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9. Dimensional data
Sr No. Plate Dimension (mm)
1 Girder Top plate thickness 10 mm
2 Girder bottom pate thickness 10 mm
3 Side plate thickness 8 mm
4 CT rail size 50x50 mm
5 Girder Diaphragm plate thickness 6 mm
6 End carriage top plate thk 15 mm
7 End carriage bottom plate thk 15 mm
8 End carriage side plate thk 10 mm

10. Software Import Model Properties

a) Girder properties
Bounding Box
Length X 19216 mm
Length Y 1518. mm
Length Z 590. mm
Volume 7.5225e+008 mm³
Mass 5.9051 tonne
Scale Factor Value 1 (Global FOS)
Centroid X -12.658 mm
Centroid Y 805.98 mm
Centroid Z -9.9715 mm
Moment of Inertia Ip1 2.0441e+006 t·mm²
Moment of Inertia Ip2 1.7642e+008 t·mm²
Moment of Inertia Ip3 1.7783e+008 t·mm²

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