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Micah Joy D.

Sec 48

The page explain the entire concept of sex and gender. Sex is described as one of two
major categories into which humans and most other living things are classified based on their
reproductive capabilities. Male and female are the two categories. Gender, on the other hand, is
amorphous. It is determined by how you feel about yourself and what you are drawn to. Gender
sociology is the study of how a society's cultural conception of gender affects people's daily

I discovered that there are many distinct genders, each of which describes how a person
feels. I also discovered more about sexuality and asexuality. Sexual attraction is what defines
sexuality, and it does not always correspond to a person's gender. Most people, including myself,
confuse gender with sexuality; I didn't realize they weren't the same thing until I read the page.
Asexuality is defined as a lack of sexual desire. Furthermore, sexual identities can shift and are
not necessarily permanent.

Other than the two genders that we all acknowledge there is one more gender. Intersex is
when someone is born with both female and male genitals. Most people get one or the other
removed at a young age. According to the page, gender norms are the acceptable ways of acting
out your gender; we learned that there are only two genders. This is what many of us were taught
from our parents and society in church/religion, school, social media, even though cultural
teachings. Many cultures aren’t accepting of other genders they preach that if you are born with
male genitals you are a man and same with women.
To start things off I am not a feminist. Ido not agree with the gender pay gap. I believe if
both men and women have the ability to do the same job they should be paid the same amount.
Somech and Drach-Zahavy (2016) discusses that gender role attitudes shape the distribution of
males and females into social roles in society, influencing individuals' occupational choices, type
of role as a worker, spouse, or parent, and many other aspects of life; on a macro level, they
influence work-family relations and labour force patterns. We should also be treated equally
depending on the situation. What I don’t agree with is ‘attacking’ the entire gender for the
mistake of a few. People in general is what’s wrong with today’s world. Both male and females
attack one and other for showing either too much masculinity or femininity. You can be a
straight man that loves to cook, do hair, and is emotional. You can be a straight woman and be a
CEO, do construction, dress tomboyish. We shouldn’t discriminate on anyone because of who
they are.


Somech, A., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2016). Gender Role Ideology. The Wiley Blackwell

Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, 1–3.


World Health Organization: WHO. (2019). Gender. www.who.int. https://www.who.int/health-


I personally believe you are either male or female. If you changed genders from male to
female, you are now female and vice versa. Now that I understand the difference between
gender and sexuality I can say I am okay with the different sexualities there are in the world.
But, if I am being honest some of them don’t make any sense. I know it makes sense to the
person but I can’t wrap my head around it.

I also believe that people in the LGBTQ community is being too hard on people that are
straight and doesn’t know about the community. I’ve experienced an encounter with someone
who cursed me out because I used the wrong pronoun. I wasn’t aware that there were specific
things to say depending on what the person identifies as. She was a girl so I said she, I was
yelled at and told that they are they. Just like we shouldn’t judge someone for their sexuality
we shouldn’t be judged for not knowing.

I like that in the story on the page that they went into the history of it in different
cultures. It shows how society have changed for both better and worse.

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