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Sample Question Paper-1
1. (d) Apply Newtons second law. above the surface water is made less than ‘h’ then
Change in momentum is equal to Impulse. the height of water > length of capillary tube, so
in such case, water will not overflow, but create
I = m(v2 – v1)
constant flow using energy without any energy
2. (b) The car may be thrown out of circular track due to input. The similar force that pulls water along inside
lack of friction because while taking a turn frictional of capillary tube will hold it there when it reaches
force acts as a centripetal force. The frictional force the end. Such force doesn’t just pull upward, it
is reduced due to rains or oil spilled on the road. pulls the water along the glass. At a certain height,
3. (b) Heat is a path function. Heat transfer depends the weight of the water column balances this pull.
on process. Hence heat transfer is different for In that case the pull is upward since there is water
different paths between same initial & final status. below not above.
4. (d) If H is the height of the liquid surface then for 8. (c) Using Wien’s law,
same range h2 = H – h1. 1
H h + h1 T
and for maximum range h = = 2
2 2 3
As λ1max = λ0 and λ2max =
4λ 0

λ0 T
= 2 ...(i)
3 T1
h2 4
h1 As P µ T4
P2 T 
So =  2 ...(ii)
 T1 
5. (a) The Earth’s gravity at take off.
From equation (i) and (ii)
6. (b) 4 4
P2  T2   4
= =  
P1  T1   3
l, A l, A l, 2A
Y1 Y2 Y =
Here, P2 n=
P and P1 P
4 4
nP T   4 256
So, = n=  2  =   =
P  T1   3 81

9. (a) When the lift is stationary

Equivalent spring constant of a wire is given by
F = mg
K= 49 = m × 9.8
m = 49 / 9.8 = 5 kg
Keq = K1 + K2
If a, is the downward acceleration of the lift then
Y(2A) YA Y A
or = 1 + 2 F = m × (g – a) = 5 × (9.8 – 5) = 24 N
l l l
10. (a) Energy gained by the ice during its fall
Y1 + Y2 E = mgh
or Y=
As, = mL f
7. (c) It is given that water rises to a height ‘h’ in a 4
capillary tube. So, the length of the capillary tube
2 Oswaal NEET (UG) Year-wise Solved Papers

mL f × 4 16. (c) If a magnet retains its attracting power for a long

h= time it is said to be permanent, otherwise temporary.
mg Permanent magnets are made of ferromagnetic
Lf × 4
= substances.
g 17. (d) Statement I is false and Statement II is true.
3.4 × 10 5 × 4
= 18. (b) We see output of gate 1 and gate 2
10 A
= 136000 m A
= 136 km B G1
11. (a) The raw egg has some fluid in it and thus on Y
spinning the egg fluid is thrown outward while the A
hard boiled egg is solid from inside. So, G2
Ir = Ib B
As, Iw = constant
G1 output is A • B
\ wr = w b
ωr G2 output is A • B
or <1
ωb The output of G1 and G2 serve as input of OR gate,
so now output Y is :
tr  2π  A B
tb  ω = T 
 
12. (a) Since, in the rocket, fuel is undergoing
combustion, the gases produced in this process
leave the body of the rocket with large velocity and A B
produce upthrust to the rocket. Let us assume that
the fuel is undergoing combustion at the constant Output Y= A • B + A • B
rate, then rate of change of momentum of the rocket 19. (b) Diffusion of charge carriers. Electrons will
will be constant. Since, more and more fuel will be diffuse to P side .
burnt the mass of rocket will go on decreasing, so it
20. (a) As per Faraday’s laws, mechanical energy
will lead to increase the velocity of the rocket more
gets transformed into electric energy which is
and more rapidly.
done in accordance with law of conservation of
13. (c) The work done by gravity is the work done, as energy, hence Faraday’s laws are consequence of
if all the mass were concentrated at the centre of conservation of energy.
mass. The work necessary to lift the object can be
21. (b) Gravitational force of attraction between planet
thought of as the work done against gravity and is
and sun gives centripetal force,
just w = mgh, where h is the height through which
the centre of mass is raised. GMm/r2=mv2/r
w = 180 (9.8) (1.7) =3.0 kJ Now velocity v = √GM/r
14. (a) Force of buoyancy ( x length is in water) Time period of planet T = 2πr/v
=b×c×x×ρ×g or T2 = 4π2r3/GM
= b.c.x.g From Kepler’s third law, T2=Kr3
(ρ = density of water = 1 ) Using equations, we see 4π2r3/GM=Kr3, so relation
between G and K is GMK = 4π2
Mass of piece of wood = a.b.c.p
22. (d) From the formula C = KeA/d, it is clear that the
So acceleration = –bcxg/abcr = –gx/ar
capacity of parallel plate condenser depends on the
ρa separation (distance) between the plates.
Hence time period T = 2π
g 23. (d) Work done is not characterized by
thermodynamic state of matter. It shows only
length relationship between two different thermodynamic
Since Time period T = 2 π
accelaration states.
15. (b) 24. (c) A weber is the unit of magnetic flux in SI system.
A 4 0 A–12
X ® 3 2He + 3 +1e + z–9Y 25. (d) x= AB = 1.0 × 2.0 = 1.414
Number of protons in the final nucleus = Z – 9 Now,
Number of neutrons = (A – 12) – (Z – 9) = A – Z – 3 ∆x 1  ∆A ∆B  1  0.2 0.2  0.6
= . + = . + =
Z−9 x 2  A B  2  1.0 2.0  2 × 2.0
Ratio =

0.6 x 35. (b) Suppose a ball rebounds with speed v,

x = 0.15 × 1.414= 0.2121
4.0 v= 2gh = 2 × 10 × 20
Rounding off to one significant digit, Dx = 0.2m.
= 20 m/s
Hence = AB 1.4 m ± 0.2m
26. (c) If net force on the system is zero, it can be Energy of a ball just after rebound,
resolved into two equal and opposite forces which 1 2
can be considered to form a couple. E= mv = 200 m
27. (a) Ratio of number of nuclei
As, 50% of energy loses in collision means just
= e–8λt/e–λt = e–7λt = 1/e before collision energy is 400 m.
According to law of conservation of energy, we have
Also, 7λt = 1,
1 1 2
so t= mv0 + mgh = 400 m
7λ 2
28. (d) The curvature of trajectory depends on all the 1 2
three. Þ mv0 + m × 10 × 20 = 400 m
29. (c) We know that the de-Broglie’s wavelength
h h Þ v0 = 20 m/s
λ= = 3
p mv 36. (a) S = kt
If v is increased, l decreases and therefore b d 2S d
decreases. a = = (3kt 2 )
dt 2 dt
30. (b) From the circuit, ε1 = (i1+i2)R + i1r1
= 6 kt
Hence ε1 – (i1 + i2)R – i1r1 = 0
t 5T
\ a µt
N  1 T  1  T 1 So, acceleration is increasing with time.
31. (d)= =  2=
N 0  2   
 32 37. (b) Heat is a path function. Heat transfer depends
1 on process. Hence heat transfer is different for
Percentage atom remains = × 100 = 3.125%
32 different paths between same initial & final status.
λ 38. (a) a µx
32. (c) λmed =air [ µ −refractive index]
µ Wnet = F.x
c 1 9 µ a.x
µ= = . µe= = 3
v µ 0 e0 1 µ x2
λ \ DK µ x2
λ med =air
39. (d)
Frequency of the wave is not altered by the medium.
33. (c) Total energy lost by the capacitor is 4 m/s
C1C 2
(U 2 − U1 ) (V1 − V2 )2 1 m/s 1 m/s
2(C1 + C 2 )
2 × 10 −6 × 10 −6
= [150 − 300]2
2(2 + 1) × 10 −6 Before collision After collision
(150)2 × 10 −6 Let v be the velocity of ball after collision, collision
= = 7.5 × 10 −3 J
3 is elastic
34. (c) The Stefan’s law is : \ e =1
E =σ(T4)
or relative velocity of separation = relative
velocity of approach
E= × Time \ v–1 =4+1
Watt or v = 6 m/s (away from the wall)
m2 40. (b) From the figure, in refraction, when CD is
E Watt-m – 2 refracted wavefront and v1 and v2 are speed of light
Now, = σ =
T4 K4 in medias, then in time t wavelet from B reaches C,
−2 −4 wavelet from A will reach D, such that
= Watt-m K
4 Oswaal NEET (UG) Year-wise Solved Papers

B 47. (b)
Cp = R
A   5 3
Cv = Cp − R = R−R = R
2 2
t = BC/va =AD/vg Cp 2 R 5
BC/AD = va/vg \ = =
Cv 3 R 3
In triangle ACB, BC = AC × sin θ 2
In triangle ACD, AD = AC × sin f′
From above, va/vg = sin θ/sin f′ 48. (b) Loss in K.E = Gain in P.E
Further, μ µ 1/v 1 2  K2  1
mv 1 + 2  =kxm 2
va/vg = μg/μa = sin θ/sin f′ 2  R  2
Now μg = sin θ/sin f′
K2 1
41. (a) Final position (4ˆi + 3ˆj − kˆ) m Here for solid cylinder =
R2 2
Initial position (2ˆi + kˆ) m
Displacement [(4ˆi + 3ˆj − kˆ) − (2ˆi + kˆ)] m
 3 × 62 (1 + 0.5) = 200xm2
S = (2ˆi + 3ˆj − 2 kˆ) m 8
 \ x=
m = 0.8m
Force ( F ) (3ˆi + ˆj ) N 10
Work = F ⋅ S 49. (b) For using the internal energy of sea water to
operate the engine of a ship, the internal energy of
Work = (3ˆi + ˆj ) ⋅ (2ˆi + 3ˆj − 2 kˆ) the sea water has to be converted into mechanical
=6+3=9J energy. Since, whole of the internal energy cannot
42. (a) When a body is projected vertically upwards, at be converted into mechanical energy, a part has to
the highest point of its motion, the velocity of the be rejected to a colder body (skin). Since, no such
body becomes zero but acceleration is not zero. body is available, the internal energy of the sea
43. (c) Isothermal elasticity of gas is given as Ki = P, it is water cannot be used to operate the engine of the
equal to pressure. ship.
44. (d) To move the body up the inclined plane, the Note that a refrigerator is a heat engine working in
force required = mg sin q+ mN the reverse direction.
= mg sin q+ mmg cos q 50. (d)
(N is the normal force = mg cos q)
45. (c) Option (c) is correct. A minimum amount of = 200 MeV
energy equal to (TE) of the moon earth system has
to be given to break (unbound) the system, the sun = 200 × 106 × 1.6 × 10–19 J
is exerting force on the moon but not providing any
5 MeV
energy. Fission Rate =
200 MeV
46. (c) The angle between magnetic field and area
vector is 90°, so the flux associated with coil is zero. 5 × 10 6 Js −1
Although magnetic field is changing but flux is =
200 × 10 6 × 1.6 × 10 −19 J
remaining constant equal to zero, so emf induced
and hence, current in the loop is equal to zero. = 1.56 × 1017 Fission/sec

51. (a) In phenols, the presence of electrons releasing strength is :
group decreases the acidity whereas the presence of OH OH OH OH
electron withdrawing groups increases the acidity
as compared to phenol.
> > >
Among meta and para nitrophenols the latter is
more acidic due to presence of NO2 group at para NO2
position stabilizes the phenoxide ion to a greater NO2
extent than at meta position. Thus, order of acidic
52. (c) S.I. unit of molarity will be mol/m3.
59. (d) NO2– Þ 2 bond pairs + 1 lone pair
53. (c) Azimuthal quantum number of electron present
Þ sp2 hybridization
in p-orbital will be 1. –
NH2 Þ 2 bond pairs + 2 lone pairs
54. (d)
Þ sp3 hybridization
| | H2O Þ 2 bond pairs + 2 lone pairs
H C  OH H  C  OH Þ sp3 hybridization
| |
HO  C  H + NH 2 OH HO  C  H BF3 Þ 3 bond pairs only
| → | Þ sp2 hybridization
− H2O
60. (b) ½ N2(g) + ½O2(g)  NO(g)
H  C OH H  C  OH
| | (K1)½
H  C  OH H  C  OH NO(g) + ½O2(g)  NO2(g) (K2)½
| |
D-(+)-Glucose Glucoxime
½N2(g) + O2(g)  NO2(g) (K1 K2)½
So, for the reverse reaction which is the desired one
55. (b) the value of K will be reciprocal of this value. i.e.,
–H2O ( K 1K 2 )1 / 2
+ NaOH
61. (a) For the reaction,
Sodium BrO3– + 5Br – + 6H + → 3Br2 + 3H 2O
1 d[Br2 ]
Rate of appearance of bromine (Br2) =
OCH3 3 dt
Rate of disappearance of bromide ion Br–
+ NaI 1 d[Br − ]
 = −
5 dt
Methyl phenyl
d[Br2 ] 3 d[Br − ]
ether or = −
(Anisole) dt 5 dt
56. (c) Peptide bond is formed by the reaction of one— x y + z
62. (a) Let Rate ( r ) = [CH 3COCH 3 ] [Br2 ] [H ]
COOH group of one amino acid with the —NH2
where x, y and z are the order of reaction w.r.t.
group of another amino acid.
CH3COCH3, Br2, and H+ respectively
—C—NH ←→ —C== NH— 5.7 × 10 = (0.30)x (0.05)y (0.05)z …(1)
– 5.7 × 10 = (0.30)x (0.10)y (0.05)z …(2)
O O –4 x y z
1.2 × 10 = (0.30) (0.10) (0.10) …(3)
As some double bond character is found between
3.1 × 10–4 = (0.40)x (0.05)y (0.20)z …(4)
C—N bond, the bond length of C—N in protein
should be smaller than the usual C—N bond. From equations (1) and (2)
O y=0
57. (a) From equations (2) and (3)
Xe Tetrahedral (sp3) z=1
From equations (1) and (4)
O x=1
58. (d) Bond order of O2– = 1.5, O22– = 1; O2 = 2; Thus, rate of reaction will be
O2+ = 2.5 = k[CH3COCH3]1 [Br2]0 [H+]1
1 = k[CH3COCH3][H+]
Now, bond length ∝ m n
bond order 63. (a) Rate of reaction = k [A] [B2]
Thus, the species which has maximum bond order where m and n are the orders w.r.t. A and B2
has minimum bond length therefore, O2+ has respectively.
minimum bond length. In following experiments
6 Oswaal NEET (UG) Year-wise Solved Papers

68. (a) Second ionization enthalpy means removal

1.6 × 10 − 4 =
k [0.50]m [0.50]n …(1)
of electron from unipositive ion. Electronic
3.2 × 10 − 4 =
k [0.50]m [1]n …(2) configuration of unipositive ions of Ti, V, Cr and Mn
−4 m n are as follows :
3.2 × 10 =
k [1.00] [1] …(3)
From equations (2) and (3), Ti+ (21) = [Ar] 3d2 4s1; V+ (22) = [Ar] 3d3 4s1
Cr+ (23) = [Ar] 3d5 4s0; Mn+ (24) = [Ar] 3d5 4s1
3.2 × 10 − 4 k [1]m [1]n
= ⇒ 1 = 2m ⇒ m = 0 Now, generally, ionization energy increases with
3.2 × 10 −4 k[0.5]m [1]n
increase in atomic number but for Cr+ there is extra
From equation (1) and (2), stability due to exactly half-filled orbital thus, it has
more ionization energy than Mn . Thus, the correct
3.2 × 10 − 4 [0.5]m [1]n
= ⇒ 2 = 2n ⇒ n = 1 order of ionization enthalpy is Cr > Mn > V > Ti.
1.6 × 10 − 4 [0.5]m [0.5]n
69. (a) The relation between standard Gibbs free energy
= k=
Hence, rate equation [A]0 [B2 ]1 k[B 2 ] and E°cell is ∆G° = – nFE°cell
For the cell reaction
64. (b)
+ +2
2Ag + Cu ¾® Cu + 2Ag
Cr +2 :: d
Cr+2 d4
∆E°cell = 0.46 V
 44 Unpaired
Unpaired electrons
∆G° = – nF E°cell
+2 : d55
Mn : d ∆G° = – 2 × 96500 × 0.46 = – 88780 J
 55 Unpaired
 Unpaired electrons
∆G° = – 89.0 kJ
70. (c) ∆G f(H O) = – 237.2 kJ.mol–1
Fe +2 :: dd66 2
 44 Unpaired
 Unpaired electrons
electrons ∆Gof(CO ) = – 394.4 kJ.mol–1
DGof(pentane) = – 8.2 kJ.mol–1
Co +2 :: 7
In pentane oxygen fuel cell, following reaction

 33 Unpaired
Unpaired electrons
takes place,
Less number of unpaired electrons means less C 5 H12 + 10H 2O → 5CO2 + 32H + + 32e −
paramagnetic behaviour.
\ [Co(H2O)6]2+ shows less paramagnetic 8O2 + 32H + + 32e − → 16H 2O
behaviour. C5H12 + 8O2 → 5CO2 + 6H2O; E° = ?
65. (b) CFSE for octahedral complex is given by general
formula as follows : ∆Goreaction = ∑ ∆Goproducts − ∑ ∆Greactants

CFSE = [– 0.4 (t2g electrons) + 0.6 (eg electrons)] D0 ∆Goreaction = (5 × ∆Gof (CO2 ) + 6 × ∆Gof ( H2 O) )

For Mn+3 ⇒ 3d4 → t2 g e g

3 1 − ( ∆Gof ( Pentane) + 8 × ∆Gof (O2 ) )
= 5 × ( − 394.4) + 6 × ( − 237.2)
CFSE = [(– 0.4 × 3) + (0.6 × 1)] D0 = – 0.6D0
− ( − 8.2+ 8 × 0)
For Fe3+, 3d5 → t2 g e g
3 2
= − 3387 kJ.mol −1
CFSE = [(– 0.4 × 3) + (0.6 × 2)] = 0 = − 3387 × 10 3 J.mol −1

For Co+2, 3d7 → t2 g e g

5 2
∆Goreaction =
−3387 × 10 3 =
−32 × 96500 × Eocell
CFSE = [(– 0.4 × 5) + (0.6 × 2)] = – 0.8D0
−3387 × 10 3
For Cd3+, [3d6] → t2 g e g
4 2 =Eocell = 1.0968V
−32 × 96500
CFSE = [(– 0.4 × 4) + (0.6 × 2)] = – 0.4D0 71. (b) In SN2 reaction, primary is more reactive than
66. (d) The deactivating tendency of given groups secondary and tertiary alkyl halides.
follows the order : Thus, order of SN2 is :
—NO2 > —SO3H > —C≡≡N >  C  OH CH3—X > R—CH2—X > R2CH—X > R3C—X
O SN2 reaction is favoured by small groups on the
carbon atoms attached to halogen.
67. (a) As the hybridization of central metal in
72. (d) Only the terminal alkynes react with ammoniacal
[Co(NH3)6]3+ complex ion is sp3d2 and coordination
number of Co+3 is 6 so, its geometry is octahedral. silver nitrate. Therefore, this reaction can be used to
distinguish between 1-alkynes and others such as 1 1
alkane, alkenes and non-terminal alkynes. = = = 0.0781 m
250 × 0.0512 12.8
CH 3  CH 2  C ≡≡ CH + 2[Ag(NH 3 )2 ]NO3
DTf = kf m = 5.12 × 0.0781 = 0.399 K » 0.4 K
→ CH 3CH 2C ≡≡ CAg ↓ 82. (a) The carbanion which have more s-character will
White ppt.
be more stable. Thus, the order of stability is :
73. (d) _ _ _

CH 3 RC ≡≡ C > C 6 H 5− > R 2C == C H > R 3C — C H 2

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
83. (d) Boyle’s law is applicable in isothermal process.
C H 3  C H 2  C H 2  C H  C H 2  C H 2 CH 3
| 84. (b) X2O4(l) → 2XO2(g)
CH 2  CH 3 ∆ng = 2 – 0 = 2
Correct IUPAC name → 4-ethyl 3–methyl heptane. ∆H = ∆U + ∆ngRT
74. (d) Fe3O4 : 3x + 4(–2) = 0 ⇒ x = 8/3 ∆H = 2.1 kcal + 2 mol (2 cal K–1 mol–1)(300K)
75. (b) Electron gain enthalpy of halogens are greater = 2100 cal + 2 mol (2 cal K–1mol–1)(300 K)
than the chalcogens. So, oxygen and sulphur have = 2100 cal + 1200 cal
lower electron gain enthalpy than fluorine and
chlorine. Also, oxygen and fluorine due to their = 3300 cal
small size has lower electron gain enthalpy than Now, ∆G = ∆H – T∆S
their next homologue. Thus, the correct order is : = 3300 cal – (300k) (20 cal K–1)
O < S < F < Cl. = 3300 cal – 6000 cal
76. (d) As the size of the alkali metal cation increases,
= – 2700 cal = – 2.7 kcal
thermal stability of their hydrides decreases.
85. (a) Electron withdrawing substituent, deactivates
Hence, the correct order is :
the benzene nucleus towards electrophilic
LiH > NaH > KH > RbH > CsH
substitution while electron releasing substituent
77. (d) Since the oxidation number of Ni increases from activates the ring towards electrophilic substitution.
0 to 2, therefore it acts as a reducing agent.
Among the given options —OH has the higher
78. (d) In Schottky defect, equal number of cations and
electron donating tendency and thus activates the
anions are missing from the lattice so the crystal
ring more towards electrophilic substitution.
remains neutral. Such defect is more common in
highly ionic compounds of similar cationic and CH3
anionic size i.e., NaCl. OH
79. (d) As copper crystallizes in fcc lattice, r =
2 2
361 is more reactive towards electrophilic reagent.
= r = 127.6 ≈ 128 pm
2 2 86. (a)
3 3 NH2 N==NCl
80. (d) Mole fraction =
of P =
3+2 5
2 2 (273–278 K)
Mole fraction of Q
Q =
3+2 5 (X)

Hence total vapour pressure CH3

= [(Mole fraction of P) × (Vapour pressure of P)] CH3
+ [(Mole fraction of Q) × (Vapour pressure of Q)] —N==N— —N
3 2 
=  × 80 + × 60 = 48 + 24 = 72 torr Coupling product
5 5  (Y)

81. (a) Molality of non-electrolyte solute 87. (c) Hypophosphorus acid is H3PO2, i.e.,
Weight of solute in (g)
(Molar weight of solute)
× (Weight of solvent in kg)
8 Oswaal NEET (UG) Year-wise Solved Papers

88. (a) Due to lesser energy difference between 5f and 95. (c) The acidity of halogenated acid increases with
6d-orbitals than between 4f and 5d-orbitals is the increase in electronegativity of the halogen present.
main reason for larger number of oxidation states \ Acidity order will be :
exhibited by the actinides than the corresponding
89. (a) p-type semiconductors are produced due to
96. (c) Al2O3 can be converted into anhydrous AlCl3
adding impurity containing less electrons (i.e.,
by heating a mixture of Al2O3 and carbon in dry
atoms of group 13). Ge belongs to group 14 and In
to group 13. So, p-type semiconductor is formed.
This doping of Ge with In increases the electrical Al2O3 + 3C + 3Cl2 → 2AlCl3 + 3CO
conductivity of the Ge crystal. Anhy. AlCl3

90. (b) Biodegradable polymer can be formed by H2N— (dry)

CH2—COOH and H2N—(CH2)5—COOH. 97. (c) [SiO3 ]n and [Si4O11]6– have chain structure of

91. (c) pH + pOH = 14 silicates.

92. (a) CH3OH forms intermolecular hydrogen bonding 98. (c) ∆G = ∆H – TDS
shown as follows : For reaction to be spontaneous, ∆G < 0
H—O H—O H—O 0 > ∆H – TDS
CH3 CH3 CH3 0 > 170 kJ – T(170 JK )

Intermolecular hydrogen bonding ⇒ T(170 JK–1) > 170000 J

T > 1000 K
This hydrogen bonding must be overcome to
convert liquid CH3OH to a gas. Among the given temperatures, only 1110K is
greater than 1000K thus, at this temperature the
93. (d) Hydrolysis of (CH3)2SiCl2 followed by
reaction will be spontaneous.
condensation polymerization.
99. (d) From E° values of M2+/M, we have
| Hydrolysis | E°/V Cr Mn Fe Co
Cl  Si  Cl → HO  Si  OH M
/M – 0.90 – 1.18 – 0.44 – 0.28
| − HCl |
CH E° value for Mn is more negative than expected
CH3 3
dimethyl from general trend due to extra stability of half-
dichlorosilane filled Mn2+ ion.
CH3 Thus, correct order should be
| Mn > Cr > Fe > Co
nHO  Si  OH →
| − HO But an examination of E° values for redox couple
CH3 polymerisation M3+/M2+ shows that Cr+2 is strong reducing agent
(E°M3+/M2 = 0.41 V) and liberates H2 from dilute
 CH 3  CH 3 acids.
   
O  Si  O   Si  O 2Cr+2(aq) + 2H+(aq) → 2Cr3+(aq) + H2 ↑ (g)
    Thus, correct order is Mn > Fe > Cr > Co.
 CH 3  n − 1 CH 3
100. (d) Reaction of HBr with propene in the presence
straight chain polymer
(silicone) of peroxide gives n-propyl bromide. This addition
reaction is an example of anti-Markovnikov’s
94. (a) Micelles are formed by the association of colloids. addition reaction.
They are formed by lyophilic and lyophobic groups.
(i.e., it is completed in form of free radical addition)
As the concentration increases the lyophobic parts
receding away from the solvent approach each CH3—CH=CH2 + HBr →
other to form a cluster, the lyophobic ends are in
CH 3  CH 2  CH 2 Br
the interior, lyophilic groups projecting outwards in n -propyl bromide
contact with the solvent.

101. (d) The squamous epithelium is made of a single thin of two gonadotropins – luteinizing hormone (LH)
layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries. and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).
They are found in the walls of blood vessels and 115. (c) In tubectomy, a small part of the fallopian tube is
air sacs of lungs and are involved in a function removed and tied up through a small incision in
like forming a diffusion boundary. the abdomen or through vagina.
102. (b) Transition state structure of the substrate formed 116. (b) Flying squirrel in placental mammals and flying
during an enzymatic reaction is transient and phalanger in marsupial mammals show adaptive
unstable. convergence regarding gliding nature.
103. (a) Trypsinogen is activated by an enzyme, 117. (c) Once HIV is in your body the virus attaches to
enterokinase, secreted by the intestinal mucosa and gets into the CD4 T cells. The virus then
into active trypsin, which in turn activates the uses the DNA (the genetic code inside the cell)
other enzymes in the pancreatic juice to pour into to replicate (make copies of itself). As new virus
the duodenum. particles break out of a CD4 T cell, the cell dies.
104. (b) Our tissues usually take up approx 25% of the The new virus particles then attach and enter
oxygen in the tissue and the rest 75% remains new CD4 T cells and so the process continues.
unused. This remaining O2 acts as a reserve Millions of new virus particles are made in CD4 T
during muscular exercise. cells each day and millions of CD4 T cells die each
105. (c) Heart attack is when critical regions of cardiac day. To counter the virus destruction, the body
muscle get deprived of oxygen and nutrients; continues to make new CD4 T cells each day.
Heart block is blockage of conduction at any However, over time, the virus usually wins and
stage; Heart failure is when heart is unable to the number of CD4 T cells gradually falls (usually
pump sufficient amount of blood as per demand over several years). Once the level of CD4 T cells
of body. Measurer, estrogen levels decreases and goes below a certain level, your immune system
resultant increases in GnRH section. Progesterone is weakened. If your immune system is severely
also decreases GnRH secretion at the level of weakened by HIV infection then you are likely to
hypothalamus complete stoppage of heart beat is develop various opportunistic infections. So, HIV
cardiac arrest. that causes AIDS, first starts destroying helper T
106. (b) Maximum reabsorption of electrolytes and water lymphocytes and not B lymphocytes, leukocytes
occurs in PCT. and thrombocytes.
107. (b) Myosin itself act like ATPase enzyme with two 118. (c) Anguilla is a marine fish.
active sites : One for actin and other for ATP.
119. (d) Each restriction endonuclease recognises a
108. (a) The photopigment present in rods is called specific palindromic nucleotide sequences in the
rhodopsin. It is a purplish red protein with opsin DNA. The sequences read the same on the two
and retinal, a derivative of Vitamin A. strands in 5' – 3' direction. This is also true if read
109. (c) Endocrine glands lack ducts and are hence, in the 3' – 5' direction.
called ductless glands. Their secretions are called 120. (a) Fact.
hormones. Hormones are nonnutrient chemicals
which act as intercellular messengers and are 121. (c) In competitive inhibition of enzyme action,
produced in trace amounts. Km increases but Vmax is same. Vmax is same
because competitive inhibition is reversible, on
110. (b) Flatworms or Platyhelminthes are the first
increasing the substrate concentration, the effect
triploblastic organisms.
of the inhibitor is removed.
111. (d) Amphibians and mammals have dicondylic skull.
122. (d) Secretin – Enhances release bicarbonate in bile
112. (c) In cockroaches, the nitrogenous wastes such as juice and pancreatic juice.
urates of sodium and potassium formed in the
tissues enter the haemolymph and enter the Enterocrinin – Stimulates crypts of lieberkuhn.
lumen of the malpighian tubule, where uric acid Enterogastrone – Stop release of Gastrin.
is formed. 123. (a) Allergy is due to the release of chemicals like
113. (d) Parturition is triggered by oxytocin which initiates histamine and serotonin from the mast cells.
uterine contractions. Prostaglandins are produced 124. (c) Fact.
in response to oxytocin which are effective in
causing uterine contractions at times. Oestrogen, 125. (b) JGA is a special sensitive region formed by cellular
progesterone level marks the beginning of modification of DCT and the afferent arteriole at
parturition. Prolactin hormone is responsible for the location of their contact.
milk secretion at the end of pregnancy. 126. (a) When the stimulus is applied, the permeability
114. (d) The increased levels of GnRH then acts at the of the membrane for Na changes. This leads
anterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion to rapid influx of Na from extracellular fluid
10 Oswaal NEET (UG) Year-wise Solved Papers

to intracellular fluid, the outer surface of the condition RBC’s are large in size and exist in
membrane becomes negatively charged and immature form so have less space available for
the inner becomes positive. The membrane is haemoglobin.
depolarised. 138. (d) If one kidney damage, the other kidney will
127. (b) After the production of ADH in the cell bodies enlarge to compensate the work of damaged
of neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus, kidney i.e., kidney show compensatory
it is transported axonally to neurohypophysis hypertrophy.
(posterior pituitary) where they are stored and 139. (c) Pseudounipolar neuron means 'pseudo= false,
released. uni= one instead they are bipolar with two
128. (b) Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) vectors branches.
are vectors which are based on fertility plasmid It is a type of sensory neuron in the peripheral
of bacteria. They are used for mapping of large nervous system.
eukaryotic genome. Yeast Artificial chromosomes They have an axon that has split into two branches
(YAC) are used for the cloning of DNA fragments. where one of the branches runs to the periphery
129. (c) Some strains of Bacillus thuringiensis produce and the other to the spinal cord.
proteins that kill certain insects such as The axons of dorsal ganglion neurons are also
lepidopterans (tobacco budworm, armyworm), known as afferents nerves.
coleopterans (beetles) and dipterans (flies,
mosquitoes). In the peripheral nervous system, the afferents
neurons relay sensory information into the
130. (c) Human eggs are alecithal i.e., devoid of yolk. central nervous system i.e. the brain and the
In humans, these eggs get nourishment from spinal cord.
mothers body.
140. (c) Body is unsegmented in Pila.
131. (d) Amniocentesis is used to check for any genetic
abnormality of the foetus. 141. (c) The nymphs look very much like adults. The
nymph grows by moulting about 13 times to
132. (b) The hormone releasing IUDs are Progestasert, reach the adult form. The next to last nymphal
LNG-20. stage has wing pads but only adult cockroaches
133. (d) According to Hardy Weinberg principle the have wings.
amount of genetic variation in a population will 142. (c) IUDs increase phagocytosis of sperms within the
remain constant, genetic equilibrium from one uterus and the Cu ions released suppress sperm
generation to the next if the disturbing factors motility and the fertilising capacity of sperms.
are absent. Natural selection or lack of random
mating can disturb genetic equilibrium. 143. (a) Super-ovulation and embryo transplantation are
the new techniques for cattle and other livestock
134. (b) Coca alkaloid is a white crystalline powder, act as improvement.
a mild stimulant.
144. (a) Normally, the genes encoding resistance to
135. (b) Ramapithecus (12.2million years old in the Miocene) antibiotics such as ampicillin, chloramphenicol,
has human-like jaw and are supposed to be first tetracycline or kanamycin, etc., are considered
branched off from apes lineage that gradually useful selectable markers for E. coli.
evolved into modern man. Australopithecus, a
hominid that lived 4.5 to 4 million years ago, was 145. (d) The first clinical gene therapy was given in 1990
discovered in 1924 from South Africa and hence to a 4-year old girl with adenosine deaminase
is also called as “Southern ape of Africa”. Genus deficiency (ADA).
homo consists of six members out of whom Homo 146. (d) Platypus is oviparous. It is the only mammal that
habilis (2.3 mya) is the oldest one characterized is egg-laying.
by small stature with a larger brain and smaller 147. (b) Gametocytes remain in the blood for several
molars and premolars than Australopithecus weeks but are unable to develop further due to
which are considered to be immediate ancestor high temperature of the human host. Mosquitoes
of the genus homo. Fossils of Homo erectus (1.7 are cold blooded animals and it is therefore
mya) were discovered from Pleistocene rocks of necessary for them to be taken into the body of
Central Jawa and hence the name Jawa man. Also Anopheles for further development.
known as Peking man, they are supposed to be
148. (b) Obturator foramen is the largest foramen of
the first one to use fire.
skeleton but closed by fibrous membrane. It is
136. (a) Some lipids have phosphorous and a formed by ischium and pubis.
phosphorylated organic compound in them.
149. (d) Estrogen is ovarian hormone.
These are phospholipids. They are found in cell
membrane. Lecithin is one example. 150. (b) Changes in allele frequency in natural population
occurring by chance is known as genetic drift.
137. (b) Macrocystic anaemia can be due to deficiency of
B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cyanocobalmin). In this

151. (c) NADPH reductase enzyme is located on grana 167. (b) Selaginella and Salvinia produce two kinds of
lamella towards stroma side. Break down of spores, macro and microspores. They are known
proton gradient releases energy. as heterosporous.
152. (a) Root cap ® Zone of meristematic activity ® Zone 168. (d) Grasses belong to Angiosperma in which
of elongation ® Zone of root hairs. endosperm formation is after fertilization.
153. (b) The seed of orchids are endospermic. 169. (b) Leaves are modified into spines in Opuntia, a
xerophytic plant.
154. (a) IAA ® weed free lawns,
170. (b) Halophytes grow in saline swampy soil and
Cytokinin ® Herring sperm DNA, show vivipary which is in-situ seed germination.
ABA ® stomatal closure, ethylene ® ripening of fruits, Pneumatophores are for gaseous exchange.
GA ® promotes bolting. 171. (a) Anthocyanins are water soluble vacuolar
155. (d) Interphase constitutes more than 95% duration of pigments that may appear red, purple or blur
cell cycle. It is divided into G1, S and G2 phase. depending upon the pH. The remaining are
C h C present in the chloroplasts. Carotenoids are also
156. (c) XY XX present in chromoplasts.
172. (d) Ribosomes are naked ribonucleoprotein
protoplasmic particles (RNP, particles) which
function as the sites of protein synthesis.
173. (c) Ribosomes may occur singly a monosomes or in
rosettes and helical groups called polysomes. The
XhY XCY XCXh XCXC different ribosomes of a polysome are connected
with a strand of m-RNA. Nucleosome is a basic

affected with
both disorders unit of DNA packaging in eukaryotes. Plastidome
are the plastids of a cell when they are referred to
% of offspring to get affected by both disorders a functional unit. Polyhedral bodies are involved
in carbon fixation are present in autotrophic
1 bacteria.
= 25%
4 174. (d) Nuclei, mitochondria and chloroplast are double
157. (c) Aspergillus niger ® Citric acid, membraned bound organelles. Lysosomes are
single membrane bound organelles.
Acetobacter aceti ® Acetic acid
175. (d) The light independent reaction refers to dark
Clostridium butylicum ® Butyric acid, reaction. It takes place in the stromal matrix of the
Lactobacillus ® Lactic acid. chloroplasts.
158. (c) Hexokinase phosphorylates glucose using ATP as 176. (b) The energy released during the electron transport
the source of the phosphate, producing glucose- system is utilised in synthesizing ATP with the
6-phosphate, a more reactive form of glucose. help of ATP synthase (complex V). This complex
consists of two major components, F1 and F0. The
159. (b) Synergids and antipodal cells.
F1 headpiece is a peripheral membrane protein
160. (a) AaBbCcDd contain three heterozygotes complex and contains the site for synthesis of
n 3
(n = 3) types of gamates = 2 = 2 = 8. ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. F0 is an
161. (c) Chloroplast contains 70 S ribsome. integral membrane protein complex that forms
the channel through which protons cross the
162. (a) Cyanobacteria have both PS-I and PS-II.
inner membrane. The passage of protons through
163. (a) Fact. the channel is coupled to the catalytic site of the
164. (d) Several ruminant animals such as cow and F1 component for the production of ATP. For each
buffaloes have methanogens in their gut. ATP produced, 2H+ passes through F0 from the
165. (a) Mycoplasma species are widespread examples intermembrane space to the matrix down the
electrochemical proton gradient.
and some can be intracellular pathogens that
grow inside their hosts. This bacterial lifestyle 177. (d) Cytokinin promote cell division in tissue culture
is called parasitic or saprophytic. Cell walls are provided auxins are present. For division in tissue
unnecessary here because the cells only live in cytokinin should be proportionate in order to
the controlled osmotic environment of other cells. allow shoot and root development.
166. (c) Archae have primitive forms with histones, no 178. (a) Gibberellin hormone induces aleurone cells to
secrete enzyme to break stored food in seed.
organized nucleus, membrane bound organelles
are absent and proteinaceous and non-cellulosic 179. (c) In a majority of aquatic plants such as water
carbohydrate nature of cell wall. hyacinth and water lily, the flowers emerge above
12 Oswaal NEET (UG) Year-wise Solved Papers

the level of water and are pollinated by insects or indirectly gives idea of organic matter present in
wind as in most of the land plants. the water.
180. (c) A test cross is performed to determine the 189. (b) Viroids are infectious RNA particle which are
genotype of a dominant parent if it is a devoid of protein coat. Molecular weight of viroid
heterozygous or homozygous-dominant. For the is low.
purpose, the hybrid is crossed with homozygous 190. (b) Maize is a C4 plant. In these plants primary
recessive parent. CO2 acceptor is PEP, catalysed by enzyme PEP
181. (b) The template DNA strand serve in RNA synthesis carboxylase in mesophyll cells.
during transcription is called anticoding or 191. (a) Protonema is haploid thin thread like structure
antisense strand while the other strand is called found in mosses. It represents juvenile phase.
coding or sense strand as its base sequence is
192. (a) During anaphase I homologous chromosomes of
same as that of newly synthesized mRNA.
a pair separate.
182. (b) The three hotspots such as Western Ghats and Sri
193. (d) Floridean starch is stored food of red algae.
Lanka, Indo-Burma and Himalaya cover India’s
biodiversity regions. Gracilaria 

183. (c) Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, Gelidium  Red algae
methane, N2O, CFCs etc. Polysiphonia 
184. (d) RNA was the first genetic material. There are
evidences to suggest that essential life process, 194. (b) Golgi complex is organelle for cell secretion.
such as metabolism, translation, splicing etc. 195. (c) In wind pollinated flowers pollen grains are light,
evolved around RNA. non-sticky and produced in large amount.
185. (c) In pteridophytes prothallus is haploid, free living 196. (c) In brown algae (Phaeophyceae) large body is
gametophytic structure. differentiated into holdfast, stipe and frond.
186. (c) Collenchyma is a living tissue of plants having 197. (a) In aquatic ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass
thickening of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin may be inverted.
at corners of cells. It is a mechanical tissue. 198. (c) Fact
187. (d) Frankia form symbiotic association with non 199. (d) Nitrosomonas, Nitrococcus and Nitrobacter are
leguminous plant i.e., Alnus. chemoautotrophs.
188. (d) BOD test measures the rate of uptake of oxygen 200. (b) Dioecious plants bear unisexual flowers that
by microorganisms in a sample of water. It promote only xenogamy.

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