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Reading Resource List

1. Allen, Joseph, Picturing Gentlemen: Japanese Portrait Photography in Colonial Taiwan, The
Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 73, No. 4 (November 2014), pp. 1009-1042

2. Benjamin, Walter, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, edited by Hannah
Arendt, translated by Harry Zohn, from the 1935 essay New York: Schocken Books, 1969

3. Choi, Hyaeweol, The Visual Embodiment of Women in the Korea Mission Field, Korean Studies
Vol. 34 (2010), pp. 90-126

4. Clark, John, Presenting the Self, Pictorial and Photographic Discourses in Nineteenth-century
Dutch Indies and Siam, Ars Orientalis Vol. 43 (2013), pp. 66-81

5. Cohen, Jonathan and Meskin, Aaron, On the Epistemic Value of Photographs, The Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol. 62, Special Issue: Art, Mind, and Cognitive Science (Spring,
2004), pp. 197-210

6. Corrigall, Malcolm, Invisible Communities and Their Visible Cameras: The Landscape
Photography of the Chinese Camera Club of South Africa, African Arts Vol. 48, No. 3, African
Photography (Autumn 2015), pp. 48-57

7. Costello, Diarmuid, and Iversen, Margaret, Introduction: Photography between Art History and
Philosophy, Critical Inquiry Vol. 38, No. 4, Agency and Automatism: Photography as Art Since
the Sixties, edited by Diarmud Costello, Margaret Iversen, and Joel Snyder (Summer 2012),
pp. 679-693

8. Crimp, Douglas, The Photographic Activity of Postmodernism, October Vol. 15 (Winter, 1980),
pp. 91-101

9. Edwards, Elizabeth, Objects of Affect: Photography Beyond the Image, Annual Review of
Anthropology Vol. 41 (2012), pp. 221-234

10. Fraser, Karen, Snapshots of Japan, Art Journal Vol. 63, No. 3 (Autumn, 2004), pp. 113-115

11. Fraser, Karen, Fukuhara Shinzo and the “Japanese” Pictorial Aesthetic, The Review of Japanese
Culture and Society Vol. 26, Commensurable Distinctions: Intercultural Negotiations of
Modern and Contemporary Japanese Visual Culture (December 2014), pp. 209-227

12. Fraser, Sarah, The Face of China: Photography's Role in Shaping Image, 1860—1920, Getty
Research Journal No. 2 (2010), pp. 39-52

13. Freeland, Cynthia, Portraits in Painting and Photography, Philosophical Studies: An

International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition Vol. 135, No. 1, Proceedings of
the Thirty-Seventh Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy: Aesthetics (August 2007), pp. 95-109

14. Flusser, Vilém, Towards a Philosophy of Photography, Reaktion Books, 2010

15. Gaut, Berys, Opaque Pictures, Revue Internationale de Philosophie Vol. 62, No. 246 (4),
Aesthetics (December 2008), pp. 381-39
16. Giddens, Anthony, Modernism and Postmodernism, New German Critique No. 22, Special
Issue on Modernism (Winter, 1981), pp. 15-18

17. Goldberg, Vicki, Photography From China, Aperture No. 193 (Winter 2008), pp. 86-87

18. Goldstein, Jonathan, Philadelphia’s Old China Trade and Early American Images of China,
Pennsylvania Legacies Vol. 12, No. 1 (May 2012), pp. 6-11

19. Gu, Yi Prince Chun Through the Lens: Negotiating the Photographic Medium in Royal Images,
Ars Orientalis Vol. 43 (2013), pp. 125-138

20. Gu, Yi, What’s in a Name? Photography and Reinvention of Visual Truth in China, 1840 – 1911,
The Art Bulletin Vol. 95, No. 1 (March 2013), pp. 120-138

21. Hockley, Allen, Cameras, Photographs and Photography in Nineteenth-Century Japanese

Prints, Impressions No. 23 (2001), pp. 42-63

22. Hopkins, Robert, Factive Pictorial Experience: What’s Special About Photographs, Noûs Vol.
46, No. 4 (December 2012), pp. 709-731

23. Holland, Patricia, ‘Sweet it is to Scan…’ Personal Photographs and Popular Photography,
Photography: A Critical Introduction, London: Routledge (2015) pp. 103-151

24. Huyssen, Andreas, Introductions: Modernism After Postmodernism, New German Critique No.
99, Modernism after Postmodernity (Fall, 2006), pp. 1-5

25. Jacobson, Oscar, The Meaning of Modernism in Art, The American Magazine of Art Vol. 15,
No. 1 (January 1924), pp. 697-705

26. Jim, Warren, Social History and the Photograph: Glimpses of the Singapore Rickshaw Coolie in
the Early 20th Century, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol. 58, No.
1 (248) (1985), pp. 29-42

27. Kim, Christine, Korean Royal Portraits in Colonial Archives, Ars Orientalis Vol. 43 (2013), pp.

28. Kulvicki, John, Timeless Traces of Temporal Patterns, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism Vol. 74, No. 4 (Fall 2016), pp. 335-346

29. Laughlin, Charles, Images of Aging and the Aesthetic of Actuality in Chinese Film: Reportage,
Documentary, and the Art of the Real, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Vol. 31, No. 2,
Special Issue on Reportage and its Contemporary Variations (Fall, 2019), pp. 207-248

30. Lee, Jung Joon, No End to the Image War: Photography and the Contentious Memories of the
Korean War, The Journal of Korean Studies (1979-) Vol. 18, No. 2, (Fall 2013), pp. 337-370

31. Lehmann, Anne-Sophie, The Transparency of Color: Aesthetics, Materials, and Practices of
Hand Coloring Photographs between Rochester and Yokohama, Getty Research Journal No. 7
(January 2015), pp. 81-96
32. Lister, Martin, and Wells, Liz, Seeing Beyond Belief: Cultural Studies as an Approach to
Analysing the Visual, Handbook of Visual Analysis, London: Sage Publications (2004) pp. 61-92

33. Liu, Mia Yinxing, The Allegorical Landscape: Lang Jingshan's Photography in Context, Archives
of Asian Art Vol. 65, No. 1/2 (2015), pp. 1-24

34. Lyotard, Jean-Francois, Answering the Question: What is Postmodernism? The Postmodern
Condition: A Report on Knowledge, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984, pp. 71-

35. Markbreiter, Joanna, Developing Images: Writing Photographs into the Vietnamese-American
Diaspora, Journal of Vietnamese Studies Vol. 12, No. 4 (Fall 2017), pp. 64-89

36. Maynard, Patrick, Arts, Agents, Artifacts: Photography’s Automatism, Critical Inquiry Vol. 38,
No. 4, Agency and Automatism: Photography as Art Since the Sixties, edited by Diarmud
Costello, Margaret Iversen, and Joel Snyder (Summer 2012), pp. 727-745

37. Maynard, Patrick, Drawing and Shooting: Causality in Depiction, The Journal of Aesthetics and
Art Criticism Vol. 44, No. 2 (Winter, 1985), pp. 115-129

38. Maynard, Patrick, Talbot’s Technologies: Photographic Depiction, Detection, and

Reproduction, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol. 47, No. 3 (Summer, 1989), pp.

39. Maynard, Patrick, The Secular Icon: Photography and the Functions of Images, The Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol. 42, No. 2 (Winter, 1983), pp. 155-169

40. Maynard, Patrick, Scales of Space and Time in Photography, Photography and Philosophy:
Essays on the Pencil of Nature, 1st ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010

41. Mitter, Partha, Decentering Modernism: Art History and Avant-Garde Art from the Periphery,
The Art Bulletin Vol. 90, No. 4 (December 2008), pp. 531-548

42. Mößner, Nicola, Photographic Evidence and the Problem of Theory-Ladenness, Journal for
General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie Vol. 44, No. 1
(July 2013), pp. 111-125

43. Novak, Daniel, Caught in the Act: Photography on the Victorian Stage, Victorian Studies Vol.
59, No. 1 (Autumn 2016), pp. 35-64

44. Nickel, Douglas, History of Photography: State of Research, The Art Bulletin Vol. 83, No. 3
(September 2001), pp. 548-558

45. Novitz, David, Fiction, Imagination and Emotion, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
Vol. 38, No. 3 (Spring, 1980), pp. 279-288

46. Parsons, Dennis, Photography and Social Justice: Preservice Teachers and the Ocularized,
Urban Other, Counterpoints Vol. 515, Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy: Engaging
Students in Global Issues Through the Arts: Revised Edition (2017), pp. 77-93
47. Peleggi, Maurizio, The Aesthetics and Politics of Royal Portraiture in Thailand, Ars Orientalis
Vol. 43 (2013), pp. 83-95

48. Peng, Ying-Chen, Lingering Between Tradition and Innovation: Photographic Portraits of
Empress Dowager Cixi, Ars Orientalis Vol. 43 (2013), pp. 157-174

49. Pettersson, Mikael, Depictive Traces: On the Phenomenology of Photography, The Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol. 69, No. 2 (SPRING 2011), pp. 185-196

50. Price, Derrick and Wells, Liz, Thinking About Photography, Photography: A Critical
Introduction, London: Routledge (2015) pp. 11-55

51. Protschky, Susie, Burdens of Proof: Photography and Evidence of Atrocity during the Dutch
Military Actions in Indonesia (1945–1950), Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde Vol.
176, No. 2/3 (2020), pp. 240-278

52. Raiford, Leigh, Photography and the Practices of Critical Black Memory, History and Theory
Vol. 48, No. 4, Theme Issue 48: Photography and Historical Interpretation, edited by Jennifer
Tucker (December 2009), pp. 112-129

53. Ribbat, Christoph, Queer and Straight Photography, Amerikastudien / American Studies Vol.
46, No. 1, Queering America (2001), pp. 27-39

54. Robson, Jon and Meskin, Aaron, Video Games and the Moving Image, Revue Internationale
de Philosophie Vol. 64, No. 254 (4), The Philosophy of Motion Pictures (2010)

55. Ryan, Marie-Laure, Introduction: From Possible Worlds to Virtual Reality, Style Vol. 29, No. 2,
From Possible Worlds to Virtual Realities: Approaches to Postmodernism (Summer 1995), pp.

56. Sadan, Mandy, The Historical Visual Economy of Photography in Burma, Bijdragen tot de Taal
Land- en Volkenkunde Vol. 170, No. 2/3 (2014), pp. 281-312

57. Savedoff, Barbara, Escaping Reality: Digital Imagery and the Resources of Photography. The
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Spring, 1997, Vol. 55, No. 2, Perspectives on the Arts
and Technology (Spring, 1997), pp. 201-214

58. Savedoff, Barbara, Looking at Art Through Photographs, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism Vol. 51, No. 3, Philosophy and the Histories of the Arts (Summer, 1993), pp. 455-462

59. Savedoff, Barbara, Transforming Images: Photographs of Representations, The Journal of

Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol. 50, No. 2 (Spring, 1992), pp. 93-106

60. Scruton, Roger, Photography and Representation, Critical Inquiry Vol. 7 (Spring, 1981), pp.

61. Shepherdson-Scott, Kari, A Legacy of Persuasion: Japanese Photography and the Artful Politics
of Remembering Manchuria, The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts Vol. 27, Souvenirs
and Objects of Remembrance (2015), pp. 124-147
62. Sloan, Joanne, Relations, 1988: Photographic, postmodern, feminist, Journal of Canadian Art
History / Annales d'histoire de l'art Canadien Vol. 36, No. 1 (2015), pp. 181-201

63. Smuts, Aaron, “Pickman’s Model”: Horror and the Objective Purport of Photographs, Revue
Internationale de Philosophie Vol. 64, No. 254 (4), The Philosophy of Motion Pictures (2010)

64. Sterling, Colin, Photography, Preservation, and Ethics at Angkor, Future Anterior: Journal of
Historic Preservation, History, Theory, and Criticism Vol. 11, No. 1 (Summer 2014), pp. 71-83

65. Strassler, Karen, Cosmopolitan Visions: Ethnic Chinese and the Photographic Imagining of
Indonesia in the Late Colonial and Early Postcolonial Periods, The Journal of Asian Studies Vol.
67, No. 2 (May 2008), pp. 395-432

66. Stuer, Catherine, Staging Real Sites: Tableau Vivant Photography in Nineteenth-Century China,
RACAR: revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review Vol. 44, No. 2, Stay Still: Past, Present,
and Practice of the Tableau Vivant / Stay Still: histoire, actualité et pratique du tableau vivant
(2019), pp. 128-143

67. Svensson, Marina, Visualising Labour and Labourscapes in China: From Propaganda to Socially
Engaged Photography, Dog Days: Made in China Yearbook, Anu Press (2019), pp. 132-137

68. Tucker, Anne Wilkes, A Parallel Vision: The Evolution of Photography in Japan, Aperture, No.
170 (Spring 2003), pp. 38-53

69. Wade, Patrick, The 'living room war' in the escalation period: Romance, irony, and the
narrative ambivalence of tragedy in Vietnam War era photojournalism, Media, War & Conflict
Vol. 8, No. 3 (December 2015), pp. 312-328

70. Walden, Scott, Photography and Knowledge, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol.
70, No. 1, Special Issue: The Media of Photography (Winter 2012), pp. 139-149

71. Walden, Scott, Transparency and Photographic Contact, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism Vol. 72, No. 4 (Fall 2014), pp. 365-378

72. Walden, Scott, Truth in Photography, Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of
Nature, 1st ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010

73. Walton, Kendall, Aesthetics- What? Why? And Wherefore? The Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism Vol. 65, No. 2 (Spring, 2007), pp. 147-161

74. Walton, Kendall, Landscape and Still Life: Static Representations of Static Scenes, Photography
and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature, 1st ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010

75. Walton, Kendall, Transparent Pictures: On The Nature of Photographic Realism, Noûs Vol. 18,
No. 1, 1984 A. P. A. Western Division Meetings (Mar., 1984), pp. 67-72

76. Wen, Laura Jo-Han, Magic Lantern Shows and Screen Modernity in Colonial Taiwan, Early Film
Culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Republican China: Kaleidoscopic Histories, University of
Michigan Press, pp. 51-70
77. Wells, Liz, On and Beyond the White Walls: Photography as Art, Photography: A Critical
Introduction, London: Routledge (2015) pp. 199-248

78. Wilson, Dawn, Facing the Camera: Self-portraits of Photographers as Artists, The Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism Vol. 70, No. 1, Special Issue: The Media of Photography (Winter
2012), pp. 55-66

79. Woodward, Richard, Fictionality and Photography, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
Vol. 74, No. 3 (Summer 2016), pp. 279-289

80. Yacavone, Kathrin, Beyond Portraiture: Recent Writing on Photography, Paragraph Vol. 37, No.
3 (2014), pp. 403-418

81. Zeimbekis, John, Pictures and Singular Thought, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
Vol. 68, No. 1 (Winter, 2010), pp. 11-21

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