Band 8.0+ Essays (Marked by Examiner)

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GIỚI THIỆU CHUNG ................................................................................................................................. 3

HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG TÀI LIỆU ........................................................................................................ 4
TOPIC 1: EDUCATION.................................................................................................................................... 6
QUESTION LIST .......................................................................................................................................... 6
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE........................................................................................................................... 9
TOPIC 2: WORK ........................................................................................................................................... 54
QUESTION LIST ........................................................................................................................................ 54
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE......................................................................................................................... 55
TOPIC 3: HEALTH......................................................................................................................................... 71
QUESTION LIST ........................................................................................................................................ 71
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE......................................................................................................................... 72
TOPIC 4: ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................................ 86
QUESTION LIST ........................................................................................................................................ 86
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE......................................................................................................................... 87
TOPIC 5: BUSINESS ................................................................................................................................... 101
QUESTION LIST ...................................................................................................................................... 101
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE....................................................................................................................... 103
TOPIC 6: ENTERTAINMENT ....................................................................................................................... 121
QUESTION LIST ...................................................................................................................................... 121
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE....................................................................................................................... 122
TOPIC 7: SPORTS ....................................................................................................................................... 134
QUESTION LIST ...................................................................................................................................... 134
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE....................................................................................................................... 135
TOPIC 8: LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................................. 151
QUESTION LIST ...................................................................................................................................... 151
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE....................................................................................................................... 152
TOPIC 9: TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 160
QUESTION LIST ...................................................................................................................................... 160
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE....................................................................................................................... 161
TOPIC 10: SOCIAL ISSUES.......................................................................................................................... 179
QUESTION LIST ...................................................................................................................................... 179
WORLD LIST & EXAMPLE....................................................................................................................... 182
Để các bạn có thêm nguồn bài mẫu hữu ích trong quá trình ôn thi, IELTS XUÂN PHI xin gửi
tặng các bạn bài viết mẫu học thuật cho đề thi thực tế Writing Task 2. Sách tổng hợp 96
bài mẫu band 8+ được chấm bởi Cựu giám khảo BC cho các chủ đề xuất hiện trong năm
2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 để giúp các bạn dễ dàng hình dung một cách tổng quát và thực tế
về độ khó của bài thi viết Task 2 cũng như xu hướng ra đề IELTS năm nay.
Các bài viết đều được IELTS XUÂN PHI và cựu giám khảo Hội đồng Anh trực tiếp viết và
biên soạn để đảm bảo độ chính xác. Với mỗi list từ vựng và cấu trúc hay, các bạn có thể
lọc 5-7 từ/cụm từ mình tâm đắc nhất rồi “tủ” cho từng chủ đề, lúc thi có gặp thì dùng luôn
cho tiết kiệm thời gian.
Writing thực sự là một kỹ năng khó khiến chúng ta thở dài ngao ngán. Vậy nên tâm lý chung
của nhiều bạn mục tiêu band thấp là bỏ qua và dồn tâm sức vào những kỹ năng còn lại với
hy vọng vớt vát được bao nhiêu tốt bấy nhiêu. Nhưng nếu bạn tham vọng mục tiêu cao
hơn, hay đơn giản chỉ muốn có cảm giác thành tựu chinh phục được cả 4 kỹ năng, thì chẳng
còn cách nào khác ngoài việc Đọc và Luyện tập thật nhiều. Đọc các bài báo học thuật, bài
mẫu IELTS Writing chất lượng; luyện viết thường xuyên và quan trọng nhất là nhờ ai đó có
chuyên môn về IELTS sửa bài giúp mình. Hy vọng IELTS Xuân Phi có thể cùng bước với các
bạn trên con đường thoát trầm cảm Writing.

Đăng ký tham gia khóa học IELTS Writing chuyên sâu:
Tham gia nhóm Ở đây IELTS Xuân Phi chữa Writing miễn phí:

Tài liệu này sẽ cung cấp list từ vựng học thuật và bài mẫu sử dụng từ vựng trong list từ
cho 96 đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 khác nhau, với các đề được chia thành 10 Topics.
Trong mỗi topic sẽ có 2 phần, với các thông tin cụ thể như sau:
Phần này sẽ bao gồm một danh sách từ 2 tới 27 đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 khác nhau liên
quan tới topic bạn chọn. Các bạn có thể bắt đầu bằng việc đọc danh sách này để chọn đề
mình muốn xem và chuyển qua phần 2 nhé.
Phần thứ hai này sẽ bao gồm các list từ vựng cho từng đề bài cụ thể, đi kèm với bài mẫu
band 8+ được chấm bởi Ex-BC examiner.

Cách học:
Bước 1: Các bạn sử dụng mục lục để lựa chọn topic mà mình muốn xem trong tổng cộng
10 topic.
Bước 2: Các bạn lựa chọn đề bài mình muốn xem trong topic đó bằng cách đọc danh sách
đề trong phần “QUESTION LIST”.
Bước 3: Các bạn sang trang tiếp theo để tham khảo danh sách từ vựng cho mỗi đề.

1. 31/10/2020
Question: People say that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn
literature such as novels and poems. Do you agree or disagree?
2. 07/11/2020
Question: Some people say that outdoor activities bring more benefits to children’s
development rather than computer games. To what extent do you agree or
3. 16/01/2021
Question: Some people think students should study the science of food and how
to prepare it. Others think students should spend time on important subjects.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
4. 02/02/2021
Question: Many people think there is an increase of antisocial behavior and a lack
of respect to others. What do you think are the causes of this and how to improve
the situation?
5. 04/03/2021
Question: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school.
What are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?
6. 07/08/2021
Question: Some people think children have the freedom to make mistakes, while
other people believe that adults should prevent children from making mistakes.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
7. 21/08/2021
Question: In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of parents
choosing to self-educate their children at home rather than sending them to
school. Do the advantages of home education outweigh the disadvantages?
8. 13/11/2021
Question: Some people think that children should begin their formal education at
a very early age. Some think they should begin at least 7 years old. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.
9. 04/12/2021
Question: Some people think that schools should select students according to their
academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with
different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own
10. 08/01/2022
Question: Some people could be naturally good leaders. Others believe that people
can learn leadership skills. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
11. 19/3/2022
Question: Some people believe that schools should teach foreign languages for
primary school children. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
12. 09/04/2022
Question: Although there is a lot of translation software available, learning a
language could still be advantageous. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
13. 23/4/2022
Question: Young people learn good behavior more from movies and books than
real-life experiences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
14. 11/08/2022
Question: Many people believe that good planning is the key factor to success in
life, while others believe that other factors like hard work or luck are important.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
15. 19/11/2022
Question: Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think
that studying the past history can help us better understand the present. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
16. 22/12/2022
Question: Some people believe that governments should pay full course fees for
students who want to study in universities. Do you agree or disagree with this
17. 28/01/2023
Question: Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university
in many countries. Why? What will be effects on society?
18. 04/03/2023
Question: Some students choose to take a gap year after graduating high school to
work and/or travel. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
19. 18/03/2023
Question: The increasing use of computers and mobile phones has had a negative
effect on young people’s reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or
20. 08/04/2023
Question: Some people believe teenagers should focus on all subjects equally,
whereas other people think that they should concentrate on only those subjects
that they find interesting and they are best at. Discuss both views and give your
21. 15/04/2023
Question: It is the responsibility of schools to teach good behaviour in addition to
providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 31/10/2020
Question: People say that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn literature
such as novels and poems. Do you agree or disagree?


Practical value Giá trị thực tiễn

Moral orientation Định hướng đạo đức

Fundamentally Về cơ bản

Fictional Giả tưởng

Moral development Phát triển nhân cách

Empathise Đồng cảm

Subjective judgements Đánh giá/Phán xét một cách chủ quan

Contradicting opinions Ý kiến trái chiều

Cherish Trân trọng

Open-minded Cởi mở/sẵn sàng tiếp thu những cái mới

Testaments Bằng chứng/Minh chứng

Curriculum Chương trình giáo dục

Impractical Không thực tế/ Không thực tiễn

Nurture Nuôi dưỡng


Some people argue that teaching literature in high schools is a sheer waste of time since
it has little to no practical value. However, I contend that it provides essential moral
orientation to students.

On the one hand, high schoolers might find it hard to apply literature lessons to real life.
More specifically, writers or poets compose their works at a time that is fundamentally
different from the present teenager’s world. More importantly, characters in novels are
clearly fictional, possessing a set of behaviours that are not always relatable in modern
terms. For instance, throughout the poem “Odyssey”, the hero resolved to use violence
to settle all disagreements, an approach that would not work in our current, more
peaceful civilisation.

On the other hand, it appears to me that this subject is crucial to the moral development
of those at high school. While studying novels or poems, they are able to empathise with
the characters, understanding their circumstances in the given settings instead of making
subjective judgements. As a result, young learners would likely become empathetic
graduates who are willing to appreciate contradicting opinions and cherish differences,
eventually becoming more open-minded citizens. That is a testament why literature
should be included in school curriculum.

In conclusion, although novels or poems may seem to be impractical, I am convinced that

literature must have a place in high school programs to nurture welle ducated citizens.
Nevertheless, teachers should adopt more creative teaching methods such as role playing
or plot construction to make lessons more relevant to their students.

(Word count: 256 words)

2. 07/11/2020
Question: Some people say that outdoor activities bring more benefits to children’s
development rather than computer games. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Overall growth Sự phát triển toàn diện

Physical potential Tiềm năng thể chất

Regular exercise Hoạt động thể chất thường xuyên

Playground activities Hoạt động ngoài sân chơi

Increase appetite Tăng sự ngon miệng

Sedentary lifestyle Lối sống ít vận động

Shortage of essential nutrition Thiếu hụtcác chấtdinh dưỡngcần thiết

Precursor to something Dấu hiệu/ điềm báo cho cái gì

Stay in touch with nature Gần gũi với thiên nhiên

Spatial visualisation Hình dung về không gian

Scientifically proven Được khoa học chứng minh

Conducive to something Có lợi cho cái gì

Facilitate Tạo điều kiện

Lavish time on something Phung phí thời gian vào cái gì


It is sometimes argued that doing activities outside is more advantageous to a child’s

overall growth in comparison to playing games on computers. I completely agree with
that argument because of the two following reasons.

Firstly, in contrast to computer games, outdoor activities allow children to reach their full
physical potential. Regular exercise resulting from ball games or playground activities
likely increase appetite and foster the process of metabolism that break down food into
minerals and proteins, building more muscles, stronger joints and bones. By contrast,
video games tend to encourage a sedentary lifestyle, slowing down both digestion and
metabolism. That possibly causes young gamers to suffer from a shortage of essential
nutrition and the failure to discharge noxious substances, which is a precursor to
malnutrition or frailty.

Secondly, playing outsides tends to nurture important mental abilities. For example, it
offers kids a chance to stay in touch with nature, observing various objects, shapes and
colours in diverse sizes and positions, which would boost children’s spatial visualisation.
In addition, children seem more excited to engage in face-to-face conversation with their
peers in the open air than via a laptop screen. This kind of talk is scientifically proven to
be conducive to the development of verbal communication skills that are crucial for
future success at school and beyond.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that outdoor games are superior to computer-based

ones in facilitating both body growth and mental capabilities in children. That is why
parents should encourage their offspring to spend at least a few hours a day to be at
playgrounds instead of lavishing time on computers or game consoles.

(Word count: 274 words)

3. 16/01/2021
Question: Some people think students should study the science of food and how to prepare
it. Others think students should spend time on important subjects. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.


Boost career prospects Tăng triển vọng sự nghiệp

Foundational knowledge Kiến thức nền, kiến thức căn bản

Smoothly transit into a

Suôn sẻ áp d vào môi trường làm việc
professional working
chuyên nghiệp

Prerequisite (n) Điều kiện tiên quyết

Focus diligently on sth Tập trung chuyên sâu vào cái gì

A solid understanding of.. Một sự hiểu biết tốt về…

Be detrimental to the
Có hại cho sự phát triển khỏe mạnh
healthy growth

Culinary skills Kỹ năng nấu ăn

Dietary patterns Chế độ ăn uống

Readily available dishes Các món ăn được chuẩn bị sẵn

Prioritize traditional Ưu tiên chương trình giảng dạy truyền

school curriculum thống

Impart a knowledge of sth Truyền đạt kiến thức về cái gì


People have different views concerning the importance of studying food science and
cooking at educational institutions. While some argue that students should focus on key
subjects that can boost their career prospects, I believe culinary courses are of
paramount significance in leading a healthy and independent lifestyle.

On the one hand, the core disciplines standard at most schools are imperative for one’s
future career. Academic subjects such as math and literature can provide an individual
with the foundational knowledge to smoothly transit into a professional working
environment. For example, logical thinking acquired during math lessons and critical
thinking fostered by literature are prerequisites to nuanced problem-solving skills. Recent
research has indicated that the average income of those with the abovementioned
competencies is higher than that of unskilled laborers and the general workforce.
Therefore, a successful career is a realistic possibility when one focuses diligently on the
important subjects at school.

On the other hand, possessing a solid understanding of food and cooking can ensure not
only general well-being but also serve as a basic survival skill. First and foremost,
schoolers often fail to attend to nutrition in their daily meals, which likely leads to
unhealthy eating habits. Conditions caused by those occupations such as malnutrition and
obesity are detrimental to the healthy growth of the younger generation. Secondly, food
preparation is useful for living independently. Students who are proficient with culinary
skills will be more capable of adjusting to living on their own. Indeed, food science and
cooking could enable them to modify their dietary patterns to live healthier without
either readily available dishes at homes or processed foods at convenience stores.

In conclusion, while some advocate prioritizing traditional school curriculums based on

academic subjects, I believe imparting a knowledge of nutrition and food preparation
generates a great sense of independence and develops healthy eating habits for
graduates. Thus, courses about food should be added to the school curriculum.

(Word count: 319)

4. 02/02/2021
Question: Many people think there is an increase of antisocial behavior and a lack of
respect to others. What do you think are the causes of this and how to improve the


Inconsiderate behavior Hành vi thiếu suy nghĩ

Work disputes Tranh cãi trong công việc

Relationship conflicts Xung đột trong mối quan hệ

Prolonged stress Căng thẳng kéo dài

Bitterness and frustration Sự khó ở và bực bội

Be vented on sb Trút giận lên ai đó

Neglect and abuse Bỏ mặc và áp bức

Be bestowed upon sb Ban hành, hoặc áp đặt điều gì

Viable solution Giải pháp khả thi

Lash out at others Đả kích ai đó một cách bất ngờ (bằng lời nói)

Guarantee a decency of behaviour Đảm bảo sự đứng đắn trong hành vi

Abusive incident Hành vi chửi bới, áp bức

Long-term oppression Áp bức trong thời gian dài


It is true that antisocial and disrespectful behavior in society has been on the rise recently.
This trend might be attributed to problems in one’s life, but a joint effort by both
governments and individuals can reverse the trend.

Personal issues and low self-esteem are some of the factors that can contribute greatly
to an inconsiderate behaviour. First, personal problems such as work disputes or
relationship conflicts could lead to prolonged stress. This potentially provokes bitterness
and frustration, which might subsequently be vented on others. In addition, low self-
esteem is another cause, which usually stems from family problems or school bullying. In
fact, individuals with a history of being neglected by their families or abused by their
friends tend to be insecure, unconfident and have little to no self-respect. As a result, they
tend to exhibit the same abusive behavior that was once bestowed upon them toward
others in order to mask their own insecurities.

In spite of the causes mentioned above, there are viable solutions and appropriate
adjustments to improve the situation. First, people could set for themselves some
conversation standards or develop a rudeness filter to avoid lashing out at others
uncontrollably. This strategy could guarantee a certain decency of behavior, as well as
making them politer and more respectful. In addition, governments could allocate more
resources into childcare programmes, thereby reducing abusive incidents. As a result,
children’s self-esteem and confidence would be increased, making them well-mannered
members of society.

In conclusion, although personal issues and long-term oppression could negatively

impact daily attitudes, solutions including better long-term childcare or self-discipline
strategies would promote appropriate manners. In my opinion, the situation would be
improved greatly within the next 10 years if these ideas were implemented.

(Word count: 285)

5. 04/03/2021
Question: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What
are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?


Endorse a repetitive course of tedious Chứng thực một khóa học lặp đi lặp lại
theoretical lectures các bài giảng lý thuyết tẻ nhạt

Rigid adherence to a traditional teaching Tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt cách tiếp cận giảng
approach dạy truyền thống

Áp dụng chính sách lớp học không có

Adopt a handset-free classroom policy
thiết bị cầm tay

Distraction from social networking Mất tập trung do các ứng dụng mạng xã
applications hội

Push real-time updates on friends and Cập nhật trong thời gian thực về bạn bè
viral videos và các video nổi bật

Impose a complete ban of portable Áp dụng lệnh cấm hoàn toàn các thiết bị
devices in classrooms di động trong lớp học

Block the stream of potential

Chặn luồng có khả năng gây xao nhãng từ
distractions from all online networking
tất cả các trang mạng trực tuyến

Incorporate factual case studies into the Kết hợp các nghiên cứu điển hình thực tế
curriculum vào chương trình giảng dạy

Ensure a higher chance of success after Có cơ hội thành công cao hơn sau khi tốt
graduation nghiệp
Purposefully strive for consistent Cố gắng có chủ đích nhằm lôi kéo sự
engagement tham gia thường xuyên

Endorse a repetitive course of tedious Chứng thực một khóa học lặp đi lặp lại
theoretical lectures các bài giảng lý thuyết tẻ nhạt

Rigid adherence to a traditional teaching Tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt cách tiếp cận giảng
approach dạy truyền thống

Áp dụng chính sách lớp học không có

Adopt a handset-free classroom policy
thiết bị cầm tay

Distraction from social networking Mất tập trung do các ứng dụng mạng xã
applications hội

Recently, there has been an alarming trend of students struggling to focus at school. This
can be explained by the popularity of social media applications and rigid adherence to a
traditional teaching approach, and I believe the resolute actions proposed in this essay
offer potential improvements.

To begin with, the aforementioned problem has roots in two main factors. The first one
is distractions from social networking applications. Facebook and Instagram, for
instance, purposefully strive for consistent engagement through positive reinforcement
by pushing real-time updates on friends and viral videos that young users often find
difficult to ignore during lessons. Another sound explanation is the monotony of
classrooms. Many lectures lack relevance to real life, endorsing a repetitive course of
tedious theoretical assignments and lectures while failing to motivate the students with
varied content.

To address the underlying causes, I would propose two solutions. Firstly, schools should
impose a complete ban of portable devices in classrooms. All personal handsets could
be stored in a secure room, labelled properly to be returned to their owners after class
ends. This would effectively block the stream of potential distractions from online
networking sites. Secondly, educators should redesign lecture content to be more
practical. For example, business schools could work in collaboration with enterprises to
incorporate factual case studies and engaging biographical material about
entrepreneurs. Once engaged, these students will be more likely to focus more fully on
their studies, ensuring higher chances of success after graduation.

In conclusion, a great number of students nowadays pay little attention at school due to
the advent of social media platforms and lessons largely irrelevant to their needs.
However, if schools adopt handset-free classroom policies and modernize the curriculum,
students will become more attentive.

(Word count: 286)

6. 07/08/2021
Question: Some people think children have the freedom to make mistakes, while other
people believe that adults should prevent children from making mistakes. Discuss both
sides and give your opinion.


Foster Nuôi dưỡng

Preventive approach Phương pháp ngăn chặn/phòng tránh

Expedite sth Đẩy nhanh tiến độ của một việc gì đó

Standardised methods Phương pháp tiêu chuẩn hóa

Detention Đình chỉ

Interfere Can thiệp

Accept ownership for sth Nhận trách nhiệm cho một việc gì đó

Corrective measures Biện pháp sửa sai/trừng phạt

Upstanding person Người đáng kính trọng

Cognitive benefit Lợi ích trong nhận thức

Off-limits Quá giới hạn


When it comes to parenting, there has been long-standing discourse over whether
children should be allowed to make mistakes. While some would argue that parents
should not let their children make mistakes, I contend that mistakes are vital to fostering
in children a greater sense of responsibility.

Adults should take a preventive approach to their children making mistakes if it is aimed
at expediting the learning process. An adult can comprehensively instruct a child on how
to do a particular task properly, eliminating the need for correction and re-learning. To
give an example, children in China are diligently guided by their teachers in solving math
problems using standardised methods developed by math professors working for the
Ministry of Education. These methods have been proven effective in increasing rates of
correct answers, allowing school teachers to move on to the next lesson more speedily.
That at least partly explains why Chinese schoolchildren can solve some complex math
problems by the end of primary school.

However, allowing children to make mistakes is developmentally better as it instills

greater personal responsibility. For instance, when a child fails a test in school since he
has not revised his lessons thoroughly, that child should face the consequences of his
failure which might include low grades and detention. Hence the child learns that he
should be better prepared for the next test. Without their parents interfering to prevent
failures from happening, children cannot accept ownership of the situation and take
corrective measures to address it. As a result, they are likely to become upstanding adults
who are accountable for their own behaviours, striving to be their best to solve their own

In conclusion, although preventing children from making mistakes can be a valid

parenting approach to an extent, I hold firm to my belief that children should be allowed
to experience failures to learn meaningful lessons. Thus, parents should be more relaxed
with their children whenever they make an error to allow them to better learn and grow.

(Word count: 333)

7. 21/08/2021
Question: In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of parents choosing
to self-educate their children at home rather than sending them to school. Do the
advantages of home education outweigh the disadvantages?


A personalized curriculum Chương trình giảng dạy cá nhân hóa

Potential deficiency in social skills Có thể thiếu hụt các kỹ năng xã hội

Deprive (sb of sth) Tước đạt (của ai đó một cái gì đó)

Tertiary education Giáo dục đại học

Centered around sth Tập trung xung quanh một cái gì đó

Stronger familial bonds between Mối quan hệ gia đình bền chặt hơn giữa
parents and progeny cha mẹ và con cái

Inherent disadvantages Nhược điểm vốn có

Issue homeschooling diplomas Cấp bằng tốt nghiệp giáo dục tại nhà

A case for educational reform Một ví dụ về cải cách giáo dục

To administer a graded test Đưa ra một bài kiểm tra

Devise a learning plan Lên kế hoạch học tập

Ưu điểm của chương trình giảng dạy cá

Advantages of a personalized curriculum
nhân hóa

Recently, there have been more parents choosing to educate their children at home rather than
having them taught at school. While there are clear disadvantages to homeschooling, I think they
are largely outweighed by the advantages of a personalized curriculum for the child and the
strengthening of bonds between children and their parents.
Admittedly, there are clear disadvantages to homeschooling such as potential deficiency in social
skills and lack of accreditation. Firstly, children who are taught at home often lack essential social
skills. Indeed, they can only interact with their immediate family and not make new friends. This
context deprives them of the opportunity to interact with others and thus many children will
likely have trouble behaving well in social situations. Secondly, homeschooled children
sometimes struggle to attain accredited qualifications to enter tertiary education institutions. As
parents are not authorized to issue diplomas like educational ministries, they will have difficulty
in applying for university since many institutions such as those in Vietnam only accept diplomas
that have been certified by the ministry of education. Thus, homeschooled children will likely
have more limited opportunities to pursue tertiary education and build a successful career.
However, the advantages of homeschooling such as a personalized curriculum and stronger
bonds between parents and their children cannot be ignored. Firstly, parents can construct a
personalized curriculum that suits the needs and strengths of their children. For example, there
were media reports recently about a homeschooled child from Japan who was able to solve
complex calculus equations in under 30 seconds as the curriculum his parents had devised was
centered around developing his math skills. Secondly, parents can forge a stronger bond with
their children while teaching. Personally, teaching their children can allow parents to engage in
meaningful learning activities and spend more time with their children, as opposed to the few
hours they have in the evening if their children are sent to school. Consequently, they can be
more understanding and patient with their child, strengthening the familial relationship between
parents and offspring.
In conclusion, I contend that the advantages of a personalized curriculum and stronger familial
bonds between parents and their progeny outweigh any perceived disadvantages inherent in
homeschooling. It is advisable that the government implement policies that grant parents the
authority to issue homeschooling diplomas that can be accepted by universities and colleges
(Word count: 390)
8. 13/11/2021

Question: Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very
early age. Some think they should begin at least 7 years old. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.


Giảm bớt trách nhiệm cha mẹ của các

Ease parents of their parental duty
phụ huynh

To resort to sth Đành làm một việc gì đó

May be compelled to do sth Có thể bị bắt buộc làm một việc gì đó

Send their brood/children to Gửi con cái đến các trường mẫu giáo và
kindergartens and childcare centers trung tâm chăm sóc trẻ em

To outsource their child-rearing

Thuê người khác chăm con hộ
obligations to others

Postponing/delaying children’s
Lùi/hoãn việc giáo dục của con cái

Might entail better development Kéo theo sự phát triển tốt hơn

The sufficient physical and mental

Đủ năng lực thể chất và tinh thần

The initial stages of their lives Các giai đoạn đầu trong đời

Be buried in their studies Vùi đầu trong học tập

Play-based programs Chương trình vui chơi

It has been argued by some that children should start learning formally by the time they
become toddlers, but others state they should wait until they turn 7. While starting formal
education early can help ease parental duties, I would assert that it is more preferable to
delay formal schooling until children reach 7 years of age as it is less stressful for them
especially during the pivotal stages of early childhood.

In most nations today, parents must resort to sending children to school early in order to
have more time for work. A key reason is that with growing workloads and increasing
living costs, they may be compelled to send their children to kindergartens and childcare
centers, which can in turn afford them more time for work. In the US, more than half of
children aged 5 and below are enrolled in either a kindergarten or a childcare center with
the majority of them having at least one employed parent. This is mainly due to parents
wanting to devote more time toward their careers, thus forcing them to outsource their
child-rearing obligations to others.

However, postponing education until the age of 7 might engender better overall
development. This can be attributed to the fact that academic study during children’s
early years can lead to unwanted stress. Many young children are cognitively and
emotionally unable to handle the often burdensome schoolwork and rules at schools.
Hence, this practice is not necessarily ideal for those in the initial stages of their lives,
who should be encouraged to enjoy their childhood rather than be over-burdened in
their studies. In some Nordic countries, children do not start their formal education until
they reach 8 years of age, with much of their early childhood education defined by play-
based programs that emphasise fun and social skills. This has resulted in those countries
boasting some of the best performing students in the world, often ranking highly in most
educational surveys.

In conclusion, although sending children to school early can relieve parents of the
burdensome pressure of parenthood, I contend that delaying their education until they
turn 7 is more preferable since it reduces stress during their early years.
Ultimately, national school boards should offer the option for parents wanting to wait
until their offspring reach 7 years of age.

(Word count: 383)

9. 04/12/2021
Question: Some people think that schools should select students according to their
academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with different
abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.


To segregate sth Tách biệt một cái gì đó

More specialized and efficient lessons Các bài học chuyên sâu và hiệu quả hơn

Students of varying aptitudes Học sinh có năng khiếu khác nhau

Lập kế hoạch và dạy các bài học theo

Plan and execute correctly paced lessons
nhịp độ chính xác

Well-versed in a particular skill Thông thạo một kỹ năng cụ thể

To overcome stage fright Để vượt qua nỗi sợ sân khấu

Become more well-rounded Trở nên toàn diện hơn

Specialized learning environment Môi trường học tập chuyên sâu

Comprehensive learning experience Trải nghiệm học tập toàn diện

Xây dựng các lớp với học sinh có khả

Implementation of mixed-ability classes
năng đa dạng

Holistic educational setting Môi trường giáo dục toàn diện


The question as to whether or not schools should admit students based on their natural
skill-set has sparked intense debate recently. While segregating students on the basis of
their abilities can facilitate more specialized and efficient lessons, I would assert that
integrating students of varying aptitudes engenders a more complete learning

It is understandable why some would advocate for admitting students based on their
abilities. The chief reason is that when students are assigned to a class based on skill level,
teachers can plan and execute correctly paced lessons. For instance, in the International
Baccalaureate Diploma program, core subjects are split into Standard Level and Higher
Level classes. Students who are in the Higher Level classes take lessons featuring more
advanced material and topics, whereas those in Standard Level classes face less
demanding topics and assignments. This separation allows them to study at their own
speed, improving the progress for weaker and stronger students as the former will be
able to take their time to learn and the latter group can proceed more rapidly.

However, students of differing skill sets can help each other to learn when they are
together in a single class. Students who are well-versed in a particular skill can share
important techniques and experience in how to master that skill with classmates who may
be weaker. To give a hypothetical example, a student who is proficient at delivering
presentations can share valuable tips to others who are less competent in doing them
such as taking deep breaths to overcome their stage fright or using hand gestures to
emphasize key points. There is also a strong likelihood the student who was helped will
have other strengths, such as in a more logical subject like mathematics, and be able to
help other classmates in turn. Consequently, students can learn from one another in this
setting and become more well-rounded.

In conclusion, while selecting students based on their abilities can offer a

more specialized learning environment, I contend that grouping students of varying skills
and strengths can provide them a more comprehensive learning experience. I would
suggest that schools should encourage the implementation of mixed-ability classes to
create a more holistic educational setting.

(Word count: 365)

10. 08/01/2022
Question: Some people could be naturally good leaders. Others believe that people can
learn leadership skills. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Innate trait Phẩm chất bẩm sinh

Extensive training Rèn luyện chuyên sâu

Thứ gì đó mà một người có một cách tự

Sth can come naturally to people

Strategic intelligence Tư duy chiến lược

Dòng dõi lâu đời của các nhà lãnh đạo

Long lineage of successful leaders
thành công

To preside over sth Nắm quyền

Tenacious Bền bỉ

Forward-thinking strategies Chiến lược tiến tới

A disciplined environment Một môi trường quy củ

Rise up the ranks Leo chức

Administer leadership programs Thực hiện chương trình đào tạo lãnh đạo

A structured environment Một môi trường có hệ thống

Tactical acumen Nhạy bén chiến lược


A debate has been growing recently over whether leadership is an innate trait or a
skill that is acquired through learning. In my estimation, being a leader is a skill that can
be learned through extensive training.

Firstly, it is reasonable to assume that leadership is sometimes innate. Individuals can be

born with certain qualities that are predictive of a good leader such as bravery, strategic
intelligence and self-confidence. These traits can be passed down along a long lineage of
successful leaders from one generation to the next. This is evident in how Henry Ford
II presided over the Ford Motor Company after his father did. Like his father, he was
both tenacious and intelligent in guiding the company to long-term success by pursuing
aggressive and forward-thinking strategies in innovating Ford’s automotive technology.
Thus, it is understandable why some would contend leadership can be acquired inherently.

However, a more persuasive case can be made for leadership as a learned

quality. Individuals can become leaders in a disciplined environment through the process
of training, practice and hands-on experience over time. For instance, numerous
reputed educational institutions throughout the world administer leadership
programs for those wanting to gain the required skill set to become effective leaders.
Within those programs there are courses intended to cover the necessary aspects of
leadership such as management, problem solving, implementation of strategy and
decision making. In addition, some of these programs include practical experience, where
protégés can learn from current leaders about what it takes to take charge.

To conclude, while it is fair to assume that some are born with the qualities of a
good leader, I would assert that leadership skills can be gained through education
and experience in a structured environment.

(Word count: 288)

11. 19/3/2022
Question: Some people believe that schools should teach foreign languages for primary
school children. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?


Burdensome volume Khối lượng nặng nề

A hectic curriculum Một chương trình giảng dạy bận rộn

National curriculum Chương trình giảng dạy quốc gia

To be met with backlash Gặp phải phản ứng dữ dội

Already encumbered Đã bị cản trở sẵn

New and diverse cultures Nền văn hóa mới và đa dạng

A defining characteristic of sth Một đặc điểm đặc biệt của một thứ gì đó

Developing primary students’ cognitive Phát triển năng lực nhận thức của học
abilities sinh tiểu học

Complex patterns Các mẫu phức tạp

Critical thinking skills Kỹ năng tư duy phản biện

Cumbersome Cồng kềnh

Cognitive skills Kỹ năng nhận thức


It is argued that primary school students should learn foreign languages as part of the
curriculum. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of doing this and why
the merits prevail over the drawbacks.

To begin with, there is a considerable disadvantage to teaching foreign languages to

primary school students. The main one is it adds to their already burdensome volume of
schoolwork. Since these primary school students are often subjected to a hectic
curriculum with mounting homework and in-class assignments, the addition of a foreign
language may make it even more difficult for students to study effectively. For example,
the Japanese Ministry of Education recently attempted to incorporate English into
the national curriculum for elementary students. However, it was met with backlash from
parents as they complained that their children are already encumbered with a heavy
workload from other core subjects.

However, there are some major advantages a primary school student can gain in learning
foreign languages. First, they can be exposed to new and diverse cultures. As language is a
defining characteristic of a nation’s culture, students can subsequently acquire a greater
understanding of how people of that nation typically communicate with each other and by
extension how their society functions culturally. Second, learning a foreign language can
assist in developing primary students’ cognitive abilities. In doing this, they will learn how
to recognize complex patterns and use critical thinking skills to make sense of the new
knowledge they are acquiring. Hence, such skills are beneficial for a child’s education as
they serve to expand the thinking abilities of the brain.

In conclusion, while learning a language can add to the already cumbersome amount of
schoolwork, I assert that it is more advantageous for primary schools to teach their
students foreign languages as they can serve to expand their knowledge about new foreign
cultures and they help sharpen their cognitive skills.

(Word count: 314)

12. 09/04/2022
Question: Although there is a lot of translation software available, learning a language
could still be advantageous. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Gain a more profound insight into Có được cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về

Acquire a language Tiếp thu, học một ngôn ngữ

Be proficient in Thành thạo trong…

Mutual misunderstandings and cultural

Sự hiểu lầm lẫn nhau và sốc văn hóa

Better adapt to a new environment Thích nghi tốt hơn với môi trường mới

Language acquisition Sự tiếp thu ngôn ngữ

Forge a stronger bond Gây dựng một liên kết bền chặt hơn

Form deeper relationships Hình thành các mối quan hệ sâu sắc hơn

Facilitate their understanding of Tăng cường hiểu biết về…

An enlivening and memorable traveling Một trải nghiệm du lịch vui vẻ và đáng
experience nhớ

It is beneficial for people to learn a language rather than rely heavily on translation
programs. I totally agree with this notion as it engenders a deeper understanding of
cultures and enhances conversations.

The first reason why people should learn a language is that they will gain a more profound
insight into foreign cultures. As they acquire a language, they can truly understand local
customs and traditions by reading original literary works or watching documentaries. For
example, a Vietnamese student who is proficient in Hindi, one of the official languages in
India, would know that head shaking in India does not mean no and the gesture for yes
looks like a no in other cultures. As a result, mutual misunderstandings and cultural
shock are more likely to be avoided, allowing them to better adapt to a new environment.

The second reason for my agreement is that language acquisition enables people to have
more effective communication. They can feel more confident when entering a
conversation in a foreign language, facilitating their understanding of how a sentence is
structured or how a new word is applied in the right context. To illustrate, a tourist
proficient in French tends to more actively interact with local people during his vacation
in France, forging a stronger bond among them. As a result, this will bring an enlivening
and memorable traveling experience. These benefits cannot be provided by using
translation software as it will be a cold personal interaction.

In conclusion, I strongly believe language translation platforms cannot replace the need to
learn a new language as it fosters a process of cultural exchange and improves speakers’
communication in certain situations. Therefore, people should consider learning a
language and not just rely on translation software.

(Word count: 289)

13. 23/4/2022
Question: Young people learn good behavior more from movies and books than real-life
experiences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Shape behaviors Định hình hành vi

Hands-on experiences Những trải nghiệm thực tế

Idealized or exaggerated Lý tưởng hóa hoặc phóng đại

Possess a set of behaviors Sở hữu một tập hợp các hành vi

Have dire consequences Có hậu quả nghiêm trọng

A combination of senses Sự kết hợp của các giác quan

Những trải nghiệm đầu tiên, trực tiếp trải

First-hand experiences

Learning through experience Học hỏi thông qua trải nghiệm

Control behavior and attitudes Kiểm soát hành vi và thái độ

Optimize the experiences Tối ưu hóa trải nghiệm


It is argued that films and books are a better approach for the young to shape their
behaviors than learning them on their own. I completely disagree with this idea since
movies and books often focus on extreme characters and learning through hands-on
experiences is more impactful.

To begin with, films and books are not a superior way for young people to learn good
behaviors as there are many negative role models in most of them. To be more specific,
characters in such forms are usually idealized or exaggerated to appeal to audiences;
therefore, they often possess a set of behaviors that are regarded as immoral and violent
in reality. For example, the image of the Joker in the movie with the same name is cruel
and aggressive but admired by numerous young people in the world since he is considered
to be a hero in some ways. As a result, many tend to imitate his actions in real life without
realizing that these are wrong and have dire consequences.

Another reason why I disagree is that people have a stronger emotional reaction to real
experiences which means they learn more from them. First, they can remember what they
gained more vividly. In fact, if they behave badly and are criticized by others, they could
realize that their actions are totally wrong and annoy others to a significant extent; thus,
they are more likely to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. It is also scientifically
proven that knowledge is stored for a longer period of time if people experience it on their
own due to a combination of senses. Furthermore, first-hand experiences enable young
people to decide which behaviors suit them the most. This is because they will be learning
behavior in areas that they need whereas books and movies might be showing behavior in
contexts that are not relevant to them.

In conclusion, I completely disagree with the idea that movies and books instill good
behaviors in young people since characters are often presented with violent behaviors,
and learning through experience is more effective to control behavior and attitudes as
they can be better stored and are more suitable for each individual. Therefore, parents
should try to optimize the experiences that their children have so that they can develop
into moral citizens.

(Word count: 385)

14. 11/08/2022
Question: Many people believe that good planning is the key factor to success in life, while
others believe that other factors like hard work or luck are important. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.


Fulfill singular aims Hoàn thành các mục tiêu riêng lẻ

Persevere with Kiên trì với

Predict foreseeable scenarios Dự đoán các tình huống trong tương lai

Minimize potential risks Giảm thiểu rủi ro tiềm ẩn

Take advantage of opportunities Tận dụng cơ hội

Have opportune chances to develop Có cơ hội thích hợp để phát triển

Surprise visit Chuyến thăm bất ngờ

Have a more tangible effect on Có ảnh hưởng rõ ràng hơn đến

Seize the opportunity Nắm lấy cơ hội

Fulfill singular aims Hoàn thành các mục tiêu riêng lẻ


There are those who take the stand that successful people result from them making
effective plans, while others argue that other elements such as diligence and fortune are
more vital. This essay will discuss both perspectives and the reasons why I favor the

On the one hand, proponents believe planning skills are the main contributor to one’s
success. The first benefit is that they enable people to achieve their goals. This is because
they would plan out specific steps to follow so as to fulfill singular aims and then see the
bigger picture of the procedure. In other words, plans remind them to make greater efforts
and persevere with what they are doing. Furthermore, planning allows people to make
timely adjustments in the future. More specifically, they could predict foreseeable
scenarios, thus they are more likely to minimize potential risks and take advantage of
opportunities to thrive in their career paths.

On the other hand, opponents consider other criteria are pivotal to success in many
aspects of life. The foremost one is being assiduous. This quality ensures people pay
attention to their work and pursue their passions without giving up, hence they are more
likely to gain their own success. Another element is being fortunate in having opportune
chances to develop. For instance, Bun Cha Huong Lien restaurant in Hanoi became
instantly famous after the surprise visit of U.S president Obama in 2016 since diners from
all corners of Vietnam wanted to come to this restaurant and try the same staples as he

In conclusion, both sides of the argument have their own merits. However, my personal
view is that other factors including being industrious and lucky can have a more tangible
effect on each individual’s success. This is because they would persevere in what they are
doing and seize the opportunity to become successful.

(Word count: 307)

15. 19/11/2022
Question: Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think that
studying the past history can help us better understand the present. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.


Facilitate people’s understanding Nâng cao hiểu biết của mọi người

Contemporary times Thời đương đại, hiện tại

Explore the roots of current problems Khám phá gốc rễ của các vấn đề hiện tại

Deformity rate Tỷ lệ biến dạng

The dumping of Agent Orange Sự rải chất độc màu da cam

Dioxin Độc tố

Bring no practical value Không mang lại giá trị thực tiễn

Bears little resemblance to Ít liên quan tới

Benefit their job prospects Có lợi cho triển vọng công việc của họ

Enhance their career path Nâng cao con đường sự nghiệp của họ

Some believe that history fails to facilitate people’s understanding, while opponents
argue that acquiring historical knowledge can aid in informing individuals about
contemporary times. This essay will elaborate on both sides and the reasons why I am in
favour of the former.

On the one hand, gaining insight into past events can be beneficial for individuals to have
a better understanding of the contemporary world because they can explore the roots of
current problems. As a result, severe consequences and potential damage can be
prevented from happening. To illustrate, by studying their country’s history, Vietnamese
people can understand that the main reason behind the high deformity rate in some
central provinces in Vietnam is the dumping of Agent Orange used by Americans in the
Vietnam War (1954-1975). Thus, those suffering from this dioxin are discouraged from
having children to avoid the spread of health problems and the number of disabled people
induced by it.

On the other hand, the notion that learning history is pointless is sound for two reasons.
The first is that it can be irrelevant to modern life. More specifically, historical events often
bring no practical value to people’s present life. In other words, people may find it hard
to apply what they obtain from history lessons into practice because society today bears
little resemblance to the past. Another justification is that students prefer learning
subjects that benefit their job prospects instead of allocating a large amount of time to
researching history and remembering historical dates and facts. For instance, most
Vietnamese high school students confess that they are reluctant to opt for history in the
school curriculum because they cannot utilize knowledge about historical events and
figures in their personal lives and future careers.

In conclusion, both perspectives have their own justifications. However, I advocate the
view that knowing more about the past fails to inform people about the present life since
history mostly bears little relevance to modern life and brings no value to enhancing their
career path. It is advisable that schools should prioritize other subjects that facilitate
students’ future jobs.
16. 22/12/2022
Question: Some people believe that governments should pay full course fees for students
who want to study in universities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Tertiary education Giáo dục đại học

Further education

Less well-off individuals Cá nhân ít khá giả hơn

Reduce socioeconomic inequality Giảm sự bất bình đẳng kinh tế xã hội

Put pressure on the state budget Gây sức ép lên ngân sách nhà nước

Bear the tuition fees Chịu học phí

Subsidize tuition fees Trợ cấp học phí

Financial burden Gánh nặng tài chính

Bridge the gap Thu hẹp khoảng cách

Families from disadvantaged Gia đình có hoàn cảnh khó khăn


Better-endowed families Gia đình khá giả

Budget deficit Sự thâm hụt, thiếu ngân sách


It is argued that tuition fees for all students who desire to pursue tertiary education ought
to be shouldered by the state. I mostly agree with this notion since it can provide better
chances for such education for less well-off individuals and reduce socioeconomic
inequality; although it can put pressure on the state budget.
The first justification why I agree that the government should bear the tuition fees for
university students is that they can be offered equal opportunities for pursuing
further education. More specifically, those who live under the poverty line could afford
courses at university without worrying about their financial burden. To illustrate, without
being financially supported by the state, most students from remote areas in Vietnam such
as Ha Giang Province cannot afford university tuition fees and instead opt to do farming
work, losing their chance to acquire a bachelor degree which can be beneficial to their
future careers.
Another reason for my agreement is that this practice can bridge the gap between
different classes in society. This is because families from disadvantaged backgrounds can
avoid making sacrifices to save for their children’s education and allocate their budgets to
other key matters such as healthcare and entertainment, enabling them to access the
same facilities and services as those from better-endowed families. As a result, the socio-
economic gap between individuals and families would likely be lessened, paying the way
to an equal community.
However, subsidizing tuition fees for all students can trigger monetary burdens on the
government. To be more specific, this requires greater spending allocation to education,
potentially leading to a budget deficit for other key sectors such as national defense and
In conclusion, while I admit that fully subsidizing college tuition can pose a pressure on the
state budget, I am mostly of the opinion that it is beneficial due to the provision of equal
chances for education for future generations and the reduced gap between social classes.
It is advisable that the government should give priority to those from families with lower
incomes to reduce budget pressure.

(Word count: 343)

17. 28/01/2023
Question: Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many
countries. Why? What will be effects on society?


Tertiary education Giáo dục đại học

Science-related sectors Các ngành liên quan đến khoa học

Thúc đẩy kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề của

Foster their problem-solving skills

Solve complex scientific problems Giải quyết các vấn đề khoa học phức tạp

Seek higher-paying jobs Kiếm việc làm lương cao hơn

Meager earnings Thu nhập ít ỏi

Thiếu các chuyên gia trong công việc

The lack of experts in science jobs
khoa học

A scarcity of qualified employees Sự khan hiếm nhân viên có trình độ

Make significant findings Đưa ra những phát hiện quan trọng

Lower earnings Thu nhập thấp hơn

It is observed that the number of students opting for science as a major in tertiary
education is lacking in many parts of the world. This propensity is attributed to the
complex nature of this subject and lower incomes of science graduates. However, this can
prompt the shortage of employees in science-related sectors and the lack of inventions.
There are two main driving factors behind the tendency of university students to neglect
science subjects. Chief of these is their complexity. More specifically, learners have to
remember numerous formulae and accumulate a substantial amount of knowledge in
different areas. Additionally, they need to form and foster their problem-solving skills to
be able to solve complex scientific problems. Another justification for the decreasing
popularity of science is that other majors enable students to seek higher-paying jobs in
the future. For instance, Vietnamese whose majors include business and social services
can gain more lucrative incomes, compared to the meager earnings of scientists.

Nevertheless, a shortage of learners in scientific fields can adversely affect society in a

number of ways. The first one is that it can lead to the lack of experts in science jobs.
More specifically, as fewer students pursue science as a major at university, there is a
decrease in the number of employees who work in roles such as scientists and biologists.
For instance, there is a scarcity of qualified employees in several Vietnamese tech firms
induced by the preference of following other majors such as marketing or IT among
college students, adversely affecting the economy. Coupled with this, this can trigger a
decline in innovations globally. This is because the lack of scientists and researchers does
not allow scientific institutions to invent new things or make significant findings, posing
a threat to the development of new technologies, medicines and others that improve the
standard of living in society.

In conclusion, being challenging to acquire and providing lower earnings for learners are
two main factors why science is less preferred by students. The consequences of this
tendency range from the lack of human resources in scientific fields to the shortage of
innovations, both of which lead to economic and developmental stagnation for society. It
is advisable that governments should provide financial support for science learners
through scholarship programs to attract more individuals to pursue this subject.

(Word count: 386)

18. 04/03/2023
Question: Some students choose to take a gap year after graduating high school to work
and/or travel. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Gain work experience Tích lũy kinh nghiệm làm việc

Academic progress Tiến độ học tập

The accumulation of life experience Sự tích lũy kinh nghiệm sống

A high earning potential Tiềm năng thu nhập cao

Embarking on their formal university Bắt đầu giáo dục đại học chính thức của
education họ

College coursework Khóa học đại học

Acquire deeper insight into new cultures Có được cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về các nền
văn hóa mới

Exposure to different ways of living Tiếp xúc với những cách sống khác nhau

Have a broader perspective Có tầm nhìn rộng hơn

Competencies Kĩ năng
A number of pupils have a tendency to take a year off to gain work experience or travel
after they graduate from high school. Although this propensity can trigger drawbacks such
as the detrimental impacts on students’ academic progress, I consider its benefits
including the accumulation of life experience and the development of new skills are more

On the one hand, taking a year off can be detrimental to students since their academic
development can be adversely affected. This is because they start their university
education a year behind their peers causing a delay in acquiring their bachelor’s degree.
This can hinder them from future career opportunities and a high earning potential.
Additionally, taking a brief time to work or travel before embarking on their formal
university education can engender the loss of momentum. More specifically, some
students may find it difficult to return to academic studies and struggle to adjust to the
pace of college coursework afterwards.

On the other hand, having a break between high school and university can bring two
benefits. Most noticeably, it can provide students with the opportunity to gain life
experience. To be more specific, they can acquire deeper insight into new cultures and
exposure to different ways of living and thinking by travelling. Consequently, they are
more likely to have a broader perspective and better understand themselves and the
world around them, becoming more well-rounded individuals. Furthermore, they can
learn new skills by working. In other words, their communication skills, time management
and problem-solving skills are often strengthened by cooperating with others to fulfil
tasks at work. These competencies can be beneficial in preparing for college and future

In conclusion, the inclination to work and travel for a year after high school in lieu of going
directly to college can have negative impacts on students’ academic development.
However, I consider it is more beneficial since it can enhance their life experiences and
enables them to learn crucial skills. It is advisable that high school graduates should take
time to experience the real world by travelling or working.

(Word count: 346)

19. 18/03/2023
Question: The increasing use of computers and mobile phones has had a negative effect
on young people’s reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Literacy skills Kỹ năng đọc viết

Overreliance on digital devices Phụ thuộc quá nhiều vào các thiết bị kỹ thuật

Specialized tools Dụng cụ chuyên dụng

Word processing and writing applications Các ứng dụng xử lý văn bản và viết

Spell-check and grammar correction Kiểm tra chính tả và sửa lỗi ngữ pháp

A writing assistant app Một ứng dụng hỗ trợ viết

The accuracy and readability of their writing Độ chính xác và dễ đọc của văn bản của họ

A vast array of written sources Nhiều nguồn văn bản

Gain a deeper insight into Có được một cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về

Autocorrect functions Chức năng tự động sửa lỗi

It is observed that the tendency of the young to utilize computers and smartphones exerts
an adverse impact on their literacy skills. I mostly disagree with this notion since it
provides useful tools and access to a wide range of materials although it can give rise to
their overreliance on digital devices.

The first justification for my disagreement is that digital devices enable youth to utilize
specialized tools to improve their writing skills. This is because many word processing
and writing applications available on computers and mobile phones offer features such
as spell-check and grammar correction, which can help young people enhance the quality
of their essays and reports. For instance, Grammarly, a writing assistant app, helps users
to identify and correct errors in their writing as well as provide suggestions for sentence
structure, vocabulary choice and tone improving the accuracy and readability of their
Another reason is that youngsters can easily access diverse reading materials. More
specifically, the internet offers a vast array of written sources, including news articles,
blogs and online books. This can provide young people with access to diverse writing
styles, genres and perspectives, which can help improve their literacy skills. To illustrate,
besides their textbooks, young students can also read e-books and online news on their
computer to gain a deeper insight into gender equality, thus they can write more
convincing essays on this issue.
However, the over-dependence on technological devices can detrimentally affect young
people’s literacy skills to some degree. With the prevalence of autocorrect functions on
computers and mobile phones, young people may not be as motivated to learn the
correct spelling and grammar. As a result, they may become overly reliant on these
functions, leading to weaker confidence in their writing skills.

In conclusion, I somewhat maintain that young people's literacy skills can be significantly
boosted by the universal use of computers and mobile phones due to the prevalence of
helpful tools and a variety of materials, though this can lead to them becoming over-
dependent on electronic devices which can stunt their learning. It is advisable that the
young should use these devices on a regular basis but regulate the amount of time using
them to increase their writing and reading expertise.

(Word count: 371)

20. 08/04/2023
Question: Some people believe teenagers should focus on all subjects equally, whereas
other people think that they should concentrate on only those subjects that they find
interesting and they are best at. Discuss both views and give your opinion?


Develop a passion for learning Phát triển niềm đam mê học tập

Explore in-depth knowledge Khám phá kiến thức chuyên sâu

A negative mindset Một suy nghĩ tiêu cực

Reach their full potential Đạt được tiềm năng đầy đủ của họ

Achieve better learning outcomes Đạt kết quả học tập tốt hơn

Identify their career interests Xác định sở thích nghề nghiệp của họ

Areas of expertise Lĩnh vực chuyên môn

Devoting equal focus to Dành sự tập trung bằng nhau cho

Well-rounded education Sự giáo dục toàn diện

A broad knowledge base Một nền tảng kiến thức rộng

Giải quyết những khó khăn trong cuộc sống

Tackle real-life difficulties

Place emphasis on Nhấn mạnh vào

Some assert that adolescents should prioritise all disciplines equally, while others state
that they should focus on subjects they are interested in and excel at. This essay will
elaborate on both perspectives and the reasons why I lean towards the former.

On the one hand, paying attention to their favourite subjects can be beneficial to students
to some extent. The first reason is that it can develop a passion for learning. More
specifically, they are motivated to explore in-depth knowledge about the subject in lieu
of being unsatisfied if they are forced to learn something they are not keen on. A student
who struggles with maths might become frustrated when attempting the assigned
homework, and therefore approach other disciplines with a negative mindset, reducing
their potential and outcomes in all parts of the curriculum. Therefore, enabling students
to study their favourite disciples can act as a motive for them to reach their full potential
and achieve better learning outcomes. Furthermore, this practice potentially helps
adolescents identify their career interests. This is because they are more likely to realise
their aptitude for certain areas of expertise, encouraging them to pursue a job related to
their favourite subject in the future.

On the other hand, opponents consider devoting equal focus to all subjects is wiser due
to several reasons. Chief of these is that this approach provides a well-rounded
education. By learning a variety of subjects, teenagers can develop a broad knowledge
base and a range of skills, facilitating comprehensive development. To illustrate, logical
thinking acquired during maths lessons and critical thinking fostered by literature are
prerequisites to fostering nuanced problem-solving skills, allowing them to better tackle
real-life difficulties they encounter. Another appealing justification is that studying
different subjects can help students identify their strengths and weaknesses. Thus, they
can develop critical thinking skills, promote their advantages and improve on their
disadvantages to become better versions of themselves.

In conclusion, although both viewpoints are justifiable, I contend that it is more crucial to
place emphasis on all subjects for comprehensive education and self-improvement. It is
advisable that teenagers should plan to allocate their time to different disciplines equally
to become knowledgeable, well-rounded individuals.

(Word count: 361)

21. 15/04/2023
Question: It is the responsibility of schools to teach good behaviour in addition to
providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Demeanour Thái độ

Traditional academic learning Học tập truyền thống

Interpersonal skills Kỹ năng giao tiếp

Instill these values in sb Truyền đạt những giá trị này cho ai

Foster empathy and understanding towards Thúc đẩy sự đồng cảm và hiểu biết đối với người
others khác

Codes of behaviours Quy tắc ứng xử

Representative of society Đại diện của xã hội

Handle conflicts Xử lý xung đột

Resolve differences Giải quyết sự khác biệt

Devise a way Nghĩ ra một cách

Onus Trách nhiệm

Shape a child's conduct Hình thành hành vi của một đứa trẻ

It is argued that schools should be accountable for teaching good demeanour alongside the
provision of traditional academic learning. I mostly agree with this notion since schools are an
effective environment for children to develop their behaviours and improve their interpersonal
skills, although parents should also play a crucial role in the moral development of their

The first justification for my argument is that schools can potentially train students to become
better individuals in society. This is because educational facilities often encourage positive
behaviour by promoting values such as honesty, respect, kindness, and responsibility. By
instilling these values in students through lessons, schools can help students foster empathy
and understanding towards others. For instance, as moral lessons about being polite and
respectful are delivered, pupils can acknowledge the importance of these codes of behaviours
and tend to exhibit them in real life, becoming well-behaved individuals.

Another appealing reason is that schools can enable students to enhance their social skills. More
specifically, by attending schools, which are considered representative of society, students can
learn how to handle conflicts, resolve differences, and communicate effectively. These skills are
crucial in their later lives, both personal and professional. To illustrate, those who misunderstand
each other at school can devise a way to work together in team assignments and learn how to
cherish their differences and value contradicting opinions. Consequently, they may gradually
improve their communication skills.

However, the responsibility of teaching good behaviour cannot solely be the schools' onus since
parents also play a crucial role in shaping a child's conduct. To be more specific, parents can
become a good role model for their offspring to follow by behaving decently. To exemplify, they
should speak politely, listen attentively, and avoid using abusive language or derogatory terms in
order to set a good example to their children.

In conclusion, I maintain that schools should instill positive conduct in students as well as offer
formal education due to their more conducive environment and ability to boost social skills;
however, parental roles in this regard are also significant. It is advisable that parents and schools
should work together in promoting positive values and imparting good manners in children.

(Word count: 362)

1. 20/03/2021
Question: Many people are working longer and longer hours. What are the reasons and
2. 31/07/2021
Question: Many young people change their jobs and careers. What are the reasons for
this? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
3. 15/01/2022
Question: Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they
should because it brings advantages for both themselves and their employers. Discuss
both sides and give your opinion.
4. 12/3/2022
Question: Fewer young people do farming work in rural areas. Why? Should young people
be encouraged to do farming work?
5. 26/3/2022
Question: Today people live away from their friends and family to find a job in other cities.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
6. 23/07/2022
Question: Many people find it hard to balance their work with other parts of their lives.
What are the reasons for this? How can this problem be overcome?
7. 06/08/2022
Question: There are several factors that motivate people to stay in the workforce. Among
them, money is the most important factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 20/03/2021
Question: Many people are working longer and longer hours. What are the reasons and


Excessive workloads Khối lượng công việc quá lớn

Stem from increasing demand in the Xuất phát từ nhu cầu ngày càng tăng tại nơi
workplace làm việc

Assume a high volume of work Đảm nhận khối lượng công việc lớn

Lack of sufficient rest Thiếu sự nghỉ ngơi đầy đủ

Spinal injuries Chấn thương cột sống

Arthritis Viêm khớp

Increased risk of strokes Tăng nguy cơ đột quỵ

Weaken bonds between Làm suy yếu mối quan hệ giữa các thành
family members viên trong gia đình

A feeling of general Cảm giác không hài lòng chung ở các cá

dissatisfaction in individuals nhân

Become a catalyst for stress and Trở thành chất xúc tác cho căng thẳng và
depression trầm cảm

Lead a healthy and balanced life Sống một cuộc sống lành mạnh và cân bằng

Weekly overtime standards Tiêu chuẩn làm thêm giờ hàng tuần cho các
for corporations công ty

Working longer hours is a growing tendency in society nowadays. The primary cause of
this change is excessive workloads and the effects on one’s health and quality of life are
decidedly detrimental.

The need to work additional hours often stems from increasing demand in the
workplace. To keep up with competition in an increasingly globalised marketplace,
employees are expected to assume a high volume of work, often with inadequate staff
levels and support. This has resulted in employees having to work extra hours to
compensate, which is exemplified clearly in IT-related sectors. A program developer in
Vietnam generally spends an average of 10 hours at work per day integrating complicated
software systems, which would not be necessary if he was accompanied by a colleague.
Extra office hours can adversely affect workers’ health, as well as their personal lives.

However, working overtime can be detrimental for two reasons. Chief of these is that it
lead to a lack of sufficient rest, decrease in energy and eventually health conditions in
extreme cases. This is illustrated in research conducted in Japanese white-collars workers,
who have to sit in their offices for up to 14 hours, resulting in spinal injuries, arthritis and
increased risk of strokes. In addition, as more time is spent at work, workers necessarily
have less time for their loved ones, which can weaken bonds between family members
and friends. As a result, this can generate a feeling of general dissatisfaction in
individuals, potentially becoming a catalyst for stress and depression in the long run.

In conclusion, extended working hours are associated with increasing demands in the
workplace, preventing employees from leading a healthy and balanced life. Therefore, I
believe governments should enact laws that impose weekly overtime standards for

(Words count: 282)

2. 31/07/2021
Question: Many young people change their jobs and careers. What are the reasons for
this? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Alternating between occupations Nhảy việc

Expansive skill set Bộ kĩ năng rộng/lớn

Impair sth Suy yếu một cái gì đó

Career path Con đường sự nghiệp

Diverse skill set Bộ kĩ năng đa dạng

Knowledge base Kiến thức cơ bản

Entail Kéo theo

Hold a prejudice against Giữ định kiến

Job hopper Người nhảy việc

Prospective employee Nhân viên tiềm năng

Devote Cống hiến

Hinder a person’s career Cản trở cơ hội nghề nghiệp

Corporate ladder Bậc/nấc thang nghề nghiệp

Take the plunge Làm điều gì đó mạo hiểm, liều lĩnh

In recent years, those just entering the workforce have been alternating between
occupations more frequently. Whether this practice has been beneficial to workers or not
has been a subject of fierce debate. While some believe that changing jobs equips young
people with a more expansive skill set, I contend that it is more likely to impair one’s
career due to a hesitation on the part of companies to hire employees who change jobs
One major reason behind the rise of this phenomenon is that young people are still
seeking their passions. As many are unclear about their career path, they try out jobs to
discover what they would enjoy pursuing professionally. If they are dissatisfied with a
given position, young people will find another job that better suits them. The other key
reason is young people want to be equipped with a diverse skill set. As different jobs
utilize different knowledge bases, young people often find it advantageous to acquire a
wide-ranging variety of professional skills. Therefore, in the future when a new job is
offered to them, youths will be better prepared for the work entailed in this position.
However, this phenomenon has negative effects on workers as companies are reluctant
to hire for uncertainty. Employers often hold a prejudice against those who frequently
alternate between occupations as they think a person who does so will not be able to
contribute to their company long-term. To cite an example, according to a survey
conducted by Forbes in 2011, 70% of American employers would reject hiring so-called
“job hoppers” on the basis that they want prospective employees to devote themselves
to a company in the long run. These employers have also expressed that if someone
cannot promise to remain loyal to their company, then it would be counterproductive to
hire and commit resources to them. Based on this study, it is justifiable to claim that
constantly changing jobs can hinder a person’s career.

In conclusion, young people change jobs to acquire multiple skills and find out what they
desire to do in their careers. However, I contend that the drawbacks are much more
substantial since this might impede one's career opportunities. Nonetheless, it can be
predicted that young people’s careers will continue to change in their search for true

(Word count: 381)

3. 15/01/2022
Question: Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they
should because it brings advantages for both themselves and their employers. Discuss
both sides and give your opinion.


A sensitive topic Một chủ đề nhạy cảm

Continually struggle Cố gắng liên tục (một cách khó khăn)

Diverse/expansive skill set Bộ kỹ năng đa dạng

Different knowledge bases Nền tảng kiến thức khác nhau

Wide-ranging variety of professional

Nhiều kỹ năng chuyên ngành

Equal or more experience Có bằng hoặc nhiều kinh nghiệm hơn

Job hopper Người hay nhảy việc

Job hopping Nhảy việc

Counterproductive Phản tác dụng

Higher than average turnover rate Tỉ lệ nghỉ việc cao hơn trung bình

A near-endless cycle Một vòng lặp gần như vô tận

Junior level Nhân viên mới

To impede sth Cản trở điều gì đó xảy ra

The topic of changing jobs can be a sensitive topic, with some believing that doing so
equips workers with a more expansive skill set and allows companies to save on training
costs. I, however, contend that it is more disadvantageous to change jobs since it
can hinder an individual’s career and companies may continually struggle to hire new

A key benefit of workers changing jobs regularly is that they can be equipped with a
more diverse skill set. As different jobs utilize different knowledge bases, employees may
be able to acquire a wide-ranging variety of professional skills. Therefore, in the future
when a new job is offered to them, employees will be better prepared for the work
entailed at any given position. For companies, when their employees switch occupations,
they can save time and money on training. Firms can do this by hiring someone with equal
or more experience than the previous person in the same field. Therefore, the quality of
the products or services being offered by these firms will remain consistent.

However, switching jobs can hinder a worker’s career as companies may be reluctant to
hire such individuals. Employers understandably may hold a prejudice against those who
frequently alternate between occupations as they think a so-called ‘job hopper’ will not
be able to contribute to their company long-term and thus it would
be counterproductive to commit resources to them. When it comes to how companies
themselves can be negatively affected by job hopping, they may continually struggle when
finding new employees who can meet their requirements. This is evident with how
international accounting firms have a higher-than-average turnover rate at the junior
level, meaning that they are in a near-endless cycle of hiring new people.

In conclusion, while changing jobs can help workers acquire vital skills and companies save
time and money for training, I would assert that the drawbacks are much more substantial,
as it can impede one’s career and companies can suffer from potentially high turnover

(Word count: 334)

4. 12/3/2022
Question: Fewer young people do farming work in rural areas. Why? Should young
people be encouraged to do farming work?


Sức hấp dẫn lớn hơn của các công việc

Greater allure of factory-based jobs
làm tại nhà máy

Increased provision of education Tăng cường cung cấp giáo dục

Changing perception Thay đổi nhận thức

Prudent Khôn ngoan

The slump in young workers Sự sụt giảm của lao động trẻ

A more lucrative income Một thu nhập hấp dẫn hơn

Below one’s standards Dưới tiêu chuẩn của một người

Elevated educational background Nền tảng giáo dục nâng cao

Manpower Nhân lực

A dearth in sth Một sự khan hiếm của cái gì đó

Deleteriously halted Đã tạm dừng một cách độc hại

Domestic food crisis Khủng hoảng lương thực trong nước

Vocational pathway Con đường học nghề

There has been a decline in the number of young people engaging in farming work, which
can be ascribed to the greater allure of factory-based jobs and the changing
perception resulting from the increased provision of education. Because of these factors,
it can be prudent for young people to pursue agricultural work.

Young people becoming more reluctant to work in farming can be explained as follows.
Firstly, the slump in young workers working in the agriculture industry can be attributed
to factory-based jobs being more attractive. In comparison to farming work, factory jobs
usually provide a more lucrative income and the working environment is often more
comfortable as workers get to be in an air-conditioned setting under a roof. Thus, young
workers are more inclined to work in a factory instead of on a farm. In addition, with the
greater provision of mass education to young people, more of them have begun to
perceive farming work to be below their standards. They are typically more drawn to jobs
that are better suited to their elevated educational background and skill set. Hence, they
will likely consider agricultural work to not meet those standards.

Due to the factors outlined above, young people should be encouraged to work in
agriculture. Firstly, farming jobs require a great deal of manpower to keep up with the
currently growing demand for food. A dearth in personnel can hinder productivity in the
agricultural industry and by extension the national food supply can be deleteriously
halted, which may lead to a domestic food crisis. Furthermore, farming work can be
a vocational pathway for young people. It provides them with practical skills such as using
heavy machinery and planting crops, as well as soft skills such as task management,
organizational and communication skills. That way, young people can learn to be more
resourceful and responsible in a professional setting.

In conclusion, the greater benefits provided by factory jobs and changing perception of
farm work are the leading causes of the decline in young people working in agriculture.
Therefore, they should be encouraged to work in that sector as it needs extensive
manpower and it can be a fruitful professional path for them to take.

(Word count: 365)

5. 26/3/2022
Question: Today people live away from their friends and family to find a job in other
cities. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


To be vulnerable to sth Dễ bị tổn thương bởi một điều gì đó

To be susceptible to sth Dễ bị ảnh hưởng hơn bởi một cái gì đó

Mental health issues Các vấn đề sức khỏe tâm thần

In the company of friends and family Gần với bạn bè và gia đình

To be comforted by sth/sb Được an ủi bởi ai đó/cái gì đó

Get immediate help Nhận trợ giúp ngay lập tức

Medical emergency Cấp cứu y tế

Next of kin Họ hàng gần nhất

Outside assistance Hỗ trợ bên ngoài

To endeavour to do sth Cố gắng làm một việc gì đó

Conducting their own research Thực hiện những nghiên cứu của riêng họ

Grow into self-reliant people Trở thành những người tự lập

Varying ideas about what kind of

Nhiều ý tưởng khác nhau về nghề nghiệp

To be held back by sth Bị cản trở bởi điều gì đó

It is observed that nowadays people are living away from their friends and family to search
for employment. This essay will explore the merits and demerits of this tendency and
explain why the merits are greater.

To begin with, there are a few drawbacks to living away from loved ones to find work.
Firstly, people can be vulnerable to various mental health issues. This is because they can
miss being in the company of friends and family and sharing with them their
developments and problems in life, as well as being comforted by them when life
becomes tough. Therefore, these people can experience feelings of anxiety and
depression, which may disrupt their motivation to find work. Secondly, it may be difficult
for people to get immediate help when they are away from home. For instance, if they
have a medical emergency, their next of kin or close friends may not be there to help
them. Hence, they will have to rely on outside assistance such as medical services or close
neighbours, which can be inconvenient and expensive.

However, the benefits of this practice are greater than the drawbacks. Firstly, isolating
oneself from others in search of a job can allow them to endeavour to live more
independently. By finding a place of their own and conducting their own research to find
a job, they can learn what it means to struggle to earn their own living and maintain their
own lifestyle. In the process, they are more likely to grow into self-reliant people.
Secondly, individuals are less likely to be influenced by their friends and family. Since
different people may have varying ideas about what kind of employment one should
pursue, workers may be held back by others’ many suggestions. By living away from
friends and family, they will be able to more freely forge their own career path.

In conclusion, while people can be more susceptible to mental health problems and have
a lack of immediate assistance, it is more advantageous for people to live away from
friends and family in looking for work, as they can become more independent in their
lifestyle and be free to pursue whatever job they desire.

(Word count: 363)

5. 23/07/2022
Question: Many people find it hard to balance their work with other parts of their lives.
What are the reasons for this? How can this problem be overcome?


Đạt được sự hài hòa giữa công việc và

Achieve work-life harmony
cuộc sống

A high volume of work Khối lượng công việc lớn

A shrewder financial plan Một kế hoạch tài chính khôn ngoan hơn

Assume a heavy workload Đảm nhận một khối lượng công việc nặng

Pursue materialism Theo đuổi chủ nghĩa duy vật

Forgo their time for… Hi sinh thời gian của họ làm điều gì

Accumulate wealth Tích lũy tài sản

Predicament Tình trạng khó khăn

Personal pursuits Sự theo đuổi cá nhân

Duy trì sự cân bằng giữa công việc và

Sustain a work-life blend
cuộc sống
It is common for labourers to fail to achieve work-life harmony. A high volume of work
and the promotion of materialism are contributing factors to this tendency. However, it
can be tackled by some viable solutions implemented by the government and individuals
such as the enactment of laws on working hours and a shrewder financial plan.

The struggle to maintain a work-life balance can be attributed to two reasons. The key one
is growing demands in the workplace. To be more specific, employees are more likely to
assume a heavy workload, leading to the fact that they have to work overtime to be able
to accomplish their assigned duties. For instance, it is reported that a substantial number
of blue-collar workers in most Vietnamese factories have to work an average of 10 hours
each day to finish their tasks. Another explanation is the desire to acquire more material
possessions. It is believed that people in modern society tend to pursue materialism to
keep up with their friends or show off their status. As a result, they would forgo their time
for their personal interests or relationships and fully devote themselves to working to
accumulate wealth.

Nevertheless, this predicament can be tackled by two measures. First and foremost, the
government should impose laws on labourers’ working hours to reduce the frequency of
working additional hours. For example, companies requiring their employees to work
more hours than legally mandated can face a monetary fine or be banned from operating.
Therefore, firms would put more control on their schedules, enabling workers to allocate
time to other matters of their lives. Furthermore, individuals should make financial plans
wisely to limit their own expenses. Since they save money by buying secondhand or
cheaper suppliers, their expenditure would be reduced. Thus, the demand to work
extended hours would decrease as they are not urged to earn more money and can spend
more time on personal pursuits instead.

In conclusion, the plight of sustaining a work-life blend is ascribed to increasing work

demands and the pursuit of possessing more material properties. Nevertheless, the
enforcement of laws regulating work hours by authorities and reasonable spending plans
made by individuals could improve this situation.
(Word count: 365)
6. 06/08/2022
Question: There are several factors that motivate people to stay in the workforce. Among
them, money is the most important factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Gain a substantial amount of income Có thu nhập đáng kể

Có một con đường rõ ràng để phát triển

Have a clear path for career progression
sự nghiệp

Climb the career ladder Leo lên nấc thang sự nghiệp

Rise up the hierarchy Được thăng chức

Trở thành một phiên bản tốt hơn của

Become a better version of themselves
chính họ

Make a long-term commitment to a

Có cam kết lâu dài với một công việc

Nâng cao khả năng tự hiện thực hóa của

Enhancement of their self-actualization

Emotional connections Những kết nối cảm xúc

Acknowledgement at work Sự công nhận tại nơi làm việc

It is argued that gaining a substantial amount of income is the most vital factor among
several for people’s motivation to remain employed. I totally disagree with this viewpoint
since there are more significant elements including job prospects and the recognition in
the workplace.

The main reason for my dissenting view that money is the main driver for continued
employment is that having a clear path for career progression is more vital. More
specifically, they can be offered opportunities for development and to be able to climb the
career ladder when they devote themselves to the company they are working for. To
illustrate, normal office staff member would more likely decide to work diligently as they
know that they can rise up the hierarchy to become a manager who has more power if
they show commitment to the company. Therefore, the desire to become a better version
of themselves may stimulate individuals to remain in the workforce.

Another justification for why I believe people tend to make a long-term commitment to a
profession other than money is that they can be recognized for contributions and
achievements in the workplace. This is because they would feel appreciated when they
receive praise or rewards from their colleagues and superiors. In other words, their talents
and working proficiency are highly valued, leading to the enhancement of their self-
actualization. These compliments also generate emotional connections between workers
and the whole organization, acting as a source of inspiration for them to continue to work
for it.

In conclusion, I strongly oppose the idea that high income is the most crucial factor for
employees to continue working as job promotions and acknowledgement at work are just
as pivotal.

(Word count: 282)

1. 28/11/2020
Question: Governments should make laws about people’s nutrition and food choice.
Others argue that it is their choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
2. 08/05/2021
Question: It is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in
order to prevent illness than to spend it on treatment of people who are already ill. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
3. 22/1/2022
Question: In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some
people think that the government has the responsibility to solve this problem. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
4. 12/2/2022
Question: More and more people are choosing to eat healthy food and making time to
exercise regularly. Why is this happening and what can we do to encourage this?
5. 3/3/2022
Question: Some people think scientific research should focus on solving world health
problems. Others think that there are more important issues. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
6. 25/02/2023
Question: An increasing number of people are choosing cosmetic surgery/ plastic surgery.
Why do people have operations to change the way they look? Do you think this is a
positive or negative development?
1. 28/11/2020
Question: Governments should make laws about people’s nutrition and food choice.
Others argue that it is their choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Regulate (v) Quy định

Personal preference Sở thích cá nhân

Legislation Luật pháp

Nutritionist Chuyên gia dinh dưỡng

Processed foods Đồ ăn chế biến sẵn

Face a small monetary fine Chịu hình phạt tiền nhỏ

Overall well-being Sức khỏe tổng quát

Accommodate everyone’s needs Đáp ứng nhu cầu của mọi người

Nutritional demands Nhu cầu dinh dưỡng

Financial constraints Những hạn chế tài chính

Guilty pleasure Thú vui tội lỗi

Unethical (adj) Phi đạo đức

Address (v) Giải quyết

Science-based diet Chế độ ăn uống khoa học

Many people suggest governments issue laws that regulate citizens’ selection of
food as a vehicle to combat poor eating habits. I am strongly opposed to this idea with
respect to personal preferences.

On the one hand, legislation detailing food consumption could help promote a
healthier diet. More specifically, lawmakers might set a standard intake of essential
nutrition as advised by nutritionists as well as completely remove unhealthy dishes such
as heavily processed foods from a list of possible picks. Anyone who does not follow the
guideline could face a small monetary fine while companies that sell unlisted products
could be banned from operating. Thanks to these measures, citizens are more likely to
adopt a balanced diet which is scientifically proven to be the key to overall well-being.

On the other hand, a law that regulates people’s consumption of foods is unlikely to
accommodate everyone’s needs. In fact, a person’s choice of dishes for his meal depends
on various personal reasons ranging from taste preferences, and nutritional demands to
financial constraints. Some choose to sit down at a McDonald’s for a Big Mac possibly
because they are fans of cheesy beef patties or it might be the only lunch set they can
afford if they are on special offer. Furthermore, I do not believe it is the role of the state
to prevent people from enjoying their guilty pleasures on rare occasions. That is why, in
my opinion, asking everyone to follow strict guidelines is simply unethical, failing to
address the needs and rights of each individual in a society.

In conclusion, although governmental control of one’s consumption might be of

help to a more science-based diet, I believe people must be allowed to consume
whatever they desire. As an alternative to decrees, ministries of health should run
nationwide healthy eating campaigns

(Word count: 299)

2. 08/05/2021
Question: It is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in
order to prevent illness than to spend it on treatment of people who are already ill. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?


Perennial impact on society Ảnh hưởng lâu dài tới xã hội

Financial capacity Khả năng tài chính

Diagnostic tests Khám chẩn đoán bệnh

Prescribed medications Đơn thuốc chỉ định/ thuốc kê đơn

Interpretation of the results and

Giải thích kết quả và tư vấn

Disease prevention initiatives Kế hoạch/dự án phòng bệnh

Hygienic and cardiovascular benefits Lợi ích vệ sinh và tim mạch

Rates for hospitalisation Tỷ lệ nhập viện

A stretched budget Ngân sách thiếu hụt

Governmental financial aid Sự hỗ trợ tài chính từ chính phủ

Promulgate Ban hành

The participation and involvement of all Sự tham gia của tất cả các cơ quan chính
political bodies trị
Some people have proposed that a higher proportion of the national budget should be
allocated to support those in need at hospitals. However, I believe healthy lifestyle
promotion programs must be prioritised considering their perennial impact on society.

On the one hand, governmental support is critical to the recovery of patients whose
treatment costs exceed their financial capacity. For example, the medical treatment
process for a cancer patient includes numerous costly procedures, starting with the
conduct of diagnostic tests, the use of prescribed medications, and ending with
interpretation of the results and counselling. In Vietnam, the total sum of these medical
and non-medical expenses can total over $50,000, which is unaffordable for the majority
of Vietnamese working families. Therefore, to ensure proper treatment, the Vietnamese
government must provide monetary support to these patients through insurance
schemes or the Red Cross organisation.

On the other hand, health promotion and disease prevention initiatives can produce
greater long-term social impact. Many of these initiatives, such as those executed by the
WHO in Cambodia, have successfully provided locals with essential health information
related to nutrition, along with the hygienic and cardiovascular benefits of regular
exercise. As the number of Cambodians who adopt healthy diets and preventive
measures against diseases are on the rise, the rates for hospitalisation have witnessed a
remarkable drop in recent years. Cambodia has, therefore, reduced financial demand for
the construction of hospitals and clinics, allocating a greater proportion of a stretched
budget to other critical sectors such as education and social equality.

In conclusion, although some patients might benefit from governmental financial aid, I
opine that programs which promote a healthier lifestyle are of greater importance to
society as a whole. In my opinion, governments should promulgate laws that require the
participation and involvement of all political bodies to support these programs.

(Word count: 303)

3. 22/1/2022
Question: In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some
people think that the government has the responsibility to solve this problem. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?


Shoulder the burden Gánh chịu một gánh nặng

Primary guardians Người giám hộ chính

To assume responsibility Nhận trách nhiệm cho một việc gì đó

The power and resources to enact laws Quyền lực và tài nguyên để ban hành luật
or policies pháp và chính sách

To promulgate sth Ban hành một điều gì đó

Sugary drinks and food Đồ uống và thực phẩm có đường

To rectify sth Giải quyết, sửa sai một việc gì đó

Shirk an obligation Trốn tránh trách nhiệm

Perpetually remain obese Duy trì bệnh béo phì kéo dài

Ailments associated with obesity Các bệnh liên quan tới béo phì

Legitimate power Quyền lực hợp pháp

Directly accountable Có trách nhiệm trực tiếp

Dietary and exercise habits Thói quen ăn kiêng và tập thể dục
The problem of childhood obesity and its consequences for physical health has become a
pressing issue globally, with some arguing that the government is primarily
responsible. While this assertion is reasonable to some extent, I would contend that the
parents should take some responsibility as well as they are the primary guardians of their

It is valid to assert that the government should assume responsibility for tackling the
problem of child obesity. States have the power and resources to enact laws or
policies that can actively promote a healthier lifestyle and therefore curb the obesity rate
among children. Consequently, children can be compelled to comply with these policies
and change their habits to live more healthily and lose weight. To give an example, the
Vietnamese government has recently promulgated a directive that requires local schools
to provide healthy school meals, encourages children to engage in physical activities and
prohibits the advertising and sharing of sugary drinks and food. This is intended to curb
the obesity rate among children in Vietnam, which has been rising in the past decade.

However, the parents of these children should assume a secondary role in rectifying this
problem as well. Since they are already the primary guardians responsible for feeding and
taking care of their offspring, it is only natural for parents to monitor their diet and
commitment to exercise. If parents shirk these obligations, then their children are more
likely to remain obese and in poor health in the long-term. For example, a recent survey
has reported that the majority of European parents typically encourage their children to
engage in weekly exercise programs to ensure that they will maintain a healthy weight.
They believe in this way, children can physically develop normally and not be greatly
affected by ailments associated with obesity.

In conclusion, while the government should take a leading responsibility in tackling the
problem of child obesity given their legitimate power in enacting laws, I would ultimately
assert that the parents should also share this burden as they are more directly
accountable for their children’s health in terms of their dietary and exercise habits.

(Word count: 353)

4. 12/2/2022
Question: More and more people are choosing to eat healthy food and making time to
exercise regularly. Why is this happening and what can we do to encourage this?


The growing popularity of sth Sự phổ biến ngày càng tăng của một cái gì đó

Sự ảnh hưởng của phương tiện thông tin đại

The influence of mass media

Be further encouraged Được thúc đẩy thêm

Enact legislation and incorporate more Ban hành luật và kết hợp nhiều hoạt động
physical activities into schools thể chất hơn vào trường học

To impose a tax on sth Đánh thuế cái gì đó

Far-reaching impact Tầm ảnh hưởng sâu rộng

New standards of beauty Quy chuẩn sắc đẹp mới

To imitate sth/sb Bắt chước ai đó/cái gì đó

Diet and exercise regimens Chế độ ăn kiêng và tập thể dục

To stay in good shape Duy trì vóc dáng đẹp

To promulgate a tax Ban hành một loại thuế

Naturally produced foods Thực phẩm sản xuất tự nhiên

Embracing wholesome lifestyles Thực hiện lối sống lành mạnh

The growing popularity of healthy diets and more regular exercise is the result of the
influence of the mass media. This trend can be further encouraged by enacting
legislation to incorporate increased physical activities into schools and by imposing a
tax on processed foods.

The growing awareness of healthy lifestyles can be ascribed to the far-reaching impact of
mass media. It is now common to watch movies and TV shows featuring celebrities who
are fit, implicitly introducing new standards of beauty that are often attainable. Hence,
audiences may try to research and imitate the diet and exercise regimens of well-known
celebrities and become healthier in the process. This can be observed widely in numerous
health magazines such as Men’s Health and Women’s Health that cater to this desire by
publishing the daily fitness routines and meal plans of stars. Fans can then read these
magazines online and adopt the routines to learn the best practices of successful role
models and consistently stay in good shape.

In order for this trend to continue to flourish, definitive steps must be taken by the
government. The first is to introduce legislation that requires more physical activities to
be taught at school. This can include sports such as football, basketball and other typical
exercises such as jogging. By creating additional activities for schoolchildren to engage
in, the fitness level of a nation’s population can be better maintained in the long-term. The
second measure would be for the state to promulgate a tax on the purchase of processed
food products. As consumers may be unwilling to pay more given the higher price, such a
reform would encourage them to buy naturally produced foods and in turn embrace
healthier eating habits.

In conclusion, thanks to mass media, more people are embracing wholesome

lifestyles and this can be further encouraged by mandatory physical education at school
and taxes on processed food. It is crucial that the last solution be affordable in order to
enjoy widespread adoption.
(Word count: 329)
5. 3/3/2022
Question: Some people think scientific research should focus on solving world health
problems. Others think that there are more important issues. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.


More pressing problems Nhiều vấn đề cấp bách hơn

Adequate attention Sự quan tâm đầy đủ

To find it difficult for sth Cảm thấy cái gì đó khó khăn

Protected from diseases Được bảo vệ khỏi bệnh tật

New and more affordable alternatives Các lựa chọn thay thế mới và rẻ hơn

Medication Thuốc thang

To administer a vaccine Tiêm vắc xin

By a considerable margin Bằng một khoảng đáng kể

More deserving of attention Đáng được quan tâm hơn

To suffer from crop shortages Chịu sự thiếu hụt thu hoạch từ mùa vụ

Withstand harsh conditions Chịu được các điều kiện khắc nghiệt

Vấn đề nguy hiểm ảnh hưởng tới sức

Plights on global health
khỏe toàn cầu
It is argued that scientific research should be devoted to addressing global health issues,
but there are some who contend that there are more pressing problems to focus on. This
essay discusses both sides of this argument and why I partially agree with the latter

To begin with, some argue it is important that adequate attention is given to solving global
health issues. Currently, there are many people who are finding it difficult to
afford medicine to be protected from diseases. To address this, scientists could strive to
devise new and more affordable alternatives so that those people can live healthily in the
long-term. This is evident with the Hepatitis B vaccine, as prior to its
invention medication for treating the virus was expensive. However, once the vaccine was
presented as a more affordable option, more people were then administered the
vaccine and the infection rate had decreased by a considerable margin.

However, others argue that there are other issues that are more deserving of
attention from scientific research. One of them is global famine, as there are some regions
in the world that are suffering from crop shortages due to numerous factors such as poor
soil quality and pests. Therefore, scientific research could be devoted to creating new
genetically-modified crops that could withstand harsh conditions. Another critical issue is
global warming, as it could pose a greater threat to all life on Earth than most plights on
global health. Hence, scientific research could be valuable in finding the causes of it as well
as relevant solutions to curb the effects of it.

In conclusion, I agree that while it is important that scientific research should be dedicated
to solving global health problems, there are more critical issues that need to be addressed
such as reducing famine and mitigating global warming.

(Word count: 302)

6. 25/02/2023
Question: An increasing number of people are choosing cosmetic surgery/ plastic surgery.
Why do people have operations to change the way they look? Do you think this is a positive
or negative development?


Cosmetic operations Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ

Correct physical deformities Chỉnh sửa các dị tật về thể chất

Congenital defects dị tật bẩm sinh

Acquired deformities Dị tật mắc phải

Breast augmentation Nâng ngực

Nose reshaping Chỉnh sửa, định hình mũi

Liposuction Hút mỡ

Complications from anesthesia Biến chứng do gây mê

Lengthy hospital stay Thời gian nằm viện kéo dài

Unrealistic beauty standards Tiêu chuẩn sắc đẹp phi thực tế

Societal pressure Áp lực xã hội

Mental trauma Chấn thương tinh thần

Cosmetic operations Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ


More people are opting for cosmetic operations to alter their physical appearance. There are two
reasons behind this tendency including the desire to correct physical deformities and enhance
their self-esteem. However, I believe that it has detrimental impacts on people’s physical and
mental well-being.

To commence with, there are two driving factors why more individuals tend to undergo
plastic surgery. Chief of these is that some want to address their physical imperfections.
More specifically, some people have congenital defects or acquired deformities due to injuries
or illnesses, and may want to undergo surgery to correct these conditions. Another justification
is that they wish to boost their self-esteem. By undergoing procedures such as breast
augmentation, nose reshaping or liposuction, people can feel more confident about
themselves when it comes to their appearance. As such, they can be motivated to have
conversations with others or participate in the entertainment industry.

Nevertheless, I maintain that this propensity has several drawbacks. Most noticeably,
people’s physical health can be adversely affected. This is because cosmetic surgery carries a
number of risks, including infection, scarring and complications from anesthesia. Therefore,
people could suffer from these potential threats, deteriorating their well-being. A case in point is
the Brazilian model Andressa Urach, who suffered life-threatening complications after receiving
injections of hydrogel to enhance her buttocks. The injections led to a severe infection that
spread to her legs, and she required multiple surgeries and a lengthy hospital stay to recover.
Furthermore, this trend can also have negative impacts on their mental health. Especially, when
the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery stems from unrealistic beauty standards or societal
pressure which constantly changes, people are likely to be obsessed with perfecting themselves
and feel depressed as they consider that their altered appearance is not up to that standard.

In conclusion, a rising number of people prefer cosmetic surgery to transform their

physical appearance since they yearn to correct physical deformities and boost their self-
confidence. Nonetheless, I contend that it poses a threat to individuals’ holistic health. It is
advisable that only deformities that affect individuals’ well-being should be corrected and
elective surgeries require counseling beforehand to avoid unnecessary mental trauma.
(Word count: 359)
1. 06/11/2021
Question: The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the
cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. 26/2/2022
Question: Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the
protection of wild animals and that this money could be better spent on the human
population. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
3. 28/05/2022
Question: Some human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some
people think it is too late to do anything about this problem while others think effective
measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your
4. 04/06/2022
Question: Environmental damage is a problem in most countries. What factors damage
the environment and who should take responsibility?
5. 22/10/2022
Question: The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the
cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
6. 25/03/2023
Question: Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are
banned in the city center. Public transportation like buses, taxis and metros are advised.
To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
1. 06/11/2021
Question: The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the
cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Harmful fumes Khói độc hại

Global awareness campaign Chiến dịch nâng cao nhận thức toàn cầu

Emissions from private vehicles Khí thải từ các phương tiện cá nhân

Distance and frequency at which people Khoảng cách và tần suất mọi người di
travel on the roads chuyển trên đường

Cost per kilometer Phí trên mỗi ki lô mét

Cost-effective and greener means of Phương tiện giao thông tiết kiệm chi phí
transportation và thân thiện môi trường

Noxious fumes Khói độc

Solve a limited part Giải quyết một phần

Complex environmental issues Các vấn đề môi trường phức tạp

Environmental cost of their shopping Hậu quả lên môi trường do thói quen
habits mua sắm

Consumption of noxious chemicals Sự tiêu thụ hóa chất độc hại

Greener cultivating and manufacturing Phương pháp trồng trọt và sản xuất thân
methods thiện môi trường hơn

Many people argue that an increase in fuel prices will solve the problem of the
environment. While this idea could help reduce the amount of harmful fumes, I maintain
that a global awareness campaign is the most feasible option.

On the one hand this policy might help cut down the emissions from private
vehicles which pollute the air in big cities. Indeed, as the cost per kilometer increases,
people would have to consider reducing the distance and the frequency at which they
travel on the roads. If there is a need to travel, commuters might also turn to more cost-
effective and greener means of transportation such as buses or electric bikes. In both of
these cases, the total amount of noxious fumes that cause air pollution is limited.

However, an increase in fuel prices can only solve a limited part of the complex
environmental issues. In fact, causes of pollution are diverse, involving the use of plastic
bags in shopping or chemicals in both agriculture and industry which contaminate both
water and land. Therefore, the most effective solution would be running a world-wide
campaign that raises the consumer awareness about the environmental cost of their
shopping habits and presses companies to reduce the consumption of noxious
chemicals and resolve to greener cultivating and manufacturing methods.

In conclusion, while increasing fuel costs can partly solve the environmental problems
by discouraging private vehicle usage, the ideal solution would be making the public and
enterprises aware of these issues. I am also convinced that once more resolute
actions are taken, humans can reverse the effect of climate change and environmental

(Word count: 268)

2. 26/2/2022
Question: Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the
protection of wild animals and that this money could be better spent on the human
population. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Wildlife protection Bảo vệ động vật hoang dã

The delicate balance of the ecosystem Sự cân bằng mong manh của hệ sinh thái

Sole food source Nguồn thực phẩm duy nhất

Completely extinct Hoàn toàn tuyệt chủng

Disrupting the food chain Làm gián đoạn chuỗi thức ăn

Understated Không được đánh giá cao

Native bird species Các loài chim bản địa

To facilitate human development Để tạo điều kiện cho con người phát triển

Other facets of human society Các khía cạnh khác của xã hội loài người

To bolster these sectors Để tăng cường các lĩnh vực này

Marked improvements in the quality of

Cải thiện rõ rệt về chất lượng cuộc sống

A financial crisis Khủng hoảng tài chính

An investment in preserving animals Đầu tư vào bảo tồn động vật

It has been observed that a large amount of time and funding has been allocated
towards wildlife protection. However, some argue that this funding could be put to better
use towards helping humanity. In this essay, I will explain my thoughts as to why I partially
agree that time and money could be better spent on helping humanity.

On the one hand, the protection of wild animals can maintain the delicate balance of the
ecosystem. If one animal species becomes completely extinct, other species may suffer
from a lack of food as these preys may be their sole food source and then consequently
become extinct themselves, massively disrupting the food chain. Hence the protection of
wild animals cannot be understated and requires adequate funding and time for it to
continue in the long-term. This can be observed in the US, where the Conservation Reserve
Program assisted in increasing the population of native bird species such as ducks, grouse
and pheasants, owing to the abundant amount of money and time dedicated by the
government to supporting this program.

On the other hand, there are more important sectors to allocate funding to in order to
facilitate human development. While the protection of wild animals may not have a direct
effect on supporting humanity, there are other facets of human society that do, such as
infrastructure, healthcare and education. By devoting enough money and time to
bolstering these sectors, there can be marked improvements in the quality of life for the
human population. Venezuela for instance, is currently facing a financial crisis that started
in 2013 which has led to the country struggling to improve the quality of life for its
citizens. Thus, they have to prioritise meeting their citizens’ basic needs before devoting
funding to protecting native wildlife.

In conclusion, I somewhat believe that though an investment in preserving animals may

somehow maintain the balance of the ecosystem, our time and money should be more
justifiably spent on important sectors of the economy to improve people’s living standards.

(Word count: 336)

3. 28/05/2022
Question: Some human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some
people think it is too late to do anything about this problem while others think effective
measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Flora and fauna species Các loài thực vật và động vật

Lessen their detrimental impact Giảm bớt tác động bất lợi của họ

Endangered creatures Sinh vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng

A shortage of food Sự thiếu lương thực

Unstoppable death Cái chết không thể ngăn cản

Ameliorate environmental issues Cải thiện các vấn đề môi trường

Pose a threat to natural habitats Đe dọa môi trường sống tự nhiên

Laws on industrial waste management Luật quản lý chất thải công nghiệp

Aquatic creatures Sinh vật dưới nước

Compensate for environmental damage Bồi thường thiệt hại cho môi trường

It is true that a great number of flora and fauna species are adversely affected by human
activities. Although some believe that it is pointless to tackle this issue as no solution will
ever be effective, I argue that people can still implement viable solutions to ameliorate it.

On the one hand, the notion that there is nothing for humans to do to lessen their
detrimental impact on the existence of plants and animals is sound to some extent. The
main reason is that some species have become extinct even before human intervention.
This is evident with how the dinosaurs were killed off by an asteroid that struck the Earth
65 million years ago, long before human beings became their own species. As well as this,
plenty of endangered creatures are predicted to vanish despite the measures taken by
human beings. This is because many food chains are detrimentally affected by the
disappearance of certain vegetation and animals in the ecosystem, leading to a shortage
of food and then the unstoppable death of other organisms.

On the other hand, opponents believe that human beings can adopt measures to
ameliorate environmental issues. First and foremost, the governments can enact laws to
ban illegal acts that pose a threat to natural habitats. For example, the Vietnamese
government introduced laws on industrial waste management in 2001, which deterred
factories from discharging waste into rivers and oceans without proper treatment
processes, and thus successfully improved the water quality in industrial areas to protect
a significant number of aquatic creatures. Furthermore, individuals can compensate for
their environmental damage. To be more specific, they can construct reserves for hunted
animals or plant trees to restore deforested areas to protect the numbers of animals dying
out and recover the ecosystem. As a result, numerous species can be saved in time and
avoid becoming extinct.

In conclusion, although both sides have some ground reasons, I personally think that
human beings should be responsible for the protection of wildlife by abiding by
environmental regulations and rehabilitating nature. To that end, it would be ideal if
international bodies such as the UN would encourage all people to play their part in
preserving the existence of animals and plants.

(Word count: 368)

4. 04/06/2022
Question: Environmental damage is a problem in most countries. What factors damage
the environment and who should take responsibility?


Inflict environmental degradation Gây suy thoái môi trường

Chemical effluents Nước thải hóa học

By-products of industries Sản phẩm phụ của các ngành công nghiệp

Floral species Loài hoa

Food and housing needs Nhu cầu thức ăn và nhà ở

A massive loss of vegetative cover and Sự mất đi nhiều lớp phủ thực vật và cây
trees cối

Impose stricter legislation Thực hiện luật pháp nghiêm ngặt hơn

Industrial plants Nhà máy công nghiệp

Ameliorate the water quality Cải thiện chất lượng nước

The enforcement of land recovery Việc cưỡng chế thu hồi đất

Environmental deterioration Sự suy thoái môi trường


One of the most severe issues that the majortiy of nations face is ecological degradation.
It is attributed to two key circumstances relating to human activities including
industrialization and deforestation for intensive land use; therefore, both manufacturing
companies and individuals have to be accountable for environmental conservation.

There are two principal factors that inflict environmental degradation. The main one is
the industrial waste discharged from manufacturing. More specifically, chemical effluents,
which are by-products of industries, are discharged into bodies of water without having
undergone proper treatment methods, causing water pollution and subsequently harm to
aquatic life. Another influence is deforestation for other land uses such as agriculture and
infrastructure. Fauna and floral species are cleared to make room for cropland and
accommodation to cater to the increasing food and housing needs triggered by the rising
population. As a result, there is a massive loss of vegetative cover and trees, leading to
ecological imbalance.

Therefore, both industrial firms and individuals should be accountable for preserving the
environment for the damage they caused to it, but only governments can solve it
effectively. First and foremost, they can impose stricter legislation to deter factories from
releasing chemical waste into the environment. For example, the Vietnamese government
enacted a decree on industrial waste control under the Environmental Protection Law
2020, successfully reducing the amount of toxic waste from industrial plants and
significantly ameliorating the water quality of rivers. Furthermore, laws against
deforestation can be introduced by states to avoid detrimental impacts on the natural
habitats of animals and plants. To be more specific, it should be made compulsory for
residents to farm and erect their houses in certain areas which are far removed from
wildlife. This can be implemented by introducing punishments such as the enforcement
of land recovery and monetary fines for those who break the laws.

In conclusion, environmental deterioration is ascribed to industrial processes and

deforestation; thus, industrial companies and individuals should be responsible for
environmental damage. However, viable measures must be taken by governments such as
the enactment of legislation for industrial safety and land use to tackle it successfully. It is
advisable that the governments of different nations should make a collective effort to
tackle ecological harm more effectively. (Word count: 370
5. 22/10/2022
Question: The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the
cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Harmful fumes Khói độc hại

Global awareness campaign Chiến dịch nâng cao nhận thức toàn cầu

Emissions from private vehicles Khí thải từ các phương tiện cá nhân

Distance and frequency at which people Khoảng cách và tần suất mọi người di
travel on the roads chuyển trên đường

Cost per kilometer Phí trên mỗi ki lô mét

Cost-effective and greener means of Phương tiện giao thông tiết kiệm chi phí
transportation và thân thiện môi trường

Noxious fumes Khói độc

Solve a limited part Giải quyết một phần

Complex environmental issues Các vấn đề môi trường phức tạp

Environmental cost of their shopping Hậu quả lên môi trường do thói quen
habits mua sắm

Consumption of noxious chemicals Sự tiêu thụ hóa chất độc hại

Không khuyến khích sử dụng phương tiện

Discourage private vehicle usage
cá nhân
Many people argue that an increase in fuel prices will solve the problem of the
environment. While this idea could help reduce the amount of harmful fumes, I maintain
that a global awareness campaign is the most feasible option.

On the one hand this policy might help cut down the emissions from private
vehicles which pollute the air in big cities. Indeed, as the cost per kilometer increases,
people would have to consider reducing the distance and the frequency at which they
travel on the roads. If there is a need to travel, commuters might also turn to more cost-
effective and greener means of transportation such as buses or electric bikes. In both of
these cases, the total amount of noxious fumes that cause air pollution is limited.

However, an increase in fuel prices can only solve a limited part of the complex
environmental issues. In fact, causes of pollution are diverse, involving the use of plastic
bags in shopping or chemicals in both agriculture and industry which contaminate both
water and land. Therefore, the most effective solution would be running a world-wide
campaign that raises the consumer awareness about the environmental cost of their
shopping habits and presses companies to reduce the consumption of noxious
chemicals and resolve to greener cultivating and manufacturing methods.

In conclusion, while increasing fuel costs can partly solve the environmental problems
by discouraging private vehicle usage, the ideal solution would be making the public and
enterprises aware of these issues. I am also convinced that once more resolute actions are
taken, humans can reverse the effect of climate change and environmental problems.

(Word count: 268)

6. 25/03/2023
Question: Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are
banned in the city center. Public transportation like buses, taxis and metros are advised.
To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Reduced traffic congestion Giảm ùn tắc giao thông

Decrease in the release of carbon into the Giảm lượng khí thải carbon vào khí quyển

Traffic jams can be eased Ùn tắc giao thông có thể được giảm bớt

Travel time for public transportation Thời gian di chuyển bằng phương tiện công

Alternative forms of transportation Các hình thức vận chuyển thay thế

Reduction in traffic density Giảm mật độ giao thông

Carbon emissions Khí thải carbon

Better health outcomes Kết quả sức khỏe tốt hơn

Respiratory issues Các vấn đề về hô hấp

Burdensome Phiền toái

Occasions on which private vehicles are not allowed to be driven within the central city
for specific days are encouraged in some metropolitan areas. Therefore, people are
stimulated to utilize public transportation. I consider its benefits such as reduced traffic
congestion and a decrease in the release of carbon into the atmosphere are slightly more
significant although this practice can induce inconvenience to residents.

The first benefit of banning individual means of transportation on certain days is that it
can lessen traffic congestion. With fewer cars and motorbikes on the road, traffic jams
can be eased and travel time for public transportation can be reduced. For instance, the
annual "World Car-Free Day" that takes place on September 22nd each year encourages
people to use alternative forms of transportation instead of driving their cars, leading to
a significant reduction in traffic density worldwide.

Another advantage is the reduction in carbon emissions. As vehicles are a major source
of air pollution, limiting or banning them on certain days can significantly lessen the levels
of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter in the air. This can lead to
improved air quality and better health outcomes, especially for people with respiratory

However, as private vehicles are prohibited on certain days, it can cause inconvenience
for citizens. More specifically, people who live or work in the city center may find it
burdensome to have to use public transportation or walk long distances to get to their
destination in lieu of utilizing their own cars or motorbikes.

In conclusion, although transport-free days may trigger inconvenience for residents, I

consider its advantages including the improvement of traffic congestion and lowering of
carbon footprint are far more noteworthy since it has positive impacts on the wider
population. It is advisable that individuals should follow this practice to improve air quality
and their own health.

(Word count: 309)

1. 20/11/2021
Question: Some people think that big companies should provide sports and social facilities
for the local community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. 27/11/2021
Question: Nowadays, a lot of offices have open-space design instead of separate rooms.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
3. 12/12/2021
Question: To succeed in business, one needs to know math. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
4. 16/4/2022
Question: The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization
produce positive effects for everyone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
5. 07/05/2022
Question: Any country should be able to sell goods to other countries without the
restrictions of the government. Do you agree or disagree?
6. 29/10/2022
Question: As well as making money, businesses should also have social responsibilities.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7. 22/04/2023
Question: Supermarkets and manufacturers have a responsibility to reduce the amount
of packaging. Others believe that it is the consumer’s responsibility to avoid products with
packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
8. 29/04/2023
Question: Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think
it is a positive trend, while others think there are disadvantages. Discuss both sides and
give your opinion.
1. 20/11/2021
Question: Some people think that big companies should provide sports and social facilities
for the local community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Strengthen communal bonds Tăng cường mối quan hệ cộng đồng

In a positive light Dưới một lăng kính tích cực

Beset with professional duties Bao quanh bởi trách nhiệm công việc

Communal activities Hoạt động cộng đồng

The appropriate setting Điều kiện phù hợp

Communal house Ngôi nhà cộng đồng

The local denizens Cư dân bản địa

Festive events or recreational activities Sự kiện lễ hội hoặc hoạt động giải trí

Sự cung cấp của cơ sở vật chất cho cộng

Provision of communal facilities

A positive image Một hình ảnh đẹp/tích cực

Giving back to the community Trả lại cho cộng đồng (mang nghĩa trả ơn)

Corporate responsibility Trách nhiệm của công ty

Purchasing the company’s products in

Mua hàng loạt sản phẩm của công ty

There have been calls for large corporations to build sports and social facilities for the
local communities where they operate. In my view, I would agree on the grounds that
these facilities can strengthen communal bonds and promote a company’s image in a
positive light.

Firstly, as most people are increasingly beset with professional and familial duties, they
often lack the time to participate in communal activities and forge meaningful
connections with one another. By constructing sports and social facilities, these
companies can grant these people the appropriate setting for them to participate in
common activities. This is evident in cities well-known for quality of life such as Hanoi
where most of the parks there have been built by Vinaconex, one of the largest companies
in Vietnam. Hence, most of the local denizens are able to engage in conversation with
each other and forge new relationships during holiday seasons or through recreational
activities held in those parks.

Secondly, the provision of communal facilities can create a positive image of the
sponsoring companies. These facilities promulgate a sense that the sponsors are giving
back to the community and fulfilling public promises of social responsibility. This can
therefore build trust between these large companies and the local people. To cite one
instance, Nostrand Ltd., a latex manufacturer based in upstate New York, provided
funding for local sports centers in various towns across the state, enabling their citizens
to engage in various community-based sports. A by-product of this act is residents there
now appreciate the brand and purchase the company’s products at a higher rate.

In conclusion, large companies should be encouraged to provide sports and social

facilities for local communities as they can help strengthen communal bonds and promote
their brand. Such facilities will continue to flourish in the near future because of these
decided benefits.

(Word count: 304)

2. 27/11/2021
Question: Nowadays, a lot of offices have open-space design instead of separate rooms.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


In lieu of Thay vì

Heighten the level of distraction Nâng cao mức độ mất tập trung

The fostering of closer collaboration Thúc đẩy sự hợp tác chặt chẽ hơn giữa
among colleagues các đồng nghiệp

To congregate Tụ họp, họp nhóm

To lose focus and engagement in their Mất tập trung và mất sự kết nối với công
work việc của họ

Various pathogens Nhiều mầm bệnh khác nhau

Ample opportunity Nhiều cơ hội

Potential rate of infection Tỷ lệ lây nhiễm tiềm năng

Increased absences from work Gia tăng tỉ lệ vắng mặt/nghỉ làm

Engender better social relations Tạo ra các mối quan hệ xã hội tốt hơn

Construction and utility expenses Chi phí xây dựng và chi phí tiện ích

Fosters greater inclusion Thúc đẩy sự hòa nhập nhiều hơn

Thrive on innovation Phát triển nhờ sự đổi mới


Many modern offices are now adopting open spaces in lieu of separate working areas for
employees. While some would say that such a setting can heighten the level of
distraction as well as pose risks to employees’ health, I contend that the fostering of
closer collaboration among colleagues and reducing costs outweigh the disadvantages.

Open-space offices can result in more distractions which consequently affect productivity
and health. Owing to a lack of private space, employees often have to contend with
distractions, such as nearby conversations and co-workers congregating. These
diversions may cause them to lose focus and engagement in their work. Furthermore,
employees can potentially suffer from poorer health in an open-space office. As they are
situated closer together, it gives various pathogens ample opportunity to spread and
maximise the potential rate of infection. This can lead to increased absences from work,
which in turn may negatively affect overall productivity.

However, open-space offices engender better social relations and cost less. Having an
open office can reduce construction and utility expenses as well as the need for office
equipment. All employees can share equipment and resources such as printers and
stationery. Open-space offices can also engender closer communication and teamwork
between workers. Such an environment makes it easier for them to exchange ideas
and fosters greater inclusion. Since most businesses thrive on innovation, having all
employees in a single space can help those ideas to flow faster and get everyone involved
in the process.

In conclusion, despite the disadvantages related to loss of concentration and adverse

risks to health, I would assert these are outweighed by how such a setup can stimulate
closer collaboration between employees and reduce costs. In the near future, it is likely
offices with separate rooms will completely be phased out in favour of open offices.

(Word count: 299)

3. 12/12/2021
Question: To succeed in business, one needs to know math. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?


Tạo điều kiện cho/Làm cái gì trở nên dễ

Facilitate sth

Lay a firm foundation Tạo một nền móng vững chãi

Evidence-based decision Quyết định dựa trên bằng chứng

Biased decision Quyết định thiên kiến

Gut feeling Linh cảm, trực giác

Statistical model Mô hình thống kê

Fast-moving consumer goods Nhóm hàng tiêu dùng nhanh

Collective success Thành công chung của tập thể

Fast-moving consumer goods Nhóm hàng tiêu dùng nhanh

Billion-dollar enterprise Doanh nghiệp tỷ đô

Entrepreneur Doanh nhân

Collective success Thành công chung của tập thể

Rational calculations Những tính toán dựa trên lý trí

Many people regard math skills as a key factor to achieve success in business as
it facilitates the decision making process. However, I believe it is only one out of various
factors that contribute to business success and therefore non-essential.

On the one hand, math enables key people to make better decisions. One application of
business mathematics is to provide statistics that can predict future scenarios. These
predictions might lay a firm foundation for more informed and evidence-based
decisions, replacing biased ones based on managers’ gut feelings. For decades, Unilever
has utilised a statistical model that can forecast the supply and demand of fast-moving
consumer goods, allowing the company leaders to promptly plan production and sales of
each product category.

On the other hand, I believe that one can run a business successfully without excellent
math skills. In fact, many entrepreneurs have built billion-dollar enterprises thanks to
great personal qualities. A good example in this case is Nguyen Thanh Duc, the chairman
of NTD Group. He was known to be a disruptive student that failed almost all school
subjects including math, yet he rose to become an inspirational leader who could
motivate his employees to strive to gain collective success for the corporation. In
addition, his success is attributed to the courage to take the risks that rational
calculations, such as those that guide Unilever, would rule out. As these leadership
qualities concurred with a good fortune, his startup has evolved into a multinational
business empire, becoming market leaders in many industries including real estate,
fishery and forestry.

In conclusion, although statistical math could help make better decisions, I am of the
opinion that risk taking, inspirational personality traits and luck are crucial to drive an
enterprise to success. That is why business schools should focus more on
honoring interpersonal skills including leadership and communication.
(Word Count: 305)
4. 16/4/2022
Question: The expansion of multinational companies and increase in globalization
produce positive effects for everyone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this


Global corporations and

Các tập đoàn toàn cầu và quốc tế hóa

Bring more job opportunities Mang lại nhiều cơ hội việc làm hơn

Cross-cultural communication skills Những kỹ năng giao tiếp đa văn hóa

Be offered a decent occupation with Được mời một công việc tốt với thu nhập
lucrative incomes cao

Cross-cultural diversity Sự đa dạng văn hóa

Tackle the high unemployment rate Giải quyết tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao

Develop multi-cultural communication

Phát triển kỹ năng giao tiếp đa văn hóa

Show their empathy Thể hiện sự đồng cảm của họ

Tolerate cultural differences Chấp nhận những sự khác biệt văn hóa

Diversify investment portfolios Đa dạng hóa danh mục đầu tư

It is argued that the proliferation of global corporations and internationalization offers
benefits to all people. I strongly agree with the aforementioned statement because of
reasons relating to a higher level of employment and enhanced cross-cultural
communication skills.

One legitimate reason to support this trend is that it brings more job opportunities for
local people. Since international firms, which open their branches in different countries,
require a high level of workforce, they will need to recruit more local employees to operate
the business. As a result, the natives are offered a decent occupation with lucrative
incomes to cover their living expenses and in some cases, spend more generously on their
shopping. For example, Samsung, a renowned Korean technology corporation, has created
a large number of jobs for Vietnamese since 2018, through cooperating with the local
government to successfully tackle the high unemployment rate in Vietnam.

Another major aspect is that people have a chance to develop multi-cultural

communication skills as globalization is promoted. On a personal level, it is now easy for
workers to learn about foreign cultures and customs, enabling them to acquire more
knowledge and insight into varying international practices. As they are exposed to cross-
cultural diversity in their working environment and society, they would become more able
to show their empathy and tolerate cultural differences. At the company level,
globalization leads to a more diverse range of potential business partners and diversifies
their investment portfolios, which contributes to their profit generation. Therefore,
having global partnerships is essential for businesses to compete in the growing
international market.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that this trend is a positive development for every individual
since it offers more jobs in local areas and stimulates better cross-cultural communication.
Therefore, the government should encourage the process of globalization and
multinational companies setting up in their countries.

(Word count: 304)

5. 07/05/2022
Question: Any country should be able to sell goods to other countries without the
restrictions of the government. Do you agree or disagree?


The potential dissemination of diseases Khả năng lây lan bệnh dịch

Undergo a thorough inspection Trải qua một cuộc kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng

Receive one’s approvals Nhận được sự chấp thuận của ai

Be transmitted domestically Được truyền trong nước

Sự thịnh vượng của các doanh nghiệp địa

The prosperity of local businesses

Face fierce competition Đối mặt với sự cạnh tranh khốc liệt

Show little preference for Ít ưa thích

Make timely changes Thực hiện những thay đổi kịp thời

Yield little profits Mang lại ít lợi nhuận

Khả năng lây lan toàn cầu của các bệnh

The possible global spread of infections
lây nhiễm

It is argued that all nations should have a right to export any products to different parts of
the world without governmental interference. I totally disagree with this notion due to the
potential dissemination of diseases and the negative influence on the development of
local products.

The first and foremost disadvantage of enabling countries to distribute their products
globally with no governmental control is the spread of diseases. More specifically, as a
variety of goods are imported into a certain country, numerous dangerous fungi or
contagious viruses can be transferred along. If the importing of these commodities does
not undergo a thorough inspection by the authorities and receive their approvals, such
harmful microorganisms may be transmitted domestically, posing a threat to human
health. A case in point is the plague in England in AD 541. Due to the transporting of some
animals such as rabbits from overseas, a bacterium causing this disease was delivered into
this country, leading to thousands of deaths.

Secondly, I note that this practice will adversely impact the prosperity of local businesses.
This is because they have to face fierce competition in the national market as a wide range
of products originating from different nations offers local consumers an abundance of
choices. In other words, people may show little preference for locally–made products
since they can buy those made internationally with a greater range of designs and cheaper
prices. If local enterprises do not make any timely changes to meet consumers’ demand,
they would likely yield little profits or even collapse. Therefore, governmental supervision
should be tightened to ensure that certain products are not sold to cater to the benefits
of local firms.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that this proposal is a negative development owing to the
possible global spread of infections and the potential risk to the success of local
businesses. Therefore, it is advisable that the government impose strict control on the
export and import of global commodities.

(Word count: 325)

6. 29/10/2022
Question: As well as making money, businesses should also have social responsibilities. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?


Undertake social duties Đảm nhận các nhiệm vụ xã hội

Raise their public image Nâng cao hình ảnh công khai của họ

Entice higher-quality employees Thu hút nhân viên chất lượng cao hơn

An in-house survey Một cuộc khảo sát nội bộ

Gain acknowledgement from the

Đạt được sự thừa nhận từ cộng đồng

Receive greater support Nhận được sự hỗ trợ lớn hơn

Raise their sales Nâng cao doanh số bán hàng của họ

Further develop their franchise Phát triển hơn nữa kinh doanh của họ

Allure more people to work Thu hút nhiều người làm việc hơn

Promote their brand image Thúc đẩy hình ảnh thương hiệu của họ

Đảm bảo sự tăng trưởng bền vững của

Ensure their sustainable growth
It is argued that enterprises should undertake social duties in addition to making profits.
I completely agree with this viewpoint since they can attract more employees and raise
their public image.

The first justification for my agreement is that taking social responsibility can enable firms
to entice higher-quality employees. More specifically, qualified staff tend to favor
companies that are famous for being socially responsible as the way they treat society
potentially reflects the way they treat their workers. In other words, they might consider
that their efforts and dedication to their jobs would be appreciated. To illustrate, Vingroup,
a Vietnamese corporation which often allocates huge financial resources for charity work
in the community, appeals to numerous workers. According to an in-house survey, one of
the main reasons behind their choice to work for it is that it is praised for caring for society.

Another reason why I agree that businesses should undertake their responsibility towards
society is that this can boost their image to the public. More specifically, by willingly
cooperating with local authorities and inhabitants in preserving the environment or
fulfilling other civic duties, they can gain acknowledgement from the community and
potentially receive greater support from local people in their commercial activities. For
instance, American big-box retailer Target Corp is well known for its social responsibility
programs such as donating money to local communities in the form of education grants.
As a result, they are given enormous favour from local people, enabling them to raise their
sales and further develop their franchise.

In conclusion, I strongly advocate the idea that corporations should be accountable to

society as it can allure more people to work for them and promote their brand image. It
is advisable that companies engage in social activities to ensure their sustainable growth.

(World count: 297)

7. 22/04/2023
Question: Supermarkets and manufacturers have a responsibility to reduce the amount of
packaging. Others believe that it is the consumer’s responsibility to avoid products with
packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion?


Major retailers Các nhà bán lẻ lớn

Onus Trách nhiệm

Unnecessary wrapping Đóng gói không cần thiết

Environmentally conscious consumers Người tiêu dùng có ý thức về môi trường

Act as a deterrent to Hành động như một biện pháp ngăn chặn

Non-ecofriendly products Sản phẩm không thân thiện với môi trường

Eco-friendly casings Vỏ bọc thân thiện với môi trường

Boycott Tẩy chay

Heavily packaged Đóng gói nặng nề

Simplify packaging Đơn giản hóa bao bì

Innovative packaging designs Thiết kế bao bì sáng tạo

Compromising the product’s quality or Ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng hoặc độ an toàn
safety của sản phẩm

Minimal packaging Bao bì tối thiểu

While some argue that major retailers and producers are accountable for the reduction
in packaging, other people contend that the onus is on consumers who should avoid
products with unnecessary wrapping. The essay will elaborate on both perspectives and
the reasons why I lean towards the former.

On the one hand, individuals should be environmentally conscious consumers by not

opting for products that contain too much packaging to some extent. The first reason is
that it can act as a deterrent to the production of non-ecofriendly products. More
specifically, as they favour eco-friendly casings and boycott environmentally harmful
ones, the low sales figures of the latter can discourage manufacturers to continue
producing them and turn to produce the former instead. Furthermore, consumers are
heavily reliant on social media and reviews now when choosing products, so if they
actively promote products with less packaging, or in contrast, give negative ratings online
to those heavily packaged, then that would be very effective.

On the other hand, manufacturers and supermarkets should be responsible for the
declining volume of packaging for several reasons. Chief of these is that producers can
simplify packaging. To be more specific, they can utilize innovative packaging designs
that use less materials without compromising the product’s quality or safety. This
practice can reduce the amount of materials used, making it easier for consumers to
handle and dispose of. Another appealing justification is that supermarkets can select
products with minimal packaging or packaging made from sustainable materials. To
illustrate, they can set requirements for the packaging used by the products they sell,
such as mandating the use of recyclable materials or setting limits on the amount of
packaging allowed per product.

In conclusion, both viewpoints have their own valid arguments, however, I am of the
opinion that supermarkets and producers should bear the responsibility for reducing the
amount of packaging since they can make packaging simpler and choose goods with little
packaging or sustainable materials. It is advisable that manufacturers should implement
these measures to promote environmental awareness among citizens.

(Word count: 339)

8. 29/04/2023
Question: Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think
it is a positive trend, while others think there are disadvantages. Discuss both sides and
give your opinion.


A leading beverage brand Thương hiệu nước giải khát hàng đầu

Football tournaments Giải đấu bóng đá

Damaging effects Những nh hưởng tiêu cực

Overall event experience Kinh nghiệm sự kiện tổng thể

Excessive promotion of sponsors' images Quảng cáo quá mức hình ảnh của nhà tài trợ

Làm gián đoạn chương trình phát sóng trực tiếp

Interrupt live broadcasts of these events
của các sự kiện này

The purchase of new equipment Việc mua thiết bị mới

Payment of staff at venues Thanh toán cho nhân viên tại các địa điểm

Revenue Doanh thu

Tạo ra nhiều triển vọng việc làm hơn cho công

Create more job prospects for the public

A sporting-focused nation Một quốc gia tập trung vào thể thao

Premier facilities Cơ sở vật chất hàng đầu

Issue necessary legal frameworks and

Ban hành các khung pháp lý và quy định cần thiết
While many advocate the trend of corporations funding sports activities, others are
strongly opposed to this sponsorship. This essay will elaborate on both perspectives and
the reasons why I lean towards the former.

On the one hand, some people disapprove of advertising in sports. Their main rationale
is that companies may promote products that are harmful to the public. For example,
Budweiser, a leading beverage brand, has sponsored football tournaments around the
world to encourage the consumption of alcohol, despite scientific evidence on the
damaging effects of alcohol on drinkers' health. Furthermore, the prevalence of
advertisements during sporting events may negatively affect the overall event
experience. Excessive promotion of sponsors' images can overshadow those of great
athletes, and numerous TV ads can frequently interrupt live broadcasts of these events,
leading to a decline in the viewing experience.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that the merits of sports sponsorship
outweigh the potential disadvantages mentioned above. For sports development, it
provides essential funding for the purchase of new equipment, payment of staff at
venues, and athletes' salaries. Additionally, it can fund campaigns that promote the
benefits of physical activities, contributing to the overall growth of sports. For businesses,
sponsoring sporting events is an excellent opportunity to boost sales of their products.
This increased revenue, in turn, can be invested in the development of innovative goods
and services that effectively address consumers' problems, as well as to expand their
business, creating more job prospects for the public. Thus, it is clear that this practice is
beneficial to everyone in society.

In conclusion, although sports sponsorship might potentially lead to the promotion of

harmful products or a reduced experience of sports events, I believe it can significantly
contribute to the development of both sports and businesses. This is because more
people benefit from the enjoyment and improved well-being of a sporting-focused nation
with premier facilities, compared with those that are negatively impacted by the
association with harmful products. Therefore, governments should issue necessary legal
frameworks and regulations, including the restriction of tobacco and alcohol promotion,
for this win-win partnership to thrive. (Word count: 339)
1. 21/11/2020
Question: Some think that all entertainment TV programmes should educate people
about the importance of social issues. To what extent do you agree or disagree??
2. 19/12/2020
Question: In some countries, only few young people go to classical music concerts or play
classical music. Why is it happening? Should young people be encouraged to attend and
learn more?
3. 11/09/2021
Question: Not many young people in countries around the world go to and enjoy concerts
and plays. Why is this the case? Should they be encouraged to attend?
4. 11/06/2022
Question: Pop stars earn much more than classical music performers. Some people think
this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your
own opinion.
5. 08/10/2022
Question: The most important function of music is that it helps people reduce stress. To
what extent do you agree/ disagree?
1. 21/11/2020
Question: Some think that all entertainment TV programmes should educate people about
the importance of social issues. To what extent do you agree or disagree??


Societal problems Các vấn đề xã hội

Be of help Có ích

Popularity (n) Sự phổ biến

Segment (n) Phân đoạn

Plight (n) Cảnh ngộ, hoàn cảnh

Direct attention to sb/sth Hướng sự chú ý đến ai/cái gì

Raising awareness Nâng cao nhận thức

Unwind (v) Thư giãn

Hostile attitude Thái độ thù ghét

Weigh down sb/sth (ph.v) Khiến ai/cái gì thấy nặng nề

Alleviate (v) Làm nhẹ đi

Interference (n) Sự làm phiền

Counterproductive (adj) Phản tác dụng

It is sometimes suggested that every entertainment program shown on TV could
be used as a vehicle to highlight the importance of societal problems. Although these
shows might have a large audience, I believe an attempt to educate these specific viewers
is unlikely to succeed.

On the one hand, it seems logical that these TV shows might be of help due to
their relative popularity. For example, the live recording of the Vietnamese Rap Battle
final night reached a record audience of 1 million TV viewers and subsequently achieved
10 million views on Youtube in its first 24 hours. If this show had contained a segment
focusing on one or more social issues, such as the plight of those dealing with the floods
in central Vietnam, this information might have reached millions, directing public
attention to this campaign, potentially encouraging many to donate.

Nevertheless, I contend that raising awareness of social problems through

entertainment programmes is ineffective because of two main reasons. Firstly, most
audience members simply seek to unwind after working or studying, so they would rather
be entertained by fun easy laughs than be weighed down by complicated issues such as
climate change that might add stress rather than alleviate it. Any messages delivered,
therefore, will likely to be ignored, leaving no significant effect. Worse still, some viewers
might feel annoyed, having a hostile attitude towards the campaigns behind the
unwelcomed interference, which could make these efforts counterproductive.

In conclusion, the popularity of entertainment shows enables important issues to

attract greater public attention, but I am of the opinion that key messages would not be
effective and could turn people off. Alternatively, campaigners should use social network
sites such as Facebook with advanced tools to reach their target audience for greater

(Word count: 294)

2. 19/12/2020
Question: In some countries, only few young people go to classical music concerts or play
classical music. Why is it happening? Should young people be encouraged to attend and
learn more?


Elitist nature of sth Phẩm chất tinh hoa của một cái gì

A classical orchestra Một dàn nhạc cổ điển

Sophisticated (adj) Tinh vi, tinh túy

A keen music perception Khả năng cảm thụ âm nhạc tốt

Years of intensive training Nhiều năm đào tạo chuyên sâu

Attention span Khoảng thời gian tập trung

Infrequent practice Luyện tập không thường xuyên

Excel at doing sth Thành thạo trong việc gì

Boost creativity and concentration Tăng sức sáng tạo và độ tập trung

Classical performance Màn trình diễn nhạc cổ điển

A symphony (n) Một bản nhạc giao hưởng

Be of paramount importance Có tầm quan trọng hàng đầu

Perceive (v) Lĩnh hội, hiểu được


It is true that youngsters have little preference for classical music in some parts
of the world. This could be explained by the elitist nature of the genre itself; however, I
contend that young people should be motivated to go to live concerts or play a classical
instrument as these would help them to be more creative and attentive.
To begin with, young listeners are generally unfamiliar with classical music
mainly because it seems to be too challenging for them to comprehend complex
masterpieces or to be a part of a classical orchestra. Indeed, this genre is naturally
sophisticated, which usually demands its audiences to have a keen musical perception
and life experience, which are less common among teenagers. Meanwhile, it takes years
of intensive training for one to perform just the intro of “Nocturne” by Chopin, whereas
a complete beginner only needs a few months of infrequent practice to excel at covering
mainstream songs from Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift. These factors are the reason why
most young people are in favour of simpler types of music such as Pop or R&B.

Nevertheless, classical music should be made popular among youngsters as it has

been scientifically proven to boost creativity and concentration. Brain scanning has
revealed that classical performances ignite various parts of the brain, of which many are
linked with enhanced imagination and creative thinking. In an experiment carried out in
an Australian university, students who can play symphonies composed by Beethoven or
Mozart tend to have a longer attention span of about 30 minutes compared to only 7
minutes of other students. It seems obvious to me that these benefits are of paramount
importance and would help classical music lovers to gain an advantage in their study and

In conclusion, although classical music might be hard to perceive or play, its

merits including boosted creativity and improved focus have convinced me that
youngsters definitely should attend more classical concerts and classes. To encourage
them, schools and other educational institutions could invite famous musicians to
perform on special occasions and share their passion for this worthy musical genre.

(Word count: 351)

3. 11/09/2021
Question: Not many young people in countries around the world go to and enjoy concerts
and plays. Why is this the case? Should they be encouraged to attend?


Popularization of shorter forms of Sự phổ biến của các phương thức giải trí
entertainment ngắn hơn

Momentarily release stress Giải tỏa căng thẳng trong giây lát

Dwindling attendance rate Tỷ lệ tham gia suy giảm (từng chút một)

Proliferation Sự phát triển/gia tăng mạnh mẽ

Khả năng tập trung vào một thứ gì đó chỉ

Short attention span
trong một thời gian ngắn

To devote attention to sth Tập trung sự chú ý vào một cái gì đó

Easily distracted Dễ mất tập trung

Long-winded events Kéo dài, nhàm chán

Scientific evidence to support this Bằng chứng khoa học để ủng hộ ý tưởng
notion này

Hormone Nội tiết tố

Nồng độ cortisol trong cơ thể (đây là một

Cortisol levels
hormone gây căng thẳng)

To make an effort to do sth Cố gắng làm một điều gì đó


Recently, the attendance rate for concerts and plays is declining among young people.
This can be attributed to the popularization of shorter forms of entertainment. However,
I think young people should still be encouraged to attend as such events can allow them
to momentarily release stress.

As stated before, the main reason for the dwindling attendance rate of concerts and
plays among young people is the proliferation of shorter and more modern forms of
entertainment. As most plays and concerts last for 2 to 3 hours, it can be hard for young
people to devote their attention to them since they are easily distracted. Hence most
have turned their focus to shorter forms of entertainment such as YouTube and TikTok
videos. For example, a typical concert usually lasts for two and a half hours whereas
videos on those social platforms typically run from 10 seconds to a minute. As a result,
younger generations often do not find such long-winded events appealing.

Despite this, young people should still be motivated to attend concerts and plays as doing
so can help them to reduce stress. There is scientific evidence to support this notion as
psychologists have found that watching a musical or dramatic performance can reduce
cortisol levels in the body, which is a hormone known to cause feelings of stress and
anxiety. As a result, audience members feel more relaxed and are less likely to worry
about the pressure brought on by their hectic working schedule. It is clear from this
evidence that the case for attending concerts and plays is rather strong.

In conclusion, the low attendance for concerts and plays among young people is due to
the introduction of shorter forms of entertainment. However, I contend that they should
still make an effort to attend these types of events as they can help to reduce stress
(Word count: 308)
4. 11/06/2022
Question: Pop stars earn much more than classical music performers. Some people think
this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your
own opinion.


Earn a fortune Kiếm được rất nhiều tiền

Undergo years of intensive training Trải qua nhiều năm đào tạo chuyên sâu

On equal footing to Ngang hàng với

Contemporary mainstream singers Ca sĩ nhạc đương đại

Propagate a false notion Tuyên truyền một quan niệm sai lầm

Have a short-lived career Có một sự nghiệp ngắn ngủi

Remain at the peak of their career Ở đỉnh cao sự nghiệp của họ

Được thay thế bởi những những người

Replaced by newcomers

Giữ cho tên của họ được biết đến bởi

Keep their name known by the public
công chúng

Build up and retain the image Xây dựng và giữ vững hình ảnh

It is true that artists who perform pop music can earn significantly more money than those
performing classical music. While some argue that it is fair for them to earn a fortune;
others contend that this is unjustified. This essay will analyze both viewpoints and the
reasons why I advocate for the former.

On the one hand, this tendency is believed to be unjust for two reasons. The first is the
hard work of classical music performers. In other words, they have to undergo years of
intensive training to be proficient in playing classic instruments and performing live on
stage, thus they deserve to be paid higher or at the very least on equal footing to
contemporary mainstream singers. Moreover, it can propagate a false notion that pop
music artists are more talented. More specifically, they would likely be considered to
possess superior musical skills and knowledge than those who perform classical music
even though they both should be valued due to their certain contributions to a country’s
musical industry.

On the other hand, opponents consider it is legitimate for pop stars to earn more money
than professionals focusing on the classical genre. Their main justification is they have a
short-lived career. Compared to classical music artists who can pursue a long career path
as their skills and experience are more appreciated than their attractive appearance, pop
stars can only remain at the peak of their career for a certain period of time and easily be
replaced by newcomers. Furthermore, it is justifiable for them to earn a lot of money as
they have to spend significantly on marketing to keep their name known by the public.
For example, Son Tung MTP, a Vietnamese pop star, expended a fortune on clothes and
marketing to build up and retain the image of being trendy and stylish to attract his
audiences; therefore, he should be given a high income to afford such expenditure.

In conclusion, although both sides have their own merits, I believe that pop artists well
deserve a higher income than classical music performers considering their short-lived
careers and the expenses they bear. It is predicted that more people will exert themselves
to become pop stars in the future to enjoy a luxurious and wealthy lifestyle.
(Word count: 374)
5. 08/10/2022
Question: The most important function of music is that it helps people reduce stress. To
what extent do you agree/ disagree?


Thúc đẩy sự phát triển não bộ của một

Boost one’s brain growth

Enhance social interactions Tăng cường tương tác xã hội

Devise more innovative solutions Đưa ra các giải pháp sáng tạo hơn

Slow cognitive decline Làm chậm sự suy giảm nhận thức

Dementia Sa sút trí tuệ

Stress reduction Sự giảm căng thẳng

Share the same taste in music Chia sẻ cùng một sở thích về âm nhạc

Musical perceptions Nhận thức âm nhạc

Widen their circle of relationships Mở rộng mối quan hệ của họ

Long-lasting bonds Mối quan hệ lâu dài


It is stated that relieving people’s stress is the most vital impact of music. I completely
disagree with this notion since it is just as significantly utilized to boost one’s brain growth
and enhance social interactions.

The first justification for my disagreement is that music is more vital for stimulating brain
development. More specifically, it is believed to promote people’s ability to be creative.
According to a recent study by an Australian university, those who often listen to music or
play musical instruments can devise more innovative solutions to the same problems they
are assigned as others. In addition, music can be beneficial to people’s memory. This is
because it is scientifically proven to slow cognitive decline, leading to it being widely used
to treat people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

Furthermore, a more significant benefit of music than stress reduction is stronger social
connections. This can be explained by the fact that musical concerts and shows have
attracted numerous spectators to share the same taste in music. By participating in these
events, people are offered chances to interact with others and exchange their ideas to
express their own musical perceptions. As a result, they would likely widen their circle of
relationships by making friends with like-minded people, paving the way for long-lasting
bonds in their personal lives.

In conclusion, I strongly oppose the idea that the most pivotal role of music in people’s
lives is to ease stress because other decisive impacts are to give rise to their creativity and
social interactions. It is advisable that people use music in various fields to increase
productivity at work and improve their well-being.

(World count: 275)

1. 09/01/2021
Question: Some people think that hosting international sports events is good for the
country, while some people think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your opinion.
2. 05/06/2021
Question: Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
3. 19/06/2021
Question: Some people believe that sport has an important role in society. Others,
however, think that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some people. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
4. 17/07/2021
Question: Large companies use sports events to promote their products. Some people
think it has a negative impact on sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
5. 10/12/2022
Question: Some people believe that success in sports depends on physical ability. But
some people believe there are many factors that contribute to success at sports. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
6. 07/01/2023
Question: Some countries achieve international success by building specialized facilities
to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Is it a
positive or negative development?
7. 04/02/2023
Question: Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 09/01/2021
Question: Some people think that hosting international sports events is good for the
country, while some people think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your opinion.


Take the opportunity to boost tourism Tận dụng cơ hội để thúc đẩy du lịch

Gain global exposure Được cả thế giới biết đến

Revitalise Làm hồi sinh cái gì

Indoor athletics arenas Cung thi đấu thể thao trong nhà

International sporting games Sự kiện thể thao quốc tế

Attract a large array of Một số lượng lớn

Proliferate the sales of products and

Tăng sức bán các sản phẩm và dịch vụ

On a global stage Trên phạm vi toàn cầu

Các món ăn Việt Nam được trang trí đẹp

Beautifully garnished Vietnamese dishes

Made headlines Được lên báo, làm xôn xao dư luận

Do wonders for Tạo nên điều kỳ diệu/lợi ích cho cái gì

Come at the expense of Phải trả giá bằng các vấn đề trước mắt

Spread the risk Phân tán bớt rủi ro


International sporting events have become increasingly common in recent decades.

While some people reckon that host countries might have to deal with a sudden surge in
crime or involve themselves in an exhausting preparation process, more importantly I
believe they can take the opportunity to boost tourism.

To begin with, although events such as these are a great opportunity for countries to gain
global exposure, there are present significant challenges. Firstly, records have shown that
there is a twofold increase in crimes such as prostitution and petty theft when a country
organises an event such as the World Cup or the Olympics. Furthermore, the process of
preparing for these events is often demanding. For the World Cup 2014, it took Brazil five
years to revitalise its cities and construct various facilities including stadiums and indoor
athletics arenas to meet the world-class standard set by FIFA.

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that international sporting games can potentially
stimulate the tourism sector. By being the host, a country is able to attract a large array
of athletes and their supporters from all around the world. This sudden increase in visitors
will likely proliferate the sales of products and services such as accommodation and
transportation within the period of the events. In the longer term, it is a great chance for
the host nations to promote their culture on a global stage. For example, since the
pictures of beautifully garnished Vietnamese dishes made headlines during the SEA
Games in 2003, Vietnam has been branded as the “Kitchen of the world” and a must visit
destination for global food lovers. This obviously does wonders for the Vietnamese

In conclusion, although sports events come at the expense of a few immediate problems,
the benefits of boosted gross sales and cultural promotion are of greater significance. In
my opinion, host nations can also consider the option of sharing an event with a
neighboring country to spread the risk and still enjoy the lucrative long-term benefits.
(Word count: 335)
2. 05/06/2021
Question: Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?


Extreme sports Thể thao mạo hiểm

Legitimate potential benefits Lợi ích tiềm năng và hợp pháp

Extremities Tay chân/tứ chi

Shortage of food supplies Sự thiếu hụt nguồn thức ăn

Large-scale rescues Cuộc giải cứu quy mô lớn

Costly operation Hoạt động tốn kém

Renowned personnel Nhân sự/nhân lực có danh tiếng

Complete ban Luật cấm hoàn toàn

Prohibit Cấm

Adventure games Trò chơi phiêu lưu


Extreme sports such as rock climbing or cave diving have gained an increasing popularity
in recent years. Despite legitimate potential benefits they might offer, I am completely
for a ban of these sports considering historic damages to both players and state budget.

The main disadvantage for participants is that it puts their health at risk. Although
protective equipment and training courses have improved in recent years to support
extreme athletes, a high number of cases of severe injuries and deaths are reported every
year relative to other sports. According to a report by the Joint Hamalyan Committee,
there have been about a hundred climbers and eight thousand others who have lost their
lives on Mount Everest and at base camps respectively over the last 10 years, and
thousands of other risk-takers have lost extremities such as fingers and toes due to
extreme cold and shortage of food supplies during snowstorms.

At a social level, national governments must bear the financial burden of large-scale
rescues. Clear evidence of this comes from the costly operation to save twelve members
of a junior Thai football team who were trapped in an underground cave in 2016 while
participating in a cave diving competition. During the operation, the Thai government had
to seek the assistance of not only Thai professional scuba divers but also deep-sea diving
experts from France and Australia who were equipped with cutting-edge rescue
technology. Though the team was successfully rescued, it cost the Thai government up to
three million dollars to cover the expenses of such renowned personnel and expensive
equipment. This cost could have been saved and spent on building schools or hospitals if
dangerous cave diving had been previously banned in the country.

In conclusion, due to the detrimental effects on the athletes and governments that
extreme sports can cause, a complete ban of these games should be introduced. In my
opinion, governments should immediately close all such sites and prohibit all adventure
game organisers from operations.

(Word count: 329)

3. 19/06/2021
Question: Some people believe that sport has an important role in society. Others,
however, think that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some people. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.


Draw much attention Thu hút nhiều sự chú ý

Recreational activities Các hoạt động giải trí

Local playgrounds Sân chơi địa phương

Release pressure and tension Giải tỏa áp lực và căng thẳng

Of little significance Ít quan trọng

Bridged the gap Thu hẹp khoảng cách

Pave the way for Tạo điều kiện cho cái gì đó xảy ra

Embargo Cấm vận

Indispensable part Một phần không thể thay thế

An effective instrument Một công cụ hiệu quả

Forge initial relationships Thiết lập các mối quan hệ ban đầu

Hosting countries Nước chủ nhà


The importance of sports in society has recently drawn much attention. While many
consider them purely to be recreational activities, I believe they can contribute to a more
united world.

On the one hand, there are many individuals who play sports purely for pleasure. A clear
example in this case is the casual football matches after working hours in various
countries including Vietnam. Participants usually gather at local playgrounds or parks,
forming teams and joining amateur pick-up matches. Their motivation is simply to release
pressure and tension in a healthy and controlled way, taking a break from their everyday
responsibilities including both work and domestic tasks. Very few of them indeed have
the intention to start a career in sports or to develop professional networks when playing.
The results of these matches are also of little significance to their local communities.

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that sports are vital in uniting nations. This can be
seen in the case of the ping-pong matches that bridged the gap between the US and China
in the early 1970s. This series of matches took place in the world table tennis
championship in 1971 between players from each country, marking a thaw in pan-Pacific
relations that paved the way for a visit to Beijing by a US president. Eventually, the US
lifted the embargo on China, and both countries welcomed the resumption of more
harmonious relations. This case is evidence that sports might play an indispensable part
in easing tension and establishing relationships at an international level.

In conclusion, although the role of sports might be underestimated by many people, I

contend that they are an effective instrument to forge initial relationships between
nations. Therefore, international sporting events such as the SEA Games or the Olympics
should be better invested and prioritised by hosting countries.

(Word count: 306)

4. 17/07/2021
Question: Large companies use sports events to promote their products. Some people
think it has a negative impact on sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Discourse Cuộc tranh luận

Controversy Tranh cãi

Exert a positive influence Tạo ra ảnh hưởng tích cực

Sentiment Quan điểm

Sedentary lifestyle Lối sống ít vận động

Concerted effort Nỗ lực chung

Aerodynamics Khí động học

Passive lifestyles Lối sống thụ động

Represent a present danger Đại diện cho một mối nguy hiểm hiện tại

Substantial Đáng kể

The discourse regarding the impact of product advertising in sporting events has
generated controversy in recent years. Some argue that corporations exert a positive
influence on sports since they promote products that can encourage participation in
sports. In my estimation, I do not agree with this sentiment since corporations promote
products that enable a sedentary lifestyle.

Admittedly, corporations can use these events to promote products that will encourage
active lifestyles. To cite an example, during the 2014 World Cup, Adidas released the
official tournament ball named ‘Brazuca’ and heavily promoted it on their social media
accounts including Twitter and Instagram. The company made a concerted marketing
effort to advertise the ball’s design, aerodynamics and production process. The
marketing push behind ‘Brazuca’ during the 2014 World Cup actively encouraged viewers
to buy the ball and it sold out in Adidas stores worldwide. This encouraged and continues
to exert an influence on the exercise habits of millions around the world. This instance
clearly illustrates the positive influence corporations can exert when promoting their
products during sports events.

However, corporations have more often been known to promote products during sports
that precipitate passive lifestyles. For instance, McDonald’s was the official restaurant of
the 2012 Olympics in London. During the event, they released an exclusively branded
menu that included burgers, fries and milkshakes. According to a spokesman for the
Academy of Royal Medical Colleges, the menu was recklessly unhealthy as the average
calorie count for each item was over 900. When combined together to make a meal, the
calorie count reached upwards to 3600, which is nearly twice the recommended intake
for the average adult. Essentially, McDonald’s was promoting obesity in countries such as
England where such a lifestyle is becoming more prevalent and represents a present
danger to public health.

In conclusion, while there have been instances of corporations having a positive influence
on sports through the promotion of their products, the evidence to the contrary is more
substantial. In the future, sporting event organizers should be more discriminatory in
choosing sponsors, preferring preferably those with products that spread a meaningful

(Word count: 349)

5. 10/12/2022
Question: Some people believe that success in sports depends on physical ability. But
some people believe there are many factors that contribute to success at sports. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.


Physical talent Tài năng thể chất

Physical prowess Sức mạnh thể chất

Produce consistently outstanding results Tạo ra kết quả xuất sắc liên tục

Track and field athletes Vận động viên điền kinh

Stamina Sự bền bỉ

Surpass their competitors Vượt qua đối thủ cạnh tranh của họ

A perfect physique Một vóc dáng hoàn hảo

Sports achievements Thành tích thể thao

Mental toughness/strong mentality Tinh thần mạnh mẽ

Consider their punches Xem xét cú đấm của họ

Defend their body Bảo vệ cơ thể của họ


It is commonly argued that physical talent is the key factor to significant achievements in
sports. However, others contend that different components can make a contribution to
success in sports. The essay will elaborate on both sides of the debate before explaining
why I am in favour of the latter.

On the one hand, physical prowess plays the crucial role in achieving success in sports
competitions. This is because sportspeople can produce consistently outstanding results
in their performances when they are physically strong. For instance, track and field
athletes who have incredible muscle strength and stamina can outpace and surpass
their competitors, contributing to their victories in racing events. It is apparent that
without a perfect physique, many athletes might give up in the middle of the tournament
when they realize they cannot compete with the best and miss opportunities to break the
record or become dominant.

On the other hand, there are two other factors behind athletes’ sports achievements. The
first one is their mental toughness. More specifically, they can overcome possible setbacks
in their careers. To illustrate, Tuan Anh, a Vietnamese football player suffered from
numerous leg injuries which prevented participation in any football matches for many
years, but continued to practice everyday instead of giving up playing. Thanks to his strong
mentality, he came back and gave excellent performances, being praised as the best
Vietnamese football player in 2021. The second factor is the mastery of skills. This can be
explained by the fact that many sports require a high skill level from participants. A case
in point is boxing as two opponents have to be able to dance around a ring, carefully
consider their punches and defend their body from incoming blows.

In conclusion, although each perspective has its own merits, I am of the opinion that
mental prowess and the acquisition of varied skills are more significant factors contributing
to great achievements in sports. Therefore, it is advisable that apart from keeping
themselves physically healthy, people should build their mental strength and enhance
their skills to succeed in sports.
(Word count: 345)
6. 07/01/2023
Question: Some countries achieve international success by building specialized facilities
to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Is it a
positive or negative development?


Global prestige Danh tiếng toàn cầu

Constructing specific premises Xây dựng các tòa nhà cụ thể

Nâng cao kĩ năng của các vận động viên

Upskill elite athletes
ưu tú

Prosper Phát triển

Facilitate their capacities Thúc đẩy năng lực của họ

Outstanding sportspeople Vận động viên xuất chúng

Maximise their potential Tối đa hóa tiềm năng của họ

Give optimal performances Có sự thể hiện tốt nhất

Establish football institutions Thành lập tổ chức bóng đá

Providing community sports facilities Cung cấp các cơ sở thể thao cộng đồng

A shortage of open areas Thiếu không gian mở

An abundance of resources for free Nhiều tài nguyên để tập thể dục miễn phí
It is observed that global prestige is achieved by constructing specific premises to upskill
elite athletes in lieu of offering sports facilities for public use in some parts of the world.
I believe that this has detrimental impacts on citizens, despite the fact that it can create
favourite conditions for athletes to prosper.

On the one hand, the erection of specialized facilities for training talented athletes can
facilitate their capacities. This is because outstanding sportspeople can be given better
chances to further improve themselves, enabling them to maximise their potential.
Therefore, they can give optimal performances in global competitions and are more likely
to achieve rewards and success in sports, making great contributions to national
achievements in this field. For instance, the Vietnamese government provided funds to
establish football institutions such as Hoang Anh Gia Lai to train and support children
who have an innate ability. As a result, numerous young talented football players such as
Xuan Truong and Tuan Anh were trained intensively and excelled in football matches,
enhancing the position of Vietnam in international sports.

On the other hand, this propensity can induce two noticeable drawbacks. Chief of these
is that it adversely affects public health. More specifically, as the state budget is spent on
building facilities for training top athletes in lieu of providing community sports facilities,
there would be a shortage of open areas such as parks, gardens and squares which offer
an abundance of resources for free exercise. Consequently, fewer places are offered for
residents to exercise, potentially encouraging a sedentary lifestyle in the community and
weakening citizens’ well-being. Another drawback is that it can trigger great
dissatisfaction among citizens. As they pay taxes to enrich the government budget they
may argue they deserve to receive free fitness equipment and spaces, and may feel
discontent if the state funding is allocated to serve a small number of recipients only.

In conclusion, although investing in specialized facilities for professional sports people

only can enhance their performances and improve a nation’s standing, I maintain that its
consequences including deteriorating public health and generating dissatisfaction among
individuals in society are more significant.
(Word count: 353)
7. 04/02/2023
Question: Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?


Extreme sports/action sports Thể thao mạo hiểm

Legitimate potential benefits Lợi ích tiềm năng và hợp pháp

Protective equipment Thiết bị bảo hộ

Training courses Khóa huấn luyện

Extreme athletes Vận động viên mạo hiểm

Lost their lives Mất mạng

Extremities Tay chân/tứ chi

Shortage of supply Sự thiếu hụt nguồn thức ăn

Large-scale rescue Cuộc giải cứu quy mô lớn

Renowned personnel Nhân sự/nhân lực có danh tiếng

Prohibit Cấm (theo luật pháp)

Adventure games Trò chơi mạo hiểm


Extreme sports such as rock climbing or cave diving have gained an increasing popularity
in recent years. Despite legitimate potential benefits they might offer, I am completely
for a ban of these sports considering historic damages to both players and state budget.

The main disadvantage for participants is that it puts their health at risk. Although
protective equipment and training courses have improved in recent years to support
extreme athletes, a high number of cases of severe injuries and deaths are reported every
year relative to other sports. According to a report by the Joint Hamalyan Committee,
there have been about a hundred climbers and eight thousand others who have lost their
lives on Mount Everest and at base camps respectively over the last 10 years, and
thousands of other risk-takers have lost extremities such as fingers and toes due to
extreme cold and shortage of food supplies during snowstorms.

At a social level, national governments must bear the financial burden of large-scale
rescues. Clear evidence of this comes from the costly operation to save twelve members
of a junior Thai football team who were trapped in an underground cave in 2016 while
participating in a cave diving competition. During the operation, the Thai government had
to seek the assistance of not only Thai professional scuba divers but also deep-sea diving
experts from France and Australia who were equipped with cutting-edge rescue
technology. Though the team was successfully rescued, it cost the Thai government up to
three million dollars to cover the expenses of such renowned personnel and expensive
equipment. This cost could have been saved and spent on building schools or hospitals if
dangerous cave diving had been previously banned in the country.

In conclusion, due to the detrimental effects on the athletes and governments that
extreme sports can cause, a complete ban of these games should be introduced. In my
opinion, governments should immediately close all such sites and prohibit all adventure
game organisers from operations.

(Word count: 329)

1. 09/10/2021
Question: Schools should not force children to learn a foreign language. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?
2. 13/10/2022
Question: Many people now use language in a less formal way than in the past. Why is
that so? Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?
3. 11/03/2023
Question: The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to
outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 09/10/2021
Question: Schools should not force children to learn a foreign language. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?


Compulsory component Thành phần bắt buộc

Được tiếp xúc với văn hóa mới và đa

Be exposed to new and diverse cultures

Conduct a typical conversation Cách trò chuyện thông thường

Social fabric Kết cấu xã hội

Be compelled to do sth bị ép làm điều gì đó

Backlash from parents Phản ứng dữ dội từ phụ huynh

Môn học bắt buộc trong chương trình

Mandatory subject in a curriculum
giảng dạy

Oblige sb to do sth Ép ai đó làm điều gì đó

Put an emphasis on sth Đặt trọng tâm lên một cái gì đó

Ngôn ngữ cầu nối giữa hai người không

Lingua franca
nói cùng tiếng mẹ đẻ

Linguistic similarities between their Sự tương đồng về ngôn ngữ giữa tiếng
mother tongue and foreign languages mẹ đẻ và ngoại ngữ

Bilingual people Những người nói được hai ngôn ngữ


Most schools globally include learning a foreign language as a compulsory component of

their curriculum. However, I do not believe that students should be forced to learn a
foreign language since it will unnecessarily add to the already enormous pressure
students are currently facing with their schoolwork.

Admittedly, one important benefit a student can gain in learning new languages is that
they can be exposed to new and diverse cultures. As language is a defining characteristic
of a nation’s culture, students can acquire a deeper understanding of how the citizens of
that nation typically communicate with each other and by extension how their society
operates culturally. For example, by learning French, students can form an impression of
the way the French conduct a typical conversation in their language. Once they are fluent
in French, they can begin to understand the social fabric of the country and how the
language helps to hold it together.

However, the argument that students should not be compelled to learn foreign
languages is decidedly stronger. The biggest reason for this is it greatly contributes to the
already significant volume of schoolwork. Since students are often subjected to a hectic
teaching curriculum with mounting homework and in-class assignments, the addition of
a foreign language as a core subject may make it even more difficult for students to study
effectively. Recently, the Vietnamese Ministry of Education attempted to incorporate
English into the national curriculum for elementary students. However, it was met
with backlash from parents as they complained that their children are already burdened
with a heavy workload from other subjects.

In conclusion, I would assert that students should not be compelled to learn a foreign
language since it will add unnecessary pressure to the growing levels of schoolwork they
are currently facing. Instead, it is advisable that schools should make it optional to learn
foreign languages and students should be encouraged to do so, not made to do it against
their will.

(Word count: 326)

2. 13/10/2022
Question: Many people now use language in a less formal way than in the past. Why is
that so? Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?


An inclination towards verbal Khuynh hướng giao tiếp bằng lời nói

The proliferation of the Internet and Sự phổ biến của Internet và các thiết bị di
mobile devices động

Texting language Ngôn ngữ nhắn tin

Abbreviated words Từ viết tắt

Transition to Chuyển sang

Relics of the past Di tích của quá khứ

Critical negatives Tác động tiêu cực nổi bật

Academic performances Kết quả học tập

Standardized tests Các bài kiểm tra tiêu chuẩn hóa

The validity of the document Tính hợp lệ của tài liệu


Recent decades have witnessed the growing use of informal language in a variety of
contexts. This can be attributed to an inclination towards verbal communication and the
prevalence of the Internet. I am more inclined to the view that the drawbacks, such as
lower academic results and reduced formality in enterprises stemming from this
tendency, are more significant.

Firstly, there are two main reasons why informal language is increasingly preferred in the
contemporary world. The first one is that many individuals today prefer spoken
communication. Face-to-face conversations, which naturally involve more informal
language, are more likely to be prioritized today since they are convenient and
fast. Another explanation is that the proliferation of the Internet and mobile devices
greatly reduces formal language use. Online, texting language often includes emojis,
idioms, figures of speech, typos, and abbreviated words. As most businesses transition to
online forms of communication including email and video calls, formal forms of language
as in physical letters, have become relics of the past.

However, the prevalence of informal language engenders two critical negatives. First and
foremost, this development can adversely affect the academic performances of students.
Many students today tend to utilize informal forms such as abbreviated words or slang in
essays and assignments that require a greater level of formality. Consequently, their
academic results are often lower on standardized tests, potentially affecting their overall
learning progress. The second drawback is a possible lack of formality in business contexts.
For instance, if a contract between two companies is written in an informal manner, it
would not only appear unprofessional but it might also lead to legal challenges as to the
validity of the document.

In conclusion, more people use language in a less formal manner these days due to the
convenience of oral communication and the advent of the Internet. Nevertheless, I am of
the opinion that this trend has more downsides as it can pose a threat to
learning outcomes and business dealings.

(World count: 326)

3. 11/03/2023
Question: The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to
outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The lingua franca Ngôn ngữ chung

Facilitate smoother communication Tạo điều kiện giao tiếp tốt hơn

The loss of linguistic diversity and cultural

Sự mất đi sự đa dạng ngôn ngữ và di sản văn hóa

Preserve their native languages and cultures Bảo tồn ngôn ngữ và văn hóa bản địa của họ

International trade Thương mại quốc tế

Diplomacy Ngoại giao

Be proficient in Thành thạo

Mutual misunderstandings Hiểu lầm lẫn nhau

Have a good command of Thông thạo, hiểu biết

A high earning potential Tiềm năng thu nhập cao

It is argued that the benefits of English becoming the lingua franca are more significant than its
drawbacks. Although this tendency can pose a threat to some minority languages, I mostly agree
with this notion since it facilitates smoother communication and employment opportunities.

Admittedly, the widespread use of English leads to the loss of linguistic diversity and cultural
heritage. As more people learn and speak English, fewer people may be interested in preserving
their native languages and cultures. A case in point is the language Ainu, spoken by the
indigenous Ainu people of Japan, which is now critically endangered, with only a few hundred
speakers remaining because of the popularity of English. In other words, these people have the
focus on English learning and sacrifice the opportunity to continue education in Ainu language
and even Japanese. Consequently, the traditional values delivered in the Ainu language such as
singing in a chorus can disappear.

Nevertheless, the first reason why I believe the propensity to utilize English as an international
language is beneficial is because it can enhance communication among individuals. This is
because this language can be easily spoken and understood around the world, making it easier
for citizens from different countries and cultures to communicate with each other. This facilitates
international trade, diplomacy and travel across the globe. For instance, being proficient in
English enables those who travel to a foreign nation to converse with locals effectively and avoid
potential conflicts triggered by mutual misunderstandings.

Another justification for my agreement is that job opportunities can be widened. As English
fluency is often a requirement for jobs in international business and the tech industry, having a
good command of it enables people to acquire better employment opportunities with a high
earning potential. To illustrate, a job candidate who is proficient in English has an advantage over
others in the job market since businesses that have a global presence require their employees to
converse with others in English.

In conclusion, although I admit that the global expansion of the English language can trigger the
extinction of some native languages, its merits including the enhancement of interpersonal
communication and career opportunities are more substantial. It is advisable that people should
improve their English skills and knowledge to be better prepared for their future.

(Word count: 380)

1. 30/10/2021
Question: Scientists believe that computers will become more intelligent than human
beings. Some people find it is positive while others think it is a negative development.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
2. 11/12/2021
Question: Internet access helps young people and workers achieve their education and
work goals more easily than before. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3. 10/09/2022
Question: Some people believe that technology causes more problems for modern
society than it solves. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
4. 24/09/2022
Question: Some people say we do not need printed newspapers anymore. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
5. 26/11/2022
Question: Many people think modern communication technology is having some
negative effects on social relationships. Do you agree or disagree?
6. 14/01/2023
Question: Video records are better to learn about the way other people in the world live
than written documents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7. 18/02/2023
Question: Technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you
think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
8. 01/04/2023
Question: More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to
get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or
negative development?
1. 30/10/2021
Question: Scientists believe that computers will become more intelligent than human
beings. Some people find it is positive while others think it is a negative development.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Advent of artificial intelligence Sự phát triển của trí tuệ nhân tạo

Advancements to computer technology Sự phát triển của công nghệ máy tính

Lessen/curtail the need for sth Giảm nhu cầu cho một cái gì đó

Error prone Dễ sai sót

Make human labourers redundant Làm cho nhân công con người thừa thãi

To be hampered by sth Bị cản trở bởi một cái gì đó

Efficiency in their production process Sự hiệu quả trong quy trình sản xuất

Self-checkout machines Máy thanh toán tự động

Job opportunities for less skilled Cơ hội việc làm cho nhân công có trình
workers độ thấp

Programmed with algorithms Lập trình với thuật toán

Margin of error Phạm vi sai số

Tạo điều kiện cho doanh nghiệp phát

Facilitate business growth

The advent of artificial intelligence has brought many advancements to computer

technology and scientists predict that these computers may become more intelligent
than human beings someday. While some warn that computers may eventually lessen
the need for human workers, I still assert that this is a positive development overall
considering how they are less error prone than humans.

To begin with, the concern that computers will make human labourers redundant is valid
to a degree. As they are not hampered by any physical or mental limits, they are able to
rapidly undertake most tasks at a rate faster than humans. Realizing these advantages,
many companies have begun to steadily replace human workers to improve efficiency in
their production process. This can be seen in some convenience stores in developed
nations where human cashiers have been replaced with self-checkout machines that aid
customers in purchasing their items faster. Consequently, some see this as a negative
development as it directly threatens job opportunities for less skilled workers.

However, computers gaining more intelligence than humans may help reduce mistakes.
As computers are programmed with algorithms to accomplish particular tasks
repetitively, they are likely to make far fewer errors. Therefore, many companies utilize
these machines to ensure a steady production of their goods while maintaining quality
standards. This is evident with the use of sorting robots in the logistics industry in China.
Machines there are tasked with precisely assigning items to their designated parcels and
they can do this at a rate of 18,000 per hour with a much lower margin of error in
comparison to that of humans. Thus, computers gaining superior intelligence over
humans is a positive development as it improves product quality and facilitates business

In conclusion, despite the legitimate concerns related to computers curtailing the need
for human workers, I contend that this phenomenon is a positive development since
computers are less susceptible to errors generally. Once human beings are aware of the
challenges computers pose, they can take action to control the risks presented by such
disruptive technologies.

(Word count: 341)

2. 11/12/2021
Question: Internet access helps young people and workers achieve their education and
work goals more easily than before. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Improved educational and occupational Cải thiện tham vọng giáo dục và nghề
ambitions nghiệp

To quickly extract information Để nhanh chóng trích xuất thông tin

Pertinent to their assignments Phù hợp với bài tập của họ

A laborious process Một quá trình gian khổ

Public records office Văn phòng hồ sơ công cộng

Search for legal precedent Tìm kiếm tiền lệ pháp lý

Online archives Kho lưu trữ trực tuyến

Dissertation Luận văn

Expedite communication within

Xúc tiến giao tiếp trong các công ty

To deal with the hassle Để đối phó với rắc rối

Video conferencing applications Phần mềm tổ chức hội nghị qua video

Greater expediency in conducting

Hiệu quả cao hơn trong việc giao tiếp
concur (v) agree with
on the grounds = because
EXAMPLE attain (v) to reach / accomplish sth

Some argue that the Internet supports younger people and workers in attaining improved
educational and occupational ambitions faster than in the past. In my estimation, I
concur with this notion on the grounds that students can learn information on the
Internet more rapidly and workers can communicate more conveniently.

Firstly, students can use the Internet to quickly extract information that is pertinent to
their assignments. In the past, students had to go through the laborious process of
travelling to the library to check out written documentation relevant to their studies.
However, since the introduction of the Internet, students have been able to search for
the facts and data they need to complete their work more easily. For instance, instead of
taking a trip to a library or public records office, law students can search for legal
precedent through online archives when doing research or writing their dissertation.
Hence, more time can be saved for other aspects of the assignment.

Secondly, the Internet can expedite communication within companies. Historically,

workers almost always had to conduct meetings face-to-face, which could be rather time-
consuming and draining. However, these workers may no longer have to deal with the
hassle of organizing such meetings thanks to new online tools such as email and video
conferencing applications, which allow users to hold a call or write a virtual message to
each other at any time and any place. For example, workers can hold a conference via
Zoom as it can allow for multiple participants to join in by utilizing a computer’s web
camera, internet connection, and microphone to facilitate video calls. Hence, the
conference is more likely to run smoothly and everyone will have a better chance to
contribute to the discussion.

In conclusion, the Internet has made it easier for young people and labourers to achieve
their educational and professional targets owing to its speed in helping people find
information and its greater expediency in conducting communication within a firm. I
would suggest schools and universities create courses on how to use the Internet to
research and communicate effectively.

(Word count: 344)

3. 10/09/2022
Question: Some people believe that technology causes more problems for modern society
than it solves. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Promote inactive lifestyles Thúc đẩy lối sống không hoạt động

Innovative technologies Công nghệ tiên tiến

Be deprived of numerous jobs Bị lấy đi nhiều công việc

Robot engineers Kỹ sư robot

Be proficient at technological skills Thành thạo các kỹ năng công nghệ

Be made redundant Bị sa thải

Computer-based and digital Các hình thức giải trí dựa trên máy tính
entertainment và kỹ thuật số

Passively view screens Xem màn hình một cách thụ động

Mental health problems can be induced Các vấn đề sức khỏe tinh thần có thể
được gây ra

Deteriorates public wellbeing Làm suy giảm sức khỏe cộng đồng

Being driven out of a job Bị mất việc


It is argued that there are more issues triggered by technological advances than their
benefits. I completely agree with this notion since they cause unemployment and promote
inactive lifestyles.

The first reason why I believe the development of technology may bring more demerits
than merits is that innovative technologies can trigger an increase in the unemployment
rate. More specifically, employees are deprived of numerous jobs by advanced
technologies since they surpass their abilities in various aspects. For instance, a substantial
number of builders in Japan are being replaced by robot engineers in the building sector
since they perform with more accuracy and speed and are preferred in dangerous
situations. Additionally, as technology is applied in many jobs, workers are required to
acquire certain IT-related skills; therefore, those who are not proficient at technological
skills such as using computers or operating machines would likely be made redundant.
This would give rise to the growing rate of national unemployment.

Another justification for my argument is the prevalence of the sedentary lifestyle in

modern society. With the proliferation of computer-based and digital entertainment,
people are more likely to opt for staying at home and passively viewing screens rather
than participating in outdoor activities. Consequently, a host of physical and mental health
problems can be induced, which deteriorates public wellbeing. To illustrate, according to
a survey in 2020, Vietnamese adults tend to play electronic games after working hours and
refuse to engage in fitness activities, resulting in an increase in health problems such as
obesity and poor vision.

In conclusion, I strongly advocate the opinion that technology offers more downsides than
benefits because more people are being driven out of a job and pursuing a sedentary
lifestyle. It is advisable that more regulations on technology applied in the labour market
and the way people entertain should be imposed to mitigate the abovementioned issues.

(Word count: 309)

4. 24/09/2022
Question: Some people say we do not need printed newspapers anymore. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Greater updatability Khả năng cập nhật nhanh hơn

Provide up-to-the-minute information Cung cấp thông tin cập nhật mới nhất

Obtain current news Đọc tin tức thời sự

Occurrence Sự xảy ra

Updated instantly and continuously Cập nhật ngay lập tức và liên tục

Long process of editing and publishing Quá trình chỉnh sửa và xuất bản lâu

Emissions of pollutants Khí thải

Environmentally friendly lifestyles Lối sống thân thiện với môi trường

Paper-based articles Các bài báo trên giấy

Fall into disuse Không được sử dụng nữa

Greater updatability Khả năng cập nhật nhanh hơn

Provide up-to-the-minute information Cung cấp thông tin cập nhật mới nhất

Obtain current news Đọc tin tức thời sự


It is commonly argued that physical newspapers are no longer essential. I completely agree
with this notion due to the greater updatability of online newspapers and how
more natural resources can be saved.

The first justification for my agreement is that online newspapers would be superior to
conventional ones in terms of faster updates. More specifically, they can provide up-to-
the-minute information about events that are happening domestically and globally,
enabling Internet users to obtain current news in a matter of minutes. For example, when
the Russo-Ukrainian War broke out, the information about its occurrence and
consequences was updated instantly and continuously on different media platforms such
as TV and the Internet. On the contrary, newspaper readers have to wait for at least several
days to acquire the news about it due to the long process of editing and publishing.

Another reason why I am of the opinion that traditional newspapers could be superseded
by Internet-based news is that more natural resources can be saved. While the production
of physical newspapers requires a large amount of paper, ink used and the distribution of
newspapers by truck, the proliferation of online news would prevent a substantial number
of trees being felled and reduce emissions of pollutants into the air. As environmentally
friendly lifestyles are being favoured by more people in contemporary society, paper-
based newspapers are more likely to become obsolete.

In conclusion, I strongly maintain that paper-based articles are falling into disuse and are
not required because news in other media is a more beneficial source of information owing
to their ability to be updated quickly and save natural materials. It is advisable that the
government take action to enhance cybersecurity to ensure the veracity of news on the

(World count: 288)

5. 26/11/2022
Question: Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative
effects on social relationships. Do you agree or disagree?


Facilitate human interactions Tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho sự tương tác
của con người

The lack of genuine interaction Sự thiếu sự tương tác thật

Mischievous face Khuôn mặt tinh nghịch

Utterance Lời nói, câu nói

Outrage Sự phẫn nộ

Have a habit of communicating virtually Có thói quen giao tiếp trực tuyến

Establish trustful relationships Thiết lập các mối quan hệ đáng tin cậy

Corrupt individuals Các cá nhân xấu

Toxic and troubled online relationships Các mối quan hệ trực tuyến độc hại và
rắc rối

To raise their vigilance Nâng cao cảnh giác

Disguise Cải trang

Financial fraud Sự lừa gạt tài chính


Some hold a view that advanced communication technology is adversely affecting social
relationships. I mostly agree with this view since it can bring about
greater misunderstandings and a lack of healthy relationships although it can facilitate
human interactions.

The first justification for my agreement is that the utilization of technology in

communication has given rise to more frequent misunderstandings. More specifically,
people may misinterpret what others convey due to the lack of genuine interaction as
they converse with each other via online platforms. For instance, with a pleasant tone and
mischievous face, people can show that they are joking during face-to-face conversations;
however, if they communicate via networking sites such as Facebook in the same way,
recipients can misunderstand the same utterance and falsely believe that the sender is
angry or sarcastic instead. Therefore, there would arise growing dissatisfaction and
outrage among individuals who have a habit of communicating virtually.
Another reason why I agree that social interactions are being negatively impacted by
current communication technology is that people can find it harder to establish trustful
relationships. This is because there are numerous scammers, criminals and other corrupt
individuals who approach people on social media for nefarious purposes, making them
potentially suffer from many toxic and troubled online relationships. To illustrate, Twitter
users these days tend to raise their vigilance as they acknowledge that cybercriminals who
make friends with them in this social platform can disguise themselves as genuine citizens
who then go on to steal their personal information for financial fraud. As a result, close-
knit friendships are unlikely to be nurtured, potentially narrowing each individual’s circle
of relationships.
On the other hand, I concede that breakthroughs in communication technology can also
improve interactions between individuals. Most importantly, cutting-edge technology
allows people to engage with their connections regardless of time and geographical
constraints, thus facilitating the increase of social interactions and therefore enhancing
humans’ interpersonal relationships.
In conclusion, I strongly advocate the idea that technological advancements in
communication can jeopardize social relationships as more misunderstandings can
arise and reliable relationships can be difficult to forge. It is advisable that people should
favour face-to-face interactions to eliminate these drawbacks.
(Word count: 358)
6. 14/01/2023
Question: Video records are better to learn about the way other people in the world live
than written documents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Global lifestyles Lối sống toàn cầu

Leave a lasting impact on Để lại một tác động lâu dài lên

Limited in their availability Hạn chế, ít có sẵn

Observe things in an authentic way Quan sát mọi thứ một cách chân thực

Through a secondhand perspective Qua góc nhìn của người khác

Indelible Không thể xóa nhòa

Learning styles Phong cách học tập

Lacking in their attainability Thiếu, ít

A scarcity of Sự khan hiếm

Dietary patterns Chế độ ăn uống


It is stated that acquiring information about global lifestyles through videos is more
effective than reading written materials. Although I admit that video recordings leave
more of a lasting impact on people’s minds, I mostly disagree with this notion since
they are not suitable for all learners and limited in their availability.

Admittedly, video recordings can be a valid approach to gain a greater understanding

about different lives in various nations on account of better visualisation. To explain,
images and audio recordings enable people to observe things in an authentic way,
leaving better impressions in their minds and thus facilitating their memories. In other
words, by watching videos, they can experience these customs firsthand in lieu of
imagining them through a secondhand perspective when they read written documents.
For example, a video about the harsh living conditions of residents in Africa having to use
dirty water for household tasks and their desperate voices in the video would be more
indelible in viewers’ minds than simply text

However, there are two reasons for my disagreement. Chief of these is that learning via
videos is not an optimal medium for all types of learners. This is because those who favor
other learning styles such as reading and writing may prefer written documents instead.
Another justification is that videos are lacking in their attainability. More specifically,
numerous materials are recorded in written form only, especially about details in the past
due to the lack of technology, thus it is hard for people to access information regarding
important individuals and events through videos alone. For instance, for those who want
to research eating habits of people in a country, it is more useful for them to choose
articles or references because there is a scarcity of videos that illustrate real dietary

In conclusion, the value of video recordings is significant in terms of enhancing

visualisation; however, I maintain that they are not suitable for those who follow other
learning styles and written documents are still of importance because a wider range of
information is offered. It is advisable that people should opt for the materials that suit
their preferences and the specific topic.
(Word count: 360)
7. 18/02/2023
Question: Technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Minors Trẻ vị thành niên

Leisure hours Giờ giải trí

Reduced physical activity Hoạt động thể chất bị giảm thiểu

Poor vision Thị lực kém

Interpersonal relationships Mối quan hệ giữa các cá nhân

Socially isolated Bị cô lập về mặt xã hội

Search engines Công cụ tìm kiếm

Foster their passion for learning Nuôi dưỡng niềm đam mê học tập của họ

Digital art programs Chương trình nghệ thuật kỹ thuật số

Holistic health Sức khỏe toàn diện

Promote their sense of expression Thúc đẩy khả năng biểu đạt của họ

Under parental supervision Dưới sự giám sát của cha mẹ

Minors Trẻ vị thành niên


The way minors spend their leisure hours has been altered by advancements in
technology. Although this can detrimentally affect their overall health, I believe that its
benefits such as accessing information more easily and boosting their creativity are more

On the one hand, the tendency of children to utilize technological devices in their spare
time has an adverse impact on their general well-being. More specifically, many of the
activities that children engage in with technology are sedentary, such as playing video
games or using social media. This can lead to reduced physical activity, which in turn can
contribute to health problems such as obesity and poor vision. Furthermore, children’s
mental health can be badly affected. Since they often spend an excessive amount of time
using digital devices in lieu of interacting with others in person, their interpersonal
relationships would likely be weakened. Consequently, they become socially isolated and
suffer from mental issues such as depression and stress.

On the other hand, using technology in leisure time can be beneficial to children for two
reasons. Most noticeably, technology has made it easier for juveniles to access
information on a wide variety of subjects. To be more specific, they can use search
engines, educational apps and online libraries to learn about topics that interest them.
This can help to broaden their knowledge and foster their passion for learning. Another
justification is that it enhances creativity. This is because there are many digital tools and
apps that allow children to express themselves. For instance, they can show their artistic
side by using video editing software and digital art programs to create and share their
own works of art or videos, which can be a source of pride and satisfaction.

In conclusion, although technological advances can pose a threat to children’s holistic

health, I maintain that they can offer more noticeable advantages such as easy access to
information to broaden their knowledge and promoting their sense of expression. It is
advisable that children should be allowed to use technology in their study and personal
lives under parental supervision to mitigate its demerits.

(Word count: 349)

8. 01/04/2023
Question: More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get
news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative


The dissemination of misinformation Sự phát tán thông tin sai lệch

Fact-checking features Tính năng kiểm tra tính xác thực

Authenticity Tính xác thực

Fuel the conspiracy Thúc đẩy âm mưu

Take in information Tiếp nhận thông tin

Useful audiovisual elements Các yếu tố nghe nhìn hữu ích

News coverage Tin tức

Video footage Cảnh quay video

The course of an event Quá trình của một sự kiện

Editorialized Biên tập


It is observed that a growing number of individuals tend to acquire news online in lieu of
physical newspapers and television programs. Although this propensity can trigger the
dissemination of misinformation, I believe that its benefits including more timely
updates and the provision of a better reading experience are more significant.

On the one hand, I concede that observing news on the Internet can facilitate the spread
of misleading information. As online outlets lack fact-checking features, people are free
to share information regardless of its authenticity. Consequently, individuals are more
likely to be misled. A case in point would be InfoWars, an American conspiracy news site,
which has released fake information about COVID-19 in America. Despite this, millions of
people shared this information, fueling the conspiracy that the pandemic is fake.

On the other hand, the Internet offers more current updates and a more fascinating
experience. In terms of the former, it can deliver the news conveniently at a more rapid
pace. For instance, people often use social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to
share news and updated articles throughout the day. With a single click, audiences can
instantly access the news they need. In contrast, newspapers are only updated daily and
require customers to physically purchase them from newstands. Regarding the latter,
people can take in information with useful audiovisual elements. For instance, news
coverage on the Internet usually uses video footage to illustrate the course of an event
as opposed to merely boring texts and pictures in conventional newspapers. As a result,
viewers can comprehend that information more easily with less risk that it has been

In conclusion, although I admit that the increasing trend of receiving news on the Internet
can give rise to the spread of false information, I maintain it is overall more beneficial as
it provides users with faster updates and better experiences. In the near future, I believe
that Internet security should be strengthened to lessen the amount of fake news

(Word count: 331)

1. 12/11/2020
Question: Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals
were free to do whatever they wanted to do. To what extent do you agree or
2. 23/01/2021
Question: In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with
their parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
3. 20/02/2021
Question: Some people say free time activities for children should be organized by
parents. Others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their
free time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
4. 27/02/2021
Question: Some people think young people should follow the traditions of their
society. Others think that they should be free to behave as individuals. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
5. 27/03/2021
Question: It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places
like squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
6. 20/05/2021
Question: People say that a country will benefit greatly if its students study abroad.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7. 29/05/2021
Question: Some people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places
like libraries, shops and on public transport. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
8. 12/06/2021
Question: Some people think the newly built houses should be the same as the old
house style in local areas. Others argue that local authorities should allow people
to build houses in their own styles. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
9. 14/08/2021
Question: Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and
controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
10. 28/08/2021
Question: In some cases, people who break the law should be warned instead of
receiving punishment. Do you agree or disagree?
11. 25/09/2021
Question: Some people believe that the world should have only one government
rather than a national government. Do you think the benefits of this system
outweigh its disadvantages?
12. 18/12/2021
Question: Today family members do not eat meals together. Is this a positive or
negative trend?
13. 17/2/2022
Question: Some people think that people should be given the right to use fresh
water as much as they like. Others believe governments should strictly control the
use of fresh water. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
14. 2/4/2022
Question: In the future, there will be a higher proportion of older people than
young people in many countries. Is it a positive or negative development?
15. 30/04/2022
Question: Some people think that young people should be required to do unpaid
work helping people in the community. Do the advantages outweigh the
16. 12/05/2022
Question: As major cities in the world are growing today, so do their problems.
What are the problems for young people living in the cities as the result of
continued growth? What are the solutions to these problems?
17. 18/06/2022
Question: Young people are committing more crimes. Discuss the causes and
solutions for this problem.
18. 25/06/2022
Question: Some people believe that the government should not spend money on
international aid when they have their own disadvantaged people like the
homeless and unemployed. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
19. 16/07/2022
Question: In some parts of the world it is increasingly popular to research the
history of one’s own family. Why do people want to do this? Is it a positive or
negative development?
20. 20/08/2022
Question: Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will no longer
be necessary because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a
computer. Do you agree or disagree?
21. 27/08/2022
Question: As transport and accommodation problems are increasing in many
cities, some governments encourage businesses to move to rural areas. Do you
think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
22. 03/09/2022
Question: Some people think that the detailed criminal description on newspapers
and TV has bad influences, so this kind of information should be restricted in the
media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
23. 17/09/2022
Question: In some countries, small town-centre shops are going out of business
because people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people
without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an
increase in the use of cars. Do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh
its advantages?
24. 03/12/2022
Question: Some people think that it's important to spend money on family
celebrations (e.g. weddings, birthdays). However, some think that expensive
celebrations are a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
25. 17/12/2022
Question: In many countries people increasingly talk about money (how much
they earn or how much they pay for things in their daily conversations). Why? Is
this a positive or negative trend?
26. 29/12/2022
1. Question: Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to
increase the minimum legal age for driving cars or riding motorbikes. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
27. 11/02/2023
Question: Some people think that if a country is already rich, any addition in
economic wealth does not make its citizens happier. Do you agree or disagree?
1. 12/11/2020
Question: Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free
to do whatever they wanted to do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Foundation of modern civilisation Nền móng của xã hội hiện đại

Civilisation (n) Nền văn minh

Races and social classes Các chủng tộc và tầng lớp xã hội

Sense of community Ý thức cộng đồng

Social order Trật tự xã hội

Live in harmony Sống hòa hợp

Compassion (n) Tình thương, lòng thương cảm

Intuitive (adj) Thuộc về trực giác

Poorly-behaved (adj) Cư xử tệ

Bring something to a standstill Làm cho cái gì bị trì trệ

Enact laws Ban hành luật

Ill-tempered driver Người lái xe xấu tính


It has been noted that the rule of law is the foundation of modern civilisation. While
some believe that a society without laws can function properly thanks to human
characteristics, I contend that it will completely collapse due to bad behaviour.

On the one hand, certain shared beliefs have made countries with no official rules
possible throughout the history of mankind. In fact, centuries before the
first laws were introduced, the ancient Chinese had been able to gather in
millions as a nation to save them from natural disasters and enemies since they
all shared an intuitive sense of community. Furthermore, in modern Bhutan,
national or organisational rules are essentially redundant as most citizens
already live in harmony with each other as the result of Buddhist practices which
promote compassion across races or social classes.

Nevertheless, I amof the opinion that if people are free to do whatever they
desire, social order would be destroyed by misbehaviour. In Vietnam, for
example, at a crowded intersection without clear regulations and instructions,
many commuters would happily block others for a quick pass. Worse still, if
there is an accident, some ill-tempered drivers are quick to throw punches at
each other right in the middle of the road, which instantly brings the traffic to a
complete standstill. As similar consequences can be predicted in other fields
such as commerce and politics, the normal operation at a societal level is likely
to collapse entirely.

In conclusion, civilisations without agreed rules could exist if citizens

possessed specific qualities. However, I believe societies will stop operating
because of poorly- behaved individuals. From my perspective, governments
should continue to enact strict laws that promote discipline and order for their
countries to thrive in the modern era.

(Word count: 289)

2. 23/01/2021
Question: In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with their
parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages?


Economic upheaval
Biến động kinh tế

Forge a strong bond

Tạo sự gắn kết giữa các thành viên trong
between family members gia đình

Intimate conversations Những cuộc trò chuyện thân mật

Kể cho ai nghe những điều mình không

Confide something to someone
muốn người khác biết

Possible setbacks Những trở ngại có thể xảy ra

Speak with someone on occasion Thỉnh thoảng nói chuyện với ai

Experience a prolonged Trải qua một thời gian dài thiếu trưởng
period of immaturity thành

Be exempt from mundane Được miễn làm các công việc nhà nhàm
tasks chán

The capacity for self reliance Khả năng tự lập

Helicopter parents Bố mẹ bảo bọc con quá mức

Lead a self-sufficient life Sống một cuộc sống tự túc

Over-reliance Sự phụ thuộc quá mức


In recent years, the number of adults still living with their parents has been on the rise
due to recent economic upheaval. While some argue that this trend helps cement
relationships between members of a family, I believe it is largely disadvantageous due
to the growing dependence of children on their guardians.

On the one hand, staying under the same roof can help forge stronger bonds between
family members. One of the primary reasons for this is there are abundant opportunities
for regular face-to-face interactions and intimate conversations. For example, a newly
graduated student can get advice, discuss problems at work, and confide possible
setbacks to his parents. This kind of conversation will likely help build confidence which
is widely regarded as a key to success in an increasingly competitive business world.
This ideal scenario seems less likely if, however, the son is settling down in a new home,
with a different timetable from members of his family and only speaking with his parents
on occasion over the phone.

On the other hand, I am firmly of the opinion that those who refuse to live on their own
are more likely to experience a prolonged period of immaturity. Firstly, those who
remain at home are usually exempt from mundane tasks such as preparing meals, doing
laundry and tidying their rooms. Consequently, they are likely to be dependent on their
parents and have trouble developing the capacity for self-reliance that is essential for
personal and career success. It will be more difficult for them to make their own
wellinformed, responsible decisions. More specifically, many helicopter parents, such as
those in Vietnam, closely monitor their children, failing to guide them properly in how to
gather relevant information, and evaluate possible options for a final sound decision. Both
of these failures are likely to have detrimental effects, preventing many from leading a
selfsufficient life.

In conclusion, although young adults might be better supported emotionally in staying

home, over-reliance on one’s parents is not a wise path towards becoming a
welladjusted, high-functioning member of society. In my opinion, teenagers should start
taking full responsibility for their lives at the age of 18.

(Word count: 357)

3. 20/02/2021
Question: Some people say free time activities for children should be organized by parents.
Others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.


Nurture their inborn talents Nuôi dưỡng tài năng bẩm sinh của ai

Productive leisure activities Hoạt động giải trí năng suất

Parenting courses Khóa học làm cha mẹ

Recreational activities Hoạt động giải trí

Pertaining to something Liên quan đến cái gì

Develop their unique talents Phát triển khả năng đặc biệt

Fascinate somebody intrinsically Thu hút ai đó bằng bản chất

The foremost proponent of something Người đi đầu trong lĩnh vực gì

Remarkable and precocious natural

Tài năng thiên bẩm đáng chú ý

Inadvertently neglected Vô tình bị phớt lờ

Facilitate a presumably safer and more Tạo điều kiện cho một sự nghiệp an toàn
secure career và đảm bảo hơn

Make more informed selections Lựa chọn sáng suốt

It is sometimes argued that parents can effectively plan their children’s free time activities
thanks to their experience and maturity. However, I am of the opinion that letting them
be more autonomous better nurtures their inborn talents.

On the one hand, parents are well-positioned to decide on the most productive leisure
activities. This argument claims that parents are better equipped with the requisite
knowledge acquired from parenting courses and online communities. On these
platforms, they can learn about not only the educational impacts of various recreational
activities but also how to organize them properly. For example, the Facebook group “We
Trek” provides informative posts on the benefits of camping trips, a list of the necessary
equipment and instructions pertaining to campsite set-up. By following professional
instructions, parents can organize an effective camping session, simultaneously, ensure
safety and an educational experience for their children.

On the other hand, I believe that freedom of choice enables children to develop their
unique talents. The majority of young people opt for activities that fascinate them
intrinsically, thus developing an individual interest that their guardians might overlook or
disapprove of. Gaudi, the foremost proponent of the Catalan architectural school, was
allowed to follow his own interests, exploring shapes and patterns in nature during his
childhood. These observations later inspired extraordinary designs such as the Sagrada
Familia that was inspired by and embraces the shape of an ant’s nest. Such a remarkable
and precocious natural talent might have been inadvertently neglected, if his mother
had guided his activities to facilitate a presumably safer and more secure career outside
the humanities in medicine, law, or business.

In conclusion, although parents might be capable of making more informed selections,

children should be made free to follow their own interests. In my opinion, parents ought
to allow kids to juggle multiple roles in diverse settings to organically identify potential
personal professional passions.

(Word count: 313)

4. 27/02/2021
Question: Some people think young people should follow the traditions of their society.
Others think that they should be free to behave as individuals. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.


The cultivation of well-adjusted adults Việc đào tạo ra những người biết cư xử

Greater autonomy better nurtures

Sự tự chủ lớn nuôi dưỡng trí sáng tạo

The value of bowing to their seniors Ý nghĩa của việc cúi đầu trước người lớn

Capitalize on the misfortunes of

Trục lợi dựa trên sự bất hạnh của ai đó

Facilitate chances for both friendships Tạo điều kiện cho cả tình bạn và hợp tác
and business collaborations kinh doanh

Pushing traditional boundaries Đẩy lùi ranh giới truyền thống

Mingle unique costumes Phối đồ với những trang phục độc đáo

Evolve into a global cultural Phát triển thành một hiện tượng văn hóa
phenomenon toàn cầu

Rigidly follow the tradition Đi theo truyền thống một cách cứng nhắc

Incentivise more platforms for Khuyến khích nhiều nền tảng hơn cho
youngsters người trẻ

Trình bày và thảo luận về những ý tưởng

Present and discuss novel ideas
mới lạ
It is sometimes argued that the traditions of a society are crucial to the cultivation of
well-adjusted adults. However, I would side with those who argue that greater autonomy
better nurtures creativity.

On the one hand, social traditions educate younger people as to have appropriate
manners and morals. This case is exemplified perfectly in the case of Vietnamese customs
and habits. Traditionally minded Vietnamese parents instill in their children the value of
bowing to their seniors, displaying their deep respect and appreciation. Similarly, teens
are raised to be reliable and generous, not capitalizing on the misfortunes of others for
their own advantages. These traditional practices stimulate young Vietnamese’s global
reputation for being professional and cooperative, which facilitates chances for both
friendships and business collaborations.

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that freedom of choice fosters creativity and its
concomitant results in innovation. For instance, many Japanese parents encourage their
offspring to design and wear their own outfits instead of accepting those generally worn
by older generations. This has resulted in many pushing traditional boundaries, mingling
unique costumes and aesthetics inspired by their favorite anime characters, which is
known as “costume play” in Japan. Nowadays, the hobby has evolved into a global
cultural phenomenon and inspired modern fashion designs and performances both on
and off stage. Such an innovative culture might have been inadvertently stymied, if all
Japanese youngsters rigidly followed the tradition of wearing formal Kimonos and

In conclusion, although traditional standards of behavior are of importance to some

extent, teenagers should be free to shape their own lifestyles. In my opinion,
governments and schools ought to incentivise more platforms for youngsters to present
and discuss novel ideas that can make positive contributions to society.

(Word count: 289)

5. 27/03/2021
Question: It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places like
squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


The initiative to promote outdoor Phát kiến về việc thúc đẩy không gian
spaces ngoài trời

Một sự gia tăng nhẹ trong việc phạm

A minor uptick in crimes

Minor infractions Vi phạm nhỏ

Be tightly packed in the space Bị kẹt trong không gian đó

Trở thành mục tiêu tiềm năng của tội

Have become easy targets for criminals

Pickpockets Kẻ móc túi

Offer an abundance of freely accessible Cung cấp vô số tài nguyên miễn phí cho
resources for exercises việc tập luyện

Come free of charge Miễn phí

Foster a greener atmosphere Nuôi dưỡng bầu không khí xanh hơn

Thoát khỏi ô nhiễm một cách khoan

A refreshing escape from the pollution

Densely populated cities Những thành phố đông dân cư

In the vicinity of public spaces Gần khu vực không gian công cộng
The initiative to promote outdoor spaces in metropolitan areas has gained in popularity
in recent years. Although these public places might result in a minor uptick in crimes, I
personally support such forward-looking policies considering their effect on public health.

On the one hand, minor infractions might be on the rise in public areas. A clear instance
of this is the case of Nguyen Hue pedestrian square in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Since
its public opening in 2018, the square has attracted millions of visitors who enjoy strolling,
gathering with friends and enjoying quality time with family. As visitors are tightly packed
in the space and may be distracted by their friends and family, they have become easy
targets for criminals such as pickpockets. This is not only a loss for the unfortunate
victims but can also damage the image of a safe and hospitable Ho Chi Minh City.

On the other hand, it is clear to me that outdoor spaces are beneficial to physical health.
There are many parks, gardens and squares that offer an abundance of freely accessible
resources for exercises. For example, those in Hanoi typically provide residents with
exercise equipment and fitness activities which often come free of charge. In addition,
public spaces are generally filled with plants, fostering a greener atmosphere and
offering visitors a refreshing escape from the pollution that they must frequently endure
in densely populated cities. Recent policy research into this area has shown that residents
in the vicinity of public spaces tend to exercise more regularly, thus enjoying overall
better health.

In conclusion, in spite of the threat of petty crimes, I would opine that public spaces
should be encouraged in every city and town to promote healthier lifestyles. It is
therefore advisable that city planners should allocate at least 20 percent of total
development area for green spaces or public areas.

(Words count: 312)

6. 20/05/2021
Question: People say that a country will benefit greatly if its students study abroad. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?


Brain drain Chảy máu chất xám

Opt to emigrate Lựa chọn di cư/xuất ngoại

Enjoy the higher standard of living Tận hưởng mức sống cao

Elite intellectuals Các nhà trí thức ưu tú

Sophisticated understanding Sự am hiểu một cách tinh vi

Cutting-edge technology Công nghệ tiên tiến

The best management practices Ứng dụng quản lý tốt nhất

Economic reforms Cải cách kinh tế

Serve as catalysts for sth Làm chất xúc tác cho một cái gì đó

Economic advancement Sự phát triển kinh tế

The general impact of studying overseas on the development of their home country has
become an increasingly controversial topic in recent years. While some highlight the risk
of brain drain, I believe that the students in question are vital for the prosperity of a
On the one hand, many international students opt to emigrate to the host countries
where they have been studying. Reasons for this might include the availability of
opportunities for academic employment, research and career advancement as well as to
enjoy the higher standard of living in developed foreign countries. This trend among elite
intellectuals, including from developing nations such as Vietnam, represents a significant
loss for the economic development of their home countries as well-trained workers use
their skills and knowledge to benefit other nations such as the US or UK. In addition, this
also entails a loss in education as top researchers and professors may leave without
educating the next generation.
On the other hand, in most cases, I am of the opinion that knowledgeable overseas
students can enormously contribute to the economic growth of their homeland. In the
early 1980s, the Vietnamese government launched the “Red Stars” initiative, sending
thousands of young enthusiasts to the Soviet Union and various Western countries with
the aim of acquiring a more sophisticated understanding of cutting-edge technology as
well as the best management practices. Many of these have become influential leaders
including the minister of domestic affairs Pham Ha Long and the chairman of the tech
giant HNG Tong Thanh An, who have actively contributed to recent economic reforms in
Vietnam, lifting the country out of poverty to become one of the most important
emerging economies in Asia.
In conclusion, although there exists the risk of “brain drain,” overseas graduates can serve
as catalysts for the economic advancement of a nation. In my opinion, governments
should therefore offer more scholarships for gifted students to study abroad.
(Words count: 319)
7. 29/05/2021
Question: Some people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places like
libraries, shops and on public transport. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this


Prohibition of mobile phones Sự cấm điện thoại di động

Disturbances Rối loạn

Be distracted by Bị phân tâm bởi

Disrespectful phone users Người dùng điện thoại thiếu ý thức

Switch on the ringtone of incoming calls Bật nhạc chuông cuộc gọi đến

Notification noises Tiếng ồn từ các thông báo

Emanate Phát ra

Handheld devices Thiết bị cầm tay

Improve user experience Cải thiện trải nghiệm người dùng

Immersing oneself in Đắm mình trong

The healing sounds of nature Âm thanh chữa lành của thiên nhiên

Shopping applications Ứng dụng mua sắm

Self-service checkout Thanh toán tự phục vụ

Some people applaud the prohibition of mobile phones in public spaces considering the
possible disturbances resulting from notifications and bright screens. However, I believe
mobile phones should be allowed in order to enable convenience for individuals at public
On the one hand, other members of the public at places such as libraries, shops and public
transport might find sounds and the light from phones annoying. For instance, readers at
a library can be distracted by disrespectful phone users who switch on the ringtone of
incoming calls or through notification noises, preventing them from devoting their full
time to research and reading. A related and common instance would be that a traveler’s
short nap on a bus or night train might be interrupted by the bright lights emanating from
smartphone screens.

On the other hand, I believe that handheld devices can greatly improve user experience.
For example, a bus journey is less tiring when the rider can enjoy some relaxing music to
relieve stress on his phone by using his earphones, avoiding the noise of traffic and
immersing himself in the healing sounds of nature. Another great example is the use of
shopping applications such as VinID, an application recently developed by the
Vietnamese retail giant Vinmart+. Thise app enables shoppers to not only precisely locate
their desired items in vast supermalls but also to use self-service checkout without
needing to wait in seemingly endless queues during peak shopping hours.

In conclusion, although the use of phones might be a distraction in public spaces, I am of

the opinion that the total experience of users in public places is more important.
Therefore, service operators should invest more in researching user behavior to develop
more useful apps.

(Word count: 286)

8. 12/06/2021
Question: Some people think the newly built houses should be the same as the old house
style in local areas. Others argue that local authorities should allow people to build houses
in their own styles. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Một sự xâm phạm/vi phạm trực tiếp tới

A direct violation of sth
điều gì đó

An individual’s right to autonomy over

Quyền tự trị tài sản cá nhân
private property

Uniformity in architecture Sự đồng nhất trong kiến trúc

Blend harmoniously Pha trộn một cách hài hòa

The Vietnamese Constitution Hiến pháp của nhà nước Việt Nam

Exclusive right and control Độc quyền kiểm soát

Is entitled to do sth Được phép/được quyền làm gì đó

Provoke public objection Kích động sự phản đối của công chúng

Administrative regulations Quy định điều hành/quản lý

Fundamental proprietary right Quyền sở hữu cơ bản

Enhance a sense of community Cải thiện tính cộng đồng

Reflects the wealth and social status of Thể hiện sự giàu có và địa vị xã hội của
its owner người sở hữu

It is sometimes argued that there should be a policy regulating housing styles in certain
neighborhoods to promote traditional culture. However, I am strongly against that policy
proposal as it is a direct violation of an individual's right to autonomy over private

On the one hand, in some areas, uniformity in architecture might better represent and
preserve local culture. For example, all houses in the ancient Vietnamese city of Hoi An,
regardless of personal preference, are required to follow an architectural style that
adheres to its history as a major commercial port in Vietnam. Every so-called “tube house”
in the town is constructed with a Chinese tiled roof, Japanese support joists, French
louvered shutters and lampposts which are blended harmoniously with indeginous
Vietnamese features such as four-square windows. These architectural characteristics
cement Hoi An’s cultural identity, which has greatly contributed to its fame as a
destination for both international and domestic tourists in recent years.

On the other hand, I believe any law that governs individual housing styles would be
injurious against the rights of ownership. For instance, the Vietnamese constitution
allows property owners to possess exclusive rights and control over their property,
guaranteeing that one is entitled to decide on both the interior and exterior designs of
his house, in accordance with their personal preferences. Consequently, attempting to
overrule this legislation would justly provoke public's objections and protest. That is why
hundreds of citizens residing in the Hanoi Old Quarter protested in 2009 to repeal a
decree that prohibited all modern housing styles in the area, despite the fact that the
locals desperately needed greater space to accommodate larger family sizes and a
personal desire for more modern housing.

In conclusion, although administrative regulations on housing style might help preserve

local architectural culture, I would opine that it violates one of the most fundamental
proprietary rights of individuals. In my opinion, governments should instead encourage
creativity and innovation in housing design to embrace new trends that better reflect
contemporary society.
(Word count: 332)
9. 14/08/2021
Question: Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and
controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?


Initiative Đề nghị/sáng kiến

Private entities Công ty tư nhân

Be less susceptible to Ít bị ảnh hưởng (bởi một điều gì đó)

Commercial interests Lợi ích thương mại

On behalf of Thay mặt cho (ai đó)

Magnate Tài phiệt, ông trùm

Pioneer Tiên phong (làm một việc gì đó)

Predisposed to sth Có khuynh hướng làm một việc gì đó

Altruistic aim Mục đích vị tha

Maximize profits Tối đa hóa lợi nhuận

Intervene Can thiệp

Privately sponsored scientific research Nghiên cứu khoa học do tư nhân tài trợ

There has been significant discourse surrounding the proposal for scientific research to
be conducted by governments rather than private entities. While some would argue the
opposite on the grounds that it engenders greater innovation, I contend that
governments can conduct better research as they are less susceptible to corporate

Admittedly, there have been cases where privately funded scientific research has
stimulated innovation. Individuals who conduct research on the behalf of commercial
interests are typically encouraged to think creatively in developing new solutions to
pervasive problems. For instance, SpaceX is a for-profit corporation that is leading its
competitors in terms of innovating space travel. Founded and managed by tech magnate
Elon Musk, it has introduced new solutions to existing problems in space transportation
such as reducing production costs on their rockets by using 3D printing technology and
mass production methods. Furthermore, SpaceX has pioneered the utilization of reusable
rockets as half of them have flown more than once with little to no refurbishment. From
this case, it can be understood why some argue commercial entities should be in charge
of conducting scientific research.

However, the case for governments conducting scientific research is stronger. With
private companies conducting such research, they are more predisposed to financial
incentives since they are primarily driven to boost profits. In contrast, governments
conduct scientific research often with the altruistic aim of finding solutions to various
societal problems in their respective nations. To cite an example, a private medical firm
in Ghana was tasked with conducting research and producing 600,000 doses of their own
COVID-19 vaccine. However, these doses did not meet WHO standards after testing as a
result of the research process being rushed to maximize profits. It was only when the
Ghanian government intervened to replace the previously made doses with their own
newly certified products that the public finally felt at ease.

In conclusion, although privately sponsored scientific research has an important place

thanks to the competition that drives innovation, I believe that government sponsored
research exerts a more positive impact on society and the public good. In the near future,
it can be predicted that the scientific community will be able to welcome more scientific
breakthroughs thanks to the funding of the state.

(Word count: 372)

10. 28/08/2021
Question: In some cases, people who break the law should be warned instead of
receiving punishment. Do you agree or disagree?


Trở nên phổ biến hoặc được nhiều người

Has been gaining significant traction
quan tâm

Sweeping punishments Hình phạt có ảnh hưởng lớn, rộng

Disproportionate to the severity of the Không tương xứng với độ nghiêm trọng
crime của hành vi phạm tội

Inherent intent of any punishment Mục đích vốn có của bất kì hình phạt nào

Dissuade potential criminals Khuyên can tội phạm tiềm năng

Revocation of one’s driving licence Thu hồi bằng lái

Ngăn cản ai đó làm gì đó (bằng cách răn

Deter sb from doing sth

A form of strong deterrence Một hình thức răn đe mạnh mẽ

Imposing punishments unilaterally Áp dụng hình phạt một cách tự ý

A stern warning Lời cảnh cáo nghiêm khắc

Grave consequences Hậu quả nghiêm trọng

Commit affronts to the law Làm việc gì đó xúc phạm tới pháp luật

Jeopardise the lives of others Gây nguy hiểm cho tính mạng người khác
Recently, the debate surrounding the appropriate punishment for lawbreakers has been
gaining significant traction. While some have advocated for sweeping punishments,
others support giving warnings for minor offences. In my estimation, I agree with issuing
a warning for low-level offences as sometimes legal punishments are disproportionate to
the severity of the crime.
Admittedly, there are clear instances where punishments must be enforced. The inherent
intent of any punishment, regardless of how harsh it might be, is to dissuade potential
criminals from breaking the law. Therefore, when citizens respect the law due to fear of
punishment, society as a whole is safer. To give an example, in maintaining a safe and
steady flow of traffic, speed limits are put in place on most roads to prevent speeding and
potential accidents. When a person commits a speeding offence, that person can be
punished by the revocation of their driving licence to deter them from driving recklessly
and by extension becoming a danger to society. Thus, it is understandable why some
would want to advocate for imposing punishments unilaterally on offenders as a form
of strong deterrence from future criminal activity.
However, the case for applying a stern warning in some instances is stronger since it can
be more effective in preventing crimes. By educating low-level offenders about the grave
consequences of continuing to commit affronts to the law, they will come out more
knowledgeable of the law and its role in keeping people safe from harm. Therefore, these
offenders will be less likely to recommit criminal offences and consequently jeopardise
the lives of others. To cite an example, a survey conducted by University College London
in 2012 has found that the majority of British people who were cited for public
intoxication and were subsequently warned of their behaviour have not committed the
same offence again. From this data, it is clear that a warning is stronger and more humane
than a legal punishment.
In conclusion, although enforcing punishments has its place in instilling respect for the
law, I would firmly contend that sometimes a simple yet stern warning is more than
enough to discourage people from breaking the law. In the future, once these
rehabilitative measures are enacted, a society can become simultaneously safer and
more aware.
(Word count: 375)
11. 25/09/2021
Question: Some people believe that the world should have only one government rather
than a national government. Do you think the benefits of this system outweigh its


Cosmocracy Chính phủ toàn cầu

Unitary government/authorities Nhà nước/Chính quyền đơn nhất

Centralized government Chính quyền tập trung

Motivate countries to pool resources Khuyến khích các nước cùng quyên góp
together nguồn lực

Compromise Thỏa hiệp

Abuse of power Lạm dụng quyền lực

All-powerful entity Cơ quan toàn quyền

At their disposal Tùy ý sử dụng

Refugee crisis Cuộc khủng hoảng tị nạn

Collective political and material Các nguồn lực chính trị và tài nguyên
resources chung

War-torn homelands Quê nhà bị chiến tranh tàn phá

Serve their own interests Phục vụ cho lợi ích riêng của họ

Much to the detriment of sth Gây tổn hại nặng nề cho cái gì đó

With globalization accelerating at a rapid pace, there have been growing calls to have only
one global government on the basis that it would motivate countries to pool resources
together to resolve shared issues. However, I disagree with this notion since such
advantages will be dwarfed by the disadvantages, the biggest of which is the potential
abuse of power that could be exercised by influential nations.

The biggest advantage of forming such a government would be that it could encourage
member countries to contribute collectively to solve common problems. A global
government would be able to act faster in solving issues efficiently since they would have
more resources at their disposal. For example, members of the European Union were
asked to cooperate in tackling the Syrian refugee crisis of the last decade. Using their
collective political and material resources, the European Union was able to house and
integrate millions of refugees into its constituent members’ societies, providing much
needed safety for a vulnerable population from their war-torn homelands.

However, a global government presents the risk of member nations abusing their power
to serve their own interests rather than those of the entire world. For instance, in the
United Nations, the closest approximation of a global government, nations can exercise
their right to block or enact measures that can empower or enrich them or their closest
allies, much to the detriment of the world as a whole. For example, two of the UN
Security Council’s chief members Russia and China have been accused of exercising their
veto power to block new security policies that will challenge their regional power,
despite them being genuinely beneficial to the wider world.

In conclusion, the disadvantages of a global government, chief of which is possible

rampant abuse of power, are far more substantial than its advantages. Moving forward,
countries should retain their national governments, but continue to reach out globally to
encourage mutual cooperation.
(Word count: 319)
12. 18/12/2021
Question: Today family members do not eat meals together. Is this a positive or negative


Diminish Suy giảm

More free time to pursue personal Nhiều thời gian rảnh cho các mục tiêu cá
pursuits nhân

Engenders greater flexibility for Hình thành tính linh hoạt mạnh mẽ cho
individuals cá nhân

Personal business or other social Công việc cá nhân hoặc các hoạt động xã
activities hội khác

Xây dựng các mối quan hệ công việc quý

Forge fruitful working relationships

Collaborative projects Các dự án cộng tác

Marginal Nhỏ nhoi

Solidifies the connections between each Củng cố sự kết nối giữa các thành viên
family member gia đình

Longitudinal study Nghiên cứu lâu dài

Correlation Sự tương quan

Domino effect Hiệu ứng domino

Feelings of togetherness Cảm giác gần gũi


The long-standing tradition of families having meals together has declined. While this can
contribute to individuals having more free time to pursue personal pursuits, I would
argue that this is a harmful development since family members will have fewer chances
to forge meaningful relationships.

To begin with, families not having meals together engenders greater flexibility for
individuals. Since eating alone is less time-consuming, they are then more available to
engage in personal business or other social activities such as meeting with friends or
working extra hours. For example, with less time dedicated to sharing a dinner with
parents and siblings, a motivated worker might choose to attend a networking event and
attempt to forge fruitful working partnerships that may later result in new business
and collaborative projects. If they instead decide to focus on their personal life, they will
be able to invest more time in their hobbies. The time gained is marginal but meaningful
if the preparation for family meals is also taken into consideration.

However, with no family meals, members will lose valuable opportunities to strengthen
their relationships with each other. During a meal, everyone in the family can share with
one another recent personal news and advice on handling particular problems,
which solidifies the connections between each family member. However, when there
are no meals to be shared, the bonds between family members may begin to weaken. For
instance, recent research conducted by Columbia University has found that the frequency
of Americans having family meals has steadily fallen over the past decade. The
same longitudinal study also reported a correlation in these families with reduced
communication and feelings of togetherness. One possible explanation for this domino
effect is that these meals create a structure for the day and without it relationships in the
family can become more distant.

In conclusion, though people can have greater time to pursue personal activities when
there are no family meals, I would ultimately assert that this is more detrimental since
the bonds between family members can become severely weakened. Therefore, people
should make an effort to organize such gatherings whenever they can.

(Word count: 351)

13. 17/2/2022
Question: Some people think that people should be given the right to use fresh water as
much as they like. Others believe governments should strictly control the use of fresh
water. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


The freedom to use fresh water Quyền tự do sử dụng nước sạch

A basic human necessity Một nhu cầu cơ bản của con người

Signatory nations Các quốc gia tham gia ký kết

Covenant Khế ước

Unrestricted access to water Nguồn tiếp cận nước không giới hạn

To guarantee sth Để đảm bảo điều gì đó

To meet their fundamental needs Để đáp ứng nhu cầu cơ bản của họ

Afforded adequate access Cung cấp nguồn cung đủ

Tantamount to sth Tương dương với cái gì đó

Infringement on human rights Sự xâm phạm quyền con người

A scarce resource Nguồn tài nguyên khan hiếm

Dwindling Suy giảm

Water-stressed regions Các khu vực thiếu nguồn nước

There are differing opinions in regard to the freedom to use fresh water. Some believe
citizens should have the right to use fresh water freely, while others assert that the state
should regulate the amount of fresh water citizens can use. This essay will discuss both of
these arguments and explain my thoughts on why the government should manage the
use of freshwater.

On the one hand, some see the right to fresh water as a basic human necessity. According
to the UN’s International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the right to
water is an essential human right and all signatory nations of the covenant must ensure
that their citizens have unrestricted access to fresh water. Thus, the governments of those
nations are obliged to guarantee that their citizens can use fresh water in any amount to
meet their fundamental needs such as cooking, cleaning and drinking. If citizens are
not afforded adequate access to fresh water, it would be tantamount to an infringement
on human rights and these citizens will suffer greatly as a result.

On the other hand, others believe fresh water is a scarce resource and should therefore
be controlled by the state. The global supply of fresh water is dwindling with each passing
decade due to numerous factors such as the greater frequency of droughts and the
increasing demand from a growing population. According to the UN’s estimation, the
majority of the world population will reside in water-stressed regions by the end of the
21st century. Hence, the scarcity of fresh water should be addressed by the government
through the promulgation of policies and regulations intended to prolong the supply of
water in the long-term.

In conclusion, I believe that though people should have access to an adequate amount of
fresh water for their survival, the state should intervene in not letting some people use
too much water as this can lead to others not having enough of it.

(Word count: 325)

14. 2/4/2022
Question: In the future, there will be a higher proportion of older people than young
people in many countries. Is it a positive or negative development?


Ratio Tỉ lệ

In the coming decades Trong các thập kỉ tới

To put a strain on sth Gây lên căng thẳng cho cái gì đó

Serious and often costly ailments Bệnh tật nghiêm trọng và gây tốn kém

Financial resources Nguồn tài chính

Adversely impact Tác động tiêu cực

National workforce Lực lượng lao động quốc gia

Securing their country’s economic Đảm bảo tăng trưởng kinh tế của đất
growth nước

Impede economic growth Cản trở tăng trưởng kinh tế

Meaningful strides Những bước tiến có ý nghĩa

Blue-collar jobs Việc làm lao động chân tay

Tackle hard labor Lao động khổ sai

It is observed that the ratio of older to younger people will grow in the coming
decades across most nations. This essay will explain why this is ultimately a negative
development for society in the long term.
Firstly, having a greater proportion of elderly people can put a strain on the state budget.
The government may have to increase its expenditure on the healthcare system since
senior citizens are more prone to serious and often costly ailments such as heart disease
and strokes than younger people. However, since there are other important sectors that
the government has to allocate funding to such as infrastructure, education and defense,
spending more to support the elderly may eventually leave little financial resources for
those mentioned fields. This could adversely impact the meaningful progress being made
in said fields and by extension detrimentally affect the socioeconomic development of a
Secondly, the growth in the number of elderly people will damage the national workforce.
Since they are not as physically or mentally strong as younger people, most old people can
no longer work to contribute to securing their country’s economic growth. Consequently,
with an inadequate number of younger people to replace the aging population in terms of
employment, a shrinking workforce can impede economic growth which in turn can
halt meaningful strides towards better standards of living. This is evident in the case
of blue-collar jobs, as workers who are much older cannot work as effectively as younger
ones since they lack the strength to tackle hard labor. Hence, they are more likely to be
laid off which will practically diminish the national workforce in this area.
In conclusion, the expanding number of older people in comparison to younger people is
decidedly a negative development since it will place a massive burden on the state budget
and reduce the productivity of the labor force.
(Word count: 310)
15. 30/04/2022
Question: Some people think that young people should be required to do unpaid work
helping people in the community. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Mandatory (a) bắt buộc

In plain sight Rõ ràng

Set aside their free time Dành thời gian rảnh của họ

Be taken advantage of Bị lợi dụng

Cater to one’s own benefits Phục vụ cho lợi ích của chính ai

Fellow citizens Đồng bào

Enhance their moral development Nâng cao sự phát triển đạo đức của họ

Predicaments Tình trạng khó khăn

Empathetic citizens Người biết đồng cảm

Have a spirit of dedication and

Có tinh thần cống hiến và trách nhiệm

It is argued that it should be mandatory for the young to engage in voluntary work to
support those who are in need. While this practice may cause several problems relating
to wasting valuable time and the exploitation of the young, the overall impact is
tremendously positive.

The disadvantages of requiring young people to take part in unpaid jobs are in plain sight.
The main reason is that these activities consume a great amount of time. Undoubtedly,
they have to set aside their free time to learn about the procedures, regulations, and
essential skills so that they can be qualified enough to provide aid to other people in their
community. If it is obligatory for those whose schedule is hectic for them to join in
voluntary activities, they would likely lack sufficient time for rest and relaxation; leading
to some mental issues such as stress and depression. Second, young people can be taken
advantage of by participating in voluntary activities. In fact, numerous for-profit
organizations may exploit them to cater to their own benefits. For example, Thanh Cong
which is a Vietnamese food company used to ask young participants to distribute flyers to
raise public health awareness, but they actually contained advertising messages for their
products with an aim to promote their sales instead.

Despite the negatives mentioned above, the benefits of encouraging young people to help
their fellow citizens are more significant. Chief of these is that it can enhance their moral
development. This is because helping others enables young people to understand the
predicaments of people in need such as the disabled and the poor and acknowledge their
struggle to overcome difficulties, thus potentially becoming more empathetic citizens.
Furthermore, this tendency is beneficial for the future careers of young people. To be more
specific, recruiters nowadays appreciate candidates who take part in voluntary activities
and contribute to their community since they are considered to have acquired hands-on
experience as well as have a spirit of dedication and responsibility. Consequently, they
can gain better job opportunities as their resumes are filled with such work.

In conclusion, while there are some drawbacks to forcing young people to partake in
charity work such as wasting precious time and being taken advantage of, these are
surpassed by the positives including better morality and increased chances of
employment. This is provided that schools and workplaces reduce the workload for young
people so that they have enough time to join unpaid work to gain its benefits.
(Word count: 410)
16. 12/05/2022

Question: As major cities in the world are growing today, so do their problems. What are
the problems for young people living in the cities as the result of continued growth? What
are the solutions to these problems?


Metropolitan areas Khu vực đô thị

Young dwellers Cư dân trẻ

The proliferation of urban areas Sự gia tăng các khu vực đô thị

Reside in small houses Cư trú trong những ngôi nhà nhỏ

Receive proper medical treatment Nhận được sự điều trị y tế thích hợp

Face intense competitiveness Đối mặt với khả năng cạnh tranh gay gắt

Fall below the poverty line Rất nghèo khổ

Build their career Xây dựng sự nghiệp của họ

Allocate more funding for… Phân bổ nhiều tài trợ hơn cho…

The provision of financial support Sự cung cấp hỗ trợ tài chính

Metropolitan areas Khu vực đô thị

Young dwellers Cư dân trẻ

The proliferation of urban areas Sự gia tăng các khu vực đô thị

There are more metropolitan areas in the world. This tendency leads to serious issues for
young dwellers in such areas relating to lower living standards and the higher
unemployment rate. However, these problems can be solved by providing financial aid and
job opportunities.

There are two main obstacles for young people resulting from the proliferation of urban
areas. The main one is that they may suffer from a decreasing quality of living. More
specifically, due to high living expenses in big cities, the youths cannot afford medical fees
as well as a house to live in. Therefore, they would likely reside in small houses with poor
living conditions or not receive proper medical treatment, thus leading to their low life
satisfaction. Additionally, a higher youth unemployment rate is attributed to the growth
of large cities. This is because the youths have to face intense competitiveness in the job
market as such areas often attract numerous young people to come and seek employment.
Consequently, many of them who are not experienced easily become jobless.

However, these aforementioned problems can be tackled by two measures. First and
foremost, the government should financially support young people who fall below the
poverty line in big cities. To be more specific, they should be given monetary assistance to
cover their living costs for a certain period of time until their lives stabilize. As a result,
they can be encouraged to overcome difficulties while building their career. Second, more
chances for employment should be promoted in rural areas. This can be implemented if
the state allocates more funding for the construction of new companies or factories in the
countryside to create many jobs for local inhabitants, discouraging them to move to bigger
cities. Thus, the job competition in urban areas would decrease.

In conclusion, although the increase in big cities poses a threat to young people’s quality
of life and job prospects, the provision of financial support and chances to work in rural
areas are potential solutions to these issues. It is advisable that the government should
take care of the young in urban areas by implementing effective policies.
(Word count: 352)
17. 18/06/2022
Question: Young people are committing more crimes. Discuss the causes and solutions
for this problem.


Juvenile delinquency Sự phạm pháp vị thành niên

Impoverished living conditions Điều kiện sống nghèo khổ

Lồng ghép các bài học về đạo đức ở

Incorporating lessons in ethics in schools
trường học

Committing illegal acts Thực hiện các hành vi bất hợp pháp

Fulfill their moral duty Hoàn thành nghĩa vụ đạo đức của họ

Generational neglect Sự bỏ bê thế hệ

Live in destitution Sống trong cảnh thiếu thốn

Earn a living by illegitimate means Kiếm sống bằng các cách bất hợp pháp

Bolster crucial services Tăng cường các dịch vụ quan trọng

Financially secure Ổn định về tài chính

The lack of parental guidance Sự thiếu hướng dẫn của cha mẹ


It has been observed that juvenile delinquency is on the rise. Some of the leading causes
behind this issue are the lack of attention from parents and their impoverished living
conditions. However, there are some actions that can be implemented to tackle this
development, such as incorporating lessons in ethics in schools and allocating more
funding towards essential services such as education and social security.

To begin with, there are a few reasons why more of the youth are committing illegal acts.
One of them is that parents may fail to fulfill their moral duty to take care of their offspring
and guide them on what is right or wrong because they may either be too busy with their
work or lack the skills or knowledge due to generational neglect. Thus, these children may
be forced into surviving on their own by any means necessary, even if it means breaking
the law. Furthermore, some of these youth may also live in destitution and therefore
cannot afford to live a normal childhood. As such, they may also be forced to earn a living
by illegitimate means.

Fortunately, some actions can be taken to resolve this issue. Firstly, the government can
pass measures to incorporate ethics into the national school curriculum. There can be
some lessons every week that teach children how to behave responsibly in society. That
way, children can learn from a young age what the consequences are for committing crime
and thus be deterred from doing it. In addition, the state should also devote more funding
to bolster crucial services namely education and social security. As these services are key
to a functioning society and as people become better educated and more financially
secure, there would be less of an incentive for them to commit crimes.

In conclusion, the lack of parental guidance and poverty are the leading factors behind
the rise in juvenile crime. However, it can be addressed by teaching children ethics lessons
and providing more financial resources to education and the social safety net.

(Word count: 338)

18. 25/06/2022
Question: Some people believe that the government should not spend money on
international aid when they have their own disadvantaged people like the homeless and
unemployed. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Underprivileged people Những người bị thiệt thòi, nghèo

Symbolize human decency Tượng trưng cho sự tử tế của con người

Provide overseas fiscal aid Cung cấp viện trợ tài chính ở nước ngoài

Recognize this goodwill gesture Nhận ra cử chỉ thiện chí này

Reciprocate their favour Đáp lại ơn, trả ơn

Fostering cross-border friendship Bồi đắp tình hữu nghị xuyên biên giới

Strategic partners Đối tác chiến lược

Favourable trade concessions Nhượng bộ thương mại thuận lợi

Promote humanity Thúc đẩy tính nhân đạo

Sustain their lives Duy trì cuộc sống của họ

Benevolence Lòng nhân từ

A world rich in kindness Một thế giới giàu lòng nhân ái


It is argued that the state budget should not be allocated towards international support
since underprivileged people such as the homeless and unemployed in the country need
to be financially aided. I totally disagree with this notion as foreign aid enhances solidarity
among nations and symbolizes human decency.

To begin with, I consider the government should provide overseas fiscal aid since it
strengthens the unity of different nations around the globe. More specifically, a country
which receives monetary assistance from others in times of difficulty would likely
recognize this goodwill gesture and reciprocate their favour, fostering cross-border
friendship. For instance, due to the financial support of the Russian government for
Vietnam in the Vietnam War, these two nations have intensified their friendly relations.
As a result, they have become strategic partners in terms of the global economy, leading
to favourable trade concessions from which the donating country would financially
benefit in another way.

Furthermore, financial support across the globe should be encouraged since it promotes
humanity. To be more specific, politicians in wealthy countries can display their nation’s
care and empathy for people in less economically developed ones by offering them
financial support, enabling them to sustain their lives and solve urgent problems. To
illustrate, during the Covid 19 pandemic, the US government financially supported
Vietnam in the form of providing free Moderna vaccines for Vietnamese citizens as they
faced a great health threat, saving thousands of people and being praised for their
benevolence. Therefore, sharing and empathising could be highly valued, promoting a
world rich in kindness.

In conclusion, I firmly maintain that foreign aid can intensify the bonds among nations and
engender human empathy. It is advisable that the state should develop the nation to be
able to financially offer support globally.

(Word count: 294)

19. 16/07/2022
Question: In some parts of the world it is increasingly popular to research the history of
one’s own family. Why do people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?


Squander valuable time Lãng phí thời gian quý giá

Research family history Nghiên cứu lịch sử gia đình

Genetically inherited health concerns Những lo ngại về sức khỏe di truyền

Next of kin Thân nhân

Compare genes So sánh gen

Consume a substantial amount of time Tiêu tốn một lượng thời gian đáng kể

Potential health risks Những rủi ro sức khỏe tiềm ẩn

Excessively worried Lo lắng quá mức

Tận hưởng cuộc sống của họ một cách

Enjoy their lives to the fullest
trọn vẹn nhất

Research one’s own origins Nghiên cứu nguồn gốc của ai


It is increasingly common for people in different nations to investigate research the history
of their own families. There are some reasons behind this tendency including better health
choices and increased connections with other kin. It is believed to be a negative trend since
it squanders valuable time and has detrimental influence on people’s mental health.

The growing trend in researching family history can be attributed to two reasons. The
primary one is the reinforcement of health choices. This is because people can be provided
with information regarding genetically inherited health concerns as they learn about their
ancestors, hence acknowledging their own health risks and adopting a certain lifestyle to
avoid potential health problems. The second explanation is the connection with other
relatives. More specifically, people can find their relatives whom they lost contact with
due to geographical barriers or wars. For instance, numerous Vietnamese refugees have
found their missing next of kin through Bionet, a DNA database bank, as it enables users
to compare genes to seek information about their family tree online.

However, conducting research regarding the origins of their own family is negative to some
extent. First and foremost, it consumes a substantial amount of time. To be more specific,
researchers have to go through a long process of collecting and analyzing data of their
relationships and family records, which is inconvenient for people in a modern society with
hectic schedules. Another justification is that people’s mental well-being can be adversely
affected. To illustrate, after realizing potential health risks that they can inherit from their
forefathers, they are more likely to become excessively worried and cannot enjoy their
lives to the fullest instead of paying attention to the present.

In conclusion, the proliferation of researching one’s own origins is due to the

acknowledgement of their own medical risks and enhanced connections with other
relatives. Nevertheless, it has some drawbacks such as time-consuming and the negative
impacts on people’s mental well-being.

(Word count: 325)

20. 20/08/2022
Question: Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will no longer be
necessary because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer.
Do you agree or disagree?


Historical and artisic displays Sự trưng bày lịch sử và nghệ thuật

Encourage social connections Khuyến khích kết nối xã hội

Valuable assets to the tourism industry Tài sản quý giá đối với ngành du lịch

Tangible evidence Bằng chứng hữu hình

Static pictures and videos of artwork Ảnh tĩnh và video về tác phẩm nghệ

Sacred atmosphere Bầu không khí linh thiêng

Culturally and historically significant Địa điểm có ý nghĩa về văn hóa và lịch sử

Enhance genuine social interactions Tăng cường các tương tác xã hội chân

Artistic creations and invaluable Tác phẩm nghệ thuật và đồ tạo tác vô giá

Isolated experience behind the screen Trải nghiệm biệt lập đằng sau màn hình

Valuable assets to the tourism industry Tài sản quý giá đối với ngành du lịch

There is currently a contentious argument advocating that historical and artisic displays
for the general public are predicted to disappear due to the proliferation of artwork and
artefacts on the Internet. I strongly disagree with this notion since these places play an
indispensable part in promoting tourism and encouraging social connections.

The first reason why I advocate for the preservation of museums and art galleries is
because they are valuable assets to the tourism industry. More specifically, these places
are tangible evidence of a country’s past and national identity; hence, numerous tourists
consider including them on their to-do lists to explore cultural and historical values in
person. Compared to static pictures and videos of artwork on the Internet, visitors can
sense the sacred atmosphere generated by an institution housing historical artefacts and
grasp a deeper understanding of past events through the guide’s narration. For example,
the historic Hoa Lo prison in Hanoi has attracted a substantial number of tourists since it
vividly demonstrates the plight of Vietnamese prisoners in the war with the French, leading
to increased tourism revenue.

Another justification for why I do not believe that the existence of culturally and
historically significant places will become obsolete is that they enhance genuine social
interactions. By observing artistic creations and invaluable artefacts directly, people
would likely have more chances to initiate conversations with those present who have the
same interest and exchange their opinions on pieces of artwork. As a result, their
relationships can be strengthened, paying the way for greater bonds in their lives. By
contrast, viewing images of artwork only generates an isolated experience behind the

In conclusion, I am completely against the redundancy of museums and art galleries since
it causes substantial losses to the tourism industry and deprives people of social
connections. It is advisable that the government should implement some measures to
preserve these places to maintain their historical and social values.

(Word count: 319)

21. 27/08/2022
Question: As transport and accommodation problems are increasing in many cities, some
governments encourage businesses to move to rural areas. Do you think the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages?


A shortage of skilled labour Sự thiếu hụt lao động có kỹ năng

The narrowed wealth gap Khoảng cách giàu nghèo được thu hẹp

Pay scant attention to proper waste Ít chú ý đến việc xử lý chất thải đúng yêu
treatment cầu

Local water bodies and land Các vùng nước và đất đai địa phương

The lack of highly qualified labour Thiếu lao động có trình độ cao

Intellectually involved professions Các ngành nghề liên quan đến trí tuệ

The hinterland Vùng xa thành thị

Minimise the financial gap Giảm thiểu khoảng cách tài chính

Attract more foreign investment Thu hút nhiều vốn đầu tư nước ngoài

Relocation packages Gói di dời


It is prevalent that governments are recommending firms to relocate to the countryside to

alleviate issues regarding transport and housing in urban areas. Although this tendency
poses a threat to the environment and may result in a shortage of skilled labour in rural
areas, the benefits including more job opportunities for local people and the narrowed
wealth gap between regions are more significant.
On the one hand, there are two drawbacks associated with encouraging enterprises to
move to the countryside. The first is that it can trigger environmental damage in the area.
This is explained by the fact that industrial activities implemented by these companies
often release a substantial amount of waste. If such businesses pay scant attention to
proper waste treatment, more untreated waste could be discharged into local water
bodies and land, contaminating the living areas of rural residents. Another demerit is the
lack of highly qualified labour. More specifically, as most people living in small towns and
villages are less likely to receive sufficient education to pursue more intellectually
involved professions, firms in such places often find it challenging to recruit skilled
On the other hand, the relocation of corporations to the hinterland offers more noticeable
benefits. The first one is there can be more employment opportunities for rural dwellers.
To be more specific, although it may be hard to employ white-collar workers, businesses
can still provide jobs for numerous blue-collar ones. As a result, they can acquire higher
income and have a better quality of life. Additionally, this can minimise the financial gap
between rural and urban areas. This is because an increasing number of companies
operating in the countryside can enable the rural economy to thrive and attract more
foreign investment, thus discouraging more people from residing in big cities.
In conclusion, I completely agree that the merits such as the provision of better job
opportunities and the narrower financial gap in different areas over the demerits of
environmental contamination and the shortage of highly skilled workers because these
downsides can be tackled by offering relocation packages to skilled workers to convince
them to work in rural regions and rigorous monitoring by environmental agencies to
prevent any major environmental harm from discharge of waste.

(World count: 370)

22. 03/09/2022
Question: Some people think that the detailed criminal description on newspapers and TV
has bad influences, so this kind of information should be restricted in the media. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?


Criminal acts Các hành vi phạm tội

Be reported meticulously Được tường trình tỉ mỉ

Violate the laws Vi phạm luật pháp

Replicate infractions Sao chép các vi phạm

Commit the original crime Phạm tội ban đầu

Imitate this horrible act Bắt chước hành động khủng khiếp này

The detailed presentation of crimes Sự trình bày chi tiết về tội ác

Một nạn nhân của một tội phạm tiềm

A victim of a potential crime

Experience a sense of insecurity Trải qua cảm giác bất an

A loose-knit community Một cộng đồng lỏng lẻo, thiếu sự kết nối

It is argued that reporting crimes in detail in printed newspapers and on television is

detrimental; therefore, it should be limited. I completely agree with this notion since it
gives rise to criminal acts and people’s anxiety.

The first reason for my view that crimes should not be reported meticulously is because it
encourages viewers to violate the laws. More specifically, numerous teenagers tend to
follow or replicate infractions presented with detailed procedures, methods and tools
mainly because they have great curiosity or they want to make a grand impression by
proving that they can be better than the person who committed the original crime. For
instance, Shinochiro Azima, a 14-year-old student in Japan killed two students in 1997 by
cutting off their heads after watching a documentary about an American criminal, the
Zodiac Killer, who performed the same acts. As he was being interrogated, he admitted
that he imitated this horrible act since he wanted to impress other people. Consequently,
this may pose a threat to social stability due to growing crime rates.

Another justification for why I oppose the detailed presentation of crimes via the mass
media is that members of the public’s anxiety can be triggered. This is because they may
consider their community unsafe and then hesitate to connect with others as too many
cruel acts are reported in the media. They would likely feel afraid of being a victim of a
potential crime and constantly experience a sense of insecurity. As a result, it could lead
to a loose-knit community where people are not willing to support those in need.

In conclusion, I strongly oppose the idea of presenting detailed crime reports on

newspapers and television because it provokes more individuals to be driven to crime and
arouses people’s apprehension. It is advisable that the details of the crimes should be
completely banned to minimise its adverse impacts on viewers.

(World count: 317)

23. 17/09/2022
Question: In some countries, small town-centre shops are going out of business because
people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people without cars have
limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars.
Do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its advantages?


In the high streets of towns Trên những con phố lớn của thị trấn

Non-car owners Những người không sở hữu ô tô

Large-scale shopping centers Các trung tâm mua sắm quy mô lớn

Những công việc không đòi hỏi kinh

Entry-level jobs

Management positions Các vị trí quản lý

Curb unemployment Giảm sự thất nghiệp

Suburban shops Các cửa hàng ngoại ô

Profitable endeavours Những hoạt động có ích

Personal motorised vehicles Các phương tiện cơ giới cá nhân

Become more unreachable on foot Trở nên khó tiếp cận hơn khi đi bộ

In various parts of the world, a number of small stores in the high streets of towns have
gone bankrupt due to the dominance of large stores located on the outskirts. This has led
to difficulty in accessibility for non-car owners and an increase in car usage. While there
might be a positive influence to this change, I believe the negative impacts are by far more

On the one hand, large-scale shopping centers may create more employment
opportunities for local communities where they operate. These opportunities can vary,
ranging from entry-level jobs to management positions. A good example in this case is
Walmart. Each of the brand’s supermarkets is estimated to hire up to two thousand people
working as customer assistants, goods couriers, or other back-office positions with
competitive benefit packages. As many of these employees are from nearby areas,
Walmart has been praised by some town councils for helping to curb unemployment,
sustaining local development.

However, one of many drawbacks is that the prevalence of suburban shops causes great
inconvenience to customers. Many shoppers now are unable to make a quick purchase at
nearby convenience stores which used to be omnipresent in town centers, and instead
they have to spend time traveling to shop instead of on other profitable endeavours such
as studying, working and resting.

Another disadvantage is that the use of personal motorised vehicles is on a rise. As stores
become more unreachable on foot, many urban denizens would switch to owning and
driving cars, leading to a significant increase in the number of vehicles on the road. This
inevitably gives rise to the quantity of exhaust fumes from car engines which
exacerbate environmental pollution, as well as congestion and increased damage to road

In conclusion, I agree that the demerits such as inconvenience of shopping to local

people and adverse impacts on the environment and traffic issues outweigh the merit of
providing a certain number of jobs. Therefore, I maintain that authorities should provide
financial and management support to encourage the development of small stores in the

(World count: 344)

24. 03/12/2022
Question: Some people think that it's important to spend money on family celebrations
(e.g. weddings, birthdays). However, some think that expensive celebrations are a waste
of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Family festivities Ngày lễ gia đình

Spend exorbitantly Chi tiêu quá mức

Extravagant Xa hoa

Practical purposes Mục đich thực tiễn

Sustain their lives Duy trì cuộc sống của họ

Foster family values Nuôi dưỡng giá trị gia đình

Long-lasting bonds Sự gắn kết lâu dài

Familial relationships Quan hệ gia đình

Financial state Tình trạng tài chính

Family festivities Ngày lễ gia đình

Exacerbate environmental pollution Làm trầm trọng thêm tình trạng ô nhiễm
môi trường

It is sometimes argued that allocating funding to family festivities such as weddings and
birthdays is necessary. Nevertheless, others contend that it squanders money. This essay
will elaborate on the opposing perspectives and the reasons why I am in favour of the
former view.

Admittedly, spending exorbitantly on family celebrations can be seen as extravagant to

some extent. First, these celebrations last only one day or a few hours, which often lead
to a waste of food and other elements, and are often not appreciated by guests. Therefore,
the expenditure on them should be used for more practical purposes such as electricity,
food supply, healthcare and their children’s education. Specifically, for those of low
income, allocating income to regular occasions like these is not vital for them to sustain
their lives. Furthermore, organizing these occasions also creates expectations from
children, friends and family members that this is the norm, so if the budget does not allow
for them in the future, then their expectations are not met, leading to dissatisfaction
among them.

However, spending on household activities and celebrations is reasonable due to several

benefits. The first one is that it can strengthen bonds between family members. This is
because they have opportunities to reunite and update each other on their lives. For
instance, a wedding is a special occasion for people to gather and share with their relatives
about their current matters such as jobs, marital status and life events, forging their
relationships. Another advantage is that family celebrations can foster family values. To
illustrate, as a 30th wedding anniversary displays people’s long-lasting bonds, organizing
this type of event may encourage other married couples to focus on strengthening their

In conclusion, each point of view has its own merits; however, I am of the opinion that
people should spend their money on family celebrations because their familial
relationships can be boosted and family values can be nurtured. However, costly
celebrations should be organized by the wealthy only as they are financially affordable for
them. It is advisable that people should refer to their financial state to decide how
elaborate their family celebrations can be.

(Word count: 356 words)

25. 17/12/2022
Question: In many countries people increasingly talk about money (how much they earn
or how much they pay for things in their daily conversations). Why? Is this a positive or
negative trend?


Income figures Con số thu nhập

Reasonable spending Chi tiêu hợp lý

Spending allocations Phân bổ chi tiêu

Budget Chi tiêu, phân bổ chi tiêu

Competitive salaries Mức lương cạnh tranh

Better paying jobs Công việc được trả lương cao hơn

Alter between occupations Đổi việc

Personnel management and retention Quản lý và giữ chân nhân sự

The human resources department Phòng nhân sự

Attract and retain talents Thu hút và giữ chân nhân tài

People in different parts of the world are more open to talk about their income figures
and expenses with others. This is attributed to the desire to learn about reasonable
spending and seek better job opportunities. I believe that this propensity is detrimental
to both businesses and individuals.

There are two driving factors behind the tendency of sharing their salary and spending
among individuals. The first one is that they want to receive advice in terms of expenditure.
This is because they can compare spending allocations for different aspects of their lives
with others and learn from each other how to budget more wisely. Another justification is
that they are inclined to acquire more information about competitive salaries,
identifying better chances in the job market. When conversing with friends and colleagues
about income, employees can be informed about better paying jobs and more desirable
workplaces. As a result, they would likely alter between occupations and workplaces to
earn more money.

However, I consider that this tendency has adverse impacts on both employers and
employees. In terms of the former, it poses a threat to personnel management and
retention. For instance, it is challenging for the human resources department in each
company to offer a suitable salary to each employee when personnel openly share about
their income in the workplace, failing to attract and retain talents who deserve higher
income. Furthermore, people’s mentality can be adversely influenced. More specifically,
they are likely to be stressed and depressed when finding out that others are able to spend
more or purchase things that they can afford.

In conclusion, the rising trend of conversing about income and spending matters is rooted
from the yearning for useful advice on budgeting and higher paying jobs. Nevertheless, I
contend that it has deleterious influence on both employers’ management and individuals’
mental well-being.

(Word count: 305)

26. 29/12/2022
Question: Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the
minimum legal age for driving cars or riding motorbikes. To what extent do you agree or


The minimum age of eligibility for

Độ tuổi tối thiểu cho người lái xe

Careless driving
Lái xe bất cẩn
Reckless driving

Mitigate traffic incidents Giảm thiểu sự cố giao thông

Enact more severe punishments Ban hành các hình phạt nghiêm khắc hơn

Commit traffic-based infringements Vi phạm luật giao thông

Exceed the speed limit Vượt quá giới hạn tốc độ

Have their driver’s licence revoked Bị tước giấy phép lái xe

Join the traffic Tham gia giao thông

Violate traffic laws Vi phạm luật giao thông

Underage drivers Tài xế chưa đủ tuổi

Mitigate traffic incidents Giảm thiểu sự cố giao thông


It is argued that the most effective measure to improve road safety is raising the
minimum age of eligibility for drivers. I mostly disagree with this notion since it can
reduce careless driving; however, I am of the opinion that it is ideal to combine it with
other approaches such as imposing stricter punishments and upgrading public

Admittedly, increasing the minimum legal driving age can reduce traffic accidents which
boosts the safety of roads. More specifically, this practice deters young commuters who
are immature and unaware of the repercussions of their actions from reckless driving. As
people get older, they are more mature and responsible when they are in traffic,
therefore, potentially mitigating traffic incidents; generating a safer environment for
other commuters.

However, this proposal is not optimal by itself since there are two other effective measures
which should sit alongside older licensing ages for the best outcome. Chief of these is that
the government should enact more severe punishments to prevent drivers from
committing traffic-based infringements. For example, drivers who exceed the speed limit
or drink alcohol while driving should have to pay a heavy monetary fine or have their
driver’s licence revoked. As a result, more drivers will obey the rules while joining the
traffic. Another approach is for the government to enhance the public transportation
infrastructure such as bus and train services to encourage citizens to use them in their daily
life. This can lead to a decline in the number of people utilising private vehicles and
therefore safer roads.

In conclusion, I somewhat disagree that increasing the legal driving age can encourage
safer travelling, as I believe that other solutions in conjunction with it such as the
introduction of more grave punishments on those who violate traffic laws and the
enhancement of public transportation combine to make the most viable solution since not
all accidents are caused by underage drivers. It is advisable that all three options should
be considered by authorities to address traffic problems effectively.

(Word count: 332)

27. 11/02/2023
Question: Some people think that if a country is already rich, any addition in economic
wealth does not make its citizens happier. Do you agree or disagree?


Give rise to work demands Gia tăng nhu cầu làm việc

Mở rộng khoảng cách giữa các tầng lớp

Widen the gap between social classes
xã hội

Economic prosperity Sự thịnh vượng về kinh tế

Foster innovation Thúc đẩy đổi mới

Extended working hours Giờ làm việc kéo dài

Increase income inequality Gia tăng bất bình đẳng thu nhập

Magnates Người giàu

Improved quality of life Chất lượng cuộc sống được cải thiện

A thriving economy Một nền kinh tế thịnh vượng

Financial ability Khả năng tài chính

Income disparity Sự chênh lệch thu nhập

Economic affluence Sự sung túc về kinh tế


It is argued that economic progress in wealthy countries cannot enable their citizens to
feel more satisfied. Although I admit that greater affluence can give rise to work
demands and widen the gap between social classes, I mostly disagree with this notion
since it ensures greater sense of comfort among people in the form of enhanced living
conditions and effective solutions to community concerns.
On the one hand, I concede that the citizens of a prosperous nation might not experience
greater happiness as a result of further economic prosperity in several aspects. The first
one is that individuals often assume a greater workload. More specifically, in order to
expand the economy, businesses have to boost their productivity and foster innovation,
which normally translates into extended working hours. This may leave employees less
time for personal lives, leading to exacerbating their mental health issues such as stress
and depression. Furthermore, expanding the economy has the potential to increase
income inequality. This is because the benefits of economic growth are often
concentrated in the hands of a few magnates or corporations, rather than being shared
equally among all citizens. As a result, employees receiving minimal or no wage
increments may feel discontented.
On the other hand, I consider improving the economy is associated with increased
happiness among citizens for several reasons. Most noticeably, an increase in wealth can
also result in improved quality of life. Those living in a thriving economy can be offered
better living conditions, improved infrastructure and greater access to leisure and
entertainment. Therefore, their level of satisfaction can be higher. Another justification
is the financial ability to address social problems. To be more specific, economic growth
can provide resources for governments to tackle social problems like poverty, inequality
and unemployment. If people see that their government is taking action to address these
issues, they may feel more optimistic and content with their lives.
In conclusion, while increased wealth can trigger a higher volume of work and income
disparity in society, I am of the opinion that it greatly contributes to one’s fulfilment due
to better living standards and social issues being tackled to establish more pleasant
communities. It is advisable that nations should continue to boost their economic
affluence while considering their people’s happiness.
(Word count: 376)

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