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LG 14.

1. Based on my experience, feedbacking is the most potent tool to be utilized to increase the
connection of students and lecturer. Feedbacking tools ranging from the simple Q & A session, to
more modern feedbacking tools such as allows interaction between student and
teachers. In asynchronous lecture, feedback could be formed by having the student write their
queries and questions before submitting the module. The lecturer, upon receiving the queries
would then send a custom-made module addressing all the queries alongside the standard-issued
module. In this way a form of intimate connection would still be forged between the student and

2. The point of face-to-face PowerPoint presentation is to serve as the lecturer’s guide in outlining
the lecture as well as to be a visual aid. The essence of a ppt assisted lecture is that it is a template
of the lesson, and yet the real lecture comes from the explanation of the teacher, the post-lecture
Q & A, as well as assessment and real time individual assistance in the form of academic
mentoring. In a synchronous session, all of these except the visual aids part is removed and thus
it is not enough to just restore the lecture’s visual aid. All of the other factors such as the post-
lecture Q&A and others must be brought back to an online setting for it to be equal.

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