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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOGAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City Telephone Numbers: 925.03.30 / 925.03.31 / Fax: 925.03.32 http:// www. Memorandum Circular No. 2018 - Date: GUIDELINES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BARANGAY ADVOCACY ON THE PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION 1.0 2.0 BACKGROUND One of the targets of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s Administration is to achive a people- centered, clean, efficient, and effective governance by reducing corruption, achieving seamless service delivery, enhancing administrative governance, strengthening the civil service, and fully engaging and empowering citizens. In line with the thrusts of the current administration and with the goal of bolstering the government's campaign against illegal drugs, criminality, corruption, and violent extremism, the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) is implementing the project “National Advocacy on the Prevention of Illegal Drugs, Criminality, Corruption and Violent Extremism.” One of the components of the project is the implementation of “National Advocacy on the Prevention of Corruption”, otherwise known as “Preventing Corruption” which aims to promote public awareness on anti-corruption drives and organize and mobilize community in curbing corruption. Preventing Corruption Component is a community-based initiative which aims to engage volunteers in the fight against corruption. Specifically, it aims to foster public awareness as well as to actively engage various sectors at the local level such as civil society organizations (CSOs), people’s organizations (POs), non-government orgnizations (NGOs), faith-based organizations (FBOs) and other anti-corruption advocates to support and participate in the anti-corruption measures of the government particularly in promoting transparency, responsibility and accountability. PURPOSE ‘The policy aims to provide guidelines in the implementation of the National Advocacy on the Prevention of Corruption at the barangay level particularly on anti-corruption campaign and community organization and mobilization. * Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022, Chapter 5, p.S6. Page 1 of 8 3.0 4.0 5.0 SCOPE AND COVERAGE The policy shall cover all Provincial Governors, City and Municipal Mayors, the ARMM Regional Governor, Punong Barangays, DILG Regional Directors and Field Officers, DILG ARMM Regional Secretary, and Others Concemed. COMPONENT ‘The Preventing Corruption Component is envisioned to help in reducing corruption through increasing public awareness on the causes and rippling effects of corruption and strengthening the support and participation of the citizenry in curbing corruption. Said Component will focus on four (4) strategies: 1) education and advocacy campaign, 2) organization and mobilization of community volunteers, 3) capacity development, and 4) monitoring and reporting: 1, Education and Advocacy Campaign Information and education campaign activities shall be conducted to facilitate and reinforce the existing anti-corruption drives of the national and local government. The advocacy campaign shall be implemented at all government levels and localized and developed to give due consideration into the prevailing situation and current issues at the local level. 2. Organization and Mobilization of Community Volunteers A barangay-based group of volunteers shall be organized and called as Barangay Volunteers Against Corruption to help eradicate corruption by way of promoting transparency, responsibility and accountability through active people’s participation in various barangay government's activities and processes. 3. Capacity Development Capacity development is an integral part in building or strengthening the capacities of community volunteers to empower them towards the effectively execution of strategies in the prevention of corruption and promotion of good governance in the barangay. 4. Monitoring and Reporting Community volunteers shall be engaged in monitoring the implementation of barangay activities. Specifically, they shall conduct site visits, inspections and validations on the compliance of barangays with the Barangay Full Disclosure Policy, conduct of Barangay Assembly Day, and posting of Citizen’s Charter and monitor the status of DILG- Assistance to Municipalities (AM) project implementation. Other than the compliance of the barangay with the above activities, community volunteers shall report corrupt practices or complaints (i.e. slow processes, failure to act ‘on requests on the prescribed period, unclear procedures and other related complaints) to concerned government agencies through the available platform such as the Citizen's Complaint Hotline “8888” of the Civil Service Commission, Ombudsman, LGU Sanggunian, DILG, among others. POLICY CONTENT AND GUIDELINES, 5.1 The Barangay Volunteers Against Corruption (BVAC) ‘The Barangay Volunteers Against Corruption (BVAC) is a mechanism that will serve as the third-party monitor and partner of the barangay in promoting transparency, Page 2 of 8 52 53 accountability, responsibility and active community participation in barangay activities and processes. Purpose of BVAC 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 Creation of Steering Committee and Tech 53.1 Ensure good governance is practised and institutionalized in the barangays. This, includes, but not limited to the following: © Setting-up of current and updated Citizen’s Charter in the form of information billboards listing the requirements for each type of application or request, procedure to obtain a particular service, person/s responsible for each step, maximum time to conclude the process, documents to be presented by the applicant or requesting party, amount of fees; procedure for filing complaints (Section 6, RA 11032 or the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018) * Conduct of Barangay Assembly Day (proper observance, notification, and holding); ‘* Formulation of Barangay Development Plan (with people’s participation); ‘+ Monitor compliance to Barangay Full Disclosure Policy (BFDP); and * Monitor status of DILG-Assistance to Municipalities (AM) project implementation in the barangays Encourage citizen's active participation in the fight against corruption in the barangay: Establish and strengthen rapport and cooperation among all service-providers in the barangay for the effective public service delivery; and Promote the barangay as the center for development 1 Working Group National Steering Committee Composition Chairperson: — Undersecretary for Barangay Affairs Members: Assistant Secretary for Barangay Affairs and Partnership Director, National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) Director, Public Affairs and Communication Service (PACS) One (1) representative from the following: = Social Watch Philippines (SWP) * Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO) + Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC) = Philippine Information Agency (PIA) Duties and Responsibilities ‘* Provide oversight, review and approval of activities and policies related to the component’s implementation; and * Provide all necessary guidance and direction to the Technical Working Group to ensure delivery of outputs and achievement of component outcomes. Page 3 of 8 53.2 5.3.3 National Technical Working Group (NTWG) Composition Chairperson: Chief, Community Capacity Development Division, NBOO, DILG Vice-Chairperson: Chief, Information and Communication Research Division, PACS, DILG Members: Focal Persons on Preventing Corruption Component One (1) representative each from two (2) different accredited/recognized CSOs/NGOs One (1) representatives each from two different FBOs One (1) representative from PIA. Duties and Responsibilities * Provide technical and administrative assistance to the National Steering Committee; © Formulate strategies, approaches and procedures for the efficient and effective implementation, and achievement of component outcomes; and ‘* Draw policy recommendations to enhance existing policies. Local Technical Working Group (LTWG) Composition Chairperson: DILG Regional Field Officer Members Liga ng mga Barangay Regional Chapter President Representative from CSOs/POs/NGOs Representative from Faith-Based Organizations Duties and Responsibilities ‘* Provide the Provincial TWG with the list of programs/projects/activities to be monitored; © Orient City/Municipal on the organization and mobilization of BVAC; Assist in planning and implementation of anti-corruption activities; Organize fora, seminars, and related activities on the prevention of corruption; ‘* Coordinate with the Regional and City/Municipal TWG; and ‘© Consolidate reports submitted by City/Municipal TWG and communicate the same to the National TWG. Composition Chairperson: DILG Provincial Field Offic Members: Liga ng mga Barangay Provincial Chapter President Representative from CSOs/POs/NGOs Representative fiom Faith-Based Organizations Duties and Responsibilities * Provide the City/Municipal TWG with the list of programs/projects/ Page 4 of 8 activities to be monitored by BVAC; © Orient members of City/Municipal TWG on the organization and mobilization of BVAC; © Assist in planning and implementation of anti-corruption activities; © Organize fora, seminars, and related activities on the prevention of corruption; ‘* Coordinate with the Regional and City/Municipal TWG; and * Consolidate reports submitted by City/Municipal TWG and communicate the same to Regional TWG. Composition Chairperson: DILG City or Municipal Field Officer Members: Liga ng mga Barangay City/Municipal Chapter President Representative from CSOs/POs/NGOs Representative from Faith-Based Organizations Duties and Responsibilities * Provide BVAC list of programs/projects/activities to be monitored; © Orient members of BVAC on their duties and responsibilities; * Assist in planning and implementation of anti-corruption activities; * Organize fora, seminars, and related activities on the prevention of corruption; ‘© Coordinate with the Provincial TWG and BVACs; and ‘© Consolidate reports submitted by BVAC and communicate the same to Provincial TWG. Barangay Volunteers Against Corruption (BVAC) The Barangay Volunteers Against Corruption (BVAC) shall be composed of individual or members of any organizations in the barangay with strong moral values and integrity, and willing to contribute time, talent and resources to the cause, Duties and Responsibilities Identify the needs, issues and coneems in the barangay; Ensure that Good Governance is being practiced and institutionalized in the barangays through monitoring of the following: * Compliance of baranagy with DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2014-81 dated July 15, 2014, entitled “Amendment to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2010-149 Re: Posting of Barangay Budget, Statement of Income and Expenditures and other Barangay Financial Transactions and Annual Procurement Plan; «Participation in the Barangay Assembly Day; + Adhererence of barangay with DILG MC No. 2010-122 dated October 26, 2010, entitled “Guideposts in Promoting and Sustaining Barangay Good Governance;” and * Status of DILG-Assistance to Municipalites project implementation in the barangay; ‘* Assist the LTWG in the planning and implementation of anti-corruption Activities; and Page 5 of 8 ‘* Submit periodic monitoring report to City/Municipal TWG. 6.0 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES 6.1 72 7.0 IN 7A 72 13 14 15 Pre-Implementation Phase * Orientation of DILG Regional/Provincial and HUC Field Officers * Coordination with potential member of Local Technical Groups (LTWGs) Organization of LTWGs and BVACs * Orientation of LTWGs and BVACS on their roles and responsibilities Implementation Phase © Conduct of anti-corruption advocacy campaigns * Monitoring of compliance of barangays with the Full Disclosure Policy, conduct of Barangay Assembly Day, and setting-up of Citizen’s Charter © Monitoring of status of DILG-AM project implementation * Report corrupt practices or complaints on accessing of or delivery of government services STITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT. DILG Central Office through the National Barangay Operations Office ‘* Formulate the policy and oversee the implementation of the Advocacy; ‘* Coordinate with and provide technical assistance to the National Steering Committee and DILG Regional Offices and Focal Persons in the implementation of the Advocacy; * Orient DILG Regional, Provincial, and HUC/ICC Focal Persons; * Develop resource materials such as collaterals and training modules pertinent to the implementation of the Advocacy; and + Monitor the implementation of the Advocacy. DILG Regional Offices * Disseminate the policy to the DILG Provincial and Field Offices ‘* Coordinate with and provide technical assistance to the DILG Provincial and HUC focal persons; and ‘* Overee and ensure the successful implementation of the Advocacy in the region. DILG Provincial Offices © Coordinate with and provide technical assistance to DILG city/municipal level; * Orient the Local Technical Working Group on the Advocacy; and * Oversee and ensure the successful implementation of the Advocacy. Id Officers at the DILG City/Municipal Field Officers as Chairperson of the Local Technical Working Group ‘* Spearhead the organization and mobilization of LTWG and BVAC; * Conduct orientation of LTWG and BVA( ‘© Maintain the registry of BVACs; and * Oversee and ensure the successful implementation of the Advocacy within their jurisdiction, CSOs, NGOs, POs and FBOs as members of LTWG * Assist in the organization and orientation of BVACs; ‘* Mobilize the support of CSOs, NGOs, POs and FBOs; and Page 6 of 8 9.0 10.0 12.0 * Spearhead the anti-corruption advocacy and education campaigns in the community. 8.6 /Municipa/Barangay * Assist in the organization and orientation of BVACs; * Ensure participation of BVAC members in the activities of the barangay * Spearhead the anti-corruption advocacy and education campaigns in the community in partnership with BVAC. MONITORING AND EVALUATION * The NTWG shall monitor the submission of monthly, quarterly and semestral reports of BVACS through channel. * A reporting and monitoring system shall be developed by NTWG. * An annual assessment on the implementation of the Barangay Advocacy on the Prevention of the Corruption shall be conducted by the NTWG. REFERENCES 10.1 Republic Act No. 10964 (General Appropriations Act of 2018) 10.2. Republic Act No. 11032 (Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018)Local Government Code of 1991 10.3 Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 10.4 DILG MC No. 2018-104 [Policy Guidelines in Monitoring of the FY 2017 Assistance to Disadvantaged Municipalities (ADM), FY 2018 Assistance to Municipalities (AM), FY 2018 Sagana At Ligtas na Tubig Para sa Lahat (SALINTUBIG) Programs Under the Local Government Support Fund (LGSF), and Thereafter] 10.5 DILG MC No. 2017-112 [Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of Mamamayang Ayaw sa Anomalya, Mamamayang Ayaw sa Iligal na Droga (MASA MASID)] 10.6 DILG MC No. 2016-116 dated September 2, 2016 [Implementation of MASA MASID (Mamamayang Ayaw sa Anomalya, Mamamayang Ayaw sa Iligal na Droga) 10.7 Section 397 (b), Local Government Code of 1991 10.8 DILG MC No. DILG MC No. 2014-81 dated July 15, 2014 (Amendment to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2010-149 re: Posting of Barangay Budget, Statement of Income and Expenditures and Other Barangay Financial Transactions and Annual Procurement Plan. 10.9 DILG MC No. 2018-31 dated March 19, 2018 (Conduct of Barangay Assembly for the First Semester of CY 2018) 10.10 DILG MC No, 2017-123 dated September 20, 2017 (Conduct of Barangay Assembly for the Second Semester of CY 2017) ANNEXES Annex A: Organizing and Mobilizing BVAC Annex B: BVAC Registration Form Annex C: BVAC DILG-AM Project Monitoring Report (Form 1) Annex D: BVAC DILG-AM Project Consolidated Monitoring Report (Form 2) Annex E: BVAC Barangay Full Disclosure Policy Monitoring Report Form 3) Annex F: BVAC Synchronized Barangay Assembly Day Monitoring Report (Form 4) EFFECTIVITY ‘This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately. Page 7 of 8 13.0 APPROVING AUTHORITY EDUARDO M. ANO Officer-In-Charge 14.0 FEEDBACK For related inquiries, please contact NBOO-CCDD at telephone nos. (02) 925-0328 and 925-0371, email at: dilg.nationaladvocacy@gmailcom or visit. us _—_ at 24/F, DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City. Page 8 of 8 ANNEX A. ORGANIZING AND MOBILIZING BARANGAY VOLUNTEERS AGAINST CORRUPTION (BVAC) Introduction ‘The National Advocacy on the Prevention of Corruption aims to increase awareness and engage the public in the fight against corruption towards improving good governance particularly at the barangay level. Good governance plays an important role in the development process and requires the highest standards of integrity, openness, and transparency.' ‘As the basic policitcal unit, the Barangay serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government policies, plans, programs,projects and activities in the community.’ Being the direct beneficiaries of the government's basic services, the people should be engaged in various government processes such as planning, decision-making, among others especially if it involves public fun The fight against corruption is not the sole responsibility of the government. It requires the full support and active participation of the communities as they play a crucial role in the promotion of good governance as well as the prevention and elimination of corruption at all levels of the government. As such, it is deemed necessary to intensify the fight against corruption down to the barangay level, through public information and education campaign and community organization and mobilization. ‘One of the top priorities of the Duterte Administration is to combat corruption through information and education campaigns, and community organization and mobilization. With the goal of combating corruption, the Barangay Volunteers Against Corruption (BVAC) shall be organized and mobilized in every barangay as a mechanism that will serve as the watchdog of corruption practices as well as third-party monitor in the barangay. Good Governance And Corruption Good Governance Good governance involves inclusive and meaningful people’s participation. Giving them a voice and stake in the government help in the efficient delivery of service that is responsive to their needs. It is characterized by a transparent, responsible, accountable, participative and responsive government. The barangay, as the basic political unit, plays a crucial role in nation building and development as it serves the primary planning and implementing unit of government policies, projects and activities in the community and a forum wherein the collective views of the people may be expressed, crystallized and considered. Barangay Governance is defined as the exercise of power, specifically economic, political and administrative authority in the management of Barangay’s economic and resources for development. Corruption Good governance plays an important role in the development process and requires the highest standards of integrity, openness, and transparency. On the other hand, corruption impedes sustainable development as its obstructs economic advancement and erodes public confidence in the government. As a result, poor people are discouraged to access public services. * Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Anticorruption and good governance: the Philippine Experience, November-December 2010 2 Book ill, Title One, Chapter 1, Section 384, The Local Government Code ofthe Philippines Page 1of 5 ‘The 2016 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) ranked the Philippines 101% among 176 countries and dropped to 111" among 180 countries. The country’s poor performance can be attributed to lack of accountability in the government, lack of oversight, insecurity and shrinking space for civil society, pushing for anti-corruption actions. Further, the rankings show that corruption in the country is still strong. One of the main requisites for good governance is the effective means of combating corruption. The Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 intends to achieve people-centered, clean, efficient and effective governance. Specifically, it aims to reduce corruption, achieve seamless service delivery, improve administrative governance, strengthen the civil service, and fully involve and empower citizens. As such, the organization and mobilization of Barangay Volunteers Against Corruption (BVAC) is pivotal in the prevention and/or elimination of corruption at the barangay level. ‘The Barangay Volunteers Against Corruption (BVAC) The Barangay Volunteers Against Corruption (BVAC) is a barangay-based group of volunteers which shall serve as a third-party monitor and watchdog of corrupt practices in the barangay. BVAC shall bbe composed of individual or members of any organizations in the barangay with strong moral values and integrity, and willing to contribute time, talent and resources to the cause such as, but not limited to, the following: Faith-based organizations Civil society organizations, people’s organizations, and non-government organizations Academic institutions Professionals Youth Goups * Other individuals and volunteer groups Areas of Engagement BVACS serve as critical partners of the government which can play various roles in the implementation of the programs and activities as well as participation to planning processes and decision-making in the barangay. Cognizant of the significant vole they play, members of BVAC may engaged with the following areas: 1. Anti-Corruption Advocacy Campaign ‘The fight against corruption entails the full support and involvement of the local population. As beneficiaries of good and services, itis their responsibility to help in the prevention of corruption. To achieve this, there is a need to intensify the anti-corruption advocacy campaign to heighten public awareness on the causes and rippling effects of corruption and to ensure that public funds are utilized judiciously. 2. Monitoring and feedbacking on programs, projects and activi Community volunteers may engage in monitoring the compliance of barangays with the conduct of the following activities: Barangay Assembly Day, Barangay Full Disclosure Policy and Setting-up of Citizen’s Charter. Page 2 of 5 Barangay Assembly Day Section 397 (b) of Republic Act No. 7160 of the Local Government Code of 1991, mandates that “the barangay assembly shall meet at least twice a year to hear and discuss the semestral report of the barangay concerning its activities and finances as well as problem affecting the barangay.” Proclamation No. 260 dated September 30, 2011 declares the last Saturday of March and the second Sunday of October as Barangay Assembly Days. Full Disclosure Policy To ensure that Barangays adhere to the highest ideals and standards of transparency and accountability, DILG issued a policy directing all punong barangays to post, in an area inside the Barangay Hall that can be easily accessed by the public and on their website, if available, the following documents prescribed by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM): * Barangay Budget. Information detail on estimates of yearly income and the total appropriation covering personal services, maintenance and other operating expenses and capital outlay + Summary of Income and Expenditures. Summary of all revenues collected and funds received including the appropriations and disbursement of each funds during the preceding, year as prescribed by Section 352 of the Local Government Code of 1991 * 20% Component of the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) Utilization, Information detail on the yearly Barangay expenditures on social development, economic development, and environmental management and other Barangay expenses using the Barangay IRA share. * Annual Procurement Plan or Procurement List. Information detail on the name of project, individual item or article and specification or description of goods and services, procurement method, fund source, unit price or estimated cost or approved budget for the contract and procurement schedule, ‘* List of Notices of Award. Information detail on the name of project, business address, brief description of goods and services required by the Barangay, address of recipient of goods or services and amount of bid. ‘* Itemized Monthly Collections and Disbursements. ‘his shall be posted within ten (10) days following the end of every month by the Barangay treasurer pursuant to Section 513 of the local Government of 1991 (RA 7160). iatives on good governance rely on transparency, accountability and participations to shape anti-corruption measures. ‘Setting Up of Citizen's Charter Section 6 of Republic Act No. 11032 or the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 mandates all government agencies including local government units to set up their respective most current and updated service standards to be known as the Citizen's Charter in the form of information billboards which shall be posted at the main entrance of offices or at the most conspicuous place, in their respective websites in the form of published materials written either in English, Filipino, or in the local dialect ,with the following details: * A comprehensive and uniform checklist of requirements for each type of application or request. © Procedure to obtain a particular service. Page 3 of 5 * The person/s responsible for each step. * Maximum time to conclude the process + Documents to be presented by the applicant or requesting party, if necessary. * Amount of fees, if necessary, ‘© Procedure for filing complaints. DILG-Assistance to Municipalities (AM) Projects ‘The Assistance to Municipalities (AM) Program of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) seeks to provide equitable assistance to all municipalities in the delivery of basic services through the provision of financial subsidy to municipalities for the implementation of their prioritized programs and projects. ‘The DILG-AM projects were culled out from the Local Development Investment Plans (LDIPs) of municipalities and are limited only to the following: * Local Access Roads * Local Bridges + Potable Water System Projects + Evacuation Center and Disaster Risk Reduction-related equipment ‘© Small Water Impounding Projects © Rain Water Catchment Facilities ‘* Sanitation and Health Facilities * Municipal Drug Rehabilitation Facility Each BVAC shall designate monitoring teams who will monitor the status of DILG-Assistance to Municipalities (AM) project implementation. Monitoring templates have been devised to assist the BVAC Monitoring Teams in the inspection/site visit and validation activities (please see Section 11.0 Annexes). In monitoring the DILG-AM Projects, BVAC Monitoring Team shall conduct the following: * Check installation and updating of the Community Billboard (Annex D) of DILG MC No. 2018-104 dated July 5, 2018. © Take photo of the Community Billboard and the project site before, during and after project implementation, Record actual start-date of the project implementation and update the status of project implementation in each monthly reporting period. ‘* Record the number of monitoring visits to DILG-AM projects done by the BVAC Monitoring ‘Team for each monthly reporting period. 3. Reporting of corruption related activities Corrupt activities can lead to waste of public funds and resources, support criminal activities, diverting away from the delivery of public services that support the family needs and undermine public trust and confidence in the government. Community volunteers can help prevent corruption by reporting or exposing corrupt practices and other related social issues to concerned government agencies. Page 4 of5 Reporting of Corrupt Activities and Related Complaints: Process Flow CSC's Hotline 8888 | » National Technical Working Group \__—— le Regional Technical Working Group —— ft Provincial Technical Working Group OMBUDSMAN / CSC Central Office [ CSC Regional Office | BVAC Membership Registration ¥ City/Municipal Technical Working Group L___,____| pieSHH SPH HceeeenSEEE BVAC Local Sanggunian ¥ Individuals intending to be a member of BVAC or participate in any of its activities shall fully accomplish the Registration Form (Annex A) indicating in it the BVAC activities that the individual ‘wants to be involved in, and submit the form to the nearest Local Technical Working Group or Punong. Barangay of the barangay where the volunteer resides. Submission of Report ‘The BVAC Monitoring Teams shall prepare and submit a monthly, quarterly and semestral monitoring report to LTWG. For the implementation status of DILG-AM projects and compliance with BFDP, the report shall be submitted every 1* week of the succeeding month, and every 1** week of April and 1* of week of November for the conduct of BAD. Page Sof 5 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT NATIONAL BARANGAY OPERATIONS OFFICE 24" Floor, DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City Telephone Numbers: 925.03.71 / 925.11.37 / Fax: 925.03.28 BARANGAY VOLUNTEERS AGAINST GORRUPTION (BVAC) Registration Form Name: Age: Sex: Contact No. Home Address: Occupation: Affiliation Barangay: City/Municipality: Province: Region : Contact No. Preferred Involvement: Anti-Corruption Advocacy and Education Campaigns at the Community Level Monitoring and Reporting of Barangay Activities such as conduct of Synchronized Barangay Assembly Day (SBAD), Compliance to Barangay Full Disclosure Policy (BFOP) and Status of DILG-Assistance to Municipalities Project Implementation Why do you want to be part of BVAC? Form I: BVAC DILG-AM Project Monitoring Report DILG-ASSISTANCE TO MUNICIPALITES PROJECT MONITORING REPORT Project Type | (Le. Potable Water System Projects, Local Access Road, Sanitation and Health Facilities, etc.) Project Title | (ie. Evaccuation Center, Local Access Road, DRR Rescue Equipment, Provision of Potable Water, etc.) Project Site | Region Province ff Municipality Barangay Approved ‘Year Approved Budget Start-Daie of End-Date oF the Project the Project Physical Not Yet Nothing on Siaus Sooper G Started the Ground Is there a Community Billboard? “Are te necessary project information posted in the Yes. No Conan Billboard? ‘Yes [No | ‘Ts the project already being utilized? las the project benefited the target beneficiaries? ‘Yes “No Yes No Community/Beneficiaries’s Feedback (You may write in bullet points) Positive Feedback: What are the benefits/positive results to the community/beneficiaries? ‘Negative Feedback: What are the defects/deficiences noted, if any? Recommendations Submitted by: BVAC MONITORING TEAM. FBO Representative FBO Representative Province: __ Barangay: _ CSO Representative ‘CSO Representative Municipality: Date Submitted: Note: Description of Physical Status ‘Completed — project has been physically completed. ‘On Going ~ implementation of the project has started and there is already verifiable physical accomplishment Not Yet Started — implementation of the project has not yet started Nothing on the Ground ~ the project has not implemented Form 2: BVAC DILG-AM Project Consolidated Monitoring Report DILG-ASSISTANCE TO MUNICIPALITES PROJECT CONSOLIDATED MONITORING STATUS REPORT Is there Start-Date Physical Status | Is the Has the Feedback Recommendations Community | of the (Completed’ i project | (Positive/Negative) Project | Project ane Project | Billboard? | Project ‘On Going/ benefited Type Title Cost (es/No) Not Yet Started/ the target Nothing on the beneficiares Ground) (Yes/No) | Submitted by: Attested by: MLGOO FBO Representaive CSO Representative Chairperson, LTWG Date Submitted: Member, LTWG Member, LTWG Form 3: BVAC Barangay Full Disclosure Policy Monitoring Report BARANGAY FULL DISCLOSURE POLICY (BFDP) MONITORING REPORT AS of. +2018 Barangay: Date of Visit: City/Municipality: Province: _ Region: Directions: Kindly put a check (/) in the corresponding item if the document is posted. 1 Quarter 2018 “Annual Quarterly Ttemized Monthly Collections and Status of Compliance Disbursements Barangay | Summary of | 20% ‘Annual | ListofNotice | January | February March | No. of Documents Full Partial No Budget | Income and | Component | Procurement | of Award Posted (8 documents (7 (0 document Expenditure | of IRA Plan (out of 8 posted) | are posted) | documents | posted) Utilization are posted) Submitted by: BVAC Monitoring Team FBO Representative CSO Representative Date Submitted: Attested by: LTWG Representative LTWG Representative Form 4: BVAC Barangay Assembly Day BARANGAY ASSEMBLY DAY (BAD) - 2ND SEMESTER OF CY 2018 MONITORING REPORT As of 2018 Barangay: : Date of BA: aa City/Municipality: Venue of B: Province: Region: Posting/Hanging of z Delivery of the State of Barangay Address (SOBA) Other No. of | Issues Affecting [ Reasons/s | Remarks Barangay | Conducted | Accomplishments | Financial | Updateson | Newly- | Barangay | Matters as | Attendees | the Barangay | for Failure Assembly posters | BA | forthe Ist Semester | Report forthe | CY 2018 | Enacted | Compliance | provided in (ic. peace and | to Conduct ‘or banners in (Yes/No) of CY 2018 1* Semester of | programs and | Barangay | on National | the latest order, disaster | the BA conspicuous places (Yes/No) cy 2018 projects | Ordinances | Lawsand | _ issued preparedness, (ie. transport (Yes/No) (Yes/No) | (Yes/No) | Issuances | DILGMC solid waste terminal, market, (Yes/No) | (Yes/No) management) Plaza) Submitted by: BVAC Monitoring Team FBO Representative FBO Representative CSO Representative CSO Representative Date Submitted:

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