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Hficial niligence us a wlde ougha ranch a Crpukr

SCience Chtevned wI-h uldina 8hmatt rachines cahable a

petfnming tasks hot tYþically uAuive humah untellge hte.
To ndeysand what s Avtficial nelligence, You must
Khow what us wde lligehce ?
So untelligehte we wiU go hrough Data,hfamahox,
S w

Knowledg e and finally u he fellowinA rder

Data ae haw facts anel Hgures.
taY nAhon us Paocemed Data
Khowled pe us efailed hderstand and
to acqjuve,
htelligehee u s the ability implies
howledge or we say h a t uutelligente
apply b e able to adapt Jo
e w 31 tuatchsS.
a mach'ne must

AI u he btanch
n t elligence ?

wha vs Artiticial
study and cyeatich he
Loper Scjehce
ChceThed wI th
Syglems +hat behane o m e farm utelligence.
o Cmpur nehts tesR
. u n s hat a s n w ncwloh3 about
hat JmastM and daa u u
2. Sns
wofld Cnund

3 ttms hat an hders land hatural Janguage

hatp4rCe iue visual Cehe. tha
dhaperfot 0her types
5. Systms
humau ybe untellgence.
thungs to
ld, and dufferent mLans
AI us a bnoad ie mpuler to
with geing
uHewnt people. J4 s humah uAle lligeuce . HoweueT, havjng-
do a s ks Hhat J g u n
many usks
whych e mght
Sad a t , there a
telligchae, 3uch as mpeT
a s ohably tinK Jmgu
21hmt fic whth mpulers cau do veAN easily.Cohversely,
theve anl hany asRSHat la olo whsu even
Huuking uch as JAl Loghizing a face- hiih an extamely
Camp to auemale. AI us LOh &erhed wh hese difficutt
taskswhuch eeha do 4unL tmlen and ophis Hated
sohs ha sorenesy and Khswledge.
AI us wually detined as he JClehte o making
Cohpukrs do Mings Hhat Juguunt mel1gehte
hunans . AI has had eme uLcess
he by
unika, or sinplifted demauns
0ther De-fini Hens AI - AI s wually dtiu
hat iguwt
sClece a making Lotnpuer dohUns
Uhelleguhte i k e hunans

CS hat us heThed wlL he

2. AI w bhanch of
auomahn o ntelligent
to fom plans o achieve
3neliqunte ws h abi lity
wlHh an unfeah cu hd ehviroument
ods, y wteracting

u u t + -eay o uel
Histry o AI Alhough
us l9ive
He hutory AL
0ut hi hutry ay AL, sHl
First elechodc wnuleT
144 -

Arst totmueTCial stere d prgram

8 ith AI
language (Jst rocessing
956- 195 DoDs advanud Rscavch fujech
Shat o
1963 MICYOWld yan

19 70
Frs+ Expert &yst
PROLDG Laguag nwalad
19 72
PRDgrahdng LOG1ic)
1 9 5 , o h n me Cavthy colhed he tan " rtificial

elligente" as ha epic at he Dasthmouth Cenerehte.

1 9 5 8 , ohn McCaTthy wwwted h e isp laguage
h1972, Pralog oluelpeo h A la Colmerauer.

1997, Dee B l dsaks He Wdld Ches Chahpioh Kas pavov.

2002, u Robot, Founcled -sy Aus eanche at Hhe mIT
Arhifiial hlelligehte hab, uroducad Roomba, a vacuum
cleaig Robot. By 2006, tso million Jhalhaeh iold.

Fouwndatios oAtifiuial htelligente

I. Philbsophye.a, fouhdahonal ws4e (can a mathune
hink ?), wsues KABwledg4e anol balieve , huual Knowledge.

2. Psychol0gy anal ehitve Sciehte -

eg., p70blem Solvin

Ne-Sciehce e9., brain achikckuve

. Compuk SCente aud éngineet ng- e.g Certmp lerity

heory algomthmS i C njevehce, progYanhd ng lanqugd
uwl dys l e aw ldi ng

5. MatHhemaHics anal Phyais . eg,3aHstical mod eling

htiuDL mathnaics
S u b reas o AL.

O ame Plang- Deeh Blue Ches PTDgam sat wold

Champioh biay Kasparov
Speech RetggalHom PECASUS po Reh Jonguaq wuterfau
o Ameican Avlines EAASY SABRE esevaion ,
allow users Obtain Hight untotmaHon anad
nas ervaHons 0ve the telophe

3 hpuey Visi . aue eoghition rams u h s

yonRs, govaYhment ete.C AutoHOmous ,4stem fo
Land Vehicle una Neumal Hefo)
CMU auto h omblusly dhove a vah Om Nas hinAtOL, D.
to San Dief0, aeYaging- 63 mbh day and nighk, ane
in a l w eather tehdihohs. HanelwmHng hioghiHon,
elcronics aal manuackuing whechon, photo ua terproddti
baggaqe nspechn, awerse ehqneeing o autemaHcaly
Chu u t a 3D Dme i c s d e l .

erbert Syshns Applicahan ahocific stems hat

obteinin4 he Awowledge human experts Un

uly on

C ahua anol p70gYamml y hat Rhouledae uunle a $yste

a) DiaghsHc Sys Fes myciN sten for diaghs)'ng "

bacle1al techoms o he bl0od ano ugshing-

heatmehk. DENDRAL oluelped at Stanferd wwiversity.
DECs XCON A43tu tot uwto+
(6dysth ngurahm - harduarL whhguYah on , Radiotherapy

tyutmeht plannl h4
fevehte methade
5 mathemautical Therem Proving , DaL

b ve new hoVemS
AltaVistals tiaislabay
6NaHYal konguage Undas tahding. -

otwub pases
O.Hficial Hena Netwrkks
8). Mathine uaTning

Applicahom ot AI.- O Business, finanClal s hategies

Engtneen CluLk to h a e
de[iqu, offr suggestícns
w o dut, expe7t s 4stemster all egtneeihg pbleks
3Mahufacknng - arsembly,unshechon and
ahnel mainkehante

4 Medicine mohitaint, diaqhes)n

(3) Educahon Teaching
Fraud detethon
Obje cr dehtificahon
atmah on hutmeval

ALan 195o, published

TURIN leST. Tui un

whieh mgeved
wn he mihd magazine,
machine AinR 2
a C&hhoveYsal opre, Covn
Can a


i an
tahon hame
Tuing rohated n h e umd
tahcn game,

mo oifted to Turi Test


mali, female, aa
Hhee humans - a

thelayers n e whu u s s
h i e l d e d hom Hh
Cd an
b ot o heh
the and
uston d bo who
Who us
other wo, asRs answ
d i e r m i n es
her tyae wmen male u
basesl on
aum a
h e male
Who emals. . The
male anol deceiue he w
he n trrogaker
mitae he demall w avide aules
Jo us
Jole o
female h
about e
her vuL
r uL
ad he Cbout
form Hh w lerogakar
Hhat wO uld
The Huning hst us a light vasiahon o Hus imilaton
9m wherln "Jhe u m a h terrogalor khiw LDmmuw Hha
wih he layer via a tletyhe - ohe h u m o n -

0her, a maLchi ne.

us 9Ie b e l o .

The oiag vahhaahc eetntehon

mathind moLchunl

Aoom B3
Rooh A

Aoom C

h emogaBer

Turingprupesed that uy he human unenogcaHe un
TOom C h t able e udentfy who us in soom A
JAD oD B h mauwhe 4es8es telligen ce
h sh+ > 3 h0oms omtan- a peSon, a Uimbuler aned an
un hanegator
The unerrogal Ca wmmuh tae wi he Dthey 2 hy
+eyaa(to auoid ha haLhine umi lede the abhearante
oviu rson)
The unlerogator ies o de Hemmino wuith he hersbl

he un terogor do b eheve
ha a i n A mes t ool
mes to Cohvihm
hat u us h e huna, and h e bersn aluo
he n esaogaler haut ut us ha humah
ho Jnachine AUcLeds fooliA ha untemogalar
hen melule hatHho mauhu us nlell ig t

Tu nideved his as a uticent a t or

aHibuth-4 hinking caauty to a m a h u e . A
oday, Turing Test s h e ulhmale ks t a m a h i
stas order o he callecd as uutelligent

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