Food Poisoning

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Food poisoning (foodborne illness) is a general term that refers to gastrointestinal illnesses (usually diarrhoea

and/or vomiting) caused by the ingestion of food that is contaminated with microorganisms or the toxic
substances produced by microorganisms.


Use the internet to research some foods and microorganisms that give people food poisoning.

Complete the table on the next page by filling in the missing parts with your research. This may include:

Column 1: the food type,

Column 2: an associated microorganism plus symptoms (symptoms = responses of the body to disease),

Column 3: how to avoid getting sick.

The Food The Problem The Cure
Chicken Salmonella bacteria lives in chicken meat and it can cause: Salmonella bacteria are killed during
1. pain abdomen or muscles cooking. Chicken should not be eaten
2. chills, dehydration, fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite raw like fish or rare like beef.
3. diarrhoea or blood in stool
4. headache

Trichinosis is infection caused by the roundworm parasite.

Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, muscle pain, fever
and even death.

Botulism is a rare and potentially fatal illness caused by a toxin

produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

Listeria bacteria

Rice Bacillus cereus bacteria.

Symptoms include

E.Coli bacteria.

Pre-cut, bagged

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