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Creativity in Decision Making

MBAT 513 – Management Decisions & Implementation
Presented by
Champal de Costa

What is a Creativity & Innovation?

Creativity Innovation
• Creativity is the “Ability to think originally • A new idea, creative thoughts, new
& bring out something new” imaginations in form of device or method
• It’s an act of turning new and imaginative • Often viewed as the application of
ideas into reality better solutions that meet new
• Production of “something original and requirements, unarticulated needs, or
worthwhile” existing market needs
• A process of becoming sensitive to • Generation, admission and realization of
problems, deficiencies, gaps in new ideas, products, services and
knowledge, missing elements, processes
disharmonies, and so on; identifying the
difficulty; searching for solutions, making Without creativity, innovation will not take
guesses, or formulating hypotheses place
about the deficiencies: testing and
retesting these hypotheses and possibly Both Creativity & Innovation are
modifying and retesting them; and finally interchangeably used in the context of
communicating the results - Dr. E. Paul Decision Making


Importance of Creativity in Decision Making

• Earlier, Creativity & Innovation were needed for success; now they are
essential for survival
• Creativity makes Rational Model Obsolete & goes beyond bounded
rationality in Administrative Model
• It questions the status quo exposing the “Big Picture”
• Creativity facilitates exploitation of dormant capabilities
• Provides a testing ground before accepting solutions through logical
• Promotes Positivity
• Mitigates effects of unexpected shocks

Three Components of Creativity in Decision Making

Expertise Creative
Knowledge: thinking:
Explicit Skills, flexibility
Or Tacit imagination

Extrinsic, intrinsic


Bringing Creativity to Harrison’s (1996) Model

C – High C – High C – High
M – High M – Moderate M – Low
K – High K – High K – High
Setting Comparing &
Searching for
managerial evaluating
objectives alternatives

C – High
C – High
M – High
M – Moderate
K – Low
K – Moderate
C – High Follow-up & Implementing The act of
M – High control decisions choice
K – Moderate

Creative Thinking – C Motivation – M Expertise Knowledge – K

Types of Creativity
Behavioural Process

Inventors Therapeutic
(Thomas Edison)

Specialist Artists &

(Newton & The

Cognitive Emotional
Mental Process


Types of....

• Deliberate and cognitive creativity requires a high degree of

knowledge and lots of time

• Deliberate and emotional creativity requires quiet time

• Spontaneous and cognitive creativity requires stopping work on the

problem and getting away

• Spontaneous and emotional creativity probably can’t be designed for

Creative Decision Making Process







Creative Decision Making Process…

Preparation Stage Immersion Stage
• Many authors include this step under
• Realises the gaps in current Preparation
status quo • Immerses himself in the objective
• Collects all possible components:
• Understands the benefits of • Musician – Compile CDs, DVDs etc., Goes to
Musical shows to gather audience feedback
new thinking • Writer – Reads a lot, Goes for Book launches,
Listens to readers’ comments
• Assesses ability to work for • Researcher – Literature review, Group discussions
& other acceptable research methodologies
something new • Artist – Collects or see others’ work
• Entrepreneur – Monitors market conditions,
• Decides on others’ involvement Engages in networks
• Marketer – Studies product features, competitors,
• Clarifies objectives customer information & feedback
• Best in a quiet environment
• Sets goals • Allows information to flow into subconscious
• Decides on the process

Creative Decision Making Process…

Incubation Stage Insight (Illumination) Stage
• An extremely important stage • Smallest or shortest but most
• Decision maker synthesizes all ideas important part of all steps
using his/her imagination and begins • An illuminating realization regarding
to construct something novel
how to piece the thoughts together
• May take few days or months but
taking breaks is always desirable • Stage of subconscious reflection on
• Churning of ideas & information in inner & outer worlds
the previous stage • May happen in a relaxed mode:
• Allows idea accumulation, • When doing low-level physical activities
connection, re-formation, snowballing • While having a shower
& re-emerging • When driving a car (without diverting
• May not be in owner’s control & level attention)
of excitement varies • While having a walk
• Premature conclusions are • …



Creative Decision Making Process…

Evaluation Stage Elaboration Stage
• Lot of creative people struggles in • Actual execution
this stage due:
• Personal bias • Micro-testing, Studio-testing, Lab-
• Idea overflow testing, etc may run into days or
• Time limitations months
• Refers back to Objectives in 1st • A lot of reshaping of previous
Stage stages till the owner realises the
• Methodology: conformity with goals
• Is this really novel? • Presentations, launchings,
• Testing with a small group showcasing & celebrations may take
• Visualise
• Possibility of a lean start
• A lot misinterpret that this is the • Compiling feedback is important
last stage of the creative process • Plan for continuous development is


Setting up a “Creative Organisational Culture”

• Setting up a suitable physical environment
• Top Management involvement
• Removal of structural barriers
• Gradually & Continuously raising standards
• Formation of task teams to solve specific problems
• Setting a formal system to receive, evaluate & implement new ideas
• Panels of evaluation
• Consistent & Clear Criteria
• Competitions
• Suggestion boxes
• Reward systems
• For task accomplishments
• For acceptable ideas
• Japanese Techniques (Kaizen, Continuous Improvement...)
• Success stories on creativity



Barriers to Creative Techniques involved in

Decision Making Creative Decision Making
• Presence of control systems • Brain storming
• Over emphasis on efficiency • Simulations
• Structured functions & role
prescriptions • Computer-aided techniques
• Hierarchy & position power • Edward de Bono’s Six
• Self-image Thinking Hats
• Lack of recognition • Dr De Bono is the originator of
• Theory “X” orientation the term “Lateral Thinking”
• Fear of rejection • He has written 65 books
translated into 37 languages
• Suspicion
• Held appointments at
• Moods & Emotions universities of Oxford,
• Low level of motivation Cambridge, London & Harvard
• Self-imposed comfort zones

Six Thinking Hats

Introduction The Process
• Helps understanding the full complexity • The team after defining the problem sits
of the decision together with relevant information
• The effects of a decision is looked from a keeping within their reach
number of different points of view • They imagine putting on different hats,
• All issues & opportunities are identified one at a time in a sequence & look at the
problem, solution, consequences,
• Considers both rational & emotional alternatives and any other relevant
perspectives pertaining to a decision aspect.
• Six Hats (imaginary) are given colours, • No personal bias is expected when one
White, Red, Black, Yellow, Green & Blue, puts on a particular coloured hat
representing various thinking patterns
• After finishing with that hat, the
• To use Six Thinking Hats to improve the sequence continues
quality of one’s decision‐making, he will
look at the decision "wearing" each of • On completion of the round, decisions
the thinking hats in turn taken in each hat is critically compared
• Implementation is done accordingly



Six Thinking Hats....









Advantages of Six Thinking Hats

• Helps understanding the full complexity of a decision that has been taken
but not yet agreed by all
• The effects of a decision is looked from a number of different points of
• All issues & opportunities are identified
• Considers both left & right-brain perspectives pertaining to a decision
• Opens up opportunity for creativity within the team (specially the
pessimistic members)
• Biasness is eliminated
• Prevents members shifting back to original views after completion of the
final round


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