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Section B

1. Discuss
a. The types of catalyst?
b. Application of catalyst?
2. Differentiate between paramagnetic atoms and diamagnetic atoms?
3. Explain at least four factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction?
4. Justify with illustrations the difference in energy levels in an atom?
5. Describe
i. Hands rule?
ii. Draw Aufbau diagram of the following elements?
a. 15 electrons
b. 12 electrons
c. 7 electrons
d. 11 electrons

Section B

1. Outline the uses of radiations in medical field?

2. Recommendation for the disposal of radioactive material in your area of work?
Section C

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of biomecs energy e.g Biogas in relation to

Short answer questions

1. Differentiate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

2. With a clean labelled diagram, explain the growth curve of microorganisms?
Long answer questions

1. Explain the methods used in removing or eliminating microorganism?

Short answer questions

1. Define
i. Symbiosis
2. Explain the public health importance of parasites?
Long answer questions

1. Explain the life cycle of the Tania Solium?

2. Explain five factors why most parasites are developing resistance to eradication?
3. Jiggers infestation is common health problem in parts of Kenya
a. Name causative agent? Parasitic flea known
b. State the scientific name of the causative agent? Tunga penetrans
c. Explain five factors leading to jiggers infestation?
 Poverty; it leads to overcrowding, inadequate housing and lack of
footwear, making individuals susceptible to infestation
 Lack of footwear; increases the risk of exposure
 Poor sanitation and hygiene; areas with inadequate waste management,
limited clean water supply and poor personal hygiene increases the likely
hood of infestation
 Infected animals; domestic and wild animals including dogs, cats, pigs,
rodents, when human come into contact with these infected animals they
may acquire the jiggers.
 Lack of awareness; on causes, prevention and treatment that results in
delayed response to the infestation allowing its persistent and spread
 Environmental factors; warm and sandy regions, favour the survival and
d. Explain the effects of infestation in man?
 Itching and discomfort
 Secondary infection; broken skin are entry points for bacteria
 Pain and swelling
 Ulceration and open sores
 Limited mobility
 Social stigma and psychological effect
 Systemic complications; tetanus infection, lymphangitis

e. Explain five control preventive measures for this condition?

 Wearing protective footwear
 Regular inspection feet, in between the toes and removal
 Animal control
 Community education and awareness
 Improving sanitation
 Environmental management

Short answer questions

1. State the policy statement on immunization?

2. Discuss the types of vaccines giving examples in each type?
Long answer questions

1. You are a public health officer in charge of immunization services in Afya bora health center.
Explain the procedure you would undertake while conducting immunization?

Short answer questions

1. Differentiate between Meiosis and Mitosis?

2. State the functions of lymphatic system?
3. What are major characteristics of skeletal system?
4. Lis the functions of the liver?
5. State the mechanisms that maintains fluid in the body?
6. With a well labelled diagram, name the parts of femur bone?
7. With a well labelled diagram, name the feature of nephron?
8. Briefly explain the functions of the skin?


1. Explain the pillars of environmental health?

2. Mention some tasks of environmental health practitioners
3. You have been assigned the task of identifying the environmental health approach based
on processes and collective objectives. Explain these approaches?

Short answer questions

1. Factors affecting human behavior?

2. Give five factors that affect personality development?
3. Define the following term as used in behavioural sciences
i. Behavioral modification?
ii. Body language?
iii. Learning? iv. Personality? v. Conflict?
4. Give examples in each case, outline the four types of conflict that affect people in
decision making?
Long answer questions?

1. Giving examples discuss the stages of behavioral change?

2. Highlight five psycho-social factors affecting health of the community?

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