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US009381980B1 ay United States Patent (io) Patent No US 9,381,980 BI Rush, (4s) Date of Patent: Jul. 5, 2016 (64) SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR LAUNCHING 6.990919 81+ L206 Canaan tusais AND RETRIEVING OBJECTS IN AQUATIC 7am seo B2° 22006 Wings ta. 1a ENVIRONMENTS: PLATFORMS FOR otis canal AQUATIC LAUNCH AND RETRIEVAL. Thue BL S2uom Ane Jeotear BE thai Steph sa (71) Appticans: Oseangats ne, Woodie, WA (US) Teauis ba ‘62010 Dewees (Continued (72) Inventor; Richard Stockton Rush, III, Seattle, « » WAS) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subjetoany disclaimer, the trmothis Wo 2000024004 AL 43000 fulent extended or alse under 35 WO u1suraeo AL S2013 USC. 15406) by 0 days OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. Nos 141484663 ety Te “Me Ue ofa Dive Ope Launch, Recnery an Tnmspon RI veh or Option healers Pcs (22) Filed: Aug. 7, 2014 Intaonst Pca Scale Dvig, pp. 1-80: pare isconiondton og 1991. Related US, Application Data Primary Examiner — Benjamin Fiorello (60) Provisional application No. 6863848, Gedo Avg. (74) orn. gent or Firm — Ann W. Speckman 8.2013, 6 anstRacr Gh tne, Systems and maths for unching and erevng payloads eons (2006.01) ‘agai enonments xiphya lat tht eth at (2) Us.aL able and submersible a the iseretion of andor under the coe B63 3900 201301); B6IB 273600 osizol of a user, on which submersible objects 10 be (2013.01) jaunched, delivered to a subsea location andor retrieved (the (58) Feld of Classification Search pyle) maybe located. The platform i generally mance CPC som BOSC 1149; GSB 3510; OSB 3800 ered 0 4 dese stein bicyant, sting weal is See appicaton ile for sompete sear sory ater, with ihe pyload coupled othe plate, a he 4 desired site. One oF more baovant elements i coupled tthe (56) References Cited submersible pationm by cabl( lines, chains) or other USS, PATENT DOCUMENTS 3599133 A © 61971 Lowteca sos204 $5076 A 41996 eseiman ea Saas A tLe Gen s0s159 22h 66 Bi |S2001 Cook rar 8260908 BI* 72001 Mole nash 63521389 BI* 32002 Rint al 405 205 S508 BI S200 Alber coupling mechanisms, When the platfomn is submerge, the ‘ne or more floatabe element(s) remain ato in proximity 10 the sca surfice and support the platform in a submerged condition. The platform hasa rlavely lange mass and when submemed,actsas a dampener, while the buoyant clement(s) and associated Fine(syeablo(syeoupling mechanism(s) ct, ‘elative wo the submerged platiomn as classe spring. 20 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets US 9,381,980 BI Page 2 66) References Cited 231420 82 72012 Lande Ra71.396 B2 62019 Rovira US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 20120080M AL 22012 Xe 7978$06 BL 72001 Hayman, s6u7 S157208 B2AQ0L2 MeWhit * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Jul. 5, 2016 Sheet 1 of 4 US 9,381,980 BI FIG. 1 =k x com U.S. Patent Jul. 5, 2016 Sheet 2 of 4 US 9,381,980 BI FIG. 3A 2 u (Sx 28 a 25: 23- 2. U.S. Patent Jul. 5, 2016 Sheet 3 of 4 US 9,381,980 B1 FIG. 3B Se OC SE ae Ze . a an 8 wenn U.S. Patent Jul. 5, 2016 Sheet 4 of 4 US 9,381,980 BI FIG. 4 50 Sh US 9,381,980 BL 1 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR LAUNCHING ‘AND RETRIEVING OBJECTS IN AQUATIC ENVIRONMENTS: PLATFORMS FOR AQUATIC LAUNCH AND RETRIEVAL REFERENCE TO PRIORITY APPLICATION ‘This application claims priority to US. Provisional Patent Application No, 61/863.84, ied Aug, 8, 2013. The disclo- Sureof the priority patent application's incorporated herein in TECHNICAL F ‘LD OF THE DISCLOSURE Te present disclosure relates o systems and methods for Junching and retrieving objects in aquatic envionment, and ‘o platforms for accomplishing aquatic launches and retiv- als. The disclosure relates, more particularly to methods and systems for deploying and retrieving payloads suc as sub- rmersile vehicles, equipment, and the like, used for subsea operations. More particularly yet, this disclosure relates 10 ‘methods and systems that permit payloads tobe safely and ‘oavenientlylavached and retrieved in rough sea conditions ‘and in disparate peopraphial locations without the eed for personnel to be in the water and without the need for dedi ‘ated ships, cranes or othe specialized. ship-dependent har ‘ware or ative platform booyancy or other active depth com too systems. BACKGROUND OP THE INVENTION In marine operations involving subses work, it i often necessary to deploy a heavy structure, vehicle or piece of ‘equipment in rough seas. Traditional deployment methods tse Various pes of heavy cranes, heave compensation $9 tems, reinforced cages/protective systems, "A fames, moon pools and lowering decks. The heavy stucture being ‘ployed i typically mechanically coupled (iret or ind recy) to the heavy vessel deploying it 8 the load i lowered Jno and retrieved from the Water. The various deployment tnd retrieval systems attempt to resolve the fundamental problem of matching, or minimizing, te relative motion of ‘vo spatially separate but mechanically linked masses in a {dynamic environment such as atthe sea surface Ent ofthe Toad into and exitof the lo rom aturbulent "splash zone” at ‘and near the water surface can be teacherous and may d= ‘age te Jo of te kaunchiretieval vestel, and may 2s well pxluce unsafe conditions for personnel and equipmentin the Tone exemplary zach and covery system disclosed ia PCT Intemational Patent Publication WO 2013072600, a subsea payload is lied from and deployed to an undersea Jocation using a if Tine supported by a heave-compensating ‘winch on a surfice vessel. Movement ofa submersible latch ‘unit is controlled by means of on-board theser, Vessel ad row time are expensive, and the expense incurred as rel ff launch snd rival vessel and erew requirements my limit the frequency of launch and reieval operations, par- teary in remote locations. ‘One system that avoids mochanically joining heavy dis similar objects (such as a launch vessel and a submersible vesel or payload) atthe splash zone ples the vehicle or payload ona "sinking barge” and tows the barzepayload toa ive location, where both the barge andthe pasload are sunk, 3s 2 unit, under controlled conditions, generally using an sctive depth control system, The payload vehicle is deployed by releasing it from the bange transport component at 2 desired depth where the sea conditions are steady and man- feable, The few existing sysems that use this ype of sub- surface launch and rerieval approach require the use of an active manully operated depth conto system and they gen erally require the use of divers to detach the vebicle from the barge during deployment and to reattach the vehicle during retrieval. Personnel are also generally required to operate he active depth eontol system doring launch and retrieval submersible launch, recovery and transport vehicle (CR) ofthe aforementioned type was developed for tans porting and deploying research submarines in rough waters in onncction with the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL). The ERT is twin-holled, submersible plato ‘upon which a submarine may be positioned and secured tis ‘owed on the surface by asuppor vese oa desired dive site, tnd the LRT and submarine re both submerged, vader The controlofa diver ilo, tomsintain astablehover at adepth of 50-60 fect. The submarine is released fom the platform by divers) and the LRT maintains at hover waiting return of | the submarine, or retums to the surface. While tis system lows subsea Tauach and retrieval of submersible vehicles fom a sub-sea location tat is isolated from surface eondi- tions (waves, ete) it requires significant assistance in terms of personnel, sl ay’ sure ofthe ative depth contol sys- ‘emmay resultindamageto.orlossol the LRT orits payload. ‘Systems for submerging work platforms and for suppor 1g submerged work plttonns daring underwater sctv ities are also known. In one system disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,507,596, asupportsystem for supporting a submerged work platform using one or mare vessels ses a plurality of cables oanected between the surface support vessel(s) and the lunderater platform, Sever] indivkaly conroled cables aroused to provide a desired numberof depres frexdom of control visavisthe work platform, The surface vessel(s}(¢-2. ‘hips) or bage(s) are subject to surface sea motions and the ‘tions of the suppor strctie(s) ae sensed and the length ‘ofthe cables is actively adjusted to maintain the work pat Form stationary, even asthe support vessel(s) ave at the sa surice Notwithstanding the existence of various lunch and retrieval systems, and of various schemes for supporting "underwater platforms, there remains a nood fora simple ves sel and payload launch and retrieval system that permits the Safe deployment and reeieval of equipment and vessels in heavy’ sea conditions, and that does not require substantial vessel or personnel support or active depth control systems SUMMARY Systems for lounching and retrieving objects in aquatic avironmeats, as diselosed herein, comprise platform that is both flotable and submersible ot the discretion of andlor tnd the contol of a user, and on which objects to be Jaunched andior retrieved (eferred to as the “payload” may be located, The system typically comprises a variable buoy ney, submersible platform tha in a buoyant, Moating state, may be towed or shipped or otherwise maneuvered (eg. propelled under ts own power) ta desired site for suber. Son and ounch or delivery of the objects). The system auditionally comprises one or more buoyant elements ‘coupled tothe submersible platform by means of ane or more table), nes) esin(s) or other coupling mechanisms, The buoyant elements are typically inthe form of one o more ‘oats, optionsly proving selectable buoyancy’ During an underce deployment operation and follow positioning ofthe plato at a desired deployment site, the Platform is submerged under the contol ofa user and the one US 9,381,980 BL 3 ‘or more flostable element(s) coupled to the platform by ‘cans of the coupling mechanism(s) renin at on poi ty to theses surface. The platform his elatvely large mass fd, when submerged, ae a5 dampener, while te buoyant elements) and assoviated line(s/eabl(s'eoupling mecha- nisms) act relative tothe submerged platform, as a classic Spring, When the platfora is submerged andthe buoyant Clements are separied from the platform and remain at or ‘car the sea surface, the overall system ats aa clase spring ‘tes dampencr system, which may be represented sn the traphical representation luseated in FIG. 1 aed mathemati fal torms, as shown below. The platformactsas the mass (M) ‘When the efletivespring constant ofthe leat elements) is Jow the input force from displacement ofthe floats) caused by ave motion als small eatve tothe sizcand weight of 2 the platform and its payload, The mass and dampening eect ff the platonn dominates the motion ofthe plato onder ‘hese conditions and counteracts the spring oat (and surface ca) disturbances. By properly sizing the buoyant elements Tor observed and predicted Wave periods and heights, the 3 Aloaplatform system ean maintain submerge platfom ata ‘dsirad depth in stable and substantially sill condition, largely unaffected by surface waves and without requiring st active platform buoyancy or other active depth conta s95- RIEP DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 shows a gropieal illustration ofthe classical spring sass danmpener system. FIG. 2showsa schematic drawing illustrating aplatformin 1 submerged condition below a sea surface wih a single buoyant element coupled to the platform, TIG,3A shows a schematic drawing Mlastating a platform ina submerged condition blow ses surlace wis multiple booyant elements coupled 1 the platform. TG, 38 shows a schematic drawing ilostating a platform Jina submerged condition blow a sea surface with multiple boyant elements coupled tothe platform by mans of tle= Scoping supports oF posts IG. AC shows schematic drawing ilustating a platform ina submerged condition below a sea surface with moliple buoyant elements coupled tothe platform by means af iil Tinking in members FIG. showsaschematic drawing illustrating platform in ‘8 submerged condition below a sea surface with a single teoyant element having an inverted conical configuration coupled to the platform FIG. Sshowsa schematic drawing illustrating platform in 1 submengst condition below a sea surface with muliple buoyant elements coupled to the platform wil be understood that the appended drawings are not necessarily to scale, and that they present simplified, sche- matic views of many aspects of systems and components of the present invention. Specific design features, including dimensions, orientations, locations and configurations of various illustated components may be modified, for example, foe use in varius intended applications and eavie eames DETAILED DESCRIPTION ‘Systoms and methods for launching and retrieving objects Jn aguaticenviconments and particularly, for deploying pay: 4 loads including submersible vehicles, equipment, systems, and the ike, underwater and retrieving them rom underwater locations ar described in greater detail below, with reference to the appended figures. In general, a submersible platform say be provided in the form of a barge-like stare (oF ‘nother platform structure) having a buoyancy control sy tem, such as a ballast contol system in combination with ballast reservoirs) sufficient to provide loataton ofthe pat- form and its payload, controlled submersion ofthe platoem to a desired subsea dept, and retrieval ofthe platfonm (vith for without the payload) from a subsea location to the sa Surface, The buoyancy conte system may be controlled st the sit of the submersible plato or from another vessel or location using remotely conimllabe ballast control systems. In some embodiments, the submersible platform may have single or mulkipl ull that reduce the drag ofthe platform as ‘moves overor through the water. In some embodiment, the submersible platform may be designed and operated as a Tossed vessel or transported a cargo to Toca iat a desired dive sit: in other embodiment, the submersible platform ‘muy incorponstes propulsion system (and, optionally, astocr- Jngsystem) that assists, or independently propels the platform to'a desired site. When the submersible platform is provided 1s (ora paral an independently operable vessel it may be controlled by an on-board operator, or it may optionally be controlled, atleast in part, using remotely controlled operat ing systems. Suitable navigation, locational, operating and sally features, which are well known in the art, may be provided as part of or in conjunetion withthe submersible Platform. Tn genera, the one or more buoyant or flatable elements (refered toas buoyant members or oats) may be mounted or ‘mountable to lineeables'chains (referred to, collectively, as cables”), The booyant members may be anchored tthe submersible platform permanently of ane oF more of sich buoyant memibers may be releasably mountable 10 cables prior to submersion ofthe platform. in one embodiment, the ‘one more buoyant member(s)are releasably mounted tothe platform tinder the control of a remotely operable release ‘mechanism, such hat a remote operator may selectively release one o more buoyant members) Irom an anchored condition onthe platform prior oor during submersion ofthe Platform, allowing the buoyant members) to remain on the Surface during submersion of the platform. An appropriate Jeng of coupling mechanisms (eables) may be released or pid ont manbslly or automatically, such as via & remotely controlled system, The platforn or a assist vessel may cary dfferem con: ‘lgurations or types of buoyant members designed for se in diferent sea conditions, and different oats may be mounted to thesubmersible platform prior to deployment based on the ‘mass ofthe platlarm and payload, the salinity ofthe water at the dive site, curren andor anticipated sea conditions, and the lke. In general, the one ot more buoyant members may comprise conventional iaflatabe eylindrcal buoys, sealed Pines or other enclosed structures filled witha gas or with a Fightweight foam material or the like, Variable buoyancy fats may also be provided, such as enclosed stractures that have an acjustment feature providing variable buoyancy of | the structures. The submersible plato, in a baoyant and lating sat, maybe towed of shipped or otherwise maneuvered (eg, "nde s own poster) to desired dive or payload latneh site The payload, which may include a manned or autonomous subleible veicle or another type of submersible craft, robotic vehicle or piece of equipment, another ype of equip- ‘mentor vehicle of platform for placement in a subsea loc US 9,381,980 BL 5 ‘ion, may’ be mounted on the submersible platform prior 10 ‘eanst to the desired launch site and conveyed tthe launch siteon the submersible platform, oritmay Be mounted on the platform atthe launch sit, In an altemative operating sce- raro, the payload may be anchored tothe submersible plat form prio to a launch operation and the combination pla Toen/payload may be submerge desired depth an tre ‘oa desired unch site ina submerged or partially submerged condition, The payed i supported by the submersible pat- orm during its deseent from the sea surface ora sub-surface location and may be releasably connected to the submersible platform, for example under the eoniol of remotely oper ble release mechanism, Tone scenario, the payload is (or remsins) positioned oa the submersible platform, which js then located ata launch site-a6 described above. The platform, with the payload ‘tached, is submerge using a controlled buoyaney system (ez. a ballast system) toa desired depth, One or more buoy: ‘nt floats is released from the platform as the platform is submensed, and the oats) remain aor near the sea surface, {ethoredtothe submenge platform bya coupling mechanism. The comparatively large mass and dampening ofthe platform in the subsea location counteract and overcome the sea sur co and spiny/loat disturbances to mints a stable plat ormpayload condition. The payload may be released from the platform (ez, manualy by a diver or via remote contol without requiring a diver) whea the platform reaches a Ukesired depth. The platform may retum to the surface oF romain submerged, awaiting a revival operation. Retrcval ‘aye cui out asthe reverse ofthe Intnch operation, FIG. 2 schematically ilusteates a platform 10 in a sub- merged and supported condition below sea surface S, with a single buoyant element depicted as Nat 20 coupled to the submerged platform by means of a plaality of eableslines! ‘chins or oqivalent supporting structures 12, 14, 16, 18 (refered to collectively a8 “cables). ofthe like Platform 10 is both oatabl and submersible, under the contol ofa use. (Oneor more ballast reservoirs 40, shown sehomaticaly, may be provided on or within platform 10 fo provide flotation of the platformand ts payload, as well as controlled submersion ff the platfonn to & desired subsea depth, In some embod ‘ments, ballast reservoirs 40 are remotely coneallabe at the site ofthe platfom or from another vessel or location, Pay= Joa 30 is typically positioned on or within lation 19, and ‘may'be anchored fo the platform during launch and retrieval Payload 30 may comprise one or more submersible vehicles, various iypes of equipment, oF the Tike, and for delivery to, Sorage al andor retrieval from an underwater location using systems and methods diselosed herein Float 20 shown inthe illustrative embodiment of FIG, 2 preferably has sulicent buoyancy to suppor platform Land Xs payload 30at a desired depth in a submergedcondition and acts. a “spring” lat in the platform/Moat system. lost 20 ‘generally has a small surface area and/or footprint in com parison othe surface area. and/or footprint of platform 10. BY ‘Surface ares, we mean the sum of external surface areas ofthe relevant flats) and platform(s). By footprint, we mean the gonmetricalontline of space occupied hy the objet In some embodiments, the surface ara of oat 20 less than $0% of| the surface area of platform 10; in some embodiments, the surface area of float 20s less than 25% ofthe surface aca of platform 10; in some embodiments, the surface area of fost 20's less than 10% of the surface area of patra 10; in yet bother embodiments, the surface area of oat 20 i less than 59, or les than 19, of the surface are of platfonn 10. Some embodiments, the footprint of float 20 is less than 0% fof the footprint of platform 10; in some embostiments, the 6 ‘ooipint of float 20 is less than 25% ofthe surface area of form 1: insome embodinens, the footprint of leat 2058 Jess than 10% ofthe surface area of platform 10; in yet other embodiments, the footprint of float 20s less than 5%, less than 1%, ofthe surface area of platform 10, In one embodiment of a system as disclosed herein, the Jengtl (1 of float 20, oriented generally orthogonal to the sa surface when platform 10s submerged (as shown in FIG. 2), Js greater than the largest erosssectional dimension of fat 20, Insoaue embodiments the ratio the length (1) oF fost 20 to its angst cros-seetonal diameter i atleast about 2:1: in some embodiments the rato of the length (1) of oat 20 te gest erss-sectional diameter is atleast about 5: other embodiments, the ratio ofthe length (}) of oat 20 its Jargest ross-setional diameter is more than about :1 and at Jeast about 8:1. Float 20 may have @ generally cylindrical, ‘oval rectangular or polygonal enoss-setional configuration. Float 20, illusiated in FIG. 2, has a substantially eylinical configuration, with a uniform cross-sectional configuration and size over is length. Inalterative embodiments, loat 20 tay have different cross-sectional configurations or cross- sectional surface areas over its length. The coupling cables 12, 14, 16, 18 are generally mounted tw aJower portion ofthe buoyant element 20 and coupled 10 the submersible platform 10 at evo or more locations in a balanced arrangement to aid in supporting the platform in a stable, level condition during submersion ofthe platform, ‘maintenance ofthe platfonn at depth, and deployment ofthe payload, retieval and surfacing of the platform. Providing four (4) cables, with one attachod near each comer of rectangular platioem 10, i ilusttated in FIG. 2 and provides tod stability and 2 alanced seraagemeat, I will be appee- fated that altemative arrangements and cable anchoring Positions may be implemented. In another embodiment, for fexample, shen the platform 10 is generlly rectangular, cables may be mounted atorncarthe midpoint of each se of the platform, Cables are generally flexible long tei length and capable of supporting the platform and any essocited payload at desired depths, Tn anosherallematve embodiment, one ge mare substan- Lally rigid coupling members may be provided to link one or ‘more buoyant elements with the platonn. In one exemplary embodiment, illustrated schematically in FIG. 3B, telescop- Ing suppons or posts 81, 33, 38, 37 that are mounted or rountable to the platform may be coupled to one or more appropriate buavant elements 32, 4,36, 38, The telescoping supports may be extended doring submersion «© 3 length corresponding to the submersion depth of the platform to ‘ouple the buoyant element(s) atthe Sea surface tothe sub- ‘menged platform, as illustrated, The telescoping supports operate in revere during surfacing and retrieval ofthe pat form, Tn another exemplary embodiment, illustrated sehemati- cally in FIG. 3C, rigid coupling or linking members 41,43, 48.47 may be mounted or mountable 1 the platform in hinged or pivoting relationship at pivot points P, allow re-positoning ofthe linking members from a substantially horizontal toasubstantally vertical condition asthe platform jg submerged and vice-versa as the platform re-surfaces. In some embodiments, coupling supports that are bth elescop- {ng (illustrated in FIG. 3B) and pivoting (sillstated in FIG, 3C) may be provide. Insome embodiments, the plato and payload are sus> pended ina neutral slightly newative buoyancy condition ‘when submerged, with the buoyant members supporting the Platform and payload ina slightly negative buoyancy eondi- tion. Variable conditions at desired dive sites, such s salinity, US 9,381,980 BL 7 sea surface condos, rubulene, wave Height and fe- ney, andthe Tike maybe ken ino consideration in ching fot system comprising one or ore ots to Supports desired platform and psload sombintion at a Shed dep ina Jest nota sihy negative bay amy condition in some embodiments, s previously described the plat form and pavloa i sspended by mule sping Hosts coupled 1 the patiorm by coupling mechanisms. One trample ofthis ype ofeystem i ilwtated schematically in Fig BA In thn xompe.paform 10x supported ‘ubmerscslconliton by mine busant member 22, 24, 2G 3 Flow esles 3128.25.27 anche Dats 2,24, 26, {nd 38 tthe plat indcpenctyof enc annie. which ima rece the rsk of enanglement with the pspoad when thepaylod isrkasodator tuna the platform dap Inaltematve embodiments the copling mechanisms anor uli ts my be los cols ome another In the xemplay embeaimens sated in FIGS. 4AS3C, Tor feats ae provided an ach coupled othe submersible platform it proimiy fo cores of te lation, Adios Fesandccupingnchanom nay be proviedin yet ater tative embodies “Aner exemplary embodiment of inlay submerged and sien wor platform 10s show in FIG 4. This Systm similar the som described aoe ad inchs 2 oat 30 ving a generally cones enfin. Conia Aa Sx poston nd orn with the larger rs Ssctional andorcurfce aren portion of th fat nan oppor position (as shown in FIG. 4) above or noarer to the $a ‘Surface, withthe smaller eross-setion andor surface area portionof the Moat in downwarhoriented arrangement, aor below the sea surfice. plurality of coupling mechanisms (cx, cables, $2, 53 4) may be provided to coupe lat $0 to the platform 10, The coupling mechanisms may be ‘mounted tothe lower portion of the float, as shown. The use ofa floathaving acontiguration in whieh larger surface area ‘sabovethe sea surfeceand.a smaller surlae areais below the sea surface when a platform and payload is submerged my provide a dampening moment with more peecse depth co trol ofthe system, Inyet another embodiment, multiple spring fats may be coupled to one another to provide a desired buoyancy and ‘may provide exibility fr slightly varying net negative uoy- fancy oftheplatform and payload ncieumstances where the ‘desired spring constant i ew and the net negative buoyancy of the load is not precisely determinable, this arrangement provides a known spring force without requiring an overly Jong ortop heavy spring fat. One example ofa system ofthis type is illustrated schematically in FIG. 8. In this embod ‘ent, first buoyant clement 60 is coupled to aitonal buoyant elements 62, 64by meansof connecting clemeats 61, 63, such as eablos or lnes. Buoyant elements may bo contig. «rod and arrange to provide buoyancy’ in different orieata- ons and may be provided in different configurations than thoxe shown, In the embodiment illsrated, float 60 is oF- ‘te ina substantially versal orientation while supporting ‘submerged platform, while Hats 62 and 64 are oriented ‘ubstanilly horizontal orientations Inthissystem, the baoy fant members have a buoyaney that supports them and the Submerged platform and payload ina stable cation below the sea surface during deployment or retieval ofthe plato ina subsea loeatin, In some embodiments, the spring floa(s) may act as pas sive spring elements in the spring mass dampener system ‘where the submersible platform serves as lange mass damp- ‘ener. In altemative embodiments, the float may be supple 8 ‘mented by an aetive conto system that is capable of detet- Jngseasurfacechanges and automatically feeds ourand takes ‘nthe coupling mechanism (line, chain, cable e.)2sthe Boat encounters sea surface disturbances. An inertial rel, an elee- tric or hydraulic motor may be used as an active float posi tioning control mechanism. In general, no active platoem buoyancy or other active depth control system is required suppot ie submersible platform inthe submerged condition 82 reslt ofthe deployment of one of more coupled floats) At or aca the sea surface In some embodiments, hovvever, it ‘nay be desimble to incorporate an active platform buoyancy oranother active depth contr system. Inthe description provided above, the term “about” means 41-20% of the indicated value or range unless otherwise indiated. The terms "a" and“an,”" as used herein, eferto one ‘or more ofthe enumerated components orem. The use of alternative language (eg, “or”) will be understood to mean therone, both or any combination of the altematves, unlest otherwise expressly indicated. The terms “include” and “compese” arc used inerchangcably and both f those tems, and variants thereof, are inteaded to be construed as being ron-fimiting Tt wl be apprecited tat the methods and systems ofthe presen invention may be embod in variety of diferent Tem and tha the specific embadimeats shown inthe Hgures and described herein are presented withthe understanding that the present disclosure is considered exemplary of the Principles ofthe invention, and is nt intended to limit any aimed subject matter 1 the illustrations and description Provided herein. Tho various embodiments described may be combined to provide further embodiments. The described devices, systems, methods and compositions may omit some elements or steps, add other elements or steps. or combine the tlements or execute steps in a different onder than tht spe: ly described, 1 laim: 1A system for launching objets in an aquatic enviton ‘ment, comprising: platform having a boyaney contol sys- tem providing floatation and submersion of the platform lunderthe control of user, anda east one oat coupled tothe platform and adapted to remain at or in proximity toa sire bf the aguatic environment when the platform is submerged, ‘wherein the a least one float is coupled 0 the platform by means ofa plurality of eables, ines or chains coupled! 1 the submersible platform ator more foeations andthe at least ‘ne float is capable of supperting the platoem i condition at a desired depth below the surface ofthe aquatic ervironmeat inthe absence of active depth contro system. 2. The system of claim 1, wherein the at least one float has ratio of lengtv-langest eros-sectional diameter of greater than 51 3. The systom of claim 1, comprising atleast four lots |4-The system ofelaim 1, wherein the atleast one oat has generally conical configuration 5, The system of claim 1, wherein the at least one Boat comprises & praity of Nats linked to one another, 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the buoyancy contol system comprises at east onc balls tank and a ballast conte system sulflcient to float and submerge the platform ‘desired subsea depth, 7 The system of claim 6, wherein the ballast contol sys- tem is remotely contollable from a locaton athe than the platform. 8. Thesystemof claim I, additionally comprising detach- able mounting sytem fordetachably connecting payload 19 the platform, US 9,381,980 BL 9 9. Thesystem of claim’, wherein the detachable mounting systems remotely controlable fom a locaton other than the platform. 10. The system of claim 1, wherein the at Feast ne loa is releasably mounted to the platform when the platform isnot submerged 11. method for launching an object in aquatic envi- ronment, comprising: detachably mounting the object to be Taunched or placed ina subsea location on a platform having 1 buoyancy contol system providing controllable flotation ‘and submersion ofthe platoem: locating the platform and the ably mounted object al desired sea surface launel, location; submerging the platform and detichably mounted object atthe desired launch laeation oa desired nach dept ‘while retaining least one lot coupled tothe platform atthe $a surface launch location, supporting the submerged plat oem in stable contin ia the absence ofan active depth conte system: and detaching the objec from the platform at the desired launch depth, 12, The method of claim 1, wherein thea least one Hat supplies a desired spring constant ina spring mass dampener system in which the submerzed platform ats as dampener. 13. The method of elaim 1, whorein the abject detachably ‘mounted the platform i selected from the greup consisting * ‘of manned submersible vehicle sa amanned submersible vehicle, a submersible craft, a robot vehicle, apiece of equip- ‘ment, and a platform, 10 14, The method oelaim 1, skiionaly compesing selec- tively releasing atleast one float from an anchored condition ‘onthe platform prior tor during submersion ofthe platform, 18, Asystem for lamehing objects in an aquatic exviron- ‘ment, comprising:a platform having a boyaney contol sys- tem providing controllable lostation ad submersion of the platform under the contol of as use, anda plurality of oats fouled to the platform and adapted o remit in rox Jmily toa surface ofthe aquatic environment when the plat orm i stbmerged, wherein enc of the plait of floats is «coupled tothe platform by means ofa least one substantially Fig linking member, nd wherein the palit of ats is Capable of supporting the platform ina stable condition at a ‘desired depth below te surface of the aquatic environment in the absence of am ative depth control system, 16 The system of elain 18, wherein the i least one sub- stantially eid linking member isa telescoping member. 17, The system of elaim 15, wherein the at least ome sub- stantially rigid tiding member is pivotally mounted in relation ‘othe platform. 18, The system of claim 18, wherein the at least one oats capable of supporting the platform ina stable condition a ‘desired depth below te surface ofthe aquatic environment in the absence ofan ative depth contol system, 19. The system of elaim 18, additionally comprising, a remotely. controllable detachable mounting sytem for detachably connecting a payload tothe platform. 20, The system of claim 18, comprising atleast four oats

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