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3, JULY 2015 831

Distributed Model Predictive Control of a Wind

Farm for Optimal Active Power Control—Part I:
Clustering-Based Wind Turbine Model Linearization
Haoran Zhao, Student Member, IEEE, Qiuwei Wu, Member, IEEE, Qinglai Guo, Senior Member, IEEE,
Hongbin Sun, Senior Member, IEEE, and Yusheng Xue, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents a dynamic discrete-time piece- With the increasing wind power penetration level, the wind
wise affine (PWA) model of a wind turbine for the optimal active farm is required to be more controllable to meet the more
power control of a wind farm. The control objectives include both stringent technical requirements specified by system operators,
the power reference tracking from the system operator and the
wind turbine mechanical load minimization. Instead of partial lin- including active power control [2]. At the wind farm level,
earization of the wind turbine model at selected operating points, the requirements specify different types of active power con-
the nonlinearities of the wind turbine model are represented by a trol: absolute power limitation, delta limitation, balance control,
piece-wise static function based on the wind turbine system inputs etc. [3]. The power references are assigned to each turbine
and state variables. The nonlinearity identification is based on the according to the distribution algorithm of the wind farm con-
clustering-based algorithm, which combines the clustering, linear
identification, and pattern recognition techniques. The developed trol system. At the wind turbine level, a pitch angle reference
model, consisting of 47 affine dynamics, is verified by the compar- and a generator torque reference are computed based on the
ison with a widely used nonlinear wind turbine model. It can be power reference and given to the actuating subsystems. With
used as a predictive model for the model predictive control (MPC) the development of power electronics, the dynamic response
or other advanced optimal control applications of a wind farm. and controllability of modern variable speed wind turbines
Index Terms—Clustering-based identification, model predictive (VSWTs) have been largely improved [4], [5].
control (MPC), piece-wise affine (PWA) model, wind turbine. For the active power set-points to individual wind tur-
bines, instead of simple proportional distribution, multiobjec-
I. I NTRODUCTION tive distribution algorithms have been developed, which are to
dynamically distribute active power set-points to minimize the
W IND energy has developed rapidly in the past 20 years
and has a leading role among renewable energies. By
the end of 2013, there was 117.3 GW of installed wind energy
mechanical loads experienced by the turbines while maintain-
ing the desired power production at all times [6]–[8]. The role
of individual wind turbines is an actuator, which operates at the
capacity in Europe: 110.7 GW onshore and 6.6 GW offshore.
derated condition and aims to generate power according to the
The electricity produced by the wind energy is enough to cover
reference value derived from the wind farm control. The wind
around 8% of the EU’s total electricity consumption [1].
turbine control is considered as fixed and known. The power-
Manuscript received August 22, 2014; revised December 08, 2014 and controlled wind turbine model, proposed in [9], is adopted in
February 26, 2015; accepted March 28, 2015. Date of publication April 16, this paper and shown in Fig. 1. The power reference Pref and
2015; date of current version June 17, 2015. This work was supported in part wind speed vw are the inputs. For the output signals, besides
by the Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Research (SDC) through the
Ph.D. project “Coordinated Control of Wind Power Plants and Energy Storage the output power (Pg ), shaft torque (Ts ) and thrust force (Ft )
Systems” and in part by the National Key Basic Research Program of China are included to evaluate wind turbine mechanical load. Ft and
(973 Program) under Grant 2013CB228201. Paper no. TSTE-00432-2014. Ts affect the wind turbine tower structure and gearbox, respec-
H. Zhao is with the Center for Electric Power and Energy, Department of
tively. The oscillatory transient of Ft leads to undesired nodding
Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby 2800,
Denmark, and also with Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research, of the tower and causes fatigue of the wind turbine. The tor-
Aarhus 8000 Denmark (e-mail: sional torque Ts is transferred through gearbox, which is the
Q. Wu is with the Center for Electric and Energy, Department of Electrical vulnerable part of the wind turbine. The oscillatory transient of
Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby 2800, Denmark,
with Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research, Aarhus, 8000 Denmark,
T2418282 creates microcracks in the material, which can further
and also with the State Key Laboratory of Power System, Department of lead to the component failure.
Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail: The aforementioned power-controlled wind turbine model is a strong coupling, high-order nonlinear model. The oper-
Q. Guo and H. Sun are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail: guoqinglai@tsinghua.
ating point shifts from time to time according to the power; reference and wind speed. Therefore, the controller designed
Y. Xue is with the State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Nanjing for a specific operating point cannot guarantee the control
210003, China (e-mail: performances within the whole operating range. For applying
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at advanced control strategies, such as model predictive control
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2015.2418282 (MPC) and linear quadratic regulator (LQR), the model should
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See for more information.

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Fig. 1. Power-controlled wind turbine [9].

Fig. 2. Single wind turbine system.

be a discrete-time piece-wise affine (PWA) model, which covers
the entire operating regime. This paper is organized as follows. Section II describes
Due to the multiple state and input variables of the wind tur- the operation areas of the power-controlled wind turbine. The
bine system, the operating points are multidimensional. In most clustering-based method for system identification is discussed
references, the nonlinearities are approximated using the first- in Section III. The nonlinear wind turbine model is presented in
order Taylor series approximation at various operating points Section IV, which is identified and transformed into a discrete
[9]–[11]. However, the whole operating regime is partitioned PWA model in Section V. Case studies for verifying the devel-
only based on the wind speed, and the impacts of other state oped PWA wind turbine model are presented and discussed in
and input variables are not considered. The main challenge of Section VI. The conclusion is drawn in Section VII.
the identification of PWA models involves the estimation of
both the parameters of the affine submodels and the coeffi-
cients of the polytopes defining the partition of the regressor II. O PERATION A REAS OF A P OWER -C ONTROLLED W IND
(state + input) set [12].
Identification methods for PWA systems have been proposed The wind turbine model developed by National Renewable
in many publications [13]–[17]. A gridding procedure of the Energy Laboratory (NREL) [19] is widely used to represent a
regressor set was proposed in [13], where the domain of the variable speed pitch-controlled wind turbine, which is adopted
nonlinearity was uniformly divided into a number of simplices. in this paper. It consists of several subsystems, including aero-
Similar approach was also reported in [14]. This approach sim- dynamics, drive train, tower, generator, pitch actuator, and the
plifies the region estimation. However, the number of small wind turbine controller, as shown in Fig. 2. According to the
regions grows exponentially with the system dimension and it control strategy described in [20], based on the power reference
is impractical to use it for high-dimensional systems. In [15] Pref generated from the wind farm controller, a pitch angle
and [16], the identification of PWA models was formulated as a reference θref and a generator torque reference Tgref are com-
mixed-integer quadratic program (MIQP). The global optimum puted and sent to the pitch controller and the generator torque
could be obtained. The drawback of this approach is that the controller, respectively.
computation complexity grows polynomially with the number The wind turbine control objectives vary according to differ-
of data. To cope with the problem, a novel algorithm combining ent wind conditions [21]. When the wind speed vw is larger
clustering, pattern recognition, and linear identification tech- than the nominal value, the wind turbine controller aims to
niques was developed in [17] whose advantage is the procedure limit the captured wind power to the rated power (Pref WT
that transforms the problem of classifying the data to an opti- Prated ) by regulating the pitch angle to prevent the genera-
mal clustering problem. It is adopted to identify the PWA wind tor speed ωg from over-speeding. When vw is less than the
turbine model in this paper. nominal speed, the controller will extract maximum available
To the knowledge of the authors, only a few studies have wind power (Pref WT
= Pavi ≤ Prated ) by fixing the pitch angle
been conducted on the identification of a PWA wind turbine (θ = 0) and adjust the generator torque to track the optimal
model. In [18], this clustering-based method was used for iden- rotor speed. The optimal regimes characteristic (ORC) is plot-
tifying the wind turbine model for local wind turbine control. ted in the ωr − θ − vw space, as shown in Fig. 3. The polytope
The inputs are generator torque Tgref and pitch angle reference marked in the figure is the area where the power coefficient
θref . Identification was performed around the optimal static Cp > 0.
characteristic of wind turbine. When the wind turbine operates in the derated mode, i.e.,
Unlike [18], this paper focuses on the identification of a PWA wind turbine produces less power than the available power
wind turbine model for the wind farm control application. The WT
(Pref ≤ Pavi ≤ Prated ), the operation areas under steady state
developed wind turbine model has power reference Pref and shall be below the ORC and can be divided into two parts
wind speed vw as inputs, and output power, shaft torque, and according to the pitch angle (shown in Fig. 3). When the
thrust force as outputs, which well fits the wind farm control pitch angle control is activated (θ > 0), the corresponding area
architecture. The nonlinear control loops including the gener- is defined as “Area I.” In this area, the captured power is
ator torque control and the pitch angle control are embedded reduced by regulating the pitch angle to prevent the genera-
in the model and are identified. Identification was performed in tor speed from over-speeding. Therefore, ωg is always limited
the whole derated operation regime of the wind turbine. at its maximum value. When the pitch angle is deactivated

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A. Building Local Dataset

A local dataset (LD) Ck collects a point (f (xk ), xk ) and its
nearest c − 1 points. The distance is measured in the Euclidean
metric [18]. A pure Ck refers to a LD whose outputs are gen-
erated by only one model. Otherwise, the LD is a mixed one.
The cardinality c is a tuning parameter. In order to achieve
good approximation results, the ratio between pure and mixed
LD should be high. A small c leads to a small number of
mixed points. However, to deal with the effect of noises on the
accuracy of the local model, a bigger c is required. Therefore,
c should be properly tuned to get the tradeoff.
Accordingly, the local PV αLSk is computed for each
Ck through least squares. Parameter values αLSk and the
mean value of the inputs mk form the feature vector ξk =
[(αLSk ) , mk ] . ξk holds both information of localization of Ck
and its corresponding affine model parameters. Furthermore,
Fig. 3. Operation areas in ωr − θ − vw space. the variance Rk of the feature vectors is computed as a diagonal
block matrix consisting of the covariance Vk of αLSk and the
(θ = 0), the corresponding region is defined as “Area II.” In scatter matrix Qk of mk . The variance Rk is used to compute
this area, the generator speed is regulated to reduce the captured confidence measure of ξk .
In the aforementioned derated control strategy, the power B. Clustering Algorithm
reduction is realized via generator speed regulation if the pitch
control is deactivated. Another widely applied derated con- The clustering algorithm is to partition the feature vectors
trol strategy is by regulating the pitch angle while ωg remains into s clusters {Fi }si=1 . The partition can be performed either
below its maximum value. Various methods have been proposed using a supervised clustering method (K-means) or unsuper-
for this practice [22], [23]. In this case, for any given wind vised clustering method (single-linkage). To reduce the com-
speed vw , ωr is desired to maintain its optimal speed accord- plexity of the problem, the K-means method is adopted where
ing to ORC. Therefore, the operation areas of this practice are s is prefixed. It exploits precomputed confidence measures on
different from those shown in Fig. 3. feature vectors, which is used to reduce negative effects of LDs
Wind turbine with both of the derated control strategies can which are supposed to be mixed.
be identified based on the clustering-based approach. As the
controller equation is integrated in the wind turbine model, C. Submodel Parameters Estimation
different derated control strategies result in different dynamic
models whose nonlinearities are also different. This paper As the local models with similar features are collected to
focuses on the wind turbine model with the derated control via each cluster, the data points are classified into one of the data
generator speed regulation. subsets Di using the mapping

(f (uk ), uk ) ∈ Di , if ξk ∈ Fi . (2)
III. C LUSTERING -BASED I DENTIFICATION M ETHOD The submodel PV αi is estimated using weighted least
This section describes the procedure of the clustering-based squares over the data subset Di .
identification method. A nonlinear static function f (x) can be
approximated with a PWA map
D. Region Estimation

⎪ [x, 1]α1 , if x ∈ χ1 In this step, the complete polyhedral partitions of the regres-

⎨[x, 1]α2 , if x ∈ χ2 sor set are found. Polytopes χi with (i = 1, . . . , s) are decided
f (x) = .. (1) by solving the multicategory classification problem. Different

. classification methods, such as multicategory robust linear pro-

[x, 1]αs , if x ∈ χs gramming (MRLP), support vector classification (SVC), and
proximal SVC (PSVC), are introduced and compared in [24].
where x is the static function input; f (x) is the output; χ rep- In this study, the optimization-based MRLP is used due to its
resents a bounded polyhedron, which is the regressor set and high accuracy.
is partitioned into s regions; and αi denotes the affine func-
tion parameter vectors (PVs). The task of the identification is
to reconstruct the map f based on the dataset (f (xk ), xk )nk=1 .
The clustering-based identification method mainly consists of Due to the large sampling time ts of the wind farm controller
the following steps. (normally in seconds, e.g., ts = 1 s in [8]), the fast dynamics

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related to the electrical system is excluded in the wind turbine D. Tower

model. In addition, the oscillations in the shaft torsion and The swaying movement of the nacelle changes the relative
tower nodding are also ignored to reduce the complexity [9]. A
wind speed on the rotor. When the tower deflection is denoted
simplified nonlinear model of the NREL wind turbine with the as xt , the effective wind speed on the rotor is computed by vr =
inputs and outputs, shown in Fig. 1, is described in this section. .
vw − xt . Since the dynamics are disregarded

A. Aerodynamics vr ≈ vw . (13)

As the main source of nonlinearities, the aerodynamic torque E. Pitch Actuator

Ta and thrust force Ft can be expressed in (3) and (4), respec-
As proposed in [9], the dynamics and the nonlinearities of the
pitch actuator are disregarded. The inertia of the pitch system
0.5πρR2 vr3 Cp (vr , ωr , θ) is considered in the wind turbine controller design. The pitch
Ta = (3)
ωr angle θ is regulated by the gain-scheduled PI controller based
Ft = 0.5ρR2 vr2 Ct (vr , ωr , θ) (4) on the deviation of the filtered generator speed ωf from the rated
speed ωrated
where ρ is the air density, R is the blade length, vr is the effec-
Kp . Ki
tive wind speed on the rotor, and Cp and Ct represent the power θ=− ωf − (ωf − ωrated ) (14)
coefficient and thrust coefficient, respectively. Kc Kc
−Δθmax ≤ θ̇ ≤ Δθmax (15)
B. Drive Train . 1 1
ωf = · ωg − · ωf (16)
τg τg
The drive train is considered to be rigidly coupled. The
rotor inertia Jr and generator inertia Jg are lumped into one Kc = fcorr (Pref
(k − 1), θ(k − 1)) (17)
equivalent mass Jt . The single-mass model represented by the where Kp and Ki represent proportional and integral gain of
low-speed shaft motion equation is used [25] the PI controller, Kc indicates the correction factor which is a
Jt = Jr + Ng2 Jg (5) time-variant function of Pref and θ of the previous time step
1 (Pref (k − 1), θ(k − 1)), Δθmax indicates the maximum rate
ωr = (Ta − Ng Tg ) (6) of change of the pitch angle, and τg denotes the time constant
of the measurement filter for the generator speed ωg .
ω g = Ng ω r (7) With (3)–(17), the nonlinear dynamics of the wind turbine
where Ng is the gear box ratio, ωr and ωg are the speed of model can be transformed into the following form:
the rotor and generator, and Jr and Jg are the inertias of the ẋ = Ax + Bg
rotor and generator, respectively. The shaft torque Ts twisting
the low-speed shaft is computed by y = Cx + Dg (18)
Ng2 Jg N g Jr with
Ts = Jt T r + Jt T g
. (8) ⎡ ⎤
⎡ ⎤ Ta
⎢ Tg ⎥ Ts
C. Generator x = ⎣ ωf ⎦ , g=⎢
⎣ Ft ⎦ ,
⎥ y=
To follow the power reference command Pgcmd (see Fig. 2), ωrated
⎡ ⎤
the electrical torque Tg is regulated to follow the torque refer- 0 0 0
ence Tgref , obtained by the following equation: ⎢ Ng
− τ1g 0⎥
⎣ τg ⎥

Pgcmd K N Kp −Ki τg
Tgref = . (9) − Kpc τgg K c τg 0
N ⎡ ⎤
The vector control is applied in the local torque control loop, − Jtg 0 01
⎢ ⎥
which ensures a fast and accurate response. The time window B=⎣ 0 0 0 0 ⎦
of the dynamic is normally in milliseconds and, therefore, can
0 0 0 K Ki
be disregarded c

N g Jg N g Jr
Tg ≈ Tgref . (10) 000 0 0
C= , D= J t J t
000 0 0 10
The output power Pg can be derived by
Pg = μTg ωg (11) where ωrated is considered as fixed. The corresponding
discrete-time form of the system (18) with sampling time ts
where μ denotes the generator efficiency. It is assumed that μ is can be obtained [26]
well compensated by setting Pgcmd = ref μ . Accordingly, x(k + 1) = Ad  x(k) + Bd  g(k)
Pg = y(k) = Cd  x(k) + Dd  g(k)
Pref . (12) (19)

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Fig. 5. Regions χiTa of Ta identification.

Fig. 4. Regressors for identification of Ta .

where Ad , Bd , Cd , Dd are the discrete form of A, B, C, D in

(18), respectively. The nonlinear parts, including Ta , Ft , and Tg
are identified in Section V.
It should be noticed that the relevant elements of matrix Ad
and Bd are not fixed due to the constraint of θ̇ in (15) and
time variant Kc . Therefore, Ad and Bd should be identified
and updated according to the partitioned regions. They are also
explained in Section V.


Fig. 6. Regions χiTg of Tg identification.
Following the procedure of the clustering-based identifica-
tion method, the discrete-time PWA model of a wind turbine is
developed in this section. and [ωr (k), θ(k), vw (k)] ∈ χiTa , Ta at time step k can be
expressed as
A. Identification of Aerodynamic Torque Ta Ta (k) = α1i ωr (k) + α2i θ(k) + α3i vw (k) + α4i . (20)
Since Ta is derived by a static nonlinear function of ωr , vw ,
θ, the regressors should be located close to the operation areas
B. Identification of Generator Torque Tg
(Area I and Area II in Fig. 3 in the three-dimensional space
[ωr , vw , θ] , limited by the constraints of ωr , vw , θ). In addi- The static nonlinear function for computing Tg is related to
tion, sufficient regressors should be generated to have a good Pgcmd and ωg , which can further be transformed to be related
approximation of the nonlinear function. WT
to Pref and ωr . Therefore, the regressors shall be distributed
Here, 1000 regressors are randomly generated with Gaussian in the two-dimensional space [ωr , Pref ] bounded by the con-
distribution characterized with the mean value on the both oper- straints. In this paper, 500 regressors are generated uniformly.
ation areas and dispersion σ 2 around them, as illustrated in With s = 4 and c = 10, the clustering-based identification is
Fig. 4. performed and the regions of identified Tg is shown in Fig. 6.
Accordingly, the aerodynamic torque Ta to each regressor With the PV αiTg = [α5i , α6i , α7i ] and [ωr (k), Pref
(k)] ∈ χiTg ,
is computed by (3), where Cp is obtained by interpolation Tg at time step k can be derived
of the look-up table in [19]. As described in Sections III-A
and III-B, the region number s and the number of the points Tg (k) = α5i ωr (k) + α6i Pref
(k) + α7i . (21)
in LD c shall be predefined. Obviously, a larger s can have
better approximation. However, it leads to the increase in
computation complexity for searching and more spaces require- C. Identification of Thrust Force Ft
ments for storage. In this study, s = 5 and c = 20 show a The identification of Ft is similar to that of Ta . With the same
good approximation. The clustering-based identification is per- regressor generation, the thrust force Ft to each regressor can be
formed based on these output–input pairs. The regions of identi- calculated according to (4) where Ct is obtained by interpola-
fied Ta is shown in Fig. 5. With the PV αiTa = [α1i , α2i , α3i , α4i ] tion of the look-up table in [19]. In this paper, s is set as 4 while

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1) If Δθmax < Δθ, θ(k + 1) = θ(k) + Δθmax , then

Ad (3, 1) = 0, Ad (3, 2) = 0, Ad (3, 3) = 1, and Ta .
2) If Δθ < −Δθmax , θ(k + 1) = θ(k) − Δθmax , then
Ad (3, 1) = 0, Ad (3, 2) = 0, Ad (3, 3) = −1, and
Bd (3, 4) = − Δθ
ωrated .

F. PWA Model of a Wind Turbine

In order to include all the  polytope regions identified
a five-dimensional space ωr , ωf , vw , θ, Pref is introduced.
According to the operation areas, when the wind turbine
operates in Area II, the pitch angle control is considered
 θ = 0. Therefore, only a three-dimensional space
ωr , vw , Pref is used. Each polytope regions constructed by
the identification has to be intersected with others. In this case,
Fig. 7. Regions χiFt of Ft identification. the total number of all the intersected regions {χi }si=1 total
stotal = 47.
c is set as 20. The corresponding regions of identified Ft is For each region χi , the constant Kc is first brought into A
illustrated in Fig. 7. With the PV αiFt = [α8i , α9i , α10
i i 
, α11 ] and in (18). Then, Ad and Bd are updated following the rules in
[ωr (k), θ(k), vw (k)] ∈ χFt , Ft at time step k can be derived
i Section V-E. According to (20)–(23), g(k) can be expressed
with the identified parameters
Ft (k) = α8i ωr (k) + α9i θ(k) + α10
vw (k) + α11
. (22)
g(k) = Ap x(k) + Bp u(k) + Ep d(k) + Fp (26)

D. Identification of Correction Factor Kc in Pitch Control where

⎡ ⎤
Kc is described as a function of Pref and θ in (17). Different α1i 0 α2
from the identification of the static nonlinear function, Kc is ⎢ i ⎥
⎢α 0 0 ⎥
considered as a fixed value in a region, which avoids creat- u = Pref
, d = vw , Ap = ⎢ 5 ⎥
⎣ αi 0 αi ⎦
ing new nonlinearities. The PV αiKc = α12 i
if [Pref (k), θ(k)] ∈ 8 9
i 0 0 0
χKc . Accordingly, ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ i ⎤
α3i 0 α4
Kc = i
α12 . (23) ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎢ i⎥ ⎢ αi ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢α ⎥ ⎢ 7 ⎥
Bp = ⎢ i ⎥ , Ep = ⎢ 6 ⎥ , F p = ⎢ i ⎥ .
In the NREL model, Kc applied in the gain-scheduling is ⎣ α10 ⎦ ⎣ 0 ⎦ ⎣ α11 ⎦
only related to θ. By selecting s = 4, the range [θmin , θmax ] is 0 0 ωrated
equally divided into four segments.
Accordingly, (22) can be transformed into a standard PWA
E. Identification of the Elements in Ad and Bd According to
the Constraint of θ̇ in Pitch Control x(k + 1) = Ad x(k) + Bd u(k) + Ed d(k) + Fd
Let M (m, n) represent the element of matrix M at mth row y(k) = Cd x(k) + Dd u(k) + Gd d(k) + Hd
⎡ ⎤
and nth column. According to (14) and (18), the discrete form x(k)
of the pitch angle calculation is derived if ⎣ u(k) ⎦∈ χi . (27)
θ(k + 1) = Ad (3, 1) · ωr (k) + Ad (3, 2) · ωf (k)
+ Ad (3, 3) · θ(k) + Bd (3, 4) · ωrated . (24) where

The pitch angle difference between two steps Δθ can be Ad = Ad + B  d Ap , Bd = Bd Bp , Ed = Bd Ep , Fd = Bd Fp
expressed by Cd = Cd + Dd Ap , Dd = Dd Bp , Gd = Dd Ep , Hd = Dd Fp .

Δθ = θ(k + 1) − θ(k)
= Ad (3, 1) · ωr (k) + Ad (3, 2) · ωf (k) VI. C ASE S TUDY

+ Bd (3, 4) · ωrated − θ(k). (25) In this section, the case study results are presented and com-
pared with these of the 5-MW NREL nonlinear wind turbine
In order to fulfill the constraint −Δθmax ≤ Δθ ≤ Δθmax , model. The PWA modeling and simulation were executed in a
the space [ωr (k), ωf (k), θ(k)] can be partitioned into different MATLAB toolbox–multiparametric toolbox (MPT) [27], [28].
regions according to Δθ. In each region, the matrices Ad and The simulation time of both cases is 300 s. Two scenarios were
Bd should be updated based on the following rules. used to test the developed PWA model of the wind turbine

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Fig. 8. Power reference.

Fig. 11. Output variable comparison. (a) Shaft torque. (b) Thrust force.


Fig. 9. Wind speed variation in the low-speed condition.

The pitch angle θ varies following the wind variation to reg-

ulate the power production. When the pitch angle is reduced
to θ = 0, the system will get into Area II. Accordingly, the
pitch angle control is deactivated. Otherwise, the rotor speed
ωr is regulated to avoid the rotor from over-speeding. The rated
rotor speed value ωrated = 1.2671. The shaft torque basically
follows the variation in the power reference. Percentage root-
mean-square error (%RMSE) is commonly used to evaluate
the model mismatch. The lower the %RMSE is, the better the
model performance is. The %RMSE values of θ, ωr , Ts , Ft in
the low wind speed case are listed in Table I. The maximum
%RMSE value is 9.8916, which is lower than the commonly
used threshold of 10. It shows a good agreement between these
two models, which verifies the developed PWA model in the
low wind condition.
The reason of the error is twofold. 1) the model has been
simplified and some dynamics are ignored, as described in
Section IV. 2) In order to reduce the complexity of the PWA
Fig. 10. State variable comparison. (a) Pitch angle. (b) Rotor speed.
model, the number of submodels is limited, which reduces the
approximation accuracy. However, this error will not signifi-
under the high and low wind conditions. In addition, the power cantly affect the wind farm control performance. The simula-
reference is also varying during simulation, as illustrated in tion time in this case is set 5 min, while in the real-time MPC
Fig. 8, which has two step changes at t = 100 s and t = 200 s, control, the prediction horizon is much shorter than this range,
respectively. normally in several seconds. In addition, the prediction error
can be compensated by the feedback mechanism.

A. Low Wind Speed Case

The wind speed profile of this case is shown in Fig. 9, which B. High Wind Speed Case
covers the range between 10 and 15 m/s. The simulation results A similar procedure was used for the high wind speed case.
of both PWA model (PWA) and nonlinear NREL model (NL) The same wind profile is shifted upward and the speed range
are illustrated and compared in Figs. 10 and 11, including covers between 15 and 20 m/s, as shown in Fig. 12. The simu-
system states (θ and ωr ) and outputs (Ts , Ft ). lation results of both the PWA model (PWA) and the nonlinear

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always in the active state (Area I). Rotor speed ωr is regulated

around its rated value 1.2671. The shaft torque basically fol-
lows the variation in the power reference. The range of %RMSE
values listed in Table II is between 0.8070 and 7.7993, which
Fig. 12. Wind speed variation in the high-speed condition. shows a better agreement of these two models than that in the
low wind condition.

A dynamic discrete-time PWA model of a power-controlled
wind turbine is developed in this paper for the optimal active
power control of a wind farm. The nonlinearities are identi-
fied by the clustering-based identification method. Compared
with the linearization at some selected operating points, it has
advantages to estimate the linear submodels by classifying
the multidimensional operating points and reconstructing the
regions optimally. By comparison with the nonlinear model,
the developed model is validated under both high and low wind
conditions with different power references. All the state vari-
ables are measurable or estimated. Due to its simplicity, the
developed PWA model is suitable for the advanced optimal con-
trol at the wind farm level, including the MPC (centralized or
distributed) and the LQR.
Fig. 13. State variable comparison. (a) Pitch angle. (b) Rotor speed.

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Yusheng Xue (M’88) received the M.Sc. degree in

Haoran Zhao (S’12) received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from EPRI, China, in 1981, and
electrical engineering and automation from Shandong the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
University, Jinan, China, in 2005, the M.E. degree University of Liege, Liege, Belgium, in 1987.
in electrical engineering and automation from the He was elected as an Academician of the Chinese
Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, in Academy of Engineering in 1995. He is now the
2009, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineer- Honorary President of State Grid Electric Power
ing from the Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Research Institute (SGEPRI or NARI), China. He
Lyngby, Denmark, in 2015. holds the positions of Adjunct Professor in many uni-
He is a Postdoc with the Center for Electric versities in China and is a Conjoint Professor with the
Technology, Technical University of Denmark. He University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia.
worked as Electrical Engineer with State Grid He is also an Honorary Professor with the University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Corporation of China (SGCC), Beijing, China, in 2005. From August 2010 Qld., Australia. He has been a member of the PSCC Council, and the Editor-
to September 2011, he worked as Application Developer with DIgSILENT in-Chief of Automation of Electric Power System since 1999, and a Member
GmbH, Gomaringen, Germany. His research interests include modeling and of Editorial Board of IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, and
integration study of wind power, control of energy storage system, and voltage Chairman of Technical Committee of Chinese National Committee of CIGRE
stability analysis. since 2005.

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