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Multiple Choice

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. This refers to the series of actions initiated by employee groups towards an end or specific goal
A. Financial needs B. Labor Union C. Employee movements D. Union Claim
2. Agency who is a quasi-judicial body that is tasked to resolve disputes between labor force and
3. One of the reason for labor union organizing are the complaints regarding wages/salaries and
A. Social concerns B. Financial needs C. Leadership Concern D. Unfair management
4. Refers to the reason of unfair and biased managerial actions of the management
A. Social concerns B. Financial needs C. Leadership Concern D. Unfair management
5. This is the reason for satisfaction need for affiliation with the group
A. Social/leadership concerns B. Financial needs C. Unionism D. Unfair management

Multiple Choice
1. This refers to the compensation package given to the employees of organizations.
A. Award B. Monetary Reward C. Executive Pay D. Benefits
2. Rewards given to employee like money or any currency type
A. Award B. Monetary Reward C. Executive Pay D. Non-Monetary Reward
3. A prize, gift or recompense for merit service or achievement
A. Award B. Reward C. Monetary Reward D. Benefits
4. Based upon a pay-for-performance philosophy
A. Praise B. Stock Options C. Incentives D. Benefits
5. If an employee receives an oral or verbal appreciation for excellent job performance, what reward did he
A. Award B. Praise C. Executive Pay D. Incentives
6. This established a baseline performance level that individual or group employee must reach in order to be
given such reward.
A. Praise B. Stock Options C. Incentives D. Benefits
7. Indirect forms of compensation given to employees for the purpose of improving the quality of their work.
A. Salary B. Stock Options C. Incentives D. Benefits
8. This gives the right to purchase a specific number of shares of the organization’s stocks at a guaranteed
A. Monetary rewards B. Share Options C. Stock Options D. Benefits
9. It refers to the intrinsic reward which does not pertain to finances or currency.
A. Reward B. Monetary Reward C. Non-Monetary Reward D. Benefits
10. Which of the following is NOT included under the executive pay rewards?
A. Intrinsic Rewards B. Stock Plans C. Monthly SalaryPay D. Educational Benefits

Short Quiz: Multiple Choice
1. It is the degree of personality to which someone is good natured cooperative and trusting.
A. Extraversion B. Opennes to Experience C. Conscientiousness D. Leading
2. It involves inspiring and influencing people in the organization
A. Extraversion B. Opennes to Experience C. Conscientiousness D. Leading
3. When someone is calm, enthusiastic and secure, which level of personality degree he possess?
A. Emotional Stability B. Opennes to Experience C. Conscientiousness D. Leading
4. Someone that is imaginative and artistically sensitive and intellectual
A. Agreeableness B. Opennes to Experience C. Conscientiousness D. Leading
5. It is challenging function of management, because it deals with the human element of the organization.
A. Directing B. Staffing C. Managing D. Motivating

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