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Latihan Soal :
1. In an open loop system :
a. Output control the input signal
b. Output has no control over input signal
c. Some other variable control the input signal
d. Neither output nor any other variable has any effect on input
2. Automatic control system in which output is a variable is called
a. Closed loop system
b. Servomechanism
c. Automatic regulating system
d. Process control system
3. Output of the feedback control system should be a function of
a. Input
b. Reference and output
c. Feedback signal
d. None of these
4. In an open loop control system
a. Output is independent of control input
b. Output is dependent on control input
c. Only system parameters have effect on the control output
d. None of the above
5. A control system in which the control action is somehow dependent on the output is known
a. Closed loop system
b. Semi closed loop system
c. Open system
d. None of the above
6. The ship's steering gear uses ……………
b) hydraulic power to turn the propeller.
c) hydraulic power to turn the rudder.
d) hydraulic power to drive the bow thruster.
e) compressed air to turn the rudder.

7. Name the type of shut off valve that has a wedge which slides up and down ?
a) A gate valve.
b) A safety valve.
c) A globe valve.
d) A non-return valve.

8. In open loop system

a. the control action depends on the size of the system
b. the control action depends on system variables
c. the control action depends on the input signal
d. the control action is independent of the output
9. A good control system has all the following features except
a. good stability
b. slow response
c. good accuracy
d. sufficient power handling capacity
10. An automatic toaster is a ______ loop control system.
a. open
b. closed
c. partially closed
d. any of the above
11. A closed loop system is distinguished from open loop system by which of the following ?
a. Servomechanism
b. Feedback
c. Output pattern
d. Input pattern

10..A Bourdon Tube is used to assist the measurement of which of the following?
a. Light.
b. Temperature.
c. Pressure.
d. Length.
11. ___ is a part of the human temperature control system.
a. Digestive system
b. Perspiration system
c. Ear
d. Leg movement
12. By which of the following the control action is determined when a man walks along a path ?
a. Brain
b. Hands
c. Legs
d. Eyes
13. Bimetallic strips can be used to measure………
a. pressure
b. flow
c. temperature
d. length
14..Pressure can be measured bya………

a. liquid in glass thermometer.

b. flowmeter.
c. Bourdon tube.

d. Bimetal strip.

15..Temperature can be measured by a……..

e. liquid in glass thermometer.
f. Bourdon tube.
g. ruler.
h. manometer.

16. Which of the following should be done to make an unstable system stable ?
a. The gain of the system should be decreased
b. The gain of the system should be increased
c. The number of poles to the loop transfer function should be increased
d. The number of zeros to the loop transfer function should be increased
17. The output of a feedback control system must be a function of
a. reference and output
b. reference and input
c. input and feedback signal
d. output and feedback signal
18. On which of the following factors does the sensitivity of a closed loop system to gain
changes and load disturbances depend ?
a. Frequency
b. Loop gain
c. Forward gain
d. All of the above
19. In an automatic control system which of the following elements is not used ?
a. Error detector
b. Final control element
c. Sensor
d. Oscillator

20. Before beginning maintenance on a valve, what is the first action you should take ?
a. Isolate the valve.
b. Vent the valve.
c. Remove the packing from the value gland.
d. Slack off the flange bolts.
21. In terms of instrumentation and measurement, what is a digital signal?
a. A signal with discrete levels such as 0 = "low" and 1 = "High"
b. A signal indicating Revolutions per minute (RPM)
c. A signal used by multimeters to measure resistance.
d. The reading of a multimeter when indicating voltage, current or

22. Measurement and transmission of electronic values may be in the form of
digital or analogue signals. What is an analogue signal?
a. A continually variable electric signal.
b. A measure of electric current or voltage
c. A measure of voltage using an oscilloscope
d. A stable electric signal.

23. In measurement systems, which of the listed sensors is suitable for physical
a. ..Strain gauge
b. ..Thermocouple
c. ..Thermistor
d. ..Pt 500

24. Transducers are devices which translate the value of one measured value
into diferent measurement units (for instance units of temperature to
millivlots). What is the meant by the “Range” of a transducer?
a. A The difference between possible maximum and minimum
b. The maximum output signal
c. The type of measurement
d. The maximum length of the connecting leads

25. This block diagram illustrates an elementary control system. What is the
common name for this type of system?
R(s) C(s)
A. Closed loop feed back system
B. Open loop feed back system H(s)
C. Feed forward system
D. Scmitt trigger H(s)
26. Which of the following systems will include a D/P transmitter in the
a. Pressure
b. Temperature
c. Smoke indication
d. Oil mist
27. In terms of instrumentation and measurement, what is an I/P Transducer?
a. A transducer that converts a known electric current to a pressure

proportional to the current.
b. A transducer that increases a pressure signal which is too low to give
the desired effect.
c. A transducer that is inverting a pressure signal.
d. A transducer that converts a pressure to a proportional electric signal.
28. Thermocouples are often used for measuring temperatures. Which of the
following descriptions explains the principle of operation of a
a. A junction between two dissimilar metals generates a small voltage.
b. A semi-conductor device that exhibits a negative coefficient of A.
resistance with temperature.
c. A resistance device that exhibits a positive coefficient of resistance
with temperature.
d. A quartz crystal that changes its resonant frequency with temperature.
29. What can be measured by means of a manometer?
a. Pressure
b. Strain
c. Temperature
d. Motion

30. What would be the most probable cause of high temperature readings for the
bearings in a diesel engine?
a. Lubricating oil pressure too low.
b. Charge air pressure too low.
c. Water in the fuel oil.
d. Jacket cooling water temperature too high.

31. What would you do if you are told to operate a piece of mechanical
equipment which you are not familiar with?
a. Seek advice from your superior before attempting to operate it.
b. Ensure that all safety guards and devices are disconnected.
c. Try and guess how the equipment should be operated.
d. Ignore the request to operate the equipment.

32. On a modern ship the main engine lubricating oil is cooled by which of the
a. Refrigeration circuit.
b. Air flowing over a radiator.
c. Main engine cooling water.

d. Sea water in a tubular heat exchanger.

33. Temperature can be measured by a ……..

a. liquid in glass thermometer.
b. Bourdon tube.
c. ruler.
d. manometer.

34. In a marine diesel engine, which of the following slides up and down inside
the cylinder liner ?
a. The connecting rod.
b. The piston.
c. The crankshaft.
d. The camshaft.

35. A boiler fitting known as a gauge glass, is used for which of the following reasons ?
a. To indicate fuel flow.
b. To measure the water flow to the boiler.
c. To allow the easy reading of the pressure gauge.
d. To indicate water level.

36. Distilled water taken from the condenser and pumped back to the boiler is
a. condenser water.
b. feed water.
c. fresh water.
d. evaporated water.
37. On a boiler, the valve fitted to protect the boiler from the effects of over
pressure is called………………..
a. the blow down valve.
b. the safety valve.
c. the feed check valve.
d. the main stop valve.


1.. a. Find the working force resulting from 250 N applied to a 1.5-cm-radius forcing
piston if the working piston has a radius of 6 cm.
b. Find the hydraulic pressure.

1.. Jawab : a. Find the working force resulting from 250 N applied to a 1-cm-radius forcing
piston if the working piston has a radius of 7 cm.

b. Find the hydraulic pressure.

a. We can find the working force from
𝐹𝑤 = 𝐹
𝐴1 1
6(6 ) 𝑐𝑚
𝐹= ( ) (200 (250)𝑁)
1(1.5)( 𝑐𝑚

𝑅2 2
𝐹𝑤 = ( ) 𝐹1

Fw = 7200 (4.000) N (12250)

b. Thus, the 200(250)-N force provides 7200(4.000) N of force. The hydraulic

pressure is 𝐹𝑤 7200 (𝟒.𝟎𝟎𝟎) 𝑁
𝑝𝐻 = =( 𝑝𝐻 = 6.4 𝑥 105 7,96 𝑥 105 (3,54 𝑥 105 )𝑃𝑎
𝐴2 )(6 𝑥 10−2 (6 𝑥 10−2 ) )𝑚)2

This pressure is approximately 93 lb/in.2 (psi)

7,96 𝑥 105 (3,54 𝑥 105 )) 𝑃𝑎 𝑥 0,1449 x 10−3 = 115,34 (51.29) lb/in.2 (psi)
1 𝑃𝑎

2.. Suppose a force of 450 N must be applied to open a valve. Find the diaphragm area if a control gauge
pressure of 75 kPa must provide this force.

2.. Solution : Suppose a force of 400 (450) N must be applied to open a valve. Find the diaphragm area if a control gauge
pressure of 70(75) kPa ( ~ 10 psi) must provide this force.
Solution : We must calculate the area from

F = A(p1 - p2)

where our applied pressure is p 1 - p2 because a gauge pressure is specified. Then

𝐹 400 (450) 𝑁
A =𝑃 =7 𝑥 104 (7,5𝑥 104 ) 𝑃𝑎

A = 5.71 x 10-3 (6.00 x 𝑥 10−3) m2

or about 8.5 cm in diameter [15,5 cm].

3..Alcohol is pumped through a pipe of 12-cm diameter at 3 m/s flow velocity. Find the volume flow

3..Jawab : Mengacu ke soal berikut : Alcohol is pumped through a pipe of 8-cm diameter at 3.5 m/s
flow velocity. Find the volume flow rate. [EXAMPLE 15 Pertemuan ke -12 page 137]
2.. Solution :
Alcohol is pumped through a pipe of 10-cm (8-cm)(12-cm) diameter at 2 m/s (3.5 m/s ) (3.0 m/s ) flow velocity. Find the volu

A pipe of 10-cm diameter has a cross-sectional area of
 𝐷2 ()(10 −1 𝑚 (0.08 𝑚)(0,12 𝑚) )
A= 4
= 4

−3 2 −3 2 2
Thus, the flow rate is A = 7.85 x 10 𝑚 (5,024 x 10 𝑚 ) (0,011304 𝑚 )
𝑚 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚3 𝑚
Q = A  = 7.85 x 10−3 𝑚2 (5,024 x 10−3 𝑚2 ) (2 ) (3.5 ) (3.0 ) ; 𝑄 = 0.0157 = (0.017584 )( )
𝑠 𝑠 𝑠 𝑠 𝑠

𝑚 𝑚
Q = A  = 0,011304 𝑚2 (3.0 ) = 0,033912
𝑠 𝑠

4.. A pressure difference of 1.5 psi occurs across a constriction in a 7-cm-diameter pipe. The
constriction constant is 0.009 m3 s per kPa1 2. Find (a) the flow rate in m3/s and (b) the
flow velocity in m/s.
4..Solution : Mengacu ke solusi berikut ini :
A pressure difference of 1.35 psi occurs across a constriction in a 6-cm-diameter pipe. The
constriction constant is 0.009 m3/s per kPa1/2. Find (a) the flow rate in m3/s and (b) the flow
velocity in m/s. [EXAMPLE 10 Pertemuan ke -12 page 138]

A pressure difference of 1.1 psi occurs across a constriction in a 5-cm-diameter pipe. The
constriction constant is 0.009 m3 s per kPa1 2. Find (a) the flow rate in m3/ s and (b) the flow velocity
in m/s.

Solution :
First we note that 1.1 psi gives

P = (1.35 psi)(6.895 kPa/psi) = 9.30825 k Pa [ 1kPa = 6.895 psi]

a. The flow rate is Q = K √𝑝 = (0.009)(9.30825)1/2

Q = 0 .027 𝑚3 /𝑠
. The flow velocity is found from
Q = A

𝑄 0.027 𝑚3 /𝑠
 = 𝐴 = 4 [ (6 𝑥 10 −2 𝑚)2 ] v = 9.549 m/s

5.. An equal percentage valve has a maximum flow of 60 cm3/s and a minimum of 3 cm3 / s. If the
full travel is 4 cm, find the flow at a 1-cm opening.

5...Jawab : mengacu ke solusi berikut ini :

An equal percentage valve has a maximum flow of 45 cm3/ s and a minimum of 2.5 cm3 / s. If the
full travel is 4 cm, find the flow at a 1-cm opening. [EXAMPLE 11 Pertemuan ke -12 page 140]
An equal percentage valve has a maximum flow of 50 cm3 s and a minimum of 2 cm3 / s. If the full travel is 3 cm, find
the flow at a 1-cm opening.

5. Solution :
The rangeability is R = 𝑄𝑚𝑎𝑥 /𝑄𝑚𝑖𝑛

R = (45 𝑐𝑚3 /𝑠)/(2.5 𝑐𝑚3 ⁄𝑠 = 18

Then the flow at a 1-cm opening is

Q = 𝑄𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑅𝑆⁄𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑥

Q = (2.5 )(18)1 𝑐𝑚⁄ 3 𝑐𝑚

Q = 6.55 cm3/s


Error Output
Controlled c(t)
r(t) e(t) Controller +
+ Actuator System


# jelas kan proses Blok Diagram di atas ?...........

2. A


Liquid out let

Sensor level

# Jelas kan fungsi komponen system pengendalian permukaan (level control system ?,,,,,

# jelas kan prinsip proses kerja nya ?........

# Buat kan Block Diagaram nya dan jelas kan ?....



B. Jelas kan Automation safety devise DUAL FUEL ENGINE ?........

3.. Suppose a force of 450 N must be applied to open a valve. Find the diaphragm area if a control gauge
pressure of 75 kPa must provide this force.

4..Alcohol is pumped through a pipe of 12-cm diameter at 3 m/s flow velocity. Find the volume flow

5.. A pressure difference of 1.5 psi occurs across a constriction in a 7-cm-diameter pipe. The
constriction constant is 0.009 m3 s per kPa1 2. Find (a) the flow rate in m3/s and (b) the
flow velocity in m/s.

6.. An equal percentage valve has a maximum flow of 60 cm3/s and a minimum of 3 cm3 / s. If the
full travel is 4 cm, find the flow at a 1-cm opening.

7.. Jelaskan Prinsip dasar operasi Circuit breaker dalam sistem perlindungan
divais listrik.

8...Jelaskan fenomena “corona’ yang biasanya terlihat di saat-saat tertentu di

sekitar kawat yang bertegangan (tinggi). Jelaskan apa yang dinamakan
dengan visual critical voltage.

9..Jelaskan proses Inisiasi (gejala awal) terjadinya bunga api misalnya pada
peristiwa hubung-singkat (short circuit).

10..Apa saja yang menjadi ruang lingkup sistem proteksi dalam jaringan sistem
tenaga listrik, jelaskan secara singkat.

11..Jelaskan gangguan-gangguan utama yang terjadi pada generator.

12..Jelaskan syarat-syarat yang perlu bagi sebuah CB sebagai sebuah pengaman

perlengkapan listrik.

13..Jelaskan persyaratan tambahan yang dianggap perlu, yang harus dipenuhi oleh
sebuah proteksi.

14...Sebuah alternator 3 fasa, 25 MVA, 11 kV yang belitannya terhubung Y (star)

mempunyai reaktansi sinkron sebesar 3,5 Ω per fasa dan resistansi per fasa
sebesar 0.85 Ω. Generator ini diproteksi dengan sistem arus balans “ Merz-
Tentukan berapa bagian dari belitan tetap tak terproteksi dan jika netral dari
alternator ditanahkan melalui resistansi sebesar 7 Ω.
Diasumsikan bahwa relai akan bekerja ketika arus yang tidak balans
besarnya melebihi 25% dari besar arus beban [lihat contoh soal perhitungan
yang ada di materi pembelajaran].


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