Mock Test 18

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1. Which statement describes sublimation?

A Particles moving slowly past each other speed up and move further apart.
B Particles vibrating next to each other become mobile and move slowly past each other.
C Particles vibrating next to each other start to move rapidly and move further apart.
D Rapidly moving particles slow down and move closer together.

2. The diagram shows the structure of an atom.

Which diagram shows the structure of an isotope of this atom?

3. The number of protons and the number of neutrons in the atoms of elements X, Y and Z are shown.
number of protons number of neutrons
X 6 6
Y 7 6
Z 8 10
Which statement about the elements is correct?
A X and Y are isotopes of the same element.
B Z forms an ion with a +2 charge.
C X and Z react together to form an ionic compound.
D X, Y and Z are non-metals.

4. Three electrolysis cells are set up. Each cell has inert electrodes.
The electrolytes are listed below.
cell 1 aqueous sodium chloride
cell 2 dilute sulfuric acid
cell 3 molten lead(II) bromide


In which of these cells is a gas formed at both electrodes?

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 only D 3 only

5. 20 cm3 of ethyne, C2H2, are reacted with 500 cm3 of oxygen. The equation for the reaction is
2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
What is the total volume of gas remaining at the end of the reaction? (all volumes are measured
at room temperature and pressure)
A 400 cm3 B 450 cm3 C 490 cm3 D 520 cm3

6. When a hydrogen–oxygen fuel cell is in operation, a different reaction happens at each

at the hydrogen electrode H2 → 2H+ + 2e–
at the oxygen electrode O2 + 2H2O + 4e– → 4OH–
The electrons that are lost at the hydrogen electrode travel through the external circuit to the
oxygen electrode, where they are gained by the oxygen and water. A hydrogen–oxygen fuel
cell is operated for a period of time and four moles of oxygen molecules are consumed.
Which mass of hydrogen is consumed?
A 2.0 g B 4.0 g C 8.0 g D 16.0 g

7. When the colourless gas N2O4 is heated, it forms the brown gas NO2.
When the reaction mixture is cooled, the brown colour fades and turns back to colourless.
Which type of reaction is described by these observations?
A decomposition B displacement C reduction D reversible

8. Three metal compounds, E, F and J, are heated using a Bunsen burner. The results are shown.
E colourless gas produced, which relights a glowing splint
F colourless gas produced, which turns limewater milky
J no reaction
Which row identifies E, F and J?
A magnesium carbonate potassium carbonate potassium nitrate
B magnesium carbonate potassium nitrate potassium carbonate
C potassium nitrate magnesium carbonate potassium carbonate
D potassium nitrate potassium carbonate magnesium carbonate

9. A solution contains barium ions and silver ions and one type of anion.
What could the anion be?
A chloride only B nitrate only
C sulfate only D chloride or nitrate or sulfate


10. Compound X is heated with carbon using the apparatus shown.

A brown solid is formed in the reaction tube and the limewater turns cloudy. What is compound X?
A calcium oxide B copper(II) oxide
C magnesium oxide D sodium oxide

11. Metal M reacts with steam and produces gas G.

Which row identifies gas G and the type of reaction when metal M reacts with steam?
gas G type of reaction
A hydrogen redox
B hydrogen neutralisation
C oxygen redox
D oxygen neutralisation

12. Which diagram represents the arrangement of the outer-shell electrons of a noble gas?

13. A student investigated the reactions of four metals, R, S, T and U, with solutions of their
salts. The results are given in the table.
metal metal salt result
R S nitrate reacts
R T nitrate reacts
S U nitrate no reaction
T U nitrate reacts
U R nitrate no reaction


What is the order of reactivity of the metals, most reactive first?

C S → U → T→ R DU→R→T→S

14. The table gives the composition of the atmosphere of four newly discovered planets.
planet composition of atmosphere
W argon, carbon dioxide and oxygen
X argon, nitrogen and oxygen
Y argon, carbon dioxide and methane
Z methane, nitrogen and oxygen
On which planets is the greenhouse effect likely to occur?
A W only B W, X and Z C W and Y only D W, Y and Z

15. Nitrogen monoxide is produced in a car engine when petrol is burnt. The gases from the
car engine are passed through a catalytic converter. In the catalytic converter the nitrogen
monoxide reacts with carbon monoxide to form nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Which statement
is not correct?
A Carbon monoxide is oxidised in the catalytic converter.
B Carbon monoxide is produced by the complete combustion of petrol.
C Nitrogen monoxide is formed by the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen.
D Nitrogen monoxide is reduced in the catalytic converter.

16. Which structure is incorrect?

17. What is the relative molecular mass, Mr, of butanol?

A 15 B 37 C 74 D 148

18. Propene, C3H6, reacts with bromine, Br2, in an addition reaction.

Which structure represents the product of this reaction?


19. Which compounds contain the same number of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms?
ethyl methanoate methyl ethanoate methyl methanoate ethyl ethanoate
A W and X B W and Y C X and Z D Y and Z

20. Which formula represents a polyester?


1. The structures of some substances containing nitrogen are shown below.

Answer the following questions by choosing from the structures A, B, C, D or E.You can use each
structure once, more than once or not at all. Which structure represents
(a) an acidic oxide

............................................................................................................................................................ [1]
(b) an ionic structure

............................................................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) a gas which turns damp red litmus paper blue

............................................................................................................................................................ [1]
(d) a compound which is formed under conditions of high temperature and pressure in car engines

............................................................................................................................................................ [1]


(e) a molecule containing halogen atoms

............................................................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 5]

2. In an experiment, all the water was removed from 1.23 g of MgSO4•xH2O. The mass of MgSO4
remaining was 0.60 g.
Determine the value of x using the following steps.
● Calculate the number of moles of MgSO4 remaining.

moles of MgSO4 = ..............................

● Calculate the mass of H2O given off.

mass of H2O = .............................. g

● Calculate the moles of H2O given off.

moles of H2O = ..............................

● Determine the value of x.

x = ..............................
[Total: 4]

3. The pie chart shows the composition of air.

(a) (i) What is the percentage of nitrogen in the air?

(ii) Apart from nitrogen and oxygen, state the names of two gases present in unpolluted air.
………………………………………….and……………………………….……………… [2]


(b) The percentage of oxygen in air can be found using the apparatus shown below.

Air is passed backwards and forwards over the heated copper using the syringes. The copper
reacts with oxygen in the air. As the experiment proceeds, suggest what happens to
(i) the total volume of air in the gas syringes,
(ii) the mass of the wire in the tube.
[Total: 5]
4. (a) Propane reacts with chlorine.
(i) Write the formula of the product which does not contain carbon.
............................................................................................................................................................. [1]
(ii) Draw the structure of an organic product formed. Show all of the atoms and all of the bonds.

(iii) State the name of this type of reaction.
............................................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) There are two structural isomers with the formula C4H10.
(i) Draw the structures of both of these isomers, showing all of the atoms and all of the bonds.

(ii) Butane is formed when longer chain hydrocarbons are cracked. Complete the chemical equation to
show the other product when butane is formed by cracking.
C6H14 → C4H10 + ................................ [1]
[Total: 6]
---THE END---


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