LIST02 顺序版(含翻译)

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a shot in the arm 一针强心剂

by/in leaps and bounds 突飞猛进地

be on the threshold of sth 处在 sth 的起点
grind to a halt 逐渐陷入停滞
go from bad to worse 每况愈下
set the pace 处于领先
steal a march on sb 抢占先机
be detrimental to sth 对 sth 是有害的
sb's days are numbered 留给某人的时日不多了
prepare the way/ground for sth 为 sth 创造条件
be on the right track 处在正确的道路上
there's room for improvement 有改善的空间
give rise to sth 导致 sth
get off the ground 取得进展
do wonders for sb/sth 产生神奇的效果
the dawn of sth sth 的开始
make great strides in sth/doing sth 在 sth 上取得了巨大进步
keep/stay abreast of sth 跟上 sth 的最新进展
be ripe for sth 时机成熟做 sth
be around the corner 即将发生
buck/reverse the trend 扭转势头
have seen better days 风光不再
swim with the tide 顺势而为
punch above one's weight 超常发挥
be a catalyst for sth 是促成 sth 的因素
turn the corner 情况好转
bode well for sb/sth 对 sth/sb 是吉兆
与 sth/sb 想法(步调)不一
be out of step with sb/sth

a new lease of life 重获新生
take the lead in doing sth 带头做 sth
go against the grain 与。。格格不入
run out of steam 精疲力竭
jar-dropping 令人震惊的
put sth into reverse 使 sth 发生逆转
could go either way 两种情况都可能发生
set the stage/scene for sth 使 sth 变得可能
be in vogue 变得流行起来

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