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--------- beginning of main

06-24 16:26:20.591 13586 13624 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service

06-24 16:26:20.596 13586 13624 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 2
06-24 16:26:20.596 13586 13624 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 3
06-24 16:26:20.596 13586 13624 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 4
06-24 16:26:20.596 13586 13624 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 5
06-24 16:26:20.596 13586 13624 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 6
06-24 16:26:20.597 13586 13603 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 3
06-24 16:26:20.597 13586 13602 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 4
06-24 16:26:20.597 13586 13602 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 5
06-24 16:26:20.605 13586 13614 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
06-24 16:26:20.632 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:20.632 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:20.632 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:20.632 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:20.632 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:20.632 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:20.637 13586 13626 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:20.637 13586 13626 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:20.637 13586 13626 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:20.637 13586 13626 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:20.637 13586 13626 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:20.637 13586 13626 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:20.642 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:20.642 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:20.642 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:20.642 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:20.642 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:20.642 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:20.642 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: setFlag Flag:0
06-24 16:26:20.642 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:20.642 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:20.644 13586 13586 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
06-24 16:26:20.644 13586 13586 D DecorView: createDecorCaptionView windowingMode:1
mWindowMode 1 isFullscreen: true
06-24 16:26:20.651 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:20.651 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:20.633 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221541): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:20.651 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:20.651 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:20.651 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:20.651 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:20.653 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:20.653 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:20.653 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:20.653 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:20.653 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:20.653 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:20.660 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:20.660 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:20.660 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:20.660 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:20.660 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:20.660 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:20.664 13586 13628 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:20.665 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:20.665 13586 13628 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:20.666 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:20.672 13586 13624 W CAM_A : Build number (V12.5.9.0.RJFIDXM) is not
a number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689.
06-24 16:26:20.678 13586 13628 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:20.678 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:20.691 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:20.691 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:20.692 13586 13628 W AppSettings: Warning: providing system service
power took 6 ms
06-24 16:26:20.695 13586 13633 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:20.696 13586 13628 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:20.696 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:20.712 13586 13602 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 4 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
06-24 16:26:20.653 13586 13586 W CriticalPath: type=1400 audit(0.0:221542): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:20.673 13586 13586 W CriticalPath: type=1400 audit(0.0:221544): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:20.683 13586 13586 W Camera-Ex: type=1400 audit(0.0:221545): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=10498 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c13,c258,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:20.926 13586 13586 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
06-24 16:26:20.926 13586 13586 I ProReC : setprogres0
06-24 16:26:20.929 13586 13586 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
06-24 16:26:20.929 13586 13586 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
06-24 16:26:20.930 13586 13586 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
06-24 16:26:20.982 13586 13630 W gleCameraLMCR1: Long monitor contention with owner
Camera-Ex (13633) at boolean
ware.camera2.params.InputConfiguration, java.util.List, int,
android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest)(CameraDeviceImpl.java:543) waiters=0 in
void android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl$4.run() for 198ms
06-24 16:26:21.019 13586 13586 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
--------- beginning of system
06-24 16:26:21.027 13586 13586 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
time=0ms latency=820ms running=0ms procState=2
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[android.app.servertransaction.TopResumedActivityChang
eItem] } historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=2 wall=256ms seq=2 late=10ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110) (msgIndex=3 wall=564ms seq=3 late=257ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
06-24 16:26:21.093 13586 13586 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
06-24 16:26:21.105 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build :
436a040394, Ie3251bda9d
06-24 16:26:21.105 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Date :
06-24 16:26:21.105 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
06-24 16:26:21.105 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: Local Branch :
06-24 16:26:21.105 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
06-24 16:26:21.105 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
06-24 16:26:21.105 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: Reconstruct Branch :
06-24 16:26:21.105 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Config : S
P 10.0.7 AArch64
06-24 16:26:21.105 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: Driver
Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so
06-24 16:26:21.110 13586 13615 I AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x016ee190, ME: 0x00000000
06-24 16:26:21.153 13586 13615 E LB : fail to open file: Permission denied
06-24 16:26:21.156 13586 13586 W CAM_A : Was already registered as
ThermalStatusListener on AppStart
06-24 16:26:21.176 13586 13613 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for
using defaults.
06-24 16:26:21.268 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:21.268 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:21.268 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:21.268 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:21.268 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:21.268 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:21.743 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221551): avc:
granted { execute } for
dev="sda11" ino=611328 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c13,c258,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c13,c258,c512,c768 tclass=file
06-24 16:26:21.765 13586 13628 W gleCameraLMCR1: Long monitor contention with owner
GcaGeneric-1 (13614) at void lik.b()(:-1) waiters=0 in void lik.b() for 970ms
06-24 16:26:21.765 13586 13626 W gleCameraLMCR1: Long monitor contention with owner
GcaGeneric-1 (13614) at void lik.b()(:-1) waiters=1 in void lik.b() for 490ms
06-24 16:26:21.773 13586 13586 W gleCameraLMCR1: Long monitor contention with owner
CriticalPath (13628) at void enl.b()(:-1) waiters=0 in void enl.b() for 502ms
06-24 16:26:21.763 13586 13586 W 00UiWorker: type=1400 audit(0.0:221552): avc:
granted { execute } for
dev="sda11" ino=611328 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c13,c258,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c13,c258,c512,c768 tclass=file
06-24 16:26:21.786 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:21.786 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:21.786 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:21.786 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:21.786 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:21.786 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:21.842 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.842 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.843 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.843 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.844 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.844 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.845 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.846 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.847 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:21.847 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:21.847 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:21.847 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:21.847 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:21.847 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:21.853 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: setFlag Flag:0
06-24 16:26:21.853 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.854 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.854 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.854 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.855 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.855 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.855 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.855 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.876 13586 13628 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-0. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:21.876 13586 13628 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to submit a
CaptureRequest for Request-0: There were no surfaces on the request.
06-24 16:26:21.877 13586 13628 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-1. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:21.882 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.887 13586 13628 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-2. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:21.954 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:21.954 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:21.954 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:21.954 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:21.954 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:21.954 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:21.954 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.955 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.956 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:21.956 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:21.956 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:21.956 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:21.956 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:21.956 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:21.957 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.957 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.959 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:21.959 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:21.959 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:21.959 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:21.959 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:21.959 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:21.960 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.960 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.961 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:21.961 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:21.961 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:21.961 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:21.961 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:21.961 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:21.963 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:21.963 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.977 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:21.977 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:21.977 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:21.977 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:21.977 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:21.977 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:21.983 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.987 13586 13628 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-3. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:21.990 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.993 13586 13719 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-4. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:21.996 13586 13719 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:21.997 13586 13719 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-5. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:22.000 13586 13719 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.012 13586 13628 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-6. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:22.015 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.016 13586 13628 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-7. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:22.019 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.020 13586 13628 W CAM_A : UI view not yet initialized
06-24 16:26:22.021 13586 13628 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-8. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:22.024 13586 13628 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.055 13586 13719 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-9. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:22.058 13586 13719 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.060 13586 13719 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-10. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:22.063 13586 13719 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.064 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.064 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.064 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.064 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.064 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.064 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.066 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.066 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.066 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.066 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.066 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.066 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.069 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.069 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.069 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.069 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.069 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.069 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.070 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.070 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.070 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.070 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.070 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.070 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.105 13586 13586 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
06-24 16:26:22.110 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.110 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.110 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.110 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.110 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.110 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.111 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.111 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.111 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.111 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.111 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.111 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.113 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.113 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.113 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.113 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.113 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.113 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.114 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:22.114 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.115 13586 13586 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:22.115 13586 13586 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.150 13586 13719 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-11. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:22.153 13586 13586 I Choreographer: Skipped 66 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
06-24 16:26:22.154 13586 13719 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.155 13586 13719 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-12. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-24 16:26:22.158 13586 13719 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.176 13586 13586 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
06-24 16:26:22.194 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.195 13586 13650 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
1,90 > 1,10
06-24 16:26:22.199 13586 13624 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
06-24 16:26:22.200 13586 13686 E GoLog : INFO: Initialized TensorFlow Lite
06-24 16:26:22.201 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.208 13586 13624 I tflite : Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate
for CPU.
06-24 16:26:22.209 13586 13686 E GoLog : INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK
delegate for CPU.
06-24 16:26:22.209 13586 13624 I tflite : Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
06-24 16:26:22.209 13586 13686 E GoLog : INFO: Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
06-24 16:26:22.216 13586 13586 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
06-24 16:26:22.216 13586 13586 I ProReC : setprogres0
06-24 16:26:22.216 13586 13586 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
06-24 16:26:22.216 13586 13586 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
06-24 16:26:22.216 13586 13586 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
06-24 16:26:22.220 13586 13586 D SurfaceView: UPDATE null, mIsCastMode = false
06-24 16:26:22.225 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.226 13586 13650 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0,47 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:22.258 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.290 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.291 13586 13650 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
1,17 > 1,10
06-24 16:26:22.296 13586 13586 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=143ms
vsyncFrame=3372972 latency=1105ms procState=2 historyMsgCount=49 (msgIndex=1
wall=123ms seq=20 late=1ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) (msgIndex=28 wall=995ms
seq=47 late=125ms h=android.os.Handler c=bwx)
06-24 16:26:22.302 13586 13651 W CAM_SurfaceMap: Surface(name=null)/@0xcedb780 is
valid but deferred streams are not yet available for CaptureSession-0
06-24 16:26:22.302 13586 13651 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-13. The surface is not yet available.
06-24 16:26:22.310 13586 13651 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.311 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.311 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.311 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.311 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.311 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.311 13586 13586 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.314 13586 13586 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
06-24 16:26:22.320 13586 13615 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=1271ms; Flags=1,
IntendedVsync=100626019540224, Vsync=100627119540180,
OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0,
HandleInputStart=100627124933435, AnimationStart=100627124939894,
PerformTraversalsStart=100627125421248, DrawStart=100627205154008,
SyncQueued=100627255233227, SyncStart=100627255775831,
IssueDrawCommandsStart=100627265020362, SwapBuffers=100627287731404,
FrameCompleted=100627292013852, DequeueBufferDuration=458489,
QueueBufferDuration=790677, GpuCompleted=0,
06-24 16:26:22.322 13586 13614 W CAM_SurfaceMap: Surface(name=null)/@0xcedb780 is
valid but deferred streams are not yet available for CaptureSession-0
06-24 16:26:22.322 13586 13614 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-14. The surface is not yet available.
06-24 16:26:22.333 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.353 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.354 13586 13650 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
1,11 > 1,10
06-24 16:26:22.360 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local
snapshot for
may result in stale flags.
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed: pkg=com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17,
atk=false, ver=232216037.true (go/gsrlt)
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.s(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.get(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.I(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.ad(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nfm.d(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ngq.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:
atk=false, ver=232216037.true (go/gsrlt)
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at bmn.z(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ktz.a(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kjd.f(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.t(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.u(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.g(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.h(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.b(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at klz.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at klt.d(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
klu.handleMessage(Unknown Source:307)
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ksg.b(Unknown
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.362 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:22.366 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.378 13586 13614 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type
feature.acmi.imu.camera-orientation! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
06-24 16:26:22.378 13586 13614 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type
feature.acmi.imu.camera-orientation! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
06-24 16:26:22.387 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:22.387 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.392 13586 13598 I gleCameraLMCR1: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
RunEmptyCheckpoint on ProfileSaver for 29.040ms
06-24 16:26:22.398 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:22.398 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.400 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : QueryAfter gets exception in
transforming a cursor.
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : okf: Item has invalid dimensions (0x0).
Perhaps scan failed, look for MediaProvider logs:
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at obr.as(Unknown Source:18)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.b(Unknown Source:288)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfp.apply(Unknown Source:22)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.d(Unknown Source:87)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfb.run(Unknown Source:481)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbh.run(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lab.run(Unknown Source:5)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : QueryAfter gets exception in
transforming a cursor.
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : okf: Item has invalid dimensions (0x0).
Perhaps scan failed, look for MediaProvider logs:
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at obr.as(Unknown Source:18)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.b(Unknown Source:288)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfp.apply(Unknown Source:22)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.d(Unknown Source:87)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfb.run(Unknown Source:481)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbh.run(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.431 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lab.run(Unknown Source:5)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : QueryAfter gets exception in
transforming a cursor.
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : okf: Item has invalid dimensions (0x0).
Perhaps scan failed, look for MediaProvider logs:
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at obr.as(Unknown Source:18)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.b(Unknown Source:288)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfp.apply(Unknown Source:22)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.d(Unknown Source:87)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfb.run(Unknown Source:481)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbh.run(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lab.run(Unknown Source:5)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : QueryAfter gets exception in
transforming a cursor.
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : okf: Item has invalid dimensions (0x0).
Perhaps scan failed, look for MediaProvider logs:
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at obr.as(Unknown Source:18)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.b(Unknown Source:288)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfp.apply(Unknown Source:22)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.d(Unknown Source:87)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfb.run(Unknown Source:481)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbh.run(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.432 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lab.run(Unknown Source:5)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : QueryAfter gets exception in
transforming a cursor.
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : okf: Item has invalid dimensions (0x0).
Perhaps scan failed, look for MediaProvider logs:
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at obr.as(Unknown Source:18)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.b(Unknown Source:288)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfp.apply(Unknown Source:22)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfr.d(Unknown Source:87)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at dfb.run(Unknown Source:481)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbh.run(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lbg.run(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:22.433 13586 13611 E CAM_A : at lab.run(Unknown Source:5)
06-24 16:26:22.440 13586 13745 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
06-24 16:26:22.446 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.452 13586 13747 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
06-24 16:26:22.464 13586 13614 W CAM_CameraDeviceVerifie: Tag CameraDeviceVerifier
is 1 chars longer than limit.
06-24 16:26:22.467 13586 13745 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services:
06-24 16:26:22.480 13586 13747 I CCodec : Created component
06-24 16:26:22.481 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
06-24 16:26:22.483 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.484 13586 13747 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
06-24 16:26:22.485 13586 13747 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
06-24 16:26:22.485 13586 13747 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.485 13586 13747 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.485 13586 13745 I CCodec : Created component
06-24 16:26:22.485 13586 13747 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.486 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
06-24 16:26:22.487 13586 13747 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.487 13586 13747 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
06-24 16:26:22.489 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: }
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13747 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13745 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for language
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for file-format
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13745 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13745 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.491 13586 13745 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodecConfig: config failed => CORRUPTED
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13745 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 65307
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : } and output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-24 16:26:22.492 13586 13747 D CCodec : }
06-24 16:26:22.493 13586 13745 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.494 13586 13745 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-24 16:26:22.494 13586 13747 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-24 16:26:22.494 13586 13747 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-24 16:26:22.495 13586 13745 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: }
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13747 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13747 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13747 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#294] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 17 - OK (0)
06-24 16:26:22.496 13586 13745 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
06-24 16:26:22.497 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
06-24 16:26:22.497 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
06-24 16:26:22.497 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
06-24 16:26:22.497 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for language
06-24 16:26:22.497 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for file-format
06-24 16:26:22.497 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
06-24 16:26:22.497 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: config failed => CORRUPTED
06-24 16:26:22.497 13586 13745 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
raw.sample-rate.value = 44100
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13747 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#294] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 5529 - OK
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 65307
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : } and output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13745 D CCodec : }
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13747 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#294] Configured output block pool ids 5529 => OK
06-24 16:26:22.498 13586 13747 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#294] start: updating output delay 0
06-24 16:26:22.499 13586 13747 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Inappropriate ioctl for device
06-24 16:26:22.499 13586 13745 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-24 16:26:22.499 13586 13745 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-24 16:26:22.500 13586 13745 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
06-24 16:26:22.503 13586 13745 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
06-24 16:26:22.503 13586 13745 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#189] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 18 - OK (0)
06-24 16:26:22.504 13586 13745 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#189] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 5530 - OK
06-24 16:26:22.505 13586 13745 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#189] Configured output block pool ids 5530 => OK
06-24 16:26:22.505 13586 13745 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#189] start: updating output delay 0
06-24 16:26:22.508 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.510 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.510 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.510 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.510 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.510 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.510 13586 13624 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.513 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-24 16:26:22.513 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-24 16:26:22.513 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:2
06-24 16:26:22.513 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:3
06-24 16:26:22.513 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:4
06-24 16:26:22.513 13586 13628 D CameraManager2: GotArray:6
06-24 16:26:22.514 13586 13586 W CBVerifier: Registering phenotype for
06-24 16:26:22.520 13586 13747 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
06-24 16:26:22.523 13586 13745 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
06-24 16:26:22.535 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.570 13586 13753 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
06-24 16:26:22.572 13586 13753 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
06-24 16:26:22.612 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.618 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:22.618 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.621 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:22.621 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.643 13586 13747 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#294] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-24 16:26:22.643 13586 13747 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#294] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-24 16:26:22.643 13586 13747 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#294] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-24 16:26:22.643 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.648 13586 13760 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
06-24 16:26:22.680 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.692 13586 13598 I gleCameraLMCR1: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 52092(2815KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(112KB) LOS objects, 41% free, 34MB/58MB,
paused 1.176ms total 168.174ms
06-24 16:26:22.737 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.753 13586 13624 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
06-24 16:26:22.753 13586 13686 E GoLog : INFO: Initialized TensorFlow Lite
06-24 16:26:22.757 13586 13745 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#189] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-24 16:26:22.758 13586 13745 I chatty :
uid=10525(com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17) NDK MediaCodec_ identical 1 line
06-24 16:26:22.758 13586 13745 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#189] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-24 16:26:22.759 13586 13768 I tflite : Replacing 271 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteGpuDelegate_New) node, yielding 1 partitions.
06-24 16:26:22.759 13586 13686 E GoLog : INFO: Replacing 271 node(s) with
delegate (TfLiteGpuDelegate_New) node, yielding 1 partitions.
06-24 16:26:22.765 13586 13770 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
06-24 16:26:22.765 13586 13614 W Glide : Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule.
You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on
com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in your application and a @GlideModule annotated
AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored
06-24 16:26:22.753 13586 13586 W 00UiWorker: type=1400 audit(0.0:221622): avc:
granted { execute } for
dev="sda11" ino=611328 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c13,c258,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c13,c258,c512,c768 tclass=file
06-24 16:26:22.774 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.775 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:22.775 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:22.780 13586 13614 I TetheringManager:
06-24 16:26:22.826 13586 13768 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.831 13586 13781 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 149924527; UID 10525; state: ENABLED
06-24 16:26:22.831 13586 13781 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 132649864; UID 10525; state: DISABLED
06-24 16:26:22.841 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.842 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:22.881 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.882 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:22.882 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:22.893 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.894 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:22.951 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.952 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:22.952 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:22.958 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:22.958 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.953 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221623): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:22.961 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:22.961 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:22.953 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221624): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:22.989 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:22.990 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:23.039 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.063 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.102 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.105 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:23.105 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:23.109 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.109 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.103 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221625): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:23.114 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.116 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.103 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221626): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:23.193 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.194 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:23.219 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.232 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.252 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.252 13586 13615 W RenderInspector: QueueBuffer time out on
com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher, count=1,
avg=47 ms, max=47 ms.
06-24 16:26:23.272 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.361 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.362 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99,83 ms > 70,00 ms
06-24 16:26:23.363 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
2,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:23.363 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,99 >
06-24 16:26:23.366 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.367 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.369 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.369 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.396 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.397 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,67 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:23.427 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.460 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.492 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.530 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.566 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.570 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.570 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.572 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.572 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.599 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.626 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.665 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.695 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.729 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.762 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.766 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.766 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.769 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.770 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.763 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221632): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:23.796 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.828 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.865 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.894 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.934 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.971 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.977 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.978 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.980 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:23.980 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:23.963 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221633): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:23.998 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:23.973 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221634): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:24.016 13586 13611 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for
17, using defaults.
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local
snapshot for
17, may result in stale flags.
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed: pkg=com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17,
atk=false, ver=232216037.true (go/gsrlt)
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.s(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.get(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.I(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.ad(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nfm.d(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ngq.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:
atk=false, ver=232216037.true (go/gsrlt)
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at bmn.z(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ktz.a(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kjd.f(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.t(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.u(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.e(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
kkg.handleMessage(Unknown Source:920)
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ksg.b(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.023 13586 13673 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-24 16:26:24.036 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.070 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.099 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.133 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.165 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.169 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.169 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.172 13586 13586 V MiuiFrameworkFactory: get AllImpl object =
06-24 16:26:24.173 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.173 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.163 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221635): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:24.176 13586 13586 W MirrorManager: this model don't Support
06-24 16:26:24.163 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221636): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:24.207 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.232 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.272 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.276 13586 13586 W MediaFsQModule: Returning Q MediaFs implementation
06-24 16:26:24.308 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.344 13586 13604 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 150939131; UID 10525; state: DISABLED
06-24 16:26:24.346 13586 13628 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(112):
AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by server; frameCount 0 -> 12440
06-24 16:26:24.361 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.378 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.381 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.383 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.384 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.403 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.408 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.408 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.410 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.411 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.446 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.446 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.460 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.461 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.462 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.465 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.483 13586 13855 E libgcam : [validate.cc:63]: ErrorIfLess: Invalid
condition: post_raw_digital_gain (0.990000) < 1.000000
06-24 16:26:24.484 13586 13855 W libgcam : [shot.cc:1366]: AddPayloadFrame:
Dropping invalid frame: Payload frame 0 metadata check failed.
06-24 16:26:24.486 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.486 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.489 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.489 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.504 13586 13855 E libgcam : [validate.cc:63]: ErrorIfLess: Invalid
condition: post_raw_digital_gain (0.990000) < 1.000000
06-24 16:26:24.504 13586 13855 W libgcam : [shot.cc:1366]: AddPayloadFrame:
Dropping invalid frame: Payload frame 0 metadata check failed.
06-24 16:26:24.505 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.505 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.507 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.507 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.517 13586 13855 E libgcam : [validate.cc:63]: ErrorIfLess: Invalid
condition: post_raw_digital_gain (0.990000) < 1.000000
06-24 16:26:24.517 13586 13855 W libgcam : [shot.cc:1366]: AddPayloadFrame:
Dropping invalid frame: Payload frame 0 metadata check failed.
06-24 16:26:24.519 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.520 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.521 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.521 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.521 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:24.521 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.522 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:24.542 13586 13855 E libgcam : [validate.cc:63]: ErrorIfLess: Invalid
condition: post_raw_digital_gain (0.990000) < 1.000000
06-24 16:26:24.542 13586 13855 W libgcam : [shot.cc:1366]: AddPayloadFrame:
Dropping invalid frame: Payload frame 0 metadata check failed.
06-24 16:26:24.543 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.543 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.545 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.545 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.560 13586 13855 E libgcam : [validate.cc:63]: ErrorIfLess: Invalid
condition: post_raw_digital_gain (0.990000) < 1.000000
06-24 16:26:24.560 13586 13855 W libgcam : [shot.cc:1366]: AddPayloadFrame:
Dropping invalid frame: Payload frame 0 metadata check failed.
06-24 16:26:24.561 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.561 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:24.562 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.562 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.564 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.564 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.574 13586 13855 E libgcam : [validate.cc:63]: ErrorIfLess: Invalid
condition: post_raw_digital_gain (0.990000) < 1.000000
06-24 16:26:24.574 13586 13855 W libgcam : [shot.cc:1366]: AddPayloadFrame:
Dropping invalid frame: Payload frame 0 metadata check failed.
06-24 16:26:24.575 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.575 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.577 13586 13855 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.577 13586 13855 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.585 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.592 13586 13855 E libgcam : [validate.cc:63]: ErrorIfLess: Invalid
condition: post_raw_digital_gain (0.990000) < 1.000000
06-24 16:26:24.592 13586 13855 W libgcam : [shot.cc:1366]: AddPayloadFrame:
Dropping invalid frame: Payload frame 0 metadata check failed.
06-24 16:26:24.594 13586 13692 E libgcam : [shot.cc:1901]:
EndPayloadFrames_BkgThread_ValidateShot: One or more payload frames must be
06-24 16:26:24.594 13586 13692 E libgcam : [shot.cc:2398]: FatalError:
06-24 16:26:24.595 13586 13692 E CAM_A : HDR+ pipeline reported error for shotId
06-24 16:26:24.596 13586 13855 E libgcam : [shot.cc:2398]: FatalError: Shot was in
invalid state (likely due to an earlier error).
06-24 16:26:24.596 13586 13855 E libgcam : [pipeline_manager.cc:738]:
EndShotCapture: Shot::EndShotCapture failed (shot_id = 0).
06-24 16:26:24.598 13586 13855 W libgcam : [shot_callback_invoker.cc:55]: OnAbort:
OnAbort (shot_id=0): Status callback already invoked!
06-24 16:26:24.598 13586 13855 W libgcam : [pipeline_manager.cc:799]: AbortShot:
Shot aborted by AbortShot() during capture (shot_id = 0).
06-24 16:26:24.599 13586 13855 E CAM_A : Error ending the HDR+ payload, aborting
shot 0
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E libgcam : [pipeline_manager.cc:778]: AbortShot:
Shot with id 0 not found!
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : Aborted main ZSL shot, not executing
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : dma: Error ending the HDR+ payload,
aborting shot 0
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at hbb.f(Unknown Source:175)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at hbb.h(Unknown Source:66)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at hbb.g(Unknown Source:55)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at haw.d(Unknown Source:9)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at hbd.c(Unknown Source:138)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at haw.c(Unknown Source:7)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at hab.c(Unknown Source:51)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at gop.c(Unknown Source:288)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at gov.c(Unknown Source:21)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at gom.c(Unknown Source:39)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at gou.c(Unknown Source:7)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at got.c(Unknown Source:75)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at gpc.a(Unknown Source:180)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at gia.run(Unknown Source:42)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at pio.a(Unknown Source:2)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at phs.run(Unknown Source:20)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at pip.run(Unknown Source:4)
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at
06-24 16:26:24.600 13586 13855 E CAM_A : at lab.run(Unknown Source:5)
06-24 16:26:24.601 13586 13855 W CAM_A : [ShotId-0] finishWithFailure, throwable
message = Error ending the HDR+ payload, aborting shot 0
06-24 16:26:24.601 13586 13855 W CAM_A : [ShotId-0] Could not cancel MediaStore
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_A : onCaptureFailed-API2_AUTO_HDR_PLUS
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: Shot Exception!
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: dma: Error ending the HDR+
payload, aborting shot 0
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at hbb.f(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at hbb.h(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at hbb.g(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at haw.d(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at hbd.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at haw.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at hab.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at gop.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at gov.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at gom.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at gou.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at got.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at gpc.a(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at gia.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at pio.a(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at phs.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at pip.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at
06-24 16:26:24.603 13586 13855 W CAM_ShotFailureHdlr: at lab.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:24.615 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.621 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.621 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.624 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.625 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.639 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.661 13872 13872 I libc : SetHeapTaggingLevel: tag level set to 0
06-24 16:26:24.668 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.672 13586 13869 W CAM_A : [ShotId-0]
Mediagroup.Listener#onAbandoned: PXL_20230624_162624274 (MediaGroup-0)
06-24 16:26:24.674 13872 13872 E 17:crash_repor: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-24 16:26:24.702 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.729 13872 13872 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class
loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
06-24 16:26:24.732 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.769 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.772 13872 13872 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
06-24 16:26:24.792 13872 13872 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
06-24 16:26:24.793 13872 13872 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
06-24 16:26:24.796 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.799 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.799 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.801 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:24.801 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.793 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221657): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:24.793 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221658): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:24.833 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.834 13872 13919 W 17:crash_repor: Accessing hidden field
Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (greylist-
max-o, reflection, denied)
06-24 16:26:24.835 13872 13919 W 17:crash_repor: Accessing hidden method
(greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
06-24 16:26:24.835 13872 13919 W 17:crash_repor: Accessing hidden method
Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
06-24 16:26:24.873 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: Failed to get service from
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed: pkg=com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17,
atk=false, ver=232216037.true (go/gsrlt)
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at kmb.r(Unknown Source:137)
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at kke.run(Unknown Source:53)
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at ksg.b(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at
06-24 16:26:24.885 13872 13919 E GoogleApiManager: at
06-24 16:26:24.901 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.937 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.964 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:24.997 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.000 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.000 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:25.002 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.002 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:24.993 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221659): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:25.034 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.063 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.103 13586 13586 E CAM_A : Error retrieving Gcam metadata.
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Waited 500 milliseconds (plus 125260
nanoseconds delay) for pih@81483b4[status=PENDING]
06-24 16:26:25.104 13586 13586 W CAM_A : Submitting log event with zero file size
06-24 16:26:25.113 13586 13586 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=2ms
vsyncFrame=3373167 latency=494ms procState=2 historyMsgCount=6 (msgIndex=1
wall=504ms seq=754 h=android.os.Handler c=bwx)
06-24 16:26:25.129 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.145 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.162 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.204 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.207 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.193 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221661): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:25.208 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:25.210 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.210 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:25.239 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.264 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.300 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.331 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.381 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.398 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.402 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.402 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:25.404 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.405 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:25.434 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.464 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.506 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.530 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.572 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.598 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.604 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.604 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:25.608 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.608 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:25.632 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.669 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.709 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.731 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.758 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.793 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.796 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.796 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:25.798 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:25.798 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:25.835 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.861 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.896 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.932 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:25.962 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.007 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.013 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221669): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:26.018 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.018 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.022 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.022 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.043 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.064 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.100 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.124 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.160 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.197 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.201 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.201 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.203 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.203 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.193 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221671): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:26.233 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.266 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.296 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.328 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.366 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.399 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.405 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.393 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221673): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:26.405 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.409 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.410 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.443 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.465 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.497 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.530 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.560 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.594 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.597 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.597 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.601 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.602 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.632 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.659 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.696 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.724 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.764 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.800 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.808 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.808 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.811 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:26.811 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:26.834 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.854 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.895 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.933 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.963 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.995 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:26.999 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.000 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.004 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.010 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.044 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.063 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.140 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.145 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:27.145 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:27.163 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.163 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:27.193 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.224 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.228 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.228 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.230 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.230 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.213 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221681): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:27.223 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221682): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:27.269 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.293 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.329 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.366 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.395 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.432 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.436 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.437 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.439 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.439 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.423 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221683): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:27.433 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221684): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:27.457 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.493 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.497 13586 13752 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x7036a96e28 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 3/9 (recycle/alloc) - 6/40
06-24 16:26:27.497 13586 13752 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1,
evicted: 1
06-24 16:26:27.531 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.562 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.596 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.631 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.636 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.636 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.638 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.639 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.623 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221685): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:27.660 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.696 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.730 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.764 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.795 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.833 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.837 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.837 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.840 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:27.840 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:27.858 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.892 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.926 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.965 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:27.997 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.050 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.055 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.055 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.058 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.059 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.073 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.102 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.122 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.161 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.198 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.226 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.229 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.229 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.231 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.231 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.223 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221691): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:28.262 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.304 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.326 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.357 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.386 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.426 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.430 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.430 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.423 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221693): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:28.432 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.432 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.472 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.493 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.497 13586 13752 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x6f712d7828 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 3/9 (recycle/alloc) - 6/82
06-24 16:26:28.497 13586 13752 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1,
evicted: 1
06-24 16:26:28.526 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.563 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.592 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.635 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.645 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.645 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.633 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221695): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:28.649 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.649 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.661 13586 13586 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.694 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.733 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.760 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.798 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.829 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.832 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.832 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.834 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:28.834 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:28.841 13586 13598 I gleCameraLMCR1: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC
freed 376821(13MB) AllocSpace objects, 9(34MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 9121KB/17MB,
paused 255us total 161.295ms
06-24 16:26:28.862 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.892 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.931 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.958 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:28.999 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.029 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.033 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.034 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.035 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.036 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.053 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.093 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.129 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.161 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.205 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.222 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.227 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.228 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.230 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.230 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.262 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.295 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.325 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.364 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.394 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.442 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.447 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.447 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.433 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221703): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:29.453 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.454 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.443 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221704): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:29.465 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.487 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.525 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.552 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.592 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.632 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.643 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.644 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.633 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221705): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:29.653 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.654 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.643 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221706): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:29.674 13586 13586 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.696 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.718 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.760 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.798 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.799 13872 13916 I 17:crash_repor: Waiting for a blocking GC
06-24 16:26:29.813 13872 13916 I 17:crash_repor: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 11.988ms
06-24 16:26:29.825 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.829 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.829 13872 13891 I 17:crash_repor: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
RunEmptyCheckpoint on ProfileSaver for 10.947ms
06-24 16:26:29.829 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.823 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221707): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:29.831 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:29.831 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:29.861 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.890 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.931 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.955 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:29.990 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.025 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.029 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.029 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.033 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.033 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.059 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.087 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.127 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.161 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.199 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.224 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.228 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.228 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.230 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.230 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.265 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.292 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.327 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.363 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.401 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.423 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.426 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.426 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.428 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.428 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.458 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.491 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.525 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.555 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.587 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.618 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.621 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.621 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.623 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.623 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.613 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221715): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:30.662 13586 13586 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.685 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.724 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.764 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.799 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.827 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.823 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221717): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:30.834 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.834 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.845 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:30.833 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221718): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:30.845 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:30.862 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.890 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.926 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.957 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:30.991 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.022 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.025 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.025 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.027 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.027 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.013 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221719): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:31.062 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.085 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.122 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.154 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.194 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.224 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.227 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.227 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.230 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.230 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.259 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.288 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.323 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.354 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.389 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.426 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.429 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.429 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.431 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.431 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.455 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.489 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.525 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.557 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.589 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.624 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.626 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.627 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.628 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.628 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.623 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221726): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:31.658 13586 13586 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.689 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.724 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.761 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.789 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.823 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.813 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221727): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:31.827 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.827 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.830 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:31.830 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:31.823 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221728): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:31.871 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.890 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.926 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.955 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:31.992 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.034 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.040 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:32.040 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:32.046 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:32.046 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:32.033 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221729): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:32.063 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.088 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.124 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.152 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.188 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.224 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.229 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:32.229 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:32.233 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:32.233 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:32.259 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.286 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.327 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.360 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.393 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.426 13586 13586 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x8,
repeatCount=0, eventTime=100637392, downTime=100637392, deviceId=-1, source=0x101,
displayId=-1 }
06-24 16:26:32.431 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.431 13586 13586 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x8,
repeatCount=0, eventTime=100637392, downTime=100637392, deviceId=-1, source=0x101,
displayId=-1 }
06-24 16:26:32.431 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,25 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:32.433 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:32.434 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:32.438 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:32.439 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:32.455 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.456 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,33 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:32.486 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Retrieving snapshot for
com.google.android.apps.camera#com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17 failed
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed: pkg=com.google.android.GoogleCameraLMCR17,
atk=false, ver=232216037.true (go/gsrlt)
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at mip.fb(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at mip.cd(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.c(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.e(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.b(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gvh.a(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gvj.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at law.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at pio.a(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at phs.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at pip.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at lbh.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at lbg.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at lab.run(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:
atk=false, ver=232216037.true (go/gsrlt)
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at bmn.z(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ktz.a(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kjd.f(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.t(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.u(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.e(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
kkg.handleMessage(Unknown Source:920)
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ksg.b(Unknown
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.530 13586 13614 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-24 16:26:32.546 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.589 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.594 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,25 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:32.640 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.706 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.707 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,33 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:32.715 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:32.716 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:32.720 13586 13614 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:32.720 13586 13614 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:32.703 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221736): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:32.713 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:221737): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:32.761 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.762 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
83,37 ms > 70,00 ms
06-24 16:26:32.763 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:32.763 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:32.823 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.824 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:32.874 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.922 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:32.929 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
83,37 ms > 70,00 ms
06-24 16:26:32.929 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:32.929 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:33.008 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.009 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.010 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,25 >
06-24 16:26:33.047 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.048 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1,25 >
06-24 16:26:33.054 13586 13650 W CAM_AutoFlashIndicator: No converged AE result for
31 frames,falling back to single-image auto-flash photo
06-24 16:26:33.055 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.057 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,60 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.057 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:33.064 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:33.064 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:33.069 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:33.075 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:33.053 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221738): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:33.063 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221739): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:33.113 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.116 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
74,92 ms > 70,00 ms
06-24 16:26:33.116 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,25 >
06-24 16:26:33.179 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.181 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:33.251 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.252 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.315 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.326 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.327 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:33.334 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.346 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.354 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:33.354 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:33.361 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.364 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:33.365 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:33.343 13586 13586 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:221740): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=10280
tcontext=u:object_r:camx_hq_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-24 16:26:33.392 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.393 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.394 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:33.478 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.479 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:33.493 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.500 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,50 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.538 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.565 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.565 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,25 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.578 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:33.579 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:33.598 13586 13624 D StreamConfigurationMap: : packageName:
06-24 16:26:33.599 13586 13624 E libc : Access denied finding property
06-24 16:26:33.607 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.608 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,33 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.630 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.697 13586 13586 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
06-24 16:26:33.776 13586 13651 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 335
(images were captured)
06-24 16:26:33.777 13586 13650 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
06-24 16:26:33.778 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1,00 > 0,25
06-24 16:26:33.778 13586 13650 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2,00 >
06-24 16:26:33.781 13586 13651 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 328
06-24 16:26:33.783 13586 13651 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 329
06-24 16:26:33.787 13586 13651 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 330
06-24 16:26:33.787 13586 13647 W CAM_RAW10w4000: Received onBufferLost from Stream-
0 for frame 329 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
06-24 16:26:33.787 13586 13647 W CAM_RAW10w4000: Received onBufferLost from Stream-
0 for frame 330 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
06-24 16:26:33.787 13586 13651 W CAM_MetadataDst: onCaptureFailed for Frame 331
06-24 16:26:33.787 13586 13647 W CAM_RAW10w4000: Received onBufferLost from Stream-
0 for frame 331 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
06-24 16:26:33.791 13586 13649 W CAM_YUV_420_888w1280: Received onBufferLost from
Stream-1 for frame 329 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
06-24 16:26:33.791 13586 13649 W CAM_YUV_420_888w1280: Received onBufferLost from
Stream-1 for frame 330 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
06-24 16:26:33.791 13586 13649 W CAM_YUV_420_888w1280: Received onBufferLost from
Stream-1 for frame 331 but was unable to find a matching request to abort.
06-24 16:26:33.795 13586 13855 E native : E0624 16:26:33.795090 13855
jni_environment.cc:81] Failed to detach current thread from the JVM.
JavaVM::DetachCurrentThread returned: -1
06-24 16:26:33.795 13586 13686 E GoLog : E0624 16:26:33.795090 13855
jni_environment.cc:81] Failed to detach current thread from the JVM.
JavaVM::DetachCurrentThread returned: -1
06-24 16:26:33.806 13586 13586 W CAM_A : Duplicate call to stopModule; skipping
06-24 16:26:33.936 13586 13602 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 3
06-24 16:26:33.936 13586 13602 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 4
06-24 16:26:33.937 13586 13602 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 5
06-24 16:26:33.957 13586 13602 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 4 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
06-24 16:26:42.741 13586 13602 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 5

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