Summary Sin and Forgiveness

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Summary Group 6 religion

1. Devana Zhaliyanti
2. Gresia Oraet Labora Pinayungan
3. Maulana David abdillah
4. Mukhlis Muda Abdullah

Sin act of violating the norm

Forgiveness means liberation or deliverance from guilt or sin
Forgiveness of sins in Christianity involves belief in Jesus and the Redeemer. According to
Christian teachings, Jesus took on the sins of mankind through his death and resurrection and
offers forgiveness to everyone who believes in Him. Forgiveness of sins is due to God's grace
and not based on human actions or efforts.
Sins in Catholicism are of various kinds, examples of minor sins can be alleviated by prayer,
and requests for forgiveness, major sins through repentance (reconciliation) and having a
sincere intention not to repeat these sins.
Allah is Forgiving and provides an opportunity for humans to repent, repentance means
admitting sins, asking Allah's forgiveness sincerely, and leaving these sinful acts. In Islam it
is also recommended to apologize between humans, Allah forgives all the sins we commit if
we are sincere in asking for forgiveness.
the concepts of sin and forgiveness in Hinduism vary between traditions and individual
views. Nonetheless, understanding sin as a moral transgression and obtaining forgiveness
through karma yoga, sadhana and bhakti yoga are common principles found in Hinduism.
Buddhism teaches that each individual will recognize unskillful actions and their
consequences and Buddhism will encourage sincere regret, and that each individual has the
capacity to purify their mind and heart through the practice of ethical behavior, meditation,
wisdom, and compassion.
Forgiveness is built on reconciliation and maintaining harmony in social relationships. It is
important for individuals to admit mistakes, regret, and correct their actions. This teaching
aims to make individuals live in the right ethics, maintain social harmony, and be responsible
for their actions towards fellow human beings.
Sin is a violation of moral principles or God's law, whereas liberation is the forgiveness and
punishment of sin. Each religion has its own way of understanding and asking for
forgiveness, through repentance, regret, and rapprochement with God or fellow human

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