697
12 Jalpaiguri 66697 224 66921 21134 224 21358
13 Bankura 32225 58 32283 29986 50 30036
14 Birbhum 353768 66 353834 159737 66 159803
15 Uttar Dinajpur 16023 18 16041 12971 18 12989
16 Puruliya 14993 37 15030 4781 30 4811
17 Cooch Behar 19072 83 19155 6331 83 6414
18 Darjeeling 92591 4760 97351 46287 4746 51033
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 14045 238 14283 13062 238 13300
Jan-15 Total 3796129 108789 3904918 2481583 108701 2590284

201 | P a g e
C10 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (January 2015)

No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay

Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

S. No. District
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
1 North 24 Parganas 447640 52 447692 496881 58 496938 1.11 1.11 1.11
2 South 24 Parganas 713257 49 713306 798848 55 798903 1.12 1.12 1.12
3 Barddhaman 157050 2531 159581 174326 2835 177160 1.11 1.12 1.11
4 Murshidabad 129099 71 129170 143300 80 143380 1.11 1.12 1.11
5 Paschim Medinipur 40310 24 40334 45953 27 45981 1.14 1.14 1.14
6 Hugli 220219 33 220252 246646 37 246683 1.12 1.13 1.12
7 Nadia 228164 234 228398 260106 262 260369 1.14 1.12 1.14
8 Purba Medinipur 430208 75 430283 481833 85 481918 1.12 1.13 1.12
9 Howrah 216335 85 216420 244459 94 244553 1.13 1.11 1.13
10 Kolkata 549036 99953 648989 625901 114946 740847 1.14 1.15 1.14
11 Maldah 55394 198 55592 62595 222 62817 1.13 1.12 1.13
12 Jalpaiguri 66697 224 66921 76702 249 76951 1.15 1.11 1.15
13 Bankura 32225 58 32283 37059 66 37125 1.15 1.13 1.15
14 Birbhum 353768 66 353834 396220 75 396294 1.12 1.13 1.12
15 Uttar Dinajpur 16023 18 16041 18587 21 18608 1.16 1.17 1.16
16 Puruliya 14993 37 15030 16942 42 16985 1.13 1.14 1.13
17 Cooch Behar 19072 83 19155 22124 93 22217 1.16 1.12 1.16
18 Darjeeling 92591 4760 97351 104628 5331 109959 1.13 1.12 1.13
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 14045 238 14283 16152 269 16421 1.15 1.13 1.15
Jan-15 Total 3796129 108789 3904918 - - - - - -

202 | P a g e
C10 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (January 2015)

District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate

(1) (2) (3)
North 24 Parganas 200 28
South 24 Parganas 160 16
Barddhaman 240 20
Murshidabad 100 15
Paschim Medinipur 25 19
Hugli 40 54
Nadia 30 41
Purba Medinipur 700 19
Howrah 225 44
Kolkata 3317 18
Maldah 30 35
Jalpaiguri 100 16
Bankura 40 25
Birbhum 350 17
Uttar Dinajpur 15 28
Puruliya 60 15
Cooch Behar 60 14
Darjeeling 600 15
Dakshin Dinajpur 20 28
Total 6312 -

203 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C11: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (February 2015)

No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units

As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 405031 47 405078 388039 43 388082
2 South 24 Parganas 313501 49 313550 210302 45 210347
3 Barddhaman 184076 2313 186389 157009 2273 159282
4 Murshidabad 167211 74 167285 95482 63 95545
5 Paschim Medinipur 55862 23 55885 37804 21 37825
6 Hugli 213271 61 213332 201552 41 201593
7 Nadia 219226 237 219463 206261 211 206472
8 Purba Medinipur 459123 73 459196 116006 66 116072
9 Howrah 204570 114 204684 170685 92 170777
10 Kolkata 605664 89145 694809 255823 89081 344904
11 Maldah 70182 195 70377 58203 178 58381
12 Jalpaiguri 106290 214 106504 35319 199 35518
13 Bankura 66533 50 66583 55687 47 55734
14 Birbhum 315205 69 315274 146028 65 146093
15 Uttar Dinajpur 23503 18 23521 17722 16 17738
16 Puruliya 19168 30 19198 6146 27 6173
17 Cooch Behar 24082 83 24165 7571 76 7647
18 Darjeeling 149170 4194 153364 71712 4189 75901
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 18859 224 19083 17549 214 17763
Feb-15 Total 3620528 97213 3717741 2254898 96947 2351845

204 | P a g e
C11 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (February 2015)

No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay

Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

S. No. District
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
1 North 24 Parganas 405031 47 405078 449585 52 449637 1.11 1.11 1.11
2 South 24 Parganas 313501 49 313550 351121 55 351176 1.12 1.12 1.12
3 Barddhaman 184076 2313 186389 204325 2591 206915 1.11 1.12 1.11
4 Murshidabad 167211 74 167285 185605 83 185688 1.11 1.12 1.11
5 Paschim Medinipur 55862 23 55885 63683 26 63709 1.14 1.14 1.14
6 Hugli 213271 61 213332 238864 69 238933 1.12 1.13 1.12
7 Nadia 219226 237 219463 249917 265 250183 1.14 1.12 1.14
8 Purba Medinipur 459123 73 459196 514218 82 514300 1.12 1.13 1.12
9 Howrah 204570 114 204684 231164 127 231290 1.13 1.11 1.13
10 Kolkata 605664 89145 694809 690457 102517 792974 1.14 1.15 1.14
11 Maldah 70182 195 70377 79305 218 79524 1.13 1.12 1.13
12 Jalpaiguri 106290 214 106504 122233 238 122471 1.15 1.11 1.15
13 Bankura 66533 50 66583 76513 57 76570 1.15 1.13 1.15
14 Birbhum 315205 69 315274 353029 78 353107 1.12 1.13 1.12
15 Uttar Dinajpur 23503 18 23521 27264 21 27285 1.16 1.17 1.16
16 Puruliya 19168 30 19198 21659 34 21694 1.13 1.14 1.13
17 Cooch Behar 24082 83 24165 27935 93 28028 1.16 1.12 1.16
18 Darjeeling 149170 4194 153364 168562 4697 173259 1.13 1.12 1.13
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 18859 224 19083 21688 253 21941 1.15 1.13 1.15
Feb-15 Total 3620528 97213 3717741 - - - - - -

205 | P a g e
C11 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (February 2015)

District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate

(1) (2) (3)
North 24 Parganas 200 23
South 24 Parganas 160 15
Barddhaman 240 21
Murshidabad 100 15
Paschim Medinipur 25 22
Hugli 40 52
Nadia 30 38
Purba Medinipur 700 13
Howrah 225 41
Kolkata 4000 19
Maldah 30 35
Jalpaiguri 100 14
Bankura 40 26
Birbhum 350 15
Uttar Dinajpur 15 28
Puruliya 60 13
Cooch Behar 60 14
Darjeeling 600 15
Dakshin Dinajpur 20 26
Total 6995 -

206 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

C12: District wise number of Domestic and Foreign tourists staying at Accommodation units (March 2015)

No. of persons staying at Accommodation Units

As per survey of accommodation units As per surveys at destinations and exit points

S. No. District Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
1 North 24 Parganas 408894 46 408940 351379 46 351425
2 South 24 Parganas 287846 50 287896 170160 48 170208
3 Barddhaman 159321 2403 161724 130484 2395 132879
4 Murshidabad 168295 69 168364 84751 66 84817
5 Paschim Medinipur 60366 27 60393 43576 22 43598
6 Hugli 320164 43 320207 286540 43 286583
7 Nadia 324467 226 324693 294999 222 295221
8 Purba Medinipur 504204 75 504279 104620 69 104689
9 Howrah 138130 98 138228 114047 97 114144
10 Kolkata 643301 93854 737155 236904 93849 330753
11 Maldah 60768 194 60962 52313 188 52501
12 Jalpaiguri 97411 216 97627 26682 210 26892
13 Bankura 48203 53 48256 38936 50 38986
14 Birbhum 260020 75 260095 108529 69 108598
15 Uttar Dinajpur 19742 17 19759 15102 17 15119
16 Puruliya 17294 32 17326 4298 28 4326
17 Cooch Behar 22187 87 22274 6212 80 6292
18 Darjeeling 206223 4423 210646 88190 4413 92603
19 Dakshin Dinajpur 20456 232 20688 17203 225 17428
Mar-15 Total 3767292 102220 3869512 2174926 102137 2277063

207 | P a g e
C12 (a): District wise number of tourists, bed nights spent and average duration of stay (March 2015)

No. of Guests checked-in No. of bed nights spent Average duration of Stay

Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total Indians Foreigners Total

S. No. District
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
North 24
1 Parganas 408894 46 408940 453873 51 453924 1.11 1.11 1.11
South 24
2 Parganas 287846 50 287896 322388 56 322444 1.12 1.12 1.12
3 Barddhaman 159321 2403 161724 176846 2691 179537 1.11 1.12 1.11
4 Murshidabad 168295 69 168364 186807 77 186885 1.11 1.12 1.11
5 Medinipur 60366 27 60393 68817 31 68848 1.14 1.14 1.14
6 Hugli 320164 43 320207 358583 49 358632 1.12 1.13 1.12
7 Nadia 324467 226 324693 369893 253 370146 1.14 1.12 1.14
8 Purba Medinipur 504204 75 504279 564708 85 564793 1.12 1.13 1.12
9 Howrah 138130 98 138228 156086 109 156195 1.13 1.11 1.13
10 Kolkata 643301 93854 737155 733363 107932 841295 1.14 1.15 1.14
11 Maldah 60768 194 60962 68668 217 68886 1.13 1.12 1.13
12 Jalpaiguri 97411 216 97627 112023 240 112262 1.15 1.11 1.15
13 Bankura 48203 53 48256 55434 60 55494 1.15 1.13 1.15
14 Birbhum 260020 75 260095 291222 85 291307 1.12 1.13 1.12
15 Uttar Dinajpur 19742 17 19759 22901 20 22921 1.16 1.17 1.16
16 Puruliya 17294 32 17326 19542 36 19578 1.13 1.14 1.13
17 Cooch Behar 22187 87 22274 25737 97 25834 1.16 1.12 1.16
18 Darjeeling 206223 4423 210646 233032 4954 237986 1.13 1.12 1.13
19 Dinajpur 20456 232 20688 23525 262 23787 1.15 1.13 1.15
Mar-15 Total 3767292 102220 3869512 - - - - - -

208 | P a g e
C12 (b): District wise Occupancy Rate of Accommodation units (March 2015)

District No. of Accommodation units Occupancy Rate

(1) (2) (3)
North 24 Parganas 200 21
South 24 Parganas 160 14
Barddhaman 240 18
Murshidabad 100 14
Paschim Medinipur 25 17
Hugli 40 45
Nadia 30 34
Purba Medinipur 700 13
Howrah 225 37
Kolkata 4000 18
Maldah 30 29
Jalpaiguri 100 14
Bankura 40 24
Birbhum 350 14
Uttar Dinajpur 15 23
Puruliya 60 14
Cooch Behar 60 13
Darjeeling 600 14
Dakshin Dinajpur 20 24
Total 6995 -

209 | P a g e
Appendix D: Methodology

I. Introduction

Ministry of Tourism compiles data on domestic and foreign tourist visits in States/ UTs based on
the information received from the State/ UT Governments. Such information at State/ UT level is
generally collected by State Tourism Departments on the basis of administrative records and
returns. In many cases, the information supplied does not cover the same-day visitors, visitors
staying with friends and relatives, etc. Doubts have been also expressed by experts about the
reliability of the data on domestic and foreign tourist visits released every year.

A need was felt to prepare a standard methodology for estimation of number of visitors at district
level which can be used by the State/ UT Governments. This methodology should enable the
compilation of such data on monthly basis. In the absence of reliable state level data, the
methodology would necessarily have to include large scale survey. However, the methodology
should also help in preparation of estimates of number of visitors, for some years after the base
line survey, mainly based on the information to be collected from the accommodation units,
without resorting to regular large scale survey.

Keeping these requirements in view, a methodology has been prepared which was initially used in
the tourism surveys commissioned by the Ministry of Tourism in 5 states namely, Andhra
Pradesh, Delhi, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Punjab. Now the same methodology, with some
improvements, is being used in commissioning tourism surveys in the States of Andaman &
Nicobar, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura & West Bengal. The details of the methodology are given
in the subsequent paragraphs.

II. Definitions

The definitions of various terms to be used in the survey are given below.

Usual place of Residence:

The usual place of residence of a person is the village/ town where the person has been staying
continuously for at least 6 months prior to the date of the survey.

Usual Environment:

The usual environment refers to the geographical boundaries within which a person moves within
his/ her regular routine of life.

210 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal


A trip refers to the travel by a person from the time of departure from his usual environment until
he/ she returns. It, thus, refers to a round trip. A trip may be made up of visits to different places.


A visitor is a traveller taking a trip to a main destination outside his/ her usual environment for
any main purpose (business, leisure or other personal purpose) other than to be employed at the
place visited.


A visitor is classified as a tourist if his/ her trip includes an overnight stay. A tourist is also
referred to as an overnight visitor.

Same-day visitor:

A visitor is classified as a same-day visitor if his/ her trip does not include an overnight stay. A
same-day visitor is also referred to as an excursionist.


The same-day visitors at a tourist destination for whom the tourism destination is part of
their usual environment, are not considered same-day visitors for the purpose of this survey.

Foreign Visitor:

A visitor having a foreign passport will be treated as a foreign visitor. Even a Non-Resident
Indian (NRI) will be treated as a foreign visitor. NRIs have Indian passports but may be living, or
are likely to live, in other countries for 6 months or more.

211 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

Domestic Visitor:

A visitor who is a resident Indian, will be treated as a domestic visitor.

Tourist Destination:

The tourist destinations would generally be as defined by the State in terms of geographical area
and tourist interest. A tourist destination should be a clearly identified area/ location. A tourist
location could be a ticketed closed area, non-ticketed closed area, or an open area without clearly
specified boundaries. It may be a location maintained by Central Govt., State Govt., local body or
any other organization, including those run by the private sector. A tourist location may consist of
more than one tourist spots. However, the following norms should be adhered to for identifying
a tourist location as a tourist destination:

(i) Each ticketed tourist location will be considered as one tourist destination irrespective of the
number of tourist spots at that location covered under the common ticket.

(ii) If there are 2 or more tourist spots within close proximity which are not ticketed, the location
would be considered to be a single destination if a visitor usually visits most or all the spots in the
same visit.


Definition of the town will be same as that used in 2001 Population Census of India.

Entry/Exit Point:

Entry/Exit Point of a District would be generally include all types of entry/ exit points such as
airports, railway stations, inter district bus terminals, etc. through which the visitors generally
enter or exit from the district.

212 | P a g e
Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Annual Report West Bengal

III. Objective

The field survey in a State will be conducted for a period of 12 months in all districts of the
State. The survey will be used to obtain the following month-wise information for each district:

a. Estimated number of visits

(i) Visits by overnight visitors- staying at accommodation units;

- staying with friends and relatives

- others, such as those staying in tented accommodations provided by State Govt.

or by any other charitable organizations, etc. (ii) Visits by same-day visitors

b. Profile of visitors, their expenditure pattern, purpose of visits, etc.

c. Occupancy rates and direct employment in accommodation units.

IV. Approach

To meet the objectives, first the tourist destinations have to be identified before the start of the
survey. Two possible variable studied for identification of the tourist destination were- number of
tourists and number of accommodation units. However, interaction of the consultant with the state
authority revealed that past data on number of tourists at various destinations are generally not
available. Similarly, the analysis of the unit level data of Economic Census 2005 revealed that
data on number of hotels below the district level are not available. Therefore, first towns
important from tourist angle have to be identified. All the tourist destinations in the identified
towns will be covered in the survey. In the identified towns two types of survey, namely Survey at
tourist destination and Survey of Accommodation units will be done. The survey of tourist
destination will broadly provide the estimate of tourists for leisure purpose, however, the purpose
of the survey is to have an estimate of tourists for all type of purposes such as visiting friends and
relatives, business, etc. Similarly, the Survey at tourist destination and at Accommodation unit
will not provide information about the visitors staying with friends and relatives and in
accommodation units but not visiting any tourist destination as well as same day visitors not
visiting any tourist destinations. To get these information, survey at important Entry/Exit Points

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of the district will be also conducted. The ratio obtained from this exit survey will be used to find
out the estimate of tourist for non-leisure purposes. However, this adjustment will be done only at
district level.

The district level estimates will be worked out by adding the leisure tourists at all the towns
covered in the survey. The estimate of non-leisure tourists will be worked out from the data of
exit survey and added to the estimate of leisure tourists to find out the district level estimate of
visitors. The state level estimate of visitors (tourists and same day visitors) will be worked out by
adding the district level estimates of visitors.

V. Methodology

The methodology envisages three stage sampling. The first stage units will be the towns important
from tourism perspective, the second stage units will be the tourist destinations in the selected
town or linked to the selected town, and the visitors within a tourist destination will constitute the
third stage units. The procedure for selection of first, second and third stage units are given

(i) Selection of Towns important for Tourism

In the absence of reliable information about the number of tourists or accommodation units at
tourist destination, towns which are important from tourism perspective, will be identified in each
district in consultation with the State Government. Apart from such towns, the towns which cater
to the accommodation needs of visitors to important tourist destinations located in non-urban
areas will also be identified. For the latter cases, only one – the most important – town will be
identified with one tourist destination.

(ii) Selection of Tourist Destinations in the Selected Town

If the number of tourist destinations in a selected town is 5 or less then all the destinations will be
covered in the survey. In case the number of tourist destinations in a selected town is more than 5,
then the total number of destinations has to be more than 5, exact number will be decided in
consultation with State Government.

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(iii) Selection of Visitors at a Tourist Destination for brief profiling

(a) Sample size of visitors at district level

The sample is required for estimating the number of visitors at district level from the data
collected at destination/spot level. Statistically, the sample size may be obtained from the
following expression, n = Z21-α/2 p(1-p)/d2

where p= anticipated proportion to be estimated

100(1- α /2)% is the confidence level and

d=absolute precision required on either side in the proportion in percentage points

(a) Statistically, we require a sample size of about 400 respondents (384 to be exact) to get
estimate of a parameter with a precision of 5% points and 95% level of confidence. As
the data is required on monthly basis this sample size is required on a monthly basis. For
the proposed survey, however, the sample size will be 600 per month. If in certain
months these numbers are not available, the shortfall should be covered in next month. If
a particular district is not important from tourism perspective and the sample size of 600
tourists is not likely to be available for the survey, then some portion of this sample size
will be allocated to other districts having larger no. of tourists. This redistribution must
be done in consultation with MOT after 2 months of the launch of the survey.

(b) At State level, the sample size of 600 x no. of Districts for the survey at Tourist
Destinations has to be maintained.

(iv) Distribution of Sample Size in Towns and at Tourist Destinations

(a) Distribution of sample size amongst selected towns in a district: The district sample size
of 600 visitors will be distributed among the selected towns in proportion to the 2001
Census population of these towns. In a few cases, it may so happen that the town
population is small but it attracts a large number of visitors. In such cases, some
reallocation of sample size among towns may be required.

(b) Distribution of sample size among tourist destinations in a selected town: If there are more
than one tourist destinations in a selected town, the sample size allocated for the town will be
equally distributed among the tourist destinations.
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(c) Selection of days for survey of visitors in different months:

The survey will be conducted during all the 12 months of the year at each selected
destination. Information about important festivals, fairs, religious events at the selected
tourist destinations will be collected in advance for the 12-month period. In a particular
month at a particular destination, survey will be done during 2 weeks. In the first week,
first 3 days of the week will be covered, and in the second week last 4 days of the week
will be covered. For this purpose, first day of the month will be considered as the first
day of the week. The dates of survey at a tourist destination during the 12 months will be
as follows.

Month Weeks Days of weeks Dates of the month

First First and Third 1st week: 1-3 days 1,2,3,18,19,20,21

3rd week: 4-7 days

Second Second and Fourth 2nd week: 1-3 days 8,9,10, 25,26,27,28

Third First and Fourth th week:

14st week: 1-3
days 1,2,3,25,26,27,28

Fourth Second and Third th week:

24nd week:4-7
days 8,9,10,18,19,20,21

rd week: 4-7 days

Fifth First and Second 13st week: 1-3 days 1,2,3,11,12,13,14

Sixth Third and Fourth 23nd

rd week:
week: 1-3
4-7 days
days 15,16,17, 25,26,27,28

Seventh to Above pattern will be 4th week: 4-7 days

Twelve repeated

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The date and week on which important tourism event is scheduled to take place at the selected
tourist destination will be positively covered. If the important tourist event at the selected tourist
destination falls outside the selected week and dates, the nearest week/dates will be substituted by
the week/dates of the special event. The sample size allocated for each month should be captured.
However if at some districts shortfall in the sample size is found to be of serious nature the same
may be brought immediately to the notice of MOT for corrective action.

Generally, the Time Slots for the survey at a destination should be such that these cover the
varying visitor traffic pattern. For example at some religious places visitors visit the destination in
early morning and/ or late evening. Similarly fairs and festivals may draw large number of
visitors during late hours in the evening. T ime slots of the survey at each destination should be
devised in a manner so as to capture the variations in visitor inflow.

(e) Canvassing of schedules to the visitors for brief profile

The monthly sample size of visitors at a selected tourist destination should be distributed equally
on the 7 days of the survey work (in 2 weeks) at the destination. The services of 2 investigators
would be required on the selected days at a non- ticketed tourist destination. The first investigator
will basically count the number of visitors and second investigator will canvass the schedule to
seek the information about overnight/ same -day visitors, domestic/ foreign visitors, etc. At a
ticketed tourist destinations perhaps one investigator will be able to canvass the schedule because
counting of the visitors may not be required.

(v) Details of the Surveys

(A) Survey at Tourist Destinations

A survey of visitors at tourist destinations has to be done to obtain the following information:

(a) Total number of visits

i) Ticketed Destinations:- If the tourist destination is a ticketed destination with differential

pricing for domestic and foreign visitors, the data on number of foreign and domestic visits
separately during any day would be available from sale record of tickets. If the destination has

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common ticket for both domestic and foreign visitors, then an assessment of the distribution of
visits by domestic and foreign visitors would have to be made by counting the visitors at the entry
point(s). To capture the variation s in visitors’ number on different days of the week as well as at
different time periods of a day, this exercise would have to be carried out at different periods of
time of the day, and on different days of the week. Many destinations attract large number of
visitors during specific periods of the year, such as Kumbh Mela, Suraj Kund Mela, etc. Such
periods should be identified in advance, and the survey should cover such specific periods.

(ii) Non-Ticketed Destinations:- In such cases, the total number of visitors, during the day, along
with its break-up into domestic and foreign visitors, has to be assessed by counting the number of
such visitors at specified time slot at entry point (s). If there are more than one entry points to the
tourist destination, all should be covered by pre-specified rotation, for counting the number and
broad distribution. If there is no specific entry point, investigator will have to notionally designate
appropriate points as entry points based on the flow of visitors to such a destination.

(b) Brief Profile of Visitors

Break-up of number of visitors into overnight visitors staying at accommodation units, overnight
visitors staying with friends and relatives, other overnight visitors, and the same-day visitors,
separately for domestic and foreign visitors, has to be obtained. For this, a small questionnaire,
comprising 5 -6 questions, has to be canvassed. As getting this information is the prime objective
of the survey, the sample size should be adequate to provide the desired breakup of different type
of visits.

In para V(iii)(a), the desired sample size at district level has been worked out to be 400 visitors.
However, it has been decided that the number of visitors to be selected for this short profile
survey will be 600 per district per month.

(B) Survey of Accommodation Units

All the accommodation units (hotels, tourist lodges, dharamshalas, motels, Govt./ private
companies, guest houses, etc.) in the selected towns will be listed with the help of Municipal
Corporations or other competent authorities. If a tourist destination not located in the town is
linked to a non-urban tourist destination in terms of providing accommodation facilities to tourists
visiting that destination, the list of additional accommodation units located near such tourist
destinations will also be included in the list of accommodation units of the town.

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The accommodation units so listed will be grouped in the following categories:

(a) Classified hotels

(b) Other accommodation units-

I. Having more than 20 rooms

II. Having 10-20 rooms

II. Having less than 10 rooms

From all the selected accommodation units, the following 2 types of information will be collected:

(i) Particulars of the accommodation unit- Apart from the identification details, the information
would be collected on number of rooms, number of beds, total number of persons employed,
annual turnover, etc. This information would be collected initially, and thereafter updated every
quarter along with the updating of the list of accommodation units.

(ii) Information about overnight visitors- Based on the records available with the accommodation
units, information on number of guests checked-in, number of nights spent, whether domestic or
foreign, residency status of the tourists (within the state, within country, outside country), purpose
of their visit etc. would be collected. This information has to be collected every month for the
preceding month.

All the classified hotels would be covered for collecting both the information. For the remaining 3
categories of accommodation units, 10% of the units in each will be covered. These 10%
accommodation units will be selected by using circular systematic sampling method.

In metropolitan cities, list of all the accommodation units will have to be prepared for the survey

For collecting information about the number of visitors and their other details as well as
information about the accommodation units for a particular month, the selected accommodation
units will be visited in the 1st week of the succeeding month.

(C) Survey at Entry/Exit Points of the district

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The survey at the tourist destinations will not be able to capture the following categories of

(a) visitors staying with friends and relatives and not visiting any tourist destination;

(b) visitors staying in accommodation units but not visiting any tourist destination; (c) same
day visitors not visiting any tourist destination

For having an idea about the total number of visitors in the district, information about visitors
collected at tourist destinations has to be supplemented by information on the above categories of
visitors. Exit survey of the visitors at the major exit/ entry points of the district will provide
information about the above mentioned categories of visitors, as well as help in obtaining detailed
profile of the visitors. If the district has an exceptionally important destination drawing a large no.
of visitors, (such as Tirupati in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh) then such a destination
should be treated as a separate notional district and tourism survey activities (involving
destination survey, exit survey and accommodation survey) have to be planned and executed there
accordingly. Before the exit survey is started the exit points for each district have to be intimated
to the MOT. In view of the fact that the profile of the visitors is not likely to change over a short
time interval, profile of visitors will be generated only at district level on quarterly basis. The
requirement of the sample size for this exercise would also be less. It has been decided to conduct
the interviews of 400 visitors every quarter in each district for the exit survey. Ideally the sample
size should be equally distributed among domestic and foreign visitors however, in places where
foreign visitors, are not available throughout the month the sample size allocated for them should
be allocated to domestic visitors.

As the information collected in the exit survey is to be used for estimating the number of non-
leisure visitors in the district, the exit survey will be conducted only in the first month of the
quarter so that its result can be used for the three months of the quarter. All the four weeks as well
as the days (week days and weekends) in a month should be covered on representative basis.

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During the 1st Quarter the distribution of sample size should be as follows:
Exit Weeks Days Dates of the month Sample Size
1 1st week 1-3 1,2,3 50
2 2nd week 4-7 11, 12, 13, 14 50
3 3rd week 1-3 15, 16, 17 50
4 4th week 4-7 25, 26, 27, 28 50

The remaining sample of 200 should be distributed accordingly based on the secondary
information about the flow of travelers’ traffic.

For the remaining 3 quarters the sample size should be reallocated among the week days as per
the experience of daily tourist flow in the 1st quarter.

The sample size allocated for each quarter should be captured. However if at some districts
shortfall in the sample size is found to be of serious nature the same may be brought immediately
to the notice of MOT for corrective action.

Consultant cannot reduce the sample size on their own.

Conduct of exit survey should be avoided during periods when some part of the district attracts
disproportionately large number of visitors, such as periods of fairs, festivals or events of
religious or business importance.

As the monthly data of visitors will be required by the State/ UT Governments in future also the
outcome of this survey will be utilized in the following manner by the State/ UT Governments.

(a) States currently being covered in the survey:

The list of accommodation units in the selected tourist destinations in these States/UTs compiled
by the consultant will be made available to the State/ UT Governments. After the completion of

the survey, State/ UT Governments may update this list on a regular basis. The information about
distribution of various categories of visitors obtained from the current survey will be
appropriately combined with the information on number of visitors staying in accommodation
units to estimate total number of visitors in the district in subsequent periods.

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(b) States/ UTs not being covered in the survey:

The baseline survey of the type described in this note may have to be conducted in other States
and the suggested methodology would be used to prepare the monthly estimates of visitors.


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Appendix E: List of Destinations

S. No. District Name Destination Name

1 Barrackpur
2 Basirhat
1 North 24 Parganas 3 Taki
4 Machranga Dwip
5 Chandraketugarh
1 Diamond Harbour & Falta
2 Bakkhali
3 Frezarganj
2 South 24 Parganas 4 Gangasagar
5 Kakdwip
6 Sundarban
7 Canning
1 Bishnupur
2 Mukutmonipur
3 Susunia Hill
3 Bankura
4 Madan Mohan Temple
5 Bihari Nath Hill
6 Malleshwar Temple
1 Shantiniketan
2 Kankalitala
3 Tarapith
4 Birbhum
4 Nalhati
5 Bakreshwar
6 Jaydev-kenduli
1 Raj bari
2 Kalna
3 Asansol
5 Burdwan
4 Durgapur
5 Maithan
6 Panchet dam
1 Cooch Behar Raj Bari
6 Coochbehar 2 Madan Mohan Temple
3 Rasik Beel
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1 Balurghat
7 South Dinajpur 2 Bolla Kali Temple
3 Bangarh
8 North Dinajpur 1 Raiganj (Kulik)
1 Darjeeling
2 Karseong
3 Kalimpong
4 Mirik
5 Ghoom Monastery
9 Darjeeling 6 Tiger Hill
7 Padmaja Naidu
8 Himalaya Zoological Park
9 Rock Garden
10 Sandhakphu & Phalut
11 Siliguri
1 Chinsurah
2 Chandannagar
3 Tarakeshwar
10 Hoogly 4 Kamarpukur
5 Bandel church
6 Pandua
7 Antpur
1 Howrah
2 Gadiara
11 Howrah 3 Belur math
4 Botanical Garden
5 Garhchumuk
1 Buxa Tiger Reserve
2 Garumara Wildlife Sanctuary
3 Phulseling
4 Suntali Khola
12 Jalpaiguri 5 Chapramari Forest
6 Jaldapara Forest
7 Bhutan Ghat
8 Rajabhatkhawa Jungle
9 Chilapara Forest

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10 Baneshwar Shib Mandir

11 Jayanti/Buxa Fort
1 Malda Town
2 Gour
13 Malda
3 Pandua

1 Hazarduari Palace/Madina
2 Nizamat Imambara
3 Katra Mosque
14 Murshidabad
4 Chak Darwaza/Dakshin Darwaza
5 Ghari Ghar
6 Berhampore
1 Plassey
2 Krishnanagar
15 Nadia 3 Nabadwip
4 Mayapur
5 Shantipur
1 Jhargram
2 Belpahari
3 Kakrajhore
16 Paschim Medinipur
4 Hatibari
5 Parimal Kanan
6 Arabari Forest Range
1 Digha
2 Mandarmoni
3 Sankarpur
17 Purba Medinipur
4 Haldia
5 Junput
6 Tamluk
1 Ayodhya Hill
2 Duarsini
3 Gar Pachakot
18 Purulia
4 Deulghata
5 Boronti
6 Rekh Deul
19 Kolkata 1 Alipur zoo

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2 Kalighat/Nirmal Hriday
3 Victoria Memorial
4 Indian Museum
5 Jora Sako Thakur Bari
6 Birla Planetorial
7 Marbel Palace
8 Sova Bazar Baj Bari
9 Kumartuli
10 Saint Pauls Cathedral

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