Module 5 6 Acceleration

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Module 5-6 – Acceleration

Activity No. 1: “Did They Accelerate?”

Direction: Determine the situation given below if acceleration exists or
not. Write AE (Acceleration Exists) if the statement indicates acceleration
and NA (No Acceleration) if not. (5points)
_________1. A boy that is walking at a constant speed, as he reached the
corner of the street he turned left.
_________2. A bus with a constant speed of 60 km/hr running in a
straight line.
_________3. A car from rest gained a speed of 40 km/hr.
_________4. A racing car that is about to reach the finish line increases
its speed at its maximum.
_________5. A flying airplane that has a speed of 500 mi/hr and after 10
minutes it slows downs to 400 mi/hr.

Wrap Up
Direction: Supply the missing word on the blank provide to complete the
concept of acceleration. Choose the correct answer from the words
provided in the box below. (7points)
1.________________ is a vector quantity that is defined as the
rate at which an object changes its 2.______________. An object is
accelerating if it is changing its velocity. When an object just
maintained its 3.__________ and direction there will be no
acceleration. But when an object changed its speed,
4.___________or both acceleration exists. There are two types of
acceleration, those are positive acceleration and 5._____________
acceleration. Positive acceleration takes place when the speed of
an object 6._______________. Deceleration takes place if the speed
of the object is 7.____________.

reduced acceleration
negative speed
increases velocity

Activity No. 2
Using the given equations complete the table below. (5points)

Acceleration Final Velocity Initial Velocity Time

(m/𝒔𝟐) (m/s) (m/s) (seconds)
3 0 5
0 20 7
2 16 3
10 23 4
5 42 12

Activity No. 3
Solve the following problems. (Use-GUFSA(Given, Unknown, Formula,
Solution, Answer) (15points-5points each)
1. A boy is running 4.0 m/s. After 2.0 seconds, he runs at a velocity of
2.0 m/s. What is the acceleration of the boy?

2. A motorcycle starting from rest reaches a velocity of 25.0 m/s in 4.0

seconds. Calculate the motorcycle’s acceleration.

3. A race car travelling with an initial velocity of 90 km/h accelerates at

a uniform rate of 5.0 m/𝑠2 for 2.0 s. What is the final velocity of the race
car in m/s?
Post Test
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. (10points)
1. Which of the following is a situation that shows


A. A car at rest.

B. A cheetah running at a constant speed of 20 mi/hr.

C. A boy running at a constant speed in a circular path.

D. A racing car that maintains its high speed at 100km/hr.

2. When does acceleration take place?

A. If the speed of an object is maintained

B. When an object in motion changed its velocity

C. When there is no change in speed and direction

D. When an object travels at a straight line in a constant


3. Negative acceleration is shown in which statement below?

A. A rolling ball from rest

B. A tiger that runs faster to catch its prey

C. A car that reduces its speed because it is about to stop

D. An airplane that takes off and increases its speed


4. Which of the following does not show acceleration?

A. A moving object changed its velocity

B. An object that is increasing its speed

C. An object in motion that is slowing down

D. A flying object that maintains its speed and direction

5. As a driver why is it important to study the concept of


A. The concept of acceleration is not important to a driver.

B. To reach the destination without minding the speed of

the vehicle

C. Studying the concept of acceleration is only for those who

are just learning to drive.

D. To know when to speeds up, slow down and when to

change the direction in a proper way

6. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity with time.

Which of the following is the example of acceleration?
A. 6.0 m.s
B. 6.0 m/s
C. 6.0 m/𝑠2
D. 6.0 m/𝑠−2
7. A bicycle is travelling at a speed of 8.0 m/s. After 4.0 seconds, the
bicycle’s speed is 3.0 m/s. What is the acceleration of the bicycle?
A. -1.25 m/𝑠

B. 1.25 m/𝑠

C. 2.0 m/𝑠

D. 2.50 m/𝑠

8. An airplane is approaching a runway at 25 m/s. It comes to a stop in

2.0 seconds. Determine the acceleration of the airplane.
A. -12. 50 m/𝑠

B. 10. 50 m/𝑠

C. 12.50 m/𝑠

D. 13.50 m/𝑠
9. A jeepney with an initial velocity of 15 m/s accelerates at a rate of 1.5
m/𝑠2 for 3.0 s. Determine the final velocity of the motorcycle.
A. 15.0 m/s
B. 19.50 m/s
C. 22.0 m/s
D. 25.0 m/s

10. Going to school using a bicycle is a big help but it is dangerous

on the road because it is close to accident. Which of the following is a
safety tip on driving?
A. obeying traffic rules
B. beating the red light
C. overtaking
D. speeding

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