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Instructional Cycle 1

Multiple Subject and Single Subject

Part B: Sample Lesson Plan Template

Multiple Subject and Single Subject

Step 1: Plan—Part B: Sample Lesson Plan Template
Directions: If you do not have access to a school or district lesson plan format, consider using the sample lesson
plan template to establish content-specific learning goal(s) and develop one lesson plan.

Lesson Overview

Title of lesson
[ Write a Persuasive Speech ]

[ English Language Arts]

Grade level
[Fourth Grade]

Time frame
[60 minutes]

California Content Standard(s) and/or Curriculum Frameworks*

[CA ELA Standards-Text Type and Purposes 1. Write opinion pieces on topics or text,
supporting a point of view with reasons.

CA ELA Standards- Comprehension and Collaboration 1.b Follow agreed-upon rules for
discussion (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one
at a time about the topics and text under discussion).

CA ELA Standards- Comprehension and Collaboration 1.d Explain their own ideas and
understandings in light of the discussion.]

*Content Standards and Curriculum Frameworks

You must use current California Content Standards and/or Curriculum Frameworks and current
California English Language Development (ELD) Standards.
Candidates placed in transitional kindergarten classrooms should use the California State
Content Kindergarten Standards for ELA/Literacy or Mathematics and/or the Transitional
Kindergarten Implementation Guide. Do not use the California Preschool Learning
Foundations. TK is considered K–12.

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1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 No page maximum
All rights reserved. V05
Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part B: Sample Lesson Plan Template

Be sure to write out the content and ELD standards and not refer to only the content or ELD
standard number.

Content-specific learning goal(s)

[ SWBAT listen to other classmates’ opinions while following agreed-upon rules of discussion.
SWBAT formulate an individual opinion when asked questions such as, “What changes would
you like to see in your school community?” “Why must the school have these changes?” “What
do you like/dislike about our school community?”
SWBAT think about their opinion, pair with a partner, and share their opinion with their partner
during a turn and talk discussion.
SWBAT compose a writing with three to four paragraph that provides an argument and explains
that argument using facts and/or definitions in an organizing way with an introduction and

California ELD Standard(s)**

[ ELD Standards for Grade 4:
A. Collaborative 1: Exchange information and ideas with others through oral collaborations
discussions on a range of social and academic topics.
B. Interpretive 5: Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic
C. Productive 11: Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and

**Citing ELD Standards

English Language Development Standards should be cited from Chapter 3 of the current
California English Language Development Standards publication. You are not required to
include students’ developmental level in your citations.
The citation should include the following information: The part number (I, II, or III), the letter and
name of the heading, and the standard number. The standard can be copied and pasted into
your submission directly.
Example citation from third-grade ELD Standards:
“Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways, (C) Productive, (11) Supporting own opinions and
evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing.”
Example learning goal based on third-grade ELD Standard:
“Students will be able to support at least one of their own opinions and evaluate a friend’s
opinion as they discuss ‘The Three Little Pigs’ in small groups.
“Students will write about at least one of their own opinions of one character from the story
in a short paragraph.”

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1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 No page maximum
All rights reserved. V05
Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part B: Sample Lesson Plan Template

ELD learning goal(s) to support English learners in the lesson (ELD learning goals must also be
included in bilingual classroom settings)

[Collaborative: Initiate and sustain dialogue on a variety of grade-level academic and social

Interpretive: Comprehend concrete topics and begin to recognize language subtleties in a

variety of communication settings.

Productive: Write and express ideas to meet increasingly complex academic demands for
specific purposes and audiences]

Content of Lesson

Based on student assets, what do you expect students to deeply understand about the lesson?
What do you expect students to retain after the lesson and use in future learning?
[I expect students to understand the academic vocabulary words “persuasive and opinion” and
know that every student can have an opinion that is different from their own. Hence, restating
the definition of the words “persuasive and opinion” will support FS1 because it is a reminder of
the learning objective. In addition, initiating and sustaining collaborative dialogue will support
FS2 and FS3 by providing an inclusive flexible learning environment with a collaborative “pair-
share” with sentence starter frames to maximize productivity and increases engagements. I also
expect students to be able to transfer the knowledge gained in this lesson to apply their
understanding of opinions to other topics after completing this lesson with productive persuasive
opinion writing. Therefore, having collaborative, interpretive, and a productive lesson will result
in all students have equal access to the content.]

What misunderstandings or misconceptions do you expect students might have from the
[ I expect some students will have never heard the academic language of “persuasive and
opinion” prior to this lesson. Hence, providing a definition with age-relevant examples and a
“pair-share” supports students misunderstanding. I believe each student will understand that
each person has separate thoughts and ideas from their own, but to be able to label those ideas
as “opinions” and not “judgement” might cause some misunderstandings among students.
Therefore, facilitating a group activity with sentence starter frames that maximizes productivity
and engagement will enhance the learning goal and clarify any misconceptions for all students ]

What knowledge, skills, and abilities (higher-order thinking and academic language
development) do you expect students to have after engaging in the lesson?
[To promote students’ critical and creative thinking and analysis, I expect students to be able to
formulate a “persuasive opinion” about the given topic through a writing activity that provides
opportunities for inquiry, problem solving, responding to and framing meaningful questions,
academic language, and reflection in a series of four constructive paragraphs. I also expect
students to be able to transfer this knowledge to writing opinions on other topics with support
after engaging in this lesson]

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1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 No page maximum
All rights reserved. V05
Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part B: Sample Lesson Plan Template

Assessment/Checking for Understanding

What essential questions will you ask to determine if students are not yet meeting, meeting, or
exceeding the learning goal(s) of the lesson?

[After completing a pre-assessment to evaluate if students have heard the words “persuasive
and opinion.” I will ask students the essential question: “Can you accept another students’
opinion that is different from yours without making judgement, why or why not, explain your
thinking?” This essential question will evaluate student understanding of opinions and will
provide me with a chance to clarify any misconceptions regarding the new concept of opinions.
In addition, I will build understanding and engagement for the students that have not yet met by
connecting content to students’ prior knowledge and their experiences to address the gaps and
building understanding for English Learners.]

What will students do to demonstrate achievement of content during the lesson?

[Students will demonstrate achievement of content during this lesson in a variety of ways.
Students will be formulating an opinion based on the question: “What changes would they like to
see in their school community,” and then think about their own opinion, pair with a partner, and
share their opinion with their partner during a turn and talk discussion. Students will also have
opportunities to use academic vocabulary, build bridges between new skills and content and
students’ prior experiences, by sharing their opinions with the whole class. I will provide
instruction that supports all students’ learning, affirm their opinions, and guide them in
developing reasons to support their opinions. Students will also demonstrate achievement by
writing a three to four paragraph speech stating their opinion and providing reasons that
supports their opinion.]

How will you know that content-specific goal(s) are being met?
[ ]

How will you know that ELD goal(s) are being met?
[ ]

Structured Student Learning Activities

Based on student assets, what activities will the students be involved in during the lesson to
support, engage, and challenge their achievement of the content-specific learning goal(s)?
[ ]

Based on student assets, what activities will FS1 and other English learners be involved in
during the lesson to support, engage, and challenge their achievement of the ELD goal(s)?
[ ]

How will you group students and manage group work (whole class, small group, pairs, or
individual) to support student learning?

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1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 No page maximum
All rights reserved. V05
Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Part B: Sample Lesson Plan Template

[ ]

How will you engage students in higher-order thinking (i.e., analysis, synthesis, evaluation,
interpretation, and transfer) activities?
[ ]

Instruction to Support Learning

What instructional strategies will support student learning through multiple modalities?1
[ ]

What resources, materials, and/or educational technology will you or your students use during
the lesson?
[ ]

What adaptations (accommodations and/or modifications), including, as appropriate, assistive

technologies, will support individual student learning needs beyond the UDL supports built into
the lesson?
[ ]

Describe any additional supports that you provide to FS3 that occur outside of the lesson being taught in Cycle 1.
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1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 No page maximum
All rights reserved. V05

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