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What we plan to do?

Planning a business is very crucial, and as we organized our various ideas, we came to the idea of
creating several foods, with potatoes serving as the main ingredients. We use potatoes as our main
ingredients to ensure the healthfulness of all of our goods. Potato has many healthy benefits that is
good in our body. A lot of individuals also liked potatoes. Prior to coming up to this product, we tried
cooking it and tasting it to see if it would fit our tastes. Potato Balls, Potato Chips, Potato Pancake, this
are the food we think will suit the taste for many people. Since potatoes are nutritious, we won't use
any food msg to retain the healthfulness of our goods.

How do we do it?

Making the product you've planned is challenging, especially if it's food because we can't always
guarantee that it will taste good. We must therefore properly prepare our ingredients and manufacture
our product as we go. We expect having a lot of expenses because potato is a vegetable and vegetable
prices are rising right now, especially since potato is one of our primary ingredients. And since I know we
are aware that many students likes potato, if we have a stand, we will locate it close to the school.
Having a food product is hard because we should maintain the taste of it, so me and my business
partners will continue to study our product and improve it if its needed.

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