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Muhammad Resma Ridha

Jalan RW. Mongonsidi Gang Hidayah No. 04 Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75123.
Date of Birth : September 22th 1994
Phone : +62 852 4616 5944
Email :

Objective .
To contribute in a company as a engineer or related position and giving the best solutions
for any problems. Interesting in building work ethic and work as a team to improve knowledge
and enlarging the impact.

Education .
 2015 – 2017 : Institut Teknologi Kalimantan ( ITK ), Balikpapan

Final Project : “Stress Comparation Analysis Of Plate Bilge Sino Ocean For New Building, Before
Repairing, And After Repairing”
GPA : 3.14

 2012 – 2015 : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ( ITS ), Surabaya

Interenship Experiences .
June – July 2015 Project Engineer & Quality Control Asisstant PT. Meranti Nusa Bahari

Work Experiences .
May – Nov 2018 QAC Inspector PT. Davidi International, Balikpapan
Oct 2017 – Jan 2018 Quality Control PT. Candi Pasifik Shipyard, Samarinda
July – Sept 2017 Junior Surveyor PT. Asuransi Astra Buana

Relevant Skills .
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Software Skills AutoCad Ansys
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Maxsurf Ms. Office
Soft Skills Good communication skill Intuitive
Can work well in a team Hardworking and confident
Good leadership capability Knowledgeable
Able to work under pressure Active and fast learner
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Other Skills Futsal Welding Inspector
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Badminton Nondestructive Testing Penetrant
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Cooking Nondestructive Testing Magnetic

Organizational & Committee Experiences .

2013/2014 Staff Exchequer Academic Dept. Of “Kabinet Metamorfosis” Executive Student Council at ITK.

2013/2014 Staff Semarak Mahasiswa Perkapalan ITS (SAMPAN) 2013 – Indonesian Scale.

2012/2013 Staff General Equipment Coordinator at ITS Expo 2013 – Indonesian Scale.

2012/2013 Staff Event Coordinator at Grand Launching KM. ITK 2013 – Institut Scale.

Training .
2017 Nondestructive Testing Penetrant & Magnetic Level 2 at PT. Sarana Quality Teknik, Balikpapan.

2016 Welding Inspector Level 1 at Inlastek Welding Institute and BNSP, Balikpapan.

2015 Certification for Welding Personnel International at TWI and FTK ITS, Surabaya.

2015 Career Preparation at Pascasarjana ITS and HMMT ITS, Surabaya.

2014 Marine Coating System at PT. Propan Raya, Sidoarjo.

2014 Maxsurf Training at Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan ITS, Surabaya.

Achievement .
2012 Full Scholarship from Beasiswa Kaltim Cemerlang

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