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Different ways to study

The 60 ways Srila Prabhupada instructs the devotees to study his books:

again and again • always • as much as possible • as soon as you get time • at least one hour daily • at least one or
two hours daily • at least three hours a day • constantly • continuously • in small installments • more and more •
once-twice-thrice • one after another • over and over • profusely • reading twenty-four hours • regularly •
repeatedly • repeatedly whole life • throughout the day as much as possible • whenever there is time

as it is spoken by Krishna • adeptly • attentively • carefully • critically • deeply • devotedly • diligently • expertly
Mood • faithfully • intensely • nicely • penetratingly • persistently • philosophically • profoundly • profusely • seriously
• sincerely • step-by-step, cautiously • submissively • thoughtfully • with adherence • with due care

from all angles of vision • from different lights of directions • from every point of view • from varieties of angles •
inspecting the subject matter from all angles of approach and savouring the new understandings • to understand the
Method subject matter from different angles of vision • by discussing them • in the association of devotees • with the
cooperation of your God-brothers and -sisters • with the help of other devotees • with the help of your senior God-
brothers and -sisters • minutely • scientifically • scrutinizingly • thoroughly

Better to boil the milk now very vigorously and make it thick and sweet, that is the best process. So let
us concentrate on training our devotees very thoroughly in the knowledge of Krishna consciousness
from our books, from tapes, by discussing always, and in so many ways instruct them in the right
propositions. – Srila Prabhupada letter to Hamsadutta das (GBC) - 22 June, 1972

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