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Mahesh Shinde’s Mahesh Shinde’s R

Dnyanadeep's IAS (For UPSC - IAS / IPS / IFS) DnyanadeeP


Daily Answer Writing Test - 07

Model Structure
Sub : (Case Studies Day -02) Attitude, Emotional, Intellegance and
Values of Civil Services.
Date : 27-06-2023
Q.1. An apparel manufacturing company having a large number of women employees was losing sales
due to various factors. The company hired a reputed marketing executive, who increased the
volume of sales within a short span of time. However, some unconfirmed reports came up regarding
his indulgence in sexual harassment at the work place.
After sometime, a women employee lodged a formal complaint to the management against the
marketing executive about sexual harassing her. Faced with the company's indifference in not
taking cognizance of her grievance, she lodged an FIR with the Police.
Realizing the sensitivity and gravity of the sitution, the company called the women employee to
negotiate. In this she was offered a hefty sum of that the marketing executive is not involved in
this case.
Identify the ethical issue involved in this case : What options are available to the women employee?
(250 words, 25 Marks )
Answer :-
Women often face sexual harassment at the workplace which results in many women even withdrawing
from the labor force leading to loss of precious human capital. Post-MeToo movement these allegations
have found a renewed voice and any organization must deal with such cases with sensitivity and fairness.
Facts of the case
 Alleged sexual harassment at workplace by the marketing executive.
 Marketing executive is an important resource for the company as he increased sales in a short period
of time.
 Company management’s indifference in not taking cognizance of the woman’s complaint.
 Company pressurizing the woman employee to withdraw the case.
Ethical issues involved in the case are:
Integrity :
The issue is not only about the allegations it’s about the idea called equality and beliefs. By accepting the
offer, you not only betray your inner self respect but also the cause you stood up for. It will violate all the
values that built your character.
Modle Structure Office Address : 7th Floor T.C.G Square, Opposite to Alka Talkies, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030

Mahesh Shinde’s Mahesh Shinde’s R

Dnyanadeep's IAS (For UPSC - IAS / IPS / IFS) DnyanadeeP


Whistleblowing :
 Organisational integrity is one of the basic requirements of an employee but if it comes at the cost of
crime then it needs violation. The whistleblowing can spoil the image of the company and can create
losses. But the bigger issue needs to be highlighted.
Human rights :
 Every person has a right to work in a safe working environment without being harassed or discriminated
against. By taking back the FIR you will be making other colleagues vulnerable to the sexual predator.
Following options are available to the woman employee:
Continue with her case by taking a firm stand against the company management.
 This would give her a fair chance to prove her viewpoint in a court of law and will give her mental
peace that she stood for herself.
 However, she will have to face mental agony and societal pressure in pursuing the case and may even
prove detrimental for her career prospects.
Accept the negotiation offer by the company and withdraw the case.
 This may be beneficial for her career and will save her from the rigorous investigation process.
 However, this would create dissonance and affect mental peace as her conscience would not allow
her to accept monetary gains over self-respect. Also, she would never be able to stand for herself in
the future.
Resign from the company and focus on other career opportunities.
 This will let her avoid the situation and will be beneficial for her career prospects.
 However, the scars of sexual harassment will remain with her throughout her life and she will regret
that she herself is responsible for the denial of justice to her.
The correct course of action :
 Option(1) seems to be the correct way of handling the situation. The women employee can play a
leadership role. Her actions will give voice to other genuine concerns of women employees. It is her
moral responsibility to come forward and show exemplary behavior. This will not only bring self-
satisfaction to her but also increase her confidence and inner strength.
 Also, there is a major fault of company management in giving priority to profit motives by saving the
marketing executive and not forming the internal complaints committee as mandated by the Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

Office Address : 7th Floor T.C.G Square, Opposite to Alka Talkies, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030 Modle Structure

Mahesh Shinde’s Mahesh Shinde’s R

Dnyanadeep's IAS (For UPSC - IAS / IPS / IFS) DnyanadeeP


Q.2. A state has been struck with floods and there is immense anger and frustration among people
regarding delay in flood relief measures. A reason for the anger is that immediate relief is directed
towards localities where the local MLA and MP (belonging to the ruling party) reside. There have
been incidents where people have physically attacked the relief personnel. It is winter and there
is a threat of adverse weather in the coming week. You have been brought in as the new District
collector as the previos one was transferred due to public pressure on the political leadership.
Your senior has directed you to give special attention towards the same locality where the loyal
voters of the MLA and MP live.
In this background :
1. Bring out the ethical issue involved in the above case.
2. Also suggest the right course of action in the given situation.
(250 words, 25 Marks )
Answer :-
A state struck with floods and an adverse weather following Relief operations marred with undue intervention
of elected representatives Public anger and frustration leading to transfer of previous District Collector.
1. People from the Affected locality
2. The Govt and Administration
3. Local MP and MLA
4. Me and the relief personnels
Ethical Issues Involved :
1. Carrying out relief operation without favoritism.
2. Discharging duty according to rule of law
3. Assuaging fear of the general public amicably
4. Protecting the relief personnels
 This case study involves the classic case of conflict between populist interests of the elected representative
and the duty of the selected official. Here it is imperative that the relief operations are carried out
effectively to deliver the desired services that the govt owes to people so as to prevent a humanitarian
crisis arising out of flood and possible exacerbation due to an impending bad weather. Further as the
District Collector it is my duty to uphold the ethics of administration by providing an impartial service
to all by not succumbing to any external pressures .

Modle Structure Office Address : 7th Floor T.C.G Square, Opposite to Alka Talkies, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030

Mahesh Shinde’s Mahesh Shinde’s R

Dnyanadeep's IAS (For UPSC - IAS / IPS / IFS) DnyanadeeP


Right Course of Action :

 The right course of action here would be to have courage of conviction and ward off any external
pressure from local representatives or from my senior officers and carry out relief operations impartially.
This is important in order to uphold the trust people have in administration. Giving in to pressure would
be tantamount to eroding the basic concept of check and balance on which the administration runs.
Elected and selected representatives are there so as to reinforce each other to do the right thing.
Further in the current case public opinion has forced the govt to transfer the previous District Collector
so there is minimal chance of me getting transferred. Thus with security of tenure I should focus my
energies on assuaging the fears of public and carrying on relief operations on massive scale.
 For effective relief work it is important that relief personnels remain motivated and are not attacked.
To ensure this I should effectively involve the police force.
 I will be involved personally on field to boost morale of my sub-ordinates.
 Further all arrangements pertaining to food and shelter should be made keeping winter season in mind.
I should also engage the civil society and media so as to strengthen the credibility of operation and
prevent people from resorting to violence.
 Help of NGOs and collection of funds from various sources possible for effective rehabilitation
 Special camps for addressing the grievances of the flood affected people and focusing on
counselling to proveide psychological support.
 Proper information dissemination is the key to prevent law and order situation during such times.
By adopting this course of action I would uphold the dignity of my post , maintain civil services neutrality,
provide effective relief to people, uphold personal integrity and courage of conviction and thereby provide
legitimacy to the concept that democracy is by the people and for the people.
Q.3. You are a civil servant and posted at a place with multi-cultural and multi-identity population with
one dominant majority group and a big minority group. There arose a dispute setting up status of
their respective icons in the area, cross claiming the same space. Any casual or delay will cost
huge conflicts as past history indicates. Election is round the corner so different interest groups
are eyeing to rea p the benefits and has tensed the environment. Answer the following questions
(a) What preventive steps would you take to stop flaring up of brewing dispute?
(b) If the dispte flares up and turns violent, what would be your quick measures to contain it ?
(c) How do ye react when failure to pre-empt and contain such a situation leads to your
susoension ?
(250 words, 25 Marks )

Office Address : 7th Floor T.C.G Square, Opposite to Alka Talkies, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030 Modle Structure

Mahesh Shinde’s Mahesh Shinde’s R

Dnyanadeep's IAS (For UPSC - IAS / IPS / IFS) DnyanadeeP


Answer :-
(a) What preventive steps would you take to stop flaring up of a brewing dispute?
 I would take the information about such a dispute seriously and promptly without losing time will call
all the leaders of the groups to amicably find a solution.
 If they are adamant to move for amicable solution then I will take the disputed land into administration’s
custody till a solution is reached through negotiation or a law suit, and meanwhile
 I would assure the leaders of the respective communities to provide them suitable space for their icons
if it would be legally tenable or failing which even by commercial procurement of land.
 Even then if they continue agitation and there are chances of violence (intelligence information). I
would detain the leaders who are known along with miscreants in the region. I would also implement
Art 144.
(b) If the dispute flares up and turns violent, what would be your quick measures to contain it?
 In a flared up situation, I would act from mild use to increased use of state power, especially from
water cannons to tear gas or to fire in air or even firing at the lower parts of body if the need arises for
 In such situations permissible harm for greater public cause (to save life and property) needs to be
 While doing these, I would strictly ensure that agitators are controlled, not killed.
(c) How do you react when failure to pre-empt and contain such a situation leads to your
 It is an imaginative outcome whose possibility could not be ruled out.
 Generally each of the steps taken would be recorded in writing and also I would apprise the people
around in the administration as well as peaceful agitators about the actions being taken in a SOS
situation. That may help me in proving that I followed due process of law and acted in careful manner,
trying to save a situation rather than being rash and vengeful.
 Even if I am suspended, my right and transparent approach would eventually absolve me proving my
right intention for establishing peace and security.
Q. 4. The Supreme Court has banned mining in the Aravalli Hills to stop degradation the forest cover
and to maintain ecological balance. However, the stone mining is still prevalent in the border
district of the affected State with connivance of certain corrupt forest officials and politicians.
Young and dynamic SP who was recently posted in the affected district promised to himself to stop
this menace. In one of his surprise checks with his team, he found loaded truck with stone trying
to escape the mining area. He tried to stop the truck but the truck driver overrun the police
officer, killing him on the spot and thereafter managed to flee. Police filed FIR but no breakthrough

Modle Structure Office Address : 7th Floor T.C.G Square, Opposite to Alka Talkies, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030

Mahesh Shinde’s Mahesh Shinde’s R

Dnyanadeep's IAS (For UPSC - IAS / IPS / IFS) DnyanadeeP


was achieved in the case for almost three months. Ashok who was the Investigative Journalist
working with leading TV channel, suo moto started investigating the case. Within one month,
Ashok got breakthrough by interacting with local people, stone mining masia and government
officials. He prepared his investigative story and presented to the CMD of the TV channel. He
exposed in his investigative report the complete nexus of stone mafia working with blessing of
corrupt police and civil officials and politicians. The politician who was involved in the mafia was
no one else but local MLA who was considered to be very close to the Chief Minister. After going
through the investigative report, the CMD advised Ashok to drop the idea of making the story
public through electronic media. He informed that the local MLA was not only the relative of the
owner of the TV channel but also had unofficially 20 percent share in the channel. The CMD
further informed Ashok that his further promotion and hike in pay will be taken care of in addition
the soft loan of 10 lakhs which he has taken from the TV channel for his son’s chronic disease will
be suitably adjusted if he hands over the investigative report to him.
(a) What are the options available with Ashok to cope up with the situation?
(b) Critically evaluate/examine each of the options identified by Ashok.
(c) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Ashok?
(d) Which of the options, do you think, would be the most appropriate for Ashok to adopt and
(e) In the above scenario, what type of training would you suggest for police officers posted to
such districts where stone mining illegal activities are rampant?
(250 Words, 25 Marks)
Answer :-
This case study seems similar to Surender Singh, a 59-year-old deputy superintendent of police (DSP) was
run over by a dumpster while trying to stop mining activities near Pachgaon village in Haryana on July 19,
Stakeholders :
 Corrupt officials and politicians
 SP
 Ashoka (Journalist)
 Police officals
 CMD of the TV channel
 Mining Mafias
 Judiciary
 Local MLA

Office Address : 7th Floor T.C.G Square, Opposite to Alka Talkies, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030 Modle Structure

Mahesh Shinde’s Mahesh Shinde’s R

Dnyanadeep's IAS (For UPSC - IAS / IPS / IFS) DnyanadeeP


 Local People
 Chief Minister
(a) The options available with Ashok to cope up with the situation are:
1. To hand over the investigative report to the CMD of the TV channel and receive benefits in return.
2. To leak the investigative report to a different media house or publish it independently.
3. To keep the investigative report to himself and not disclose the findings to anyone.
(b) Each of the options can be evaluated as follows:
1. Handing over the investigative report to the CMD of the TV channel in exchange for personal benefits
is an unethical act. It compromises the integrity of the investigative report and undermines the public
interest that the report aimed to serve. Additionally, Ashok will be vulnerable to blackmail in the future,
and his credibility will be called into question. This option is not suitable for Ashok.
2. Leaking the investigative report to a different media house or publishing it independently will help
expose the corrupt nexus involved in the stone mining mafia. This option will serve the public interest
and promote transparency and accountability. However, it may also lead to legal consequences and
put Ashok’s safety at risk.
3. Keeping the investigative report to himself is not desirable since the report is in the public interest. The
corrupt nexus involved in the stone mining mafia will continue to operate, and the people will be left in
the dark. This option is not suitable for Ashok.
(c) The ethical dilemmas faced by Ashok are:
1. To prioritize public interest over personal gain.
2. To take responsibility for the consequences of his actions.
3. To maintain the integrity of his investigative report.
4. To ensure his own safety while reporting on sensitive issues.
(d) Leaking the investigative report to a different media house or publishing it independently would be the
most appropriate option for Ashok to adopt. This option will serve the public interest, promote
transparency and accountability, and expose the corrupt nexus involved in the stone mining mafia.
However, Ashok should take precautions to protect his safety and be prepared to face legal consequences
if required.
(e) Police officers posted to such districts should receive training on the following :
1. Identification of illegal mining activities and the methods used by the mining mafia to evade the law.
2. Legal provisions related to mining and environmental protection.
3. The role of the police in enforcing the law and preventing illegal mining activities.
4. Developing strategies to work with the community to gather intelligence on illegal mining activities.
5. Developing skills in investigation and evidence collection related to mining offenses.
The training should also focus on the ethical dimensions of law enforcement and the importance of upholding
the rule of law.

Modle Structure Office Address : 7th Floor T.C.G Square, Opposite to Alka Talkies, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030

Mahesh Shinde’s Mahesh Shinde’s R

Dnyanadeep's IAS (For UPSC - IAS / IPS / IFS) DnyanadeeP


Q. 5. You have done MBA from a reputed institution three years back but could not get campus placement
due to COVID-19 generated recession. However, after a lot of persuasion and series of competitive
tests including written and interview, you managed to get a job in a leading shoe company. You
have brought your parents who are dependent and staying with you. You also recently got married
after getting this decent job. You were allotted the Inspection Section which is responsible for
clearing the final product. In first one year, you learnt your job well and was appreciated for your
performance by the management. The company is doing good business for last five years in
domestic market and this year it is decided even to export to Europe and Gulf countries. However,
one large consignment to Europe was rejected by their Inspecting Team due to certain poor quality
and was sent back. The top management ordered that bid consignment to be cleared for the
domestic market. As a part of Inspecting Team, you observed the glaring poor quality and brought
to the knowledge of the Team Commander. However, the top management advised all the members
of the team to overlook these defects as the management cannot bear such a huge loss. Rest of
the team members except you promptly signed and cleared the consignment for domestic market,
overlooking glaring defects. You again brought to the knowledge of the Team Commander that
such consignment, if cleared even for domestic market, will tarnish the image and reputation of
the company and will be counter-productive in the long run. However, you were further advised by
the top management that if you do not clear the consignment, the company will not hesitate to
terminate your services citing certain innocuous reasons.
(a) Under the given conditions, what are the options available to you as a member of the Inspecting
(b) Critically evaluate each of the options listed by you.
(c) What option would you adopt and why?
(d) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by you?
(e) What can be the consequences of overlooking the observations raised by the Inspecting
(250 Words, 25 Marks)
Answer :-
The given case study enumerates a fairly common problem that working professionals face across sectors
and industries. Further, the issue in this case study has a near-universal relevance and applicability.
(a) As a member of the Inspecting Team, the options available to me are:
1. Clear the consignment despite the poor quality.
2. Refuse to clear the consignment and risk losing my job.
3. Report the issue to higher authorities outside of the company.

Office Address : 7th Floor T.C.G Square, Opposite to Alka Talkies, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030 Modle Structure

Mahesh Shinde’s Mahesh Shinde’s R

Dnyanadeep's IAS (For UPSC - IAS / IPS / IFS) DnyanadeeP


4. Consult with a legal expert on the matter.

5. Discuss the issue with the management and seek a mutually beneficial solution.
(b) Evaluating each option:
1. Clearing the consignment would compromise my professional integrity and reputation. It could also
damage the company’s image in the long run.
2. Refusing to clear the consignment could lead to the loss of my job and financial stability. It may also
jeopardize the well-being of my family.
3. Reporting the issue to higher authorities outside of the company could put the company’s future business
deals at risk. It could also harm my professional relationships and career prospects in the industry.
4. Consulting with a legal expert would provide me with the necessary legal knowledge to make a well-
informed decision. However, it could also be a costly and time-consuming process.
5. Discussing the issue with the management could help find a mutually beneficial solution. However, it
could also result in retaliation from the management if they do not agree with my concerns.
(c) I would refuse to clear the consignment despite the potential risks. As an ethical professional, I cannot
compromise on the quality of products and risk the company’s reputation. However, before making a
decision, I would consult with a legal expert to understand my legal rights and options.
(d) The ethical dilemmas faced by me are:
1. Professional integrity vs. job security.
2. Company’s reputation vs. personal interest.
3. Ethical responsibility vs. loyalty towards the organization.
(e) Overlooking the poor quality of the consignment could lead to various consequences, such as:
1. Damage to the company’s reputation and credibility in the market.
2. Decreased customer satisfaction and loss of trust.
3. Potential legal consequences if the consignment causes harm to the end-user.
4. Loss of business deals and partnerships with international clients.
Therefore, it is important to prioritize ethical responsibility and take necessary measures to ensure the
quality of products.

Modle Structure Office Address : 7th Floor T.C.G Square, Opposite to Alka Talkies, Tilak Road, Pune - 411030


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