BAICS References

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Internal Control

Component / Element
Plan of Organization
Structural Principles of Governance (Organizational Structure and Sta
Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Manual on Posit

Department/Agency’s approved Rationalization Plan or its equiva

Notice of Organization, Staffing and Compensation Action or DB

Department/Agency Citizen’s Charter

Department/Agency orders on, among others, the following:

Functional Principles of Governance (Management and Personnel)

Department/Agency’s code of conduct and other policies/issuanc

Department/Agency’s performance measurement and evaluation

Doctrine of Completed Staff Work

Coordinated Methods and Measures

Planning manual for sectoral planning and organizational plannin
Agency strategic objectives and performance information in the G
Department/Agency’s planning documents reflecting its thrusts a



Primer on Government Budgeting and Primer on Barangay Budg

President’s Budget Message

Relevant DBM guidelines on the preparation of the national budg
Relevant DBM issuances on the release of funds, such as docum
Notices of Cash Allocation

Program Expenditure Classification-Based Performance_x0002_


Government Accounting and Auditing Manual

Government Accounting Manual for Use of All National Governm

Chart of Accounts
Description of Accounts
Registries and Records
Accounting Forms and Reports
Trial Balances, Financial Reports and Statements
Relevant Commission on Audit (COA) and DBM accounting guid
RA No. 9184 and its revised implementing rules and regulations

Operating Manuals or Service Guides

Agency procurement and bidding documents (Annual Procureme

Accomplished agency procurement compliance and performance
Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System
Relevant Government Procurement Policy Board guidelines and
Relevant National Archives of the Philippines guidelines on reco

Human Resource

CSC’s Revised Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Hum

Human Resource Management Manual

Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (RACCS)

Rules on Qualification Standards

Relevant CSC guidelines on human resource management and

Agency Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS)
Quality Management
Applicable ISO 9001 Standard on the implementation of a quality

Department/Agency QMS-related documents (quality manual an

internal quality audit, and corrective action)
Process approach

Client perception monitoring

Risk Assessment Risk management manual which contains the risk management
Risk assessment techniques used:

Documentation of the risk assessment which includes:

Risk management plan which specifies the approaches, manage


Control Activities Implementation of the risk management plan through policies an

Risk Monitoring and Review Reports

Results of the operating performance review and operating comp
Information Department/Agency Citizen’s Charter

Information systems as part of knowledge management

Government Information Systems Plan (GISP) also known as Ph

Data Privacy Manual
Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submissio

Report Card Survey and feedback mechanism of RA No. 11032
Consultations and dialogues between officials and staff
Consultations with various offices to evaluate public and private
Mechanism of public consultations and hearings to the public to
Consultation with internal and external stakeholders
On going Monitoring
Monitoring of compliance by various offices to the performance m
Attendance and leave monitoring system
Separate Evaluation Internal Audit
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual (PGIAM)
National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems (NGICS)
Combination Consultation and coordination between and among operating un
Document Crit

Structural Principles of Governance (Organizational Structure and Staffing)

Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Manual on Position Classification and Compensation

Department/Agency’s approved Rationalization Plan or its equivalent

Notice of Organization, Staffing and Compensation Action or DBM issuances/formal correspondence as bases of the f
Approved organizational chart and functional chart/ statements
Organizational linkages/work flows
Approved staffing pattern
Position description forms/statement of duties and responsibilities

Personnel Services Itemization and Plantilla of Personnel

Department/Agency Citizen’s Charter

Department/Agency orders on, among others, the following:
Functional statements of bureaus/services/offices
Delineation of functions and authority of senior officials
Functional Principles of Governance (Management and Personnel)

Department/Agency’s code of conduct and other policies/issuances relating to integrity and ethical standards in accord

Department/Agency’s performance measurement and evaluation System in accordance with the minimum requiremen

Doctrine of Completed Staff Work

Planning manual for sectoral planning and organizational planning

Agency strategic objectives and performance information in the General Appropriations Act (GAA)/National Expenditur
Department/Agency’s planning documents reflecting its thrusts and strategies in achieving its mission, vision and obje


Primer on Government Budgeting and Primer on Barangay Budgeting

President’s Budget Message

Relevant DBM guidelines on the preparation of the national budget, such as the Budget Call
Relevant DBM issuances on the release of funds, such as documentary requirements for the same
Notices of Cash Allocation

Program Expenditure Classification-Based Performance_x0002_Informed Budgeting


Government Accounting and Auditing Manual

Government Accounting Manual for Use of All National Government Agencies

Chart of Accounts
Description of Accounts
Registries and Records
Accounting Forms and Reports
Trial Balances, Financial Reports and Statements
Relevant Commission on Audit (COA) and DBM accounting guidelines
RA No. 9184 and its revised implementing rules and regulations (IRR)

Operating Manuals or Service Guides

Agency procurement and bidding documents (Annual Procurement Plan, Project Procurement Management Plan, App
Accomplished agency procurement compliance and performance indicator self-assessment form
Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System
Relevant Government Procurement Policy Board guidelines and resolutions on procurement
Relevant National Archives of the Philippines guidelines on records disposal

Human Resource

CSC’s Revised Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions
Human Resource Management Manual

Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (RACCS)

Rules on Qualification Standards

Relevant CSC guidelines on human resource management and development

Agency Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS)
Quality Management
Applicable ISO 9001 Standard on the implementation of a quality management system (QMS)

Department/Agency QMS-related documents (quality manual and quality procedures on the control of documented inf
internal quality audit, and corrective action)
Process approach

Client perception monitoring

Risk management manual which contains the risk management framework and risk management process
Risk assessment techniques used:
Risk identification (risk register/risk log, risk profile), risk analysis (risk matrix), and risk evaluation (risk evaluation
manuals/ documents by reference
Documentation of the risk assessment which includes:
Objectives and scope
Description of relevant parts of the system and their functions
Summary of the external and internal context of the organization and how it relates to the situation, system or cir
Risk criteria applied and their justifications
Limitations, assumptions and justifications of hypotheses
Risk identification results
Data, assumptions and their sources, and validation
Risk analysis results and their evaluation
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis
Critical assumptions and other factors which need to be monitored
Discussion of results
Conclusions and recommendation
Risk management plan which specifies the approaches, management components and resources to be applied to the
This includes, among others, the risk management policy, risk assessment objectives, risk criteria (based on org
requirements);risk assessment program, procedures and practices; assignment of responsibilities; sequence and
management process; and training programs.

Implementation of the risk management plan through policies and procedures pertaining to the risk response (tolerated

Risk Sharing (Such as Insurance Contracts)

Risk Financing (Risk Treatment)
Risk Monitoring and Review Reports
Results of the operating performance review and operating compliance review by management

Department/Agency Citizen’s Charter

Information systems as part of knowledge management

Government Information Systems Plan (GISP) also known as Philippine Government Online;
Data Privacy Manual
Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submission of the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth

Report Card Survey and feedback mechanism of RA No. 11032 (Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Se
Consultations and dialogues between officials and staff
Consultations with various offices to evaluate public and private entities providing public goods and services
Mechanism of public consultations and hearings to the public to serve
Consultation with internal and external stakeholders

Monitoring of compliance by various offices to the performance measurement reports by the Planning Service, Financi
Attendance and leave monitoring system
Internal Audit
Philippine Government Internal Audit Manual (PGIAM)
National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems (NGICS)
Consultation and coordination between and among operating units, support services units and the IAS/IAU

DBM Circular Letter No. 2007-6 (Manual on Position Classification and Compensation) 19
February 2007
Executive Order No. 366, (Directing a Strategic Review of the Operations and Organizations of
the Executive Branch and Providing Options and Incentives for Government Employees Who
May Be Affected by the Rationalization of the Functions and Agencies of the Executive Branch),
4 October 2004; CSC-DBM Joint Resolution No. 1 (Rationalization Program’s Organization and
Staffing Standards and Guidelines), 12 May 2006

DBM National Budget Circular No. 549 [Monthly Updating of the Personal Services Itemization
and Plantilla of Personnel (PSIPOP) Under the Web-based Application System], 21 October

NEDA Office Circular No. 01-2009 (Adopting the Code of Conduct for the Officials and
Employees of NEDA), 19 May 2009; LTFRB Code of Conduct for Officials and Employees of the
Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board, 4 February 2005 194 Code of Conduct
and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, 20 February 1989
Section 8, Chapter 2 – Secretaries, Undersecretaries, and Assistant Secretaries, Book IV – The
Executive Branch, Executive Order No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987), 25 July 1987, as
OP Memorandum Circular No. 72 (Strengthening the Standards of Complete Staff Work as a
Requirement for the Processing and Evaluation of requests for presidential Issuances,
Authorizations and Other Approvals), 15 November 2019

Section 13, Chapter 3 – Department Services, Book IV – The Executive Branch, Executive Order
No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987), 25 July 1987, as amended

Such as Republic Act No. 11464 (General Appropriations Act, FY 2020), 6 January 2020

Section 3, Chapter 2 – Secretaries, Undersecretaries, and Assistant Secretaries, Book IV – The

Executive Branch, Executive Order No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987), 25 July 1987, as

DBM Publications, Other Publications; Section 29, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution; Sections
329-334 of Republic Act No. 7160 (Local Government Code of 1991), 10 October 1991
Such as DBM National Budget Circular No. 578 (Guidelines on the Release of Funds for FY
2020), 6 January 2020

DBM National Budget Circular No. 569 [Adoption of Program Expenditure Classification-Based
Performance-Informed Budgeting (PREXC-PIB) for the Preparation of the Proposed National
Budget for Fiscal Year 2018], 8 February 2017
Section 10, Chapter 4 – Jurisdiction, Powers and Functions of the Commission, Subtitle B – The
Commission on Audit, Book V – Office of the President, Executive Order No. 292 (Administrative
Code of 1987), 25 July 1987, as amended
Presidential Decree No. 1445 (Government Auditing Code of the Philippines), 11 June 1978, as
COA Circular No. 2015-007 (Prescribing the Government Accounting Manual for Use of All
National Government Agencies), 22 October 2015

Section 15, Chapter 3 – Department Services, Book IV – The Executive Branch, Executive Order
No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987), 25 July 1987, as amended

Section 5, Republic Act No. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials
and Employees), 20 February 1989; Rules Implementing Republic Act No. 6713 (Code of
Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees), 21 April 1989; and OP
Memorandum Circular 35, 17 March 2003
Republic Act No. 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act), 10 January 2003

9 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184 (Government
Procurement Reform Act)

National Archives of the Philippines General Circular Nos. 1 and 2, January 2009
Section 7, Chapter 2 – Coverage of Civil Service, Subtitle A – Civil Service Commission, Title I –
Constitutional Commissions, Book V – Office of the President, Executive Order No. 292
(Administrative Code of 1987), 25 July 1987, as amended

CSC Resolution No. 1701009 (2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human
Resource Actions), 16 June 2017
CSC Resolution No. 1701077 [2017 Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (2017
RACCS)], 3 July 2017
1997 Revised Qualification Standards amended by CSC MC 12, s. 2003; Section 22, Chapter V
– Personnel Policies and Standards, Subtitle A – Civil Service Commission, Title I –
Constitutional Commissions, Book V – Office of the President, Executive Order No. 292
(Administrative Code of 1987), 25 July 1987, as amended

CSC Memorandum Circular No. 6 [Guidelines in the Establishment and Implementation of

Agency Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS)], 19 March 2012
RA No. 9013 (An Act Establishing the Philippine Quality Award in Order to Encourage
Organizations in Both the Private and Public Sectors to Attain Excellence in Quality in the
Production and/or Delivery of their Goods and Services), 28 February 2001; Executive Order No.
605 (Institutionalizing the Structure, mechanisms and Standards to Implement the Government
Quality Management Program, Amending for the Purpose Administrative Order No. 161, s.
2003), 23 February 2007

ISO 9001:2015 (Quality management system); and Executive Order No. 605 (Institutionalizing
the Structure, mechanisms and Standards to Implement the Government Quality Management
Program, Amending for the Purpose Administrative Order No. 161, s. 2003), 23 February 2007

PNS ISO 31000:2018 (Risk management – Guidelines), published in 2018

5.5, Documentation, Id., p. 16.

1.3, Risk Management Plan, ISO Guide 73:2009 (E/F), p. 2.

Clause 6.3.4, PNS ISO 31000:2018 (Risk management – Guidelines), second edition, 2018-02

PNS ISO 31000:2018 (Risk management – Guidelines), second edition, 2018-02; National
Guidelines on Internal Control Systems issued under DBM Circular Letter No. 2008-8, 23
October 2008, p. 32
Clause, ISO Guide 73:2009 (E/F) (Risk management – Vocabulary)
Clause, Id

Section 6, Republic Act No. 11032 (Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service
Delivery Act of 2018), 28 May 2018
Rule V, Rules Implementing Republic Act No. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees), 21 April 1989
Executive Order No. 265 [Approving and Adopting the Government Information Systems plan
(GISP) as Framework and Guide for All Computerization Efforts in Government], 12 July 2000
RA No. 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012), 15 August 2012
Section 8, Republic Act No. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials
and Employees), 20 February 1989 and its Implementing Rules; Section 7, Republic Act No.
3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act), 17 August 1960; CSC Resolution No. 06-0231, 1
February 2006; CSC Memorandum Circular No. 10, s. 2006
Section 20, Republic Act No. 11032 (Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service
Delivery Act of 2018), 28 May 2018

Section 5, Rule III, Rules Implementing Republic Act No. 6713, 21 April 1989

Item 5.7, DBM National Budget Memorandum No. 103 (Policy Guidelines and Procedures in the
Preparation of the FY 2010 Budget Proposals), 14 April 2009
CSC Memorandum Circular No. 41 s. 1998; CSC Memorandum Circular No. 14, s. 1999

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