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S- Safety and Security

Basic life-saving instruction- This activity aimed to provide people with advanced
knowledge on how to handle unforeseen events, such as CPR. It would also educate
society in order to help them prepare for an uncertain situation. It refers to a set of
medical operations that are performed on individuals who have life-threatening bodily
diseases that cause pain or dysfunction. All of these methods are aimed at assisting
patients or extending their lives until more precise medical therapy can be provided.

Fire Drill- People in the community can practice evacuating a building in the case of a
fire or other emergency by participating in this activity. Preparation is critical for a
successful home fire response, especially in urban regions where fires are common.
Fire drills teach people how to respond to a fire quickly, calmly, and safely. A fire drill is
intended to familiarize people with safe evacuation routes and procedures and to
reinforce them. When fire alarms go off, the goal is to make the needed actions
automatic so that everyone safely evacuated the building in a timely way.

E- Education

Community Teaching for Children- We can see a lot of street kids in our
neighborhood who need education to understand how difficult and important education
is. A few kids desire to go to school to learn and socialize with the alternative students.
In order to do that, we construct an activity to assist children to gain knowledge from the
program. This can help children to learn how to read and write, despite the challenges
that they face.

R- Recreation

Fun Run – This activity can improve our mental health by increasing the release of
endorphins and it can also help the family spend time together. Additionally, this activity
is beneficial not only to ourselves but also to others because a modest fun run allows us
to raise funds for a charity, allowing us to help the people in our community through this
simple activity.

Zumba – This activity can help you relieve tension, and it can also serve as an exercise
to keep your body physically fit and healthy. You may even do Zumba at home by
playing music that makes you want to dance.
Camping – This activity can help to build strong relationships between you and your
friends. Camping also allows us to discover and explore new things, which might lead
to new learning.

V- Values Formation
Spiritual Youth Camp- This activity will encourage us in developing a strong relationship
with God and our Filipino brothers and sisters. This can also assist us in enhancing our
spiritual health and guiding us in the proper direction.

Evangelism- This exercise will assist us in sharing God's message with the community.
As a result, door-to-door preaching is a method of evangelism in which a Christian visits
each family in a certain region to evangelize inhabitants, frequently in combination with
the distribution of gospel pamphlets.

I- Industry/ Entrepreneurship

SELLING UKAY-UKAY- Ukay-Ukay, it is the Filipino adaptation of a "flea market" and one
of those typical features from the Philippines. It began more than thirty years ago and in
a short period of time became the best bargain sensation in the country, from rags to
riches, a shoe-string enterprise, born out of necessity and grown into a lucrative fashion
industry. It is actually gouging in a pile of run down clothes, the word is derived from the
Filipino phrase 'halukay' which literally means "digging" or "make a mess." Nowadays it
is a term used for places that sell old clothes, bags, shoes and other pre-owned goods
at very low prices.

C- Care for Health

Medical mission- A medical mission’s main objective is to serve those in need. Firstly,
these people live in marginalized urban communities, who crowd in depressed areas
where sickness and disease are quick to spread. Secondly, beneficiaries live in far-flung
areas that are difficult to reach with no readily available public transport. For these
reasons, travel to these places may not only be difficult but risky as well.

Reproductive Health Seminar- This activity helps to inform the youth and also adults
about sexual health. It also provide quality sexual health education to at-risk youth in a
safe and open environment. In addition, reproductive health seminars can bring patients
into the healthcare system, encouraging diagnosis and treatment of other diseases and
E- Environment

Tree Planting Activity - This activity can raise awareness to the society of the
importance of planting and saving trees, express our concern to the environment, and
diminish the unfavorable effects of climate change. It also helps us build a strong
relationship with each other by helping hand in hand in preserving the environment.

Clean up Drive Activity- This activity can promote awareness of proper sanitation,
conducting clean up drive activity, one must be able to promote proper waste reduction,
recycling and reuse waste management to be able to create public awareness on waste
management and environmental concerns.
Mangrove Planting Activity- This activity can help coastal areas to avoid erosion and
also it can protect coastal communities against coastal flooding, high winds and waves,
and tsunamis.Mangroves provide essential habitat for thousands of species and lastly,
they are also helpful to stabilize shorelines.

Group 1.








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