Tracts - Communion 2018

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(Do this in Remembrance of Me)

LUKE 22:19-20, I CORINTHIANS 11:24-26

Remembrance of me tells us what is the original practice of Lord’ Supper and we can see in Communion
2006 chart but it gives us more Progressive Revelation of how we remember his death until resurrection see
Unleavened Bread Sinless Body (2Cor.5:21Broken Pure Word(Mtt.4:4)
BREA Exo.12:8, Matt.26:17-18, Rightly Divided
D Isa.53:4,Matt.26:26)
1Cor 5:8 (2Tim.2:15)

Red – (Bloodlike Matt.26:28) Sinless Blood Poured Holy Spirit Stimulant

to Revelation Act2:13
DRINK Grape – (Vine Matt.26:29) for many Heb.9:14,22
John14:26, Rev6:6
Wine – (can be drunken 1Cor.11:21) Luke 10:34 cleanses

How do we remember Christ done during the Lord’s Supper?

Remembering him is not just doing the rituals of just taking the bread and wine literally only of course it is also
important but it gives more details of what we will do in relation to us being Berean as Individual, Couple, Family,

The Lord’s Supper Communion 2007 intended to understand the original practice of the Communion that Christ done
2000 years ago. The main focus of the Communion 2018 is the Progressive Revelation of how we remember Christ every
year and until his coming, also there is relevance of the Old testament typology during the passover and the 7 Feast day
of the Lord. Our focus in this year is the Spiritual Manifestation of the Lord’s Supper Literal Application. But we never
abolish the Original Practice of it.

Now, there are application and manifestation of the Bread and Wine that was BREAK and DRINK and gave to
others. Actually the Communion 2018 is related to the Message Hukom Ministry that gonna perfect the saints in this
Endtimes and how it could be our perfection by doing it daily in our Idle/Vacant time nowadays here is the tabulation
below. We are already in the Perfection Message as Paul said in Heb. 6:1-2 “Let us go unto Perfection...”


Receive the Message of Having the Message for the Had a Family Devotional HUKOM MINISTRY
TOOK Training as Berean having Couple Devotional Time Time, Primetime Message
BREAD PDT, Scribe, Etc. Daily with Reckoning with Activities implemented.
each others.
Using the Facebook Have a regular Couple Expanded Pabasa During the Preaching
Comments, Asking Session to the Progressive Report such as Booklets Deacons and Elders
BREAK Questions to others, Lead Hukom Counsellor. Aquila
& Priscilla like as helpmeet
and other 5 Fold
Ministers Pamplets.
should tell to the
parents to be with
Pabasa Reports, Scribe
Daily, Audio/Video to each others. Primetime Activities their side all the time
IT Download Schedule of Bible Study of the service while
Every night rotation for asking and whispering
the whole Family. what is preaching and
what verses did the
preachers told every
now and then.
By doing it to others to be Encourage other couple to Encouraging other Regularize and
a berean overcomer also, have regular and families to have their Monitoring every
consistent reckoning, own Primetime families of what they are
compare teaching,
GAVE TO Contending for the Faith, session and set-up Activities, leading others doing in their own
Houses in Aspects of
and Testing every spirit by sharing... in Pabasa reports and
Spiritual such as PABASA
THEM the word of God. Scribe Reports REPORT, SCRIBE REPORT,
SETUP to other churches
even on social Medias.

It is important to know the more progressive understanding that Christ wants us to know. He is not just
referring to the ritual communion but rather to the spiritual typology of it.
When Christ said “THIS IS MY BODY” Luke 22: 19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake
it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. That
which is shed for us is not referring to the Bread and Wine eating literally but it is what he done on the cross.
He suffered death, pain, being mocked by people but still he never do his own will.

Luke 22:42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine,
be done. His flesh bound to have own strategy, even our body/flesh but he never do that.
So, what Christ want us to be remember? It is not per se the Literal Breaking, Eating, Drinking of the Bread
and Wine but what Christ do us want him to be such as;

1. As Berean Overcomer
REVELATION 3:21 “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame,
and am set down with my Father in his throne.”
I JOHN 4:4
4 ¶ Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he
that is in the world.
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved
not their lives unto the death.

How to become a Berean Overcomer?

First we need to Repent as Berean Repentance, as we repent our unbelief of having ignorant in his word, even
don’t care about the word of God and revelation of this last days.
Secondly we are in the message already and as a christian what will we do? Just sharing it? How to gave it to
others? How to break it in our ownselves in order the body of Christ that was shed to us all become
manifested in our lives in nowadays? We must know more it because not knowingly we are become lukewarm
because do it ritually just like the Pabasa Report in our house but i did not give stimulation in our body as a
revival to be more zealous believer in his Word. ACTS 2:36-38

2. As a Firstborn Among the Dead

29 ¶ For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that
he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in
all things he might have the preeminence.
Christ is the firstborn among the dead, how? Because HE OVERCOME, he is our elder brother. That is why

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Prepared by: Bro. Ferdinand Sustento

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Call or Text : +639956559211, Manila Telephone 8-2520281

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