S1115 Assignment 3 Outline Fall 2022

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SPAN 1115 Assignment #3 Instructions /20

For Assignment #3 you are going to write a 5-sentence paragraph and then make a video
recording of yourself reading it aloud. The goal of this assignment is to allow you to get some
feedback before the oral exam on your pronunciation of the sounds of the Spanish and on your
ability to put the spoken stress on the correct syllable in Spanish. (See Appendix A of your Hola
Amigos textbook for the Sounds of Spanish and the Rules of Accentuation).

Topic: You are at your favourite restaurant to have lunch.

Write 5 complete sentences, each including a verb, that include the following elements: /10
1. Where are you? (Use ESTAR + EN to express your location) /2
2. Use THREE DIFFERENT stem-changing verbs in the present tense from Lesson 5 (see
grammar point #3 of Lesson 5) to talk about the food/meal you are having. /6
3. Conclude your paragraph by using a comparative or superlative expression and a verb in
the present tense to say that this restaurant is better than another restaurant or that it
is the best of all! (See grammar point #4 of Lesson 5). /2

When writing your 5-sentence paragraph please use as much of the vocabulary as possible that
appears under the title: Vocabulario and Amplía tu vocabulario at the beginning of each lesson
between the Lección Preliminar up to, and including, Lección 5. The goal of this assignment is
to show that you can use, in context, the grammar and vocabulary that you have been exposed
to in class and any use of grammatical structures found outside of these lessons will result in a
loss of marks. You will receive a mark /10 for having stayed on topic and for having included
the 5 required elements listed above. The other half of your mark /10 will be based on your
spoken Spanish skills. The final mark for this assignment will be out of /20.
Once you have written your 5 sentences (make them as interesting and as detailed as possible),
practice reading your paragraph aloud until it flows naturally. Speak slowly and clearly so your
instructor can easily hear you. Make sure to review your recording to ensure that it is audible
and of a good quality before uploading it to Brightspace. Although you don’t need to memorize
your paragraph and stare at the camera during the recording, please do show that it’s YOU who
is reading it! Please note that for this assignment, BOTH your video AND your typed
transcript are being uploaded to the SAME folder on Brightspace: Assignment #3 under
“Assessments”. As you did for Assignment #1 you are going to use Kaltura Kapture to record
your video and then upload it to the Assignments folder on Brightspace , along with your typed
transcript as a .docx or .pdf file. Please clearly label your assignment with your first and last
name and be sure to upload it to Brightspace in the Assignments folder (Assignment #3) by the
deadline indicated on your class schedule.

*For help in recording and uploading your video consult the folder on Brightspace: Online
Learning Tools and/or contact the MODL instructional assistant, Sean James:
sjames@langara.ca. You can also contact IT: remotesupport.langara.ca.

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