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Section '!8-E Shear Walls .



Industrial buildings and ll'arehouses are frequently constructed

frorn tail {hin concrete
walls that are cast in a horizonral positicn on uilub on grade
that will become the floor slab
for the completed builcling. After the walls have gained adequate
strength, a crane is used
[o tilt them up to their final vertical position at which time
they are connected together.
Such wal1s and truildings are referred to as tilt-up walls and
tih-up builrtirugs. ?hese consti-
tute a form of construction that is becoming commor throughout
North America. &Iost
aspects of the design of tilt-up buiidings is covered by
the report of the AcI committee 55 1
Tilrttp Concrete Construction t18-31. ACI Code Section li.8, Atternative
Design of Slen-
tler Walls, presel}ts design requlrements for the veiy slender
walls used in tilt-up construc-
tion' Guidance is also found in the Concrete Design Manual
t18-41. special consideration
should be given to construction loads acting on these walls.
Nathan [18-51 anaiyzed thin one-way walls. His design chans are
used widely in the
design of tiit-up buildings.


The term shear wall is used to describe a r'vall that resists lateral
wind or earthquake loads
acting paraliel to the plane of the wall in addition to the gravity
loads from the floors and roof
adjacent to the wa1l" Such wails are referred to as structural
walls in ACI Code Chapter 2i.
The strength and behavior of short, one- or tlvo-story shear
rvalls (as shown in
Fig. 18-4a) generally are dominated by shear. These wa1ls typically have
a height_to_
length aspect ratia {h*/(rr) of iess than or equar to 2 and, are iit
a inor, or squat wags.
Such walls can be designed by either the requirements given
in ACI Code Chapter 1l or
the strut-and-tie methsd given in ACI Code Appendix A. If ihe
wail is more than three or
four stories in height, lateral loacls are resistJ mainly by flexural
action of the vertical
cantilever wall (Fig. 18-4b) rather than shear action. Shear wails
with le*l€*greater than
or equal to 3 are refered to as slender or flexural walIs. These walls
typically are
designed using the provisions of ACI Code chapters 10 and 1 l.
shear walls with hrrll*
ratios between2 and 3 exhibit a combination of shear and flexural behavior
ura ,ro.-un!
would be designed following the provisions of ACI code chapiers
10 and 1 1.

Fig. 18-4
Shear wails. (a) Squat shear wall ib) Slender shear wall.
938 ' Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

Although shear walls may be simple planar walls, several wall segments commonly
are connected together to act as a three-dimensional unit. Suchwall assemblies have regu-
lar or irregular C, T, L, or H-shaped cross sections with webs and flanges that may enclose
spaces in buildings, such as stair wells or elevator shafts.


Three common systems for resisting wind or earthquake lateral loads are given here.
1. Moment-resisting frames are made up of interconnected beams and columns.
Lateral loads are resisted by bending of the beams and columns (see Fig. (18-5)). Such
frames undergo relatively large lateral deflections. Typically the deflected shape of a

(a) Deflected frame.


Fig.18-5 (b) Beam-column subassembly

Moment-resisting frame. frorn part (a).
Section 18-7 Shear-Wall-Frame lnteraciion ' 939

moment-resisting frame is as shown in Fig. 18-5. If all stories have beams and coiumns
with sizes proportional to the shear in the story, the lateral deflection of each story would
be similar. To simplify construciion, however, the sizes of the beams and columns
selected for the lower staries are commoniy used throughout, or are changed only every
third or fourth story. Hence, the beams and columns in a building tend to be oversized in
the upper stories. Momeat-resisting frames are used for buildings up to 8 to i0 stories.
ln a moment-resisting frame, deflections-of the columns and beams both con-
tribute to the svr'ay deflectiols of the frame. If we isolate the shaded porlion of the frame
in Fig. 18-5, the deflection of A relalive to ,B is given by

giD -_
vt3 v e2L
( 1 8-3)

where ,L is the span of the beam, center to center of supports, and { is the height of the coi-
umn from midheight of the story above the beam to midheight of the story below the
beam. The first term on the right-hand slde of Eq. (18-3) is the deflection due to the bend-
ing of the columa. The second term is due to the bending of the beam. Shear deforrnations
are not included in Eq. (iE-3) because they are very small cornpared to bending cleforma-
tions in a typical frame member.
Assuming L : :
2{ and ErI, Et Iu, the portion of the relative horizontal deflection
due to bsnding of the beam is two-thirds of the totai deflection. Frequenily in tall frames, it
may be impossible to make the beams stiff enough to prevent large deflections. In such
cases, wal1s or other stiffening elements are used to control lateral deflections.

2" Bearing-wall systems are used for apartment buildings or hotels. A bearing-waii
building has a series of parallel transverse shear wa1ls between rooms or apa{ments. The walls
resist lateral loads by flexural action and deflect as vertical cantileyers.

3. Shear-wall-frame buildings, shown schematicaily in Fig. 18-6, are used in build-

ings ranging from about 8 to about 30 stories. The lateral load is resisted in par by the wall
and in part by the frame. Some of the most slender shear-wall*frame structures ever buiit
are described by Grossman t18-61. He presents some of the r.vind modeling rationale and
two case histories of buildings with heights up to 10 times the least width at ground level.
4, Yery tali corucrete bwildings Structural systems for very tali concrete buildings
closely spaced coiumns in the upper stories transfer vertical loads much iike a continuous
closed twbe would. At the top of the second floor the vertical loads are transferred to a con-
tinuous deep bearn called a transfer beam. It, in turn, transfers the vertical ioads to the ten
large coiumns on the perimeter of the ground floor. In this region the more-or-less uniform
compression in the tube is disrupted.


The division of lateral ioad between the wall and frame in a shear-wall*frame building
can be analyzed by using a frame analysis and a model similar to that in Fig. 18-6. The
frame members in the model represent the sums of the stiffnesses of the columns and
beams in the building in the bays parailel to the plane of the wall. Similarly, the wall in
the model represents the sum of the walls in the structure. The wa1l and frame are con-
nected by axially siiff link beams at every floor. The link beams in the model shown in
Fig. 18-6 may or may not be hinged. In computing internal forces and moments due to the
factored loads, the flexurai stiffnesses, El from ACI Code Section 10. 10.4.1 may be used.
The model in Fig. 18-6 may be acceptable for buildings that are symmetrical in plan and
i.:..,1",-.,:.4.. :.' ,_ I
: :-: -:-L..:.-
=+A*,Sl,asil,X.*,a";-: i:.* -- * ..

940 . Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

Hinged link beams


Fig. 18-6
Analytical model of a shear-
wali*frame building.

have rigid floor diaphragms. A three-dimensional model is required for an u
building, and where a designer wants to account for diaphragm flexibility.
The iateral-force analysis of shear-waIl-frame buildings must account for the di
ferent deformed shapes of the frame and the wall. Due to the incompatibility.of-:l
deflected shapes of the wall and the frame, the fractions of the total lateral load re.q-is,]
by the wall and frame differ from story to story. Near the top of the building, the !ii!i
deflection of the wall in a given story tends to be larger than that of the frame'-in;t
same story and the frame pushes back on the wall. This alters the forces acting gO:
frame in these stories. At some floors the forces change direction, as shown sche
cally by the range of possible moment diagrams in the waIl as shown in Fig. 18-XiA
result, the frame resists a Targer fraction of the lateral loads in the upper stories
does in the lower stories.

Bounds on the Forces in a Shear-Wall-Frame Building

The reiative portions of the lateral loads resisted by the walls and frames in a.!4
wall*frame building can be estimated by considering the wall and the frame as tw9,Yj
cai cantilevers, fixed at the bottom and connected via a single extensionally rigid link
joining the wall and frame at the top, as shown in Fig. 1 8-7a [ 18-8]. If the frame is
tlat it prevents horizontal deflection of the top of the wall, the reaction of theior4
frame at the top of the wall is 3l8wh*, where u, is the lateral load per foot of hei
ft* is the height of the wal1. This is equivalent to the reaction at the pinned end
formly loaded beam having a constant EI that is fixed at one end and pinned at the
Section -iB-B Coupled Shear Walls ' 94'1

Shear force in wall if

frame is very flexible

- Moment in wall if
Shear force in wall frame is very flexible

Moment in wall if
frame rs very stif{

Fig. i8-7
EfTect of tiarne stiffness orr (a) ldealization of the frame (b) Range of shear-force diagrams (c) Hange of moment diagrams
shear and moment in the from a wall-frame building for wall. for wall-
shear wall. as a propped cantilever.

As the lateral stilfness of lhe fiame decreases relative to the lateral stiffness of the wall,
the reaction at the top of the wall decreases. approaching zero for a very flexibie fialne
combined with a stilT wall. As a resuli, ihe shear-force afld bending-moment diagrams for
the wall can vary between the approximate limits shown in Fig. I8-7b and c. The total of
the shear in the frame and the shear in the wall in a given story must equal the shear due
to the applied loads.


Two or more shear lvalls in the same plane (or two wail assemblies) are somctimes con-
nected at tloor levels by coupling beams, so that the walls act as a unit w'hen resisting lat-
eralloads.asshowninFig. 18-S.ThecouplingLrearnsframeintotheedgesof
sholvn in this fi-eure. The discussion will be limited to the case of two walls separated by a
single vertical line ofopenings, which are spanned by reinforced concrete coupling bearns.
Walls with more than two lines of openings, as shown in Fig. 1 8-2, are handled similarly to
rvhat is discussed here for two coupled wails. Other coupled wall systems may need spe,
cial attention. especially if the rvidths and heights of the line of openings are irregular.
When the coupled wall deflects, the axes of both pails of the wall at A and A' deflect
laterally and rotate through an angle 0. as shown in Fig. 18-9. This results in shearing deflec-
tions of the coupling beams that join the two walls. Localized cracking of the beam-to-lvall
joint reduces the angie the coupling beam must go through r,vhere it is attached to the wall. It
is customary to assume the effect of these localized deflections can be represented by mov-
ing the assumed connection point in liom the face of the wall by approximately /21,/2, where
lz6 is the height of the coupling beam. Thus, we shall assume the walls are joined by coupling
beams spanning fiom B to B' . The downward deflection of point B is

as: |/\-)b,,, h,.\

- -:ltan?
")l ( r B-4)

where b,, is the ividth of the wall. Point B is assumed to be located at half the coupling
beam heighr (0.5hil in from the opening to account for the reciuctior.r in the stiflness of the
coupling beam where it is attachecl to the wall [18-8].
942 ' Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

' :::.

al .,:


\a M*t

Fig. 18-8 .+
Coupled walls. (a) Hinged coupling beams. (b) Stiff coupling beams.

The moments and axial forces in the two wall segments in Fig. 18-9 must be in equi.:;
librium with *re axial forces, shegrs, and moments in the entire coupled wall system. Thii-
signs of the moments and shears may change over the height of the buildiog, similar to.,
thosb shown by Fig. 18-7b and c. ,,

Statical System .r:

Figure 18-8 shows two prismhtic walls, wall 1 and wall 2, connecied at each floor level
by link beams hinged at each end. The moments at the bases of the two walls are eqq4.l*

Mtol: M, (18-
k:f k

Mw2 - M'
k3 h,
where 1,.,1 ard l*2are the wall moments of inertia and, Mois the moment at the base of thq
wall due to factored lateral loads. The total lateral load moments in the walls equal '..;.

Mwt* Mw2= Mo (i8.

Figure 18-8 shows the same two walls, except that the walls are now coupied by
that are continuous with the walls at every floor level and have scme flexural stiffness.
the walls deflect lateraily, the coupling beams deflect as shown in Fig. 18-9, and shears
Section 18-8 Coupled Shear Walls " 943

Axis of wall


/b.., h^\
\-;-;)lans Ax!s
Fig. t8-9 of wall
Effect of shear rr,all deflec- Coupling beam
tions on the forces in a
coupling beam (coupling
beam shown thinner for
clarity). B-
morcents are generated in the coupling beams. A free-body diagram through
the coupling
beams halfway between the faces of the two walls has slrear forces V6; in each
beam, as shown in Fig. 18-8 and Fig. 18-9. There are also axiai forces in "oupiinl
the Lreams. For
equilibrium ofvertical forces, ar,axialtension, I, must be added to the axial forces
in the
walls at the centroid of the bottom of wali 1 and an axial compression, c, at the
of the bottorn of wall 2, where

To: \v61 : co (1 B-8)

Taking the distance beiween the lines of action of the forces To and Cras /, we find that the
ta total moment at the base of the coupled wall system is

Mo:L{r,1 *M,,,rz+ToXC (18-e)

Equation 18-9 is plotted in Fig. 18-10 for a coupied rvall consisting of two walls
EIwt : 2EIw2[18-9). The vertical axis is the slenderness of the beam, lz t6, where h6 a1.d
rcf, {6 arc the height and the adjusted span of the coupling beams, respectiveiy. The beam
ral demess is used here as a measure of the stiffness of the coupling beams. A coupling
with hl Q equal to zero has no flexural stiffness, and as a result, the wall moments are divided
in proportion to the rario of the wall sriffnesses, as given by Eq.(1g-5) and (1g-6). As rhe
flexural stiffness of the coupling beams increases, the shears in them increase. As a result,
fraclion of the overtuming moment resisted by the axial force couple To x t increases
asymptotically. A major effect of ihe coupling beams is to reduce the moments Myrl
ald M.,,;2
at the bases of the two walls. This makes it easier to transmit the wail reactions
to trr" foui-
dation. The coupling beams also act to reduce the lateral deflections. If the
beams are per-
fectly rigid, the two walls act as one wail. Figure 18-10 illustrates trends on1y. The aciual
division of Mointo Mu,t, Mu:2, andro x d depends on more variabres than just h6f €6.
Coupling beams may be rectangular beams, T beams, or portions of the floor siab
[i8-i0], [18-11]. In seismic regions, shorr coupling beams *ay huu" diagonally piaced
reinforcement. This is discussed in Chapter 19.
For seismic design, the Canadian concrete code I i 8- 10] defines a cottpled. wall as one
inwhichrax t, isatleast66percent of Mo.rnFig. ig-l0,thisoccurs whinh6l(6isabout
ra X f is less than 66 percent of Mo, tbe wall is ca1Led a partiarlt coupred wcil.
0.2. rf
944 . Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

MillM, M*2lMp

Fig. 18-10
Effect of the stiffness of the
coupiing beams on the
momeots in wa1ls I andZ,
Iyl :21112. Grom [18-9].)

Analysis of Coupled Walls

Before modern structural analysis programs, the individual coupling beams shown in=
Figs. 18-8b and 18-9 were replaced for analysis by a series ofclosely spaced laminae,each.:.
having a unit height and stiffness I6f h' where h, is the story height. This allowed a clgqe{.,.,.:;
form solution of the forces in the laminae and the walls. Such analyses were limited to 4 fe,W.r!
uniform walI layouts [18-9]. Modem structural-analysis programs have made it possible,,tO;
model coupled sffuctural walls, as shown in Fig. 18-8b, and to comput" nt" 1s1gs5'a!!4,J
moments in the coupling beams directly. As a result, laminar analyses are seldom used nory1
In a frame analysis to determine factored moments for design, the member stltmesg!
may be based on ACI Code Section 10.10.4. 1. The coupling beams are joined to hypothq
ical members with high values of the moment of inertia, 1, between the face of the wall..a
the centerline of the wall, as shown in Fig. 18-9. Short, deep coupling beams develop -br).-$;
flexural and shear deflections. The shear deflections can be included by replacing thelr::91
the coupling beam between the walls with

Ieff: (19...1

This equation comes from adding the moment deflections and shear deflecticns of the
where h6and (6 arethedepth and the span of the coupiing beam from face to face of the
The second term in the denominator of Eq. (18-10) accounts for the shear deflections'
Section 18-9 Design of Structural Walls-General ' 945

Levels I
(a) Wall moments, M6 &nd Mry2. (bi Axial couple, I{. (c) Shear in coupling beams, V6.

Typical distribution of wali moments, axialforce couple, and shear in the coupling beams,
Iutl Iut2. Grom [18-4].)

Floor slabs may serve as coupling beams. Their stiffness can be based on a slab with
a width perpendicular to the wal1 equal fo the wall thickness plus half of the width of the
opening, t6f Z,betreenthe walls, added on each side of the opening [18-11], [18-12], t18-131.
In iests of shear walls coupled by slabs, the specimens failed by punching-shear failures in
the slab around the ends of the walls. Under cyclic loads, the stiffness of slabs serving as
coupling beams decreased rapidly.
Figure 18-11a, b, and c shows the distributions of moments in the walls, the axial-
force couple, and the shears in the coupling beams for a typical coupled.wall [18-4] where
Iwl : Iro2. Typically, the maximum shear in the coupling beams occurs at about a third of
the height above the base. The sawtooth shape of Fig. 18-11a results from the end
moments in the coupling beams.


Layout of Building

Major considerations in selecting a structural system for a multistory building with struc-
tural walls are t}le following:

(a) The building must have enough rigidity to withstand the service loads with-
out excessive deflections or vibrations.
(b) It is desirable that the wall be loaded with enough vertical load to resist any
uplift of parts of the wall foundations due to lateral loads.
(c) The locations of frames and walls should minimize torsional deformations
of the building about the vertical axis of the building. (See also Section 19-3.)
(d) The walls must have adequate strength in shear, and in combined flexure
and axial loads.
(e) The wall thickness or cover on the reinforcement may be governed by the
fire code.

Lateral loads are transferred to the lateral-force resisting system by the floor and roof slabs
serving as horizontal diaphragms that act as wide, flat beams in the plane of the floor or roof
system. The diaphragms must have a tension flange, a compression flaage, and a web capable
946 " Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

21 ft

21 t\

RC wall
114 tt


I 21 tt

itI l,,u I
Fig. 18-12 t
Generai buiiding floor pian.

of transmitting the lateral loads. Because the direction of the iateral load changes back and forth
during wind or earthquake cycles, the compression and tension flanges of the diaphragm must
be able to accommodate changes in the sign of the loading. I.{otches or other discontinuities in
the tension and ccmpression flanges ofthe diaphragm shouid be avoided or reinforced to trans-
mit the forces around the discontinuities. Diaphragms ar:e also discussed in Section 19-10.

Distribution of Walts in a Building Flaor Plan

A common design recommendation is to minimize the separation, commonly referred to
as the eccentricity, between the center of mass (geometric centroid of the floor plate) and
the center of lateral resistance (CR) provided by the shear walls and moment resisting
frames in the lateral-load system. Because lateral loads are assumed to act through the
center of mass (CM), any eccentricity between the CN4 and CR wili result in the genera-
tion of torsional mgments. A central-core wall system, similar to that shown in Fig. 18- 12,
commonly is used to minimize eccentricity between the CM and CR.
When a building structure is subjected to large lateral displacements due to earth-
quake ground motions. the stiffnesses of the laterai-ioad resisting members are likely to
change in a nonuniform fashion" As a result, the CR is iikely to be relocated and the eccen-
tricity between the CM and CR may increase. To account for this, the International Build-
ing Code 118-141 specifies a minimum eccentricity in the two principal directions that
must be added to any calculated eccentricity. For structures where substantial torsional
moments ma5, be geaerated, a wide distributioa of shear walis arcund the perimeter of the
floor plan would be most efficient for resisting that torsion.

Distribution of Stoly Forces (Story Shears) to Walls

In the foilowing analysis of the distribution of lateral loads to structural members, only
isolated shear walls will be considered as lateral-load resisting elements. It should be
clear that this analysis could be expande<l to include moment-resi.sting frames and wall
assembiies, such as T-shapes, L-shapes, U-shapes, etc.

Fig. 18-13
Eccentricity of center of
resistance (CR) with respect
to center of mass (CM).

Consider the floor plan and isolated shear walls shown in Fig" 18-13. We wiil assume
that the slab (diaphragm) connecting these walls is stiff in-plane but has a low flexural stiff-
ness. Thus, the wails are not coupled, but they all should have the same lateral displacement
under the acting lateral loads. We will assume the walls have a very low stiffness when bent
about their weak axis, and thus, we will only consider the sfiffness of the walls when they
are bent about their strong axes. We initially will assume that the walls are slender. Thgs,
only flexural stiffnesses will be considered. However, modifications to account for shear
deformations in short walls will be discussed at the end of this subsection. Finally, for this
analysis of the distribution of lateral forces, we initially will assume that the walls are
uncracked and thus will use the gross moment of inertia for the wails. The effect of flexural
cracking can be accounted for in a second interation of this analysis by assuming that the
moment of inertia for a flexurally cracked walI is equal to one-half of the gross moment of
inertia. If lateral displacements are to be calculated, the moment of inertia values should be
reduced by 30 percent to correspond to those recommended in ACI Code Section 10.10,4.1:

Walls uncracked:0.l I,
Walls cracked:0.35 1,
Returning to Fig. 18-13 and using the assumptions discusied here, we now want to
calculate the shear forces induced in each wall due to the lateral forces, V* and,Vr. If there
was no eccentricity between the CM and CR, the total lateral force V, would be distributed
to the four walls along the north and south edges of the floor plate in proportion to their
moments of inertia about thei( strong axis (that is, their y-axis), as shown in Fig. 18-13.
Thus, the lateral force resisted by wa1|'would be

fIril (18-1 1a)

948 ' Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

where n is the number of walls resisting V, in bending about their strong axis. Similarly, V,
would be resisted by the two walls along the east and west edges of the floor plate, and the
lateral force resisted by wall j would be

ft-t Ir, I (18-1 lb)

'vt )r,* ll',
where m is the number of walls resisting V, in bending about their strong. axis (x-axis).
If there is an eccentricity between the CM and CR or a minimum eccentricity is
specified by a design code, then the effects of torsion must be considered. To flad the CR
for the floor plate in Fig. 18-13, we initially wili assume an origin at the southwest corner
of the plate and measuie distances from that origin in terms of X and Y. To find the location
of the CR in the I-direction, we will consider only the walls resisting V, through bending
about theiry-axis. Following this procedure, the value for I, is

Y= \Cr. (18-12a)

Similarly, to find the location of CR in the X-direction, we will consider only the walls
resisting V, by bending about their r-axis. Thus,

Y:I (18-12b)

The location of the CM is given in Fig. 18-13, so the eccentricities from CM to CR are

ey Y, (18-13a)

x, (18-13b)

These eccentricities or an increased value of eccentricity required to satisfy a goveming builG

ing code requirement can be used to calculate the torsion caused by the lateral ioads as followp;
T, - Vte, (1.5:147)

T, : Yre, (18-,14b)

The torsion resisted by each wail in the floor plan will be related to the lateral stiftnels. --
of the wall for bending about its strong axis multiptied by the distance in the r- or y-directQ!: -i.,
from the wal1 to the CR, as measured perpendicular to the weak axis of the wail. Thus,,.$:',., '
stated previously, if a signiflcant torsion is to be resisted, the use of widely distributed waltl ..
is more effective in resisting torsion. An equivalent torsional stiffness for all of the walls'io";
the floor system (acting as a unit) can be calculated as the sum of the torsionul rc5i5tance,',il
from each wall multiplied by their respective perpendicular distance to the CR. This torsio-na1.:,,..1'.11
stiffness can be expressed as

r<,: \t*;x! + xr,,; .v3 (18--15I

Secticn 1B-9 Design of Structural Walls-General ' 949

With this equivalent torsional stiftness for the walls acting as a combined system, we
can determine how much shear is induced in each wal1 lvhen resisting the torsional
moments. Hor.vever. there mav Lre some question regarding what torsional moments should
be used rvhen determining the total shear force in each wail. Tipically, a struciure is ana-
lyzed for lateral loads (wind or especially seismic) acting in only one principal direction
and then reanalyzed for the laterai loads acting in the other principal direction. These tw.o
results normaily are considered separately in the design. in this case, the torsion that is
generated by either ofthe lateral loads acting in one principal direction is resisted by alt of
the walls-not jusf lhose with their principal axes perpendicular to the lateral load. Thus, it
is not ciear how much of the torsion generated due to lateral loading in the second princi-
pal direction should be included when considering the effect of lateral loading in the first
principai direction. Assuming that some percentage of the efl'ect of lateral ioading in the
second principal direction should be considered, lhe authors presenr the tbllowing expres-
sions. The first expression is for the shear induced in walls that have their strong axis
perpendicular to the lateral force V..

[?],. * aTr) (18-16a)

Similarly, for'the walls that have their strong axis perpendicular to the lateral force V,,,

f r,,r,l
+ aTr) 08-16b)
For both expressions, the authors recommend using a : 0.25 to reflect the low probabili-
ty of having the maximum lateral forces acting simultaneously in both principal directions.
We now can combine the results from Eqs. (18-11) and (i8-16) to obtain the total
shear resisted by walls with their strong axis perpendicuiar to the lateral force v, as

V.,1 - V'-i * V'1.1 (18-l7a)

For walls with their strong axis perpendicuiar to the iateral force 2'. we have

Vr; : V'ri * V'1, (18-17b)

For all of the analysis results given up to this point, only flexural stiffnesses of the
walls have been considered. For wa1ls with aspect ratios (,ht,ltrr) less than 3, the effect of
shear deformations starts to become rnore significant. For such walls, :it is recommended to
use a modified mornent of inertia to reflect the increased importance of shear deforma-
tions. A value recommended in the PCA Design Handbook I I 8- l5 I is

lmod - (18-18)
' A u,h?,,

where 1" is the effective flexural moment of inertia that has been selected based on the
prior discussions, and A.r, is the wall area, h x (r1,.

Wall Foundations

The foundations at the base of the wall must be able to transfer the shear. moment, and
axial force as required fiom the base of the wall to the supporting soil or rock. If the
axiai gravity forces P,, in the wall are small, the moments at the base of the wali may

950 . Chapter te Walls and Shear Walls




(a) lsolated v,rall footing.



Outrigger beam or wall

Fig. 18-14 -____r-=-____-=.-l

Wall foundations. (b) Combined footing.

cause uplift under one side of the shear-wall footing, as shown in Fig. 18-14a. Both ail...,
axial load and a moment are resisted by the soil, and as a result, the soil pressure willr :
vary across the width of the wall footing. For a vertical load acting at rhe kern o(tl.{,
fcoting area, ar for a vertical load and moment acting on the footing, the soil pressi|{e.-
will range from smaller than average (as low as zero) on one side of the footing:iQ,:
higher than the ayerage stress (up to twice as high) at the other side. Because tensile-:,: '
uplift stresses are difficuit to rssist, they should be avoided. Ifthe footing size becornef ,;
excessive, possible solutions are:

(a) Replace the rectangul?I footing with an H-shaped footing, to increase thera-
/ r-\

dius of gyration (r
Section 18-9 Design of Structural Walls-General " 35'tr

(b) Use pile or caisson founclations.

lJse coupled shear waiis to wicien the footprint o1'the wall and divide the
moment to be transfened inlo the three components shovrn in Fig. 18-8b.
(d) Attach the base of the wali to horizontal outrigger bearns ir the basernent
which extend the foundaticn to receive the vertical loads from adjacent frame
columnssothattiereisnouplifi; ortheupliftiscounteracted(seeFig. l8-14b).
(e) Attach the base of the rvall to the ground-floor diaphragm and basement floor
to provide a horizontal force couple to react lo the moment at the base of the wali.
{fl) Use a mat foundation.

Wyiiie [18-16] and Paula-v and Priestly [18-17] both discuss shear-wali foundations.

Required Size of 1A/all

In choosing a structural wall section foi a given building, the r.vall must
(a) have enough strength to resist the factored moments, shears, and axial loads
acting on it; and
ib) have enough stiffness to limit the iateral deflections.

There is no widely accepted rvay of doing tYns. A rough estima{e of the minimuirr wali stifthess,
E{ required to limit the lateral deflections to an acceptable value can be made by considenng
the wa1ls as a veilical cantilever with a constant EI otter the height, loaded with a constant wiad
load over the height, as sholvn in Fig. i8-14a. S/all thicknesses, and ihus the structure's E1
would generally decrease as the moments and shears decrease near the top of the structure, we
shall assume it is constant over the building height and equal to the sum of the EI values of the
walls in the bottom story. This cantiiever will be loaded with a constant, unifbrm serv'ice wind
load of a;, ib per foot of height. The wind load is the product of the length and height of the
building and the wind pressuie per foot of height, taken equal to the algebraic sum of the wind-
ward rvind pressul€s and leeward wind suctions evaiuated at the top of the building. It is cus-
tomary to iinit the relative horizontal dellection of the top and bottom of a story to a fraction of
the height of the story, expressed as A :
hj{200 to 500), where A//z, is called the story drift.
This limit is expressed in terms of the slope of the wall relative to the vertical in any story
throughout the height of the building. The largest slope in a shear wal1 or shear-wall-frame
building is generally at the top of the structure and is given bV 11 8-61
(slope at top) : (rotation of base of wall) * (area of M IEI diagram from base to top)
Ifthe base is fixed against rotation and assumingthat EI : E/bor" is constant over the
height of the building, hrr, the folloi,ving gives the slope at the top relative to the undeflect-
ed position:

Slooe at too : it''fri' ( 1 8-20)


hr,, is the height of the wali

E is the modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi (because all other units are in pounds
and feet, the mo<lulus of elasticity in psi is multiplied by (14a in.2ltf) to change the
psi units to psf)
f. is the uncracked moment of inertia of the wal1 or walls at the boliom of the strus-
ture (an uncracked wall is taken to be representative of service-load levels, because
'952 o Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

codes limit service-load deflections and the wails are generally not severely cracked
under service loads); ACI code section gives 1 :0.7alrft4 for an un-
cracked wall
zo, is the unfactored wind load per vefiical foot of wall, evaiuated at the top of the
wall, in lblft. of height

Limits on Story Drift

ASCE 7118-181 does not timit the lateral deflection or the story drift. The National
Building Code of Canada t18-191 limits the maximum story driftunderunfactoredloads
to less than 1/500 of [he story height. The maximum acceptabie drift depends on the
abiiity for occupants of the buiiding to perceive the motion of the building during a
major windstorm. This storm may be chosen as a rare event, such as the maximum annu-
al windstorm or the maximum windstorm in one tenancy of the building-say, every
three to eight years. Grossman discusses design for wind induced movement of slender
concrete buildings [ 1 8-6].
If a wall having height h* and constant wall stiffness El is fixed at the base, the max-
imum drift wili be in the top story. sening the service-load story drift from Eq. (1g-20)
equal to 11500, we can compute the minimum total Iz for the walls parallel to the direction
of the wind load as
:(0.7018) : (18-21)
once the minimum x1, has been estimated, walls can be selected to give )r, equal to or
greater than rvhat is required by Eq. (18-21). Although this analysis is intentionally simpli-
fied, it gives an order-of-tnagnituCe estimate of story drift. It does not consider torsional
loadings on the structlre, aad it assumes that the wind pressure is constant over the height
of the building. At the stage in design where the sizes of shear walls are initially chosen,
these details are not yet known. A better estimate of L/h can be obtained by calculating the
second term on the right-hand-side of Eq. (18-19) more accurately based on a better
estimate of the EI and moment.

Minimum \&'all Thickness

The minimum thicknesses given in ACi Code Section 14.5.3 are inrended to apply
only to bearing wails designed via the empirical design method from AcI Code
Section 14.5. The authors would limit the thickness of wa1ls with rectangular cross
sections to the absolute minimum af 1 20 of the unsupported height of the wall.
Preferably. the waIl thickness should not be less than 1/i5 of the unsupported height.
The wa1l thickness must be large enough to allow the concrete to be placed without

Reinforcement in Shear Walls

Distributed afid Coficentrated Reinforcement

The reinforcemsni in a shoar wali is generally made up of:
(a) Distributed horizontal and vertical reinforcement spread uniformly over the
length between the boundary elements and over the height of the wall.
{b) Conce,x{rated. verticai reinforcement is located in boundary elements at or
near the edges of the wall and is tied in much the same way that column cages are.
Section 18-9 Design of Structural Walls-General . otr?

Minimum Wall Reinforcetn€nt

In addition to the distributed reinforcement required by ACI Code Section 14.3, several
other ACI sections require minimum amounts of distributed horizontai and vertical steel
that may apply to walls. These are given in Table 18-i.
ACI Code Seciion 14.3 requires minimum areas for distritruted vertical reinforce-
ment in walls to be equal to 0.0012,4, and the minimum area of distributed horizontal
reinforcement in wa1ls to be equal to 0.0020Ar. This steel can be placed in two layers or
curtains of distributed vertical and horizontal reinforcement with the bars in the two
curtains tied together at intervals, but not enclosed in ties. A single reinforcement cur-
tain is allowed at the midpiane of wa1ls having thicknesses of i0 in. or less {ACI Code
Section 14.3.4). Thrs steel cannot be tied because there is only one curtain. Thicker
rvails require two curtains of reinforcement, each consisting of not less than half of the
totai minimum reinforcement requirect in each direction. Each of these two layers is
placed not more than one-third of the lvall thickness from the surface. It is desirable to

TABLE 18-1 Minimum Reinforcement in Walls Compared to Other Members'

Reason ,AClCode Requirement Maximum Spacing

Shrinkage and (b) Slabs where Grade-60 deformed Five times the slab thickness,
temperature bars or r,velded-wire fabric no farther apart than I 8 in.
(plain or deformed) are used: 0.0018

Minimum flexulal 10.5.4 The minimum area of teasile reinforcement Three times the slabthickness. no farther
steel in slabs in the direction of the slab span is the same apart than 18 ia.

Deep beams 11.7.4 The area of shear reinforcement perpendicular s shall not exceed d/5 or 12 in.
to the span shail notbe less than 4.0025b*s

11.7.5 The area of shear reinforcement parallel s2 shall not exceed dl5 or 12 in.
to the span not be less than 0.0015&rs2
Wal1s Ratio p, of horizontal shear reinfcrrcement Spacing of horizontal shear
area to gross concrete area shal1 not be reinforcement shali not exceed
less than 0.0025. tw/5,3h, or 18 in. Ratio p7 of vertical shear reinforcement Spacing of vertical shear reinforcemenl
shal1 not be less than shaii not exceed tol3,3&, or 18 in.
n: 0.0025 + 0.5(2.5 * h.*lt; x
fur - 0.0025)
nor 0.002.5.
Siabreinforcement 13.3.1 Area of reinforcement in each direction Spacing of reinforcement at cdtical
shali be determined frorn moments at sections shall not exceed two times
critical sections, but shall not tre less the slab thickness
than required by

Minimum l+-7.L Minimum ratio of verlical reinforcement i4.3.5 \zertical and horizontal
reinforcement- area to gross concrete area sha1l be: reinforcement shal1 not be spaced
Wal1s (a) 0.0012 for deformed bars not larger farther apart than three times the wa1l
than No. 5 with a specified yield strength thickness, nor farther apart than I I in.
not less than 60,000 psi.
14.3.3 Minimum ratio of horizontal reinforcement
area to gross coilcreie area shall be:
(a) 0.0020 for deformed bars not larger than
No. 5 with a specified yield strength
flot less than 60,000 psi.
alf more than one of these sections apply, the sections requiring the largest minimum area and the smallest spacing shall govern.
954 n Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

have the steel in two layers close to the sides of the wall because the internal lever arm,
jd, far weak-axis bending is much smaller if the reinforcement is at the celter of the
wall. ACI Code Section 14.3.5 requires that distributed vertical and horizonral bars be
spaced not further apart than three times the wall thickness or 18 in., whichever is less.
ACI Code Section 11 .9.9 .3 allows the maximum spacing of horizontal shear reinforce-
ment to be the smaliestof 4*f 5,3h, and 18 in. ACI Section allows the maxi-
mum spacing of vertical shear reinforcement to be the smaliest of 4*13,312, and 18 in.
Shear walls subjected to large moment reversals, as likely would occur during strong
earthquake ground motions, may require larger minimum vertical-reinforcement areai
than given by the previous requirements in order to prevent possible fracture of the vertical
reinforcement [1 8-20].

Ties for Vertical Reinforcement

ACI Code Section 14.3.6 specifies that the distributed vefiical reinforcement need notbe
enclosed by lateral ties if
(a) the vertical reinforcement area is not greater than 0.01 times the gross con-
crete area or
(l)) the vefiical reinforcement is not required as compression reinforcement.

&{any designers interpret part (b) of ACi Code Section 14.3 .6 to rnean that wall steel sat-
isfying (a) in this list that is not enclosed in transverse ties should be ignored in strength
calculations if
o it is stressed in compression under static loads, or
a it is stressed by cyclic loads that cause compression in the bars
Distdbuted wall steei placed in two separate curtains can tre tied through the thick-
ness of the wall using stirrups or through-the-wall cross-ties engaging reinforcement on
both faces of the rvall. Although the ACI Code does not specify what fraction of the bars
should be tied in this manner, it is customary for such ties to engage every second or thild
bar each way on both faces 118-211.
In many cases the distributed vertical reinforcement has enough moment capacity
to resist the wind load moments. If not, concentrated reinforcement is provided in
boundary elements at the ends of the walls or at the intersections of wal1s. These ele-
ments contain vertical steel satisfying the minimum reinforcerient requirements from
ACi Code Section 10.9.1 based on the area of the boundary elements , ruther than on the
gross area of the wall. This steel is enciosed by ties satisfying ACI Code Section 7.10.5.
As a result, the steel is assumed to be restrained against buckling, and thus able to resist
compressive bar forces. The bcundary elements may be the same thickness as the rest of
ihe wall, or they may be thicker.
Although ACI Code Chapter 14 does not require conceatrated reinforcement at the
ends of the walls, it is good practice to at least use larger bars at the extreme ends of the wall.

Transfer of Wall l-oad througb Floor Systems

In tall buildings, the strength of the concrete in the waiis may be higher than the strength of
the concrete in the floor system. Walls may be of high-strength ccncrete to reduce thelater'
al deflections and the rvind-induced sway vibrations of the building. On the basis of tests of
coluran*floor joints, ACI Code Section i0. 12 allows aa increase in the effective strength of
the floor concrete in locations rvhere the floor concrete is confined on all sicles by the high-
er-strength column concrete. This effect is smaller in edge and corner column joints than ln
interior jolnts, because there is less confinement of the joint corerete at edge or corner
columns. The lack of conflnement is even more pronouncecl in watl-floor joints, because I
Section 18-10 Flexural Strength of Shear Walls . 955

greater length of joint concrete is untonfined. In the absence of tests, it is recommended that
the strength of wall-to-floor joints be based on the lower of the wall and floor concrete


Flexure-Nominal Strength, Factored Strength,

and Resistance Factors
Cross sections in a wall are designed to satisfy

$M,, > Mu (18-22)

6N,> Nu ( 1 8-23)

6VN > V" (18-24)

wherc Mn is the nominal resistance based on the specified material strengths, Muis the re-
quired resistance computed from the factored loads, and so on. The strength-reduction fac-
tor, @, comes from ACI Code Section 9.3.2 for flexure and axial ioads and from ACI Code
Section for shear. The factored loads are from ACI Code Section 9.2. 1 .

Strength-Reduction Factors for Flexure and Axial Load-ACI

Code Section 9..3.2
The strength-reduction ({) factors for combined flexure and axial loads for a shear wall
vary, depending on the maximum steel strains aniicipated at ultimate load. As explained in
Chapters 5 and I 1, the calculation of strength-reduction factors, @, is based on the strain, e,,
in the layer of steel at the depth, d,, which is located farthest from the extreme-compression

Tensfuin-controlted limitfor a rectangular wall. The strength-reduction factor, d, can be

computed directly from the computed strain in the extreme-tension layer of reinforcement, e,.
ACI Code Section 10.2.3 defines the tension-controlled limit load as the load causing a strain
distribution having a maximum strain of 0.0030 in compression on the most compressed face
of the member, when the steel strain in the extreme layer of tension reinforcement, er, reaches
0.0050 in tension. From similar triangles, the neutral axis wiil be located at cf d, : 0.375dt
from the compressed face, where d, is the distance from the extreme-compression fiber to the
centroid of the layer of bars farthest from the compression face of the member. Thus, when c
is less than or equal to 0.37Sd,,the wall is tension-controlled, and @ : 9.9.

Compression-controlled limit for a rectangulnr wall. The compression-controlled

limit corresponds to a strain distribution with the ne'utral axis at0.6d,. So, when c is greater
than or equal to 0.6d,,the wall is compression-controlled, and @ : 9.65.

Flexural Strength of Rectangular Walls with Uniform

Curtains of Vertical Distributed Reinforcement
Code guidance on the use of vertical distributed reinforcement in walls loaded cyclically is
ambiguous. In seismic regions, the loads resisted by verlical bars that are not tied, are ignored.
ACI Code Section 14.3.6 is more lenient. It requires that verlical bars be tied (a) if the total
distributed vertical reinforcement, A, exceeds 0.01A* or (b) if the vertical reinforcement
included as compression reinforcement in the calculations. The following strength ahalysis
956 . Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

applies to walis with two curtains of reinforcement with ties through the wall to the other cur- j
tain of bars. The equations in this subsection also apply if the area of steel is less than O Ot, :i
ACI Code Section suggests that, il seismic regions, column reinforcemeiifiii
would be adequately tied ifthe center-to-certer spacing ofcross-ties or the legs ofhoopS
not exceed 14 in. Given this guidance, the author believes that the vertical reinforcemeqt in
nonseismic wall can be taken as "tied" if at least every second bar in a cufiain of
is tied through the wall to a bar in the other curtain of steel, near the opposite face.
face. -.;
Figure i8-15a shows a rectangular wall section with a uniform distribution of verti,:i
cal steel. We will assume that the wall is subjected to a factored axial load, N, and.,:#.e
want to find the nominal flexurai strength, Mn, for this wall using the assumed straiii,i
distribution in Fig. 18-15b. We will use a procedure developed by A.E. Cardenas an<i:
colleagues Ll8-221and [18-23]. They made the following assumptions at nominal
conditions for shear wall sections similar to that in Fig. 18-15a.


l, ,, ,l
(a) Typical wall section.

> o.oo5
(b) Assumed strain distribution.

External forces

Fig. 18-i5
Wall with uniform distribu-
tion of vertical reinforcement
subjected to axial ioad and (c) Flesultant external and internal forces aciing on
bending. wall section.
Section 18-10 Flexural Strength of Shear Walls . 957

1. All steel in the tension zone yieids in tensioa.

2" All steel in the corapression zone yields in compression.
3. The tension force acts at middepth of the tension zone. -
4. The total compression force (sum of steel and concrete contributions) acts at
middepth of the compression zone.

From those assumptions and using Ar, to represent the total area of lcngitudinai
(vertical) reinforcement, we san obtain the following expressions for the vector forces in
Fig. 18-15c.
uw /p -.\'
- ^ ,l
/\ l.\
Cr: A*f"l'\(*
* l (18-2sb)
c, : a.85f ', hBp (18-25c)

c:cr*c, (18-25d)

The percentage of total longitudinal reinforcement is

pe : 4,, (18-26a),

and the longitudinal reinforcement index is

,: p(#

Finally, Cardenas, et al. defined an axial stress parameter as,

o: htulL

where N, represents the factored axial load, positive in compression.

Enforcing section equilibrium leads to


o.8s/: hBlc + o,,fr(*\

'\(*/ - o*r,(fu#)
'\ {u
Combining some terms and dividing both sides of this force equilibrium expression by
h(,*f ', results in

08spr*- (,- x)h*:#k

Substituting the deflnitions from Eqs. (18-26) and (18-27), we can solve for the distance to
the neutral axis from the compression edge of the waIl,

^ *
/ a+o \t1,.
- II
\o.ssB, + 2at
958 u Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

With this value for c, we can use Eq. (18-25) to find all of the section forces. Then, sum-
ming moment about the compression force, C, in Fig. 18-15c, we get the following
expression for the nominal moment sftength of the wail section.

Mn- ,(?) .-'(T) (18-2e)

Cardenas and his colieagues were able to show good agreement between measured
moment strengths from tests of shear walis and strengths calculated using Eq. (18-29).
The critical load case for evaluating the nominal moment strength oi a structural wall
normally con'esponds to ACI Eqs. (9-6) or (9-7) in ACi Code Section 9.2.1.

U :0.9D + 1.6W (ACI Eq. 9-6)

U :0.9D + t.AE (ACI Eq.9-7)

Either of these load cases wiil minimize the factored wall axial load, N, and thus minimize
the wall ncminal moment slrength. A1so, it can be shown for essentially all structural walls
that c { 0.3'75d. Thus, the wall section is tension-controlled, and d : 0.9.

Moment Resistance of Wall Assemblies, Wa1ls with Fi

Flanges, and Walls with Boundary Elements St
Frequenily, shear walis have webs and flanges that act together to form H-, C-, T-, and CC

L-shaped wall cross sections refeired to as wall assetnblies. The effective flange widths
can be taken from ACI Code Sections 8.12.2 and 8.12.3. In regions subject to eafthquakes,
ACI Code Section the flange widths to the smaller of
(a) halfthe distance to an adjacent web or
(b,) 25 percent of the total height of the wali.
We shall use the iimiting flange thicknesses fromACI Code Section for both seis-
mic and nonseismic wails.
Frequently, the thickness is increased at the ends of a wall to give room for concen-
trated vertical reinforcement that is tied like a tied column (see ACI Code Section 7.10.5).
The increased thickness also helps to prevent buckling of the flanges. Regions containing
concentrated and tied reinforcement are known as bounclary elements, regardless of
whether or not they are thicker than the rest of the wal1.

Norninal Moment Strength of Walis with Boundary

Elements or Flanges

In this subsection, we wili discuss structural wal1s that have longiiudinai reinforcement
concentrated at the edges to increase their nomilal moment strength. A few typical exan:
ples of such walls are shown in Fig. t8-16. The longitudinal reinforcement in boundary
elements similar to those in Fig. 18-16a and b will need to be tied with transverse reln-
forcement that satisf,es ACI Code Secticn 7.10.5 if the walls are in regions of 1ow or no
seismic risk" The confinement requiremenls are more stringent for boundary eiements of
structural walls in regicns of high seismic risk, as will be discussed in Chapter 19.
When caiculating the nominai moment strength, Mn, fot walls similar to those
Fig. 18-16, the contribution frcm the vertical reinforcement in the web js usually igno.*l
because its contributio nto Mnis quite smail compared to the ccntribution from the u"rt"t
reinforcement concentrated at the edges of the wall. For some flanged sections or wail
Section 18-10 Flexural Strength of Shear Walls ' 959

(a) Boundary element within dimensions of wal!

(b) Wall with enlarged boundary element

Fig. i8-16
Structural r,valls r.vith concen-
trated reinforcement al their
edges. (c) Wall with reinforcement concentrated in flanges.

assemblies, as sholvn in Fig. 18-16c, ignoring the vertical reinforcement in the web may be
too conservative. An altemative procedure for anaLyztng such wall assemblies in flexure is
given in the next subsection.
The model used to analyze the nominal moment strength of a structural waI1 with
boundary elements is shown in Fig. 18-17. For the boundary element in tension, the tension
force is
7 : A'ft (18-30)

where A, is the total arlea of longitudinal steel io the boundary element. Ttre longitudinal
steel in the compression boundary element is ignored. Using the compression stress-block
model from Chapter 4, the compression force is
C - A.85.fLba (1 8-3 1)

where b is the width of the boundary element. Enforcing section equilibrium for the verti-
cal forces in Fig. i8-17 results in
T+Nu ( 1 8-32)
0.qsf L b

Normaliy, the compression stress block is contained within the boundary eiement, as
shown in Fig. 18-17. If the compression force required for section equilibrium is large
enough to cause the value of a to exceed the length of the boundary element shown as b' in
Fig. 18-17, then a section analysis similar to that discussed in Section 4-8 for flanged sec-
tions will be required.
As discussed in the prior subsection, the critical load case tbr evaluating the nominai
moment strength of a structural wall normally conesponds to ACI Eqs. (9-6) or (9-7) in
ACi Code Section 9.2.1. Either of these load cases will minimize the factored axial load,
Nu, andthus minimize the wall nominal moment strength. Summing the moment about the
compression force in Fig. 18-17 leads to the following expression for M,.
itt:.'j-:.: ir-.r:i::

960 . Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls


Fig. 18-17
Fiexural strength model for
wail with boundary elements

/' \
/ o\
M,:r\d-;) . (1
For essentially all structural walls, it can be shown that the neutral-axis depth, c, is
less than 0.375d, so the sectior is tension-controlled, and { : 6.9.

Nominal Moment Strength of Wall Assemblies

Paulay and Priestly t18-171 present the following niethod of computing the required
forcement in a wall assembly. Figure 18-18 shows a plan of a wall consisting of a web
two flanges. The wall is loaded with a factored axial load, N, a factored load and a
Mua, that causes compression in flange 1; and a shear, V* parallel to the web. The axial

/-r-. Mu,


Fig. 18-18
Reiaforcement Forces acting
on a wall segment. (From
Seismic Design of Reinforced
Concrete and l{asonry Build-
in g s, P aulay and Priestly,
Copyright John V/ylie &
Sons, 1992. Reprinted by
permission of John ,Xa,X1,XZ,XO
Wylie & Sons, Inc.)
Section 1B-10 Flexural Strength of Shear Walls . 96'i

and the moment act through the centroid of the area of the wall. The moment can be replaced
by an eccentric axial ioad located at

gr, - -t (r 8-34)

from the centroid, which is equivalent to it acting at ,r-.r : €,, - x 1 from the centroid of the
flangc that is in conrpresiion.
Because of the shear. [,, the verticai reinfbrcement in the web will be to be
the minimum steel required by ACI Code Section The caiculations will be sim-
plified by assuming that al1 of the web steel yields in tension. We can assume this because
under cyclic loads, the neutral axis u'ill alternateiy be close to the lefi and the right ends of
the web. The steel in the web resists an axial force of

Tt: Arz.ft (18-3s)

where A.; is the area of distributed steel in wall element 2, the i.veb, Summing moments
about the centroid of the compression flange gives the folloiving equation lor the tension,
73, in the righrhand flange:

( 1 8-36)

In a similar manner, the force in the tension reinforcement, required in the left-hand flange
lbr the axial load and the moment M,,6, car.rsing compression in the righrhand tlange can
be computed as
N,,.ro Tt):
rl- (I 8-36)
x1 -r X2

The required area of concentrated vertical reinforcement in the flanges can be computed
by dividing the tension forces from Eqs. (18-36) and (18-37) by the producr, Q x .fy.

BiaxiaUy loaded walls. A wall is said to be biaxially loaded if it resists axial load
plus mornents abollt two axes. One method of computing the strer.rgth of such walls is the
equivalent eccentricity method presented in Section 1 1-7. In this method, a fraction between
0.4 and 0.8 times the weak-axis moment is added to the strong-axis moment. The wall is then
designed for the axial load and the combined biaxial moment treated as a case of uniaxial
bending and compression.

Strictly speaking, the elastic moment resistance of an unsymmetrical wall should

be computed allowing for moments about both principal axes of the cross section. This
is not widely done in practice. It is generally assumed that cracking of the walls and the
proportior.ring of the vertical wall reinfbrcement can be clone considering moments
about one orlhogonal aris rr a lime.

Shear Transfer between Wall Segments in Wall Assemblies

Forthe flanges to work with the rest of the cross section of a wall assembly, so-called "ver,
tical shear stresses" must exist on the interface between the flange and ."veb, even when the
wall and the wall segments are constructed monolithically. The stresses to be transferred are
calculated in the same manner as for a composite beam, by using Eqs. (16-13) and (16-15).
The reintbrcement should satisfy ACI Code Section 11.6, Sheor Friction.
962 ' Chapter 18 walls and Shear Walls


The design of structural walls for shear in non-seismic regions is covered in ACI t
Section 11.9, Provisions for Watts.The basis for this code section was a series of
of one-third-size, planar, shear walls, reported in [18-227, [18-23.1, [18-24]. The
specirhens were divided between flexural shear walls with ratios of Mul(VrL.) of:
2.0, and higher and short shear walls with M,f (Vr,4,r,) : 0.50' The basic shear'
equations are similar to those for the shear design of prestressed concrete beams:

ow> v" (1.8:

(ACI Eq. I
Vr-Vr*V, (r8.:.

,"=(L *
" \@ v")

ACI Code section I 1.9.3 limits v, to amaximum value o[ 10\.1t1 hd, where d shall
taken as 0.8{,,, unless a strain-compatibility analysis is used to define the centroid
tension force in bending. For wal1s with concentrated verlical reinforcement in boullg
'the walls, d may be measured from the extreme comp{gi
elements at the edges of
edge to the centroid of the concentrated vertical reinforcement near the tension;i

V, for Shear Walls

As with beam design, the concrete contribution to shear strength is set approximate,ly
to the value of shear that causes shear (inclined) cracking in a structural wall, FOr.
subjected to axial compression, a designer is permitted to use Eq. (18-41), unleq-q,3;
detailed analysis is made, as will be discussed in the next paragraph,

v, : zn{n hd

where ,l is the factor for lightweight aggregate concrete. It is taken as 1.0 for
weight concrete and shall be used as defined in ACI Code Section 8.6.1 for lUhtl
concrete. For wails subjected to axial tension, a designer must use ACI Code Eq'u.(
witlt h substituted for b*,

(ACI Eqr'

where N, is negative for tension and N rrl A, shall be expressed in psi units'
For structural walis subjected to axLl compression, ACI Code Section 11,
mits V. to be taken as the smaller of

'c : 3.3iV {'- hd t-
(ACI Eq:'

Section 18-'l 'l Shear Strength of Shear Walls ' 963

Fig. 18-i9
Location of critical section
for checking fl exural-shear

u(tzsttr,. rrh)I
t/- . Mu *4*

vuz l (18-44)
(ACI Eq. lt-28)
Eq. (1S-a3) coffesponds to the shear force at the initiation of web-shear cracking and
normally will govern for short walls. Eq. (18-44) normally will govern for slender walls
and corresponds to the shear force at the initiation of flexural-shear cracking at a sec-
tion approximately 4.12 above the base of the wa1l. If the quantity (MulVu - 4*/2) in
Eq. (18-a4) is negative, then Eq. (18-44) does not apply to the wall being analyzed. The
value for MulVu is to be evaluated at a section above the base of the wall, and the dis-
tance to that section is to be taken as the smallest of t*12,h*12, and one story height
(Fig. 18-19). The value of V" computed at that section may be used throughout the
height of the shear wali.

Shear Reinforcement for Structural Waiis

Shear reinforcement for structural walls always consists of evenly distributed vertical
and horizontal reinforcement. In many cases, shear cracks in walls are relatively shal-
' low (i.e., their inclination with respect to a horizontal line is less than 45 degrees), so
vertical reinforcement will be just as effective-if not more effective-as horizontal rein-
forcement in controlling the width and growth of such cracks. However, the shear-
strength contribution from wall reinforcement is based on the size and spacing of the
horizontal reinforcement.
In many cases, only minimum amounts of shear reinforcement are required in
structural walls, and those minimum amounts are a function of the amount of shear
being resisted by the structural wall. If the factored shear force, V, is less than $Yr/Z,
then the distributed vertical and horizontal wall reinforcement must satisfy the require-
ments of ACI Code Section 14.3, as summarized in Table 18-1. If a designer uses
Grade-60 reinforcement and bar sizes not larger than No. 5, then the minimum percent-
age of vertical steel is 0.0012, and the minimum percentage of horizontal steel is
964 ' Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

Fig. 18-20
Distribution of vertical and
horizontal shear.reinforcement
in the web of a shear wall.
0.0020. Referring to Fig. 18-20 for notation defi.nitions, the percentage of al:j
(longitudinal) steel is
p{: hst

And the percentage ofhorizontal (transverse) steel is

Pt- hst

For both the horizontal and vedical steel, ACI Code Section i4.3.5 limits the bar
to the smaller of 3h and 18 in.
For walls resisting a higher, factored shear force (that is, 0Vr/2 < V" = $Vr),the;y;
tical and horizontal steei in the wall must satisfy the minimum percentages and the,l|J-
mum spacing requirements of ACI Code Section 11.9.9, as sunmalized in Table 18:'1,i'
minimum p".."rtug" of horizontal (ffansverse) reinforcement, pt, is 0.0025 and is to'
placed at a spacing that does not exceed the smallest of 8*15,3h, and 18 in' Vertic4l:'
iorcement is to be placed at a spacing that does not exceed the smallest of l*13,3h, alI-E.:
in. The percentage of vertical (longitudinal) steel, ps, shall not be less than the lar,g€
0.0025 andthatcalculatedusingAClCodeEq. (11-30); i

Pe : 0.0425 + os(zs -z)*, * 0.002s) (1

(ACI Eq. 11 -

For walls with hwl|u) >' 2.5, this equation will not govern. In shorter walls !i/l
horizontal reinforcement percentage, pr, exceeds 0"0025, the value of p4 calctt
Eq. (18-46) does not need to exceed the amount (percentage) of horizontal
ment required for shear strength.
If walls are required to resist a factored shear force that exceeds QV", then
zontal reinforcement must be provided to satisfy the strength requirement expres-t
Eq. ( 18-a0). The shear strength, V, , provided by the horizontal reinforcement is
ACI Code Eq. (11-29):
_ Ar.frd
(ACI Code Eq' 11.

In this equation, A, is the same as Ar,5o,i, shown in Fig. 18-20, and s is the same as s2
figure. As was done for shear-strength requirements in Chapter 11, the designer
Section 18-1 1 Shear Strength of Shear Walls " 965

option to seleci a bar size and spacing to satisfy the strength requirement in Eq. (18-40). In
addition to satisfying the shear-strength requirement, a designer must check that both the
horizontal and vertical wall reinforcement satisfy the minimum reinforcement percentages
and maximum spacing limits given in ACI Code Section 11 "9 .9, which were discussed in
the prior paragraph.

Shear Strength of Structural Walls Resisting Seismic Loads

Chapter 19 discusses Designfor Earthquake Effects,but the authors thought it was essen-
tiai io include here the modified shear-strength requirements given in ACI Code Chapter 21
for structural walis. Although ihe equation that defines the nominal shear strength in ACI
Code Chapter 21 appears to tre significantly different from that given by the equations in
ACi Code Chapter 11, the final values for Vn are not substantially different.
The nominal shear strength,Vn, fot a wal1 designed to resist shear forces due to
earthquake ground motions is given by ACI Code Eq. (21-7):

v, : A,u @1{f, + p,fy) (18-48)

(ACI Eq. 21-7)

In this equation, A,, is taken as the width of the web of the rvail, /2, mulriplied by the total
length of the wall, 4*. This area is larger than the effective shear area, hd, used for the
equations in ACI Code Chapter 11.
The first term inside the parenthesis of Eq. ( 1 8-48) represents the concrete contribu-
tion to shear strength, V.. The coefficient, ac, represents the difference between the
expected occurrence of flexure-sltear crackingin siender walls and web-sheqr cracking in
short wails. The value of a" is taken as 2.0 for walls with h*14* >- 2.0 and as 3"0 for walls
with h-l(* < 1.5. A linear variation for the value of a" is to be used for walls with h*ll,*
ratios between 1.5 and 2.0.
The second term inside the parenthesis of Eq. (18-48) represents the shear-strength
contribution from the horizontai wall reinforcement, V". Multiplying the definition of p,
given in Eq. (i8-45b) by the definition of A,a(hC; and the yield strength, f, results in
the following equivaient value for V,.

: - ^
,i ,,

This equation is similar to Eq. (18-47), which gives the value for V, used in ACI Code
Chapter 11. However, because t*> d, the value of V, used in ACI Code Chapter 21
exceeds the value of 7, used in ACI Code Chapter 11.
The maximum allowable value for the nominal shear strength,Vn,ftom Eq. (18-48)
is limited to 8A,rf f ', in ACi Code Section 21.g.4.4. Again, this value is similar, but not
the same as the upper limit of n{f L hd givertin ACI Code Section 11.g.3.
The requirements tor minimum vertical and horizontal reinforcement percentages
and for maximum permissible spacing are the same as those given in ACI Code Section
71.9"9, which were discussed previously. The only modification is given in ACI Code
Section, which states that for wa1ls wiih hul{,w'< 2.0, the value of pa {vertical
steel) shall not be less that the value of p,. This requirement reflects the fact that in short
walls, the vertical reinforcement is more efficient than the horizontal reinforcement in con-
troliing the width and growth of inclined shear cracks.
:' j:':':.-.',?:j:i {

966 ' Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

The discrepancies noted here trelween the shear-strength equations given in ACI
Code Chapters 11 and 2l cat create a dilemma for structural designers. The shear
strength of walls designed to resist lateral wind forces should be determined from the
equations in ACI Code Chapter 11. However, if the same walI is designed to also resist
equivalent lateral forces due to earthquake ground motions, the shear strength must be
checked using the equations in ACI Code Chapter 21. A unification of these different
shear-strength equations is a major goal of the Code Committee as it works toward future
editions of the ACI Code.

Shear kansfer across Construction loints

The shear force transferred across constructionjoints can be designed using shear friction.
The clamping force is the sum of the tensile reinforcement force components of all the ten-
sile bar forces and permanent cornpressive forces acting on thejoint. This includes all the
reinforcement perpendicular to the joint, regardless of the primary use of this steel.

Example 1B-2 StructuralWall Subjected to LateralWind Loads

The moment and shear strengths of the structural wall shown in Fig. 18-21 are to be evaluated
for the combined gravity and lateral loads applied to the wail. The wall is 18 ft iong and is 10 in.
thick. A uniform distribution of vertical and horizontal reinforcement is used in two layers, one near
the front face of the wall and the other near the back face. The verticai reinforcement consists of No.
5 bars at 18 in. on centers in each face, and the horizontal reinforcement consists ofNo. 4 bars at 16
in. on centers in each face. Normal weight concrete with a compressive strength of 4000 psi is used
in the wali. A1l of the wall reinforcement is Grade-60 steel (1, : 60 ksi).
The gravity loads applied at each floor level, as shown in Fig. 18-21, are due to dead load.'
The live loads are not shown but are assume to be equal to approximateiy one-half of the dead
loads. The lateral wind loads were obtained from ASCE 7-05 [18-18] and did include the direc-
tionality factor.
l, Make an Initiat Cheek of WalI Reinforeement. Thb percentage and spacing of the
ve(icai and horizontal reinforcement will be checked before we do the strength calculations. The
percentage ofhorizontal reinforcement is found using Eq. (18-45b)l

A'o,hoiz 2 X A.2A1ir..2
n.: hs. 10 in. x
i6 in.

10.5 fr

10.5 ft

Fig. 18-21
Structural wall for 18ft I

Example 18-2.
Section 18-1 1 Shear Strength of Shear Walls . 967

This satisfies the minimum requirement in ACI Code Section ll.9.g.z,so

it should be acceptable
unless a larger amount is required to satisfy shear strength requiremenfs.
and t8 in' Thus, the provided spacing for rhe horizontal reinforcemeri
i, or.
Although it is good practice to use larger vertical bars at the edges of the
wal1, say No. 6 or
No' 7 bars, we will calculate the percentage of verticai reinforcement a"ssuming
only No. 5 bars are
used. From Eq. (18-45a),

Ar,rrr, 2xO.3lin.2
Pt: : : 0'00344
h"t loirr. x lgt*
Because the wall has an aspect ratio, h*l{*
- 3.0 > 2.5,8q. (1g-46) will not govern for the
minimum percentage of vertical reinforcement. Thus, the minimum percentage
of vertical reinforce-
ment is 0.0025 (ACI Code Section, which is less than what is prov-ided.
The spacing limit
for the vertical reinforcement is the smailest of t *13 (6 tt : 72 in.), 3h (so in.), and
1g in. Thus, the
provided spacing of verlical reinforcement is OK.

2. Check Mornent Strength. The moment at the base of the wall is equal to the sum of the
products of the lateral tbrces times their respective distances to the base
of the wall:
M(base) : 22 x 54 + 20 x 43.5 + 16 x 33 + il x 22.5 +6x 12
: 2910 kip_ft

The appropriate load factor for the wind ioad effects from ACI Code Eq. (9-6)
is 1.6. Thus, the fac-
tored moment at the base of the wall is

Mu(base) : 1.6 x 2910 :4660 kip-ft

The analysis given in [i8-23] will be used to evaluate the momenr sffength of the wa1l.
Using ACI
Code Eq. (9-6), the factored axiai load is

N" : 0.9No: 0.9 x 230 kips : 207 kips

For4000psi concrete, Fr : 0.85. Otherrequiredparameters are

a: "fy: - ;-; 60 ksi

pt ac
l- = 0.0516 (18-26b)

-M. 207 ktp
h%fL 10in.x216in.x4ksi = 0.0240 (18-27)

with these parameters, we can use Eq. (18-2g) to flnd the depth to the neutral axis:

I o+, \
'= \nrtB, *
,:( 0.0240 + 0.0516
-x -_ -=_-- \12t6in. :
19.8 in,
0.85 0.85 + 2x0.0516)-^
If we assume that the effective flexural depth, d, is approximately equal to*: 173in., it is
clear that c is significantly less than 0.375d. Thus, this is a tension-controlled section,
and we will
use a strength reduction factor, $, equal to 0.9.
To calculate the nominal moment strength, we hrst must determine the tensioa force
at nomi-
nal strength conditions. The value of Ar, for the vertical steel can be calculated as

: z x 0.31 in., * 2]!!'
iB in-
: 7.44 in."

Then, from Eq. (18-25a),


968 . Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

r: Anfnl_,
-\ 4w I

: 7 44 in2 x 60 k,i(49};f!{ = oo, *r,

Now, referring to the vector forces in Fig. i8-i5c, we can use Eq. (18-29) to calculate the
nt strength of the structural wall.

,," : r('*\ * *,('*;

"\ i '\
\2) /
:+osn\ /zro in. - i9.8 in. \
z )+2070\ ,
: 64,000 kip-in, : 5340 kip-ft

Using the strength reduction factor, {, we get

dMu : 0.9 x 5340 : 4800 kip-ft

Because SM"is largerthan Mu(4660 kip-ft), the wall has adequate flexural strength.
3. Check Shear Strength. The factored shear at the base ofthe wall is

V" : 1.6{6 + 11 + 16 + 20 + 22) : 120kips

Because this wall is slender, hrolt,*: 3.0, we ean assume that Eq. (18-44) will govern fij
shear-strength contribution from the concrete, I/.. However, we will check both Eqs. (18-4-3,
(18-44) to demonstrate how each is used. For normal weight concrete, ), : 1.0,
d : 0.8tw ( l73 in.) and putting all of the quantities into units of pounds and inches, ttre
7. from Eq. tJ 8-43) is

v, : 33nV f', hd t ;!

: 3.3 x 1\/4000
x 173
x 10 x r73 +207'000 ,',.
4X216 ,:,.,,
. .,1

: (361,000 + 4t,40A) lbs : 402kips ':-r:

For Eq. (18-44), we need to evaluate the ratio of MulV, at the critical section above thgr
the wall. The distance to that section is the smallest af fu12 (9 tr), hul2 (27 ft), and one
(12 ft). In this case, t*12 gaverns, as shown in Fig. 18-21. The factored moment at that
be found from the following as

Mu@it.sect.) : M, (base) - V, (Oase)!

:4660 kip-ft - 120kip x 9ft:3580kip-ft
Thus, the rutio of Mu/V, : 3580/12A :
29.8 ft. Using this value in Eq. (18-44) and
the quantities in pounds and inches, we have

v,: t_ +
e,,(t.zsxx/n +
Mu *4-
ozh I
lo6/.vfL l Stl
Section 1B-1'l Shear Strength of Shear Walis o

: lr;.s ,.i +
216 in.(79.1 psi + 1e.2 psi)
* ..-] I x l0 in. x 173 in
L 358 in rn. l
108 in
: 212,000lbs : 212 kips

This value govefns for v. , as expected. Using

@ :
0.75, as defined in ACI Code section g.3.2.3 for
shear and torsion' $v, 0.75: x :
2t2 159 kips. This exceeds v,, so no caiculation ofthe value of
v, for the provided horizontal (transverse) reinforcement
is required. lt is clear that the value of
0'5d{ is less than Yr, so the requirements for horizontaj and vertical
rernfbrcement in ACI Code
section 11 9 9 will govern for this wail. Those requirements were
checked in step 1 and were foun6
to be at or above the ACI Code required -,,alues.
Thus, the 10-in. thick structural waltr with the indicated verticai
and horizontal rein-
forcernent has adequate mornent and shear strength and the
reinforcement satisfies all offhe
ACI Code requirernents I
Example 18-3 StructuralWall Subjected to Equivalent Lateral Earthquake Loads
The structural rvail shown in Fig. I 8-22 is to be analyzed for a
combined gravity load and equiv-
alent lateral load due to earthquake ground motions. The dimensions
of tf,e wall and the section
reinforcement (Fig. 18-22b)"are taken from a paper by wallace
and rhomsen t1s-2-51, in which
the authors analyzed the need for special confinement reinforcement
for the boundarv elements at
the edges of the warl. The details for speciar confinement reinforcement
Chapter 19.
-.ili ;;'d;;;;;;;;
This wall is one of several walls resisting lateral loads fbr the structure that
was analy,ed by
Wallace andThomsen i18-251. Thelateral eartliquake force, E. assigned
to this wali is 205 kips. The
dead and reduced live load ar the base of the wail ,Vo : 1000 kips and N1 : 450kips. Use
,fl = 4000 psi (normal weight concrete) and f, : 60_rf" ksi for all reinforcement.

(a) Wall elevation

12 at 1B in.
3in_.|- --r.L-t
6in.-I- 't
3 in.
.TUi ll2in'
No.5 bars at 18 in. 10 ilo..10 Oars
No.4 hoop & cross tie at 1Z in Ab = u.J'l rn' Ao = 1.27 in2
Fig.18-22 :
Ar, O'20 in2
Structural wall for
Example i8-3. (b) Wall section.
970 . Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

1. check Moment Strength at Base of wall. ACI code Eq. (9-r) will be used to find
factored loads for this analysis.
U :0.9D + 1.0E (ACI
Seismic lateral loads, as defined in [1S-1 8], typically have an inverred triangular distribution
height of the building, Therefore. we will assume rhat the variable _r shown in Fig. 1g-22a,
taken as the assumed distance from the base ofthe wali to the centroid ofthe lateral force,
of 2f, h,r,. Thus, the factored moment at the base of the wall is '

M,= 1"A x 205k x2f3x na it

= 16,400 kip-ft

The nominal moment strength of the wall will be analyzed by the procedure shown in Fig. lg
a wall with a vertical reinforcement concenftated in a boundary element. The tension strength
concentrated reinforcement is


d : 4*- (3in. + 2 x 6in.) : 233 * 15 : 273in.



Now, we will use Eq. (18-32) to determine the depth of the compressibn stress block. In thir:
b: h: 12in.,giving
T+Nu 762k + 900k
: 4O.7 in.
0.85.f1b 0.85 x 4ksi x 12in.

The distance to the neutral axis is, c : a/81 :40.7/0.85 : 41 .9rn., which is well lessl
0.375d :0.375 x 273 : 102 in. Therefore, this is a tension,controiled section, and 6..=
Eq. (18-33) will be multiplied by g to find gM;

eM,- rlr(, -;).."(T)1

a0 7),.
k(288 -
- osl,1,"-^\.,, 2 ),,'. ,"",'\
rczy( ztt -aT),,. + soo
2 )'n)I
: 0.9[193,000 k-in. + 111,000 k-in.]
: 273,000 kip-in. : 22,810k:tp-ft

Because $Mnexceeds Mo,thewall has adequate moment strength.

2. Capacity-Based Design Shear. In seismic design, the design shear force, Vr,.iS,
based on the factored logds but rather on lhe probable
flexural strength of the member tn,
This is referred to as the capacity-based design procedtre and is intended to ensure a dricti
al response in lhe momber-as opposed to a brittle shear failure*if the member is loaded E
elastic range of behavior during an earihquake
For the wall in this exampie, the probable flexural strength should be based on a prob-y
load that the wall will be carrying at the time of an eartirquake. A value for such an axial load,
flned in either theACI Code oTASCE 7-05 11S-18.l. The authors will assume that a reasonable.v
the probable axial load is the sum of the unfactored dead load plus the unfactored reduced live

No,: No + NL: i000k + 450k = 1450kips

Section i8-11 Shear Strength of Shear Walls " 97 1

With this axial load, the wall moment strength will be reevaluated and referred to as the pr.obabie
moment strength, M
r,-. First, the depth of the compression stress block is

o.8sf', b

Altliough this is iarger than calculated previor-rs1-v, it still is clear that the tension steel in the bound-
ary element wt11 be yietding. Note. tve do not need to sho.r,r that this is a tension-controlled section.
We oniy need to show that this is an underrcinforced section and that rhe tension steel r,vill be yield-
ing rvhen ihe concrete in the compression zone reaches the maximum useable strain ol 0.003. With
lhis calculated value of a, we are now ready to calculate the moment strength.

u,., : r(a -:) . n.(t#)

: + 169,000k-in.
: 357,000 kip-in. : 29,700 kip-ft
The firal step is to find the lateral shear force required to develop this moment at the base of
the wall. As originally discussed by Bertero. et al. [18-261, the lateral load distritrution over rhe
height of a shear wall that is pafi of a complete structural system will tend to be closer io a unilorm
distribution at peak response of the structure when it is subjected to large earthquake motions. There-
fore, to more conservatively predict the capacity-based shear force acting on the rvall when the base
momentreaches Ltl ,,,, the authors recommend using a value of x : 0.5/2r,, in Fig. l8-22a. Using that
value, the capacity-based design shear"is

rl,(cap.hased) !: ' le'7oo k"ft

495 kip'
o.5h,u oi " [o ll -

For this particular structural wall, the capacity-based design shear is approximatel,v 2.5 times the
design shear used to check the i'lexurai strength"

.3. Check Shear Strength. Eq. (18-48). which is rhe same as ACI Code Eq. (21-7), will be
used to check the shear strength of the wall. For this wall, the val-re of A(r. in that equation is equal
to the gross wall area, so
A,.r: ht,, : 12in. X 288 in. : 3460 in.2

Because this is a slender wali, a, :

2.0. Also, because the wall is construcied with normal-weight
concrete, i :1.0. Eq. (i8-a5b) will be used to determine p, for the distributed horizonral reinforce-
ment in Fig. 18-22b as

,, - \y::
lLs2 .1 I o',',T,' :
ll rn. x IE tn. 0.00287

This is greater than the minimum required percentage of 0.0025 from ACI Code Section 1 i.9.9.2, and
the l8-in. spacing satisfres the limits in ACI Code Section 1l .9.9.3. Using the values calculated here and
units of pounds and inches. the nominal shear strength of the wall from Eq. ( I 8-48) is

" :i;,';,"{['-:lto*| + ooo287 x 60,000)

= 3460 in.z (126 psi + 172 psi)

- 1.03 x t06 tbs : 1030kips

ACI Code Section 2l.g.1.1limits the value of V,,to 8A,,,\,Q: l7-s0 krps. Thus, we can use the
value calculated here. ACI code section states that lbr shear ancl torsion, r| : 0.7-5. so, the
reduced, nominal shear strength ofthe wali is

$V,, : 415 x 10-30k : 773 kips

Because $V,, > Vu@ap-based), the wall sheal strength is OK.

972 o Chapter 18 Walls and Shear Walls

Thus, the 12-in. thick structural wall with the indicated vertical and horizontuf
forcement has adequate moment and shear strength, and the reinforcement satisfies uff "uii$
of ifi,t:ii
ACI Code requirements.


Buckling of Compressed Walls

The critical stress for buckling of a hinged column or a one-way wall,
cross sectional -arca (b x lt) is
p* n2tt(l\
o,, :
bh: (kry\bh ) G8-s0-):

where b is the width of the columa, and kt is the ffictive length of the wall. The
stiffness of a wall section of width & and thickness iz is.
EI : Ebhz br
12 AI
Buckling of Compressed Walls br

The corresponding stiffness of a slab or a two-way wall, per unit of width of wall, is

tz(r - p2)
For an axially loaded and uncracked concrete columl,with little or no reinforcement
critical stress, 6rcr. is a function o[the tangent modulus olelasticity, Er, evaluatedat
critical stress, dcr. substituting ETintoEq. (18-50), replacing 42 vtithb2,replacing&lt
ihe plate stiffness, D, aod including an appropriate edge restraint factor, & gives the
ca1 stress for a two-way wall:

o--:-: Ktz(t"E'p'))\b)
. (^L\'
In this equation, & is the effecrive width of the panel, taken equal to the smaller of the:
and height of the wall between lateral supports, /z is the thickness of the wall,,p,is-.,
son's ratio, and K is an edge restraint factor that varies depending on the degree of fixir
the edges of the plate. It is simiiar to the effective length term k2 in Eq. (1g-50) ftrl
K is plotted in Fig. 18-23. Values of K at buckling for orher rypes of compressed p1,4!
given in books on sffuctural stability U.S-21). Equations 18-50 and lg-SZhave
ciuded to show the similarity between the critical loads for columns and walls. :::11


Properties of Concrete Affecting the Stability

of Concrete Walls

Compressive Stress-Strain Curve for the Concrete

The tangent modulus of the concrete in the wall will be used to estimate the Se
ulus buckling loads. A good approximation of the stress-strain curve for the pn

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