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Case study : Use of drone

One possible use case for drones is in search and rescue operations. Drones can be equipped with
cameras and sensors to search large areas quickly and efficiently, and can transmit real-time video
and data to rescue teams on the ground. This can help locate missing persons or stranded hikers in
remote areas, and can also help identify hazards and obstacles that may impede rescue efforts.

Another potential use case for drones is in agriculture. Drones can be used to collect data on crops,
such as soil moisture levels, plant health, and yield estimates. This information can be used to
optimize crop management practices, reduce waste, and increase yields. Drones can also be used to
apply pesticides or fertilizers to crops, reducing the need for manual labor and minimizing the use of

A third use case for drones is in infrastructure inspection. Drones can be used to inspect bridges,
buildings, and other structures for damage or wear and tear. They can also be used to inspect power
lines and other utilities, identifying potential issues before they become major problems. This can
help improve safety and reduce maintenance costs.

Overall, drones have a wide range of potential uses across various industries, from emergency
services to agriculture to infrastructure inspection. As technology continues to improve, we can
expect to see even more innovative applications of drone technology in the future.

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