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select *

from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]
order by 3,4

select *
from [dbo].[covidVaccinations1]
order by 3,4

select location,date,total_cases,new_cases,total_deaths,population
from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]
order by 3,4

--Total cases vs total deaths

select location,date,total_cases,total_deaths,(total_deaths/total_cases)*100 as
from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]
where location like '%states%'

--total cases vs population

select location,date,population,total_cases,(total_cases/population)*100 as
from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]
where location like 'India'

--countries with highest infection rate compared with country's population

select location, population, max(total_cases) as
highestInfected,max((total_cases)/population)*100 as percentageAffected
from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]
group by location, population
order by percentageAffected Desc

--countries with highest death rates

select Location, max(cast(total_deaths as int)) as DeathRate
from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]
where continent is not null
group by location
order by DeathRate Desc

--countries with highest death rates compared to their population

select location, population, max(cast(total_deaths as int)) as DeathRate,
(max(cast(total_deaths as int))/population)*100 as deathpercentage
from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]
where continent is not null
group by location, population
order by DeathRate Desc

--continent with highest death rates

select continent, max(cast(total_deaths as int)) as DeathRate
from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]
where continent is not null
group by continent
order by DeathRate Desc

--global cases, deaths, death percentage

select sum(new_cases) as totCovidCases ,sum(cast(new_deaths as int)) as totDeaths,
sum(cast(new_deaths as int))/sum(new_cases)*100 as totDeathPercentage
from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]

select date,sum(new_cases) as totCovidCases ,sum(cast(new_deaths as int)) as

totDeaths, sum(cast(new_deaths as int))/sum(new_cases)*100 as totDeathPercentage
from [dbo].[covidDeaths3]
where continent is not null
group by date
order by 1,2

select * from [dbo].[covidVaccinations3]

order by 3,4

select * from coviddb..[covidDeaths3] as dea

join coviddb..covidVaccinations3 as vac
on dea.location = vac.location

--new vaccinations done

select dea.continent, dea.location,, dea.population, vac.new_vaccinations
from coviddb..[covidDeaths3] as dea
join coviddb..covidVaccinations3 as vac
on dea.location = vac.location
where dea.continent is not null
order by 2,3

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