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Hello everyone, my name is Ngoc and I am Sydney student.

Today, I would like to share with

you a topic: what is strategy in organisations.
There are various definitions of the strategy. In organisation, Strategy is the series of
decisions that give the business a direction or strategic direction to follow. Strategy is also
the way to communicate to employees of business, How they are going to get there. Its also
determined by who they are going to serve, who their customer are. Its not static, it's

There are 3 different views of strategy: The outside-in strategy, the inside-out and the
emergent view of strategy.

Firstly, When we consider the first strategy : outside in strategy. We are looking at what is
happening in the external market, outside of the business and how it impacts on the
business and how the business should plan to deal with those factors, how can we stand out
from other organisations from my competitors and that can produce differentiation
themselves in term of the uniqueness of somethings or their low-cost position.
it is clearly used by Hermes for differentiation. It is totally different from other their
competitors like Michael Kors. Hermes has strategic target is Segment which means only
people who have high profile financial backgroundsattus and rich people such as celebs.
Strategic Adv is uniqueness and strategic position is differentiation. Overall, they focus on
quality rather than quantity and only small groups of people are able to buy its products.
Michael Kors is different, they concentrate on quantity with low price. Their target market is
working women between the ages of 25 – 45 and their marketing advertising seems to
target ‘High Earners not rich yet’. A company or business can compete or have competitive
advantages compare to the other people in the market by being low cost position.

Secondly, if the outside-in view focus on the external factors, the inside-out view look at
internal factors. We look inside the company to see what the strength and weaknesses are
so we use those to achieve the competitive advantages. we will start with the organisation
and see what are internal? In particular, what are the resources and capabilities (what the
business can do) such as factory efficiency, ability to raise funds) does the firm have?
Resources includes tangible (equipment, land, buildings, labor) and intangible resources like
culture, knowledge and reputation.
All resources and cabability has VRIO characteristics that give use the potential to stand out
from out competitive advatages
. VRIO module which stand for valuable, rare, not easily inimitable and organised. This
module is called inside out strategic module because we look inside the company to see
what are their strengths or their weaknesses and then we can use those to achieve our
competitive advantages
Inside out of view is looking inside the business, what are they good at, strong at and that
make them competitive in the market.
For example, KFC has key resources such as KFC’s recipe trade secret which is valuable and
rare because they have a secret recipe and significant taste and its is difficult to imitate, and
they has a well organised therefore its sustained competitive advantages. KFC reputation
which is very valuable because its developing more than 50 years with 20,000 restaurants in
the world. Its rare because most customers can recognise this brand clearly and all
employees are not allowed to display their recipe. . KFC product is difficult to imitate
because they are protected under the legal. Its has well organised because they have a
strong capability to use brand awareness and maintain it and to keep it up to increase their
sale. therefore, be profitable.

Overall, the outside in strategy we can stand out our differentiation ourselves our we can
stand out our being cost leader. How we choose that, we look at the outside environment
around us. Inside out strategy, we say our what we are good at

The last one is the emergent view of strategy. This view is totally different to others. Inside
out and outside in view are the planed strategy while the emergent strategies are not
planned or intended in advance.
The emergent view is applied when the outside-in and inside-out of strategy fail or doesn’t
work and it emerge and develop from the orginal planning of strategy.

For example: Uber company

In 2008, The initial idea of this company is “ what if you could request a ride from your
phone” and it was for a timeshare limo service that could be ordered.

Then a new idea emerged: the founder decided to buy the domain name
he began working on a prototype for UberCab as a side project. The
service was tested in New York in early 2010 using only three cars, and
the official launch took place in San Francisco in May. 
IN 2017, Uber Eats, UberPool, and credit card. Uber has a merchant delivery
program for food deliveries called Uber Eats. Uber also offers UberPool,
which allows drivers to pick up multiple riders on one scheduled ride,
making it a cheaper option compared to UberX and Uber Black.

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