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Madam’s Identities Shocks The Entire City Again

Chapter 880: Sister Nian is in Beijing

"Okay, President Yuan." Somo took out the notebook and wrote it down.
Yuan Yongqin put down the phone, walked back, his eyes dimmed, he changed
from the gentle squiggles just now, his eyes were extremely cold, and the jaw
line was tough and cold.
"Heh, I originally thought Nian Nian would always be better than in Qiao's family
to find his biological father than in Qiao's house, but the Jiang family also has
something uneasy! Tang Wanru's mother and daughter played a wishful thinking,
thinking Jiang Xianrou would not come back, Nian Nian No one will go to the
college entrance banquet?"
Suma quickly raised his head, without speaking.
In her heart, she knew very well that during this period of time, the Jiang family’s
Ms. Jiang’s show operation, her cousin’s college entrance banquet, she would
rather go to the medical laboratory and refuse to come back, for fear that no one
would see that she would not wait to see Ms.
Haha, it’s also because of this Miss Jiang who put her posture so high. I’m afraid
she doesn’t know that the reason why Chengfeng Group did not sponsor the
medical research project of her tutor Liang Lu this year is because her tutor is
blind like her and offends her. Miss Qiao!
Yuan Yongqin secretly suppressed the irritation in his heart, after all, there was
still a bit of anger in his eyes: "They want to be beautiful!"
"Ms. Yuan, our network is on the side of the city, and Beijing is never our place..."
Somo also couldn't understand the ways of Tang Wanru and Jiang Xianrou, but
he had his own worries.
Yuan Yongqin didn’t think of this, because she suppressed her temper for a
while. Who knew that Jiang Xianrou would come back for dinner ‘free’ today, and
come back ‘free’ tomorrow!
She couldn't hold her stomach under her breath.
"It's not that there is still the Yuan family."
Yuan Yongqin paused, her eyebrows beating suddenly, she raised her hand to
press her eyebrows, her face was calm, and a little impatient: "Yuan Xue and the
others have been looking for me for many years. It just happens to be free today.
You drive me back."
The Yuan family is not as good as the Ye family, the Wei family, nor the Jiang
family in Beijing, but it is better than the Zhou family.
In the past few years, because of the lack of a lot of family separation, there were
still a few people who supported the scene in the family. Yuan Yongqin has not
been back since the family separation more than ten years ago.
Chengfeng Group has developed better and better over the years. Her value has
risen with the tide. People in the Yuan family have secretly approached her
several times to make up for the rift with her. Yuan Yongqin didn’t care. This time
she was willing to go to Yuan’s family in person for Qiao Nian’s sake. One trip,
find someone to eat.
It can be seen the weight of Qiao Nian in her mind.
Suma saw her picking up the handbag and the car key, followed her silently, and
took the car key for her: "Mr. Yuan, I'll go drive first."
Yuan Yongqin absently gave him the car keys, frowning tightly, and muttering to
herself: "I don't know if people from the Ye family will attend the college entrance
banquet. If someone from the Ye family comes, it won't be the case. Trouble."
Qiao Nian's plane landed at Beijing Airport at 10:30..
She slept for a while before getting off the plane. Ye Wangchuan brought her a
blanket and blindfold. She didn't fall asleep at first, and then she closed her eyes
and rested for more than an hour and then fell asleep for a while.
Just after getting off the plane, her mobile phone was turned on, and a dozen
messages came in. Qiao Nian didn't have time to read one, and then received a
call from Jiang Zongnan.
She followed Ye Wangchuan and others just out of the flight building, and the Ye
family’s car was waiting outside the airport.
Ye Wangchuan helped her pull the car door.
Qiao Nian put one hand in his pocket and got in the car, while the other hand
held the phone and put it next to his ear: "Hey."
"Niannian, have you been to Beijing?"
The black red flag drove slowly towards the Yufu. The air conditioner was on in
the car. The air was not smooth and it was a bit stuffy. Qiao Nian pressed the
driving window and looked at the scenery galloping backward outside, with a low
tone of voice: "Here, I just got off the plane. ."
PS: I won’t move anymore, it will continue during the day tomorrow

Chapter 881: Nian Nian, maybe no one will come

Without waiting for the person at the other end to ask, she checked the time,
looked down slowly and said slowly: "About half an hour to the place to eat."
She got off the plane at 10:30, exited the terminal at 10:40, and was able to
arrive at about 11:10. If there is a traffic jam on the road, it may be delayed until
The meal time is set at twelve o'clock, how can she arrive early.
Qiao Nian thought that Jiang Zongnan was urging her to go there earlier. Who
knows, the man on the other side was silent for a while, with a little guilt in his
deep voice, and said embarrassingly: "No hurry, come slowly, pay attention to
safety on the road. ."
Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows, his expression a little surprised.
"Nan Nian."
Jiang Zongnan on the phone called her again.
Qiao Nian put his hand on the car window, half-squinted his eyes, looked lazy
and uttered, and reacted quickly: "What happened?"
"I..." Jiang Zongnan looked hard to say, I don't know how to tell her, but I can't
say no, Qiao Nian will be there soon, he took a deep breath, and said in a low
tone of embarrassment, "That... there may not be much school banquet today.
People, just a few friends from our family came to gather together."
Qiao Nian's eyes darkened, his hand on the car window paused for a second,
and the end of his eyes was lifted slightly, his eyes look very evil.
She doesn’t care how many people have dinner together at noon, but she can
hear the tone of the old father Jiang calling her before. Jiang’s family originally
planned to have a big event, and there should be some “accident” in the middle,
which resulted in not many people in the end. Will come.
"Sorry, your grandfather and I originally said to call more people to have fun, but
we called to ask. Many people couldn't come today because of things..."
Qiao Nian came back to his senses, and pulled the brim of his hat, his
expression was faint, obviously not paying attention: "It's okay, just eat a home-
cooked meal. People eat less and feel more comfortable."
Jiang Zongnan didn’t seem to know what to say, and it took him a long time to
say: “Then tell me when you arrive, I’ll come out to pick you up.”
Qiao said concisely, waited until he hung up the phone, slowly put down the
phone, squinted his eyes, and leaned in the seat relaxedly, as if thinking about
something, the whole person was absent-minded.
Ye Wangchuan sat beside her, watching her thoughtful look after the phone call,
turned her head, held her finger, and asked her: "What's the matter?"
Qiao Nian squeezed the tip of his finger again, and found out speechlessly that
he seemed to like to play with his fingers. She took out her hand, held the phone,
flipped through the address book, and said, "Nothing, just my second uncle
called. Tell me that I don’t have to worry about going there. There are few people
to eat at noon. I’m wondering if I want to call some friends over."
"No one went to eat at noon?" Ye Wangchuan tilted his head back, his eye-
catching face was astonished, as if he didn't expect this to happen.
He was the same as Qiao Nian thought. This time, Mr. Jiang made it clear that
he would introduce Qiao Nian to the people in Beijing by the name of the college
entrance banquet. How could it be possible that few people went to the college
entrance banquet, so I ate this meal. It's meaningless....
He turned his head and looked at the girl's indifferent profile. The brim of his hat
covered her exquisite and excessive face. Only the cold chin was exposed. He
was playing with his mobile phone with his head down. His temperament was
exceptional, even if he was restrained. The field also gives people a sense of
existence that cannot be ignored.
He seemed to think of something, and suddenly chuckled, and instantly
understood the plight of the Jiang family.

Chapter 882: Sister Nian called personally

Qiao Nian has been staying around the city and has never been to Beijing. Only
a few times in Beijing, he either went to Weijia or stayed with him in the 9th.
Neither place is within reach of ordinary people.
She is very low-key every time, and basically returns to the city the next day after
finishing her own business.
So few people in Beijing know her existence.
Suddenly, Mr. Jiang invited everyone to dinner and said that he would introduce
his granddaughter to everyone. When those people heard that Qiao Nian came
from around the city, she was a girl with an ordinary background who had been
living in a small place outside for more than ten years. Look down on her...
I think it’s just a waste of time to come over and eat this meal.
It was then that Elder Jiang and her second uncle called and invited those people
over for dinner, and those people made excuses to shirk them.
I am afraid that in the hearts of those people, Qiao Nian is just a dispensable
person found by the Jiang family, and Jiang Xianrou has the final say.
"Hey." He smiled on his lips, the whole person felt like a spring breeze, and he
seemed to have a good temper, but his fingers fiddled with the beads on his
wrists, and the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.
A closer look reveals that his eyes are extremely dark and cold.
His people have never been bullied like this!
It’s okay if these people don’t come, don’t cry for your father and mother to beg
and want to come to eat this meal...
He took out his cell phone, and in front of Qiao Nian he couldn't make phone
calls, so he changed to sending messages.
He first sent a message to Ye Lan, and then another to Ye Lao. After sending it,
he went to the group of people around him and asked if he had time and where
they were. Whenever he has time, he rolls to the Yufu quickly and eats at noon!
Qiao Nian didn't see him sitting there lazily sending messages. She flipped
through the people in the address book, found a few people who had stayed in
Beijing all the year round, and made a phone call.
She doesn't care how many people come to eat at noon. According to her
personality, there are too many people and it is troublesome. She is very
annoyed about socializing.
For her, the fewer people, the better.
save trouble.
You can leave after eating..
It's just that the tone of the phone that Jiang Zongnan made to her just now made
her very concerned, let alone apologized to her guilty.
is... very dry!
Obviously it was not a big deal, her  was like an unknown fire burning up
"Hey, Jinan, um, something...have a lunch in the air? Ah, my college entrance
banquet is on the third floor of Yufu."
The voice of the girls in the car is low and nice, and the speed of speech is
Gu San and the Ye family driver in the front row could hear the name of Ji Nan
so familiar, as if they had heard it somewhere.
Gu San desperately thought about where he had heard it before, but did not
remember it for a while.
Before he could almost understand, Qiao Nian hung up the phone and made a
new call: “I’ll have dinner on the third floor of Yufu. I will come at noon. Come
here early.”
Gu San: "……"
How does he feel that Ms. Qiao is not in Beijing, but there are many people who
know Beijing.
These calls, one after another, listening to Ms. Qiao’s tone, these people are all
people from Beijing, otherwise Ms. Qiao would not directly report the address for
eating, and did not ask if the other party was in Beijing.
Since you don’t ask, they must all be in Beijing.
As soon as Qiao read the phone call, he also heard some corners. From Miss
Qiao's words, he could probably guess the current situation.
Gu San has always regarded Qiao Nian as his own, not to mention the delusion
asked him before, whether he will stand in line in the future, he said that he will
stand on Qiao Nian's side.
Ms. Qiao encounters this kind of thing, Gu San admits that she has an obligation
to do something.
He thought about it, and found his mobile phone and started contacting someone
who could be called.

Chapter 883: I made a special trip to watch the excitement

Outside the Yufu Hotel, Wei Ling and Shen Qiongzhi arrived late. They did not go
to the banquet hall, and found a place by the window to drink water on the third
The waiter sent a pot of top-notch bamboo leaf green, and the celadon white-
glazed tea set had a sense of national style. Wei Ling sat on the corner of the
sofa, slowly holding up the tea cup, and took a sip of tea in a good mood.
Diagonally opposite her was the place to eat. Tang Wanru and Jiang Zongnan
stood outside to greet the guests, saying they were greeting guests. She sat for
ten minutes and saw that only one or two people came, or the kind of
unrecognizable faces.
In this situation, Wei Ling was in a good mood. The tea she served was
refreshing and sweet, and she had endless aftertastes.
Drinking, she was in a happy mood and stretched her eyebrows.
"It's almost noon, and it seems that few people are coming. Hehe, what a college
banquet, I think it's a joke." Shen Qiongzhi sat opposite her with a regretful
expression, and said in a low voice, "Losing Jiang The old man was so
embarrassed to send us an invitation. I had known that I had called Weimin to go
with me, and went inside to watch the jokes!"
Wei Ling fiddled with the tea cup, dismissing her words, but the corners of her
mouth were raised: "They won't see it when they take a picture."
They had heard before that Jiang Xianrou had deliberately caused Kiezi to mess
up Qiao Nian's college banquet when she didn't come, so today they came to
watch the excitement.
However, neither Shen Jingyan nor Qiao Weimin came.
Mainly disdain to engage in these small actions.
Wei Ling doesn’t think her action to watch the excitement is a small act. It is rare
to see Qiao Nian’s joke once, and she doesn’t mind wasting some time.
"I'll take a picture and send it to Jing Yan." She said, took out her mobile phone,
and took a picture at the entrance of Menting Luo Que's banquet hall. She also
took a picture of Jiang Zongnan's worried expression but still squeezed out a
smiling face.
After taking the photo, she was in a good mood and sent it to Shen Jingyan.
also added a sentence below.
[It's eleven o'clock noon, and no one came to Qiao Nian's entrance banquet
today. ]
After sending the message, she ed her mouth and asked Shen Qiongzhi, who
was sitting across from her, "Did you bring the invitation letter sent to you by the
Jiang family?"
"Bring it." Shen Qiongzhi pulled out the red invitation letter from his handbag, and
smiled: "I must bring this kind of thing with me, in case we want to go'eat a meal'
at noon..."
Wei Ling took a deep look at her. For the first time, she felt that she was not
hopelessly stupid, and she knew to take the invitation letter before going out.
She took the invitation letter Shen Qiongzhi put on the table, got up, carrying her
handbag, and was getting ready to go'congratulations'.
Who knows, I suddenly saw a familiar figure——Yuan Yongqin at the corner of
my eyes?.
Yuan Yongqin was still dressed as a professional woman, with a few people from
the Yuan family in Beijing, politely walked to Jiang Zongnan and Tang Wanru,
and handed the red envelopes.
"Congratulations, I heard that she is hosting a promotion banquet here today."
Yuan Yongqin herself is a successful woman in the shopping mall. She has long
been accustomed to these greetings. She speaks smoothly and nicely. She gives
Zu Jiang Zongnan face, but she is so smooth and can be a person, and she
stingy with Tang Wanru who is beside Jiang Zongnan all the time. I didn't even
look at it, as if I didn't see it.
"The Deputy Secretary Jiang will not blame me for uninviting me."
She smiled and said politely.
Jiang Zongnan didn't expect Yuan Yongqin to come, but he heard Jiang Li talk
about the relationship between Qiao Nian and Yuan Yongqin of Chengfeng
Group. He recovered and immediately greeted people to enter.

Chapter 884: The red envelopes are all 666 numbers

The other members of the Yuan family, Yuan Xue and others gave the red
envelopes they prepared one after another.
They gave the red envelopes to Tang Wanru's hands, and after giving the red
envelopes, they followed in one by one.
Tang Wanru had never thought that people from the Yuan family in Beijing would
come uninvited. Her hands holding the red envelopes were stiff. Although she
was smiling on her face, she was very sorrowful.
what's going on?
Yuan Yongqin arrived on the front foot, and someone came on the back foot.
is still an old acquaintance.
Tang Wanru had met Qin Si with Jiang Xianrou several times before. Although
she had only said hello from a distance and left, she definitely knew Qin Si and
his group.
Qin Si wore a houndstooth shirt today. His whole temperament was outstanding
and his aura was extraordinary. There was always a cynical smile on the corner
of his mouth. He was surrounded by Zhang Yang, Bo Jingxing and others.
Hulala, a bunch of people.
Before he walked over, Zhang Yang’s cell phone made a beep. It was a group
He took the time to take a look, Jiang Xianrou posted it in the group.
[@秦, are you free in the afternoon, do you have a game together at two o'clock?
There are many people catering to it.
In normal times, Zhang Yang would give Jiang Xianrou some face, but after
several times of coming down, he completely figured out the situation.
Qin Shao and Jiang Xianrou are not a particularly good relationship, Jiang
Xianrou can join Qin Shao’s small circle,’s not that Qin Shao and Wangye
will see her more, just give Jiang Shao face.
Especially about Zhou Wei's last time, Jiang Xianrou ran to the clubhouse to find
Qin Shao, and asked Qin Shao to intercede with Zhou Wei.
He was playing Pai Gow with a few people at the time.
Qin Si's words, he is still impressed today.
What    is talking about, it seems to be ‘I don’t have this face with Lord Wang,
and you don’t have this face.’ Tsk, this is not the way that Qin Shao and the small
circle of Master Wang will hold Jiang Xianrou up..
Instead, it was Miss Qiao, the sister of the arrogant master who came to Beijing
to play last time. Recently, he often teamed up with Qin Shao and Miss Qiao to
play games.
It took a while to taste it, and that Miss Qiao seemed to be the one who held Qin
Shao's small circle on the cusp of her heart.
It's just that not many people in Beijing know about this.
No, Miss Qiao’s college entrance banquet even came to Bo Shao, not to mention
that Bo Shao brought several people from the Nine Institute.
Huaxia Nine Institutes have always been mysterious in Beijing and not related to
major forces. Even these people at Nine Institutes buy Ms. Qiao’s account and
are willing to give face to attend Ms. Qiao’s college entrance banquet.
Zhang Yang looked at the crowd, several people kneeling and  Jiang Xianrou,
sneered, and took advantage of the gap in the past, and replied a message in the
[I have to eat out at noon, no time. ]
While raising his head, he whispered to Qin Si: "Shao Qin, Miss Jiang asked to
play together in the afternoon in the group, and Aite gave you back."
Qin Si held a big red envelope in his hand. There was no money in the red
envelope. He installed a bank card just like Bo Jingxing. It looked thin to the
touch. There was a lot of money in one card, with a seven-digit number.
6.66 million.
This is the number he negotiated with Bo Jingxing early in the morning. After all,
Qiao Nian's score on the college entrance examination was 666.
The unsatisfactory result of the gods, with a red envelope of 666 is just right.
There was also a good sign for the success of the university. He was quite
satisfied with this number. He heard Zhang Yang talk to him about Jiang Xianrou,
and said that Jiang Xianrou was going out to play in the afternoon. A smirk
appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes could not show emotion. But
her tone was alienated and indifferent: "She's not busy doing important medical
experiments, she doesn't even have time for lunch, why, suddenly she has time
to come out to play in the afternoon?"

Chapter 885: No, labor and management are not available

"Maybe...Professor Liang Lu suddenly gave them a vacation?" Zhang Yang also

followed, his tone was neither salty nor light, and he could hear the ridicule inside
by listening carefully.
Qin Si took up his hand, scornfully, narrowed his eyes, and directly replied: "No!
No time for labor and capital!"
Make a fart game!
Jiang Xianrou did things too badly this time. After so many years of friends, he
has always regarded Jiang Xianrou as his sister. He can’t say anything bad, but
he doesn’t want to give this face!
"After dinner in the afternoon, I watched sister Qiao's time. Last time I said I
would take her to the scenic spot. I would take her to visit when she had time."
Zhang Yang looked like a monkey, and immediately said: "I will go with you."
incidentally smiled and said, “I just made a small amount of money by trading in
stocks some time ago. I’m going to go in the afternoon and I will pay the bill. Miss
Qiao buys whatever you want!”
In their circle, even if someone like Zhang Yang said they made a small sum, it
would definitely start at eight figures, and those with thousands or tens of
thousands would be embarrassed to come up with it.
Qin Si glanced at him, and understood that he wanted to cheer up Qiao, but he
didn't say anything, and acquiesced in what he said.
Sister Qiao is going to study at National National Taiwan University soon, and
she will definitely settle down in Beijing in the future. People like Zhang Yang, the
more the better.
He is not afraid of smart people like Zhang Yang, he is worried that Qiao Nian will
be bullied by touching something that doesn't have eyes!
He didn't know it every time, Qiao Nian was a temperament who didn't talk about
things, and he was a brother-in-law, how much he had to protect.
Otherwise it's not enough!
Jiang Zongnan really never thought that Qin Si and the others would come. He
looked at the large group of people in front of him in amazement, and couldn't
recover for a long time.
When he came back to his senses, he immediately glanced in Tang Wanru's
direction, thinking it was the person Jiang Xianrou had called.
Look at Bo Jingxing and they are all here, and I think Jiang Xianrou may not be
able to call so many people.
Slim and Rou was admitted to the Department of Medicine of National Tsing Hua
University at that time, and the Jiang family also hosted a college entrance
banquet. At that time, the father of the family had not retired, and there were a lot
of people who came here, but they were not as big as today.
Qin Si, Zhang Yang, Bo Jingxing... Jiang Zongnan looked around and saw Luo
Qing and others. Everyone gave him a gift red envelope.
The words are all the same..
"Uncle Jiang, we heard that Miss Qiao (Sister Qiao) is hosting a school
promotion banquet here today. She came here temporarily and didn't tell you. Do
you mind?"
Jiang Zongnan thought at first that they were giving Jiang Xianrou face, although
later he felt that Jiang Xianrou might not have such a great face, but he didn't
think about Qiao Nian. At first I heard everyone said that it was for Qiao Nian
himself. It was Qiao Nian's face. He opened his mouth and his body was a little
stiff. His reaction was quick. He immediately said, "How come? Come on, please
come in, I'll take you to your seats."
Qin Si and others also passed by Tang Wanru directly, without even looking at
Tang Wanru, let alone calling her aunt.
Qin Si and a group of people from Jiu Suo, Ye Lan and Ye Maoshan did not
seem so surprising when they came with Ye Qichen.
Tang Wanru had a stiff expression on her face throughout the whole process,
accompanied by a smiling face, but her movements were somewhat the same,
numb and awkward.
Qin Si didn't say hello to her, Yuan Yongqin ignored her, and even Ye Lan and
Ye Maoshan who came back did not see her.
One person like this, two or three...everyone like this, even if she is a fool, she
can see something-these people are supporting Qiao Nian! I think her aunt
treated Qiao Nian harshly, so I showed her every one of them!

Chapter 886: What is pomp, this is pomp

This is the first time that Tang Wanru has been so disrespectful in Beijing for so
many years, but she can't afford any of these people who disregard her.
She can only take it hard.
On the one hand, I haven’t found time to tell my daughter about the situation on
Yufu’s side.
On the other side, Wei Ling, who was standing outside who was planning to go
in, was in no better condition than her, looking at more and more people with a
surprised expression.
Everyone has an extraordinary identity, and some even rarely show up on such
Seeing that there were more people coming to Lu, she was holding the invitation
in her hand, and she wanted to go in and watch the excitement.
'S face is getting more and more ugly, standing still, like nails on the heels of his
feet, unable to walk or move!
"What's the situation...?" Wei Ling's voice was a bit dry, she looked at the
suddenly lively banquet hall incredibly, like a ghost.
Yuan Yongqin and Su Huaiyuan, the people from the other side of the city, she
can understand, but what about the people from the Beijing family who came
Qiao Nian knows these people?
At this time, her phone vibrated.
Wei Ling took out her cell phone irritably, and saw that Shen Jingyan had
returned her message. The last message she sent was a photo of Qiao Nian's
college banquet.
The following is Shen Jingyan’s message back to her: [Just look at the
excitement, don’t make trouble. ]
Shen Jingyan's news, as long as she returns to her ten minutes early, she will go
back to it again, taunting a few words. But now, she really didn't have the
courage to return to Shen Jingyan.
And the news still slapped her face silently like a slap in the face.
Look at the excitement?
She originally ran with Shen Qiongzhi to see the excitement of Qiao Nian, but
now... who is watching whose excitement? !
Shen Qiongzhi didn't know the people in Beijing. Except for Yuan Yongqin's
familiar faces, she knew that many people had come. She also asked Wei Ling
with a blank face: "Who are these people? Why do so many people suddenly
come out? Joe? Where do you want to find these inconsistent people, shouldn't
you just find someone to make up the count?"
Wei Ling moved her mouth, unable to speak..
Make up the number?
How many people in Beijing have the ability to get Ye Lao and others to make up
the numbers?
Don’t say anything else about Qiao Nian’s college entrance banquet, I’m afraid
that most of the top circles in Beijing are here!
Waiting for Wei Lou to appear with a young man, Wei Ling's speechless voice
trembled already dry, she stared at the young man's face and blurted out: "Jinan!
It's actually Ji Nan."
Shen Qiongzhi didn’t even know Qin Si, let alone know Ji Nan. She was fearless
if she didn’t know, she turned her head and asked indifferently: "Who?"
"..." Wei Ling was too lazy to explain to her, her mind was messed up.
Jinan is a native of Beijing, but not from Beijing. The Ji family is very low-key in
Beijing and hardly participates in any banquets or social gatherings.
The power of the Ji family is not in Beijing, mainly in the illegal zone.
But Ji Nan himself has a very good reputation in the Beijing circle. He is known
as the domestic Buffett. This man looks young, but he can turn his hands into the
clouds and rain in the stock market.
The stock market is also comparable to Ji Nan in an SN.
However, SN Shenlong is more mysterious and low-key than Ji Nan. He only
knows that SN and Ji Nan have a good private relationship, and the two should
know each other.
Shen Jingyan and Wei Ling have always wanted to win over or fawn on this
young man who has power in the illegal zone, but they failed for a long time. How
could Ji Nan appear at Qiao Nian’s entrance banquet? !
Wei Ling is holding her mobile phone, this time she feels a little uneasy!
Sister Nian: No thanks, little scene!
Thank you for your rewards such as Mo Ye, Y, etc. Some IDs are not easy to
play, so I don’t want to thank them one by one.

Chapter 887: Care from your boyfriend

Below the hotel, the black red flag just arrived and stopped firmly in front of the
Yufu Gate.
The driver still had to go to the parking lot to park his car and didn’t get off. Gu
San got off first, helped the people in the back to open the car door, raised his
eyes and glanced at the steps of the imperial palace, and said in a low voice,
“Miss Qiao, I’m here.”
Qiao Nian played a game. He just put away his mobile phone and noticed that
the car had stopped and they had reached the place to eat.
She got out of the car in a good time and pulled down the brim of her hat to look
at her phone.
As soon as the mobile interface leaves the game, there are many unread
Yuan Yongqin and Nie Mi were asking her if she got off the plane.
Qiao read the news one by one.
Only Qin Si’s news came last and asked: [Sister Joe, is it there yet? ]
Qiao Nian hasn't returned a message yet.
Ye Wangchuan watched the girl hook her head to play with her mobile phone
along the way, and did not see the way forward. He pressed his brow bones
helplessly, and walked beside her to remind her: "Be careful of the steps, don't
"..." Qiao Nian, who was reading the news, raised her head, her black and white
eyes narrowed dryly, talking to him was not as alienated as before, and she went
back evilly: "Well, are you cursing me?"
Ye Wangchuan helped her sort out the broken hair under the brim of her hat, and
she was in a good mood. Her deep eyes seemed to swallow people in, so she
dialed a thousand catties back to her: "Sister Nian can't see that this is from your
boyfriend's concern. "
Qiao read: "..."
To be honest, she had never noticed that he talked so much before.
It was probably a little bit irritable to be teased, Gu San was here again, she
quickly turned her eyes away, a little bit of a runaway, and went back to Qin Si's
Ye Wangchuan looked at the girl pursing the corners of her mouth, looking quite
dry, but she avoided looking at herself, her  trembled, and a chuckle overflowed
from her throat. Obviously, the good mood was written on her face, Ming Ming
Qiao Nian had already put it out.' I can't afford to provoke me, and he added
slowly beside him: "In fact, you don't need to be so careful. I will definitely not let
you fall when I am next to you."
Qiao Nian was typing with his finger on the screen, a good downstairs character,
because he deliberately provoked himself, his hand slipped and made a typo.
The key is that her habitual reply to the news will not look back. After looking
back, the news has already gone out.
Qin Si asked her if she arrived.
The Qin Si she returned is under the'face'.
Face is a shameless face!
Qiao Nian looked at the message he was replying, took a deep breath, and
automatically blocked the people around him, ready to go back to the past again.
Half of her message was posted, she was already on the third floor and walked
outside the banquet hall.
is preparing to go in.
A familiar voice called her name.
"Qiao Nian?"
This voice?
The warmth in her eyes quickly solidified, raising her head, she saw an
Shen Qiongzhi is still the same, wearing rich and powerful, not to mention brand-
name skirts and bags, there are still round pearl necklaces around her neck. If it
is not for the wrinkles and old-fashioned eyes and lips, she is at least dressed.
Ten years younger than the actual age.
It's a pity that her life has been unsatisfactory throughout the year, and she can't
think about it. She is often stunned, and she grows very fast.
Dressed up as Mrs. Fu with heavy make-up, compared with the clean and
refreshing Wei Ling standing next to her with a famous watch all over her body,
she appears to be vulgar and vulgar, just like a nouveau riche from the
Shen Qiongzhi suddenly called out the name of the girl who came by, frightening
Wei Ling, and then when the man next to the girl looked towards them, her eyes

Chapter 888: Just clean up the garbage, what can I have

still looked like an expensive lazy expression, but Wei Ling's heart froze, and she
wished to cover the mouth of the idiot next to her.
But Shen Qiongzhi yelled, and others heard it again.
She had to bite the bullet, squeeze the handbag in her hand, tugged her lips, and
pulled out a dry smile: "It's a coincidence, Nian Nian, I met you here. I heard that
you did well in the college entrance examination. Congratulations. "
Congratulations, she said it was extremely difficult.
Qiao Nian's college entrance examination results can not be described as a good
exam. If you sincerely bless you, you will definitely emphasize the fairy score of
the national champion.
She just took it with one stroke of an understatement.
It can be seen how torment her heart by asking her to wish Qiao Nian a good
college entrance examination.
Weiling bite the bullet and sent her blessings.
Shen Qiongzhi didn't even bother to do superficial skills, don't start, with a cold
face, with a high posture, only he didn't roll his eyes directly.
"Why don't you tell the family about the goodness of the college entrance
examination?" She asked as soon as she opened her mouth.
It makes Qiao Nian still like Qiao’s family, and the results of the college entrance
examination should be told to her ‘parent’.
Qiao Nian didn't tell her, but Qiao Nian was wrong.
"..." The girl pushed down the brim of her hat, but she didn't respond and didn't
It's just that his eyes are cold.
Everyone who knows her knows that this is a sign of her upset.
Ye Wangchuan kept her behind him without a trace, and said to Gu San: "You go
with Nian Nian first."
turned his face to one side, and said to the girl: "You go in first, be good."
Qiao Nian raised his head and glanced at Shen Qiongzhi and Wei Ling again.
They put their hands in their pockets, as if they were still thinking about whether
to go in.
Knowing her temperament, Ye Wangchuan whispered again: "Grandpa Jiang is
still waiting for you inside. Do you want to quarrel with them here? Today is your
college entrance banquet. I know you don’t care, but Grandpa Jiang and your
second uncle bother. Invite a group of friends to congratulate you, and you don’t
want two rat **** to ruin a pot of porridge and disappoint Mr. Jiang. Don’t you?"
Speaking of Qiao Nian's seven inches above, she raised her eyes, her black
eyes were beautiful and pure, her tone was lazy, but she was serious: "I'm going
in, are you okay here?".
"Tsk." Ye Wangchuan took her hand, squeezed the tip of her finger, in a good
mood, released it again, and raised his head again, with a faint smile on his lips,
but his eyes were extremely cold: " Just clean up the garbage, what can I do. Go
in, don’t worry."
"I will send you a message if something happens."
Speaking of this, Qiao Nian can't say anything, mainly because, just like Ye
Wangchuan said, she didn't want to mess up the college entrance banquet that
Elder Jiang had carefully prepared for her because of Shen Qiongzhi.
So she lowered her eyelids and raised her phone: "Remember what you said,
send me a message if something happens."
"I know."
Ye Wangchuan's identity was there, and she didn't think Wei Ling and Shen
Qiongzhi would dare to do anything. She just thought they were annoying, just
like flies, they were always buzzing around and shouting, really want to talk about
ability, and There is no ability.
Annoying Kung Fu is superb.
Just in time, Mr. Jiang’s phone call came in again, mostly asking her where she
was going and when she would arrive.
Qiao Niandu was already not far from the entrance of the banquet hall, so he
didn't answer the phone and hung up the phone directly. Finally, he glanced at
him and said, "Then I will leave it to you."
"Well, you can go in."
Qiao Nian told him to give it to him, so he completely trusted him, walked neatly,
not at all embarrassed, and his back was very shabby.

Chapter 889: The first wave of face slaps

In the banquet hall of Qiao Nian's college banquet on the third floor of Yufu.
Zhang Yang, Qin Si, and Bo Jingxing are at the table. In addition to Bo Jingxing,
there are Luo Qing and others.
Originally, Zhang Yang came over to eat, and there was some meaning to betray
Qin Si’s favor. He also knew that there were not many people here today, but as
more and more people came in, he was a little restless sitting in his seat,
surprised and surprised. At the same time, I was a little bit lucky. Fortunately,
when Qin Si asked, I immediately said that I had time, so I took time to come
over today.
He stared at the door, watching Ye Lan and Ye Lao as Lu came in one after
another, as well as people from the Wei family, Wen Ruxia, etc.
Three people from the four families standing at the top of the pyramid came from
Beijing. Only the Shen family came, but the Shen family was weaker than these
three families. The courtesy point of the Beijing city is called the four big
families. , If it’s not sound, it can also be said to be one-third of the world.
Shen Jing said whether he will come, but it has little effect.
At least it will not affect the grade of Miss Qiao’s entrance banquet.
"Shao Qin, you didn't tell me that there were so many people coming to the
college entrance banquet for Miss Qiao." Zhang Yang was a little bit unable to sit
still, as if there was a nail under his . The main reason was that the number of
people who came to the college entrance banquet was not It's a lot of them, but
the big ones make him nervous.
It was not surprising that Qin Si looked at Ye Lan who came in, but he was not so
calm when he saw the energetic and energetic Ye Lao in a shirt and jacket.
Look at what is behind Yuan Yongqin, Yuan Jia, Su Huaiyuan, and Weilou and
Wen Ruxia that Zhang Yang saw. The corners of his mouth twitched, and the
eyes on his cynical face darkened. He pursed his lips and said, "I don’t even do it
myself. Knowing that some people will come, I will tell you a fart."
He was not surprised that Aunt Ye would come, and he could even understand
that Ye Lao came to support sister Qiao.
Including Weilou, Wei's family didn't owe sister Qiao a favor before, and it's
normal to come here.
But who told him what happened to Su Huaiyuan and Yuan Yongqin?
Didn’t Yuan Yongqin fall out with the Yuan family in Beijing? I haven't contacted
him for more than ten years. Today, I came in side by side and sat at a table to
participate in Qiao Nian's higher education. Who can tell him what this is like?
Sister Joe’s small school banquet is so attractive?
He remembered that Wangye had nothing to do with Chengfeng Group anyway,
and he never walked around.
Who are Yuan Yongqin and Su Huaiyuan directed at?
Qiao Nian?
"..." Qin Si thought of this, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch
again, a little surprised but not so surprised.
At first, didn’t he also think that Qiao Nian was a senior high school student who
came around the city, and then he slapped his face?.
It’s just this...Where did Master Wang find the "sister" of the fairy, it's too fierce,
this relationship is not worse than him!
Qin Si hasn't seen Ji Nan come in yet.
was hit by Zhang Yang's elbow lightly, lowered his voice and said to him: "Qin
Shao, Miss Jiang is in the group again."
Qin Si frowned, with an impatient expression on his face, took out his mobile
phone, and just dropped his head to miss the coming of Ji Nan.
He looked at the group.
Jiang Xianrou is particularly active.
The atmosphere in the group is very good, and most of the people are talking
about the things that come out in the afternoon.
As Zhang Yang said, Jiang Xianrou shot him again and sent a message in the
[Qin Shao, two thirty in the afternoon, Sinan Clubhouse, do you have time? @秦
He turned up quite annoyingly, and turned to the place where Jiang Xianrou first
Aite him, and saw Zhang Yang help him reply below, saying that he had no time.

Chapter 890: The second wave of face slaps

It seems that Jiang Xianrou ignored Zhang Yang's reply, and Aite again.
Forget it once, Qin Si didn't want her to stop coming to the stage in public.
But Jiang Xianrou did him more than once, no matter how good his temper is, he
grinned, his eyes were sloppy, and his appearance was just like a dandy second-
generation ancestor, but he could play well with Bo Jingxing and Ye Wangchuan.
The person, how could he be a silly white sweet.
Jiang Xianrou again and again, and again and again in the group at him, if you
want to say nothing else, he really doesn't believe it.
After all, on this day, Mr. Jiang called people everywhere, and many people in
Beijing knew that Jiang’s family would hold a school promotion banquet for the
granddaughter who came around the city today.
In their circle, Jiang Xianrou didn’t attend by herself, and she said that she would
come out in the afternoon to make a game, and repeatedly mentioned him.
Several meanings couldn’t be more obvious.
Sister Qiao had just arrived in Beijing, and before she had this meal, Jiang
Xianrou first crowded out people in their circle.
Even if she pushes out sister Joe, she has to pull herself out as a spearman.
Qin Si is a little impatient and doesn't want to give face!
He picked up the phone casually, took a picture of the banquet hall and sent it to
the group, without waiting for Jiang Xian and others to reply.
He did not rush or slow down and typed and sent another message.
[I am eating out, not going. ]
He happened to take a photo of Ye Lan and others, as well as Nie Mi and Liang
Conglin, all standing together and chatting.
As soon as the photos were sent out, the group became lively.
[Master Si, where is this? How did I see Lao Nie? ]
There are a few others they all know, but they dare not name them.
The following row of messages are all asking where they are.
What to eat.
Qin Si looked at the news above. Some people heard that Mr. Jiang had called to
find them. Those people found reasons to shirk and were not willing to come.
He sluggishly, with a little sarcasm, replying to the news: [Don’t you know? My
sister’s college entrance banquet, I came over for dinner. ].
The person under the water immediately asked who it was.
Qin Si didn't hide it, it was a little bit of face, not to Jiang Xianrou, and Aite Jiang
Xianrou directly in the group.
[Speaking of it, it’s the acquaintance of @江漢柔, the granddaughter Jiang
Laoxin found, who came around the city, Qiao Nian, and is also my sister. ]
The sentence "I am also my sister" clearly shows Qiao Nian to support the
Death silence in the group.
The people who play in this group are the people they usually play. Even if they
can't enter the core small circle of Qin Si and his group, they can at least reach
the side of the circle.
So how could I not know that Jiang Xianrou would not wait to see her newly
found "cousin". Everyone gave Zujiang Xianrou a face, and just kept flattering,
kneeling and , saying that I have time in the afternoon and would like to organize
a game.
As soon as Qin Si’s news came out, they were only left in embarrassment.
Besides the embarrassment, many people are still confused-what kind of
situation is this, hasn't Ms. Jiang been acquainted with Qin Shao and the others?
How does Qin Shao's attitude seem to attach more importance to the girl who
came around the city?
No one spoke in the group for a long time.
Before, Jiang Xianrou had been talking in it, and she was not active. She replied
twice from time to time, and circled Qin Si twice.
Now Qin Si responded to the news and turned back to Aite, but she didn't
respond at all in the group just like the mobile phone was not by her side.
Zhang Yang is also watching the group, seeing this scene, only feels funny.

Chapter 891: I want to participate now, I have no place

He has always been shrewd and knows how to be a man, and he can see Qin
Si's attitude, and he becomes more determined in his heart where he should go,
immediately imitating Qin Si's appearance, and slowly sending messages in the
[I have also come to Miss Qiao’s college entrance banquet. They are all here. Ye
Lao and Wei’s family are here. It’s a pity that Miss Jiang has no time to come
back. It’s a shame. ]
There was no one speaking in the group for a long time, but no one was decent.
Seeing the photos and the news sent by Zhang Yang in the group, I couldn’t
control so much, so I called them one after another.
On the other side, Mr. Jiang, since Yuan Yongqin, Qin Si and others came, plus
Ye family, Wei family, people from the top circles in Beijing came seven or eight,
and his mobile phone has been ringing non-stop. stage.
Before, many people who he refused to come by personally called and invited all
changed their faces and asked if the feast had started and whether they could
An hour ago, Mr. Jiang would not come to a few more people.
Now it’s different. He didn’t answer a phone call and left the phone ringing non-
stop. Later, he felt that the phone was ringing too annoyingly, and he turned his
hands on silent, so he didn’t see it!
He has retired from the circle and can not answer the phone.
Jiang Zongnan is in his prime of life, and it is not impossible that he can go
further, so he has to answer the calls that come to his mobile phone.
There were too many phone calls. He took a dozen or so. He came back with
some headaches and said to his father: "Dad, Jian's and Huangfu's are all calling
and saying that I have time again and want to come to Nian Nian's college
entrance banquet. I pushed them all, will it be bad?"
People licked their faces and called, and a lot of people wanted to come to the
college banquet, but he refused all of them, which somewhat offended people.
Old man Jiang has been infiltrated in Vanity Fair for many years, and he has long
cultivated a calm heart.
Hearing him questioning himself anxiously, he picked up the tea in front of him,
took a sip, raised his eyelids, and glanced at him to know what he was worried
However, Jiang Zongnan treated Qiao Nian very well. He loved Qiao Nian from
the bottom of his heart. He didn't say much, and pointed him: "What's wrong?
When we called them to let them come, they said they were not free. After a
while, we will be free again. Of course, we can't have a'position'. Otherwise, how
do people think of our home and get slapped in the face, and others can put a
little bit of sunshine on the face again?"
"Remember, humans, you have to be a bit spine. The more spine you are,
people will look at you! If you are spineless, you think you are giving others face,
and they may not treat you as giving face, thinking you are bullying. !"
Jiang Zongnan held the phone, his eyebrows gradually stretched out, and he was
not as worried as before. After thinking about it, he felt a headache again when
he thought of Jiang Xianrou who had killed him before and refused to return.
He was embarrassed to mention Jiang Xianrou in front of Mr. Jiang, and only
said: "I just heard Qin Shao and Yuan Yongqin said they came for Nian Nian,
Nian Nian when she met so many people..."
He was worried that no one would come to Qiao Nian's college entrance
banquet, but he didn't expect so many people to come over, and the small hall
they booked would be full..
So when he refused to call back people who wanted to come over, he said, ‘there
is no place here’, and he didn’t simply want to humiliate him back.
But the place they booked really didn't have a few vacant seats, and they were all
filled with people coming one after another.

Chapter 892: This speed is a bit fast

Old man Jiang put down his teacup calmly after hearing the words, and replied
meaningfully: "You forgot, Ye Lao is here today."
Jiang Zongnan understood: "Ye Shao's face?"
He just stood at the door to greet the guests, and he did find that most of the
families that came to him had good relations with the Ye family.
As for the small part...he didn't think deeply.
I mainly think that Qiao Nian is a student who has circled the city. Even if he has
good grades, he can’t know so many people. Some people can’t be invited.
He was about to mention Jinan with Mr. Jiang, too.
Who knew that Jiang Weishang passed him, looked at the door, changed his
calm and calm expression, showed a worried expression, and asked him:
"Niannian, have you called and asked, why hasn't she been there yet?"
Old man Jiang paused, and then said: "I just called her, but she didn't answer it.
Could something happen to me on the road?"
He didn't care why so many people came to Qiao Nian's college entrance
banquet. Compared with these vain things, he was more concerned about the
safety of his granddaughter at this age.
Jiang Zongnan looked back, did not see Qiao Nian, pursed his lips, and said
immediately: "I called her to ask, it should be almost there. I asked her before,
and she said she got off the plane and was on the road, almost half of the time.
It's been an hour, now it's just half an hour..."
Old man Jiang said ‘um’, as if he hadn’t heard him say it for half an hour, and
said uneasy: "You can call her to ask."
As soon as Qiao Nian walked into the eating place, Jiang Zongnan’s call came in
on the back foot. Her brows were wild, her eyebrows were raised, and her brows
were furrowed. Although it was already there, she didn’t hang up the phone
anymore. In the ear.
"Hey, um, I'm here, I didn't answer the phone as soon as I was downstairs..."
She raised her eyes and glanced, and found that there were a lot of people in the
banquet hall, and many tables were full of people, more people than she
In addition to a few familiar faces she knew, there were many people she didn't
know. Qiao Nian held the phone, remembering the tone of Jiang Zongnan calling
her before, and said,'Don't disappoint her, I'm afraid not many people will come.' ,
And once you see so many unrecognized faces are coming, you will know who
called it.
She snorted, and the corners of her mouth lifted slightly, and there was a slight
warm current flowing through her heart.
looked down again, pressed the brim of his hat, covering his delicate face, and
said to the person on the other side of the phone: "...just came in, it's already
Compared with the people who came to eat, she was very simple in dress,
ordinary can not be more ordinary, and she wore a peaked cap with only her chin
Most people didn't regard the girl who suddenly appeared in the banquet hall as
the protagonist of today's college banquet, they thought that Qiao Nian had gone
wrong, and was an ordinary person who came here.
Qiao Nian didn't care about this either, pulled his shoulder bag, hung up Jiang
Zongnan's phone, and planned to walk inside.
She had already seen the old man Jiang and Jiang Zongnan there, and she was
going to say hello to him, greet the old man's physical condition, and give him the
little pills she brought by the way.
Who knows that the phone rang again before it passed.
Qiao Nian picked up the phone quite dryly, looked down at the caller, the dry air
in his eyes dissipated and picked up.
"Where? I'm going to look for you."
The man's voice is low and dull, not good to hear.
It’s not Ye Wangchuan who is it?
Qiao Nian pursed her lips, her expression was a little surprised: "I just came in
and I was about to go to see Grandpa, did you solve it so soon?"
She thought that because of the difficulty of Shen Qiongzhi and Wei Ling, it
would take him at least 20 minutes to get in. Qiao Nian took the phone to check
the time, 5 minutes.
This speed is a bit fast.

Chapter 893: Tang Wanru is unwell

"It won’t take long to throw a ‘trash’ at random." The person on the other end of
the phone followed her voice, lazily and quite lazy: "Wait for me, I’ll come in to
find you."
Qiao Nian raised his eyelids, looked in the direction of Grandpa Jiang, and said
in a low voice: "I'll go over and say hello to Grandpa and the others, you can
come here directly to find me."
She has all come in, there is no reason why she can talk to Mr. Jiang and the
"Well, okay." Ye Wangchuan's tone was soothing and smiling, sultry: "I see, I'll
look for you."
Qiao Nian was inexplicably irritated by him, hung up the phone, pressed the brim
of his hat again, and walked in the direction of Jiang Zongnan and the others...
At the same time, there is also a person walking over there.
Slightly faster than her.
The man looks very young, about twenty-seven or eighteen years old. He is very
tall. He wears only black all over his body. His skin looks very white. His
appearance is clean and unremarkable, but he gives people a mysterious aura
that makes people pay attention. At the moment he couldn't move his eyes.
He and Wei Lou came in front and back. Most people only noticed Wei Lou, but
not him.
He didn't care about this either. After coming in, he found a corner and stood
there for a while, seeming to be making a call. After the call was finished, he saw
that there was no one in Old Man Jiang and walked over slowly with a bag.
"Wanru? Why haven't I seen her since just now?" Old man Jiang was still talking
to Jiang Zongnan.
Speaking of Tang Wanru, Jiang Zongnan’s expression was a little bit
embarrassed, and he said calmly: "She is not feeling well, she went outside to
rest, and come in later. Dad, are you looking for her? Then I'll call her in."
None of them expected Qiao Nian's entrance banquet to have so many people.
Tang Wanru, as one of the hosts, should be here to greet the guests with him,
but she ran away early.
Jiang Zongnan knew why Tang Wanru was ‘unwell,’ but he couldn’t tell him
He could have guessed the reason, how could Grandpa Jiang couldn't guess.
Jiang Weishang lowered his eyelids slightly, put his hand on the armrest of the
wheelchair, and called to stop him: "Forget it, if she is not feeling well, let her
rest. Anyway, the one who should be here It’s all here, and I don’t need her to
greet her. Let’s come in after she’s rested. She is thinking about the college
entrance banquet. She always wants to have a meal."
"Well, I'll send a message to her later." Jiang Zongnan's face was hot, but he
could only talk dryly.
While talking, he saw the man walking over from the corner of his eye, and
suddenly remembered what he had forgotten to say before: "Dad, Ji Nan is
"Jinan?" The old man Jiang was originally thinking about why Qiao Nian hadn't
come. He was taken aback when he heard the name he mentioned, and his
reaction was quite big: "Why would he come?".
"I don't know." Jiang Zongnan shook his head, looked at the young man who
came by, and said in a low voice: "I just wanted to tell you about this, but I forgot
to tell you when I encountered an interruption later."
"People have come here, what should we do?"
Jinan is really mysterious in Beijing. He rarely interacts with people in the circle.
Those guests who came today, although some of them are unfamiliar, at least
look up and see, see you down.
But Ji Nan, he really hasn’t come into contact with him.
I only know that Ji Nan is young and famous. Among the younger generation in
Beijing, he has extraordinary ability. Buffett in the stock market is not for nothing.
How many people want to win this person and can't even see each other. He
doesn't understand Ji Nan at all. How can I be here today.

Chapter 894: Introduce Qiao Nian to Ji Nan

Elder Jiang also didn't understand, but he was calmer than Jiang Zongnan, his
energetic face was calm and calm, and he only said one sentence: "The visitor is
a guest. We will greet us as we wish."
He thought for a while, and added: " should be the person Ye Shao called."
The Beijing city circle is not small, but there are only a few people on the tip of
the pyramid, and people like Ji Nan are probably only available to Ye
It's not that Ye Wangchuan is Qin Si and his ilk.
It may also be Ye Lan or Wen Ruxia, but these people are buying Ye
Wangchuan's face!
Jiang Zongnan understood this naturally, and nodded, his face calmed down:
"Well, I know."
He promised quickly, and his heart was somewhat utterly utterly utterly utterly
unpredictable. Ji Nan was too low-key and did not contact people in the circle. He
didn't know what kind of temper Ji Nan really was and whether he could get
along well. He said that he would be offended by greeting guests. Also
The young man is not walking fast, slowly carrying a bag, while still looking at the
phone, seeming to be sending a message.
Finally, he walked up to Jiang Zongnan and the old man Jiang, who was waiting
in front of him, put the phone away, constricted the frivolity on his face,
respectfully, and looked very good, and passed the bag in his hand: "Mr Jiang,
congratulations. This is it. A little bit of my heart, please accept it."
"Thank you."
Jiang Weishang thanked him.
Jiang Zongnan took the bag from him, and he didn’t know what was in it. Just a
few words.
Qiao Nian came over without any hassle.
She wore a peaked cap and had a very conspicuous temperament. She walked
up to Old Man Jiang and glanced up at the young man standing there. Her
expression was faint, as if she didn't recognize her, and her eyes fell on the Old
Man sitting in a wheelchair, polite greetings. : "Grandpa, I'm here."
"Niannian is here." The old man Jiang swept away the polite and calm, his face
showed a kind smile, his eyes were bright, he hurriedly waved to her, asked her
to come over, and come to himself: "Come on, let me take a look. ."
"..." When replaced by someone else, Qiao Nian might not be able to pass. In
front of the old man, she gathered up a seven-point temper and seemed to be
very talkative. She cleverly walked over and walked to the old man, letting him
look up and down again. It's a handle, and a closer look.
"Lean." Old man Jiang looked for a long time and concluded that he was
distressed and asked her: "Is it too tired for the college entrance examination?
You look thinner when you look at the face."
Qiao Nian never pays attention to her weight and doesn't take her appearance so
seriously, so Father Jiang said that she lost a circle. She didn't know if she was
really thin. She wanted to raise her hand to touch the brim of her hat, but felt that
this action was impolite. , She put her hand down halfway up and said, "I will eat
more food in the future."
"Yeah, eat more, don't lose weight. Girls are still a little fatter and beautiful.
Fortunately, you, they are too thin." Old man Jiang hadn't seen anyone for a long
time, and he finally saw him once. Look, the concern and joy that can't be hidden
under your eyes: "Before you were around the city, I was far away, and your
brother is a careless man, and he can't take care of you. Now he comes to
Beijing, and grandpa takes care of you and gives you every week. Just stew a
soup and drink more nutrition.".
Stewing soup every week...
Qiao Nian twitched the corners of his mouth, which was quite dry.
But she didn't say anything, she said, she knew it.
Elder Jiang pulled her, and wanted to ask her about the college entrance
examination, and the life around the city, but he noticed the young man who
hadn’t walked beside him from the corner of his eye. He still grabbed his stomach
for joy, endured it, and smiled. Introduce him to Qiao Nian.

Chapter 895: A friend I met online

"Niannian, let me introduce you to you. This is Mr. Ji Nan, this time I'm here to
attend your entrance banquet."
He smiled again. He didn't mean to introduce it at all. There was a faint sense of
pride deep in his eyes. He said to the young man: "Mr. Ji, this is my
granddaughter, Qiao Nian, who has been studying around the city before and
only came back today. "
Jiang Zongnan squeezed a sweat secretly on the side.
He knew that the purpose of the old man’s college entrance banquet was to
introduce Qiao Nian to this circle, and also told other people in Beijing that they
had one more person in the Jiang family.
is just the identity of Ji Nan, who might sell the Ye family's face and come to eat
this meal, but might not put their family in the eyes.
Since the Jiang family may not be able to enter the eyes of Ji Nan, the old man
suddenly introduced the two to know each other. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if Ji
Nan didn’t give face.
He is worried, thinking about whether he wants to go up and make a round.
Who knew that the young man glanced at the girl, smiled slightly, and said
slowly, "I know, we know each other."
Jiang Lao:...
Jiang Zongnan:...
He didn't come because of the face of the Ye family? ? ?
is for Qiao Nian? ? ?
Jiang Zongnan reacted more strongly, subconsciously looking in the direction of
the girl.
The girl pulled the brim of her hat and said nothing.
It can be seen that this statement is acquiesced.
Jinan really came here?
He was in a trance for a moment, and he couldn't recover for a long time.
Qiao Nian probably felt the eyes of the two falling on him, and dryly explained: "A
friend I met on the Internet before, I called."
I met on the Internet...a friend?
Online? ? ?.
If Jiang Zongnan doesn’t know the identity of the man in front of him, she still
feels that this friend she met online is nothing.
Young people, follow the trend, making friends online is normal.
But Qiao Nian, who knew the top circles in Beijing directly on the Internet, was
just a netizen, made him a little bit overwhelmed for a while.
"Haha." Ji Nan smiled heartily, not at all because Qiao Nian was angry at his
position as a "netizen", and echoed with a smile: "It is true, S... and I have known
netizens for many years. I just received her call. Only then did I know that she
came here uninvited at the college entrance banquet today. Don’t mind Mr.
He paused, feeling a breeze and refreshing, but his poor facial features were not
negligible, and he said, “I didn’t have time to prepare a gift with you when I came
here in a hurry, only to make it up next time.”
Old man Jiang couldn’t find his own voice for a long time, and he didn’t know how
to react. He originally intended to introduce Qiao Nian to Ji Nan, but he never
thought it turned the other way around. He felt like his granddaughter was
introducing Ji Nan to him. .
The situation before him was so sudden, he really didn't know how to pick it up.
Fortunately, Ji Nan didn’t insist on asking him to answer after he finished
speaking. He turned his head and said to the girl in a very familiar tone: “I’m
going to be a little urgent later, so I won’t eat anymore.”
The relationship between him and Qiao Nian can indeed be identified by
‘netizens’, because they usually only contact online.
is not just a netizen.
Generally, ‘netizens’ are not qualified enough for him to visit.
But if this ‘net friend’ is the girl in front of him, Ji Nan still feels that he should give
enough face.
But he did have an urgent matter on hand to go back to deal with, and he couldn't
"I just waited for you for a long time and you didn't arrive. I will mainly come over
and say congratulations to you, and I will give you a gift later."

Chapter 896: Sister Nian: Just someone I know

The tone is very familiar!

is by no means an ordinary friend.
At least here in Ji Nan, Qiao Nian's status is not low.
Jiang Zongnan and Jiang Lao saw another silence.
Qiao Nian didn’t have any other emotions, as if the person in front of her was an
ordinary person. She put her hand in her pocket, and she was more casual than
when she first talked to Mr. Jiang, and she said, “I’ve received my heart, so I
don’t need a gift. Up."
She paused, and then said: " told me on the phone that it was okay, so I
called you to come over for dinner. If you knew you were okay, you wouldn't have
to go there."
Jinan smiled again, and said slowly: "I don't know your college entrance banquet,
forget it, and if you know it, I have to come over again if I'm busy!"
Qiao Nian lifted his eyelids and glanced at him. His eyes were extremely dark,
and then he retracted his gaze and said, "It's up to you."
She asked Ji Nan to come over only when she received a call from Jiang
Zongnan, saying that no one was coming for the entrance banquet. She looked
through the address book and realized that Ji Nan was also in Beijing before
making the call.
Knowing that Ye Wangchuan had called so many people, she might not make
that call.
Qiao Nian hooked the corner of his mouth, and pressed down his hat quite evilly:
"I have written down the favor!"
Not far away, Ye Wangchuan had already entered.
As soon as he came in, he received a message from Bo Jingxing.
is just one line of words.
[I saw Ji Nan, why did he come? You called? ]
He squinted his eyes, retracted the phone into his pocket, and remembered the
previous call made by the girl in the car, as if his name was Ji Nan.
At that time, he thought he had the same name and surname..
Looking at Bo Jingxing’s news, Ji Nan in the call was exactly the same as he
thought. He was the stock market tycoon in Beijing known as ‘Domestic Buffett’.
Very young.
The Ji family has an illegal zone.
Qiao Nian knows Ji Nan?
He didn’t stop, he found the person he was looking for in the crowd at a glance,
and walked over there...
The people of Jinan have already left, Qiao Nian was taken by Old Man Jiang to
meet a group of people, and he had just been free.
just found a place and sat down very irritably.
A voice fell, and the chair next to her was pulled away: "Someone just saw Ji Nan
come to attend your college banquet, do you know?"
Old man Gangjiang also asked her this question privately, but she passed it
But she didn't hide anything from Ye Wangchuan: "Um, a friend."
"A man from Hongmeng?" Ye Wangchuan poured her a glass of water and
placed it in front of her.
Qiao Nian happened to be a little thirsty, so he picked up the cup and took a sip
before he denied it hurriedly: "No, just a friend I know."
She just had fun with stocks, and Ji Nan also had fun with stocks, and she knew
each other once and again.
It's just that I haven't met a few times in reality.
It was the second time we met just now.
is not particularly familiar, nor is it particularly unfamiliar, because she can come
and have a meal here.
Ye Wangchuan heard her say that she was not a member of the Hongmeng. He
squinted her eyes, her eyes were quite deep, but she did not continue to
If you want to ask, there are a lot of questions to ask.
For example, apart from the relationship on the illegal zone, he could not think of
any intersection between the two.
A hacker, the other is playing stocks.
Unless Ji Nan has approached Qiao Nian's black stock market and manipulated
stocks in the dark, otherwise he really can't think of any intersection between
Although Hongmeng is in the illegal zone, it is a force on the illegal zone, but it
has never done illegal business. Qiao Nian can never help the Jinan black stock
Chapter 897: Are all checking out sister's background

So the two knew each other, there must be other reasons he didn't know.
He tapped the water glass with his finger, and did not ask any more, but he was
clever and vaguely guessed something.
There is a person on the domestic stock market as famous as Ji Nan, SN.
Hongmeng’s logo is S, Qiao Nian’s code name is SUN, and Qiao Nian’s other
identity is Chasing Light.
Whether it is S or SUN or chasing light, it has something to do with light.
And SN, it seems that it can also be the abbreviation of sun.
He remembered that when he followed the account of Chasing Light, that
account was as clean as white paper, no matter whether it was an avatar or
personal information.
There is only one sentence left-no matter how dark the world is, there will always
be light.
His eyes darkened and softened, no longer delving into the question of who SN
is, instead he whispered to the girl next to him: "Where to live at night, do you
think about it?"
Jiang family's old man and her second uncle really love her, but after all, Tang
Wanru and Jiang Xianrou are in the family, and she is always uncomfortable
living in the Jiang family.
If Tang Wanru and Jiang Xianrou sincerely welcome her, they won’t be the yaozi
of today’s college banquet.
He is too lazy to care about others, his girlfriend, he is on the cusp of heart,
naturally he is reluctant to be bullied.
Only from the Jiang family, he has a blood relationship with Qiao Nian. He can't
say anything, but Qiao Nian definitely can't live in Jiang's house.
"Would you like to live there?" He paused, his eyes were bottomless, he smiled,
and said in a low voice, "I'll take Chenchen over, and we will live together."
The girl looked up at him, as if thinking.
Ye Wangchuan knows too well how to persuade the people in front of him to tap
the water cup without rush or slow. The white porcelain glaze cup is beautiful and
beautiful, and his appearance is extremely eye-catching, giving people a kind of
spring breeze. Of course, it is here in Qiao Nian. There will be this kind of
gentleness: "You are going to the National Taiwan University to report soon. You
must find a place to live. It is impossible to live alone. It is better to live with me,
which is convenient!
"You have lived before, and you don't need to adapt to the new environment."
He lowered his voice again, dumb and low-melt, looking at the girl, eyebrows
moving: "Niannian, stay with me, huh?"
There are so many people in Yufu, all from the top circles..
The movement was so big that almost everyone in Beijing noticed it.
There are not a few people who secretly inquire about what is happening in the
Yufu area today, but they have been inquiring about it, and the things they
inquired have caused them to drop their chins-it was just that the Jiang family did
it for the granddaughter who had been found back from a small place. Entrance
It is said that the granddaughter Jiang Lao found came from a small place around
the city.
The college entrance examination results are indeed good.
750 points, full marks!
Set the highest score ever in the college entrance examination.
But it's just that.
In addition, the most eye-catching information they found about this girl named
Qiao Nian was probably only one - it was Lao Nie’s closed student.
At that time, he was in the limelight at Lao Nie’s birthday party. He rubbed Jiang
Xianrou against the ground, causing Jiang Xianrou to make a small joke and
embarrassed him.
Except for this, no other things can be found.
But what they didn’t understand was that whether it was the face of Jiang’s family
or the face of Nie Mi, a girl’s college banquet that came around the city couldn’t
make such a big show and movement.
The Ye family, the Wen family, and the Wei family were among the people they
inquired about. It is said that Ji Nan, who usually does not show up, also went.
Not to mention Qin Si, Zhang Yang, etc. among the younger generation.
Other well-known names are Yuan Yongqin and Su Huaiyuan on the side of the
city... whichever one goes out is not a big boss.
Where is the face of a girl who came around the city? So many characters give
her a promotion banquet to support her.
Although a large group of people in Beijing did not understand the reason, the
name Qiao Nian quickly spread among the circles of Beijing...
If there are no special circumstances, it will be updated every night before 10
o’clock, usually at around 9 o’clock. Thank you Ding Dong, Flickering Years,
Yuanbao Mom, Bei Xiaoyu, Kong, etc.

Chapter 898: You can hear the echo if you slap loudly

The closed disciple of Nie Mi who came from the city, this year's college entrance
examination, the national champion, and Nie Mi, these words together have
become the keywords of Beijing.
In the laboratory of Beijing Kanghui Hospital.
The members of the team gathered around the test bench to observe the
changes in the mice’s drug test response. Only Jiang Xianrou found a corner
alone and stood there playing with his mobile phone.
Liang Lu is the leading brain surgery expert in China. The members who can join
her team are all top medical students, or people who have achieved
achievements in medicine, and have to work hard enough to be qualified.
Only Jiang Xianrou belongs to the background relationship.
The members of the entire medical team knew that this eldest lady herself did not
have much enthusiasm for medicine. When she first chose the major, she chose
the clinical department only because the clinical department of National Tsing
Hua University is the most powerful major of National Tsing Hua University. Jin, it
is not certain whether you will be engaged in medical-related majors in the
So Jiang Xianrou often d and slipped in the experiment, or did not ask for leave,
they were used to it.
At this moment, she went to play with her mobile phone again. Everyone
just umed that they hadn't seen it, what should they be doing, and they were
busy with their own affairs.
In the corner, Jiang Xianrou's face is not pretty.
Since half an hour ago, her cell phone was blown up by all kinds of calls. Some
people who couldn't reach Mr. Jiang turned the phone around and called her,
asking Qiao Nian about the school banquet today. To not punish the heart.
She didn't even feel in the mood to answer the next phone call, so she simply set
her mobile phone to reject mode.
But even so, the news in the group is still ringing non-stop.
She has always had a small group.
A group of people in Beijing had a good time with her or those who were fond of
her. In the group, she dragged Qin Si and Bo Jingxing into the group, knowing
that Ye Wangchuan didn't like these, so she didn't dare to pull them.
But with the two lively signs of Qin Si and Bo Jingxing, many second-generation
people in Beijing have sharpened their heads and want to join her group, and the
group has become a means for her to gather contacts.
Early this morning, she posted the news of the afternoon game in the group.
It was originally harmonious.
Zhang Yang couldn't tell..
She definitely couldn't stop trying to save the game because Zhang Yang didn't
come, so she went to Qin Si again. After all, as long as Qin Si was willing to
come out, her team's game was forced to go up.
This was originally a trivial matter.
She did this a lot before. Basically, Qin Si would sell her face to play together as
long as she was fine, but this time...
[I’m eating out...Speaking of which, this person is still your acquaintance, Qiao
Nian, my sister, who came around the city, and will cover it a little later. ]
Jiang Xianrou looked at Qin Si Aite’s news in Qunli, and her palm was cold, she
felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, and she could not find a trace of
She never thought that Qiao Nian could have a relationship with Qin Si. Looking
at Qin Si's posture, she made it clear that she had a good relationship with Qiao
Nian in private!
Otherwise, with Qin’s blatant character, it is impossible to say so publicly.
There are also those mentioned by Zhang Yang below, Ye Lao, Wei's family,
Wen's family all went to Qiao Nian's college entrance banquet...
No one in the Beijing circle knew that she would not wait to see the cousin she
recognized from the small place around the city. She would rather stay in the
laboratory than eat that meal. Everyone thought she would not go, and Qin Si
would not be able to go, but The news came down like a slap in the face, slap
after slap on her face, the fan was crisp and loud, and she herself could hear the
echo of the slap in the face!

Chapter 899: I must take the first place back this year

Jiang Xianrou was very irritable. She swiped the group news with her fingertips,
and she felt embarrassed when she saw that no one in the group sent messages
since Zhang Yang's message.
It's not over yet, those people didn't dare to send news in the group, but they did
not find her less privately.
She keeps reminding her of new messages on WeChat.
[Slim and soft, what's the situation? Why is your cousin's college entrance
banquet so big? You didn't tell us before. ]
[Xianrou, what is your cousin's background? You told me that she came around
the city. I thought she was an ordinary student. As a result, she was the number
one student in the national exam this year. That score must have been in the
National Taiwan University. Your family is all tyrants. ]
[Miss Jiang, in the afternoon, would you like to call your little cousin and
introduce it to everyone. I heard that she is a schoolmaster, so we can take care
of her in Beijing in the future. ]
Every one of them turned around and asked her about Qiao Nian, and she
wanted to clean up Qiao Nian's background.
Some people are more direct, saying that they have bought a congratulatory gift,
not knowing that it is not convenient to go to Yufu for a meal.
Just missed to write the word fawning on the forehead!
Looking at Jiang Xianrou, besides the blood in his whole body, he also wanted to
block his  and abdomen.
Qiao Nian.
Qiao Nian.
Qiao Nian.
She clicked on every WeChat message, it was all these two words, asking her
what Qiao read, why so many people would attend Qiao Nian’s college
Jiang Xianrou looked dizzy before her eyes, pinched her cell phone, and couldn't
recover for a long time, and she didn't know how to answer the news.
She didn’t even know what was going on in Yufu.
Why did Ye Lao and others go to dinner?
What’s even more ridiculous is that there was such a big event at home that
neither grandpa nor her dad called her to ask her to go back.
Her mother called her, and she seemed to be very angry. When Qin Si and
others were there, she saw that her mother didn’t even say hello to her, so she
didn’t even give face..
Jiang Xianrou didn’t know how to comfort her mother, because she didn’t even
know how to do this.
The phone and WeChat on her mobile phone were still ringing, she turned off the
phone upset, pursing the corners of her mouth, and prepared to go back absent-
It happened that Liang Lu came in from outside, holding a document in her hand.
When she saw her, a smile appeared on her rigid face, and she was in a good
mood, walked over, clapped her hands, and let everyone come over.
After everyone gathered around, Liang Lu took out the materials she brought and
said: "This year's medical knowledge contest is down, and it will be held in the
Beijing Medical Association next week. It will be the same as the medical
department of the major universities. People will be sent to participate. In
addition, top medical schools abroad will send their students to participate."
"This competition used to be the first place in China every year. Since three
years ago, a medical genius came out abroad, and we have always been
second. The meaning of this year is that we must take the first place back. Let
foreign countries take it away, otherwise our domestic medicine will be trampled
on by others."
This competition is very important internationally. Jiang Xianrou has heard of this
competition more than once. The comparison is based on medical knowledge. It
has to be compared. The format of the competition is very similar to the

Chapter 900: Gave Jiang Xianrou the place

Just like Liang Lu said, the first place in this competition a few years ago was
always taken by the domestic. Later, a genius student Qi Lanyin was born in a
foreign school, and the country has been suppressed by the opponent.
The second place is nice, but it is not the first after all.
What's more, the opponent will show off on social media every time he takes the
first place. It probably means that the competition is boring every year and there
is no opponent at all.
Small harm, very insulting.
No wonder the Medical Association will say this year that we must take the
number one back!
Who doesn’t want to take a breath?
Liang Lu's words came out, several group members geared up, their eyes
bursting with brilliance, and they wanted to participate.
Jiang Xianrou didn't speak, a sneer that seemed to exist and seemed to tucked
around his lips.
Sure enough.
After Liang Lu took out the file, she scanned the crowd, and then said: “Our
clinical department also has a place this year. After thinking about it again and
again, I decided to let Xianrou go.”
After she announced that she would give Jiang Xianrou the only place,
regardless of whether others were willing, she directly gave the form to Jiang
Xianrou, patted the girl's shoulder, and said earnestly: "This time is an
opportunity, you have to grasp it. Your professional knowledge is not bad. It
would be a great honor if you can get the number one back from abroad..."
This tone has been endured by the domestic medical profession for three years.
It is a pity that there is no talent among the younger generation of students who
can compare with others, and it is impossible for the older generation to stand up
and compete with the younger generation.
Every year in the domestic second place, I can only swallow my breath to watch
others show off and humiliate the domestic medical community on social
There is really no way!
If Jiang Xianrou can take the first place this time, it is indeed a huge honor, and it
would not be an exaggeration to use ‘honour for the country’.
Jiang Xianrou calmly accepted the application form from Liang Lu under the gaze
of everyone, smiled, and proudly: "Teacher, rest ured, I won't let you down. I will
definitely win the first place this time!"
"Yeah!" Liang Lu also laughed, her shoulders slackened, but the hand on her
shoulder was not taken back, and kindly reminded her: "You are the student with
the best grades in this year I led, I am sure Believe in your abilities, but..."
Liang Lu's voice changed and she had some headaches: "But the domestic
medical level has always been inferior to foreign countries, especially in the
clinical area. I have a small reputation in China, and that is the case in foreign
countries. Don't underestimate the enemy, Qi Lan Yinneng for three consecutive
years. She must be the first one to excel, not to mention that she is still a student
of Master Carlo."
Karoska is an internationally renowned medical master, one of the honorary
presidents of the International Medical Association, and a member of the Nobel
Committee. He is responsible for reviewing and awarding the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine every year..
In the domestic medical field, there is only a Huang Lao who can compare with
But one is a master of Western medicine and the other is a master of Chinese
The relationship between the two has always been very ordinary, and it can even
be said to be indifferent, and Carlos also has great hostility towards Chinese
medicine, and often publishes insulting remarks on Chinese medicine in
internationally renowned publications, such as thinking that Chinese medicine is
a product of mystery. For example, criticizing Chinese medicine for ignorance...
Liang Lu did not like the arrogant and domineering attitude of Carlo and his
student Qi Lanyin to domestic medicine every time.
But in terms of criticizing Chinese medicine, she watched it lively, and privately
agreed with the other party's theory that Chinese medicine is useless.

Chapter 901: We’re not number one in the country this year

So when she mentioned this, she turned to smile and said: "You don't have to be
under too much pressure. It is estimated that no one will participate in the
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine this year. You can play at your usual
level. I believe you can get the first place, but Even if they don’t get it, it’s okay.
The focus of their mockery will be on the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine at that time! No one in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
participates every year, and it's no wonder people catch them every year."
Jiang Xianrou let out a hum, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she felt a little better
after being uncomfortable for a whole noon, and she secretly made up her mind.
This time she must take it down!
Let those people take a look!
In the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tsing Hua University, Shen
Yugui is having a headache.
On his desk was an application form that was exactly the same as Liang Lu gave
to Jiang Xianrou. It had been there for a long time, and he just couldn't find a
name that could be filled in.
"...we won't go to our department this year?" a teacher from the Chinese
medicine department looked bitter and unwilling to ask.
Shen Yugui still looks sloppy, unshaven, and the beard on his chin is scribbled
and messy. He hasn't shaved, but his spirit looks pretty good. It's just that he has
a bitter face and helpless. Extremely.
"Who else should I let go? Just find a student and come back with the last one?"
Shen Yugui held his head with his hands, and his head was about to explode: "It
doesn't matter if we take the last one, but the clinical department next door is
waiting to see our jokes. They will definitely send Jiang Xianrou or Luo Qi to
participate this year. The top three, the top three of others, and our last one, our
TCM department will only have a worse reputation!"
"But this is the third year. If we don't go again this year, will the reputation be
All major colleges and universities will send people there, and the Department of
Medicine at NTU also has places.
Even other colleges and universities that are not in Beijing have one or two
places as long as they have a medical department. They are ranked first in the
national college rankings at any rate. If the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine cannot be found by one person, it is not a joke. what.
She said, Shen Yugui has never thought about it.
But easier said than done.
The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine only accepts two or three
students each year, and they are all unwilling to learn. They just come to get a
Under such a situation, how can they choose a person to represent the
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine?.
"That's right!" The female teacher suddenly thought of something, patted her
hand, her eyes lit up, she stood up and was very excited: "You forgot, our
department is different this year, don't our department have a national
It took a few seconds for Shen Yugui to slow down, and frowned, "You said...
Qiao Nian?"
Chengfeng Group funded his medical research project this year like a ghost. He
has been busy making real achievements recently, and he has not paid much
attention to outside affairs.
But he still heard people talk about the fact that Qiao was number one in the
national exam.
Their TCM department has been cast aside year after year, but this year they
have a double first full-point genius. He is naturally and proud.
"But..." Shen Yugui's eyes lit up, and the light in his eyes dimmed again: "What
you said is correct, but Qiao Niangang has finished the college entrance
examination and the school has not yet started, so she is not considered a formal
Chinese medicine department. Student, is this not in compliance with the
Also, even if Qiao Nian's academic performance is good, he has never studied
medicine systematically. This time, this medical competition will test medical
theoretical knowledge.
There are many medical points that are new, difficult, and complicated. He may
not get good grades, let alone a person who has not studied medicine
Qiao read, how to go?

Chapter 902: The big man’s handwriting, guess it is 100 million

The female teacher seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, and insisted:
"There is no requirement that you must be a freshman or above to participate in
the competition. Qiao Nian has been admitted to National Tsing Hua University
and is a student of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Since she is
a student of our Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. , Our department
has this place, what's the matter we are willing to give her. Those people can't
control it! I think Qiao Nianxing is better than no one."
This idea was crazy. Shen Yugui didn’t reply to her right away. After tangling for
a moment, he found the phone and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll call Huang Lao and ask
him what he means. If he thinks Qiao Nianxing, let’s do it again. Discuss. And
Qiao Nian's own wishes have to be solicited on this matter."
This is not something they can decide in private.
In case Qiao Nian goes to participate, and the reputation of other students is
involved, what should I do if the car rolls over?
A college entrance banquet did not end until 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
Basically all the guests are sent away.
Only some people who had a particularly good relationship with Qiao Nian or Ye
Wangchuan remained.
Old man Jiang was happy today. He drank a lot of alcohol. He was already a little
drunk, but he was full of spirits. He was in a particularly good mood.
Jiang Zongnan was by his side, taking care of him by the way, so as not to make
an accident at his age.
Tang Wanru was also by her side, but compared to the obvious joy of Mr. Jiang,
Jiang Zongnan was very happy even if Mr. Jiang was not happy, her face can
only be described as holding on.
Most people are gone.
Qiao Nian was almost ready to leave.
She didn't sleep well last night. After eating this meal for another three or four
hours at noon, she really couldn't help but want to sleep.
She walked over, walked to the old man Jiang, looked at the drinker's flushed
face, and the obviously drunk old man pursed the corner of her mouth.
took out a transparent glass bottle from his pocket and handed it to Jiang
Zongnan, and said in a low voice: "Second Uncle, this is the health medicine I
bought for Grandpa. Could you please wait until Grandpa wakes up with alcohol."
Gu San, Ye Wangchuan, and a large group of children followed behind her.
Gu Sanyi looked at the familiar glass bottle, and then at least twenty pills in it. He
quickly raised his head to Qiao Nian, glanced at it with complicated eyes, was
silent for a moment, and then lowered his head to speak to himself in silence..
Miss Joe is rich!
Miss Joe is rich!
Don’t guess the handwriting of the boss, guess it is 100 million!
Jiang Zongnan poured a cup of tea for Mr. Jiang. Seeing that he was indeed
drinking too much, he had no choice but to take the glass bottle that Qiao Nian
handed over.
At first glance, it was a transparent bottle with no label on it and no production
date or anything. He paused, raised his eyes, and said, "Niannian, what kind of
medicine is this?" I heard your grandfather said that the effect of taking it is good.
He has been getting better recently. You can tell me the name of the medicine.
Next time I go to buy it, you will save money. You are a little girl, and we didn’t
give you any money. How good is it? Let you buy things for your grandfather
Tang Wanru also saw the transparent glass bottle Jiang Zongnan was holding
next to him. There were a few pills in her shabbyly. She withdrew her gaze
coldly, and a ridiculous expression was drawn across her face. She concealed it
well, and soon hid herself in indifference. the following.
is nothing more than a three-no product. How much money has been spent, as
for the specific talk about it?
Don’t think she doesn’t know that the old man usually gives Qiao Nian money.
That time, Jiang Zongnan also gave Qiao Nian a black card from Citibank, which
was 5 million yuan.
Chapter 903: I want to stay in a four-star hotel

With so much money, Qiao Nian has given the father several pills in the past
year around the city, and they are all unpackaged pills.
Adds up to four or five bottles.
The shabby can no longer be shabby!
Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows and lowered his hand. He didn't answer his
question, but said, "The medicine bought by a small pharmacy around the city is
not available in Beijing. It's okay. I will buy it for him after my grandpa eats it. It
doesn't cost much. "
Jiang Zongnan was holding the bottle of medicine, and actually wanted to ask
what kind of health product it was, but when she said that, she moved her mouth
and didn’t say anything, so she asked: "Yes, you night..."
He originally wanted Qiao Nian to live at home.
Looking back, I remembered that the old man had mentioned that he did not
intend to let Qiao Nian live with them, and wanted to buy a house for Qiao Nian
I thought about what my wife and daughter did today. I felt a little embarrassed
and guilty, and my voice became a little lower: "Is the hotel set? Where to live, do
you want me to book it for you?"
Actually, Qiao Nian’s father did not live in the Jiang’s old house. He had a house
outside, but he encountered something abroad and couldn’t come back for a
while, even Qiao Nian didn’t come back at the school banquet.
It’s hard for him, the second uncle, to get past his biological father and arrange
Qiao Nian to live there.
Jiangli...With a special status, there are many paparazzi here in Beijing, unlike
the quiet surrounding the city.
If Qiao Nian lives with Jiang Li, it is easy to be photographed and cause
unnecessary conflicts.
Thinking about it, Jiang Zongnan found that he could only let his niece stay in a
hotel, and staying in a hotel became the best option he could think of. He said
that he was not ashamed of it, but the situation was too complicated. The old
man was drunk again. He temporarily It can only be arranged like this.
"Isn't there a star-rated hotel near home, or just live there?" Tang Wanru spoke
now, her voice sounded gentle and kind, as if she was kind.
is just the hotel she was talking about. Anyone who knows the situation in Beijing
knows that even a five-star is not counted.
At most one four-star hotel.
Jiang’s family in Beijing is at least a face-to-face person. Jiang Xianrou is held
high by the circle. As Qiao Nian’s aunt, she opened her mouth to be a four-star
hotel, and she despised people a little.
Qin Si's expression was a bit unsightly on the spot. He wanted to say something,
his eyebrows moved, and he pressed down again abruptly.
Damn, what a ! What did Tang Wanru mean? Sister Qiao only deserves to live in
a four-star hotel. In her eyes, she can't even get a five-star hotel?.
Tang Wanru put on a generous attitude, and didn't seem to think there was a
problem with what she said, and she explained quietly next to her: "The hotel
near the main home is better. Other hotels are either too bad or too far away. I
think I’ll stay at that hotel. Let’s book a better room."
The proximity to home touched Jiang Zongnan. Jiang Zongnan hesitated and
asked for Qiao Nian’s opinion: "Nian Nian, what do you think?"
The girl pulled on the brim of her hat, just when her mobile phone rang, she
looked at it, and the call from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at
National Tsing Hua University only glanced at it, but she didn’t answer it.
Ye Wangchuan's eyes deepened, and his fingertips were placed on the prayer
beads, and he turned slightly invisible. He observed the girl's reaction for the first
time. He stood in front of her, and his tone was soothing but cold: "No need, she
can't help it. Hotel, stay with me."
She doesn’t live in a hotel, she lives with me!
As soon as these words came out, let alone Tang Wanru, Jiang Zongnan was
Subconsciously looked towards Qiao Nian.
is gone today, continue to go tomorrow.
Beijing City, your sister is coming! ! !

Chapter 904: Just hit the face back!

"Yeah, sister Qiao doesn't want to live in a four-star hotel. At least she has to live
in a Four Seasons Hotel. Why haven't I heard that the Jiang family is so short of
Qin Si put his hand on the back of his head, and interjected in a slightly joking
tone. He glanced at Tang Wanru while he was speaking. He didn't say that it was
directed at Tang Wanru, but the words were full of mockery, not at Tang Wanru.
Who is it for?
Tang Wanru's face was a little uncontrollable immediately, she held it back, and
wanted to defend herself: "It's not a matter of money, mainly because the hotel is
close to home, so we can take care of Qiao Nian..."
Qin Si and the others did not leave, Zhang Yang did not leave behind, he was so
smooth, he refused to offend people easily, let alone Tang Wanru is Jiang
Xianrou's mother.
In normal times, even if he encounters this kind of thing, he will pretend to be
deaf and dumb when he didn’t see it, but this time his attitude was very clear.
There is a hotel not far from the house, just that... Waldorf Astoria."
"I’m afraid you don’t stay in a hotel, maybe you haven’t noticed it. It’s not far from
the business hotel you mentioned..."
Just next to the business hotel that Tang Wanru said, how could it be possible to
see the business hotel but not the five-star hotel?
Zhang Yang’s words look light and flirty, and it's disgusting!
Qin Si laughed as soon as he heard it, and immediately said next to him: "Yes.
Stay in a hotel for Four Seasons, or else you have to live in a Waldorf Astoria or
Boyue. Don’t make any business hotels come out, you panic. ."
The most common room at Four Seasons Hotel in Beijing starts at least 50,000 a
night, let alone a better room!
That's not a place where ordinary people can live!
As for the Waldorf as Zhang Yang said, the price is as high, not as low as 50,000
per night, at least as high as five figures.
Of course, the room prices listed on the hotel's official website generally range
from 7000 to 8000, but you really think that the price of the room is naive.
Book online, and the customer service will tell you that there is no room in all
I really want to book these hotels in Beijing, and I have to call, and I can only live
in if I have some connections.
"The business hotel is indeed a bit short." Zhang Yang said, "I'm not dead."
"..." Tang Wanru's face was a little hot, knowing that the two of them ran her
against her, she couldn't answer for a long while.
What can she say? Give the excuse that the business hotel is close to home
As the publicity said, there is a Waldorf Astoria right next to the business hotel,
one block away, she said she slapped herself in the face? !
Tang Wanru stood there in a daze, like nails under her feet. The scene was once
so embarrassing that she wanted to shake her hands and leave. But the big
group of people she faced, which one was the person who could shake her face,
made trouble. Being older will only make her more embarrassed!.
So even though she couldn't squeeze out an expression on her face, she had to
stand stiffly on the spot, standing and being beaten.
"Then book a Waldorf Astoria, I will call the hotel later..."
Jiang Zongnan did not pay attention to which hotels are near his home. I really
thought it was just like Tang Wanru said. The one closer to home is a four-star
business hotel.
Although he knew that Zhang Yang was exposed on the spot, his always calm
and gentle face was also a little embarrassed and could not save face, but he
was much better than Tang Wanru. He changed his mouth and looked at Qiao
Nian with a gentle look: "Niannian, the hotel you booked No, if not, we will book
this hotel for one night, and wait until your grandfather wakes up, okay?"

Chapter 905: Can't afford to offend, you delusion!

Just what Ye Wangchuan said to him, he was not deaf, he heard it.
But I don’t agree at all.
How old is Qiao Nian?
It will take a few months to reach 19, and I have just finished the college entrance
examination here, and I haven’t even gone to university yet.
He vaguely heard about the marriage contract between the Ye family and the
Qiao family, but the old man said in general, only that there was a marriage
contract, and he didn't mention it specifically.
In Jiang Zongnan's eyes, whether Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan have a
marriage contract, it is too early to live together.
Before Qiao Nian could get back to him, the phone rang again. It was still the call
from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of National Tsing Hua
University. It was obviously because she hadn't answered it just now and called
She lowered her brows, and said to the man beside her: "I'll answer the call and
wait for me."
"En." Ye Wangchuan took her, helped her tidy up her hat, and let her go.
Qiao Nian said that he was not used to being particularly close to him in front of
everyone, but he did not resist, and let him sort it out for himself.
Wait for him to let go, then raised his head to explain politely to Jiang Zongnan: "I
wanted to find me in a hurry, so I’ll pick it up. The place where I live...Is it okay to
wait until I come back?
This attitude is not so good, at least it is already good.
It can be seen that she still respects Jiang Zongnan in her heart.
Jiang Zongnan felt guilty towards her, the girl politely explained to him what he
could say, nodded, and agreed: "It's okay, Nian, you should answer the phone
first. It's not anxious."
Qiao Nian glanced at him, her black-and-white eyes were quite pure, after
explaining to him, he raised his leg and walked aside, picking up the phone and
putting it on the side: "Hey."
"Well, I just finished eating just after eating. I didn't pick it up because it was
inconvenient... Ah... I have time, you say..."
The girl's slightly dumb voice gradually faded away.
Ye Wangchuan watched her walk aside to answer the phone, the gentle
expression on his face converged visible with the  eye, and then concentrated,
only a refreshing coldness and toughness remained..
"Qiao Nian is not staying in a hotel in Beijing."
The tone is faint, but the tone is very strong.
Jiang Zongnan raised his eyes, his eyelids twitched, just about to speak.
Ye Wangchuan seemed to know what he was going to say. Before he spoke, he
said concisely: "I told her about this, and she has no objection. As for Mr. Jiang...
I will call myself when Mr. Jiang wakes up from the wine. Communicate with
The implication is that, except for Jiang Weishang, the opinions of other people in
the Jiang family are ignored!
Beijing water depth.
Half of it is the water of the Ye family, which is unfathomable.
Ye Wangchuan is the only one in Ye’s family who holds the power of the China
Nine Institutes. He is not easy to provoke at a young age.
Don’t talk about Jiang Zongnan, a man who has a stable development in his
forties with his back on Mr. Jiang, without any bright spots.
Even if Shen Jingyan is the one who is good in their generation, facing the young
man in front of him, he still has to gather his momentum and carefully deal with
the person in front of him.
Probably the kind of Ye Lao and Wei Lao, the older generation can be evenly
matched in front of Ye Family, so he said a few words.
Ye Wangchuan put out the words frankly, even if Jiang Zongnan didn't agree with
him personally, he sullen his face but dared not refute it.
He didn't dare to speak, and Tang Wanru on the side was even harder to say
Ye Wangchuan was indeed irritated by Tang Wanru's remarks that'Qiao Nian
went to stay in a business hotel' just now. He stroked the edges of the phone with
his fingers, and his extremely black eyes looked at Tang Wanru like nothing. At a
glance, she said in a low tone, as if carelessly, "Even if she doesn't live with me,
she won't lack a place to live. The Ye family has rooms, and she is willing to live
in, and my father must sweep the table and wait!"

Chapter 906: How many people does Nian-nian know?

Sweep the seats and wait for the four words to use the essence.
This generally means that a talented person will clean up the house in advance
before the person passes by, and wait.
He casually said four words, talking about Qiao Nian's position in Ye Lao's heart
and Ye Family's attitude!
"..." Jiang Zongnan's eyes trembled and raised his head. He looked at a loss,
moved his lips, and didn't know how to speak.
He never thought that Ye Lao and Ye Lan had something to do with Qiao Nian
What he thought was that Ye Lao and Ye Lan's ability to come must be based on
Ye Wangchuan's face. Ye Wangchuan spoke, and the two of them couldn't
refuse to give this face.
Now when I heard Ye Shao’s attitude, Ye Lao and Ye Lan knew Qiao Nian
privately, and they recognized Qiao Nian very much. Otherwise, Ye Wangchuan
would never use the words ‘sweep the seats and wait.’
can be read... how did you know Ye Lao and Ye Lan privately, and the
relationship between the two is still very harmonious?
Ye Lao is not an easy-to-reach person.
And the previous Ji Nan...
Jiang Zongnan feels extremely complicated, but can't figure it out.
How many people does Niannian know? How many things he didn't know.
Qiao Nian answered the phone and came back. He just wanted to say whether
he should stay in the hotel by himself.
Ye Wangchuan has already hooked her shoulders, his tone of voice is soothing:
"Let’s go, I have already agreed with your second uncle, you will live with me
"So fast?" Qiao Nian didn't expect him to talk so quickly.
looked up in the direction of Jiang Zongnan subconsciously.
Jiang Zongnan's mouth was tight, and he couldn't see any emotions. Seeing her
looking over, he twitched his mouth again, and under the man's indifferent gaze,
he said in embarrassment, "Yes, it was a chat."
Qiao Nian didn't think too much, but with a sigh, he walked over and gave Jiang
Zongnan a small bottle. The small bottle also contained the same small pills. Not
as many as the glass bottle she gave to Mr. Jiang, but there were also Five or six
She looked very ordinary, and after giving the things to Jiang Zongnan, she said,
"This is for my second uncle. At your age, just take one slice in one or two
Jiang Zongnan took the small bottle she gave, and didn't know what to say for a
Tang Wanru saw that she not only gave the old man three products, but also
gave her husband a bottle. The corner of her eyes jumped. Because Qin Si were
all there, they slapped her in the face just now, so she didn't dare to speak, but
she was very disapproving in her heart. , Can't hide disdain.
After giving him something, Qiao Nian pulls the brim of his hat, regardless of
whether he eats or does not eat, but only says: "Strong physique is good for the
Qin Si saw the small pills in the glass bottle she gave twice. He looked left and
right and couldn't see what it was.
He couldn't even see, and Zhang Yang and others couldn't even see what Qiao
read to the Jiang family.
Just as Qiao Nian said, a kind of local specialty ‘health product’ bought around
the city.
Only Ye Wangchuan and Gu San knew that thing.
Ye Wangchuan is okay, there is no unnecessary reaction.
Gu San looked at Qiao Nian answering the phone call and gave the Jiang family
a bottle of pills. His face muscles twitched fiercely. He stared at the two bottles of
medicine Jiang Zongnan was holding, his eyes were hot.
Two bottles!
Twenty tablets per bottle.
Five or six tablets in a bottle!
Now the drug is on the black market. The last time the eldest lady got a
relationship with him, it cost eight figures. How much is the two bottles that Miss
Qiao gave away?
Money is a trivial matter.
Compared with Tang Wanru’s point of ordering a business hotel for Miss Qiao, it
seems that the Jiang family is somewhat unworthy.

Chapter 907: Wangye: You can also live in a room

Chapter 907 Paranoid: You can also live in a room

Gu San glanced at the middle-aged man, then silently retracted his gaze.
Jiang’s family has two mouse shit, but the others are fine.
This time Miss Qiao’s college entrance banquet, Jiang Zongnan also put a lot of
effort into it. Generally speaking, Miss Qiao is not the wrong person.
After coming out of the Yufu, Qin Si, Zhang Yang and others went back.
Qiao Nian followed Ye Wangchuan to the Rhine Apartment.
It was the apartment where she came to the National Tsing Hua University for
the exam. Ye Wangchuan did not have other properties in Beijing, but she was
afraid that she would not be used to changing the environment. In addition, the
apartment was close to the National Tsing Hua University campus, so there was
no change of place.
Let Gu San drive to Rhine.
Qiao Nian seemed to have troubles along the way, and the messages on her
mobile phone never stopped, and she lowered her head all the way to reply.
Ye Wangchuan didn't bother her either, just playing with her fingers from time to
time, occasionally squeezing it. The pinched Qiao Nian was even more
impetuous, raising his eyelids, and squinting at him several times, but he just
didn't see it.
The appearance of the old **** is in Gu San's eyes is like a dog!
Finally, when we arrived at the place where we lived, the Hongqi car drove in
It’s not the first time that Qiao Nian has come to Ye Wangchuan’s residence in
Beijing. After arriving at the place, he carried a shoulder bag and asked: "Am I
still in the same room?"
Ye Wangchuan’s apartment is not small. In addition to the three necessary
rooms, there are also two guest rooms, plus a living room and dining room.
The decoration style is modern and light luxury style, revealing taste while
For example, he casually placed the sofa in the living room. It was black and did
not seem to have any special design, but Qiao Nian knew. She had seen a
picture of a sofa that was exactly the same on a foreign luxury website. The price
indicated on it was enough to buy in the suburbs of Beijing. A set of small
The price of the sofa is not the point, the point is that the sofa of this luxury brand
will not be mailed to you in the country, that is to say, you have to buy it and use
it, and you have to have it by air...
She only glanced at the sofa in the living room and then retracted her gaze. After
all, she was not here for the first time. After staying here for a few days before,
everything that should be familiar is almost familiar.
"It's up to you." Ye Wangchuan changed her slippers and came in, looking at the
girl lazily asking herself, went to the refrigerator to get her a bottle of water,
handed it over, and said with a low eyebrow, "The room here is whatever you
want. Choose, whichever you want to live in will do.".
"Anything?" Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows and glanced at him diagonally, his
eyes were evil, as if he had something to say.
It’s OK to live in his room?
She wanted to say this, so she made a joke, but when the words came to her
lips, she remembered someone's increasingly unscrupulous character recently,
and she just held back.
Who knew that she was holding it back, but someone seemed to see through her
mind, raised her thin lips, and her voice was hoarse: "The master bedroom is
okay. My room is just enough for two people."
"..." Just as Qiao Nian took the water from him, his fingers were immediately
squeezed, and he was speechless. He stopped drinking the water and returned it
to him, saying, "I live in the original room."
It's also like running away: "...I'll go put things first."
Ye Wangchuan saw the water returning to his hand, bowed his head, smiled, and
he looked good, so he returned and put the water on the table.
Gu San silently watched the whole process of his arrogant master molesting Ms.
Qiao, pursed the corners of his mouth, and quietly smashed his mouth.
The adjective    shameless is sometimes quite suitable for delusion.

Chapter 908: Tell him if you don’t agree, granddaughter-in-law is gone

He also dared to think about it in his heart, and didn't dare to say it. He poured a
glass of water for Ye Wangchuan, put it on the table, and then asked softly,
"Master, when will you pick up the young master?"
He was just at that table and heard what Miuye said to Miss Qiao, who was using
the young master to coax people over to live.
People cheated over, so Young Master will definitely take it too.
Lifting the small light bulb, Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows and put his legs
on the coffee table. His eye-catching face was indifferent, and he said: "It's late. I
haven't mentioned it to the old man yet, so I will tell him when I turn around and
you will pick up someone."
Gu San: "……"
So you sold the young master, Ye Lao didn’t even know? ! ! !
Gu San was stunned by his operation. He couldn't answer for a long time, and
said dryly: "Well, will Ye Lao disagree."
The young master is the little ancestor of the Ye family, the baby bump on the tip
of Ye Lao's heart.
And Miss...
Look at this sentence, just in case Ye Lao and Miss Ye disagree...
Ye Wangchuan glanced at him, his eyes were quite pale, with his hands on the
back of his head, with a lazy expression, he withdrew his gaze again: “Hey, if you
don’t agree, then tell him that the grandson-in-law is gone.”
Gu San: "……"
Dog, you really haven’t lost! !
Ye Wangchuan just chatted with him casually, then picked up the phone, thought
for a while, and sent a message to Nie Mi to ask what happened to the National
Tsing Hua University.
Gang Qiao Nian answered the phone and said that it was from the Department of
Traditional Chinese Medicine of National Tsing Hua University, and he kept
returning news in the car behind him. He asked what was so urgent.
National Taiwan University.
Nie Mi frowned when he received the news from Ye Wangchuan, and asked
Liang Conglin on the side: "Are there any activities in school recently?"
"what activity?"
Liang Conglin didn’t react at first, thought for a moment, and remembered: "Are
you always talking about the annual medical competition?".
In Liang Conglin’s office, a few students from the Student Union were helping to
move things, and Fu Ge was among them. The weather was not so good for him.
Since the last time he broke up with Wen Ziyu because of Qiao, the atmosphere
in their dormitory It became extraordinarily embarrassing. Although Qiao Ai
developed an apology video on Weibo afterwards, and it was clear that he made
a mistake, he never bowed his head to Wen Ziyu because of face.
Wen Ziyu never mentioned this, but he used to often take him to play with the
circles in Beijing, and he has not been taken with him recently.
The other people in the dormitory saw the wind rushing to the rudder and didn't
openly push him out, secretly everyone didn't talk to him very much, and stood
secretly on Wen Ziyu's side.
Fu Ge was in a gloomy mood during this time, and naturally he was not resting
well. There was a faint blue color under his eyelids, destroying his original
handsome face.
The temperament has changed from the original look to a little gloomy.
Liang Conglin and Nie Mi were chatting in the office. Several people in the
student union also pricked their ears and listened. He didn't care very much and
did his own thing coldly.
Who knows that Liang Conglin said: "This competition is extremely important in
the medical field. This year, the Medical Association issued a deadly order to get
the first place back. Our school has two places for the competition, one in the
clinical department and the other in the Chinese medicine department. Liang Lu
from the clinical department has already submitted the name of the contest to
me, and they are Jiang Xianrou..."
Nie Mi pursed the corner of his mouth when he heard Jiang Xianrou's name,
knocked back the purple teapot cup in his hand, and put it back on the table.
Although he didn't speak, his expression revealed a faint alienation.

Chapter 909: Sister Nian: I'm fighting not to be the last

Liang Cong also went to the Yufu for dinner at noon. How could he have not
heard of Jiang Xianrou's small movements before Qiao Nian's college entrance
banquet? Looking at Nie Mi's reaction, it is not surprising at all, but he is an
outsider and it is not easy to criticize him. He continued: "The Department of
Traditional Chinese Medicine hasn't submitted the name yet, and I don't know
who they will choose this year? If the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine does not choose anyone this year, it will be the fourth year..."
In four years, no one has participated in this important competition in the medical
field. It is indeed too unreasonable!
However, Liang Conglin knows the situation of the Department of Traditional
Chinese Medicine. It is not that they are unwilling to choose students to
participate. There is really no one who can do it!
Go is easier to make a fool of yourself!
For this, Liang Cong is also very helpless when he is the principal. There are no
good students in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and he is also
anxious, but he can't let people choose a medical profession by the head of the
Nie Mi knew what was going on after hearing him popular science, frowned, and
said in a somewhat surprised tone: "This year the Department of Traditional
Chinese Medicine won't want Qiao Nian to participate in the competition, right?"
"Qiao Nian?" Liang Conglin was also stunned.
The first reaction is to disbelieve and feel ridiculous.
After thinking about it again, I felt absurd that Nie Miti’s possibility was very high:
"There seems to be no requirement for a certain age to participate in this
competition... It’s just that Qiao Nian has not yet enrolled in school and went
straight to participate in such an important competition. just in case……"
In case you come back with the last one...the title of the national top pick will be
Nie Mi could not sit still, and stood up and said, "I'll call her and ask."
Not far away, Fu Ge heard them chatting throughout the whole process. He
frowned when he heard that the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
might want Qiao Nian to participate in the competition. Then he heard that Nie Mi
was going to call someone to ask someone. He was determined in his heart. It
seems that the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine cannot find anyone
to go, so Qiao Nian is really going to go!
I don’t know if Qiao Nian will agree to participate!
Fu Ge tightened his fingers and felt very complicated. He couldn’t tell whether he
wanted Qiao to read it or if he didn’t want her to go...
In   Rhine’s apartment, Qiao Nian received a call from Nie Mi when she came
out of the bath, and asked her about the medical competition as soon as she
She didn't hide anything, and said concisely: "Ah, I have promised Teacher Shen
to go."
Nie Mi anxiously asked her if she was prepared.
While walking towards the desk, she tilted her head to clamp the phone between
her neck, pulled the zipper of the shoulder bag she had brought, and took out
the top from the inside.
calmly replied: "Not prepared.".
She turned on the top casually, and said to Nie Mi: "However, Huang Lao has
already sent me the books that will be used in the competition. There is still a
week left. I should take time to see if it is too late..."
"Are you saying you plan to watch temporarily and come to the game
Nie Mi on the phone no longer knows what tone to use, so I want to tell her, Qiao
Nian has a calm and terrible look, let's not say... Such an important game is so
special that you can make temporary preparations? ? ? ?
What if she messed up?
He thought so, so he asked.
Qiao Nian had left the shoulder bag aside, took the phone away, adjusted it to
PA mode and placed it aside, while talking to him, he entered the name of the
book Huang Lao sent her into the notebook and searched it. The eyebrows were
very surprised: "The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine told me that the
worst was the last one. I thought about it and I shouldn't be the last one."
Nie Mi: "..."
This is not the point. Isn’t the point that you just ranked first in the national
college entrance examination, and also ranked first in the National National
Taiwan University entrance examination. If you can’t enter the top three in an
important competition, you will be laughed at by the crowd?
What the **** is trying not to get the bottom one?

Chapter 910: Sister Nian: I just went to meet the world

Nie Mi was silent for a long time before digesting her words, and asked
anxiously: "Nian-Nian, what are you really going to participate in this
He is not a medical student, and he has no interest in authoritative competitions
in the medical field. He just feels that there is no benefit to Qiao Nian
participating in this competition. On the contrary, he is easily dragged down.
After this entrance banquet, Qiao Nian’s name officially appeared in the circle of
Beijing, which is definitely a good start.
At the moment, her title of No. 1 in the National College Entrance Examination
and No. 1 in the Joint Entrance Examination is very loud, so why bother to go to
this stall.
Apart from anything else, he heard what Liang Conglin said that he has not won
the first place in China for three years. Every time he finishes the first place in
this competition, he has to make a mockery of domineering. Who will be beaten
for this kind of thing, why should she bother to get together? Go up...
"Actually, you just entered the National Tsing Hua University this year and have
not yet started school. You don't have to participate in this competition on behalf
of the school at all." Nie Mi thought a lot, his voice was low and majestic: "Did the
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine force you to participate in the
competition? If so, Just leave it alone, I'll tell them!"
Qiao Nian has not officially entered his freshman year, even if the Department of
Traditional Chinese Medicine is at the end of the day, he must pick someone out
to be beaten. Why should Qiao Nian go out and be beaten?
Nie Mi thought of this, his heart was a little angry, his brows were pressed down,
and the whole popularity came out all of a sudden!
His status in academia is not low.
There is also a Huang Laoneng who can be compared with him.
If he speaks, Shen Yugui would never say anything.
Qiao Nian’s computer has been turned on and she found the titles of several
books sent to her by Huang Lao. She placed the order directly online, filled in the
address of Ye Wangchuan’s apartment and her phone number, and waited for it
to be delivered tomorrow. While regaining his senses, he casually explained:
"No, they didn't force me, but I decided to participate after thinking about it
"They didn’t force you? They didn’t force you. Why did you want to participate,
really want to get the second to last place back? This matter..."
Qiao Nian listened to his impatient voice, spoke quickly and violently, knowing
that he was worried about himself, smiled, his eyes softened, and interrupted
him: "I won't go, no one in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine will go
this year. If no one goes there anymore, it will not participate in the fourth year.
Nie Mi still felt that Shen Yugui and others had pushed Qiao Nian out at this time.
They did not do it idiomatically, and the tone revealed annoyance: "That doesn't
matter to you. You only enrolled this year, so this mistake won't be counted in
your head. Scolding is also scolding them!"
Qiao Nian pulled the chair and sat down, tilting her legs up, in a very casual
posture. She has always relaxed in the familiar environment, her shoulders are
also relaxed, her eyebrows are drooping, her eyes are a bit bright and dark, and
her voice is smiling: " Ah, it’s nothing. I just heard that the master who won the
award every year looked down on Chinese medicine, and his students also said
on social platforms that Chinese medicine is just a trick to fool people. In the
medical competition, I just want to see how good overseas Western medicine is,
and see the world..."
The three words "Jianshimian" came out of her mouth, and Nie Mi felt like the
sun came out from the west.
He doesn’t know much about Qiao Nian.
I only know that Qiao Nian has amazing talents in the field of musical
instruments, but why is Qiao Nian's relationship with Chengfeng Group so good?
Why is Qiao Nian's achievements soaring...and how she makes those little pills
that can't be bought on the black market. ...He doesn't understand any of these.
Chapter 911: I heard they look down on Chinese medicine

I felt that Qiao Nian was very young and the water was deep.
This unfathomable feeling, he has been in his seventies, and he has seen it in
two people-one Qiao Nian, the other... and Qiao Nian are also inextricably
Ye Wangchuan.
Ye Wangchuan is also this kind of unhappy character, everything seems to be in
his eyes, but looking at Beijing, who dares to say that he can provoke this
paranoid master.
He can stand at the top of the pyramid in the fame and fortune circle like Beijing
at his age, so that the older generation can look forward to it. How many people
can there be?
So people like this tell you in a plain tone that they are going to meet the world,
that feels... Nie Mi is like eating a bowl of hot and sour beef noodles, a little bit
"You went to participate because of this?" Although Nie Mi didn't know how sure
she was, she knew that Qiao Nian was not an ordinary person, but in his heart,
Qiao Nian was his student and the junior he cared about: "... If you can't get good
grades, you won't be able to prove anything to Chinese medicine practitioners."
Like a national musical instrument, he did not let everyone know that the
intangible cultural heritage, the 箜篌, is still being passed down throughout his
But look at those people who are looking for him in Beijing, who really wants to
learn the skills of 箜篌 from him, one by one, playing the violin and playing the
piano to come to him, let him give advice, nothing more than to borrow his name
to gild himself , How many people really love music and national musical
This is also the reason why he would rather not give up than just leave it!
In the past few years, he has encountered a Qiao Nian who really likes national
music, understands 箜篌, and understands his obsessions.
Follow light.
Isn’t it his lifelong idea to spread a light from China to abroad, so that everyone
can see the quintessence of our country!
It's not the so-called foolishness of those who speak ABCD and speak Yevsky.
Our culture is much earlier than the violin and piano they touted!
They play the leftover things from our ancestors!
Medicine is the same!
Qiao Nian logged into the alliance software on the top with one hand, and spoke
to him in a low voice, "...Isn’t there one week left? I’m closed this week, read
more books, and then search the Internet. What kind of competition is it, try to
get a better result back."
To compete with others for several years or even more than ten years of hard-
study in a week, Nie Mi really doesn’t think there is much chance of winning in it.
He thought of his own thoughts, his heart weighed heavily, and no longer
persuaded Qiao Nian not to participate, he was silent for a while, said.
"If you want to participate, go and participate. The Department of Traditional
Chinese Medicine does not find anyone except you. If you do not go, Chinese
medicine will be ridiculed by people on the Internet. If you go, at least no one
says that the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine will never go. Dare to
He didn’t say, ‘get the last one after you go’, the effect of coming back is not
much different from not going.
It’s just that those who don’t know how online will focus on Qiao Nian’s personal
curses on Chinese medicine, and they will definitely have to find out her exam
results, laugh at her for not studying in the clinical department, and rush to find a
bad professional...
Nie Mi suppressed these worries in her heart, adjusted her emotions, and asked
her: "Is the playing venue set down? Where is it? I'll go back and cheer for you."
"I don't know, I haven't told me yet." Qiao Nian's eyes fell on the computer
screen, and she sent her a message.
She held the mouse and clicked on it.
Chapter 912: Found something

[Thin waist control: Boss, you asked me to help you check the season's situation
to find out the eyebrow! I'm sorry, do you know the origin of this season's love? ]
Qiao Nian narrowed his eyes and leaned back on the chair, without replying for a
long time.
She has been tracing the news of her biological mother. Everyone in the Jiang
family is silent about her biological mother, including the old man, and never
wants to mention it.
The more people don’t mention it, the more she wants to check.
Before the Hongmeng checked all the files around the city, nothing about her
biological mother was found, only that the Ye family knew her mother.
Her biological mother seems to stay in Beijing more often than around the city.
Qiao Nian put his hand on his chin, and his cold-cut chin was a little tight. He put
his fingers on the keyboard and paused before returning.
[Sun: What's the origin? ]
The news of thin waist control came quickly.
[Slim waist control: Boss, you are online, I thought you were not here. ]
Qiao Nian frowned, with an urge to sew his mouth through the screen.
There are so many words!
[Sun: Talk about the key points. ]
[Slim waist control: Fuck, so ruthless? Big brother, don’t be so cold, you will hurt
my young heart, I am so young, my heart is fragile and easy to leave a shadow...]
Qiao Nian didn't want to see him followed by a long list of nonsense.
The corners of his mouth twitched, not knowing where he learned, and the typing
speed is so fast, he can return three hundred words back.
[Sun: I'll give you another chance to talk about the key points, otherwise the Red
Light District of Independence Island is still a top card, I think you can do it. ]
Illegal area.
The nest of the Red League.
A young man opened his mouth wide and looked at the computer screen, and
couldn’t help but explode: “I’m going, is it really him? It’s ruthless to give ruthless
**** New Year greetings, so ruthless!”
He was thinking of "Grande" and "Zhou Peipi".
Finger typing quickly on the black microcomputer.
He was talking too much nonsense. A woman outside the door who was wearing
a bathrobe and carrying a cup of hot cocoa came in. Hearing that he was there
again, she glanced at him like a fox, and showed her white and tender s, but did
not show him. When a man said charmingly: "What are you talking about here
alone, if you are not tired, I will be tired."
"Sun is online. Didn't'he' ask me to help'he' look up a person named Ji Qing? I
recently checked my eyebrows and I was talking to him." The man looked back
and saw the woman's exposed s. Frown disgustingly: "Brother, can you cover
your legs? Respect me, I am also a normal man."
The woman casually pulled the bathrobe on her body, covered her legs, and took
a sip of hot cocoa. Her exquisite face looked very beautiful. A closer look
revealed that she was a mixed-race. She drank water and said casually: "Oh,
what did Sun say?"
Speaking of this, the thin waist control is a bit uncomfortable.
The young face showed an expression of indescribable expression, and said: "I
just said hello to him, mud horse, our relationship, he is not on the road for ten
and a half months, come up and I will say hello to him, what's wrong, brother
Love it. Do you know what he returned to me?"
Do not wait for women to pay attention to him.
He said to himself: "He said that labor and management are nonsense, so he
threw me to the red light district of Independence Island to sell my ! Gan!"
He asked the woman with a sad expression of blood on his face: "You can't say
too much?"
Chapter 913: I handed in the application forms

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and then a mouthful of hot cocoa
came out, which just happened to spray his face, couldn't help but smile, leaning
forward and backward, laughing, and waved to him to apologize: "Yes, I'm
sorry...I'm sorry...I'm not On purpose. Hahahahaha!"
The thin waist control expressionlessly wiped the ‘slobber’ on his face,
speechless that had been trampled on.
"Can you stop laughing before you say sorry?"
"Hahahahaha..." It was another series of ruthless laughter. After the laugh, the
woman finally held her laugh. It was the expression that she could see hardly:
"Then what... I think you can consider Sun's suggestion. The red light district on
Independence Island is actually quite profitable. You look like...maybe you can
accompany seven or eight people in one night."
After speaking, she couldn't hold it anymore, and laughed again.
"Hahahahaha, Sun is kind of humorous!"
Slim waist control: "……"
Humor, you are paralyzed!
"He" is clearly serious.
Where is humor.
Nie Mi had hung up when Qiao Nian received the news that the waist control
came back.
She watched the news about Ji Qing sent by the thin waist control, her black
eyes stared for a long time.
[Thin waist control: I found that Ji Qing has something to do with the Ji family. Do
you know the Ji family? You can count as a force in the illegal zone. It's just that
the Ji family has always been low-key, and there are not many people in China
who know their family. Ji Nan, have you heard of it? Stocks. That is the Ji
family. ]
[Slim waist control: I found out that Ji Qing seems to be a member of the Ji
family. Nothing else has been found. ]
Qiao Nian turned off the Hongmeng software and opened a programming
system. Without knowing how she operated it, she saw the computer database
constantly updated.
Soon, information about Ji’s family popped up on the screen.
This information is definitely a detail that can't be found by money in China.
She read ten lines at a glance..
Probably understand the situation of Ji's family.
The Ji family was also a family in Beijing at the beginning. Later, they gradually
moved their influence and family to the illegal zone. In addition, the Ji family’s
behavior is very low-key. The domestic knows very little about the Ji family,
except for the top circle of people in Beijing. Besides, many people don’t know
the existence of the Ji family...
It can be said that the Ji family is low-key but strong.
It may not be much worse than Ye Family!
She never thought that her biological mother could still be involved in the illegal
The water in this stall in Beijing seems to be deeper than she thought!
Qiao Nian twisted the scraps of paper in his hand, with black eyelashes hanging
down, with a faint expression, smiled, and turned off the computer.
Check can not be found in a short while, anyway, she is not in a hurry, take it
easy, she wants to see what secrets are hidden here!
Downstairs, Ye Wangchuan has already found out why Qing Conference keeps
calling Qiao Nian.
He didn't respond much, so he hung up the phone and left the phone on the sofa.
Gu San's mouth opened as if swallowing an egg. He couldn't recover for a long
time, and urgently followed Ye Wangchuan and asked, "Master, what kind of
medical competition Ms. Qiao really intends to participate in?"
Just kidding!
Ms. Qiao hasn’t signed up at National Taiwan University, so she doesn’t count as
a freshman.
Are the people in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine crazy?
Ye Wangchuan's eyebrows were light, and he picked up a fruit candy for quitting
smoking from the table, tore it open, and seemed uninterested in eating it, and
threw it into the trash can.
The voice line sinks slightly: "The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
has already handed in her registration form."
Gu San: "……"
The    forms have been handed in. This means that Qiao Nian can only
participate in the competition on behalf of the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine of National Tsing Hua University this year!

Chapter 914: I support her any decision

Gu San frowned and followed, murmured: "Will Huang Lao be too much? Ms.
Qiao is only a freshman this year. Even if the Department of Chinese Medicine
wants to push someone out to block the knife, I shouldn't look for Ms. Qiao. This
Isn't it blatantly let Miss Qiao go out and get scolded for the Department of
Traditional Chinese Medicine?"
The decision of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is true and
authentic. How can a freshman who has not yet entered the school participate in
the competition on behalf of the entire department.
The game is not a small game, there will be professional reporters over there to
follow up and report the whole process.
Maybe it will be broadcast live.
Isn’t the people all over the country seeing Miss Qiao taking first place?
Gu San couldn't swallow, and it was very uncomfortable to block his . He
followed Ye Wangchuan all the way to fight for Qiao Nian: "No matter how much
you say, there is no one in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
There is no freshman, sophomore, junior general. There are students, why
should they let Miss Qiao go!"
Ye Wangchuan had already unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip of water, and
casually put down the water bottle. The expression on his face was faint, and he
didn't answer his question directly. He just said: "Qiao Nian's name in the
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine must have passed through her.
Agree, otherwise it won’t be reported."
Gu San: "..." The boss is also caught in the door? ?
It is clear that Miss Qiao agrees to go out and get bullets?
Gu Sany looked resentful and looked at the man with an extremely calm
expression: "...Master, then you just watch Miss Qiao go to this competition?
Don’t you stop it?"
"Why should I stop?" After Ye Wangchuan put down the water, he put his hand
on his side and squinted at him casually: "This is her decision."
"I support her in any decision."
Faint, but powerful.
Gu San was inexplicably stuffed with dog food and swallowed with difficulty. For
a moment, he said, "But if Miss Qiao can't get a good ranking in the competition,
the media will definitely report it, and then someone will be on the Internet... …"
This, he and Nie Mi thought.
Qiao Nian, the popularity of the national college entrance examination champion
has not gone down, so he went to participate in the competition, not taking the
top three, where can he stop the mouths of those people on the Internet.
Those people don’t care whether you’re a senior student or whether you’re a
cannon for the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They feel that you’re
embarrassed in this kind of competition to win glory for the country, and you’re
Even if they can't get on them, but you can't get on, that's no good!
The logic of the Internet is very rogue, but this rogue logic has existed for a long
time, and everyone still likes this one.
They can control the mouths in the circle of Beijing, but they can't control the
mouths of the general public outside..
He was mainly worried that Miss Qiao could not stand it.
Ye Wangchuan stood there with a tall and tall posture like a bamboo, still with a
calm and relaxed attitude, but he listened to Gu San's words, put his hand on the
cabinet next to him, tapped his fingers on the cabinet, and his eyes narrowed
slightly. Ask Gu San: "Which domestic media is reporting this game?"
For this kind of competition, regular media reporters must follow up and report
the whole process. Generally, paparazzi are not qualified.
Ye's identity and background pressing a media is just a matter of raising one's
No one dares to disobey this master for a game.
Gu San responded quickly: "I'll check it out."
"Well, check it out and say hello to that side."
As for what to say hello, Gu San knew well, nodded, and hurried to do it.

Chapter 915: Wangye: Go to watch a movie in the afternoon?

As soon as he walked away, Ye Wangchuan rubbed his forehead, just in time to

see the girl who had changed into a sweater coming down from upstairs. She
didn't wear a hat this time. She should have just taken a shower. The white
enamel-like skin was pink, alluring. Also eye-catching.
"I'm going to retreat and read a book this week." Qiao said to him concisely after
reading it: "I'm going to participate in a competition. I haven't participated in a
similar competition before, so I have to read the book and study it."
Not to mention, Ye Wangchuan has actually found out what competition she is
going to participate in.
Just watching the girl pass by, picking up the water she had put on the table
before and taking a sip, she didn't seem to notice, twisted the lid, raised her head
and drank most of it, then closed the bottle cap again, her lips were bright Run,
black eyes looked at him, raised the water bottle and said, "This isn't your water,
Ye Wangchuan smiled, his thin lips raised high, and the good mood was written
on his face, but he always gives people a sense of carelessness, laziness and
seductiveness: "Ah, don't you drink all of them? It's over, is there a difference?"
"..." Qiao Nian put his eyelids in his thoughts, as if it made no difference.
It just happened to have a little itchy throat, she unscrewed the lid again, and
drank the remaining water in the bottle and put the bottle on the table.
She walked to the sofa and sat down with her legs on the sofa. The legs under
the jeans are symmetrical and straight. She is holding her mobile phone and
seems to be playing games. It is obviously a very casual behavior at home,
which will fall in the eyes of others. It's like... a crime!
Ye Wangchuan didn’t understand why he was always attracted to her easily. His
eyes were dark, and he walked over, covering the girl’s mobile phone with his
hand, his voice was dull and low, with a bewildering meaning: "I’m free. ?"
Qiao Nian had already entered the game page.
Suddenly she was blocked by a hand, raised her head, and slammed into the
eyes of the sea of stars. Her heartbeat paused for a second. She leaned back,
her black eyelashes also covered her eyes, and her eyes were closed. A bit wild:
"Well, I bought a few books until tomorrow, so I'm free for the time being."
She paused, then looked at him, with a calm expression: "What's wrong with
Ye Wangchuan was asked and laughed, and suddenly approached. Under the
oppressive pressure of his eye-catching face, his breath was suddenly entangled
in an ambiguous voice. His voice was dumb, but his eyes were smiling, and his
eyes were moving: "Nian Nian, have you forgotten something? Even if I am in the
internship period, I have to give some benefits, right?"
"?" Qiao Nian was stuck in the sofa by him, with his whole body hidden inside,
with his neck leaned back, revealing a delicate face, but his expression looked
quite innocent: "Ah? What benefits?"
"For example..." Ye Wangchuan looked at her rosy red lips after drinking the
water, his eyes condensed for a second, and the person did not move, raised his
hand, and put his fingers on her lips.
His fingertips are slightly rough, but his strokes are gentle...
Qiao Nian's shoulders suddenly stiffened and her body did not move, but she
could see her nerves tense.
Ye Wangchuan felt that the girl couldn't resist, but he was restraining his
tightness, his eyes darkened, and he put his hand down again.
"Since I am free, go to a movie together in the afternoon?"
As if nothing had happened, he resumed his appearance as an arrogant
The girl squinted her eyes fiercely. She looked at him with pure black and white
eyes, and said without saying: "I didn't sleep well last night."
Ye Wangchuan: "Huh?"
He knew about this. She had said before getting on the plane that she had only
slept for three hours last night after taking the sleeping pills.

Chapter 916: Don't shake in front of me until I'm full

Qiao read it, and continued: "Get off the plane and go to Yufu for dinner. I ate for
four hours."
Ye Wangchuan: "..."
He didn't answer the conversation, his eyes curled up, his appearance was
indeed too long, otherwise he would not be called the third most beautiful in
Beijing by Bo Jingxing and others.
The sky and the water, and then the stunning beauty of the prince!
He is the flower of kaolin in Beijing on weekdays, and no one dares to pick it
because of the beauty, and he is not qualified to pick it.
Even Jiang Xianrou, who pretends to be in a small circle, gathered a lot of
thoughts in front of him, placing herself in the position of her sister, not daring to
overstep, lest he angered this man.
But in front of Qiao Nian, Ye Wangchuan has always been peaceful.
That kind of good temper, in the eyes of anyone who knows him outside, is called
a fairy descending from the earth, moved his heart, and can make Ye Gongzi
lower his noble neck and be gentle.
So at this moment, even if Ye Wangchuan didn't understand why Qiao Nian
mentioned that he didn't rest well, he still had twelve minutes of patience to listen
to her finish.
"After I came back, I answered four more calls and got eight messages..." Qiao
Nian spoke in a calm tone, as if he was just chatting with him.
Ye Wangchuan was also able to stand his temper, and listened to her: "What
about then?"
The girl's eyebrows have been restrained and wild, as if letting go all of a sudden,
her black eyes stared at him, but she didn't answer.
But in the next second, he suddenly raised his neck and bit his thin lips!
She is not sophisticated in her movements. It is completely different from her
usual omnipotence and calmness. She has no rules at all. Holding his thin lips,
saying that she is a dear, is more like a bite.
Ye Gongzi, who had always been arrogant and self-sufficient, was blinded, and
he didn't recover for a while.
Qiao Nian regretted it after biting, let go, and fell back on the sofa pretending to
be calm, squeezed the corners of his lips, raised his hand to press down the evil
spirits in his eyes, and restrained: "Next time I don’t get enough sleep before you
Akira, I'm not as self-control as you think."
Ye Wangchuan did not find his voice for a long time, and some machinery: "...not
as self-control as I thought?"
This sentence, shouldn't he say it?
Qiao Nian was rather dry and took away the hand that blocked his eyes, and said
frankly: "Ah, so don't hook me, I can't stand the hook."
She added irritably: "Especially the good-looking ones, I can't control myself as
much as you think.".
King Ye Gongzi:……
However, Ye Wangchuan is always Ye Wangchuan. After being confused by her
one-handed operation, he reacted quickly and recovered himself. He looked at
the girl who was sitting on the sofa with a dry pair and wanted to lift her pants to
deny people. , There was a trembling chuckle in the , and he raised his hand to
brush the corner of his bitten lips, hissing, a little pain, it is probably broken and
He couldn’t help but smile in his eyes. He didn’t mean to be angry. He bowed his
head and asked the girl: "Will you go to the movies?"
Qiao Nian just didn't control herself in front of him. At this moment, he put his
hand on the phone, his eyes wandering, and he leaned back on the sofa,
seeming to wonder.
Ye Wangchuan waited for her to think slowly, and then said: "Qin Si said that
there is a good movie recently. If you don't want to go to the cinema, we will
watch it at home."
He has a film and television company under his name, and it is easy to get a
master tape for the movie. After an explanation, it will be delivered to the
apartment below.
There is a room dedicated to watching movies in the apartment. The room is not
big, enough for two people, but he has never used it before and rarely watches
"Look?" He asked the girl again.

Chapter 917: I only know that he is a schoolmaster

Qiao Nian originally wanted to play the game on his mobile phone. He never
thought about watching a movie. When he heard him ask himself again, he
raised his head and seemed to think clearly. He stood up and said, "Go to the
She has never eaten pork but has heard of pig running. The cinema is one of the
must-go places for dating and dating.
It's just that she doesn't like too many people.
"Wait for me, I'll go up and get something." She still likes to wear a hat when
going to crowded occasions, which can block most of her eyes.
"Hmm. It's okay, don't worry, let's go slowly."
Ye Wangchuan is actually the first time to go to the cinema. Ye Shao doesn’t
need to go to the cinema to watch a movie.
She said that when she went to the cinema, Ye Wangchuan was also going to
make a phone call, asking someone to prepare two movie tickets, and also to
book a separate theater.
Since the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine handed in the application
form for the competition this year, many people on the campus of National Tsing
Hua University have been talking about this.
There are also people who say this in the school forum.
It’s just that the heat is not high.
Compared with Qiao Nianlai, who did not take the college entrance examination
and arrived in Beijing two months earlier, Qiao An knows how to market herself.
She had found someone to'candid' a group of photos and put it on the National
Tsing Hua University forum a long time ago. She herself She was beautiful, and
had a good temperament, and her fame suddenly went out.
Everyone said that she was a freshman at National Tsing Hua University.
Later, he came under the name of an international piano master, and followed his
teacher to win international awards. He has not yet entered the National Taiwan
University, and his reputation is not small in the National Taiwan University.
A lot of people at National Tsing Hua University always pay attention to the news
that has something to do with Qiao An.
And Qiao Nian...
People at National Tsing Hua University don’t know much about this name
except for knowing that the name of the top student in this year’s national college
entrance examination paper is Qiao Nian and choosing their school.
knows he is a schoolmaster.
I don’t know anything about height or appearance.
So even if the freshmen who have not yet enrolled ran to participate in the
international medical competition, the news is quite interesting. Most people on
the forum still eat a melon, and no one specifically discusses it.
In the male dormitory of National Tsing Hua University.
The atmosphere is as dull as ever.
Fu Ge came back from the outside just the same way. He stretched his face,
didn't speak, and did his own thing.
Wen Ziyu is better than him. If you should talk and laugh with a few people, just
talk and laugh, without putting the expression on his face in your eyes.
The other three people are the most uncomfortable sandwiched between them,
as if no one is good.
But compared to Fu Ge, the three of them were still more on Wen Ziyu's side in
the last incident. After all, the first one was cheap. The last incident was purely
because Fu Ge provoked Wen Ziyu first, and was beaten in the face later and
couldn't get off the stage. That's it.
"Hey, have you heard of it?"
In the dormitory, Fu Ge just turned on the top while sitting in his own position,
talking to no one with a cold face.
Zhou Yang rattled the chair beside him, and said to a few other people: "I just
watched the school network. This year, the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine is going to participate in the medical competition. The list has been
submitted. Guess who it is?"
Fu Ge originally turned on the computer, but when he heard this, he paused for a
second, and he became irritated.
"Didn’t the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine not participate every
year? Why did you participate again this year?"
Wen Ziyu also asked: "Who, if you want to say it, don't say half of it. You are not
telling a story in a tea house, you are still selling off!
Zhou Yang touched his nose and stopped showing off, spit out a name: "Qiao
"It's the goddess Wen Shaoyou."
Wen Ziyu: "Qiao Nian? Is she going to participate in the competition?"
Chapter 918: Don't worry, I will trample her under my feet soon

Zhou Yang said, nodded, thought about it, and added: "The place submitted by
the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine this year is her, and the place
submitted by the Department of Clinical Medicine seems to be Jiang Xianrou. I
think I saw some of the places submitted by the Department of Medicine this
year. "
Qiao Nian, Jiang Xianrou... Putting the two names together, Wen Ziyu couldn't
help but think of the scene of Nie Mi’s birthday party before, and suddenly
couldn’t sit still, got up and picked up the phone he had thrown on the bed, and
said, "I’ll go out and make a call. phone."
The other people were teasing him, and he couldn't keep his breath when he said
the goddess.
Fu Ge didn't even want to laugh, and couldn't laugh. He tapped his finger on the
student union file unconsciously, absent-mindedly.
He didn’t expect that Qiao Nian would really agree to participate in the
competition. She and Jiang Xianrou would participate in the competition together.
Isn’t it inevitably shameful that an egg touches a stone?
He was impetuous, but he didn't know what he was annoying. At exactly this
time, the phone he placed aside lit up.
Fu Ge picked up the phone and looked at it.
is a message sent to him by Qiao An.
[Brother Fu, have you heard that Qiao Nian is going to participate in the medical
competition? Isn't she still not enrolled, can she also participate in this
competition? ]
When he saw similar news before, he would only think that Qiao An was just
purely curious and had no other meaning.
Now seeing Qiao Ai's message asking her, she can't help but think of her buying
a navy online.
After that incident, he hadn't been out to meet Qiao An for a long time.
Occasionally Qiao Wei would call him. Everyone didn't mention the incident that
day, as if the incident had never happened.
He looked at the message Qiao An had sent to himself, frowned, took his cell
phone, and went straight back: [Take care of yourself and ignore others. ]
After replying to the message, he threw the phone on the table and made a
popping sound. Everyone in the dormitory looked at him, but Fu Ge didn't care
about it. His brows were low, his face was sullen, and he seemed to be paying
attention. Put it on the work of the student union...
The others knew that he was feeling uncomfortable, but it was like that that day.
They were not Wen Ziyu and didn't want to provoke Fu Ge. They could only treat
them as if they didn't see them. They exchanged glances, and when the sound
did not happen, they continued to talk about the game and gossip. Up.
Meanwhile, Jiang's family.
Jiang Xianrou also learned from Liang Lu that Qiao Nian wanted to participate in
this medical competition with her on behalf of National Tsing Hua University.
She threw the phone back to the bed with disdain, and took a shower.
It happened that Tang Wanru brought her soup in at this time, and when she saw
her coming out of the shower, she put the soup bowl on the desk in the
Seeing her coming out of the bathroom, Tang Wanru remembered what
happened at noon today, and couldn’t help asking her: “Xian Rou, have you
asked Qin Shao, what is going on?”
Today Qin Si can't say that she doesn't give her face. He didn't put her elder in
the eyes of her elders at all. His words were extremely mean and unsound.
Jiang Xianrou heard her talk about booking a hotel for Qiao Nian when she came
home. Hearing this, she put down the towel for wiping her hair, sullen her face,
and said coldly: "... Give face to Lord Wang."
Tang Wanru also thought that Qin Si could not be giving face to Qiao. He looked
at her for a moment, pursed her lips, and lowered her voice: "She was around the
city before. We can treat it as if she doesn't exist. Now she has come to Beijing to
study. , You must be upright, don't let your grandfather look down on us."
"There is only one Jiang family!"
There can only be one person in the younger generation who can inherit the
Jiang family!
How could Jiang Xianrou not understand what she meant, her eyebrows were
extremely cold, she dropped the towel on the back of the chair, sneered, and
said to her: "Don't worry, I will step on her under my feet soon and let others in
Beijing see. See who can represent the Jiang family!"

Chapter 919: Medical competition day

The courier delivered the medical-related books that Qiao Nian bought to the
Rhine Apartment the next day.
In the next week, Qiao Nian basically stayed in the room, even Gu San didn’t
know what she was doing in the room or whether she was reading a book
It is the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine who made several calls.
For a while it was Shen Yugui, and for a while it was Huang Lao. They were all
unable to contact Qiao Nian. After turning a few turns, I had to call Ye
Wangchuan’s phone number. Call him on his cell phone and ask if I need to
hurry up and tell Qiao Nian. Small focus, make up for the knowledge related to
medical competition...
However, Ye Wangchuan refused all those who had called and said they wanted
to call Qiao Nian's cram school.
Even Ye Lan called over to ask about this matter, but he was perfunctory.
Gu San watched him and Qiao Nian calmly compare each other, and did not
dare to talk more, so he could only be anxious on the sidelines.
Qiao was going to participate in an important medical competition before his
freshman year, and there was a lot of trouble. Not to mention that Fu Ge, Qiao Qi
and Jiang Xianrou heard the news over there.
Even Zhang Yang had many people around him asking him about the truth of this
Before, a hillbilly who came around the city, even if he was admitted to National
Taiwan University, could not shake any waves in a place like Beijing, where he
was a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.
But this year is different.
This year's National Tsing Hua University entrance examination champion is the
granddaughter Jiang, who has been looking for more than ten years and finally
got it back, has a huge array of faces.
A lot of people went to the college entrance banquet.
In that scene, many later people were not qualified to go.
Qiao Nian’s college entrance banquet made such a big noise, so many eyes in
Beijing can hardly not pay attention to her. This also rumored that she is a
student who has not completed the freshman admission procedures to
participate in the competition on behalf of the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine... There are many in Beijing. Everyone thinks the news is magical.
They don’t care much about what kind of academic competition this medical
competition is. They just want to know what the Jiang family’s newly recognized
daughter is doing.
Zhang Yang has always been well-connected, and he knows people from above
and below. He is also sleek. He has a good relationship with everyone except for
the last time he was in the group.
As soon as Qiao Nian's incident came out, many people in their small circle
asked him about the truth of the matter. He did not delay, and directly called Qin
Ask, there really is such a thing..
Zhang Yang's brain turned fast, and at that time he asked Qin Si if there were
any tickets at the medical competition site, and whether the group of relatives
and friends could participate.
On June 28th, the weather in Beijing was fine, the sky was high and the clouds
were clear, and the sun was shining brightly.
Qiao Nian was awakened by Nie Mi's call at 8:30.
She hung up the phone, got up and put on her dressing gown, first went to the
bathroom to take a cold shower, then came out, put on a black long-sleeved T-
shirt, then took the peaked cap placed on the desk and knocked on her head,
covering her eyes. , Showing only a nice chin.
She has very few things to bring. There is a water-based pen, a bottle of chewing
gum and a book related to medical competitions in her shoulder bag.
Qiao Nian threw everything into his school bag, zipped it up, put it on his
shoulder, and went out.
Gu San prepared breakfast, and when he saw Qiao read it down, he hurriedly
greeted her: "Miss Qiao, you are up, come over for breakfast."
Qiao Nian had half of the earphones in her ears, and the phone was still showing
the contents of the medical books that Huang Lao sent her. She used her heart
and soul, and she was able to talk to Gu San casually: "Well, I'm not going to eat
anymore. I want to go early. In the past, there were still a few things I didn't

Chapter 920: I thought he wouldn't eat fireworks

"It won't take long to eat breakfast..." Gu San saw that she really didn't plan to
eat, he paused for a second, and then turned to look at the man who was also
just getting up: "Master, Miss Qiao wants to go to the competition venue early."
Ye Wangchuan raised his eyes, looking at the girl with deep eyes.
"Don't want to have breakfast?"
As soon as Qiao Nian was locked in by his gaze, there was always the illusion of
being calm and uncomfortable when he saw it recently. She didn't even listen to
the female voice in the earphones reading medical books. She just walked down
the stairs and pinched one hand. With another headphone cable, the fingers are
white and the bones are distinct, beautiful like a work of art.
Qiao Nian was silent for a moment. Seeing that someone’s gaze was still on him,
he held his head helplessly, black eyes lifted up to look at him, and stared at him:
"It’s not that I don’t want to eat."
"In a hurry."
She doesn’t like to explain to others, and always finds it troublesome to explain:
“I still have one of the seven books sent to me by Mr. Huang. I have not finished
reading one. It’s only about ten pages away. So I want to go there soon and go to
the venue first. Read the rest."
"I can't say that I won't be the last one, just take the second to last." Qiao Nian
curled the beginning, brow bones are very firm, her facial features are exquisite,
but it does not affect her heroic and sassy feeling, which is great. To a certain
extent, it is because her contour lines are smooth, which is different from Qiao
An’s softness, which is so small at first glance. Qiao Nian’s eyebrows reveal
indifference and fierceness. This is why Shen Qiongzhi used to scold her when
she was angry. He opened his face and looked at people like a wolf cub.
In fact, it is not. Qiao Nian is just a bit indifferent, because her eyes are dark, and
it can make life more indifferent when looking at people.
Ye Wangchuan never cared about the indifference wrapped in her appearance,
and every time she could see the softness hidden deep in her eyes.
He picked up the car key and said, "I will take you there."
Qiao Nian saw that he had just gotten up, his thin sweater was loosely wrapped
around his body, revealing a clavicle, and his hair was not taken care of. The
bangs on his forehead were raised up, looking lazy and casual, and raised his
eyebrows. He said: "I can go there by myself. You want to come. You can come
back after eating."
Ye Wangchuan put his hand in his pocket, squinted his eyes, walked towards her
casually, and said: "I don't have the habit of letting my girlfriend take a taxi. Let's
go, there is a steamed bun shop near here that tastes good. I used to I would
pass there every morning when I was in junior high school. It’s still driving. I will
buy one for you when I pass by. You can eat in the car without wasting time."
"Then you have the habit of inviting your girlfriend to eat buns?" Qiao Nian raised
his chin, revealing the nice face under the brim of his hat, with evil eyes but the
corners of his mouth ed. He was in a good mood and joked with him.
Wang Ye, please have steamed buns. Tsk, they are quite fresh.
She thought that his status should have been the kind of non-cannibalistic
fireworks since he was a child, but she did not expect that his growth experience
sounded like ordinary people.
Ye Wangchuan looked at the girl’s rosy lips, his eyes solidified for a second,
pinched her fingertips, and then looked away, he said, lazily, sultry and
unconscious: "No way, my girl Friends are not picky eaters, easy to raise."
Qiao Nian was itchy again by the fingers he pinched. He half-squinted his eyes.
His eyes were dark and deep. He withdrew his gaze, acquiescing to his
girlfriend's statement: "...It's not as good as you want. It's expensive."

Chapter 921: Not even willing to come a day earlier

Ye Wangchuan remembered her random tricks of 100 million yuan on the day of
the enrollment banquet, chuckled, her throat trembled, and her eyes were full of
pets: "Ah, it seems that I want to save more of my wife."
Qiao Nian was originally joking with him. Seeing that he was still on the line to
keep up, he casually took the sentence: "It's not necessarily, in case the
internship does not become regular, just expel it."
If the three-month internship period has not passed, he will be expelled.
Wang Ye had a girlfriend and was'expelled'. People who passed out to Beijing
would have their jaws dropped.
Ye Wangchuan's  was trembling this time, and his troublesome face was slightly
serious: "...Then I will try not to be expelled!"
He drew up the girl's hand, held her hand in the palm of his hand, wrapped the
girl's hand with his big palm, and held it in his hand. He stopped talking to her,
and said, "Isn't in a hurry to go to the stadium? Let's go, I'll see you. "
Qiao Nian said nothing this time, nodded, and pressed the headset again.
She was really in a hurry. Shen Yugui didn't give her much time when they
mentioned it to her. She said that the week was long or short. She tried her best
to watch it, but time was limited. After all, since she was going to take the exam,
she definitely didn't go for the last one.
What's more, there is another one who has won the first place for years, but also
mocks Qi Lanyin of Chinese medicine and domestic medicine and that famous
master overseas. Qiao Nian really wants to see the world.
She wants to see how amazing the students from top overseas universities are!
Beijing city airport, outside the international terminal, a black Mercedes Benz
parked quietly outside. People from the Medical Association were already a little
impatient waiting outside the airport.
A bald man with a big belly first couldn't help himself and said: "Master Carlos
and his party haven't come out yet? It's not about the plane at 8 o'clock in the
morning. It's already 8:30 and haven't come out yet. What are they doing?"
Several people in the same group did not speak.
At half past nine, the opponent represented overseas medicine to participate in
the competition, but chose to fly to Beijing at eight o’clock that morning.
Not even willing to come one day in advance.
This is how much we despise domestic medicine to do such a thing!
This kind of behavior is not just contempt of domestic medicine, it is also arrogant
and domineering to the extreme!
Anyone who encounters this kind of situation can't calm down, not to mention
that the people who come to receive are all celebrities in the domestic medical
field, all of them from the medical ociation.
Liang Lu was also secretly annoyed by the other's domineering behavior, but she
had a stern face and explained without expression: "Maybe the plane is late, let's
Shen Yugui sneered at her statement and said impatiently: "Since they are
coming to participate in the competition, they don't know how to book the flight
ticket the day before, so they have to book a plane for the same day... I really
don't know why we have to be outside. Waiting to receive them, their attitude
should let them take a taxi to the venue by themselves!"
"What do you know. It's their business that they are wrong. We must at least
maintain our demeanor." Liang Lu strained her face, thinking about Qiao Nian's
competition this year. She was irritable and disdainful and said: "Ka After all,
Master Luo is the Taishan Beidou of the international medical community, and
we still have to give it the respect we should give."
"..." Shen Yugui moved his mouth, almost pushing her back.
Master Carlo is the Taishan Beidou of the international medical community. We
should give him enough respect. Has he respected the domestic medical
Chapter 922: This year's first place and the penultimate place are set by default

But seeing everyone else nodded in agreement, he furiously held back, don't
start, too lazy to argue with the woman.
Just took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Qiao Nian, asking her if
she was up, don’t be stressed or anything like that.
In the airport, a group of blond and blue-eyed people descended from the
international flight.
In addition to the famous Master Karroska in the international medical
community, he was also surrounded by a girl about 18 or 9 years old. She was
different from other people with blond hair and blue eyes with obvious foreign
characteristics. The girl had black hair and yellow skin, which looked like a
domestic girl. Looks.
The facial features are pretty good, and the whole person is quite arrogant.
A group of people attracted a lot of attention from the terminal building.
They don't care much.
The girl even carried her hands behind her back, as if no one was looking at her.
"I looked at the list of this competition. It is still those people. There are no
famous students from other schools to participate. The quota reported by
National Taiwan University this year is Jiang Xianrou. You should pay attention to
her. She followed Liang Lu and won a lot of international Although the awards I
received are not well-known, this person should have some abilities."
Master Carlo said something to the girl in a low voice.
Qi Lanyin was playing with her mobile phone, and did not take his words to heart
at all, and said with contemptuous eyes: "I know. Just one Jiang Xianrou, right?"
"Neither." The old man with wide nose, big eyes and three-dimensional silhouette
followed her, seeming to think of something, smiled, and said, "There is another
The girl put down her mobile phone and looked over it with open eyebrows:
"There is another person? When did domestic medicine come out so many
noteworthy people?"
Western medicine was introduced into the country from overseas, and it started
two hundred years later than overseas. Even if the domestic Western medicine
has made rapid progress in these years, several backbone forces like Liang Lu
have emerged, but that’s only the case. The International Medical Association It
is still mainly based on people from overseas, and domestic authoritative experts
like Liang Lu have also been named members in the ociation. If you really want
to say who can be named, it is only an old man...
That person is also one of the honorary presidents of the International Medical
But Chinese medicine...Qi Lanyin doesn't care about it!
"What's that person's name?" Qi Lanyin asked with rare interest.
She won the first place in the medical competition for three consecutive years,
and this year she is also aiming for the first place. She doesn't think anyone can
compete with her, just ask her curiously.
"It's called... Qiao Nian." The old man thought for a long time before he
remembered, and after speaking, he went all the way and said: "This person is a
bit interesting. This year, Tsing Hua University's Department of Traditional
Chinese Medicine reported her place.".
"A person from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine?" Qi Lanyin
immediately lost interest when he heard of the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine: "Oh, then there is nothing worth noting."
"No, the reason I mentioned her is different from Jiang Xianrou. She is... very
interesting. It is said that she is a freshman this year. The application for this
year's freshman year has not even started. The Department of Traditional
Chinese Medicine cannot find anyone, so she will find someone Freshmen come
to participate."
"Huh?" Qi Lanyin also took a bite, and said with a sneer: "It seems that the first
and last one in this year's competition are set by default. As for the second
She smiled, she didn't put anyone in her eyes at all: "I think Jiang Xianrou is
pretty good, and it is estimated that she can grab the second place this year."
In the second place, she used a word grab, which shows the degree of
Qiao Nian wants to participate in the competition, Zhang Yang and Qin Si have
all gone.

Chapter 923: Sister Nian is serious this time

They went late, at half past nine, they arrived at nine.

These people have privileges in Beijing, and getting tickets for academic
competitions that no one sees is just a breeze for them.
Like this type of competition, there are not many people who come to see it
except for those who are engaged in medical professions.
There are still half an hour before the game starts, and the huge stadium is
sparsely seated with a hundred or two hundred people.
Apart from the two hundred spectators, basically reporters came. The guns and
guns were aimed at the stage and waited for the live broadcast, or some
platforms that did not live broadcast waited to record the material and come back
to make a news report. .
At the 9:30 match, Qin Si thought it was early enough for him to come half an
hour earlier. Who knew that the earlier people who saw him in the first row of VIP
seats flashed a little surprise in his eyes, and he walked over and asked: " Lord,
so early?"
Seeing Ye Wangchuan here, he looked around and seemed to be looking for
someone. After searching for a circle, he didn't see anyone. Then he turned
around and asked, "Where's Sister Joe? Didn't he stay with you?"
Ye Wangchuan slept late last night and wanted to watch Qiao Nian's game again
in the morning. He woke up early. Without Qiao Nian by his side, he was not so
restrained. His black eyes were cold, and he lazily replied: "Backstage. "
"She went backstage so early?" Qin Si accidentally touched the bridge of his
nose, and sat down beside the man: "I have never seen her so active before.
Why is she so active this time? It's not her style... It's really weird."
Qiao Nian has always been lazy.
This Qin Si has known her for a few months and knows this very well.
A person who even went for the college entrance examination, came to the
venue half an hour earlier this time, and went to the backstage early to prepare.
This is too illogical.
Ye Wangchuan’s thin, crimson lips raised a bit, the arc was very evil, his eyes
half-squinted, and only said: "Someone owes it to clean up, she is unhappy."
No. 1 every year, mocking Chinese medicine every year. Isn’t it stepping on Qiao
Nian’s bottom line? If it weren’t for this reason, I’m afraid the Department of
Chinese Medicine would still not be able to call her.
Ye Wangchuan knew it well, but Qiao Nian didn't say it, he didn't ask.
Qin Si was confused but didn’t understand. He turned his head and saw Gu San,
and asked Gu San, “Gu San, how is Sister Qiao’s preparations? How sure is it to
get the number this time?”
Gu San was there at first. Hearing what he said, he looked at Zhang Yang and
the others next to him. He didn’t understand which pot he opened or which pot he
lifted. His face was entangled, and it took him a long time to say, “Miss Qiao said.
I don’t want to take the last one, and I don’t want to hold the second last..."
He meant very clearly.
Qiao Nian said that you don’t get the second-to-last. As for the last-to-last, you
only have to take a closer look.
"Anyway, in the morning, Miss Qiao said that she hadn't finished reading the
competition-related book Huang Lao sent her." Gu San looked at her nose..
The words came out.
Qin Si and others were quite silent, and did not answer the conversation for a
long time.
I haven’t even read the book, let alone memorize the key points, let alone
memorize knowledge points...
Qin Si has a complicated expression, and it took him a long time to twitch his lips
to help Qiao Nian Wanzun: "Uh...It's okay...Sister Qiao is only a freshman, so
she focuses on participating! I still don't believe who the tm freshman can get
back first!
His words were sonorous, Ye Wangchuan wrapped his arms around his , leaned
back on the back of the chair, and only glanced at him faintly.
In previous years, overseas medical representatives took the first place. This
year, Qiao Nian is here. It’s hard to say who takes the first place!

Chapter 924: It is said that there are heavyweight guests coming

At 9:15, the audience later entered the venue one after another, and the vacant
place in the venue was taken a lot of time.
Qin Si waited a little impatiently, raised his head, and asked Zhang Yang in the
back row: "It's only 15 minutes to start, why haven't the judges come yet."
Since the medical competition is a competition, there will be a jury. This time
there are a few more jury members than in previous years. It is said that the
award-giving guests are also more valuable than in previous years.
Qin Si didn't pay attention to these competitions, and didn't pay attention to who
the foreign award-giving guests were in previous years. This year, it was directed
at Qiao, otherwise he would not come.
Watching the medical competition, he might as well go back and play a game to
be comfortable.
Qin Si and other impatience, Zhang Yang was calm, sitting behind, shook his
head dumbfounded: "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."
He lowered his voice and asked, "Shao Qin, do you want me to find out?"
This is not a big deal either.
Qin Si asked him in a purely leisurely manner. Seeing that he didn't know, he
leaned on the seat of the stand and glanced at the calm man beside him: "Forget
it, don't ask, anyway, there are still ten minutes It started. If they don’t come, they
have to take their seats a few minutes in advance, and they will know who they
are when they come."
"Yes." Zhang Yang saw that he was just asking casually, and then sat back.
Qin Si waited for another few minutes. At 9:20, there was finally movement at the
entrance of the venue, and it seemed that someone was coming.
He raised his head and looked in the direction of the noise. Soon, he saw a
dozen security guards crowded into the arena.
Walking ahead is an old man, blond, blue-eyed, with a deep silhouette, dressed
in white clothes and white trousers, very demeanor.
followed by a few acquaintances.
Liang Lu, Shen Yugui and others, Qin Si all know them.
Especially Liang Lu, as Jiang Xianrou's teacher, is also a well-known
authoritative expert in brain surgery in Beijing. He is a small celebrity in the circle.
Jiang Xianrou usually plays with them, and sometimes mentions things about his
Qin Si can be said to be familiar with Liang Lu no longer.
The next few people are all dressed in formal attire, and they should all be
members of the medical ociation.
Qin Si watched there for a long time and didn’t see any “heavy-weight award-
giving guests”. He was taken aback for a moment and turned his head and
muttered: “Everyone is here, except for the overseas representative Master Carlo
Wska, how can I? I didn't see any guests."
The so-called heavyweight guest he originally guessed should be Huang Lao..
In previous years of medical competitions, Huang Lao never came to participate
in the jury work due to physical reasons. This year the Department of Traditional
Chinese Medicine signed up for the competition, Huang Lao is very likely to
Zhang Yang and Gu San also showed unexpected expressions.
Only Ye Wangchuan seemed to know something, with a faint expression, leaning
on his shoulder and pinching the phone with his fingers, hesitating whether to
send a message to the girl.
Qin Si's eyes were sharp, he saw his movements, opened his mouth, and just
asked: "Master Wang, do you know any internal news? Who will come this year."
Ye Wangchuan raised his eyelids indifferently, before answering him.
There was another commotion at the entrance of the venue.
Before Liang Lu and others were already seated, the entrance was under the
road opened by the security guards, and three people came in.
Both Nie Mi and Huang Lao are the top authorities in their respective fields, but it
is another person who walks in the middle. The person is wearing a neat Tang
suit, and the age is there, but he can't stand the sense of majesty like dragon and
tiger spirit. A pair of eyes that had settled down over the years converged and

Chapter 925: Sister Nian: Why are people here?

Holding a tea cup in his hand, he walked around like a stroll in the courtyard, but
when others stopped there, the focus of the audience fell on him...
"Fuck, Ye Lao?!" Qin Si stood up immediately.
Somewhat at a loss, he turned his head and asked the young man beside him:
"Why don't you say that Elder Ye is coming, do I want to go over and say hello?"
This old man is different from the old men of several top families in Beijing. He
usually stays in Yeyuan and rarely shows up.
But the status is above the others.
He never participates in public events, unless he needs to attend meetings that
are on TV news. Usually, the activities of the top circles in Beijing rarely invite
this old man. Last time he always came to attend Qiao Nian’s college entrance
banquet. Qin Si was already very surprised. This time he was a guest of the
medical competition...Qin Si couldn't tell the complicated mood...
Don’t say it, it must be the father who came forward to let the old man come, but
the problem is that sister Qiao made the last three orders this time. Why did the
father call Ye Laolai to witness the birth of the third-to-last? !
"Master Wang, does Miss Qiao know that Ye Lao will come?" Gu San's eyes
looked at Ye Wangchuan also very complicated, almost the same reaction as Qin
He was a bit more pessimistic than Qin Si. He estimated that Qiao Nian would be
the last one this time. With better luck, he would have to step on the **** for the
second and third place.
Otherwise, all the students who came to participate in the medical competition
this time are all three or four students from colleges and universities across the
country. Miss Qiao is a freshman who did not enroll in the freshman year and has
not read the professional books. One or two people who came to participate in
the competition are still normal. The odds of all three playing abnormally are too
Qiao Nian found a corner position and leaned against it to read a book, with
headphones still plugged in one of his ears, and the sound of listening to the
book was faintly revealed in the headphones.
Basically all the students who came to participate in the competition arrived.
People from several colleges and universities in Beijing know each other and get
together to chat as soon as they come. People from other places are basically
small groups from provinces.
She alone does not seem to get together with others, she does her own thing.
An entry-level "Nine-year Medical Contest Question Collection" was held in her
hand, which was particularly eye-catching. The girl sits lazily, and doesn’t care
about the curious glances of people around her from time to time. What should I
do? Put earplugs in, calculate the time, take out the phone, and adjust the speed
of listening to the book. It's twice as fast.
at the same time.
Her phone just vibrated.
Two or three messages are sent in at the same time..
Qiao Nian lowered his eyelashes, tapped his fingertips, and opened them.
"I'm waiting for you in the judges' bench, and your teacher is here, we will support
you, don't be afraid, take the exam well, don't be pressured."
This is from Nie Mi.
Another WeChat message, Qiao Nian looked down and opened it.
"Grandpa is here."
"It is estimated that my sister-in-law told him that you participated in this
year's essment."
She frowned and finally had a reaction. She looked at the nickname who sent her
message, Ye Wangchuan with a headache.
Here is the old man?
Aunt Ye called it?
Originally, when she came to participate in this competition, she didn't think about
anyone to be alarmed, so she just came to play.
As a result, there are so many people here, so how can I say...there is a sense of
responsibility on my shoulders.
She has a very painful head, her hand supports her temples, and she presses for
a few seconds before releasing, forcing herself to calm down, seize the time and
listen to the last few questions...
9:20, most of the contestants have been waiting in the background to get ready
to play.

Chapter 926: It smells full of gunpowder as soon as it comes

Jiang Xianrou is like a star holding the moon among a group of people. Her
teacher is Liang Lu, and Liang Lu is one of the judges teachers this time.
Basically, everyone umes that this medical competition is a competition between
her and Qi Lanyin. Can get the first.
A girl from Nantah University who knew her and had a good relationship asked
her in a low voice, “I heard that the Chinese Medicine Department of your school
also registered for the contest this year. Is this a freshman?”
Qiao Nian’s college entrance banquet was very ostentatious, but it was mainly to
disturb the upper class, like schools, in fact, no one knew Qiao Nian’s name.
I only know that this freshman has a lot of background, the national champion
who came out of a small place around the city.
"Is the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine crazy? They can't pick
anyone to compete, nor should they find a freshman to come over. I heard
someone saw her still reading entry-level medical books in the background..."
Nantah University and National Tsing Hua University have always been among
the top universities in the country. Although there is a competitive relationship on
weekdays, in this competition, everyone belongs to domestic medicine and they
don't want to be looked down upon by overseas!
In this case, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at National Tsing
Hua University found a newcomer to participate in the competition.
"It seems that the last candidate for this year is decided by default." The Nantah
girl Nunu said softly, "Furthermore, the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine has nothing to do with the Department of Clinical Medicine. At any rate,
the title of the school is attached. This year, National Tsing Hua University is
going to refresh the worst performance in school history. !"
Jiang Xianrou had an extremely cold expression from start to finish, she didn't
interrupt, she just stood there listening to her, occasionally arrogantly picking up
the hair near her ear, Yanli's outstanding face looked cold and arrogant, it
seemed that she didn't even bother to mention Qiao Nian's name. .
Until the overseas representative appeared in the background, there were some
fluctuations in her unhappy eyes.
The girl is no different from the domineering aura at the airport. She only came
over ten minutes earlier, but she didn’t look directly at the person who was about
to play with her.
walked straight over, walked in front of Jiang Xianrou, then stopped for a while,
tilted her head, her black and white eyes looked up and down Jiang Xianrou, and
asked, "Are you the Jiang Xianrou from Tsinghua University?"
This tone is really welcome!
Jiang Xianrou was also held up in Beijing circles. How could she be spoken in
person with this attitude? What's more, she studied under Liang Lu, and was also
a top-notch existence among her peers in medicine. She lifted her jaw slightly, no
Falling wind: "Are you a student of Master Carlo?"
Qi Lanyin smiled and felt that she was pretentious and not nonsense, and
arrogantly threw her off: "The game will start in five minutes. I congratulate you in
advance for winning second place this year. As for the first place, I will not I
accepted it politely. After all, I have come to participate. I definitely have no
chance to win the prize in China. You can only work hard next year."
Don't mention Jiang Xianrou, who was provoked by her, was furious. The other
students who came to the competition were all irritated by her provocation.
This person is too arrogant!
arrogant year by year.
If they take the honor of first place again this year, I don’t know how Qi Lanyin
will step on domestic medicine on ins.
Ke’s teacher is one of the honorary presidents of the International Medical
Association, a serious medical expert. They know no matter how angry they are,
Qi Lanyin’s strength lies in it. People say that he might really want to get the first
"Oh, you can also get the first place. This year is the last one. Isn't it contracted
by your school's Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine?"

Chapter 927: Give a close-up of the last person's face

Qi Lanyin looked at Jiang Xianrou's face ugly, and did not forget to add another
sentence arrogantly.
"Hey, the last one is the last one, isn’t it?"
Fucked the words and went straight to the stage.
Jiang Xianrou looked at the time of the watch on her wrist. There were five
minutes left. She icy her face, suppressing the irritation in her eyes, and followed
on the stage.
Nine:27, and there are three minutes left for this year’s medical competition to
Reception desk, Ye Maoshan, Nie Mi, Huang Lao, and the overseas
representative Master Carlo sat in a row, and the rest Liang Lu and Shen Yugui
were seated on both sides.
As the participating students come to the stage to find their respective positions
and prepare for the essment.
Shen Yugui looked anxiously on the stage, but couldn't see the figure he wanted
to see. He lowered his eyebrows and anxiously, and quietly said to Huang Lao:
"Old Huang, I think the students are almost in place. Now, why Qiao Nian hasn't
come yet, won't..."
He was afraid that people could not bear the pressure and ran away.
Who knows, before he finished speaking, he saw the girl slowly walking towards
the empty place, wearing a black long-sleeved T-shirt on her inexplicably sassy,
pressing the brim of the hat, covering the overly delicate face, looking ordinary
Pass, but it catches people's attention.
Qiao Nian is on stage!
Shen Yugui fell back with a heart, and sat back in his position.
The rules of the medical competition are very simple. It is divided into three parts.
One part is a personal points system, which is a set of papers. The students who
participate in the competition will answer the questions on the computer provided
by the venue. The computer will directly give or deduct points based on the
standard answers in the background. , There is a large LED screen above the
stadium that will update the ranking in real time.
The second part is the answering part, which is also a question prepared by the
Medical Association for a long time. The question is asked in real time to see
who answers the answer first. If the answer is correct, points will be added, and
points will be deducted.
The last part is the judges' scoring. This part is mainly based on the judges'
comprehensive scores based on the students' performance, which is about 10%.
It also gives these medical authorities a face.
Comprehensive score + personal accumulated score, is the game ranking.
Qiao Nian came up in the last three minutes. The reporter first gave the hottest
candidate Jiang Xian and Qi Lanyin a close-up.
Then silently read a close-up to Joe..
This year's college entrance examination champion, and most likely the last
candidate in this medical competition, is worthy of a close-up shot.
The big screen on the stadium showed a close-up of the girl’s face.
was probably taken by the camera with a stunned face. The girl keenly noticed
the position of the camera, raised her head, and glanced in the direction of the
At a glance, everyone in the stadium could clearly see the eye-catching and
excessive facial features covered by her cap.
Too beautiful!
Even if the girls’ outfits are casual or even neutral, they can’t stop the 360° look
without dead ends.
As soon as Qiao Nian's face was close-up on the big screen, it immediately drew
a burst of discussion in the stadium.
Qin Si tweeted, not surprisingly, he glanced at someone, stretched his long legs,
and was about to stretch out to the front row: "Sister Qiao’s beauty is not me, she
will definitely kill a lot of shots when she enters the entertainment industry. ,
Really good-looking!"
Ye Wangchuan also saw the girl's frowning brows on the LED screen, pulled
down the brim of his hat, and avoided the camera. He smiled, his brows deep:
"She won't enter the entertainment industry."

Chapter 928: Sure enough, Let's live up to expectations

"How do you know?" Qin Si blinked again, and said: "The little girl likes the
entertainment industry now. In case Sister Qiao also wants to enjoy the feeling of
being sought after by thousands of people, maybe Jiang Li will go in? "
"She won't enter or she won't, there is no reason." Ye Wangchuan took out the
chewing gum from his pocket, pinched one on his fingertips and didn't eat it,
glanced at him and said, "Maybe one day will know."
Qiao wanted to enter the entertainment industry. He was able to enter the
entertainment industry three years ago. The popularity of chasing light was not
for nothing. She did not show her face, so she did not want to go to the
entertainment industry.
But this matter depends on whether Qiao Nian is willing to tell Qin Si.
"Maybe something about her someday?" Qin Si listened for a while, and he was
Gu San whispered to remind him behind: "Qin Shao, the game has started."
Qin Si's attention was really attracted by the game.
The first round is to do test papers, the total score is 60 points.
On the LED screen, the score ranking is updated in real time.
The name of the student is followed by the name of the school, and then the
score the student gets at the moment.
The score will be refreshed every three minutes.
The atmosphere in the stadium is very tense and burning.
The first three-minute ranking of the results was about the same as everyone
expected. Jiang Xian and Qi Lanyin's score was very tight.
Jiang Xianrou 8 points.
Qi Lanyin ranked second with 6 points.
Others basically scored between 2-3 points. It can be seen that Jiang Xian, Qi
Lanyin, and Qi Lanyin are much faster than others.
As soon as the results came out, Gu San and Qin Si stared at the ranking update
on the LED screen and updated several pages before they saw Qiao Nian's
name in the last row of the last page.
066, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 0 points.
0 marks.
the last place.
Although this achievement is said to be'live up to expectations', Gu San and Qin
Si still can't hide the disappointment on their faces.
Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows and looked a little surprised, but he just
looked at the **** the stage to see what she was doing.
In the judges' seat, the first refreshed results came out.
Liang Lu is the most proud person. Her students ranked first. She stabilized Qi
Lanyin's head. She got a good sign at the beginning, and her mouth couldn't help
but rise.
Especially seeing Qiao Nian in the last place again, there was an unstoppable
smile on her face.
Others also look to her.
There are envy and some people take this achievement for granted.
In the front row, Master Carlo didn't seem to have any reaction to his student
being in second place. He was very calm, and seemed to be winning.
It was Nie Mi who was the first to lose his breath, and turned his head and said to
Huang Lao: "What is the situation, is 0 points too..."
Lao Huang did not speak.
Ye Maoshan heard Nie Mi talking, took a sip of tea, his majestic eyes were
extremely dark, calm and energetic, and said: "Don't worry, look again."
Along with the second result refreshed, the third result refreshed.
Qi Lanyin's score began to surpass Jiang Xianrou.
Qiao Nian is still on the last page, not 0 points, but not a few points. The
penultimate place has accumulated 16 points, and her score is still in the single
Many medical students in the stadium came to watch the game.
In addition to watching the battle for the first place, they are also paying attention
to the last place.
Qiao Nian's name steadily occupied the last place, and gradually noisy
discussions came out, all talking about Qiao Nian!
"The last place is not as good as in previous years."
"What is National National Taiwan University doing this year? How to find a new
student? Ten minutes have passed. She only scored 8 points. The bottom is not
like that..."
PS: Regarding the question of the number of words in each chapter, it’s like this.
Nian Sister’s chapter is 1,000 words, and some books are 2,000 or 3,000 words
per chapter, so we don’t seem to have much content in one chapter by
Explain to everyone, anyway, a thousand words are a few cents. Together and
separated are actually the same.
depends on which one you like.
For everyone’s convenience, no matter how many chapters are, they are
basically updated at one time, so it doesn’t affect reading when they are
separated and combined.

Chapter 929: How come sister Qiao's score hasn't changed

"I heard that it is from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, no

wonder no one in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine wants to
"That Qiao Nian is a student of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
at National Tsing Hua University, oh, that's not surprising."
The names of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qiao Nian of
National Tsing Hua University were firmly tied together, and people kept
mentioning them. While complaining about the scores of the last place, they also
complained about the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Shen Yu returned to his seat, fidgeting, his complexion tense, staring firmly at the
constantly refreshing results on the LED screen.
Joe reads the last place.
is still the last.
is still the last place.
Twenty minutes have passed, and the LED screen has been refreshed 7 times.
No matter how fierce the battle between Jiang Xian and Qi Lanyin for the first
place, Qiao Nian’s name seems to never change, firmly occupying the last page
of the last page. A name.
066, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 18 points.
The total score of the first round of the written test is 60. Now the first place Qi
Lanyin has 39 points, and the second place Jiang Xianrou is also very tight, 32
points. The remaining third and fourth places are chased by you. I'm rushing...
the more you get to the next ranking, the smaller the score gap...
However, this phenomenon suddenly changed when the penultimate and the
penultimate were placed.
065, Zhong Peiyun, Department of Medicine, Shenda University, 26 points.
066 Qiao Nian refreshed again, and Shen Yugui wanted to stand up so that he
could see clearly.
18 points.
Unexpectedly, it didn't go up by a single point!
Shen Yugui holds as much hope as there is so much disappointment. He closes
his eyes decadently, almost afraid to look at the rankings on the LED screen
above his head.
There is no trace of blood on his face.
The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tsing Hua University
followed Qiao Nian's name as if he was put on the top of the stadium to be
publicly executed, and even if he was mentally prepared for Qiao Nian to take the
last place, he did not expect to lose so embarrassingly.
The difference between the penultimate place and the penultimate place is only 1
point, and when it comes to Qiao Nian, there is an 8 point difference between the
penultimate place and the penultimate place!.
was beaten by the penultimate!
This is too ugly.
"Mr. Shen, don't care too much. Qiao Nian is a freshman. Even if she has some
potential in medicine, she hasn't studied systematically. This score can only be
said to be unsurprising. She still has a lot of potential to cultivate."
Liang Lu's face was a bit ugly with the numbers refreshed on the LED screen,
especially after seeing the overseas representative Qi Lanyin's score overtake
Jiang Xianrou, her heart was not good, but when I saw that the names of the
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qiao Nian were still hanging on
the last one. In name, she put her hand on her chin and showed a hypocritical
smile, turning her head to comfort Shen Yugui from the side.
"It's a pity... Qiao Nian did a good job in the college entrance examination. If she
enrolls normally, everyone still expects her. As a result, her national top pick is
She said what a pity, but not in a pity tone. The look in her eyes looking up at the
LED screen was like watching lively, with a cool sneer.
066 refreshed or Qiao Nian.
still 18 points.
According to the frequency of refreshing the big screen every three minutes,
Qiao Nian did not move at 18 points when it was refreshed twice in a row,
indicating that she had not done a single question in these 6 minutes, or she had
done it. The questions are all wrong.
No matter which one, Liang Lu is happy to watch this joke!
"Grass, why is it still 18 points, Daoye, is the screen broken, other people's
scores are moving, so why is sister Joe's score completely unchanged."

Chapter 930: Did you see Qiao's name?

Qin Si heard someone talking about Qiao Nian's name after hearing it, and what
he said was awful.
He had a violent temper, and he couldn't hold back the anger in his . The
impetuous anger pressure was on his eyebrows, and Qin Si abruptly held it back.
Like them, the elder brother who has been accustomed to rampant in Beijing, if
not for the special day today, he would have quarreled with the man behind the
eighth wife.
But fortunately, today he just suppressed his anger.
is watching Qiao Nian's score on the LED screen motionless, he asked the man
next to him a little anxiously.
Ye Wangchuan's eyes also slightly squinted, copying his hands, and the same
attitude as Ye Lao. His eyes were extremely dark, and he looked at the **** the
stage without looking at the screen, and said faintly: "Wait."
Qiao Nian is not the last person who can take the exam. If she is not sure to get
a good result, she should not agree to the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine and Huang Lao to participate in this competition.
She is here, there is no last four words in the dictionary!
Qin Si stared at his calm eyebrows for a long time, then sulked for a while, don't
start, continue to raise his head nervously to stare at Qiao Nian's results.
A total of one hour for answering questions in the first round.
Forty minutes, Qi Lanyin's score has reached 50 points.
Jiang Xianrou was in second place with only 41 points. In other words, he
basically lost the possibility of competing with Qi Lanyin for first place.
Because it can be seen from the speed of the two of them that they should be
doing similar questions, Qi Lanyin's correct rate is higher than Jiang Xianrou.
Probably the pressure is too great, and it is also possible that the following
questions are getting harder and harder. Everyone in the stadium found that
Jiang Xianrou's score increase has slowed down.
Sometimes it doesn’t rise by 1 point for several minutes, and it’s a bit stuck in 40
Qi Lan Yin is almost the same as before. Every time he refreshes his score, he
will go up by one or two points. According to this speed and results, Qi Lan Yin's
final score will not be less than 55 points or more.
The total score is 60 points. If Qi Lanyin gets 55 points or more in the first round,
it will be much more difficult for Jiang Xianrou to surpass her in the second round
of personal response.
In the camera, Qi Lanyin’s expression relaxed obviously, evoking an arc of
disdain, slow and playful, arrogant and domineering, watching the medical
students in the stadium burst into flames!
This is a bright humiliation!.
The stadium gradually quieted down, and no one wanted to talk, mainly because
no one thought that Jiang Xianrou would be 10 points behind Qi Lanyin in the
first round.
But when the results on the big screen were refreshed again, a small change
caused exclamations in the stadium.
Most of the one-hour exam time passed. From the beginning, everyone was
surprised that Qiao Nian from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of
National Tsing Hua University became the last one, and then to the group of
ridicules, and finally to the group of ridicules...
Everyone in the venue, including Shen Yugui, is used to Qiao Nian’s name
hanging on the bottom. Whoever wanted to refresh this time, 066 became the
second bottom before, Zhong Peiyun of Shen University Medical Department.
Qiao Nian's ranking seems to have gone up.
But many people don’t pay attention to how many she is.
Qin Si, Gu San, and Zhang Yang were there staring at the big screen and
counting the rankings, looking for Qiao Nian’s name inside.
After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find the person they wanted to see from
the last page.
"Why is Miss Qiao's name missing?" Gu Sanzai carefully read it, and indeed did
not find Qiao Nian from the last page. He looked at Qin Si impetuously and
asked, "Qin Shao, you see Miss Qiao. Is your name?"

Chapter 931: Rushed directly to the first page

"I didn't see it, I'm also looking for it. There is no Sister Joe on the last page!" Qin
Si grabbed for a long time, making sure that there was no Qiao's name in it, with
a stunned expression: "What's the situation? What about Sister Joe's name?
Does the name deserve to have a name?"
Even if Zhang Yang is a personal genius, he still wants to pay more attention to
the ranking changes so that he can tell Qin Si and Ye Wangchuan and the others
that he didn't see where Qiao Nian's name went this time.
was also stunned for a while, looking at the screen above his head for a long
time, no one was there, and the last page was not Qiao's name.
He took the courage to ask a few men who seemed the most calm among them,
lowered his voice and said, "Master, have you seen Miss Joe's ranking?"
"I saw it." Ye Wangchuan replied lazily with deep eyes.
All eyes immediately focused on him.
Qin Si: "How many?"
Gu San didn't ask aloud, but the expression on his face said he was eager to
Each page will display ten people on the big screen. Because there are only 66
people in the contest, only 6 people are displayed on the last page.
Ms. Joe’s name is not on the last page, that is at least the seventh from the
The seventh from the bottom is better than the bottom one!
far exceeded his expectations.
Gu San expected Qiao Nian to be the eighth from the bottom or the ninth from
the bottom. Who would have thought that Ye Wangchuan stretched his long legs
and leaned back there, his face was as calm as water, and he spoke to a few
people in a simple and concise manner: "33, 31 points ."
Zhang Yang:"……"
Qin Si: "..."
All three of them were silent.
The corners of Gu San’s mouth twitched. After seeing the world, he reacted
quickly. A dry throat squeezed out: "Cough...It’s Miss Qiao’s style."
It should be said that it is the big boss's style of doing things!
The last one was refreshed and it was directly in the middle. He just guessed that
the boss was the eighth from the bottom and the ninth from the bottom. Hey, it
was sloppy!
He forgot that Miss Qiao and Wangye are the same kind of people..
Big brother’s world, he is not worthy!
Qiao Nian's grades climbed very fast.
In the beginning, only small-scale people paid attention to the changes in Qiao
Nian's ranking, while others paid more attention to the changes in the top ten
Especially Qi Lanyin ranked first, and when the scores were arrogant to the row
of people below, the people of the medical ociation looked very solemn.
Liang Lu was also not in the mood to trouble Shen Yugui. Seeing the rankings of
the first and second place getting bigger and bigger, she gradually became
I was fidgeting several times, and I wanted to go up and answer the questions
instead of Jiang Xianrou.
Just as she waited irritably for each grade refresh, a name quietly appeared on
the first page.
010, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 39 points.
"Qiao Nian? 39 points?" Liang Lu was taken aback when he saw the refreshed
ranking for the first time, but did not react for a while: "Isn't she the last one?"
The other judges and her thoughts, but they didn’t notice the subsequent ranking
changes, and they didn’t see Qiao Nian’s rushing score every time she
When they watched it again, Qiao Nian's name had already rushed to the top ten.
appeared on the first page like a dark horse!
"what's the situation?"
"Have a convulsion in the background?"
"Is the data on the screen wrong? How did the last one get to the first page?"
There was also a lot of discussion in the stadium, and the atmosphere that had
been silenced by Qi Lanyin became lively again...
"Isn’t it bad for the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at National Tsing
Hua University? I’ll go, her score has risen so fast."

Chapter 932: Score 10 points in three minutes!

"Who is this Qiao Nian? I haven't heard of the name before. Why did it suddenly
pop up? There used to be this person in the Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine at National Tsing Hua University?"
"This year's national college entrance examination champion. This kind of
schoolmaster, I... never thought that she would be the last one, but she hadn't
officially enrolled in her freshman year. It was too exciting to rush into the top ten
in the first round of the medical competition!"
The discussion in the venue gradually became louder.
On the stage, the girl casually wrote the title. Everything around her seemed to
have nothing to do with her, and she couldn't attract her any interest.
She has done more than half of the questions on the paper, and the computer
shows that her correct rate is 100%.
This terrifying number will not be displayed on the big screen, but Qiao Nian can
see it, but she doesn't care, her eyes continue to fall on the next topic.
Reading and answering questions, her cold-cut jaw line is smooth and heroic, her
movements are slow and tidy, and she doesn’t panic. It seems that it doesn’t
matter if hundreds of people look at her, just like doing homework at home, she
can’t see any tension or tension. Anxious emotions...
The camera ‘understands’ the girl and gave the girl a close-up.
The girl seemed to feel the shot of her face being stunned again. This time she
did not raise her head, but rather impatiently pressed the brim down again.
006, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 43 points.
Refresh again.
003, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 46 points.
In a blink of an eye, after refreshing twice, Qiao Nian's name has come behind
Jiang Xianrou.
Jiang Xianrou is now in second place with 48 points, only two points higher than
Qiao Nian's score. It is almost certain that Qiao Nian surpasses Jiang Xianrou.
Liang Lu opened her mouth and looked at the changes in the blink of an eye.
She couldn't recover at all, and subconsciously said, "Is this Qiao Nian's grades
wrong? We need to check the backstage..."
However, the judges and teachers in a row ignored her.
The Medical Association originally placed its hopes on Jiang Xianrou this year,
hoping that Jiang Xianrou could suppress the spirit of overseas representatives.
The reality is that Jiang Xianrou was overwhelmed by Qi Lanyin in the first round,
let alone the second round later.
As for the third round, it’s a cutscene, and the final 10 points for performance are
generally not given by the judges. There is only one or two points. The difference
between two and three points is negligible.
Qiao Nian's dark horse posture usually breaks through the siege, as if he has the
capital to compete with Qi Lanyin, who would listen to her and find trouble with
his own people.
Jiang Xianrou has only the last question left to write all the questions. She has
been stuck on that question for ten minutes. It is the knowledge about bones and
joints. She is the weakest piece. She can't write at all, and she has no idea to
solve the problem. But she didn't dare to write random or give up, otherwise she
would only open up the score gap with Qi Lanyin... While she was upset, she
took the time to watch each ranking refresh.
When I saw that Qiao Nian was already one below her, and the score difference
with her was only 2 points, I was shocked for a second.
It happens that the background system refreshes the score again.
001, Qi Lanyin, Overseas Medicine, 57 points.
002, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 56 points.
003, Jiang Xianrou...
The stadium is boiling.
"Damn, what is the situation? No one told me that I was watching a medical
competition. I thought I was watching a LOL game."
"Qiao Nian is only 1 point away from overseas medical representatives. On the
contrary, Jiang Xianrou was left behind by 8 points, that is to say, Qiao Nian
scored 10 points in three minutes! This... hasn't appeared since the start of the
medical competition. This situation."

Chapter 933: Sister Nian teaches you what is arrogance

"Today's penultimate will not counterattack to become the first!"

Too Nima's excitement!
This result is like a roller coaster!
Nie Mi looked at the results on the screen and turned to look at Huang Lao next
to him: "You didn't know that Nian Nian could make the top three?"
Lao Huang also stared at the results refreshed on the screen, and was silent: "..."
He knew that Qiao Nian was unlikely to be the last one, but what the top
three...he never thought about the top ten!
Only Ye Maoshan is the calmest of the three. He has never studied medicine and
does not understand the authority and difficulty of this medical competition. Just
looking at Qiao Nian’s ranking changes, he thinks it’s quite normal. Before Qiao
Nian went to take the National National Taiwan University entrance examination,
he also thought about helping walk through the back door, but the result was
different, Qiao Nian won the first place.
Punch top students from all major high schools across the country.
This time he also believes that Qiao Nian can hang everyone, but Qi
Lanyin...Master Ye squinted his eyes, quietly waiting for the next refresh.
On stage, Qi Lanyin has finished writing the last inscription.
She missed a small question halfway and deducted 1 point. She placed the 1
point that she didn't care about before. Just looking at the ranking, she had to put
up 12 points to write the remaining questions seriously.
Fortunately, all the answers were correct in the end.
The last three minutes.
is also the last time the screen counts the scores. Qi Lanyin breathed a sigh of
relief looking at the 59 score on his computer.
Others don't give up, or they have answered all of them without getting the
correct answer, and basically stopped.
Only Qiao Nian continued. All the eyes of the venue were on that figure, and the
reporter's lens was also on the stage.
Only the last ten seconds left.
The last eight seconds.
Qiao Nian hasn't put down the pen yet, and is still answering the question..
Everyone's nerves are tense, and a tense atmosphere permeates the entire
stadium. Everyone is waiting for the final results-who is the king of the first round!
The last five seconds.
Three seconds.
The girl seemed to stop writing, and she twisted her stiff neck, and put her hand
in her pocket, looking lazy.
The sloppy look, where seems to be seriously vying with Qi Lanyin for the first
place, Gang Jiang Xianrou gritted his teeth, with blue veins bulging on both
Qiao Nian was serious, but the people in the stadium really didn't see how
nervous she was.
Compared with Qi Lanyin's arrogant and domineering attitude, her attitude is
actually quite arrogant, but arrogant and pleasing to the people.
One second!
Everyone lifted their heads and looked at the large LED screen above their
heads, and the screen refreshed the final statistics according to the scene.
Qi Lan Yin was originally firmly in the first place.
No matter how she changes later, she hasn't moved.
This time, as soon as the big screen was refreshed, her name flashed and she
dropped from first to second-002, Qi Lanyin, Overseas Medicine, 59 points.
The stadium is boiling.
In the judges' seat, Master Karroska's face sank, and he could no longer hold his
The name pressed on Qi Lanyin's head is extremely arrogant——001, Qiao Nian,
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua University, 60
The full score in the first round is 60 points, and the difference between the two is
1 point. However, the first is the first!
The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of National Tsing Hua
University, this round crushed all the participating students, and the professional
name firmly occupied the first place!
Qin Si tilted his stiff neck, looked at Gu San on the side, his voice was hoarse,
and his mood was extremely complicated: "Didn't you tell me that Qiao Nian
hadn't even read the introductory book given by Huang Lao?"
Gu San: "……"
He didn't lie. Miss Qiao didn't finish reading the medical book Huang Lao gave.
She went to the backstage to read the book without eating breakfast in the

Chapter 934: Sister Nian is timid and afraid of life

He thought that Miss Qiao would also fight for not the bottom one, who knew that
Qi Lanyin would be trampled on.
From the penultimate dark horse to the first place on the first page.
Gu San felt that his head was a little dizzy at this moment, his expression was a
little cracked, he took a deep breath, looked at Qin Si with certainty and said,
"Ah, Miss Qiao didn't put the yellow on her breakfast. After reading the old
introductory book, she told me herself, but she didn't finish reading it."
I didn’t finish reading and still got the first place? ? ?
Qin Si: "..."
Zhang Yang behind him: "..."
Almost at the same time, the two turned their heads to look at the calm man
aside. They couldn't help but remember the first time Qiao Nian came to Beijing,
and Ye Wangchuan asked them to take care of them.
——I have a sister coming around the city. She is timid and afraid of life. Take
care of her.
Sister of GodTM!
The second round soon began, and the enthusiasm in the venue was completely
ignited. In previous years, the audience was already sleepy at this time and
waiting for the overseas medicine representative represented by Master
Karroska to get one. , Everyone is passionate, their eyes are firmly on the big
screen, and they are always paying attention to the changes in points.
The shots in the stadium are also very understanding, basically focusing on Qi
Lanyin and Qiao Nian for close-ups, Jiang Xianrou's shots are already pitiful.
Only occasionally when taking big shots accidentally, Jiang Xianrou will be
photographed, and her figure is completely absent at other times.
The second round is a personal response.
Compared to Qi Lanyin, who is obviously serious, Qiao Nian still has that
careless expression. If Gu San hadn’t known that she had been reading upstairs
seriously this week, I would have misunderstood that she didn’t care about this
The second round of quick-answer questions are read out one by one by the
judges. The rules are very simple. Whoever answers first will get a score.
Of course, in order to prevent students from rushing to answer indiscriminately,
there will be a deduction mechanism for incorrect answers. In addition, if they
answer incorrectly three times in a row, they will be disqualified for the second
round of the competition.
So I'm not sure, no one dares to press the rush on easily.
At the beginning of the gunfire, Qi Lanyin was full of strength and was always
ready to go back in the second round.
The first question, she is still thinking about the answer, and Joe reads to score..
In the second question, she has mobilized all her brain cells, trying to make
herself faster, and Qiao Nian still rushed to answer the score.
The third question...
If everyone did the test papers in the first round, whether Qi Lanyin or Jiang
Xianrou, there is still room for performance.
The second round put everyone together to face the game, and it turned into
Qiao Nian’s solo show.
All the attention and lens are focused on the **** the stage. She is wearing a
long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans that is not ostentatious. She has a pair of black
high-top Converse canvas shoes stepped on her feet, and her legs are wrapped
under the jeans. It's long and straight, and it's very eye-catching.
Other than that, it was the peaked cap on her hair, which slightly covered her
delicate face.
Qiao has almost no extra facial expressions and actions. When the judges finish
reading the questions, she always takes one step faster than everyone, presses
the keys and answers the questions.
Her position is behind the stage, unlike Jiang Xian and Qi Lanyin in the first row,
the camera cannot capture her well.
Qiao said unhurriedly, but his voice spread throughout the venue.
"The catheter was inserted too deep in this operation, and the main bronchus
was mistakenly inserted. The insertion depth of the catheter should be 4-5cm,
and the distance between the tip of the catheter and the incisor teeth should be

Chapter 935: The stimulated mind is hot

"The solution is very simple. Exhaust the air in the catheter balloon and partially
withdraw the catheter so that it is located in the trachea. The catheter balloon is
inflated and the lung auscultation confirms the position of the catheter. During the
intubation process, the SPO2 drops from 100% to 90%. Expose the glottis..."
Jiang's slender face was incredible. She never thought that Qiao Nian would
know the details of the operating table, and even said that it was not bad.
She thought about the catheter problem when the judges raised the question of
surgery, but she didn't have time to think about it in detail.
Until I heard the voice of the girls talking, I was surprised to see the gap.
Qiao Nian won the first round by no means luck!
Jiang Xianrou's heart was in a mess, and she pinched her palms, her thoughts
were completely affected by the shining people on the stage, and she was
completely calm.
001, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 68 points.
001, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 73 points.
In the stadium, even Ye Maoshan gradually put the tea cup down, and he didn't
realize that he was out of shape. Not to mention the master Karroska, who was
sitting in the first row with them, calm and relaxed from the beginning, as if he
had booked the first place. Now his face is getting darker and uglier...
In the second round, Qiao Nian rushed to answer and Qiao Nian scored.
No one else has a chance to answer.
Looking at the large LED screen, the gap between the scores and rankings
refreshed every time is getting bigger and bigger, and Qi Lanyin on the stage
can't hold back.
001, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 86 points.
Her own name came in second.
002, Qi Lanyin, Overseas Medicine, 59 points.
There is an insurmountable gap between 86 points and 59 points!
She has always insulted others so much, she has never suffered such
humiliation herself.
Seeing the judges read the title of the last question, Qi Lanyin watched the girl
behind her all the time, and when she saw the girl’s shoulder moved, she
seemed to be rushing to answer..
Her brain was hot, and she was the first to press the answer on.
"Okay, please answer."
The first place this year has come out. There can be no suspense. The experts of
the domestic medical ociation in the judges are all filled with joy. Even if Qi
Lanyin rushed to answer the last question, they were not in a hurry.
This question is quite difficult. It is the most difficult question among all the
questions. In addition to medical knowledge, it also involves the latest laboratory
Before they asked this question, they had never thought that a student could
answer it. Seeing Qi Lanyin rush to answer it, they had great expectations for
Master Karroska frowned and looked at the stage without speaking. He knew
very well that Qi Lanyin would not be the last question.
"Please answer."
Qi Lanyin succeeded in rushing to answer, but he did not say anything. The
teacher on the judges seat urged it again: "Student Qi Lanyin, it's up to you to
Qi Lanyin's face was ugly, her hands on the stage, her voice was dumb, she
didn't even understand what the question was and how to answer it.
Hundreds of eyes under the stage looked at her, and she looked back at the girl
behind her, gritted her teeth and lowered her eyelids, with a gloomy expression:
"I abstain."
As soon as the three words she abstained, there was another uproar in the
Qin Si was perplexed by her operation, turned around and said: "What is Qi
Lanyin doing? The answer was successful and he abstained."
Gu San had calmed down early, without raising his eyelids, and said quietly:
"She might be stimulated by Miss Qiao. I was afraid that Ms. Qiao rushed to
answer, so I rushed to answer, but in the end I didn't think of a good answer."

Chapter 936: Oh i don't know how to do this

"That's okay?" Qin Si showed a stunned look, and then looked on the stage, the
girl was standing there in a sloppy posture, quite casual.
The random aura seems to them to be the aura of a big brother, unfathomable, in
the eyes of the opponent, I am afraid that her random aura has become
provocative and arrogant!
Qin Si felt that he understood why Qi Lanyin was messed up on stage in a
second, and the mentality of playing with someone like Sister Qiao was just
going up and getting beaten.
On stage.
Qi Lanyin abstained from voting. The judges and teachers turned their eyes of
expectation on Qiao Nian. He pressed his excitement and asked in a low voice:
"Classmate Qi Lanyin abstained, Qiao Nian, would you like to answer?"
There were dozens of people on the stage, but he didn't watch any of them,
including Jiang Xianrou, and went straight to ask Qiao Nian.
Qiao Nian moved at this moment, raised his head, revealing the exquisite and
excessive face, raised his eyebrows, as if he was half a beat slow, and after
returning to his senses, his voice was muted with the expectant eyes of the
judges. Say: "Oh, I don't know this question."
"..." Qi Lanyin's expression suddenly changed, pinching her palms, staring at the
girl behind her.
She clearly wanted to answer.
Qiao Nian didn’t even look at her at all, she was rather indifferent, she had a kind
of restrained bandit, not as open as Qi Lanyin, but she was arrogant, her eyes
were extremely dark, and she was sloppy: "Excuse me, just freshman year, I
have not been exposed to medical experiments , I don’t understand the
She had an open expression of ‘I’m really not going to’. The judges and teachers
were silent, accustomed to her performance like a dark horse, and did not
recover for a while.
But Qiao Nian said that he couldn’t do it anymore, and he couldn’t say anything:
"Okay, okay, it doesn’t matter, I’ll just ask."
He turned his head, and said to Liang Lu and others: "Since the last question is
not good, can the second round be unified?"
All points?
Is there any good points, all the score rankings are written on the big screen,
Qiao Nian first, and the rest, including Qi Lanyin, are overwhelmed by her.
The scores of the first and second rounds came out, and the third round was just
a cutscene.
Qiao Nian's performance is beyond doubt..
Almost all the judges gave her full marks.
10 points.
10 points.
is still 10 points.
Liang Lu saw that the scores were on before and after the right, and she wanted
to give a low score. However, her arm couldn't twist her , and she slowly raised
her scoring board.
9 points.
Even if she scored 9 points, someone still watched her. She pulled the corners of
her mouth  and explained: "I want to leave her room for improvement at the last
This explanation is quite reluctant, but the last round looked at the average
scores of the judges. One less point she gave had little effect. Anyway, the first
place could not change. Even if she explained dryly, the reason is far-fetched.
With a foothold, everyone will look at her, and no one wants to take care of her.
The ranking on the large LED screen in the stadium was refreshed for the last
001, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua
University, 97 points.
002, Qi Lanyin, Overseas Medicine, 63 points.
003, Jiang Xianrou...
Starting from the third place, basically don’t need to look at the latter, all of them
The results of the first place despise everyone. The results of this year's medical
competition have come out, which is owned by the Department of Traditional
Chinese Medicine.
The end of the game, the Medical Association had a celebration banquet at
noon. Qiao Nian didn't attend, and he left after talking to Shen Yugui.
Outside the stadium, Gu San and others are waiting for her to come out.
Chapter 937: Sister Nian: It was quite sudden at the time

Qiao Nian was still playing with her mobile phone all the way. She logged in to
the ins, and after posting a post, she put her phone back in her pocket and raised
her eyes to a few people.
"My grass, sister Qiao, you can do it!" Qin Si reacted the most, not excited, and
circled her and said, "Did you deliberately ask the last question in the second
With a high score of 89 points on his head, he insisted that he would not.
Qi Lanyin and the overseas Master Carlo's faces were both smashed by Qiao
Nian, and their faces were black all the way.
This wave of face 666.
Gu San also looked at Qiao Nian in admiration.
Zhang Yang is slightly better than the two, and calmly congratulates Qiao Nian:
"Miss Qiao, congratulations on your winning the first place in the medical
competition. Would you like to celebrate at noon? I'll treat you."
"Yes, yes, you have to walk around at noon." Qin Si turned his head and asked
Ye Wangchuan as if thinking about it, "Master Wang, can you save the game? I'll
call someone."
Ye Wangchuan was in a good mood. He raised his hand and pressed the brim of
the hat to the girl. He obviously didn't do anything. Just a small gesture made
people feel that he was showing affection: "Sell, call a few less. Just call a few
acquaintances. , She admits to life.
"..." Qin Si was shown inexplicably, glanced at Qiao Nian surreptitiously, and
said, "Okay, I know. I'll call some acquaintances that Sister Qiao has met before."
Qiao Nian came to Beijing to meet a few people in their circle for the first time.
Although they were not the core ones, they were counted as the few who circled
on the edge of their circle. Qin Si planned to call those people last time.
Except for those who ate, Qin Si asked him: "Master Wang, where do we go to
Today the medical ociation is going to eat at Yufu, they will definitely not go to
Yufu, so that the two sides will not run into each other and have to be polite,
Ye Wangchuan did not speak yet, Zhang Yang reacted quickly, and immediately
said: "I heard that Miss Qiao likes hot pot? I know a hot pot restaurant that tastes
good, do you go?"
Eating hot pot at noon is obviously not their hobby.
For things like celebration banquets, at least we should find a place to eat on the
table, but Qin Si did not reject this proposal, but looked at Qiao Nian inquiringly.
"Do you eat hot pot?" Ye Wangchuan lowered his head and asked the girl.
The phone on the girl’s body kept ringing, and she didn’t take it out to look at it.
She looked down as if she was thinking about whether or not to eat. In the end
she was defeated by the hot pot. For a moment, she raised her head: "Eat!"
Ye Wangchuan chuckled lightly, with a pampered expression, turned around and
said to Zhang Yang, “I’ll eat the hot pot you mentioned at noon.”
"No problem." Zhang Yang was originally just opportunistically making
suggestions, but he didn't think about Qiao Nian's hobby, so he immediately took
out his mobile phone to call and fix the location..
He is familiar with the owner of that store, and he doesn’t talk nonsense. He
opened the phone and told the other party that he had booked the premises at
noon, so that the boss would not pick up other guests.
He and Qin Si, one reserved a place to eat, the other was busy collecting games,
and their attention was not here.
Ye Wangchuan half-closed his eyes, and his deep gaze fell on the girl. Seeing
that she was also looking at the phone, he asked the same question in a low
"Did you deliberately not answer the last question in the second round?"
Qiao Nian raised his head, his beautiful black pupils constricted his will. Hearing
the words, he put the phone in his hand down, don’t start, his expression was
rather pale: "No. I don’t know that question, I didn’t want to answer it. I was just
standing at the time. I'm tired, just change my posture."
She never thought that Qi Lanyin would be uncomfortable to answer.
What I asked her to say was probably... ennnn... quite suddenly?

Chapter 938: The freshman in your department also plays ins

"..." Ye Wangchuan's eyes darkened, and he stopped questioning.

He was just wondering whether Master Carlo and Qi Lanyin in the overseas
medical representative would go crazy if they heard Qiao Nian’s answer.
Qiao said that a whole bunch of them went to eat hot pot.
Medical Association’s celebration banquet was missing one of the main
characters, so it did not affect the reservation of a banquet hall in Yufu, and
everyone from the medical ociation went.
Some students who participated in the competition also went.
Compared with other people's beaming, Liang Lu's expression has not been very
good-looking, sitting at the main table but not talking much, just sitting there
drinking water, coldly watching Shen Yugui being surrounded by many people to
In the past years, except for Huang Lao’s superb status, no one cares about the
other people in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. When Qiao Nian
came out this year, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine became the
protagonist of today’s banquet, and Shen Yugui was surrounded by a large group
of people. All kinds of greetings.
Most people are knocking on the news of Qiao Nian by the side.
"Professor Shen, your TCM department has a baby this year, Qiao Nian, she has
studied medicine before?" It was Tian Shiyi, a professor in the Department of
Medicine of Nantah University, who was also one of the members of the Medical
Association. He usually has a good relationship with Liang Lu and is also a
clinician. The people of the department focus on the heart.
As soon as he spoke, several people followed up and asked curiously: "Yes,
Professor Shen, what is the situation of the freshman in your school, you can
give us an insight. Did she learn it systematically a long time ago, or how would
she know that? Many medical knowledge points."
"Uh..." Shen Yugui was uncomfortable being surrounded by two glasses of wine,
his face flushed, and his expression was embarrassing and helpless: "This...I
don't know."
"Professor Shen, you don't need to hide it, don't you? We can guess the general
situation without telling you. You don't know that everyone is a bit too kind." Tian
Shiyi constricted his mouth and smiled, his eyes darkened. , Can't hide envy and
Such a genius student did not come to their Nanda University. If he were to bring
him, he would be sure to bring out a student who was even better than Qi Lanyin.
It’s a pity, it’s not good for such a good seedling to fall into the Department of
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
"Aren't you afraid that we'll dig the corner?" He said again, half-jokingly and half
Shen Yu is considered to be a decent person. He has always been a little stern
when doing things, pursing his lips, and looking directly into his eyes seriously: "I
really don't know. If you are curious, you can ask yourself."
Tian Shiyi was a little embarrassed by his talk about it, and he stubbornly said:
"I'll just say that, you are serious...just kidding, isn't it because your department of
Chinese medicine took the first place this year? I am envious. No way?"
"It’s not impossible, I just think it’s her personal affair that Qiao thinks about her.
She took the first place and the first place in domestic medicine. If Professor Tian
wants to be sour, you don’t have to!"
These words were really merciless. Tian Shiyi's face was flushed, holding the
white wine glass, unable to hold his mouth for a long time, stubbornly sipped the
white wine in the glass, turned his head aside, and said angrily: "Haha , I really
took the first place, no jokes will work!".
Everyone saw that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, and they all ended up in the
Someone happened to be looking at their mobile phone and didn’t know what
they saw. They were stunned for a moment. They didn’t care about Shen Yugui
and Tian Shiyi’s stiff atmosphere. They took the mobile phone to Shen Yugui and
asked: "Professor Shen, your department That freshman also plays ins?"
Chapter 939: You are arrogant when you think about sister

"...?" What ins?

The other party put the phone in front of him, his eyes sparkling and followed with
a nasty breath, and he asked refreshingly: "Is her ins called QN?"
Several medical ociation professors were made curious by him, and they asked
him: "Mr. Qin, what are you talking about, what INS, what QN? Tell me clearly."
"Aren't I asking Professor Shen?" The man chuckled, patted his stomach, and
muttered to himself: "I think this ins should be her, and the abbreviation of Qiao
Nian's name is not QN. She must be correct. !"
"What the **** is it, what happened to her ins?"
"Yes, what is going on, you can make it clear."
Seeing that many people were curious about what he said, the middle-aged man
smiled slightly, hid his merit and fame, and showed them his cell phone: "Look at
Everyone gathered around and looked down.
There is an update on   ins with a thumbs-up and over ten thousand likes,
which was posted half an hour ago.
[QN: [Picture]]
"What happened to just one picture?" The first person did not understand, raised
his head, and asked with a puzzled look.
"Don't worry, I'll zoom in for you." The chubby man clicked on the picture for them
and zoomed in.
is a ranking.
is the ranking of this year's medical competition. There are only two screenshots,
the first and the second.
001, Qiao Nian. The final score was 97 points.
002, Qi Lanyin, Overseas Medicine. The final result was passable, 63 points.
There is no nonsense on that ins, just such a picture, but everyone who has seen
it has two capitalized words-arrogant!
This ins definitely means “tooth for tooth,” Qi Lanyin and overseas medicine are
rubbed on the ground.
Shen Yugui didn't expect Qiao Nian to post an ins, especially when he saw the
five words of the Tsinghua University Department of Traditional Chinese
Medicine in the picture, he was a big man, his eye sockets were hot for the first
time, and he almost couldn't control his emotions.
He don't start, take a deep breath..
This is the first time he has seen the hope of the Department of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in so many years!
In his eyes, the ‘hope of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine’ is
sitting lazily and eating hot pot.
Zhang Yang is worthy of being an aboriginal in Beijing. The hot pot restaurant he
introduced is spicy and authentic, and the dishes are fresh and diverse.
Qiao Nian eats heartily, sweating on her back, but she hasn’t eaten spicy food for
more than a week, so she finally came out for a hot pot, and it was delicious.
She finished the beef in the bowl, and put a piece of scalded hairy belly in her
Qiao Nian raised his head and saw the man sitting next to him calmly picking a
new piece of beef for her with public chopsticks and blanching it in a pot.
Seeing her look over, Ye Wangchuan said calmly: "Don't eat too hot, let it dry
before eating."
Qiao Nian was silent, and it happened to light up in the phone on the table.
She put down her chopsticks, picked up the phone, and looked down.
Qin Si called seven or eight people over, but when Qin Si and Ye Wangchuan
were both on the occasion, several people were nervous like quail, shrinking their
necks and trembling, they were able to cater to Qin Si and Zhang Yang when
they were talking. One or two sentences enlivened the atmosphere, and Ye
Wangchuan moved, and they were scared and stupid, and they didn't dare to say
a word.
Qin Si had a headache when he encountered this situation, but he didn't know
how to break the dry atmosphere.
His call for people to come over is a lively atmosphere, to celebrate together.
As a result, a group of fools came.
What a special thing, one by one, sitting straight and watching sister Qiao eating
as if they were in school, something is wrong!

Chapter 940: She takes the third place and also treats to dinner?

Still Zhang Yang broke the silence and said well-informed: "Qin Shao, I see
people in the group are saying that Miss Jiang will wait for Lanting to invite
dinner, shall we go?"
Qin Si propped his head, glanced at him obliquely, and didn't bother to reply:
"Say it."
Jiang Xianrou's idea, no one in the circle understands.
He looked at the man who was still carefully blanching beef for the girl. He
smashed his mouth, and wanted to take a photo of his phone to show the idiots
in the group, what is the baby that the prince had hidden on the tip of his heart.
It's so silly to lick Jiang Xianrou.
Qin Si glanced back at him again, quite surprised: "She took the third place and
also invited guests to dinner?"
Zhang Yang knew he didn’t understand as soon as he saw his reaction. Putting
the phone down, he said with a smile: “Medical competitions are highly
professional. Generally, only people who study this major pay more attention to
it, and online news will not be specially reported. Who is the number one...Isn't
the number one in domestic medicine taken this year?"
For the rest, he didn’t say so bluntly, but Qin Si has been in the top circles since
he was a child. Even if he doesn’t care about these corners, he is not a fool.
Zhang Yang understood what he meant when he said it. As if eating a mouthful
of flies, it was disgusting to be manipulated by Jiang Xianrou's hand.
He didn't have much to say, so he just looked at Qiao Nian.
The piece of beef that Ye Wangchuan was blanching was just cooked. He put the
beef in the girl's bowl and saw that the girl was still leaning on the chair casually
playing on the phone, and seemed to be replying to the news.
asked her; "What's the matter, who is looking for you?"
Qiao Nian just finished replying to a message, raised his head, his black eyes
were just in front of him, and he moved away in an instant, and he said lazily, "No
"My teacher."
She paused for another second, put her phone away, and slowly said: "He asked
me if I want to join the medical ociation."
Originally, a large group of people gathered around to eat hot pot. They said they
were eating hot pot. Tangning and a large group of people mostly watched them
eat. They sat there awkwardly, too nervous, for fear that they might finally have a
chance to break into Qin Si. The small circle waiting for people wasted this
opportunity by saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing. It was like a fool
in Cailan Ting who flattered and slapped a horse on the leg, and was squeezed
out of this circle after that day.
People like Qin Si and Ye Wangchuan don’t need to say who wants to squeeze
them out. Often, there are people who will follow you in the same eyes, not for
anything else, just to please the circle at the top of the pyramid.
So even if it’s so grounded to eat a hot pot at noon today, who is not tense,
careful and cautious.
At this moment, I heard the girl talk lightly about the Medical Association. Even
though Tangning and others had already learned about today’s medical
competition from Zhang Yang, they couldn’t help but look at Qiao Nian with a
stupefied expression.
The domestic medical ociation is not so easy to enter!.
Jiang Xianrou's identity as a circle with her back, and Liang Lu, a tutor, was
qualified to join the Medical Association in her junior year.
How old is Qiao Nian this year?
Have not yet started freshman year, are you going to join the Medical
Everyone was surprised but no one dared to ask too much.
Qiao Nian didn't care about their reaction. He kept his black eyes, and picked up
the chopsticks and continued with Ye Wangchuan: "In addition, he also sent a
message asking me if I had time. He wanted to treat me to dinner and introduce
me to other people. Getting acquainted."

Chapter 941: Sister Nian, the vest is off

Ye Wangchuan put his hands on the table, tapped his fingers on the table,
leaned back, relaxed his shoulders, looked at the girl next to him, and asked her,
"What do you think, do you want to eat this meal?"
He probably understands Huang Lao’s thoughts.
The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine finally came out with a baby like
Qiao Nian, and he might not help but want to show off.
Old man Gang even called him and asked him to take Qiao Nian back to dinner
at night.
Qiao Nian had just finished his ironed hairy belly after eating. When he was a
little full, he put down his chopsticks and swayed his legs, lazily: "It depends on
the situation, let's talk about it then, I don't necessarily have time."
The two of you said, I said, Qin Si listened to the clouds in the mist, so he
interjected and asked: "Sister Joe, who is your teacher?"
He pondered, because of Qiao Nian, he didn't know much about the Department
of Traditional Chinese Medicine at National Tsing Hua University, at least he
knew two people.
He thought that Qiao Nian was talking about Shen Yugui, the dean of the
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at National Tsing Hua University.
Shen Yugui this person, he has heard about it, not like Cheng Wu and Liang Lu,
who are flexible in their heads, know how to drill camp, and are slightly more
Sister Joe’s genius will inevitably be a waste of him.
"Actually I know..." He was about to ask if Shen Yugui, he knew a master of
Chinese medicine better than Shen Yugui.
Gu San quietly interrupted him: "Ah, Qin Shao. You don't need to introduce it.
Miss Qiao's teacher of Chinese medicine is Lao Huang, and her minor teacher is
Lao Nie."
"..." Qin Si got stuck in the throat tube when I knew a few people, and couldn't
swallow it.
Looking at Qiao Nian again, the look in his eyes was simply so!
What kind of fairy sister is this.
Old Nie, he knew that he went to Nie’s birthday banquet, and he had seen Mr.
Nie publicly introduce Miss Nian to people in the Beijing city circle.
But the question is...Is the teacher of Chinese medicine Huang Lao? ? ?
There are two honorary professors at Tsing Hua University. Both Nie Mi and
Huang Lao are master-level figures in the professional field who have not been
out for a long time and have never brought students! Both are actually Qiao
Nian's teachers? ? too awesome.
Don’t talk about Qin Si, Tangning and others listened to Gu San’s popular
science and then looked at Qiao Nian. Everyone was autistic!.
They understood in an instant, why Qiao Nian’s teacher could ask her whether
she could enter the medical ociation.
Lao Huang’s student, who would dare to disagree if Huang wants to be brought
into the medical ociation?
Even Liang Lu has no right to refuse.
Gu San didn't think it was enough, and with a blank face, he stabbed Qin Si
again: "Master Cheng also said that he wanted Miss Qiao to go to his laboratory,
but Miss Qiao refused. Miss Qiao said she didn’t have time to spare."
"???" Qin Si turned to look at Qiao Nian, his expression was wonderful.
Gu San said that Master Cheng is a member of the Jiu Institute. The Jiu Institute
has always been mysterious and low-key and unassuming. Many people outside
don’t know about the Jiu Institute.
Tang Ning and others didn’t know who Master Cheng was. Looking at Qin Si’s
face, they guessed seven or eight. At first glance, they were no worse than
Huang Lao and Nie, otherwise they would not be worthy of the title of Master.
Qiao Nian didn’t pay attention to what they were talking about. He looked at the
message sent by Yuan Yongqin on his mobile phone, turned his head and said to
the man beside him: “I won’t go singing with you after I have eaten. I have
something to get.”
She was busy with the exam some time ago, and after the college entrance
examination, she performed surgery on Uncle Chen. It has been a year. She
hasn't spared time to draw a new design draft for Seven. Even Aunt Yuan urged
her to take time today. Get one out.
PS: Really. Big mouth, little expert. Gu San

Chapter 942: Have you ever published academic papers

Qiao could not miss the afternoon game, so Ye Wangchuan naturally didn't want
to go.
In the end, only Zhang Yang and Tangning were left in the Qin Si team's round.
They booked the Lanting box, the old place.
Qin Si was afraid of being bored, so he called some people, but Qiao Nian didn't
go anyway, his celebration party was no smaller than the scale of the
medical ociation.
Return to the apartment.
Qiao Nian went back to the room and took a shower, put on a bathrobe and sat
at the desk.
She tilted Erlang's legs, revealing a white collarbone under the bathrobe, she
was sloppy, and when people sat there, there was a kind of aura that exploded
into the sky.
Because it has been a long time since I drew a design drawing, Qiao Nian had
no inspiration for a while.
She opened the old-looking top, called up the drawing software, and pulled out a
drawing book from the drawer, opened the zipper of the shoulder bag, found the
2B pencil for drawing from the pencil bag, and then took out Take out the knife
and sharpen the tip of the pen unhurriedly.
Seeing that the pencil was about to be sharpened, at this moment, the phone she
had left on the table lit up.
Qiao Nian glanced over there, thinking it was Yuan Yongqin who called her to
urge her to write, who knew it was Huang Lao.
She dropped her half-shaved pencil and picked it up with a headache. Although a
little dry, Qiao Nian's tone was still patient and polite: "Hey. Teacher."
"I disturbed you?" Huang Lao has a calmer power than Nie Mi. Although his
voice sounds muddy but clear, it gives a gentle feeling.
Qiao Nian leaned back on the chair, stared lazily at the brush and white paper on
the table, lowered his eyelashes, and said, "No."
"Teacher, are you looking for something to do with me?"
She knew that Huang Lao was not a person who would disturb her if nothing
At least from the entrance exam to the present, Huang Lao didn't call her a few
times. Only the day the college entrance examination results came out he called
her to congratulate her on winning the national paper.
Later, when she came to Beijing, the family held a college entrance banquet for
her. Huang Lao also called her and specifically explained that she didn’t know
she was going to hold a college entrance banquet before. He was not in Beijing,
so he couldn’t make it back and could not go to her. 'S college banquet...
Except for these two times, Qiao Nian squinted her eyes, as if she couldn't
remember when she called her.
Just today, the other party made two calls in a row..
She asked directly, the other party did not practice Tai Chi, and asked her gently:
"There is something wrong. Have you published academic papers in academic
journals or websites?"
Qiao Nian was distracted for a moment, and he didn't seem to expect Elder
Huang to ask her about this.
Huang Lao was quite calm, and said softly: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if it
doesn't, I'll just ask you."
Qiao Nian put his hand on the desk and tapped gently, tapped twice, thinking for
a moment, just when the other party was about to give up: "No? Nothing..."
She seemed to remember something, and replied slowly: " seems to have
posted an article."
The tone of Huang Lao on the phone is obviously a little surprised, or
unexpected: "Have you sent it?"
"Yeah." Qiao Nian turned on the computer, found out his previous document
records, and asked in a simple and concise way: "Also on the website?"
"As long as it is an academic website."
"Okay." Qiao Nian turned out his records, leaned back in his chair, and said, "I
sent you the link."
On the other side, Yufu Lounge.
The celebration banquet of the Medical Association was held in the banquet hall
on the third floor, and it was not over yet.

Chapter 943: If you lose the game, you lose the game, shameless

But neither Huang Lao nor Nie Mi or Ye Maoshan are interested in participating
in young people’s activities. They are all elderly people. They prefer to find a
quiet place to drink tea quietly than the coveted celebrations downstairs. to chat
Before Qiao Nian won the first place in this medical competition, no one thought
about it.
Don’t say that Nie Mi is a person who only holds the mentality of victory if he
doesn’t take the last place. Even Huang Lao and Ye Maoshan, the two have
never thought that Qiao Nian can get the positive number first place.
Qiao Nian won the first place. The three of them are in a good mood. In addition,
the people who have been in the Beijing city circle for a lifetime, know a lot of
people, and they chatted together in the lounge upstairs for a while.
The atmosphere of the chat was pretty good, and the topic basically revolved
around Qiao Nian.
Who knew that Huang Lao answered the call in the middle, and his face was not
very good when he turned his head, and he called Qiao Nian in front of the two of
Seeing him hang up, Nie Mi couldn't help but put down the tea cup first, and
asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"
Everyone is a human spirit, Huang Lao didn't intend to conceal the two of them,
raised his eyes, and straightforwardly explained the situation to the two of them.
"It's not a big deal. Qiao Nian posted a dynamic on ins, screenshots of the results
of this medical competition, only the rankings of her and Qi Lanyin were
screenshots. Someone just called me and said that overseas medical side also
responded on ins. Up."
"Qi Lanyin?" Nie Mi frowned and asked him irritably.
"No." Huang Lao shook his head, looked at him and Ye Maoshan, his face was
quite calm, and said softly, "It's Karroska."
"Master Carlo sent an ins without explicitly mentioning Qiao Nian, but posted the
papers published by Qi Lanyin in international journals and websites, which
probably means that this competition was just an accident and Qi Lanyin did not
perform well."
Lao Huang always has a flat and straightforward tone. Listening to him can't tell
the emotions in his heart. But who is Nie Mi, when he sees his dark eyes, he
knows that he is also annoyed by the overseas medical gang.
Immediately sneered, with a disdainful tone: "Karroska is also considered a
generation master in the medical field, how can he be so unskilled? If you lose,
you lose. If you stand up straight, you can't be beaten. You have to say that you
don't perform well. Who will play See your performance? According to their
overseas medicine, we can also say that we did not perform well in the previous
three years!"
In addition to this year's Qiao Nian's dark horse smashing Qi Lanyin, the previous
three years have won the first place in overseas medical competitions.
Whether it is Qi Lanyin or her teacher Master Carlos, they have ridiculed
domestic medicine in media interviews and social platforms, but this time they
can’t afford to lose.
"Niannian how to say, has she ever published a paper?"
Gang Huang Lao didn't avoid them calling, and they heard everything he said to
Qiao Nian clearly, and they heard him asking Qiao Nian if he had published a
paper on the academic website.
Nie Mi was very irritable. He picked up the tea cup and was not in the mood to
drink tea and replayed it again. The bottom of the cup knocked on the tabletop.
He had a straight and violent temper. He didn't have the mastery of a master. He
spoke directly: "Qiao Nian is just a freshman, Qi Lan Yin is big Four, if they lose
the game, they lose the game. They have to compare with someone who has
written academic papers. It's shameless!".
Ye Maoshan, who was sitting by the side, did not speak, his face sank slightly,
and the housekeeper beside him could see that he was in a bad mood. He kept
his eyes closed, and then put down the tea cup, picked up the phone in one
hand, and asked Huang Lao: "Nian-nian tells you whether she has published a

Chapter 944: Nothing, sister Nian also posted a paper

Obviously means to intervene.

The two of them said one sentence. Before Huang Lao had time to get back to
them, there was a ding of the phone, and a new message came.
He didn't care about answering the words of the two of them, and turned on the
phone. As expected, it was Joe who read the message to him.
is a URL link.
At a glance, he felt that the URL link looked familiar, but he was not sure, his
mood was slightly tense, his lips pressed, and he clicked on the link.
A familiar website page appeared in front of him.
Huang Lao was astonished for a moment, staring at the website, stood up
abruptly, and then looked down at the paper excitedly.
There is a red stamp on the paper, stamped with the letter S.
He hasn't recovered for a long time.
BMJ is a well-known medical journal in country Y, and it is also a well-known
international medical journal. There is a dedicated student-bmj section on the
official website of BMJ, which is an authoritative academic paper copyright for
medical students and junior doctors. It can be linked to this aspect. All of the
papers are the top papers in various medical research fields, and the BMJ
website also ranks these papers.
is divided into A-S grade, A grade is the worst, S grade is the best.
Because the selection system is very strict, so far, few papers on the official
website have been selected as S-level papers.
He personally has a few research papers selected as S-level, but he does not
care about these and has passed the age of care.
But he never thought that Qiao Nian had also published a paper on the BMJ
official website, and it was still an S-level paper!
Lao Huang was completely shocked.
He looked at the publication time of the paper. Two years ago, it was an
academic research paper on bone surgery.
Attribution is very simple.
If it wasn't for the link that Qiao read to him, it would be this paper. In normal
times, he would not be able to link this paper signed QN with his new students..
Because only people in the medical field understand that being able to publish
papers on such authoritative medical websites, and being selected as an S-level
is abnormal.
What's more, the age of the other party...when the paper was published, he was
only 16 years old!
What a talent this is!
Nie Mi became nervous when he saw the change in his always calm and calm
face. He stood up unconsciously and leaned forward and asked: "What's the
matter, is it because she hasn't published a paper? At her age, she hasn't
published any of these. Things are normal, you..."
Before he could finish his words, Old Huang had recovered his senses, his eyes
burst with scorching light, he shook his head, interrupted him, and said in a
strong tone of excitement, "No. She sent me the papers she had published. Now,
wait a minute, I will save the link and send an ins immediately."
He had heard of the name QN before, which was considered a mysterious name
on medical forums, and he published a paper.
was rated as S-level on the BMJ. Someone once asked about the nationality and
age of this QN. However, throughout the medical profession, those who are able
to win this S-level paper deny that they have written this paper.
Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Qiao Nian!
Huang Lao couldn't wait for a moment. He took a screenshot of the paper on the
phone and copied the link. No nonsense, he also has an INS account, which is
usually managed by others and rarely logs in. This is the first time he logs in by
himself. This account posted a new activity.
【Life-long learning! 】

Chapter 945: Ye Lao: You... have to work hard!

Rarely, Huang Lao didn't leave the other party's demeanor. He directly ins the
master Aitka Luo, without saying a word, waiting for the other party to see what
he sent.
Beijing Airport International Terminal.
This time the overseas medicine loses face, Qi Lanyin is also trampled on the
ground, and the group is not very interested.
After Master Carlo made an angry move on the ins, he didn’t care.
He never thought about posting that ins, mainly because he saw Qiao Nian being
arrogant to learn from them, and posted ins mockery. He couldn't help his anger,
so he posted screenshots of some achievements Qi Lan Yin had obtained in
international publications. .
Although he went back in shock, he held his own identity, and it was hard to care
about with a freshman. He originally wanted Aite’s partner, but he endured it
later, without specifying who was going to watch it.
But he has a great reputation overseas, an ins was sent out, and many people
left comments below.
Most people agree with him, thinking that Qi Lanyin’s failure to win the first place
this time was simply because he didn’t play well. He had previously won the first
place three times in a crushing manner. If he did not play well, it would be
impossible to lose so ugly this time... …
The airport is broadcasting boarding information.
Master Carlo tidied his clothes and prepared to board the plane.
Who ever thought that at this time, his istant suddenly changed his face and
walked over with a mobile phone, and handed it to him: "Master Carlo, the other
party is on ins with you."
"Heh." The old man with deep eyes sneered, his eyes chilled with a little disdain,
and he took the phone from the istant and said: "I didn't find her, she still dare to
love me..."
Before he finished his voice, he saw that it was not the freshman from the Tsing
Hua University Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine who was looking for
him on the ins, but Huang Lao. He closed his mouth, stared at the paper and the
link thrown out by the other party, and clicked on it.
S-level papers on the BMJ forum.
Isn’t that the name of the ins of the girl from the Department of Traditional
Chinese Medicine who participated in the competition?
QN=Qiao Nian, a freshman in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at
National Tsing Hua University? ?
In contrast, the pile of academic paper achievements of Qi Lanyin published by
him was like a joke, hitting him fiercely in the face, making him buzzing.
His face suddenly rose with pig liver color, and it took a long time before he got
off the plane at the urging of his istant..
Before boarding the plane, even if he was embarrassed to the extreme, he chose
to delete the ins that he sent out like a joke in a hurry.
In   Rhine’s apartment, Ye Wangchuan put on his home clothes and just
made a cup of coffee. He hadn’t drunk it yet, and his phone was bright.
He casually put the cup on the cupboard, leaned there, lay his long legs lazily,
picked up the phone, and clicked on a new message.
is a message from Ye Lao.
[Niannian, you guys didn’t go outside to play? ]
Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, his eyes were a little interested, and he
didn’t understand why his father had sent this news to him, so he was so idle?
If it is replaced by someone else, he may not respond and treat it as a spam
But for the elders, he, like Qiao Nian, has always been able to stand his temper,
and looked up at the quiet room on the second floor.
lowered his head, his slender neck was hooked, and he casually replied a
message to Ye Lao.
[She was upstairs and said that she was busy, so she didn't go out to play. Are
you looking for something to her? ]
It's been five minutes since his message was sent.
Old man Ye just seemed to have seen the news, and responded to him with an
inexplicable message: [She is busy. It's okay, I'll just ask. ]
"..." Ye Wangchuan just put the phone down.
Another new message comes.
is still Mr. Ye's.
[By the way, don’t bother her if she’s busy, you are a big man, find something to
do by yourself every day, don’t do nothing all day. You...have to work hard! ]

Chapter 946: You can only eat soft rice if you don’t work hard
Ye Wangchuan stared at the phone for a long while, his deep eyes squinted
slightly, and he seemed to have a hint of interest, especially the phrase "You
have to work hard" at the end of the old man's text message. He didn't know
what was going on, he tasted a bit of hatred. It doesn't feel like steel.
"Master, what's wrong with you? Why do you keep looking at your phone in a
daze." Gu San came back from the outside and just came in to see the man
standing by the counter with a cup of coffee, as if looking at the phone, but he
didn't hear the message back from behind him. Asked too much.
"Whose news?"
He has been with Ye Wangchuan for more than ten years, and his friendship is
extraordinary. He didn't have too much scruples, so he leaned forward and took a
look at his phone.
Just seeing Old Man Ye’s text message, Gu San also looked dumbfounded, with
a puzzled expression, and looked at the man with a puzzled look: "Master, what
did Miss Qiao do? Why would Ye Lao send you a text message? Work hard?"
How does he feel that Ye Lao next sentence seems to write "If you don't work
hard, you can only eat soft rice."
Gu San just came up with this idea, he took a hiss of air-conditioning, and
hurriedly bah bah bah, let himself not think about it.
Ye Wangchuan didn’t watch his small movements, and put his phone away
carelessly, with a calm tone: “It’s okay, let’s get convulsions every day.”
Gu San:……
Wangye, does Ye Lao know that you say that behind your back?
Ye Wangchuan raised his head and looked upstairs. Seeing that the second floor
was extremely quiet and no one wanted to come down, he raised his eyebrows
and said to Gu San with a deep outline: "Help me see if the sour plum soup in the
kitchen is cooked."
It goes without saying who the sour plum soup is for.
Gu San ran to the kitchen numbly.
Upstairs room, the sun is shining outside, but Qiao Nian’s room is not very light.
She uses screen windows to block part of the sun, and only the fine light falls on
the floor.
There are a lot of paper **** on the ground.
The girl is holding a 2B pencil in her hand and sketching on the drawing paper,
the rudiment of one jewelry after another is clear in her pen.
But she seemed dissatisfied. Seeing that a bracelet was about to be drawn, she
bit the pen, leaned back, tore off the drawing paper on the table and knead it
again into a ball of paper and threw it on the ground.
Seeing that a picture book had been ruined by her, Qiao Nian's eyes were
extremely dark, and his eyebrows were covered with cold dryness. He opened
the drawer and was about to take out another book.
Just as she was taking things, there was a knock on the door..
Even though she tried to suppress the irritability in her heart, her voice was also
filled with impatience.
Everyone who is involved in design understands. Generally, if there is someone
running to interrupt under unsatisfactory conditions, the irritability will be +3 times
than normal.
Just...I don’t want to anger anyone, but it’s quite annoying.
"Do you drink sour plum soup? I sent you a copy." The clearer the man's voice,
the better it sounded, as a trickle that slightly eased her irritability.
Qiao Nian relaxed his tight back a little, and said: "I didn't lock the door, you can
come in directly."
The top and drafts were arbitrarily placed on her desk, and she threw the pencil
biting her lip on the table. She relaxed. She didn't want to hide the things in the
room because Ye Wangchuan came in. It was quite casual. Sexually got up from
the chair and walked over.
"Is it cold?"
Qiao Nian looked at the black-and-white mug he brought in. It was the cup she
usually used. He took it from his hand and raised his eyes. Although the
extremely black eyes still had the anxiety of the unsuccessful design draft, he
could tell. She controlled it well and didn't vent her anger on irrelevant people.
But she is very annoyed at the moment, and wants to drink some ice drink to cool

Chapter 947: Sister Nian: Do you want soft rice?

Ye Wangchuan saw the paper **** scattered in the room, and then looked at the
messy things on her desk. It seemed that they were all drawing tools, but he
didn't ask a question, as if he hadn't seen it, he lowered his head and looked at
him. Concentrated without holding his beak: "Normal temperature."
"Ah." When Qiao Nian took the cup, he found that it was not the ice drink he
wanted, and was slightly disappointed.
Ye Wangchuan walked past her and said, "You forgot that your stomach hurts
when you came to your aunt last time? There is still a week left. I asked the
doctor about things that you can't touch ice this week, so I didn't add ice to you. ."
When he talked about this, his expression was extraordinarily natural, calm and
relaxed, without any strangeness.
Qiao Nian's beautiful black eyes looked at him for a long time, and he was
speechless, and pulled his shoulders down as a surrender. He followed his steps
with the cup and walked back, saying, "Okay. Is this sweet?" "
She doesn't like sweet drinks. Even Gu San can figure out this habit.
How could Ye Wangchuan not know about her problem, a person who doesn’t
even like milk tea, let her drink a sweet drink, it is estimated that she will kill her.
"Not sweet."
It was the first time Ye Wangchuan described the taste of sour plum juice to a
girl. For the first time, it was a little strange: "Sour and sour, sweet back. You try
it, don’t drink it if you don’t like it, I will ask Gu San to give you another glass of
lemon From the water..."
Qiao Nian raised his eyelids to look at him, sitting on a chair, holding the mug in
both hands, without saying a word, took a sip.
As someone said, the entrance is a bit sour, but after the sourness, the
sweetness will return to sweetness, and the taste is not bad.
"It's okay." Her brows stretched out, her beautiful black eyes raised, and her
mood looked a lot more comfortable. She curled up the corners of her mouth and
said not reconciled: "It should taste better with some ice cubes."
Ye Wangchuan ignored her words automatically, already seeing clearly that
the top on her desk opened the drawing software.
However, unlike the drawing software on his usual office software, the drawing
software on Qiao Nian's notebook seems to be more professional.
He took his gaze back after only one glance, then turned his gaze on the girl who
was slouching in a chair drinking plum juice, and whispered: "Grandpa Gang sent
me a message."
Qiao Nian held a mug and drank water from one to the other. The whole person
relaxed, and when she relaxed, she became a little sleepy.
Hearing his low and sultry voice, he casually raised his head and tilted his head,
as if waiting for him to follow.
"He asked me to work hard." Ye Wangchuan chuckled lightly, his eye-catching
face was particularly charming, and his bottomless eyes looked at the girl, a little
attentive: "I think he meant to be afraid of me... eating soft food. ."
Qiao Nian finally picked up some energy in his sleepiness, glanced at him
leisurely, and said straightforwardly: "Do you want soft rice?".
Ye Wangchuan: "..."
Qiao Nian looked at him up and down again, retracted his gaze, restored Xie
Ning's lazy appearance, and said straightforwardly: "Don't even think about it, I
can't support you."
The heir to the Ye family in Beijing, and the boss of the Ninth Institute, she has a
bit of money, but Yang Ye Wangchuan seems stretched.
And just by looking at the decoration of his apartment in Rhine, you can see how
much money he can spend. The sofa downstairs is easily 7-figure.
The hair dryers in her room start at 6 figures.
It's not that she is humble, he is very difficult to raise, at least not the type that
can feed on bad bran, which costs money.

Chapter 948: Don't look at me, I can't afford it

Seeing that Ye Wangchuan was still looking at her, Qiao Nian's shoulders were
very relaxed, holding the mug in both hands, lowered his head and drank another
sip of sour plum juice, with a sloppy and lazy expression, pursing his lips, with a
serious expression on his face: "Don't Look at me, I really can't afford it."
Qiao Nian glanced at him again, faintly and confidently: "I can't afford to support
me either."
Ye Wangchuan smiled, his  trembled for a few seconds, his arms propped on the
sides of the chair, pressing her tightly, his eyes were extremely dark, and the
girl’s delicate facial features were printed: "Qiao Shen just said that he can’t
afford it, is it a bit of a mess? Abandoned?"
"En?" Qiao Nian was accustomed to him being close to him. He didn't resist at
all. She raised her beautiful face and just finished the shower. She smelled of
shower gel.
Ye Wangchuan's eyes darkened, his eyes fell on her rous lips, remembering the
scene of the last bite he was bitten, the place where he was bitten was swollen
for two days before it disappeared, and he didn't go out for the two days. Can
only stay in Rhine's apartment.
He squinted his eyes, lowered his head just about to get closer.
Qiao Nian didn’t know what he was thinking of, and suddenly he supported
his  with his hands, wrinkled his brows and said: "Wait a minute, you sit down."
She has a serious expression.
Ye Wangchuan's throat rolled, he just held back and straightened up.
Qiao Nian put down the mug in his hand, picked up the pen and the drawing
book, and looked at him, with bright colors bursting out of his beautiful black
eyes, very serious, changed his posture, sat cross-legged with him directly
opposite him, brushing Draw it on the notebook.
A uniquely shaped bracelet began to take shape in her pen.
Ye Wangchuan:...
Shen's house.
Qiao Jia's punishment has been out.
Tsing Hua University did not expel her, but she did not take it lightly as Shen
Jingyan expected. Even though Cheng Wu helped Qiao Ai plead, the school still
wrote a big punishment on Qiao Ai's file.
This kind of punishment may be cancelled with the correction.
But regardless of the final cancellation or not, Qiao Qi's file will leave a record of
This is equivalent to the stain of a life, and Qiao Qi can't get rid of it anyway..
In addition to the sanctions, National Tsing Hua University also asked Qiao An to
submit a 4D review paper, which is not too many and can be very insulting.
Because of the punishment of Qiao Ai by National Tsing Hua University, the
Shen family has been shrouded in clouds and dense clouds during this period. In
addition, Qiao Ai’s arrangement and plagiarism have been stone hammered on
Weibo by the "chasing light". The Shen family has almost treated her. The
expectation value has dropped to a freezing point, and if it weren't for a blood
relationship, Qiao An had no doubt that the Shen family would immediately
abandon her.
Rao is that Shen Jingyan is related to her by blood. Qiao Qi has been trembling
in the Shen family during this period and can't raise his head.
Especially at the moment when she was most embarrassed and at the bottom of
her life, it was reported that Qiao Nian had won the first place in this year's
medical competition as a dark horse.
Qiao Chi's life is even more unsatisfactory.
It is rare for Shen Jingyan and Wei Ling to be at home today. Qiao Qi came down
from the guest room on the second floor and saw the two people in the living
room, and greeted them well.
"Uncle, aunt."
Wei Ling has always been indifferent to her since she was warned in person by
Ye Wangchuan last time because of Shen Qiongzhi's involvement.
She obviously saw Qiao An greet herself, but she didn't rush to tell her servant to
make tea for herself, as if she hadn't seen Qiao An.
She did it so straightforwardly and without saving face. Qiao Ai's face turned pale
and a little embarrassed. He stood still, his hands hanging on his side tightly, and
did not dare to make her angry.

Chapter 949: I have to pick a place that is exactly the same

Shen Jingyan was more sleek and hypocritical, although he himself was very
dissatisfied with Qiao An’s performance after coming to Beijing, especially when
he saw Qiao Nian suppressing Qiao Nian everywhere, Mr. Jiang also came
forward to recognize Qiao Nian, he I more regretted that I had poor investment
vision and chose the wrong person.
But he is a man after all, and he has to broaden his horizons. He knows that he
has chosen and has chosen. The Shen family chose Qiao Qi and did not choose
Qiao Nian. Regret has no effect.
So when he saw Qiao yelling to himself, even though he frowned, he squeezed
out a simple smile, and said in a gentle manner: "What's the matter, 嗔嗔, what's
wrong with me?"
Qiao Hao pinched his hands, breathed a sigh of relief in this low-pressure
atmosphere, and quickly said: "The teacher said that my trophy on the Grameen
Awards has been issued recently. He plans to fly to Beijing this week and take
time to do it for me. Apprenticeship feast."
It is said that Qiao An was slapped in the face by Aite twice in China, and he
should not be eligible to win the prize, but Qiao An’s plagiarism by Stone
Hammer is mainly popular in China, and overseas does not know about it. She
apologized quickly enough, that new arrangement has not been officially
released, it can only be regarded as a unilateral PO photo on the official website
of the International Piano Association.
A combination of various reasons, the plagiarism of the stone hammer did not
affect the awards that Qiao Wei had previously won with Steven in the overseas
That award has a very important position in the piano industry. Qiao Ai, who is
backed by a famous teacher, has a background and a little talent, won the gold
award for the best newcomer. It can be said that the weight of this award is
sufficient, and it can make Qiao Ai a black material. Time to turn over well.
Before the trophy was not down, she was still uneasy.
As soon as she received a call from her teacher, she quickly came down to tell
Shen Jingyan about it.
Sure enough.
Shen Jingyan's cold and perfunctory attitude at the beginning has obviously
changed, and his face is much calmer: "Is the trophy down?"
Qiao Xiao saw his expression calm down, he secretly relieved, nodded, and said:
"Well, it's already down. The teacher said he would bring it back for me."
Shen Jingyan finally showed a serious smile on his serious face. He raised his
head to look at her, and said in a gentle tone: "This is a good thing! Should I
celebrate it. Master Steven said that he would openly hold an apprenticeship
banquet for you?"
"The teacher said that since he accepted me as his student, he should have a
few people eat together." Qiao Hai said very modestly.
In fact, during this period of time, she has been struggling to please Steven, and
asked Qiao to buy a piano for the people with millions of dollars as a gift. It is
estimated that this gift was sent to the teacher’s heart. The apprenticeship feast.
But she couldn’t tell Shen Jingyan, she said that it was Steven who valued her as
a student to hold the apprenticeship banquet!
Shen Jingyan really looked at her a little bit more, and finally looked at her, and
said: "Since all your trophies have been taken, this apprenticeship banquet must
be held well. Let me see if I am free that day. If I have time, I will Go early. Have
you decided on a place to eat?"
"Not yet." Qiao Qi is clever and sensible: "I want to seek uncle's opinion."
Shen Jingyan thought that all the college entrance banquets organized by the
Jiang family were in the Yufu's place. No matter what, Qiao Hai was his niece.
He sank and said, "Since it is a teacher's banquet, then the Yufu. The grades
there are high, and they deserve the reputation of Master Steven.
A happy smile appeared on Qiao's face, and he immediately said gently and
softly: "Thank you, uncle!".

Chapter 950: True fairy level school girl

The attention outside the medical competition is not high, but the attention inside
the National Tsing Hua University campus is not low.
Jiang Xianrou is a hot spot for domestic medicine competing with overseas
representatives for the first place, and a student of National Tsing Hua University.
There are many posts about medical competitions on the National Tsing Hua
University forum, and even some big guys found a live media link.
Most of the people who pay attention to this competition in the school are
students in the Department of Medicine, who have studied this major.
Otherwise, I was looking at Jiang Xianrou’s fame.
As a result, no matter what kind of students they were, they were all attracted by
the brilliant girls on the stage.
【Fuck, there is a fairy girl in the new department of Chinese Medicine! 】
The post was a junior in the computer science department. He also watched the
live broadcast, but it belongs to the second type. Originally, someone in their
dormitory admired Jiang Xianrou and dragged a few people in the dormitory to
watch this boring one with him. game.
Who knows, the camera gave Qiao Nian a few close-ups, plus Qiao Nian's
crushing attitude made the arrogant and domineering overseas medical
representatives unable to raise their heads, and a professional competition just
turned them off. Several men looked enthusiastic.
He took a screenshot of several close-up shots of Qiao Nian's head raised on the
live broadcast, and put it on the school forum and posted this post.
Not many people read the post when it was first posted.
He was not in a hurry, and put up the photo of his screenshot.
Sure enough, the heat swishes.
directly rushed to the first place in the school forum.
A comment below.
"I'm going, this is a freshman? It's awesome."
"This year I will go to the school gate to pull luggage for the school girls, don't
fight with me, whoever fights with me, I am anxious."
"Qiao Nian? Wipe, this looks is definitely not a freshman at the film university
next door?"
Because the photos on the forum are screenshots, they are also a batch of
pixelated screenshots on the big screen. Even if he specifically adjusted the
pixels, the original screenshots are still too fuzzy.
However, even if the few screenshots are so pixelated, you can still see that the
girl in the photo looks like a fairy school girl!
Not to mention that there are still people on the forum who intimately found the
recorded web video link. Some people ran to watch the video at the value of Qiao
Nian's screenshot..
After watching the full version of the medical competition video, I knelt down.
The new comments on the next few pages are basically all ‘sloppy, are all
freshmen in this year’s freshman year so good? Still just such an awesome
school girl. I suspect that I have lived for twenty years and become a mentally
Anyone who can be admitted to National Tsing Hua University, who is not a
Xueba has the arrogance of a Xueba, and generally no one accepts anyone, but
after picking up the whole post of the freshman fairy school girl, what is the
number one in the entrance exam, the national number one, the old student
Nie... Looking at it in a circle, only two are convinced. Words.
True. Fairy-level school girl!
on Saturday.
Beijing city is sunny and sunny.
The Yufu is very lively today. Although the people who came here to eat in the
past were either rich or expensive, there are particularly many people here today.
Steven's appeal in the domestic music industry is not small, and he is only
inferior to Nie Mi, but the apprenticeship banquet of music masters of his level
still attracts many people to attend.
In addition, the Shen family deliberately used Qiao An’s apprenticeship to find a
place for himself this time and also called a lot of celebrities, so Qiao An’s
apprenticeship was not small.
At the entrance of the banquet hall on the third floor of Yufu, Qiao Di and Wei
Ling greeted the guests at the door.

Chapter 951: Wen Ziyu didn't give face and didn't come

She spent money today to buy a set of high-order dresses, which forced her
original look of only six points to eight points.
Zhou Yang followed Fu Ge to the outside of the banquet hall and saw Qiao Wei
standing outside greeting the guests generously. He couldn't help but lower his
voice and said with emotion: "Fu Ge, no wonder someone said that your girlfriend
is The new school flower of National Tsing Hua University, to be honest, your
girlfriend is really pretty."
He didn't say the latter sentence, mainly because he was afraid that it would
cause unnecessary contradictions.
Qiao Qi dressed up today with extra brilliance, with pearl earrings on his
earlobes, which looks gentle and watery, with the beauty of Xiaojiabiyu.
The second half that Zhou Yang didn’t say was, ‘If there is no Qiao Nian at
National Tsing Hua University this year, Qiao Nian will definitely be the new
school flower, but it’s a pity that the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
has a newcomer Wang Qiao Nian this year’.
Qiao Nian, but Wen Ziyu meets a girl who can fall in love at first sight at first
sight. Such a look, to be honest, is too eye-catching, even 10,000 Qiao 嗔 can't
match it!
It’s just that their dormitory was originally troubled by Qiao Nian and Qiao Ai.
Today, Fu Ge personally invited them to join Qiao Ai’s apprenticeship banquet.
Wen Ziyu didn’t show any face, and he didn’t come. It was even harder for him to
mention Qiao at this time. Read the name, sprinkle salt on people’s hearts.
"I really didn't expect her to win this year's Grameen Award. My sister also
studied music, but she studied the violin. She told me that this award is very
difficult to win. Many overseas stars have won this award. I'm proud." Zhou
Yang's voice was low, but he couldn't hide his praise to Qiao An.
Fu Ge pursed his lips, and finally smiled. He looked extremely humble and said:
"You are talking about the pop music award, but you are getting the best
arrangement award. The nature is different."
"..." Zhou Yang wanted to ask him what was different. Are they all awards, but
seeing the faint arrogance on the boy's side, he swallowed the words again.
raised his head again, looked towards the door, and saw the girl standing next to
Wei Ling smiling obediently, she slammed her mouth without a trace, her
expression was a little emotional.
Had he not personally seen the plagiarism of Qiao's plagiarism from the online
chasing light stone hammer, and made a screenshot of Qiao's buying the water
army with rhythm, he would not believe that Fu Ge, the legendary school girl
girlfriend who came around the city, is such a story. Female classmates.
Zhou Yang also sighed, anyway, it’s not his girlfriend, Fu Ge doesn’t mind, and
he is an outsider who can’t say anything.
All when you come over to have a meal and watch the excitement.
Fu Ge dormitory has a total of five people, except for Wen Ziyu who did not
come, the remaining three people have come.
"Hey, congratulations."
"Hum, my sister, congratulations, this is a gift."
Fu Ge took the lead, and Zhou Yang and the three of them were very insightful
and gave the gifts they bought.
The students at National Tsing Hua University are not poor, not to mention the
top students in the Department of Finance. Although everyone has not
graduated, Zhou Yang and others have started sideline jobs outside. Among
them, Zhou Yang is a good trader in stocks. He has earned a house in his junior
year. Apart from the third ring, the small apartment with two sets is not very
valuable, but it is not bad..
So this time the three people pooled together money to buy a gift for Qiao Ai, the
price is not low, and the seven logo on it is particularly prominent.
"Thank you." Qiao Qi just glanced at the gift and let the people put it away,
without showing much surprise.
She thanked Zhou Yang and others, and she looked behind the three people
unconsciously, as if she was looking for someone.

Chapter 952: Huang Lao is also in Yufu

Zhou Yang is the most charming person in the dormitory. Upon seeing Qiao's
reaction, the corners of his mouth curled up, he smiled, and immediately
explained: "Young Master Wen didn't come over for dinner at home today. He
asked me to tell you. Congratulations. Win the trophy."
In fact, whether Wen Ziyu ever said this, only Zhou Yang knew it in his own mind,
but it was just a scene in front of Qiao An.
Qiao An invited the people from Fu Ge’s dormitory to come here mainly because
she wanted Wen Ziyu to come. As a result, the people she wanted to come didn’t
come, and the people she didn’t want to come came. Her eyes darkened and she
responded quickly. He concealed the loss under his eyes, and said to a few
people in a gentle and gentle manner: "Well, it's okay, family matters are
important. Brother Fu, go sit in there first, and I'll come and find you later."
Fu Ge didn't notice the change in her mood, and nodded, said to Zhou Yang and
the others before going in.
When Fu Ge and the others came, Shen Jingyan was greeting other people, just
arranged a few guests, and looked back to Qiao Hao.
His face looked serious and asked, "I just saw Fu Ge. Didn’t the young man in
their dormitory come here?"
Shen Jingyan heard Wei Ling talk about Fu Ge's acquaintance with the little Wen
Wen from the Wen family, and the two had a good relationship. As soon as he
saw Fu Ge, he thought of it and asked Qiao Hao.
Qiao 嗔 heard the words, his face was unnatural for a moment, and the hands
hanging on his side were clenched tightly, his expression did not look strange,
and he replied cleverly: "No. It seems that there is something at home, and I
have to eat at noon."
"That's it." Shen Jingyan also asked casually, not particularly concerned about
whether Wen Ziyu would come or not.
For him, the Wen family’s ability to come to Qiao An’s apprenticeship is a good
thing. It doesn’t matter if they can’t come, not to mention Qiao Wei also said that
there was something going on at noon.
Shen Jingyan didn't think much, raised his eyes, looked into the banquet hall,
then turned his head, and said to Qiao An and Wei Ling: "I just met Huang Lao
and them downstairs."
"Old Huang?" Wei Ling was not interested in the topic of Wen Ziyu that the two
talked about. She came from a famous family, and the Wei family said it was no
worse than the Wen family. She would not kneel and lick a Wen Ziyu's junior,
Wen Ziyu came. There is no loss to her whether or not to come.
But Huang Lao is different.
Lao Huang's status in Beijing is comparable to that of Nie Mi, and he is also one
of the people in academia.
Even more lofty than Liang Lulai!
No one in Beijing wants to win over this master.
Her first reaction was to frown, with an unexpected look on her face, and asked
Shen Jingyan: "Why did Huang Lao come to Yufu?"
"Come and eat." Shen Jingyan pursed his lower lip, and when he mentioned this,
his expression became more serious, which shows his importance: "Apart from
Huang, I also saw a person."
There is anyone else?.
Wei Ling asked subconsciously: "Who?"
"Wen as summer." Shen Jingyan's voice was faint.
Wei Ling straightened her leg involuntarily, obviously caring.
Wen Ziyu is just a junior of the Wen family, but Wen Ruxia is in the same
generation as them, and he is regarded as the real authority figure of the Wen
She couldn't help but lift her heart up: "The Wen family is there?"
Shen Jingyan and her are husband and wife. How could she not know what she
was thinking, and continued without rushing, "In addition to the Wen family, I also
saw Lao Nie and Qin Chulang."
Wei Ling: "..."
If Wen Ruxia was enough to surprise her, then the presence of Nie Mi and Qin's
family made her even more confused.

Chapter 953: Who can't reach anyone on tiptoe

These are all families who have a good relationship with Huang Lao, why did
they all come to Yufu? Wei Ling couldn't figure it out for a while, so she lowered
her voice and asked him: "...Is it possible that Mr Huang is celebrating his
birthday today?"
Before, she hadn't received any news about Huang Lao’s birthday, but so many
people gathered in the imperial palace, so she couldn’t help but think about it.
"I don't know." Shen Jingyan was not sure what the situation was. He was more
pragmatic. He raised his head after thinking for a while and said to the two
people: "Old Huang and the others are on the second floor. Since they met, let's
go down and say hello. "
He played the wishful thinking loudly, and said in a calm and powerful voice to
Wei Ling and Qiao An: "If it is Huang Lao and they are not celebrating their
birthday, we will invite them again to see if they are willing to come up and have
a meal together."
Today is Qiao An’s apprenticeship banquet. If Huang Lao, Nie Mi and others are
willing to come to ‘eat’, it will undoubtedly be a good thing to raise Qiao’s worth!
Anyway, if you go down to say hello, you won’t lose a piece of meat. Shen
Jingyan has been immersed in official career for many years. This kind of
effortless and pleasing thing, he is naturally willing to do it.
Qiao Qi didn't know who her uncle was talking about at first, but when she got the
response, her eyes flashed and she remembered that Qiao Nian chose the
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Old Huang...
She raised her mouth and her mood improved.
Qiao Nian can't reach people on her toes, but she can go down to say hello with
Shen Jingyan and Wei Ling like this, which shows how important the background
The Jiang family’s background is not bad, but it’s a pity that the Jiang family
doesn’t look down on Qiao Nian. Even if they do, compared to the Shen family,
the Jiang family is a little emboldened!
Qiao Nian received a call from Shen Yugui at about ten noon to remind her that
today is the apprenticeship banquet arranged for her by Huang Lao, so that she
remembers to go to the Yufu for dinner.
Qiao Nian almost didn't sleep all night to draw the design drawings for SEVEN
last night, and only drew the final draft at 8 o'clock and sent it to Yuan Yongqin.
Received a call at ten. She basically only slept for two hours and got up again. In
order to stay awake, she simply took a cold shower and changed her clothes
before going downstairs from the room.
Downstairs, Gu San was moving things, and when she saw her down, he
immediately greeted her: "Miss Qiao, are you up? What do you want to eat at
noon? I'll let the auntie do it."
"No, I'm going out." She took a cold shower and she was still not awake. She
was too sleepy. She half-squinted her eyes. Fortunately, Qiao Nian pulled up her
hat and slightly covered her eyes. She was not asleep, but she was still drowsy
at the end of her eyes, and when she raised her eyelids, she didn't seem to see
the familiar figure.
"Musang has something to go out today."
Gu San was surprised to hear that she was going out. After all, Qiao Nian hadn't
been out much since she was in Beijing, but he reacted quickly and immediately
put down what was busy, and said intimately: "Miss Qiao wants Where are you
going? I'll take you there."
"Yufu." Qiao Nian didn't hide his meaning, and was concise and concise..
Yufu? Gu San was only a little bit weird. He was curious about what Qiao Nian
was doing at the Yufu, but he was also a little strange. He didn't ask, picked up
the car key and drove ahead...
Shen Yugui had mentioned to her a long time ago that today's apprenticeship
banquet is just a small meal, and will not invite too many people.
Qiao Nian was not used to crowded occasions. If it were to be the same as the
last college banquet, she might not agree.
So Shen Yugui said she had no problem with eating a small meal in a small area.

Chapter 954: Bumped

After half an hour, the car stopped steadily at the gate of Yufu.
Qiao Nian got out of the car with earphones in her ears. She was quite boring,
but when she stood there, it was very eye-catching. Many people looked in her
direction, her eyelashes were drooping, and her eyes were extremely dark.
"Miss Qiao, please tell me in advance after dinner, I'll come to pick you up." Gu
San shook the car window and talked to her.
At exactly this time, Qiao Nian's phone rang, she took out the phone and looked
at it, and Shen Yugui called again, and it should have been asking her if she had
She gave Gu San a faint brow, and then walked into the Yufu.
Shen Yugui told her that the place to eat was on the second floor. It was a small
box. Not many people came, all of them were friends that Huang knew.
There are also several people from medical organizations.
Qiao Nian didn’t wear a hat today, she was wearing a white sweater, black pants
wrapped her long legs, well-proportioned and straight, her delicate face was
exposed outside, and the gangster's aura around her body was very strong,
revealing coldness and nonsense. In.
Although there are people watching her along the way, few people come to talk
to her.
Outside the second floor.
Qiao Nian received another call from Shen Yugui.
Her eyebrows are cold and dry, her eyes darkened after only two hours of sleep,
but she swipes the answer on of her phone patiently.
"Hey, Teacher Shen."
The girl’s voice is low and dark, hoarse, not part of the voice of a special girl, but
very nice, with a special kind of laziness.
I don’t know what the phone is saying. Qiao Nian raised his head, looked at the
name on the box, and walked down the corridor, saying: "Well, I’m here...well,
you don’t want to pick me up, I’ve already come up. Up."
"I'm on the second floor. The name of the box is Shanhaige?"
She kept raising her head, walking, talking on the phone, and looking for the box
by the way, without noticing the people who passed her by.
Until...Shen Jingyan’s stunned voice sounded beside her: "Niannian?"
Qiao Nian only noticed that someone was passing by her, or a few
"Why are you here?" Shen Jingyan didn't expect to meet Qiao Nian here, so he
asked her subconsciously, frowning.
Wei Ling and Qiao Ai's faces were not very good-looking, they both tightened
their mouths when they saw Qiao Nian.
Wei Ling, don’t even be unwilling to do face-saving skills at first.
Qiao An is better. Although her white face is pale and embarrassed, and her
fingers are conditioned reflexively, she hasn't avoided it anyhow. When she
meets the girl's impatient glance, she can still hold herself up and show a fake.
Smiled and said: "Sister, are you here for dinner?"
She knew that Qiao Nian went to the Ye family.
Before in Beijing, she had seen the young man who often appeared next to Qiao
Nian. Before leaving the surrounding city, her eyes could only see the one-inch
sky surrounding the city, and she had no idea about the Ye Family.
After coming to Beijing, she gradually understood who the man who followed
Qiao Nian often was—the Ye family.
The Ye family in Beijing is a more powerful family than the Shen family and the
Wei family. It is a family at the top of the pyramid. She doesn't know who the Ye
family is. Whether the man next to Qiao Nian is a branch of the Ye family or Ye
The family's descendants are descendants.
But she has stayed in Beijing for so long, and under Wei Ling's ears and eyes,
she also understands that anyone who has the word Ye has something to do with
Regardless of whether the young man next to Qiao Nian is a direct line of the Ye
family or a side branch, his background is much stronger than that of Fu Ge, at
least from the Beijing circle.

Chapter 955: I'll get rid of it if I'm tired of playing

Qiao Hao stared at the girl’s overly eye-catching face again, and couldn’t remove
her eyes for several seconds. Even though she was full of jealousy and anger,
she had to admit that Qiao Nian had a good look. Just this face, any man. If you
see it, you will be excited, otherwise Wen Ziyu would not have met Qiao Nian
once on campus, so he clamored to chase...
She was in a trance for a moment.
But in a blink of an eye, the corner of her mouth evoked a trace of disdain, she
gathered an undisguised look in her eyes, and her expression calmed down
In fact, Fu Ge has good conditions in all aspects. The Fu family is one of the few
top families around the city. There are also people in the family who have
entered official careers. Fu Ge has good grades, tall stature, and outstanding
appearance. He is a quality man.
Although she didn't know until after she came to Beijing, there are people outside
the world, and there are days outside the world.
For example, the man next to Qiao Nian is more unfathomable than Fu Ge, and
his looks are better than Fu Ge, and his family background should be unusual.
But she didn't envy her. After all, with Qiao Nian's background, she was backed
by the Shen family and could not reach the corners of the circle. Qiao Nian was
even more unlikely to be accepted by the circle.
Qiao Nian just has a nice face. The paranoid master in Beijing is mostly fresh,
and she just finds a girl from a small place to play with.
If you are tired of playing, you will naturally get rid of it.
That kind of feeling is different from the feelings between her and Fu Ge. She
already has a relationship with Wei Ling and Master Steven. In the future, she
will definitely have a place in Beijing. Even if Qiao Nian joins the old door of Nie,
the relationship between Nie and Mi will be broad. After all, they are only
members of the academic circle, and their background is still different from the
Shen family. Qiao Nian is incomparable with her in the background!
As for the punishment... Qiao An took a deep breath and walked in Fu Ge's
direction. He made up his mind to think of a solution when the time comes. He
must find a relationship to solve the punishment, and he must not let himself
carry a stain for the rest of his life. .
After Qiao wanted to understand, he smiled and said softly, "Sister, today my
teacher gave me an apprenticeship banquet, and I ate upstairs, you know,
Master Steven. If you are not in a hurry, Would you like to call your friends over
for a meal?"
As soon as she said this, Shen Jingyan also reacted, looking at Qiao Nian,
frowned, and said with a serious face: "You asked a friend to eat here? Which
Qiao Nian glanced at them, which was quite annoying, but she was still on the
phone with Shen Yugui. She didn't want to get involved with the three of them, so
she pushed her earphones and whispered to the other end of the phone: "I found
the box, wait. I'll be there soon."
After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone, and then slowly pulled off
the earphones, and did not look at Shen Jingyan. Her gaze passed directly over
Shen Jingyan and fell on the hypocritical girl. She raised her eyebrows, her eyes
were wild and arrogant, and she was a little bit awake. Cold and dry, just call the
name: "Qiao, you are sure you don't consider switching to another department. I
think it's a waste of your talent not to film!"
Qiao Nian said this before, and this time she made an extra face!
"..." Qiao An's face suddenly turned pale, his hand grasped the hem of the
clothes, and he clenched tightly, his face a little uncontrollable.
Wei Ling smiled, put her arms around her , with an attitude of watching the
excitement, she didn't mean to care.
Qiao Qi's face became more and more awkward.
Shen Jingyan raised her eyebrows again, her dark gaze fell on the girl, and her
tone was a bit low and said, "Hey just invited you to have a meal. You don’t need
to say that to her. She doesn’t mean anything, you...".

Chapter 956: This time it's extra slap!

Qiao Nian interrupted him politely, speaking very bluntly: "That's her business.
Since everyone is no longer friends, there is no need to do the scene work
anymore. It is her business that she wants to whitewash peace. I have no
obligation to act with her!"
"I miss you!" Shen Jingyan's expression on his face immediately became a little
unsightly, and he was about to preach.
Qiao Nian didn't give him a chance, grabbed the coldness in his eyes, put the
earphones away, put one hand in his pocket, and said concisely to the three: "I
have something to do, I won't be with you anymore."
Shen Jingyan was blocked by her abruptly.
Watching the girls go without turning their heads, there is no intention to put them
in the eyes at all!
Wei Ling sneered again, watching the girl walking down the corridor, mockingly
said: "I told you a long time ago that we and her can't be the same as before.
You have to believe it, I saw it with my own eyes. Right."
Since Wei Qi’s incident, Qiao Nian has even leveled with them just like she said,
and last time, even if she meets it head-on, Qiao Nian can act as if she hadn’t
seen her, as if a stranger brushed against her. Over.
The same this time.
This attitude is again.
"It's not the first time that she has been so crazy. Just let her go crazy." Wei Ling
gathered her clothes together, calmly: "Beijing is not a city around the city. I want
to see how long she can go crazy. She thought she was just leaning back. Nie Mi
and Jiang's family will be able to go crazy in Beijing, and when she sees the form
of the city, they will come to your door to find you..."
Can Jiang’s family and Nie Mi’s relationship be compared to Shen’s family? Can
they be compared to the Wei family behind her? In her eyes, the reason why
Qiao Nian is so mad now is that she didn't see the situation in Beijing clearly. The
other reason was that Ye Wangchuan was behind her back.
But when it comes to truth, Qiao Nian should be more fond of Shen Jingyan's
After all, even if she is not from the Qiao family, she is at least called Shen
Jingyan's uncle for more than ten years, and the messy relationship with Qiao
Nian is much more reliable!
"Waiting for that time, I see if she will be as mad as before..." Wei Ling hadn't
finished her words.
Suddenly heard Shen Jingyan’s surprised voice, she abruptly interrupted her
words: "Near her...Did she just enter the box of Mr. Huang?"
Wei Ling and Qiao Ai looked over at the same time, just to see the last corner of
the girl’s clothes, not what the box they came out just now was.
Her complexion changed suddenly, and she instinctively rejected it: "How could
she enter Huang's box? You must be mistaken. When we first went to say hello,
Huang and the others clearly said that they were also an apprenticeship banquet,
and Huang received one. New students should be brought around to teach
medicine in the future."
"Lao Huang is a professor in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at
National Tsing Hua University, and Qiao Nian chose the Department of
Traditional Chinese Medicine!" Shen Jing said in a deep tone.
Wei Ling was also dumbfounded: "You mean that the student Huang Laogang
said is Qiao Nian?!"
She reflexively refused to believe: "Impossible.".
"How many years old Huang has confiscated students, even if they want to do
so, it is impossible to accept Qiao Nian, she..." She wanted to say how Qiao Nian
deserves this honor.
But her mood was too upset, she didn't know her clues at all, although she didn't
want to believe it, she believed Shen Jingyan's words deep in her heart.
Qiao Qi even turned pale and looked at the box Qiao Nian had just entered.
Lao Huang's student? How can it be!
The only major she has stepped on Qiao to study now is the university elective
She chose the music department, and her minor major is the finance department,
which is one of the ace majors of National Tsing Hua University. She was led by
Cheng Wu.

Chapter 957: Finally realized what the gap is

And Qiao Nian chose the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Everyone knows that the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at National
Tsing Hua University is the worst major at National Taiwan University. The
number of applicants is less than double digits every year, and no one wants to
"I'm not mistaken, Nian Nian just entered Huang Lao's box." Shen Jingyan's
breath was also a little unstable, and her tone was very calm: "I didn't expect that
she could get Huang Lao out of the mountain by enrolling in the Department of
Traditional Chinese Medicine. In other words, she There are two teachers now,
one is Lao Nie and the other is Lao Huang. If I'm not mistaken, she majored in
the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and minored in Music..."
Shen Jingyan really regretted this moment, and the corners of his eyebrows
suddenly showed tiredness: "I really didn't expect Huang Lao to come out of the
mountain. Just now I saw people from the medical organization in the box.
Looking at this posture, Huang Lao will be a teacher this time. Even though the
banquet is a small gathering, the people who come are worth a lot of money. The
contacts that Huang Lao can bring are here."
"Qin Chulang is not a casual person who will show up and eat with people. How
many people in Beijing want to curry favor with him. I heard that when he had a
car accident, he relied on Huang Lao to give him acupuncture and moxibustion to
save his leg. He was not paralyzed in bed because of this relationship. He
always respected Mr. Huang, so Mr. Huang could let him come out and eat the
apprenticeship banquet."
His voice was low, and every word seemed to be stuck in the hearts of three
people: "Not to mention the acquaintances we know, Lao Nie, Wen Ruxia... If
Nian Nian catches the line of Lao Huang, let's not say anything else. She is the
first one in academia! People in Beijing will look at her again."
After he said this, he turned his head and glanced at Qiao Wei with a sigh. He
wanted to say nothing, but the contrast of Chi Guoguo in his eyes still stung Qiao
Wei's heart.
The gentle, watery expression on Qiao's face has finally begun to crack, and her
palms have been smashed.
During this period of time, she comforted herself with professionalism, but when
the truth came, where she finally thought she could win Qiao Nian was also told
that she was just dreaming, she seemed to be suppressed by endless darkness,
no more Can't deceive yourself and others!
In the box, Huang Lao, Nie Mi and others were all there. There were about
thirteen or four people in the entire box, all of whom were famous people in
Except for a few people related to medical organizations, the rest, such as Wen
Ruxia, are all people in the circle of powerful and powerful people in Beijing.
It can be seen that Huang Lao is really paying attention to this student this time.
Wen Ruxia sat peacefully in her seat and chatted with Qin Chulang. Qin Chulang
is a figure in power in the Qin family, and the Qin family has a good relationship
with the Ye family. Qin Chulang’s son, Qin Si, is also out with Ye Wangchuan.
The relationship between names is good, and he is a small circle of playmates.
Although the Wen family did not stand with any force in Beijing, they have always
been smooth, no one can be guilty, and they can play with anyone.
Everyone is in a circle, and it is false to say that they don’t know each other.
So I met today, and Wen Ruxia still chatted with the other party about a match,
nothing more than some trivial things in Beijing.
Qin Chulang is not a person who is good at chatting, or her personality is
introverted. After chatting for a few topics, she found that the other party was not
very interested. She also relaxed and leaned back on the back of the chair, and
stopped talking about the topic. , Just raised his hand to look at the time on the
watch, the heroic eyebrows were slightly raised, and there was a smile on his
She heard that the new student Huang Lao enrolled this time was a person from
a small place. They were not too old and they were not so small. They had so
many people waiting for half an hour before they came.
PS: In the new month, I hope to continue walking with you!
Affectionate is not as good as a long companion, and there is no need to say a
lot of love..

Chapter 958: Actually I know a student

Perhaps it is really boring to sit alone. Wen Ruxia leaned forward slightly, raised
her chin in the direction of the old man who was talking to a few people in the
medical organization, lowered her voice and said again: "Qin Ting. You know Mr
Huang. Do you recognize the origin of the students this time?"
Qin Chulang is probably in his early forties, and his skin is well maintained. There
are almost no wrinkles on his face. He has a large skeleton, a tall head and stiff
facial features. He is a three-dimensional one that is rare among Asians. From
the outline, Qin Si Just inherited his looks, a handsome face.
But Qin Si is cynical, giving people the feeling of being a stubborn boy.
Qin Chulang happened to be two extremes with Qin Si. Even if he didn't open his
mouth to sit there, it made people feel that his aura was cramped and rigid.
At this moment, there is a cup of tea in front of the man, and the newest
Biluochun of this year is soaked in a tea cup with a white glaze bottom of blue
and white porcelain.
The emerald green tea tip floats up and down in the cup, like a painting of
landscape with splashed ink.
"Old Huang hasn't accepted students for a long time, how did you change your
mind this time?" Wen Ruxia's white shirt is a ruffled neckline design, which
greatly dilutes her sense of strength, which is much in the temperament of a
strong woman. A kind of gentleness belonging to a woman, she is not gossip,
she is just a little curious: "Huang Lao even the people of the medical
organization have called, it seems that he is going to pave the way for that
student, and she will definitely enter the medical organization in the future... Shen
Yugui didn't have this treatment."
She said that Shen Yugui was also a student of Huang Lao. After Huang Lao did
not teach at Qing University, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
was handed over to Shen Yugui.
It can be seen from this level that Mr. Huang very much recognizes the person
Shen Yugui.
Wen Ruxia squinted her eyes, she didn't think too much, but in their position, she
never looked at things only at the surface, she liked to think deeply about
"It seems that this new student has a pretty good background." She was quite
I don’t know how to think of someone again.
She is busy at work and has a full schedule. She has never cared much about
the news in Beijing, but she also knows that Qiao Nian won the first place in the
medical competition this time.
Qiao Nian not only won the first place in the game, but also slapped Qi Lanyin
and Karroska on the ins, directly throwing a screenshot of the day's ranking.
She is not a member of the medical field, and she does not know much about
medicine, but she personally likes traditional culture very much.
Traditional Chinese medicine belongs to traditional culture like Huanghou. The
overseas medicine represented by Qi Lanyin has to step on Chinese medicine
every year.
In front of overseas media, publicizing Chinese medicine is just a way of
pretending to be fooling people, and even blatantly comparing Chinese medicine
with the great dancers in certain backward areas... She can't see anyone outside
of her circle, and Qiao Nian slapped Qi Lanyin severely this time. , She was out
of breath when she saw it.
While venting her anger, Wen Ruxia will inevitably feel a little lost: "...Actually, I
know a student who just came to Beijing this year. If Huang Lao is willing to
accept a disciple, she definitely has this qualification."
Qin Chulang raised his hand to hold the tea bowl on the table, put aside the foam
with the tea lid, took a sip, then put down the teacup, and said indifferently: "Old
Huang's apprenticeship must have his reason for accepting apprenticeships, I
didn't I have seen that person, but she must have her own specialties."
"Of course." Wen Ruxia smiled reluctantly, concealing the regret in her eyes,
then leaned back and distanced herself from him..
Chapter 959: Isn't it online dating?

Smiled slightly: "I didn’t question Huang Lao’s point of view of people. I just met a
little girl who also studied Chinese medicine. She has excellent talent and good
character. When I saw Huang Lao accepting a disciple, I suddenly thought of her,
a little bit for her. unfortunately."
Qin Chulang knows that Wen Ruxia has always been in a detached manner in
the circle. She seldom cares about her affairs and did not delve into the meaning
of her words. He took this matter very lightly and said: "Everything must be paid
attention to. A chance, the girl you mentioned may not be a chance. This kind of
thing cannot be forced. If she is really good, one day she will be seen."
"..." Wen Ruxia stopped speaking.
She didn't really want to say Qiao Nian's name, mainly in her heart, Qiao Nian
was no worse than Huang Lao in recognizing new students this time.
If you say it, compare the two, in her eyes, Huang Lao, the new student with a
‘big shelf’, is not worthy.
Qiao Nian is chasing light!
Good grades, good looks, and she won the first place in the medical competition
this time. She couldn't imagine how much trouble would be caused by such a
person in Beijing in the future.
Huang Lao’s new students can make people in the circle look at'her’ highly while
wearing Huang Lao’s name, but that’s all.
is nothing compared to Qiao Nian!
Seeing that she was not talking, Qin Chulang did not speak, so he slowly picked
up the bowl of tea and took another sip, then slowly put down the cup.
Also waited for more than half an hour. He was much more calm than Wen
Ruxia. His tall body was sitting flat and steady, as if he didn't care at all, he took
out his mobile phone from his suit, turned it on, and read the news.
The weather in Beijing is good, and the sky is sunny outside.
Qin Chulang's eyebrows jumped fiercely when he saw the news, he almost didn't
stretch his calm expression, staring sharply at the news of his son's return on the
[What are you doing? I just woke up. I played games all night last night. I didn't
go to bed until four in the morning. 】
He took a deep breath, raised his hand and rubbed his swollen temples,
remembering what Qin Si had told him recently that he had found a game **** to
play with him.
still seems to be a girl.
Every time a girl goes online, he will behave like a demon. Even if he is eating,
he will immediately throw away his chopsticks, pick up his mobile phone and go
upstairs to play games eagerly.
Even the old lady at home was telling him that this stinky kid wouldn't be in online
dating in the game, right?
He doesn’t seem to have a strong conception of parenthood, but he still can’t
accept such a trendy way of dating online.
Qin Chulang was pressing the blazing fire in his , and pressing his cell phone to
reply to the message, it was basically the reprimand..
If it wasn't for someone else outside, but also Huang's apprenticeship banquet,
he might have been so angry that he would go outside and call someone to call
On the other side, Mr. Huang has been chatting with people from the medical
organization for a long time.
After finally taking time out, he immediately found Shen Yugui and asked: "When
will Qiao Nian arrive?"
Shen Yugui had just finished the phone call, and saw his teacher asking himself,
and he was busy and respectfully replied: "Come on, when I called her, she said
she was on the second floor, and she had found the box... but I still listened.
When it comes to the voice of other people talking to her, I don't know if I met
someone I know.
The identities of people who come to Yufu for dinner are always complicated.
They have everyone. Huang Lao was a little worried, frowned, and just said: "Are
you sure you met an acquaintance? Why don't you go out and pick it up."

Chapter 960: The legendary sister

"Okay." Shen Yugui nodded: "I will go now."
The two people finished speaking, and the door of the box was pushed open.
White sweater, girl with canvas shoes walked in from outside.
She is quite sloppy. She still has a mobile phone in her hand. She didn't take the
earphone cable plugged into the phone, so she walked in casually.
Probably noticing everyone's gaze, Qiao Nian raised his eyes. The black and
white eyes were pure and beautiful.
"Sorry, I'm late."
In the box just now, Wen Ruxia regretfully saw the girl appearing at the door, and
the corners of her mouth twitched, making everyone stupid.
"Qiao Nian?"
It's rare for her to lose her attitude, but she really can't control her surprise right
So, in the legend, Huang Lao’s apprentice is Qiao Nian? ? ? ?
That she just sneered, thinking that she was not too old, and the person who was
not too small was actually... Qiao Nian? ? ?
She is Buddha.
"Qiao Nian?" Qin Chulang heard the name that Wen Ruxia blurted out from his
side, and then looked towards the door.
Seeing Huang Lao and Nie Mi stand up to meet them, they seem to be very
familiar with the girls, and they raise their eyebrows unexpectedly.
chanted the name silently in her heart again.
Qiao Nian?
How does he think he has heard the name somewhere? He has heard it more
than once.
Where is   ?
Compared with the lively atmosphere in the small box on the second floor, the
banquet hall on the third floor, Shen's family and Qiao Jia, were a little absent-
minded at this apprenticeship banquet..
It can be said that the whole process ended hastily.
In the middle of the journey, Steven also took Qiao Hai to introduce her to people
in the circle he knew, but after all, Steven was just an outsider. The people he
could meet were people in the piano circle, or Beijing. A member of the family on
the corners of the city.
After all, every family has a child, and the more powerful the family, the more
important it is to the all-round development of their children, moral, intellectual,
physical, and artistic.
So piano masters like Steven are also quite popular in the circle.
Many families on the corners and corners of Beijing City, when they can't reach
Nie Mi's line, will also look for Stevens and others for their children.
Since Steven's size is half of his child's enlightenment teacher, they are also
willing to sell Steven's face and come over to the apprenticeship feast of Qiao.
If it were placed an hour ago, Qiao Qi would be able to know so many people in
the powerful circle of Beijing, I don’t know how happy it would be.
Even if she knows that these people are just small fishes and shrimps in the
circle, but compared to people like her who come around the city, who are not
even small fishes and shrimps, she is also the object of her to fawn.
But this time she was not interested. While Steven was taking her to toast, she
wandered several times and was not in the state at all.
This absent state continues until the end of the apprenticeship banquet.
Qiao Hao returned to Shen's house, only talked to Wei Ling and the others
before going up to the second floor and returning to his own guest room.
The room is neatly cleaned, and there are many antique calligraphy and
paintings inside. The pure European-style decoration can tell the owner's taste.
Qiao’s family used to be rich in the city. It’s not that Qiao An has never seen the
world. For example, the bed and furniture in her room can be recognized as a
famous brand at a glance, and the price is not cheap.
Before, she was very content to live here. It was just a guest room in the Shen
family but it was more luxurious than her own room when she was around the

Chapter 961: If you want it to die, you must make it crazy

Usually when she goes back to the room, she likes to light up the aromatherapy
lamp, so that the room is filled with the scent of lavender. Then she sits at the
dressing table and wipes her face for skin care.
But this time, she didn't want to do anything after returning to the room and
closing the door.
What happened today is like a joke that defeated all her fantasies!
She couldn’t imagine how she would live in the light of Qiao Nian for three, four,
or even longer years at National Taiwan University.
Qiao sat down on the edge of the bed. The soft Simmons mattress used to
relieve all her pressure, but now she is sitting on pins and needles.
She took out her mobile phone, flipped through the internet, and wanted to see if
there was any news about Huang Lao accepting a disciple on the internet.
Looking around for a while, I didn’t see it.
She bit her lip again, unwilling to open the National Tsing Hua University forum.
【Fairy school girl of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 】
【Fuck, there is nothing to say about the school flowers in this freshman year. I
unilaterally declare that Qiao Nian of the Department of Chinese Medicine is our
school’s school flowers. 】
【This year's rookie king. 】
She picked up her phone with her nails and flipped it down. They were all about
Qiao Nian's posts, but if they were related to freshman and freshmen, she clicked
on them to talk about Qiao Nian, and there were some high-fuzzy photos of Qiao
Nian posted inside. , You can see the delicate facial features of girls from the
quality of the photo slag.
She turned all the way down, thinking that it was all about Qiao's reading, but she
didn't expect to see her name.
【Qiao An doesn't look bad, and this year's freshman looks good. 】
Her face turned a little bit inward.
But I didn’t expect it to be full of mockery.
"Before I saw a freshman in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I
also thought she was pretty good. Tsk, people are afraid of contrast. Only when
contrast exists. Brother, stop talking, Qiao read the new school flower, Qiao 嗔 At
most it can be counted as a music department flower."
"Does the one who said that Qiao An is the flower of the music department put
shi on his mouth? Have you asked our music department’s opinion? Our
department hasn’t bought the water army diss professor Nie Mi’s department
flower online, just She, the piranha is pretty much the same."
The previous post was originally discussing the value of beauty, but the following
was crooked, and it became a matter of picking up her previous purchase of the
Some people suggested that the school expel her..
Qiao An's face became uglier the more he looked.
At the end, her hands couldn't help shaking up, she fell on the bed and closed
her eyes severely. After a while she got up again, then opened her eyes again,
her eyes were full of craziness with distortion.
"Qiao Nian!"
She wanted to understand that if she couldn't solve Qiao Nian all at once, she
would live under the shadow of Qiao Nian forever, and she would not be able to
hold her head up all her life.
Qiao Jia picked up the cell phone that had just been thrown beside the bedside,
turned out Shen Qiongzhi's phone number, took a deep breath, calmed down,
and called.
"Hey, Mom, do you remember that incident at my house when I was 10 years
old? Do you still have photos or evidence or something like that."
Half an hour later, Qiao An received something.
She took a cold shower and went downstairs, sitting opposite to the sofa
downstairs. The dignified Wei Ling and Shen Jingyan whispered: "Uncle, aunt, I
think about it, I don't want to study at National Taiwan University."
Shen Jingyan frowned subconsciously, when she was fooling around: "You don’t
want to go to National Taiwan University, what do you want to do, go back to
high school for another year?"
Qiao whispered softly, but there was a trace of gloom in his eyes: "The teacher
told me that there is a music college abroad and he has a place, and I plan to
study abroad."
SEVEN's new season's new products were released ten days after Qiao Nian's

Chapter 962: Happens to be her favorite designer

Rhine Apartment.
Qiao Nian fell asleep until two o’clock in the afternoon, wearing a T-shirt, showing
a thin arm, dazzling his eyes with white skin, and coming downstairs with a blush
in the corner of his eyes.
"Miss Qiao, you are awake." Gu Sanyi greeted her immediately when she saw
Qiao Nian yawned, she was quite lazy, and he gave a careless gratitude and
walked to the living room sofa.
I never wanted to see a familiar figure.
"Nian Nian." Seeing Qiao Nian, Ye Lan took the initiative to say hello, with a
smile on his well-maintained face, waved her to let her go and sit down.
"I was talking to Mou Chuan about you, but you woke up unexpectedly."
Qiao Nian hadn’t seen her for a long time, and walked over after only a short
pause. She sat where Ye Lan asked her to sit. She may have just woke up. Her
voice was slightly hoarse and her attitude was very polite. With a sloppy and
arbitrary feeling, the black eyes glanced in the direction of the opposite man,
unhurriedly: "Say me something."
Ye Wangchuan happened to hit her gaze straight, his thin lips curled up, his
expression looked lazy, and the laziness on his body was just like that of Qiao
"I'm telling him that I want to ask you to go to the show." Ye Lan didn't give the
man a chance to interrupt, and took Qiao Nian's hand, he couldn't wait to say:
"SEVEN's autumn show is held in Lanting this year. There are just two invitation
letters, are you going?"
Seven previous big shows were held overseas, this year I don’t know what’s
going on, and actually set the big show’s show in China.
What a coincidence, we are in Beijing again!
Women of all ages love jewelry and costumes. Ye Lan is no exception. She is
different from those in the circle of noble ladies in Beijing. She is not likely to
waste time flying abroad to watch shows, but this time the show is at home. , She
was still happy to take a look.
After all, she was also a big fan of this brand.
Ye Lan didn’t know whether Qiao Nian knew about this brand, and patiently
introduced her: “SEVEN is one of the most popular blue-blood luxury brands in
the world in recent years. There is a designer in their family called S. It's quite
mysterious. Every time something he designs is published, it will be robbed, and
it will lead the trend for a period of time each time."
Qiao Nian heard this, curled his eyelashes slightly, his expression was still faint,
he couldn't see anything, and said calmly, "Ah, I've heard of it."
When Ye Lan heard that she had heard of her favorite designer, she smiled, and
said with difficulty: "Before the Spring/Summer series, "he" had no new works
launched. Many people in the fashion industry are saying "he". "Jiang Lang is
exhausted, I thought there was no "him" in the autumn and winter series this
"Who knew that the SEVEN brand officially came out and officially announced
that this brand show will release the latest work of S..."
SEVEN belongs to the Chengfeng Group. The information of this autumn and
winter show was tightly covered by the Chengfeng Group ten days ago. It is said
that the Yuan family went to the owner of the Chengfeng Group, Yuan Yongqin,
to inquire about it. Yuan Yongqin did not reveal any wind.
Ten days ago, Chengfeng Group’s official website suddenly hinted in the middle
of the night that the big show would also release the new series of the talented
designer S..
At one o'clock in the morning, many fans on the official website were so excited
that they couldn't sleep, and they kept leaving a message below to ask
questions, lest they would be released again with great expectations.
On the second day, SEVEN’s official Blue V gave everyone a reassurance, and
the official official announcement of the new season of the show will exhibit the
new series of S co-branded.

Chapter 963: I gave away my loneliness last time, but this time I make up

"His work has a very strong personal style." Ye Lan pursed his lips and smiled
confidently: "Anyway, you will know it after reading it. You will definitely like it!"
She sees that Qiao Nian usually wears a more casual style. It just so happens
that the design style of the designer she likes is also arrogant.
Ye Lan enthusiastically asked her again: “Niannian go? Anyway, it’s okay. Why
don’t you go check it out and I’ll buy you what you see!”
Gu Sanguan made a glass of lemonade for the girl and put it on the coffee table
in front of Qiao Nian. When he heard Ye Lan's words, he smiled and said, "Yes,
Miss Qiao, you are here in Beijing. I haven't been out to play in a long time, or go
for a walk with the eldest lady to relax."
"I have also heard of that big show. It is said that the tickets are difficult to get.
There are just two tickets. Why don't you go and see it together?"
Ye Lan immediately said: "I took the number in the first row."
As long as anyone who is in the fashion circle knows, the first row of the big
show will be reserved for the big names in the fashion industry, or it will be
reserved for the celebrities, ordinary people are not even qualified to sit.
Qiao Nian pursed the corner of her mouth, thinking that Yuan Yongqin had
reserved tickets for her before.
is also the first row, still number 001.
At the time, she refused without even thinking about going.
Faced with Ye Lan’s invitation, her head was aching, and she didn’t know how to
answer: “I might not have anything to buy.”
Ye Lan automatically understood that Qiao Nian wanted to save her money, and
made up his mind to take a new series of S today and give it to Qiao Nian as a
gift for college entrance.
After all, the little pill she tried so hard to find last time turned out to be made by
Nian Nian herself, and she gave it away loneliness! With a rare opportunity, she
must make up a gift this time.
calmly said on the face: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't buy it, let's go and
see, you see first, what if you see something you like?"
Qiao Nian:...
What if there is no such thing!
Qiao Nian didn't match Ye Lan's enthusiasm in the end, but was dragged to
SEVEN this year's big show was held in Lanting.
Because of the first big show held in China, this time the ticket card is very strict.
Apart from a few people in Beijing who can get tickets, only people in the fashion
circle can get tickets.
Even if the tickets are so difficult to get, the people in the upper circle of Beijing
still squeeze their heads to get the tickets.
After all, when everyone can't get a ticket, if you can get a ticket, it also proves
your identity and status in a certain way.
Qiao Nian was dragged by Ye Lan to watch the show, and I didn’t know that it
was almost fried at the moment around the city.
Shen Qingqing was the first person to find a post on Yizhong Post Bar.
After reading the post, she immediately called Liang Bowen.
Liang Bowen was still at home when he received the call. When Shen Qingqing
first called him, he was taking a bath in the bathroom. The sound of the water
was too loud and he didn't hear the phone ringing.
Until Shen Qingqing called him for the second time, he scolded his mother. After
half washing, he took off the bathrobe from the shelf and wrapped it around his
body. The bubbles in his hair were not washed away and he came out of the
bathroom to pick up the phone.
He originally wanted to no matter who he was calling, so he called this life-
threatening serial call, and he had to scold the other party before talking.
Who knew that the person who called him was Shen Qingqing. He swallowed the
anger in his stomach again, wiped his hands, answered the phone, and spoke
softly and terribly.
"What's the matter, why do I suddenly think of calling me."

Chapter 964: I think it's like talking about sister Nian

Shen Qingqing usually doesn't call him if it's okay. It's rare to take the initiative to
call him this time. He secretly couldn't do it.
silently explained: "I just took a shower and didn't hear a sound, so I didn't
receive your first call."
His voice hasn't finished.
The girl at the other end said to him anxiously: "Do you have a computer by your
"I ask if you have a computer by your side now? Internet cafes are fine too!"
Liang Bowen looked at the top in his room, was taken aback, walked over, and
said: "I'm at home. I have a computer, wait a minute, I'll turn it on right away."
His computer is configured according to the configuration of the game computer,
and it is not bad for money, and the installed accessories are all top-notch ones.
Although it's not as powerful as Qiao Nian's notebook, it basically won't freeze.
As soon as he walked over, turned on the computer, and pressed the boot on,
the computer turned on in a few seconds.
Liang Bowen pulled out the chair and sat down, and then asked inexplicably,
"Qingqing, what happened? You asked me what I didn't do if I had a computer."
"You can post on the school post of No. 1 Middle School." The girl still had a
irritable tone, but she stopped talking and didn't make it clear.
I just kept urging him to go to the high school school.
"What's wrong with the post?" Liang Bowen has rarely paid attention to the
school post since the college entrance examination was over. He used to go to
school around the city No. 1 Middle School and didn’t read the school’s post. Just
like Wu Jie, he paid attention to the post. I haven't seen it.
As he said, he moved numbly, and quickly found one of the posts, and said to
Shen Qingqing, "I opened it. I didn't see anything."
"No, you can see if there is a post on it. The title reads the post about the
kidnapping of a female student in a high school."
"??" Liang Bowen became more confused, but he flicked the mouse with his
finger and searched on the post bar as she said.
Soon I saw the post with the title Shen Qingqing said.
He was a little dumbfounded, he was taken aback, and said: "Damn, when did
the school post bar become so boring, and still pay attention to social news.
What is kidnapped? How come I have never heard of a female student in our
school being kidnapped before."
His brain reacts quickly, and his instinct is not right..
"Why did you let me watch this?"
Even if a female student was kidnapped in No. 1 High School, what does it have
to do with him?
Shen Qingqing was silent on the other side of the phone for several seconds
before telling him in a very uncomfortable tone: "I think it seems to say...Sister
"Who are you talking about?" Liang Bowen drew his ears, once thinking that he
had heard him wrong, and his eyes fell on the computer again, with a stunned
expression on his face: "You said that this post on the post is about sister Nian?"
"En." Shen Qingqing's tone was very light, not sure: "My cousin is also studying
in the first high school. Didn't I go back to my hometown on the first day of this
year? Just now we ate together. She told me that she was posting it at school. I
came to a post and asked me if I knew about this. I didn’t care about it at first, but
the more I heard her describe the content of the post, the more familiar I
became... Later I went online to check the post, I think... The person who broke
the news seems to be talking about Sister Nian."
The last sentence she said was very light and very light. If Liang Bowen hadn't
pricked her ears to listen to her, she might not have been able to hear what she
was saying.
I just thought it was ridiculous for a while!
"How could sister Nian be kidnapped? I never told her about it. It's impossible,
right? Are you mistaken."

Chapter 965: Delete the post on the post bar first.

"I also hope I made a mistake."

Shen Qingqing's words are concise and concise: "You read it first, and talk about
it after reading that post."
Liang Bowen tightened the corners of his mouth, his heartbeat was fast, and he
was instinctively nervous to browse the so-called breaking news posts on
Yizhong Post Bar.
The anonymous ID used by the person who broke the news described a
kidnapping case that occurred ten years ago in a third-party tone, and the news
reports at the time were posted with justified reasons.
In her revelations, the girl who was kidnapped has long since got rid of the
shadow of being kidnapped and led a new life.
She also provided a few keywords.
One is that girls scored very well in the college entrance examination, and got the
best result ever in a middle school.
The second is that girls are withdrawn, cold and indifferent to everyone, and
dislike close contact with people, especially the opposite .
As for the third one, she gave a clearer picture. Girls are candidates for this year
and the school they were admitted to is in Beijing.
Liang's blog post read ten lines at a glance, his face suddenly changed, and his
fingers on the mouse tightened.
His face turns blue.
The information given by the other party is very, very clear, except that the name
is not stated directly.
Who can score better than the top scorer in the national paper? There is also a
relatively cold personality, and he was admitted to a school in Beijing this year...
Except for Qiao Nian, he couldn't find a second person in his mind who matched
the information.
The other party's words were convincing, and they were accompanied by news
reports at the time, so no one could not believe it.
Liang Bowen scrolled down nervously. All the seniors in high school graduated
after taking the college entrance examination. During the summer vacation
before going to university, few people paid attention to the school’s posts.
Only some high school freshman and high school students return to the post
There are also people in the junior high school, similar to the first-year children of
Shen Qingqing's cousin, who just entered junior high school, are excited and
curious about everything, and like to follow school posts.
He saw someone mentioning Qiao Nian's name below, and more people were
there like a second stunner asking who the news was about.
"Have you finished reading it? Do you think I think too much." Shen Qingqing is
really embarrassed. She doesn't believe that Qiao Nian has experienced
something like that, but the news is obviously talking about Qiao Nian again. Her
heart is very contradictory. On the one hand, he believed that he had guessed
correctly, and on the other hand, he hoped that he had guessed wrong.
" should be said that she is Nianjie." After reading the post, Liang Bowen was
in the same mood as her..
It’s just that boys are calmer than girls. His family conditions are good, and his
parents also focus on cultivating his ability to handle things outside of study.
Liang Bowen was only short-lived and made a decisive decision: “Don’t panic
first, I’ll call the old class and ask her to go to the school to delete the post on the
post bar, and then I’ll ask sister Nian when I come back.
Shen Qingqing settled for a while, and immediately said, "Then what can I do?"
Liang Bowen pondered for a moment, thought about it, and said: "Why don't you
ask Miss Nian? I'm a boy, it might not be great for me to ask her."
"Okay." Shen Qingqing agreed quickly.
"Wait a minute." Before she hung up the phone, Liang Bowen felt that this way of
handling was not appropriate. After thinking for a moment, he said: "No, you call
Chen Yuan first. He has a good relationship with Sister Nian. When Sister Nian
grows up, if this happens, he must know. You can ask him first."
Liang Bowen probably explained what Shen Qingqing was going to do. He hung
up Shen Qingqing's phone. He called Shen Hui the first time, told Shen Hui about
the things on the post bar, and asked Shen Hui to find the school. Tieba
management authority first delete that post...

Chapter 966: Where did you buy that necklace

The signals in the show are all blocked.
Ye Lan has an important call to make temporarily, so he left the meeting place
and went outside for the time being.
Qiao Nian took the bracelet to find the position on the first row of Yelan
invitations, slowly took out the phone, called up the mini game on the phone, sat
diagonally there and played, waiting for someone while playing the game.
There is no signal in the show, so you can only play stand-alone games.
The girl pressed her white fingers on the phone, and operated the small figures
on the phone to jump squares one by one. She could see that the mini game was
quite boring. Her delicate eyebrows were kept low, only the word boring was
kept. Write on the face.
At this moment, not far away.
Some young girls in the back row, you touch me, I touch you, and finally, a
sweet-looking young woman is pushed out and walks in the direction of Qiao
"Excuse me..."
Tian Siqi walked over, just walked to the first row of girls who were sitting
diagonally there playing mobile phones, calmly, raised the corners of her mouth,
and spoke softly.
The other party seemed to have heard it. When she raised her head, an overly
eye-catching face was exposed in her field of vision. Tian Siqi was lost for a
moment and almost didn't react.
Or Qiao Nian saw a strange woman standing in front of her, put away the phone,
and said indifferently: "Something?"
Tian Siqi regained her senses abruptly, and then she looked at the girls who
were sitting there, dressed in ordinary or even plain clothes. The self-confidence
before coming over was somewhat suppressed by the other's aura.
She moved her lips and looked at the girl's face that is too beautiful in the
entertainment industry. Her eyes flashed, and she spoke to Qiao Nian in a gentle
manner: "I'm sorry to disturb you, I want to ask about your neck Where did you
buy that necklace."
The necklace on her neck?
Qiao Nian squinted his eyes halfway, and looked down lazily. A silver necklace
was hung around her neck. The weather was cold some time ago, the clothes
were thick, and the necklace was hidden in the neck and was blocked by the
cotton coat, which was not very conspicuous. The weather has recently become
warmer, and the thick winter coat has been replaced with the T-shirt and long
sleeves that she often wears in spring and summer. The necklace she usually
puts in her clothes is naturally exposed.
The style of the    necklace looks very simple. There is a pendant under the
silver chain, and the pendant is inlaid with something similar to a rough stone.
There is also a very hidden signature on the inside of the thin silver chain, S.
This necklace is one of the limited designs she released earlier, because it is a
style of a few years earlier, and the design is very personal.
But she didn't buy this necklace..
is a birthday gift from Ye Wangchuan.
It is said to have bought it with Chenchen, and she gave it to her when she was
still around the city. After that night, she kept wearing it on her body and didn't
take it off.
If Tian Siqi hadn't suddenly appeared and asked her about the necklace, Qiao
Nian would have forgotten the necklace he was wearing on his neck.
"You said this?" Qiao Nian picked up the necklace from her neck in a casual
posture, raised her eyes to confirm with her.
The girl’s eyes are beautiful, the kind of openness and restraint, the inner corner
of the eye is hooked down, the outer corner of the eye is raised, the whole eye
shape is too long, the pupil is extremely dark, and it always seems to be able to
**** people in when looking at people. With magic.
Tian Siqi stayed for another second, then recovered, nodded, her expression
became more and more unnatural: "Well, that's it, where did you buy this

Chapter 967: Early works of the genius designer S

She seemed afraid of Qiao Nian's misunderstanding, she paused, and added:
"It's pretty."
Qiao Nian put down the necklace, raised his eyes, a little lazy and a little sleepy,
ah, and faintly replied: "I don't know. It's in the shop."
In the shop?
Tian Siqi's pressure suddenly dropped a lot, her eyes flickered again, and she
politely thanked Qiao Nian: "Okay, thank you. I won't bother you."
Qiao Nian nodded, not caring.
Tian Siqi didn't ask herself to be boring, and walked away quickly.
When she returned to her group of little sisters, she changed her gentle and
sweet expression in front of Qiao Nian just now, and said disdainfully: "I've asked
you clearly. She said she bought the necklace in the store."
She paused again, adjusted her maroon curly hair, and continued casually: "I just
walked up to see it, and that is the early work of designer S under seven, the star
series, the limited edition, the whole series is altogether. As far as three designs
are concerned, if it is a genuine product, her value is at least seven digits.
Judging from the popularity of S works now, it may be more than seven digits. If
you stir it up, you may be able to stir it up to eight digits."
People in Beijing are not short of money, but the eight-digit number is not a
sprinkling number for them.
The price is expensive.
Tian Siqi is not a member of the celebrity circle in Beijing, she is just a female
star in the entertainment circle, but Tian Siqi is lucky, and soon after her debut,
relying on the company's relationship to climb the noble.
The nobles looked at her face and thought she was blessed. I asked an expert to
calculate her horoscope. It is said that Tian Siqiwang herself escorted Tian Siqi
all the way.
The nobleman is well-connected in Beijing. Although he is not as good as the
people in the circle at the top of the pyramid in Beijing, he is at least regarded as
a figure on the edge of the circle.
Seven is a luxury brand under the Chengfeng Group. By coincidence, the
nobleman behind Tian Siqi is named Yuan.
With this level of relationship, Tian Siqi, a very beloved "outer room", can break
into the circle of ladies and ladies in Beijing, relying on her relationship behind to
get tickets for the seven big show, but not in the front row, in third. row.
"If it's a genuine product? Do you mean that her is not a genuine product?" A
lady who is not used to seeing her said slowly, with a questioning tone:
"Impossible. Who would bring a fake when watching a show? Go out."
Tian Siqi has a backstage behind her, speaks very confidently, and faintly
responded to her doubts: "I don't mean that she must be wearing a fake... but
everyone who knows seven knows that all their designer's works will be sold in
stores, only the ace design Master S’s works are never sold in stores. They are
all limited editions. Basically, as soon as they came out, they were all pre-
ordered on the show."
"I just went to ask her, she said she bought her necklace in a store."
When she said this, the others were silent for a while, did not speak, apparently
believed most of them. The lady who sang her against her snorted, looked at her
up and down, and said, "You mean wearing A goods, which is so nice. People
who wear A goods can sit in the first row of the show? You said. How familiar are
you with Chengfeng Group, why did you sit in the third row?"
This is very insulting..
Tian Siqi's face flushed red, biting her teeth, trying to refute, but she didn't know
how to refute it for a while.
The boss behind her backing her was indeed the Yuan family in Beijing, but no
one in the circle knew that Yuan Yongqin, the CEO of Chengfeng Group, had a
fallout with the Yuan family in the early years and had not returned home for
more than ten years. The relationship between the two parties was only a little
while ago. Ease down and start to walk around.

Chapter 968: It’s not too much to describe it with respect.

This time, she found the backstage with great effort and she was acting like a
baby and she was flattering. It took a lot of effort to get the admission ticket for
the big show.
Rao is so, she also only took the third row.
The third row position is not bad.
Otherwise, she would not sit and chat with these Beijing celebrities with higher
eyesight, but she was revealed that she was a little bit slapped after all.
She couldn't hold her breath, her eyes cooled down, and she didn't care too
much about the consequences, and said coldly: "That's because you didn't see it.
That girl is dressed pretty and looks good, and her face is also the best in the
entertainment industry. One looks good. It depends on the age at most 18 or 19
years old. I guess who is involved in it."
She just bluntly said that Qiao Nian had asked a man to come in.
She herself squeezed in by this means, and in a tone that seemed different from
her, she said that others came in from the backstage. Several people in the lady
circle frowned and looked at her with a smile, but no one spoke up. Up.
If it weren’t for the Chengfeng Group behind this big show, and the gold owner
behind Tian Siqi had something to do with the Chengfeng Group, it would be
Tian Siqi’s ‘outside room’ on another occasion. They might not even want to take
care of it and drop the price!
Suma was not far away, and a staff member was arranged nearby to prepare for
the start of the big show, and it happened to hear a few people discussing.
Originally, he didn't catch a cold with these gossips, and he was about to walk
away after doing what he had at hand. Who ever wanted to hear Tian Siqi's
sudden uplifting voice, where he said something about the girl in the first row of
the big show 18, 19 Years old, his appearance was so eye-catching, a figure
immediately appeared in his mind, and he instinctively looked towards the first
The girl's back is thin, wearing a signature T-shirt and a peaked cap. From
behind, she can only see her hooking her neck and playing with her mobile
Su Mo was stunned for a moment. He was a little confused and didn't react for a
while: "Miss Qiao?"
He suddenly heard this sound, Tian Siqi and the others in front of him also heard
it. When they turned their heads, they saw him and they recognized that he was
a person who often followed Yuan Yongqin.
Tian Siqi was taken aback, and she didn’t know if the words she had just said
were heard. After thinking about it, she felt that she was right. On a certain level,
she was also protecting Chengfeng Group and Seven. She raised her heart. He
put it down again, just raised his hand, ready to get close to Suma.
Who knows that the man in suit and leather shoes didn't even look at her. He
directly passed her and a large group of ladies and ladies in Zijing City beside
her, and quickly walked towards the direction of the first row.
Just like this, she walked straight to the girl who had been dissed in her words in
They are far apart, and they can't clearly see what the two said, but they can
clearly see Suma's attitude when talking to the girl, which is absolutely respectful!
Suma’s attitude cannot even be described as respectful!
"This is the counterfeit you said that someone wore a man who came in?" The
lady who had just talked to Tian Siqi at this scene smiled, raised her hand,
fiddled with the jade jade bracelet on her wrist, and her brows were light. Said to
her: "Next time, don’t use your dog-eye approach to look at people. The circle in
Beijing is deep. Not everyone is like you and can’t wait to take out all the clothes
in the closet and put them on. Like low-key, comfortable to wear, I love T-shirts
and sneakers."
Tian Siqi was slapped in public with an ugly face..

Chapter 969: Came with an elder

But the lady didn't give her face, she smiled again, admiring her ugly face, and
whispered: "Oh, look at the attitude of Assistant General Yuan, I'm afraid you
won't have another time."
"The brain is a good thing. It is better to walk in the Beijing city circle with the
brain. Otherwise, if you accidentally kick the iron plate, it will be bad if the leg is
Tian Siqi originally felt embarrassed, and she couldn't hold on to her face. At this
moment, listening to her say this, her mentality has changed from the initial
embarrassment to fear.
She pinched her hands, her fingertips were shaking, her biting lips were white
and bloodless, her brows were frowning, she really didn't know where she was
That girl obviously looks so ordinary!
is also cheap to wear, and there is no label on the clothes, just like an ordinary
high school student from a small place, at most a freshman, she really doesn’t
understand why she accidentally kicked the iron plate!
"Miss Qiao, don't tell me why you are here. I would have picked you up outside if
I knew it." Somo didn't tell Qiao Nian the criticism he had just heard later.
He mainly thinks that people like Tian Siqi will drop the price when they get it in
front of Qiao Nian.
An outside room raised by someone from the Yuan family in Beijing, it’s not bad
to give her a ticket, and she still slander Qiao Nian behind her back, which is
It's also that Mr. Yuan is not here, and he didn't hear Tian Siqi just hinting that
Qiao Nian was nurtured. If he did, she might ask the security to fork her out on
the spot, and then call the Yuan family to lead the people...
Su Mo's eyebrows narrowed, looking warm, but in fact, the bottom of his eyes
was narrowed.
Of course, he must report the incident to Mr. Yuan afterwards, but he didn’t know
that the Yuan family finally took advantage of the opportunity of attending Miss
Qiao’s school promotion banquet to repair the relationship with Mr. Yuan. The
trouble was caused by Tian Siqi, and the trouble was gone. Will those people get
a cerebral thrombosis with anger, turn around and settle accounts with Tian Siqi
and the people behind Tian Siqi!
But he doesn’t care about it.
Suma looked at the girl in front of him, with a kind of pity for the house and the
black, and said softly: "Mr. Yuan still doesn't know that you are here, do you want
me to tell her."
Three days ago, they sent a message to Qiao Nian about Daxiu. Yuan Yongqin
also called the girls. Qiao Nian refused and didn't want to come.
Qiao Nian rubbed his temples, but unexpectedly met Somo before the big show,
raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, and said dryly: "I came to watch the
show with an elder. I didn't have time to make a deal with you. Aunt Yuan said."
"She went outside to call."
"...That's it." So Mo was surprised that his elders had such a big face that he
could accompany this big guy to watch the show, but he didn't bother about it. He
hesitated for a moment when he saw the girl sitting there boldly. , Still tentatively
said: "Miss Qiao...that..."
Qiao Nian raised his eyes, looking at him with beautiful black eyes: "Huh?"
Suma himself is always decisive and capable, but when he encounters this, he
always has to go through his head three times before daring to say a word.
He stared at him, and after thinking and thinking, he said, "Since you are here,
Miss Qiao, do you want to go on stage for a cutscene?"
No one in Beijing knows that their talented designer S under the Chengfeng
Group is an 18-year-old girl who came to Beijing this year and stayed around the
city before.
If Qiao Nian is willing to show his face on stage, there will definitely be fewer
people like Tian Siqi and others in Beijing.
PS: The show blocked the signal, and sister Nian didn’t see the news.
Happy New Year everyone!

Chapter 970: Miss Qiao, do you want to go up?

He did this for Qiao Nian's consideration.

After all, the mermaid and dragons in Beijing are mixed, and there are everyone.
There are always one or two people who go out without thinking.
So Mo said that he wanted to see the reaction of Qiao Nian and Tian Siqi's group
of people when he came to the stage. He looked at the girl with anticipation, and
lobbied in an overwhelming tone: "You don't need to go up and speak, just show
your face. "
Qiao Nian was still sitting in the same posture as she was just now, leaning on
her seat, a lazy posture, pressing on the brim of her hat, the little game she was
playing just died, and the sound effect of the game heard an over reminder, and
she put her phone aside , Raised his head, and met Sumo's expectant eyes, and
paused for a second.
When Somo thought she might agree.
Qiao Nian lowered his eyelashes again, and the black eyelashes curled his eyes,
crossed off the dead game, restarted the game, and quietly refused: "No."
"Miss Qiao, it’s just that at the end of the big show, I went to the stage with other
designers to thank you, don’t talk..."
Qiao Nianxin just started the game. She pressed pause and raised her head
again. The cold-cut jaw line was smooth and beautiful, and her eyebrows were
"I don't want to go."
"If seven other designers know that you are willing to go up with them, I don't
know how happy they are." Somo didn't give up: "Do you want people to know
that you are Seven's chief designer S? If you don't want people to know this, I
won’t be able to introduce them in the introduction at that time, as long as you
come on stage and walk through the scene..."
If Qiao Nian was willing to go on stage and walk through the scene, it would be
enough to slap Tian Siqi and the others.
After all, not everyone can be a SEVEN designer!
"Must go?" Qiao Nian's brows were rather dry, but his attitude towards Somo was
good, at least not showing impatience.
She paused, and then said, “I don’t really like crowded occasions. Today is also
to accompany the elders, otherwise I won’t come over.”
Su Mo had originally hoped that she could show her face on stage and slap her
face at Tian Siqi and other people who talked behind her back. At this moment,
hearing her talk, her heart was shaken again.
What kind of character is Qiao Nian? He has been with Yuan Yongqin for so
long, and he knows better than anyone!
She did exactly the same as she said, she didn't like crowded occasions, and she
didn't like to show up in these occasions.
Su Mo's heart was only briefly entangled and hesitated. He had already made a
decision, his tight shoulders relaxed, smiled, and said softly: "No, it doesn't have
to go up, I just watched Miss Qiao you are here, and you don't want to go up.
Before Qiao Nian could speak, he continued to ask gently: "By the way, Miss
Qiao, President Yuan is in the background. Are you going to see her?"
Qiao Nian saw Ye Lan walk in from the corner of his eyes, shook his head, and
said concisely: "Auntie Yuan should be very busy, forget it today, next time.".
"Yeah." Yuan Yongqin was indeed too busy at the moment. Sumo did not force
her, and nodded: "Then I will tell Mr. Yuan later."
"Hmm." Qiao Nian saw that Ye Lan had walked over, raised his eyes, looking at
him with pure black and white eyes, and said: "My elders are back."
Sumo had long wanted to know who was the "elder" who would allow this big
man to go out and watch the show. He turned to look and saw only Miss Ye from
the Ye family, but no other people.
He was not sure whether the elder Qiao Nian was talking about was Ye Lan, but
from the conversation just now, I can see that Qiao Nian didn't want to publicize
his identity today. When he turned around, he made a foresight: "Then I won't
disturb Miss Qiao. , You and your friends play slowly."
He said, straightened up, said hello to Qiao Nian, and walked away before Ye
Lan came over.

971: I want to teach Sister Nian to play games

Ye Lan has an important conference call to talk about.

After entering the venue, I heard that the mobile phone signal was blocked in the
Lanting show. She could only go out and let the board of directors move the
meeting back and arrange her own itinerary by the way.
It would take some time, but Ye Lan didn't worry that Qiao Nian was alone in it.
After only twenty minutes of calling, he came in.
When she came in, she saw Sumo bend down and respectfully talk to Qiao Nian,
but she didn't think much about it, mainly because Sumo quickly walked away.
"Niannian, didn't you wait long?" Ye Lan sat down next to Qiao Nian, with a smile
on her capable face, and softly explained to the girl next to her: "There will be a
meeting in the company. I told them that I had something to do today. Who
knows that the istant is finished, but they are all coming without notifying them. I
can only explain it remotely."
Ye Lan came over, Qiao Nian turned off the mobile phone game, and politely
answered her: "No, I'm fine, I just played a game."
"Is there no signal in Lanting?" Ye Lan saw the game on her mobile phone, and
asked curiously: "Can I still play games without a signal?"
Qiao Nian lazily put away her mobile phone. She didn't say that this level of
signal jammer could not shield her mobile phone signal. As long as she was
willing, she could break the signal shielding system here at any time, but she was
lazy. Another place today is the Chengfeng Group. , She didn't want to cause
trouble: "I play a small stand-alone game."
It seems that Ye Lan is still watching her, Qiao Nian added: "...It's like Tetris."
"Oh!" Ye Lan second understood when she said that.
Tetris, she usually plays under pressure at work, but in the past two years she
prefers to play puzzle games, and puzzles to kill time.
She seems to have found a common topic with Qiao Nian, her eyes lit up and
she was very happy: "How many levels are you?"
Qiao Nian was embarrassed to say that he was at full level.
Ye Lan didn’t even know that this little game still had to be cleared, so he happily
shared his game experience with her: "I remember I played to 68. Wang Chuan
also played these before. He played this game better than me. , Like 108 levels?"
Ye Lan said with an unsure expression: "It seems to be level 108...I can't
remember it. I haven't seen him play it for a long time."
Qiao Nian didn’t know that Ye Wangchuan also played this kind of mobile phone
puzzle games, his eyes were dark, and his tone sounded quite sincere: “It’s
pretty awesome.”
Tetris and Matchmaker are both games that are getting harder and harder to play
later, and to some extent they are also intellectual games.
Ye Wangchuan can play the next few levels, and he can see that his IQ is not
Ye Lan didn’t see the first level Qiao Nian had just played. He smiled and patted
her hand, and said confidently: “It’s okay, that game has skills. I’ll teach you a
few tricks later, and you can play up to 100 levels. Behind.".
"..." Qiao Nian, who has played these small games to the end, has a dumb voice:
Back row.
Tian Siqi and the others are already sitting in their seats. Since Sumo ran to Qiao
Nian just now, she has been fidgeting in her place, frequently paying attention to
the situation in the first row.
I saw Ye Lan coming in, heading straight to Qiao Nian, and sitting next to the girl
again, and the two started chatting enthusiastically.
Although she didn't know Ye Lan, she faintly felt that Ye Lan had an arrogance
that she didn't have in the background.
That kind of arrogance, she has seen many in Beijing.
That is the aura of a talented person in a high position.

Chapter 972: Suddenly change their positions

Tian Siqi grasped her dress tightly. Today, she specifically asked the company
stylist to borrow a set of high-order dresses.
A high-order dress is expensive.
There are hundreds of thousands of cases.
Slightly better, there are millions.
For example, this high-order Chinese dress on her is worth millions of dollars.
After she put it on, she has been cautious about breaking it, and the brand will
seek compensation from her.
At this moment, Tian Siqi was upset and dry and couldn't care about it, and his
eyes fell on Qiao Nian and Ye Lan in the front row.
She didn't know Ye Lan when she looked left and right. She couldn't help but
turned her head and lowered her voice to ask the person sitting next to her.
"Do you know the person on the left in the first row?"
Tian Siqi was afraid that the other party would not know who she was talking
about, enduring the heat on her face, and asked dryly: "It's the one who is sitting
next to that girl and talking."
"You said Mr. Ye?" The other party smiled, and the smile was fleeting, and it was
full of ridicule: "Have you heard of the Jingshi Ye Family."
"Yejia in Beijing City?"
"The person sitting next to that girl is the eldest daughter of the Ye family, who
doesn't usually show up in such social occasions. You are lucky. You kicked the
hardest iron plate as soon as you came."
Tian Siqi is not a member of the circle, she just follows one and a half feet into
the backstage of the circle.
Even so, she knows more about this circle than the average entertainment circle.
In the blink of an eye, she had searched for information about the Ye family in
She remembered that the nobleman behind her once told her that there were
three big families in Beijing that could not be messed with, the Ye family, the Wei
family and the Wen family.
In addition, the Shen family is also worth noting.
There is another person in these three big families who can't provoke Ye
The Buddha of Ye Family..
is not too old, but he is the most ugly and ruthless one in the circle at the top of
the pyramid. If you get involved with a paranoid, you will have to peel off if you
Tian Siqi remembers clearly.
Is the Ye family of Ye Wangchuan?
The blood on her face faded clean in an instant, her fingers were white because
of the frightened knuckles, and her shoulders couldn't help but tremble.
She doesn’t know Ye’s family well. After all, those people in the top-level circles
may not be able to find information about those people if they search online.
She, a person in the entertainment industry, knows that the Ye family is already
What status is Ye Lan? People like her don’t even have the qualifications to
In the first row, Ye Lan had no idea that Tian Siqi ran to Qiao Nian to ask about
the necklace, and chewed her tongue behind.
So when seven's staff came over and asked them to change their positions, she
was still taken aback.
"Where do you want to change?"
Ye Lan wasn't talking to Qiao Nian, she was still full of air, her aura was also
strong, and she felt a little oppressive.
Seven's staff was also looking at them secretly. She was taken aback by a look
in her eyes. She quickly lowered her eyebrows and said respectfully: "Hello, Ms.
Ye, we just received a notice saying that I will give it to you Change positions
with your friend. Change to No. 001 and No. 002 in the first row. Do you think you
would like to change?"
Yelan has an extraordinary position in Beijing.
The tickets she got this time are No. 10 and No. 11 in the first row.
Although it is also the number in the first row, it must be different from the
previous position.
She frowned subconsciously, but did not agree immediately.
As far as she knows, Chengfeng Group did not release positions 1 to 5 this time,
especially the position No. 1 in a row, which is very special.

Chapter 973: I have a very important friend here today

She thought Yuan Yongqin would set aside to sit by herself.

How to suddenly let the staff inform them to change positions, and also give up
the VIP position of No. 1 in a row, which is not consistent with common sense.
Ye Lan holds her own identity and knows that many people in Beijing want to
curry favor with her, but she has seen Yuan Yongqin in private. Yuan Yongqin is
ten years younger than her, in her early forties, and belongs to the kind of woman
who is very strong and capable in her career. Arrogant, if you don't have a bit of
spine, you won't have a fight with the Yuan family. After ten years, you will not be
with the Yuan family in Beijing.
Such a spineless woman, Ye Lan didn't think that the other party would specially
"please" herself.
But the staff did say the positions of No. 1 and No. 2 in a row.
She hesitated for a moment, then turned to ask the girl next to her for her
opinion: "Nian Nian, shall we change?"
Qiao Nian raised his eyes, but he didn't expect Somo to come up with this set
again. It was a headache. After thinking about it, he said, "Change it."
In fact, it’s just a different location, and it’s nothing.
It’s just that she didn’t think about it. She and Ye Lan came to sit in the first row
and it was enough to win the eye. At this moment, Aunt Yuan asked her to come
and change her to the VIP area in the first row. Next, she changed over, how
many pairs of eyes on the show were looking towards her.
But this is the intention of the elders, she is not easy to refuse.
Ye Lan didn't think so much, but when she heard that she could change, she
raised her head to communicate with the staff.
It’s not too much trouble to change positions. It’s just watching the show anyway.
Except for Ye Lan carrying a handbag, Qiao Nian didn’t even carry the bag, so
he put one hand in his pocket, got up and changed the position to sit and it was
just as she thought.
She sat down at position No. 1 in a row, and a lot of scrutinizing eyes from
behind fell on her. Since Qiao Nian agreed to change positions, she didn’t care
about the sights that came over. She was lazy and didn’t turn her head back, just
Raising his hand, he pressed the brim down again, his eyes were wild.
The big show did not last long, and the lights of the show were dimmed.
U-shaped T-stage is a high-tech starry sky design, with a particularly strong 3D
colorful technology style.
As the music rang, the first model came out of the runway.
Bee waist and long legs, radiant on the runway.
Ye Lan turned her head away from time to time, and asked the girls around her
what they thought of, and if they had any favorite designs..
Qiao Nian received the drawings sent to her by Yuan Yongqin a few days ago,
and some of these designs were modified by her.
She is now sitting here to watch the show purely with Ye Lan, watching one after
another wearing SEVEN autumn and winter high-order models walking out, she
didn't bother to raise her eyelids, and stopped Ye Lan all the way, not letting Ye
Lan buy it.
Ye Lan doesn’t matter. Her goal today is not these clothes. She mainly wants to
buy Qiao Nian the highlight of this seven show-the new work of the genius
designer S.
Qiao didn't want clothes, so she left it alone, turned her head, and waited
enthusiastically for the jewelry finale series at the back.
The ready-to-wear show ends soon.
The designer came to the stage to thank you.
Before the start of the jewelry show, Chengfeng Group CEO Yuan Yongqin made
a rare appearance on stage, took the microphone handed over by the designer,
and looked at the crowd watching the crowd under the show: "Thank you for
coming to the Seven Autumn and Winter Show. I am Chengfeng. Yuan Yongqin,
President of Wind Group."
There was applause from below.
In the third row, Tian Siqi applauded uncertainly, feeling a little uneasy in her
Yuan Yongqin's voice is deep and powerful: "I have a very important friend here
today. She is my best friend, my partner, a very important person in my life..."

Chapter 974: Sister Nian, don't lower your head, the vest will fall

Ye Lan raised her eyebrows, still wondering who the other party was talking
about, but she leaned back and didn't care much. Quandang watched the
excitement, and was still in the mood to joke with Qiao Nian: "This opening
remark, why do I listen to S? Is S here this time?"
"..." Qiao Nian's broken hair just fell down, covering her eyebrows. She pulled
down the brim of her hat, but did not answer, mainly unable to answer the
"But S is a very mysterious person. Few people in the design circle have seen
him. I don't know where he sits." Ye Lan lowered his voice and said, "If he
comes, he should be sitting in the first row."
A beam of light fell next to her in the next second.
"Please allow me to introduce this very important friend of SEVEN, Qiao Nian!"
Ye Lan was originally holding the mentality of eating melons with her arms
around her  to watch the excitement, but she didn’t expect eating melons and
eating them next to her. The expression on her face was dazed for a moment,
and for a long time, she didn’t react: "Niannian?"
Is she the wrong one?
Yuan Yongqin cue’s person is indeed Qiao Nian? ? ?
But the light fell on her side. She made a mistake. The lighting engineer at the
backstage of Chengfeng Group could not make the mistake too!
"You and SEVEN..."
Before Ye Lan's words were finished, Qiao Nian raised his hand, his sleeves slid
down, revealing a piece of white wrists, and Bai Yu's yes, before Ye Lan asked,
she said concisely: "Before playing stocks and investing. "
Ye Lan retracted her gaze, her expression was still quite complicated, and she
couldn't digest it, and the expression on her face was too tangled: "Have you
bought stocks of Chengfeng Group?"
For a moment, she almost thought that Qiao Nian was the chief designer S of
Chengfeng Group. She was so shocked that she almost lost her attitude and
stood up in front of everyone.
It turned out that Nian Nian bought the stock of Chengfeng Group.
Ye Lan is still a bit daunted.
She met Yuan Yongqin and heard some gossip in Beijing’s early years. After
Yuan Yongqin broke with the Yuan family in Beijing, she went out to venture into
the business world and it was not all smooth sailing at the beginning.
At the beginning, Chengfeng Group had very difficult operations.
The Yuan family often slapped Yuan Yongqin behind his back.
Many people, due to the influence of the Yuan family, have a mentality that more
is worse than less, and they can not cooperate with Chengfeng Group without
cooperating with Chengfeng Group.
At that time, Yuan Yongqin could say that it was not easy to get mixed up..
The rise of Chengfeng Group was a few years ago.
She lives in Beijing, but she also manages new energy companies. Everyone is a
business person. Even if she and Yuan Yongqin are not in the same industry,
she has also heard the rumors in the industry that there is illegality behind the
rise of Chengfeng Group. The power of the district.
Yuan Yongqin first set foot in the fashion apparel industry, but the rise of
Chengfeng Group has a lot to do with jewelry.
Especially diamonds from illegal overseas areas.
Big pieces of high-end raw materials.
No one knows where the rough stones that Chengfeng Group dug the first pot of
gold came from. So far, this has been a secret in the business district.
After   Yuan Yongqin broke his eyes again and abandoned Beijing’s favorable
geographical location, choosing to move the headquarters of Chengfeng Group
to a third-tier city like the city...
Ye Lan's mind is a bit chaotic, and she always feels that she has vaguely
grasped some key points, and feels that her ideas are too absurd.
It's even more absurd than Qiao Nian who is SEVEN's chief designer S!
Yuan Yongqin was still talking on the stage. The girl lowered the brim of her hat
and leaned back on the back of the chair. She was lazy. The light fell on her. She
was the focus of the audience, but Qiao Nian didn't seem to be so big. In the
eyes of the scene, it looks the same as usual, a calm horse, without lifting his
"Bought some."

Chapter 975: If Aunt Ye likes it, I'll give you a few things another day

Ye Lan listened to her as she usually talked to herself casually, just like her hair,
her eyelids twitched, her red lips pressed, and she couldn't help saying: "The
point you said to buy might not be...Chengfeng Group Original shares?"
There are also two types of stocks.
One is the original stock before the company goes public. This stock is very
important and generally only the company’s boss and senior executives can hold
One is the stocks sold to the public after the company is listed, and used for
stock speculation. This kind of stock will pay dividends based on the company's
profit and loss, and it is useless to buy more.
Since Yuan Yongqin introduced Qiao Nian grandly, the "bought a little" stock
Qiao Nian said in his hand is definitely not the second one!
Looking at the market value of Chengfeng Group of 100 billion yuan, Qiao Nian
said a little bit, it should be called a little bit.
The Ye family is not short of money.
Ye Lan grew up in the family of Zhongming Dingshi, and she is the eldest
daughter of the Ye family. Naturally, she shouldn’t be surprised because of a little
She just didn't expect Qiao Nian to have the original shares of Chengfeng Group
in her hands.
Niannian is only 18 years old!
This is too abnormal!
Compared with that of her nephew.
"Really original stocks?" Ye Lan couldn't control her facial expression, she
wanted to calm down, but it was too daunting, too sudden, and she couldn't calm
Qiao Nian pulled down the brim of her hat dryly, her black eyes narrowed
beautifully, and when she looked at her, she gave a low benevolence.
Yelan: "..."
After receiving Qiao Nian’s affirmative answer, Ye Lan was silent for a few
seconds. After all, she was a person who had seen the world. After a brief
consternation, she leaned back, took a deep breath, and took a long time. Tuntun
said: "The kid Qin Si told me that you were playing stocks and that he
recommended a few stocks with good momentum last time. He shouldn't know
that you have the original shares of Chengfeng Group in your hands?"
Qiao Nian did receive recommendations from Qin Si to share with her. She has
seen that the stocks are rising well and the prospects are good. She chose two
and invested money. At this moment, she heard Ye Lan ask herself if she didn’t.
Conceal: "Well, I don't know."
She paused, then added: "He never asked me."
Ye Lan, who also never asked: "..."
Ye Lan sat up silently again, and made up her mind secretly, asking more
questions before what she was going to do next time, so as not to get an oolong..
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Qiao Nian, hesitating for a moment
and asked: "S’ new work I told you about today..."
She means that she originally thought that S’s work is very popular among young
people, and she herself is also a fan of the designer.
This time, she finally had the opportunity. Chengfeng Group moved the SEVEN
show to Beijing, and there was a new work by the talented designer. She wanted
to buy one for Qiao Nian as a gift.
I never thought that Qiao Nian had such a strong relationship with Chengfeng
Group, and she still held the original shares of Chengfeng Group in her hand.
She remembered the little pill last time and asked one more question.
She just spoke.
Qiao Nian looked at her with pure black and white eyes, and took it naturally: "If
Aunt Ye likes it, I'll give you a few things another day."
Yelan: "..."
S only releases one or two new works at a time, and the series will not exceed
five designs at a time.
There are only five in the world.
You can imagine how hard it is to grab.
She didn't dare to get a few of them. Before coming today, she thought that it
would be nice to be able to buy a new piece of S.
Nian Nian speaks to give her a few things.

Chapter 976: Settle after autumn!

is not 1.
What is   !
Ye Lan can guess without telling the specific number, Qiao Nian must be greater
than 1.
She originally wanted to take Qiao Nian to see the show today and buy things for
Qiao Nian, but the two levels reversed and it became Qiao Nian's gift to her.
Ye Lan was in a complicated mood, and couldn't speak for a while.
On stage, Yuan Yongqin only gave a grand introduction to Qiao Nian, without
revealing more information.
She spoke a few words on the stage concisely and then went down.
The lights on the stage are dimmed.
Music sounded again.
Is the long-awaited finale jewelry show about to begin?
Backstage, Yuan Yongqin looked ugly when she stepped off the stage. Her facial
features were already tough, her face was calm, and she was even more
aggressive when she was not smiling!
In addition to the black suit she wore to attend the formal occasion today, she
seemed to be overwhelming.
When she stepped off the stage, she handed the microphone in her hand to the
staff next to her, rolled up her sleeves, could see anger and anger between her
eyebrows, and walked straight towards Suma.
"That Tian Siqi really said that? She said she wanted to read Sugar Daddy and
wear A goods."
She couldn't hide her anger, and all the passing staff bowed their heads, lest her
anger spread to her.
Su Mo has been with her for a long time and knows her temper very well. Yuan
Yongqin looks extremely difficult to get along with, but it is actually related to her
own life experience. For people she cares about, Yuan Yongqin has a very good
temper. He lowered his eyes and followed respectfully. Behind the woman, she
poured a glass of water for her and replied: "I heard that, she and a group of
people slandered Miss Qiao, saying that the necklace she wore was a
Yuan Yongqin slammed the water glass on the table, and laughed angrily: "Hehe!
I heard that the designer brought his own counterfeit products for the first time!"
Sumo had the insight and did not answer, and asked her: "Mr. Yuan, how do you
plan to deal with this matter?"
Yuan Yongqin took a deep breath and leaned back in the chair. Originally, she
wanted to reduce the pressure of the fire in her , but when she remembered what
Sumo told herself Tian Siqi chewed her tongue behind her back, she couldn't
suppress her anger, and her  rose and fell sharply. ..
She raised her hand, pressed her eyebrows, closed her eyes and asked the man
next to her: "Niannian don’t know, right?"
Su Mo saw through what she was worried about, and immediately replied: "Miss
Qiao doesn't know. I didn't tell Ms. Qiao about what Tian Siqi said behind her
"You did a good job." Yuan Yongqin raised his eyelids again, his face was
extremely cold, and his eyes were chilling: "Don't tell her about this kind of thing,
like this kind of clown, we will handle it in private."
She stood up, picked up her mobile phone, and asked Sumo back: "That Tian
Siqi is Yuan Fei's person?"
"Well, it's your brother's." Somo investigated Tian Siqi's background relationship
before she asked, otherwise the tickets for Lanting would not be so easy to get.
Tian Siqi is the kind of person who is low at a glance and goes out without
thinking. It is impossible to get the invitation letter, there must be someone
behind it.
Yuan Yongqin's eyes were heavy and cold, and he smiled: "He's been a waste of
ten years! The family business and connections will be ruined by him. Playing
with a woman and playing this kind of stuff. No wonder the Yuan family in Beijing.
It gets worse and worse when it falls into his hands, leaving only an empty shell."
She recently gave too much face to the Yuan family!
Also dare to get a mistress on her turf to run wild!
"You don't need to save him face, drive people out."
After she finished speaking, she unbuttoned a shirt again, and graciously walked
to the side of the corridor in the backstage, holding her mobile phone, and
planned to make a call with the Yuan family herself.

Chapter 977: Tian Siqi is over!

She has experienced the lowest moments in her life. To her, Qiao Nian is more
important than the so-called relatives of the entire Yuan family.
She never put Tian Siqi in her eyes, and Yuan Fei did not put her eyes in her
eyes either...
Yuan family, it's time to beat.
Outside the Lanting Pavilion, Tian Siqi was ‘invited’ out in front of everyone.
She was standing outside like a fool in a high-order dress with her shoulders
shivering cold.
Her face is whiter than her exposed shoulders, humiliating and embarrassing,
including the color of her lips, her face is completely bloodless.
She is wearing a high-order dress today, wearing a set of valuable jewellery
around her neck, standing outside with jewels, causing people passing by to look
at her frequently.
Tian Siqi only felt as if she had been stripped of her clothes, and she wanted to
find a place to sew in.
But even if her mind is not good enough, and her eyes are higher than the top,
she knows that she might stoke Louzi this time. She didn't care to look around
her and quickly called her backstage.
The first call failed.
She is not in a hurry.
Gang Yuan Yongqin came to the stage to introduce Qiao Nian's words and she
heard them. In her heart, she probably guessed that Qiao Nian was a partner of
Chengfeng Group.
Although she does not understand how a teenage girl became an important
partner of Chengfeng Group, in her opinion, the partner can be more powerful
than the blood relationship?
The backstage behind her and the old man from Chengfeng Group are always
brothers and sisters.
The other party used the relationship of the partner to shame her in public and
kick her out, she would not be polite, she must sue this!
Tian Siqi was too embarrassed today, and sighed in her heart. Although she was
afraid of the people who had just sat next to her and the Ye family and Ye Lan of
popular science, she was not a member of this circle after all. There is no
complete concept of how arrogant and arrogant there is.
She made the second call and is still on the phone.
Tian Siqi stood outside the Lanting Show just like a fool, neither leaving nor
staying. He sighed and made a third call.
This time the other party is finally not in the call, and the call is connected..
Her heartbeat is fast, and she squeezes her phone tightly, already thinking about
how to file a complaint in her heart.
As soon as the call was connected, she just said a word aggrievedly: "I..."
The man on the other end was already furious and furious at her: "You still have
the face to call me, what did you do in Lanting!"
Tian Siqi's heartbeat almost stopped, and her voice was extremely aggrieved: "I
didn't do anything."
"You stabbed the sky to labor and management, and you told me that there was
nothing to do. I have no time to talk to you now, and I will settle the account with
you later!"
The Yuan family is now a broken ship about to sink. Only if the relationship with
Yuan Yongqin is repaired, they can still enjoy a few more years in the circle of
Just the attitude that Yuan Yongqin just called him, his mind is blank now, where
is the time to control Tian Siqi.
"I can't control you, so do it yourself!"
"..." Before Tian Siqi had time to speak, the other end had hung up the phone.
She was full of confidence at first, but now she felt like a frustrated ball, really
Before Tian Siqi wanted to understand, her company’s agent called her and
asked her a few words about the seven show. At the end, she told her directly
that the capital circle wanted to ban her, and the company had called an
emergency. The meeting decided to hide her temporarily.
"Siqi, think about who you have offended yourself. If you have a chance, you can
apologize to others. Maybe you still have a chance to come back. should say goodbye to the entertainment industry in the second
half of your life."
Tian Siqi heard the words of the agent, her brain buzzed, clutching the phone,
her legs softened, the person had slipped, and she sat on the cold ground.
Dry eyes, want to cry, can't cry.
Where did she go to apologize to that girl?
She was invited out by two staff members who were both big, big and rough, and
couldn’t even get in the Lanting...

Chapter 978: Looks familiar

In the Orchid Pavilion, SEVEN's autumn and winter show continues.

A dazzling array of jewels shining luxuriously throughout the runway.
Qiao Nian was boring sitting in the position. He yawned and looked down at the
time on the phone. He really couldn't sit still. He leaned over to Ye Lan's ear and
whispered, "Aunt Ye, I'll go to the bathroom."
"Ah, go go go."
Ever since Ye Lan knew that Qiao Nian had the original shares of Chengfeng
Group, and seemed to be not familiar with the chief designer S, everyone was in
a hurry, and he couldn't wait for a long time, and finally waited for the long-
awaited finale. Xiu, she was a little absent-minded.
Seeing the girl next to her get up in the dark, she reacted, and immediately
lowered her voice again: "Niannian, do you want me to accompany you."
Lanting is one of the top high-end clubs in Beijing, and the site is naturally not
She was afraid that Qiao Nian could not find her way back.
Qiao Nian had been to Lanting once before, and he was not particularly familiar
with it, but it was not the first time. So he bent down and took the earphones off
his neck and put it in place, picked up the phone, and kept his black eyes in his
tone. Answered her calmly: "No, I can go by myself. Aunt Ye, please watch the
"Well...that's okay." Ye Lan warned uneasy: "You come here early."
Qiao Nian agreed quite simply.
She just stayed in for too long, and she was a little bored after sitting for a long
Going to the bathroom is secondary, but getting out of the urine is the main thing.
The Lanting is quite big. Qiao read out the show, and on the way to the
bathroom, he saw several Lanting waiters chatting in the corner of the corridor
with low voices.
"Have you just seen that person? That's it, Tian Siqi... Why is she sitting outside
the show and crying? Isn't the big show still over?"
"I don't know, I heard that I was offended and I was kicked out."
"Who did she offend?"
"Who knows. There are too many people in Beijing. I don’t know who she
offended. It is probably because of someone who shouldn’t be offended. When I
was just passing by, I heard her agent called her and asked her to call I
"Hey, I have seen a lot of marketing accounts on the Internet that broke the news
that she likes to play big names and has a big temper. It seems to be true."
Qiao Nian could only hear her shadowy, when she walked over, the two waiters
who were hiding in the gossip immediately closed their mouths and said nothing.
Tian Siqi?
Qiao Nian didn't care much either. When he passed the corridor, he saw a
person being stopped outside the show from a distance.
She half-closed her black eyes, holding her phone in a lazy posture. Far away,
Qiao Nian only felt that the woman sitting at the door looked familiar, but she was
slightly blind, and she couldn't remember her appearance clearly for people she
didn't meet often...
Qiao Nian just glanced, and walked in the direction of the bathroom.
Lanting is a famous high-end clubhouse in Beijing.
Even a bathroom is decorated with splendor. SEVEN's big show is still in
progress, and it is the finale of the jewelry show.
Very few people come out.
Qiao Nian saw no one on the way.
She had been bored in it for a long time, sitting very impatient, and just came out,
she turned on the spout and flushed her hand, splashing cold water from the gap
between her fingers, she was finally not as impetuous as before.
Anyway, she told Ye Lan and went back immediately without any hurry.
Qiao Nian turned off the faucet, leaned against the wall of the bathroom, took out
the phone, and glanced down.

Chapter 979: Miss Nian, something went wrong

Dididi, the phone keeps ringing since there is a signal.

Qiao Nian even knows that during the time she was watching the show, many
people came to her.
She thought it was Qin Si or Nie Mi.
Who knows to lower your head, look indifferently, and find that the group of
people who have been around the city are sending messages to her.
[Qiao Nian, I’ll call you and turn off your phone. If you see the message, please
call the teacher back. I’ll wait for you. 】
The person who sent the message is Shen Hui.
Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows, some surprise Shen Hui would send her this
Since the end of the college entrance examination, during the time she left the
city to Beijing, Shen Hui rarely sent messages to her except for contacting her
about school matters.
However, during the holidays or when the weather in Beijing cools down, Shen
Hui occasionally sends her a message.
Every time she receives those news, her heart is warm.
Qiao Nian frowned and read the message Shen Hui sent her again. Even if it was
just the cold words, she could feel the anxiety between the lines in Shen Hui's
What happened?
Qiao Nian pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. He was not in a hurry and
immediately returned Shen Hui's call. Instead, he quit and flipped through
Sure enough, Liang Bowen, Shen Qingqing and Chen Yuan all have new news.
Among them, Liang Bowen’s is at the top.
Qiao Nian lowered her neck, pulled down the brim of her hat, and draped her
long legs randomly on the wall, straight and well-proportioned. There was no
extra expression on her face, so she clicked on Liang Bowen’s portrait.
Liang's blog message is very concise.
is just one sentence.
【Sister Nian, something happened! 】.
Shen's house.
Qiao Wei just came out of the bathroom, she took a shower, and blow-dried her
hair by the way. The soft nut hair hung on her shoulders. Her skin became whiter
under the water vapor, puffy, and it looked harmless to humans and animals.
After she came out, the phone rang on the bed.
Qiao Chi calmly put down the towel, walked over, bent over and picked up the
The caller ID is Shen Qiongzhi's number.
She lowered her eyelashes, her facial features were delicate, showing a bit of
gentleness, put the phone to her ear, and connected to the phone.
"Hey, Mom."
As soon as the phone got through, Shen Qiongzhi's worried voice came from
over there and asked her: "Agh, you asked me what I wanted those things for. I
turned around and thought about it, the more uneasy I was, so I called and asked
you, can you? Don't do anything stupid! If you stabbed that matter out, Qiao Nian
would never let you off with her character. That matter itself is not glorious,
Qiao was patient, his eyes darkened, and tenderly interrupted her, saying: "Mom,
I know. I'm not as stupid as you think, don't worry. I just suddenly remembered
what happened before. It's something, I have no other meaning to ask you."
"Nothing else. Don't be impulsive! Even if she is recognized by the Jiang family,
she is not qualified to compare with you if you lean against the Shen family. You
don't have to compete with her and give yourself a match. Go in, you know, she
is a lunatic, a white-eyed wolf, turned his face, a person that the six relatives do
not recognize!
Seeing that Shen Qiongzhi still continued to chatter, Qiao Wei called her
impatiently: "Mom!"
Shen Qiongzhi really calmed down.
Seeing her calm down, Qiao's heart was not impetuous before, and he controlled
his emotions, and said in a calm tone: "I know what you said, don't worry, I will
not do stupid things, she is not worthy of me. fudge!"

Chapter 980: Still thinking about going abroad

In the last sentence, Qiao Ai emphasized the tone very seriously, and the
drooping eyelashes were also trembling, and it was not clear whether she was
speaking to Shen Qiongzhi or speaking to herself.
Shen Qiongzhi was probably frightened by her tone of voice. He didn't dare to
continue this topic. After chatting with Qiao Wei about studying abroad, Qiao Wei
answered her one by one.
At the end, Shen Qiongzhi hung up the phone.
As soon as she hung up Shen Qiongzhi's phone, the gentle and gentle
expression on Qiao An's face gradually converged, becoming indifferent and
Outside the door, the servant of the Shen family was knocking on the door and
telling her that Shen Jingyan would let her go down.
Qiao 嗔 only responded and said that he would go down immediately.
Waiting for the footsteps of the servants outside, she did not rush downstairs, but
went to the desk, dragged the chair away, and slowly opened the pink top on her
The computer page still stays on the post bar of Ring City No. 1 Middle School.
But she received a new message notification in the background-"Hello, the
content you posted has been deleted."
Qiao's eyes are getting colder, his hands are ringing his , so he can watch the
news notification on his backstage for a long time, and snort coldly, not
She never thought that the Post Bar in the No. 1 Middle School would keep her
posts and not delete them.
Her purpose is not to prevent the other party from deleting her posts, on the
contrary, she is eager for the other party to delete her original post.
Qiao 嗔 logged into Weibo slowly.
Since she was plagiarized by name chase last time, she often received various
insults on Weibo, and it was the same for logging in this time.
99+ new Aite and private messages popped up as soon as she entered, and she
didn't read them.
directly searched for Qiao Nian’s name.
I rummaged through a large number of Weibo, and sure enough, I found a Weibo
with a screenshot of the content of the revelation post on the Yizhong Post Bar.
The ID should be a student of No. 1 Middle School. After posting the post with
the screenshot, post A dynamic question was asked: Isn’t this talking about
Senior Sister Qiao Nian?
She raised the corners of her mouth, her eyes flashing with ridicule. She was not
in a hurry to do anything. Instead, she sat in a chair and clicked on the
screenshot. After enjoying the content, she changed hands and bought a
marketing account through overseas domain names to keep up .
Before turning off the computer and going downstairs, Qiao Ai had no intention of
seeing a new hot search hanging on the hot search list.
#田思琪 was kicked out of the SEVEN show midway#.
Her fingers paused for a second, and she thought about who Tian Siqi was.
When she remembered that the other party was a young flower in the
entertainment industry recently, she didn't have much interest.
Especially thinking of the Chengfeng Group behind SEVEN, and the relationship
between Chengfeng Group CEO Yuan Yongqin and Qiao Nian, she just feels
panicked by the hot search in front of her.
She didn't click in to look.
Turn off the computer directly.
After clearing up his mood, he happily went downstairs to discuss with Shen
Jingyan and Wei Ling about going abroad.
It is already a certainty that she is going to study abroad. When she goes abroad
this time, Steven has made a lot of efforts in the middle, and successfully
matched the line to let her win the study abroad quota of the Curtis Institute of
The Curtis Conservatory of Music itself is a highly professional conservatory of
music in the music industry. She went there to study abroad, not much worse
than the Qing Dynasty.
What's more, Curtis College is her teacher's site. She can have more contact
with circles outside Beijing. When she becomes famous outside, she does not
believe that she will come back and enter the circles of Beijing.
Qiao Qi's eyes darkened, and his fingers clenched unconsciously.
If she can, of course she is not willing to leave her hometown to go outside to
develop, but if she continues to stay in Beijing, she will only be overwhelmed by
Qiao Nian.

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