Historical Reporting Overview ACCS

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Avaya Contact Center Select

Historical Reporting

Reporting overview V1 10/22/14

4 This presentation provides an overview of the available
historical reports within Avaya Contact Center Select

4 Embedded hyperlinks allow you jump back and forth to

the section you desire and the content page


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Historical Reports – Overview
Agent Performance Historical Reporting
Agent Efficiency with Multiplicity
Application /Scripts Historical Reporting
CDN/DNIS Historical Reporting
Contact Summary Reporting
Configuration Historical Reporting
Multimedia Historical Reporting
Outbound Historical Reporting
Example Reports ‘Best AIR’
© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 3
Historical Reporting
ACCS Historical Reporting Overview
Comphrensive Statistical Reporting Capability

4 Provides Reporting Data on Contact Center

Performance and Configuration
– Provides the ability for Contact Center Supervisors to measure and
manage resources.
– Maximize customer satisfaction and agent performance

4 Pre-Defined Reports “out of the box”

– The system provides 49 pre-defined report templates that are ready to

4 Access Controlled
– Administrators can control the reports that are available to individual
– Administrators can also control that data that is visible to the
supervisors (partitioning).
– Highly Customizable
© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 5
ACCS Historical Report Template Groupings
Grouped for Easy of Identification

• Performance of agents across skillset types

Agent Performance (16) and time intervals

• Information on multimedia channels

Multimedia Reports (6)

• Information on outbound campaigns

Outbound Reports (5)

Contact Summary Reports • Detailed information across agents and skills

• Extremely detailed historical report
Call-By-Call Reports (1)

• Configuration settings of ACCS

Configuration Reports (4)

• Wide range of templates including abandon

Other Reports (10) delay times, skillset timelines
© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 6
How to Access Historical Reporting
Login to ACCS administration portal using IE Browser

4 Log in to the management portal launchpad as administrator or

reporting supervisor
4 Select “Historical Reporting” start page displayed

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Historical Reporting on Demand
Select any Category from Left Hand Side Tree Menu

4 Run any report

template on
demand by clicking
“Run Now”
4 Default date range
is report specific,
the previous 15
minutes is the
common default

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Data Range Options
Select one of 4 Intervals from Menu
4 Specify either
– (i) Interval every 15 minutes (ii) Daily (iii) Weekly or (iv) Monthly
reporting periods.

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Template Selection Options
Historical Report Template Customisations

4 Allows users to limit the data that the report contains

4 These fields vary per report as appropriate
4 Allows report customisation

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Historical Report Scheduling
Flexible dates and times
4 Reports can be scheduled to run at the select time,
day or “period of day” at regular intervals.

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Three (3) Key Report Groupings
Grouping by Resource and Function
4 Application reporting
– Reflects all contacts controlled by the primary routing
– Reflects final contact status beyond Answered or Abandoned
i.e. after call work .

4 Skillset reporting
– Delivers statistics on contacts while queued to a skillset
– Provides a workgroup type view, not total workload

4 Agent Reporting
– Statistics and reports on available agent data in the system
– Detailed analysis of agent activities and behaviour
– Highlights training requirements

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Agent Performance
Historical Reporting
Agent Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Managing Agent Resources
4 Key Performance Indicators
– Contact Duration
– After Call Work Time (ACW)
– Hold Time
– Idle Time
– Schedule Adherence (Logged In Time for Agent
Performance, Staffed Time for Skillsets)
– Number of Contact (Incoming and Outgoing)
– Total DN ( Non Skillset) Calls (In and Out)
– Total DN Calls Time (In and Out)
– Short Calls
– Transferred Calls

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 14

Managing your Agent Resources
How well are agents performing?

Agent detailed

Compare agent
highlight training

Are agents
answering calls
presented to them?

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Managing your Agent Resources
Agent performance grouped by supervisor

Agent detailed
statistics by

Compare how
agent’s are

Identify performance
gaps between
groups of agents

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Managing your Agent Resources
Non skillset Calls broken down per agent

Analysis of non
skillset calls per

Agent DN Performance Inbound and

outbound calls

Determine if non
skillset call time
valid, see Contact

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 17

Managing your Agent Resources
High level Agent Contact Handling Performance

within an

Includes data for

all skills queued to
from this

KPI’s: Avg Talk Time,

After Call Work Time

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Managing your Agent Resources
How well are agents performing within skillsets?

within a skill

Compare how
different agents
perform within a

KPI’s:Avg Talk
Time, After Call
Work, Short Calls

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 19

Managing Skill or Queues
How are agents performing within a skill?

across all
assigned skills

Compare how
agent performs
across multiple

and Talk Time

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Managing your Agent Resources
Agent availability during an interval


Shows status
change with

KPI’s: Logged in

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Managing your Agent Resources
Agent times compared to contact center average

Comparison of
summarised agent
performance per

Hourly average
Contacts accepted

KPI’s: Avg Talk

Time, Avg Ans per

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 22

Managing your Agent Resources
Are there a large number of short calls?

Short calls
highlight workflow
inefficienies and
agent behaviours

Short calls last

less than a
defined time value

KPI’s: Short Calls

conferenced and
returned to queue

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 23

Managing your Agent Resources
How long is an agent spending on each activity?

Categorization of
contacts handled
by Agent using

Useful for
tracking, targets,

Agent time broken

down by activities

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 24

Managing your Agent Resources
Is agent time on the same activity comparable?

Compare Agent
Work within
Specified Activity

Useful for
tracking, targets,

Activity Code
usage broken
down by Agent

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 25

Managing your Agent Resources
Monitor levels of transferring and conferences

breakdown of
transfer and
conference activity

Voice and Web


High transfers or
conferences may
mean training
required or mis-

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Managing your Agent Resources
Why and when Agents were not available

breakdown of
agents Not Ready

Useful for
monitoring agent

KPI’s: Agent Not

Ready Time and

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 27

Agent Efficiency with Multiplicity
Managing your Agent Resources
Agent Performance in a Multiplicity Enviornment

performance of
enabled agents

A % value greater
than 1 indicates

Compare overall
measured by time
logged in

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 29

Managing your Agent Resources
Agent Performance in a Multiplicity Enviornment

Total number of
contacts accepted

Total & Average

time spent active
on calls

Indicator of agent
contribution to a
contact type

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 30

Managing your Agent Resources
Agent Performance in a Multiplicity Enviornment

Number of
contacts accepted

Total & Average

time spent active
on calls

Agent contribution
to a skill

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Application /Scripts Historical Reporting
Application reporting
Summarise application performance information

Totals for each

subtotals for report

Statistics further
broken down by

Average Ans

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Application reporting
Summarise application performance information

System Level
Statistics for
Contact Flows

Highlight System
Bottlenecks or
Application call treatment mistakes

KPI’s: Overflowed,
Defaulted, Given

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 34

Application reporting
Time spent performing specific activities

Activity Code
across multiple

Totals for each

activity code &
subtotals for each
Application by Activity Code application

Multiple codes can

reflect activities
within the same

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 35

CDN/DNIS Historical Reporting
Route Point Reporting (CDN’s)
Contact volume for CDNs (IP Office Short codes)

Distribution of
Contacts across
all Route Points

Identify volume
and trends per
CDN (Route Point) Statistics Route Point

KPI’s: Offered,
Answered and

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 37

DDI/DNIS Reporting
Contact volume for DDI/DNIS numbers

Analysis of
Customer Dialled

Measure the
effectivness of
multiple published

KPI’s: Offered,

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 38

Contact Summary Reporting
Contact Summary Reporting(CSR)
Drill Down Contact Detail Reporting

Detailed contact
information on
contact segments

Extensive filtering
Capabilities e.g
How many times
on Hold?

Analize life cycle

of a contact
through ACCS

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Contact Summary Reporting
Contact duration summary by skillset

Profile of Contact

The average & the

longest for each

KPI’s: Contct

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Contact Summary Reporting
Gantt chart of all answered contacts for an agent

Answered and
disconnect times
of all contacts

Grouped by Agent
name and
answered time

Grouping identifies
when agent
manages multiple

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 42

Contact Summary Reporting
Agent contribution to an address (DDI/DNIS/ To email)

Address can be a
dialled number or
email “To” Address

Identify Agent
Performance for
each Address

Is training required
on a particular

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 43

Contact Summary Reporting
Activity Code Distribution by Address (DDI/DNIS / To email)

Monitor DDI/DNIS
or email
incoming contacts

Totals for each

address and
subtotals by

Filtering possible
and recommended
on individual

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 44

Contact Summary Reporting
Detail for each contact handled by an agent

Contacts handled
by an Agent

Includes Skillset
and non Skillset

KPI’s: Hold Time

per Contact, Talk
Time, No of Times
on Hold

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 45

Contact Summary Reporting
Details of contact release type grouped by Originator

Detail of each
Contact and Its

Disposition: Agent
action, caller
action, system

Detect unusual
trend in contact

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Call by Call reporting
A contacts journey through the contact center

Lifecycle of a
Contact upon
entering Contact
Center control

Max content from

1 hour on a
particular day

Suitable for
and contact flow

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Configuration Historical Reporting
Configuration Reporting
Agent configuration at a glance

Report showing
Agent Details

Class Assigned

Contact Types

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Configuration Reporting
Agent Skillset Assignments
What Skillsets will
agents be
assigned once

Skillset state &

Priority Per Agent

Status of the

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Configuration Reporting
What agents are logged in right now!

Agents Currently
Logged In

Agent Login ID,

Agent Name

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Configuration Reporting
Quick view of skillset properties


Agents assigned

Service Level
Threshold Value,
Skillset state

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 52

Multimedia Historical Reporting
Multimedia Reporting
Daily Report of Closed Multimedia Contacts

Closed Multimedia
Contacts by

Grand total

If no reason code
heading is blank

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Multimedia Reporting
Daily Report of Closed Multimedia Contacts

Closed Multimedia
Contacts by

Total for each day

Total for each


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Multimedia Reporting
Summarise multimedia contacts based on Skillset

Shows Multimedia
Cotacts Closed by
Day and by

Total and Average

info for contacts
grouped by

Displays contacts
for each particular

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 56

Multimedia Reporting
Contacts that are remaining for a Skillset

Contacts waiting
to be Handled

Skillset totals and

also grand total

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 57

Multimedia Reporting
Contacts that are remaining for a Skillset
Contacts waiting
to be Handled
grouped by

Skillset totals and

also grand total

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 58

Multimedia Reporting
Summary of contacts received across Skillset

Contacts by

Total for each day

Total for each


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Outbound Historical Reporting
Outbound Reporting
Summary of campaign information
Summary of
campaign settings
and outcomes for
preview and

Number of
outbound contacts

Summary of
disposition codes

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 61

Outbound Reporting
Overall summary of campaign information
Summary of
performance for
preview and

Per campaign

Shows progress
within Campaign -
Contacts still open

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Outbound Reporting
What calls were processed by a campaign?
Contact by
information for
preview and

Multiple call
attempts included
on separate lines


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Outbound Reporting
Results of campaign script per contact
Summary of
campaign scripts
and answers for
preview and

disposition code

Campaign Scripts
defined in
Manager (OCMT)

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 64

Outbound Reporting
What were the answers to the script questions?

Summary of Script
outcomes for
preview and

Further grouping
by question

Quickly identify
trends within

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 65

‘Best AIR’

Worked Historical Example

The fictitious “Best AIR” sample data

The following slides contain screenshots of all reports within

Avaya Contact Center Select solution.
Although all due care was taken to ensure sample data is
as accurate as possible it cannot be guaranteed as these
reports are snippets of time and data to best highlight report
Each slide comes with explanatory notes on what to
observe in the report.
Best AIR is not a real airline – All Names and Items are
purely fictious

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 67

Managing your Agent Resources and Skillsets
Skillset Timeline Report - Daily

Timeline chart shows

performance trends

Service level,
Contacts and
Average Agents

Correlation between
service level,
resources and
contact volumes

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 68

Managing your Agent Resources & Skills
Skillset Timeline Report- Interval

Drill down into

Service level over
one day

Service level shows

how efficiently
contacts are

Report identifies
when service level
falls below targets

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 69

Managing your Agent Resources & Skills
Skillset Timeline Report- Interval

Viewing contact
volume over the
same daily period

Service level decreases

when contacts are
accepted or abandoned
after the service level

Report identifies
contact volume

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 70

Managing your Agent Resources & Skills
Skillset Timeline Report- Interval

Viewing number of
agents staffing the
skill on a particular

Agent staffing level a

direct contributor to
service level.

Report identifies
agents working and
wisting on skillset

Conclusion! Drop in service level caused by contact volume spike. Can we learn more?71
© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Managing Skill or Queues
Contacts offered, answered and abandoned across multiple days
Detailed contact
across multiple

Identify pattern in
contact volumes

Identify increased
contact volume
and abandons

Unusual level of abandon calls on Monday at 4.30pm only.

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 72
Application reporting
Gauge delay tolerance before customers disconnect

Profile of contact
abandon delay

Abandon before or
after service level

Make changes to
improve abandon

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Application reporting
Gauge delay experienced by customers answered

Profile of contact
answer delay

Observe any
delays beyond
threshold level

Use to optimise

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 74

Managing Skill or Queues
Customers answered experience and skillset staffing
Detailed contact
information for
each skill

Identify negative
contributors to
service level

Answer delay
increases when all
agents busy

Conclusion: Skill under staffed for interval under review.

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 75
New with ACCS 7.0
ACCS 7.0 Reporting updates
4 11 additional templates bringing the total standard reports for
ACCS to 60.
4 New report creation wizard to customize reports

Enterprise grade
reporting for

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 77

ACCS 7.0 New Historical Report Templates
11 Additional Templates bringing a total of 60 to ACCS 7.0

• Agent Performance Calls Answered, Bottom 5

• Agent Performance Calls Answered, Top 5
• Agent DN Performance Calls Answered, Bottom 5
Agent Performance (6) • Agent DN Performance Calls Answered, Top 5
• Agent Average Calls Per Hour, Bottom 5
• Agent Average Calls Per Hour, Top 5

• Application By Skillset
Application and Skillset • Skillset By Application
(5) • Activity Code By Application
• Crosstab - Application Performance
• Skillset Timeline By Contact Type

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 78

ACCS 7.0 Historical Reporting
60 Reports grouped into easy to use Functional Topics

• Performance of agents across skillset types

Agent Performance (22) and time intervals

• Information on multimedia channels

Multimedia Reports (6)

• Information on outbound campaigns

Outbound Reports (5)

Contact Summary Reports • Detailed information across agents and skills

• Extremely detailed historical report
Call-By-Call Reports (1)

• Configuration settings of ACCS

Configuration Reports (4)

• Wide range of templates including application

Other Reports (15) abandon delay times, skillset timelines

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 79

Report Creation Wizard
4 CCMA Report Creation Wizard (RCW) is an entry level report
creation & modification tool for the Contact Center solutions.
4 Benefits
– Simplifies report creation by hiding the complexities of the
underlying database.
– Customers don’t have to be trained on SSRS Report Designer for
customizing reports.
– End-to-end reporting through mining of multiple reporting data
4 RCW is not a replacement for SSRS Report Designer
– Advanced reporting requirements will still require SSRS Report

© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 80

Report Creation Wizard
4 Intuitive interface for easy report creation & modification.
4 Selection, definition and linkage of multiple data sources, fields & formulae.
Reports can be created from multiple ODBC compliant databases providing support for reporting on
CCMS, Multimedia, Outbound data, etc.

4 Canned Formulas / Create & edit custom

4 Filtering and grouping on all key data source
4 Adding of groups and report summaries.

4 Extensive formatting capability (e.g.

Positioning of column data, altering of column
width, Text formatting (Bold, Underlining etc.)
for report headings, summaries etc.
Suppression support for sections and report
data fields)
4 Definition and use of report templates.
4 Fully Integrated with CCMA e.g. single login,
APM aware, run/schedule RCW reports in
Historical Reporting application, Advanced
filtering, etc.
© 2014 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved. 81
Report Creation Wizard
Sample Report with highlighted elements

Text Object

Page Header

Group Headers

Group Footers

Database Fields Formula Fields Summary Field

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