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History C.A.

1. The league of nations was originally set up by willdrew Wilson as a
part of the treaty of Versailles in 1920 to establish world peace
and prevent another world war. Even though willdrew Wilson
established the LON he was never part of it because he didn’t
want America to be involved in the LON’s problems. That was one
of the main reasons that the LON failed.

a) Anti-slavery commission: This was set up to abolish slavery
around the world.
b) Economic and social commission: This was set up to manage
the economy

3. The Great Depression was an economic shock that impacted

most countries across the world. It was a period of economic
depression that became evident after a major fall in prices and
because of this the unemployment rate sky rocketed so the
LON had less funds and hence their work became harder.

4. The LON had no army and that made them weak so they were not
able to stop most wars but the noninvolvement of the USA made
them really weak as the USA was one of the world powers at that
time and this lead the leagues disbandment because they could
not do what they were there to do.

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