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Situation 1 :
Developing good habits can help students to perform well in their studies. What are some of
these habits? Discuss which of the following is the most important habit for students to perform
well in their studies.

Candidate A: NUR ALIA SYAFIQAH BT MOHD FAIZUL [2020820804]

Candidate B: MUHAMMAD FARID HAKIMI MD TAHIR [2020841724]
Candidate C: NUR ALYA BINTI AHMAD [2020613488]

Candidate A: Good morning everyone. We are here to discuss about developing good habits
can help students to perform well in their studies.

Candidate A: Time management is about planning and controlling the amount of time you spend
on specific tasks. In my opinion, good time management is a good habit to help students to
perform well in their studies. This is because of effective time management allows students to
complete more in less time, because their attention is focused and they’re not wasting time on
distractions such as social media. Efficient use of time also reduces stress, as students tick off
items from their to-do list. It can also provide a sense of achievement from fulfilling goals. For
example, they might plan to complete an assignment by Friday so they can see friends on the
weekend. Furthermore, by using time efficiently, students can complete their work on time, stay
engaged with their learning, and have more time free for pursuing activities that are important to
them, such as sports, hobbies, youth group and spending time with friends and family. In
conclusion, good time management allows students to make the most of their abilities and
enjoy the satisfaction of achievement. In addition to being able to help themselves especially in
their studies.

Candidate B: That’s right, effective time management is important in studies. From my point
of view, diligence is a good habit to keep students focused on their studies. Developing a habit
of being a hard-working and diligent student can make a huge difference in your academic
performance and future success. The habit of being persistent and diligent can be a challenging
task, but it can be done if you keep working hard and make the effort to improve. A diligent
student also makes a planner to help them organize and focus throughout the semester. It
should include all the necessary details for a given semester, such as exam dates, class times,
and study time. Doing so will help you avoid repeating the same mistakes and get good grades.
Do you agree with me, Candidate c

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Candidate C: Yes, exactly! Students, in my view, should be motivated in order to do well in
their studies. Students who are motivated are more eager to learn and participate. Simply put,
both teachers and students enjoy teaching a class full of inspired students. Some students are
naturally drawn to learning and are self-motivated but there are a number of students who need
to be motivated in order for them to strive in their studies. In fact, some people believe that the
most difficult part of learning is to remain motivated while studying, especially when the end
appears to be so far away. This can happen while you're revising for exams that are only a few
months away. One of the best ways for students to stay motivated is to remember why they are
studying in the first place. However, getting good exam results isn't always a motivating factor.
Instead, think about what your test results will get you, whether it is a spot at your preferred
school or university. The more specific you can be about your target, the easier it will be to keep
in mind. Are you with me Candidate D?

Candidate D: That’s absolutely true. But in my opinion, I think discipline is a good habit to
help students to perform well in their studies. Discipline encourages students to be centred and
inspired in all aspects of their lives, including their studies. Identify the goals you want to
achieve, and plan them into your schedule. As the saying goes, “What gets scheduled, gets
done”. Also, you should always have strategies to reach each of your goals. Students who have
clear goals are more focused. It is difficult for students to remain focused on their studies if they
are not disciplined. Writing down all of the study goals you want to accomplish in your life is a
successful way to stay inspired.You would be more likely to remain motivated and achieve your
life goals if you stay disciplined.

Candidate A: I think you are right, when we have a goals want to achieve we have to do it
really hard so that the goals can be achieved. For me, everything that you all said just now is an
important habit in helping students in terms of education and life.

Candidate B: I suppose that’s true. If I may add something, a good habit influences a
student's decision to become a successful student. But students also need to learn how to
motivate themselves by overcoming their weaknesses. Doing so can help them improve their
confidence and self-esteem. This can also boost their work productivity.

Candidate C: It is quite clear that good habits greatly help students to succeed in studies.
Students who practice good habits in daily life usually have no problem in their studies because
they are used to doing things that can motivate them to succeed. Don’t you agree, Candidate

Candidate D: You have made your view very clear. I agree with you. I would say that

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students will have many classes to attend, tasks to do, and exams to prepare during their time
as students. To do all of these responsibilities,they need to be self-disciplined. When we're at
university, it's very necessary to be self-disciplined. This is because university is a place where
we will be responsible for most of our own education. As a result, the ability to be self-disciplined
will be essential for success in academics and society.

Candidate A: Alright, so we agree that developing good habits can help students to perform
well in their studies. Does anyone have anything else to say? Otherwise, let’s bring this
discussion to a close. Thank you for your contribution to this discussion.

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