Adapting Activities

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Adapting activities:Unit 3: the green movement

1.What do you usually do to protect I usually take part in voluntary work
the evironment ? such as planting trees or cleaning
2. How many times a week do you trash in my school yard.
spent doing this activity? Once a week ( on weekends )
3.Who you work with ? My classmates ,my teacher

I think in task 5, I replace pattern of interaction into mingling as the primary pattern of
interaction because it will be a more suitable activity. Moreover it gets the students to talk to
many new classes who haven’t worked with them before, which is more engaging and helpful
than working in pairs in the same desk to raise students’interests about the lesson and boost
communications among students
Activity : “go green survey”
Time : 10 minutes
Type : replacing
Steps :
+T introduces the activity
+T explains the rules
In 3 minutes,students will go around the class and ask 3 friends what activities they do to go
green to fill the information in the handout ) to gain profound knowledge about ways to go
green.After 3 minutes,teacher randomly invites some students to report their friends’ answers
in front of the class.
-Invites a student illustrate an example
-Ask ICQ
+Do you ask the people sitting next to you ?
+How many people do you need to ask ?
-Have the students to do the activity in 3 minutes
-Gives handouts
-Goes around and offer held if necessary
-Invites some students to report their friend’s answer
-Gives feedback and correct mistakes if needed
-Concludes the lesson with a moral message :
+ After the survey ,you might have awareness more about ways to help you live in a more eco-
friendly lifestyles such as turn off the light before going out,garbage sorting .

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