Fair Healthy Drink

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Proyecto emprendedor

Fair Healthy Drinks

Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai

Fair Healthy Drinks


Opening: Good morning, we are recharge drink and our company is formed by
pao, ricardo and emilio, and me, nai, our goal in this fair is to make known what
we are, and the drinks that we offer in our company, we are aimed at people
who want to reduce the damage of alcohol consumption, ie, we do not cure you
of a disease completely but with our drink we help to recover some nutrients
that alcohol makes you lose, that is our main objective but we can also be
consumed from children to seniors because the fruits we use contain nutrients
extremely important for the proper functioning of the body.
We are a company which is just starting, very small and we are located in a
local within a private, called australis and our goal is to gradually go making the
company bigger considering the profits we have to reinvest, we hope for your
support and that you like it.

Diego Emilio
sensibilization:Imagine starting your day with a burst of freshness, a sip of
vitality that energizes your body and nourishes your soul. That's the power of a
smoothie, and that's exactly what we're here to talk about today
Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai
We all lead busy lives, constantly juggling work, family, and countless
responsibilities. In the midst of it all, it's easy to overlook our health and settle
for quick, unhealthy food choices. But what if I told you that you could have it
all? Convenience, taste, and incredible health benefits all in a single delicious

That's where our smoothies come in. Our team has meticulously crafted a menu
of mouthwatering blends, blending nature's finest fruits to create a symphony
of flavors that will leave you craving for more. From exotic tropical delights to
classic combinations, each sip is a celebration of vibrant taste and nourishment.

But it's not just about the flavors. Our smoothies are packed with a plethora of
vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support your immune system, boost
your energy, and enhance your overall well-being. They are the perfect fuel to
keep you going throughout the day, a refreshing escape from the monotony of
unhealthy choices.

But what truly sets us apart is our commitment to quality. We source our
ingredients from local farms, ensuring that every sip you take is filled with the
goodness of fresh, organic produce. Each smoothie is meticulously prepared to
maintain its nutritional integrity and deliver a consistently exceptional

So, my friends, I invite you to join us on this journey of wellness. Visit our booth,
taste the difference, and let the flavors transport you to a world of health and
Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai
happiness. Treat yourself to a guilt free indulgence that will make you feel alive
and vibrant.

Nutritional needs for the body: Do you know why it is important to have a healthy
diet? It is important since it is essential to be able to carry out day activities with
A healthy diet is about eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need
to stay healthy, feel good, and have energy. it must satisfy our needs and keep a
balance, and also helps to protect health and prevent diseases.
The attributes that characterize a healthy diet are: safety, variety, balance, moderation
and that it is appetizing. These attributes have been joined in recent years by another,
very important one: sustainability. That is, the diet must not only be healthy for us,
but also for the environment where we live.
To have a good diet, it is necessary to consume daily fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
legumes, milk, meat, poultry and fish, and vegetable oil in adequate and varied
Some of the recommendations to have even more good nutrition are:
• Follow a healthy diet.
• Stay physically active, daily and each in their own way.
• Get vaccinated.
• Do not use tobacco in any of its forms.
• Avoid alcohol consumption or reduce it.
• Manage stress for better physical and mental health.
• Keep good hygiene.
Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai

Offer solution: I will tell you about a refreshing and nutritious solution that will
transform your life easily, quickly and completely. I want to focus on 2 delicious
options: Redelthy smoothie and the bananin drink. And this i our drink that we
tell us:
• Redelthy Smoothie: Imagine a vibrant and energetic smoothie, with sweet
strawberries, juicy blackberries and antioxidant blueberries. This
delicious smoothie is not only enjoyable, but also healthy. "If you are
looking for a nutritious and delicious solution, red berries smoothie is the
• Bananin Drink: This bananin drink is creamy, versatile and delicious for
young and old. Bananas are rich in potassium and energy for muscle and
cardiovascular health. And, the banana smoothie can also be customized
by adding additional ingredients such as nut butters, yogurt or spinach to
boost its nutritional value.

In my experience these smoothies helped my body and helped me to have more

nutrients and vitamins in my body.

Diego Emilio
closing: Now, we all know that a healthy lifestyle is important, and what better
way to kickstart your day or recharge after a long day than with a refreshing and
nutritious smoothie? Our smoothies are carefully crafted with the finest
Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai
ingredients, packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to fuel your body
and nourish your soul.

But what sets us apart from the rest? It's our commitment to quality and variety.
We offer an extensive selection of smoothies, catering to all tastes and
preferences. From classic combinations like strawberry banana to exotic blends
like tropical mango and coconut, there's something for everyone.

What's more, we believe in customization. We understand that each person has

unique needs and desires, so we give you the freedom to personalize your
smoothie. Whether you want to add a protein boost, boost your immune system
with some added greens, or indulge in a guilt free treat with our low-sugar
options, we've got you.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to come and experience the magic of our
mouthwatering smoothies. Visit our booth, sample our wide range of flavors,
and let us show you why our customers keep coming back for more.

Now, we all know that a healthy lifestyle is important, and what better way to
kickstart your day or recharge after a long day than with a refreshing and
nutritious smoothie? Our smoothies are carefully crafted with the finest
ingredients, packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to fuel your body
and nourish your soul.
Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai
But what sets us apart from the rest? It's our commitment to quality and variety.
We offer an extensive selection of smoothies, catering to all tastes and
preferences. From classic combinations like strawberry banana to exotic blends
like tropical mango and coconut, there's something for everyone.

What's more, we believe in customization. We understand that each person has

unique needs and desires, so we give you the freedom to personalize your
smoothie. Whether you want to add a protein boost, boost your immune system
with some added greens, or indulge in a guilt free treat with our low-sugar
options, we've got you.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to come and experience the magic of our
mouthwatering smoothies. Visit our booth, sample our wide range of flavors,
and let us show you why our customers keep coming back for more.
Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai

Linea de producción

Redelthy Smoothie
Pasos para prepararla:

Paola: Encargada de los frutos rojos

1. Lava y seca cuidadosamente 2 tazas de frutos rojos (fresas, frambuesas,
moras, arándanos, etc.).
2. Retira cualquier tallo o parte no deseada de los frutos rojos.

Quintanar: Encargado del plátano y la leche

1. Pela y corta en rodajas 2 plátanos maduros.
2. En una jarra o recipiente, coloca los plátanos y añade 1 taza de leche.
3. Mezcla los plátanos y la leche con una cuchara o tenedor hasta que se
integren bien.

Ricardo: Encargado del yogur y el endulzante

1. Agrega 1/2 taza de yogur griego o yogur de tu preferencia a la jarra o
recipiente con los plátanos y la leche.
2. añade 1 cucharada de miel o azúcar al recipiente. Puedes ajustar la cantidad
según el gusto del cliente.

Nailea: Encargada de la licuadora o batidora

Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai
1. Vierte la mezcla de plátanos, leche, yogur y endulzante en una licuadora o
2. Añade los frutos rojos preparados por Paola a la licuadora.
3. Tapa la licuadora y enciéndela a una velocidad media-alta.
4. Licúa los ingredientes hasta obtener una mezcla suave y homogénea.

Bananin Drink:
Pasos para prepararla:

Paola: Encargada de los plátanos

1. Reúne 4 plátanos maduros y pélalos.
2. Corta los plátanos en rodajas y colócalos en un recipiente.

Ricardo: Encargado de los lácteos

1. En una jarra o recipiente grande, vierte 2 tazas de leche.
2. Agrega 1/2 taza de yogur griego o yogur de tu preferencia a la misma jarra.

Diego: Encargado del endulzante y los ingredientes adicionales

1. Añade 2 cucharadas de miel o azúcar al recipiente de la mezcla de leche y
2. (Opcionalmente) agregar ingredientes adicionales como 1 cucharadita de
canela en polvo o una pizca de vainilla para darle más sabor al smoothie.

Nailea: Encargada de la licuadora o batidora

1. Vierte la mezcla de leche, yogur, endulzante y otros ingredientes en la
licuadora o batidora.
Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai
2. Agrega las rodajas de plátano preparadas por Paola a la licuadora.
3. Tapa la licuadora y enciéndela a una velocidad media-alta.
4. Licúa los ingredientes hasta obtener una mezcla suave y homogénea.

Diseño de stand

Tenemos planeado poner un arco de globos en color verde y blanco, tendremos

dos mesas las cuales contendrán un mantel blanco.

En la primera que estará al fondo de nuestro lugar pondremos todo lo que

utilizaremos para crear nuestra bebida, como licuadora, cubiertos, la fruta, etc.

En la segunda mesa pondremos un cartel con nuestro nombre en banderitas,

un tabloide con un diseño para elegir la bebida, nuestra presentación, el tamaño
del vaso que daremos a vender y pruebas de la bebida.

Nuestros colores base son el verde y el blanco ya que sin el mismo que nuestro
Tendremos puesta playera negra para resaltar más con nuestro stand

Continuación una pequeña representación:

Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai
Proyecto emprendedor
Fair Healthy Drinks
Ricardo, Paola,Diego Emilio, Nai

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